magazine adverts codes and conventions

ADVERTISEMENT PAGE AND CONVENTIONS The masthead is the largest text on the advert, it is bold and engages the target audiences attention. This also creates brand recognition. The font is quite stylish and formal therefore matches with the product being advertised The advert has the contact details of the store. This appeals to the target audience, as this is useful information which allows them to find out more information about the products (uses and grats) as the target audience are able to gain information The main image is a landscape shot of a room; this advertises the furniture effectively. Apart from the furniture which is being promoted there isn’t any thing else in the room which stands out and this is so the main focus is on the product. The products which are being advertised are quite simple but sophisticated which further attracts the target audience as well as reflecting the brands identity. Information placed in the image in small print as it is not the main focus of attention however, it is informative and inviting.

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Magazine adverts codes and conventions


The masthead is the largest text on the advert, it is bold and engages the target audiences attention. This also creates brand recognition. The font is quite stylish and formal therefore matches with the product being advertised

The advert has the contact details of the store. This appeals to the target audience, as this is useful information which allows them to find out more information about the products (uses and grats) as the target audience are able to gain information

The main image is a landscape shot of a room; this advertises the furniture effectively. Apart from the furniture which is being promoted there isn’t any thing else in the room which stands out and this is so the main focus is on the product. The products which are being advertised are quite simple but sophisticated which further attracts the target audience as well as reflecting the brands identity.

Information placed in the image in small print as it is not the main focus of attention however, it is informative and inviting.

Page 2: Magazine adverts codes and conventions

This double page advert is from Isle magazine and it is an advert for a local company in the area of the magazine

Company name is in the corner, in a serif font and in caps to stand out but look professional; this allows the image to be the main focus of attention

The image is of a local town featuring in the magazine. The sell line links with the image as the image is aesthetically pleasing therefore associating with ‘Your views’ (uses and grats) creates a relationship with the reader. The main colour featured in the image is blue and white, the colours are bright and very gender neutral which appeals to a broader target audience.

In the original double page spread there is information positioned at the bottom to inform and invite the reader, therefore allowing them to use the services

The font used for the sub heading is stylish and eye catching. This will appeal to the target audience, who themselves may be sophisticated

Page 3: Magazine adverts codes and conventions

This is an advert from the Absolute aug/sept 2016 issue

The main image is a medium shot, which advertises a hair dresses in the region (Brighton) effectively. The model is giving the audience direct mode of address, which makes us focus on her glossy, wavy hair. The model is attractive and is only wearing a jumper to allow her hair to flow nicely across her shoulders, and contrast with the plain jumper. This establishes the male gaze and will attract a male audience who have female partners and would buy a voucher or gift card for their partner. The female target audience may also be attracted to go to this salon in order to make them feel better about themselves. The image links with the uses and grats theory, gratification of social

interaction. The advert includes contact details which is good for brand recognition. This will appeal to the target audience, as this is useful information and the target audience would feel obliged to check out the salon

The mast head is in capitals, this is bold and attracts target audience attention. The font used is modern, this suggests that the salon is modern and trendy

The sell line is centered in a serif font, this looks very sophisticated and formal which attracts the more sophisticated target audience which would be the cliental they want for the salon. In addition, ‘beautiful bespoke’ is alliteration this captivates the readers attention resulting in successfully grasping new clients for the salon.

Page 4: Magazine adverts codes and conventions

The title of this advert is ‘Exotic Skins Belong in the Jungle’, this advert is trying to bring awareness to the wealthiness of animals and how we as humans shouldn’t use them as material objects. The advert has portrayed this buy using an italic formal font, which not only stands out to attract the target audience but also links with the image. ‘Exotic Skins’ is printed in a yellow snakeskin colour which links with the image and also stands out to the target audience who are interested in fashion.

The image is a landscape shot, which advertises PETA well. The model is giving the audience direct mode of address, which is affective as the reader really engages with the advert. The main colours featured in the image are yellow green and white. This appears mainly to a target audience who are feminine, as it is mostly women who wear animals skins for clothing. The model is slouched on a rock which represents a snake also the women’s body position is quite attractive and the fact she is wearing makeup attracts the male gaze (Mulvey) therefore attracts a wider range of audience to bring awareness to the issue.

The sell line features a slogan which is used throughout all of Peta’s adverts. The quote is very engaging and makes the audience feel a certain way (hegemonic code) which means the advert has succeeded in selling their point of view. ‘Belong in the Jungle’ also links with the image as it is in the jungle. The advert is included in a ViVA manchester lifestyle magazine which also included a fashion article, this is an affective advert to put in this magazine as the target audience would be people who are interested in fashion.

The fact the advert has used a famous actress and model, this intrigues readers who are fans or interested in Helen Flanagan, also younger people could be inspired by here therefore are interested in what the article has to say

This is an advert from VIVA manchester summer 2016

Page 5: Magazine adverts codes and conventions

This is an advert for a fashion product. The name of the product is is positioned near the product which they are selling, it is also positioned not at the top of the page to make the image the main focus of attention, this is a common convention of adverts.

The image is of a male model leaning casually, his mise en scene is very casual however attractive and this attracts the female target audience. The fact he is wearing glasses make him look sophisticated which attracts the more sophisticated target audience. In addition, male readers may be attracted to his style and aspire to look like him therefore buying the product. The model is not showing direct mode of address so the main attention is on his outfit.

The advert has included contact details to help brand recognition, it also allows the target audience to find out more about the product and purchase it.

The colours used are very pastel, not too bright to attract more of a sophisticated group of people. The colours mainly seen on the advert are blue and white, which is more associated to male target readers.

Page 6: Magazine adverts codes and conventions

The image featured on this advert is of a comfy chair positioned by a fireplace. The design is quite modern and unique, which is likely to attract the target audiences attention. The objects in this image may represent the company’s products which would give the target audience a clear idea whether they will look into the company for their products. There is natural light coming in from the left side which makes the image look vibrant and cosy, which will appeal to the target audience. Furthermore, the image links with the subheading ‘relax’ because a comfy piece of furniture besides a fire is usually where people find comfort.

The logo is in white with a nude colour background which looks quite sophisticated and formal, this also links with the metlix light font which looks formal yet modern, which attracts a broader target audience.

The sell line is ‘Relax’ which is appealing and intrigues audience because everyone wants time to relax as it makes us feel better about ourselves. The font is quite swirly which links to unwinding and relaxing. The white colour allows it to stand out in front of the image and is centered to make it the main focus of attention. It is also affective because it sounds as if the advert is actually telling the reader to relax, giving direct mode of address (uses and grats)

Information about the company and is at the bottom, this is useful for the target audience as it allows to show them what the company offers. The text also provides the target audience a point of contact, where they can directly contact the company and gain more information. This links with the uses and grats theory’s gratification of surveillance.

The advert advertises the companies social media accounts. This appeals to a younger target audience who will recognize that the brand is up to date with youth trends, which may be reflected in its products therefore creating a larger target audience.

Page 7: Magazine adverts codes and conventions

The image is of an attractive young women. Laying on a bed, and showing some skin. The media is seen through the males eye and even though the advert is mainly directed to women she is positioned in a way that would be appealing through the male gaze. Direct mode of address isn’t used so that the main focus on the women’s features instead. High key lighting makes the image look vibrant and intrigues readers.

The company name is positioned bottom right corner so that the image is the main focus. It is also in a couture font which creates brand recognition, and looks simplistic and minimalistic, which attracts a further target audience.

There is no text on the advert which isn’t a usual convention of adverts, however its very modern and allows the target audience to use their imagination and leave them wanting more.