magazine advertisement planning

QUINN MACARTHUR Magazine Advertisement Planning

Upload: quinnmacarthur

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Magazine advertisement planning


Magazine Advertisement Planning

Page 2: Magazine advertisement planning


I believe that a good feature that a lot of magazine advertisements share is to use the image of the album cover of the advert itself. This creates a direct link between the two as well as creating a basis in which I would be able to design the rest of the space. I believe there would be two ways in which I could do this. The first one would be to make the whole of the advertisement the one image and place all of the information on this. The second idea would include only having the square artwork of the album cover and having a block colour in the background where I would be able to include the text. I believe that because my album cover is a busy design, the second option may be a better idea and it may also result in the advertisement looking more professional. If I include a square of the image, I would be able to select a colour from this and use this colour as my background for the image. This colour would have to be one that stands out on the painting but also making sure it is a professional colour to add as the background. I believe that this, if done right, could end up looking effective and would therefore help to sell my album. I also believe people would be able to recognise the album a lot easier.Another idea would be to insert an image of the musician on to the poster and create something that does not look like the album cover. I feel that I would only do this if I believed the artwork was not working on the advert.

Page 3: Magazine advertisement planning


On my magazine advertisement I need to include information that will help convince readers to purchase the album as well as informing them about how to purchase the album. The first piece of important information I need to include on this advert is the name of the artist, ‘Spirit’. I want this to be the piece of information that stands out the most as I personally believe that this is the most important. I then want the name of the album, ‘Destination’ to be eye-catching. This is not only to inform them on what album to buy but it also acknowledges that this is an advert for an album. This information will most likely be separated from the rest of the information as I believe that it will help them stand out the most and it will break up the text therefore making it more inviting to read.At the bottom of the advert, I want to include information that will help sell the album, but I do not want to include a lot of unnecessary information. An example of one of these pieces of information is a review. I believe that a review of the album will help convince people to purchase it as they are able to hear that it is good from a trusted source. This is also a technique that is widely used and works well. I then want to include some of the popular songs that are contained on the album, which will most likely be the singles. This means that if people have heard the song before, they already have a taste of what the album will be like and may therefore feel more intrigued to purchase the album. Another piece of information I want to include is the release date of the album. This will get people excited as well as letting them know when they are able to get the album. This is also something that is used a lot in advertisements. Under this, I then want to contain an address to the website where this will be available. This is because a lot of people will be put off of buying the album if they do not know where to get it from. This will most likely be one of the last pieces of information included on the advertisement as this is only important once the audience is convinced they want to purchase the album. I want all of this information to be neatly separated as I believe this will help the presentation of the advert which is important.

Page 4: Magazine advertisement planning


I want to keep all of the text the same font as I believe this will create consistency and therefore add to the professionalism of this advertisement. However, even through I want the font to be the same style, I do not want all of the text to be the same size. I believe that I will keep all of the text capitalised as I feel this looks better, however the name of the band along with the name of the album will most likely be a much different size to the rest of the information. I believe that the text that I want to make stand out, has to be a different size in order for it to achieve this. The name of the artist, ‘Spirit’, will probably have a different size to the name of the album, ‘Destination’, but these two will be more similar to one another than to the rest of the information. With the rest of the information, I may chose to make certain information bigger than others as these are the ones that are more likely to stand out. I will also be able to use bold font to ensure that some text stands out over others. I do not want there to be a lot of difference between all of the text as I believe this could end up looking messy but I do believe that, if done right, it could work well. I will most likely use the same colour for all of the text as I feel this looks better. This will most likely be white or black depending on what colour I choose to use in the background.