mag analysis


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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Mag analysis

Housestyle: Q uses fairly neutral

colours black, greys and whites

this is to assure the cover is easy

clear and easy to read but also

keeping a neutral, deep, serious

feeling relating to their main story

‘Michael Jackson unmasked’. They

then use the bold, bright colour

red on places they want to grab

your attention e.g. the logo, the

positive verb ‘plus’ intriguing you

to find out(plus what?).

Design: The cover story is displayed clearly in

the centre of the page as a large cover line. All

text is in bold clear writing and in either the

colour white or red, suggesting it is a serious

and deep story, not using bright happy colours

e.g. yellow. Important words also have serifs,

especially the cover line of the main story to

assure it is easy to read from a far which is

important especially with such a well-known

music star- Michael Jackson- for grabbing your

attention to read it. All other text is also in a

typeface which is clear and easy to read. The

magazine layout also had a flush right with

most stories displayed clearly on the right and

uses the left of the magazine for random

places for puffs ‘C.S.I ROCKS’

Image/ pose style make up:

There is one main, iconic

image for the background of

Q. This is a typical element of

Q as the image of well-known

celebrities is eye catching.

They use the image of

Michael Jackson as he is an

extremely famous celebrities

and the publication of this Q

issue was recent after his

death, so people what to

know what caused his

overdose and know more

about him and his life, so the

image he has a serious

expression on his face,

almost a poker face to reflect

he is giving nothing away and

wears a ‘mask’ and glasses on

appearing quite mysterious

and hidden relating to their

cover story ‘Michael Jackson

unmasked’ implying he hid

behind a mask and they are

going to reveal his true life.

How are words used? And what

language they use to address the

reader : They use buzz words such

as ‘plus’ to make the audience

believe they are getting something

extra and implying this magazine

has a lot of interesting information

and stories to offer. At the very

Top of the page it has a slogan


MAGAZINE’ it is displayed at the

top of the page in big bold white

letters on a black background so it

stands out and is easy to read

from far away, so they used serifs

on the letters. It is displayed at the

top of the page so when stacked

on a shelf in a shop people can still

clearly see its UK’s biggest music

magazine, making the audience

think it must be a good magazine

to be UKS biggest. The Logo or

masthead of the magazine which

is printed on every magazine is

very eye catching. It is simple with

just one large letter to assure it is

memorable but on a bright, bold

colour- red to make it stand out

and placed clearly at the top of

the page in the typical masthead

position. Under the main title, in

smaller writing it says ‘inside his

mad, bad world’ not only does this

use rhyme, making it more

memorable and attractive to read

but ‘bad’ refers to his hit song

‘bad’ relating constantly back to

him and relating it for his fans.

Institution/distribution- Q is

published by adult men this

may be why the magazine is

less ‘gossipy’ as gossip

magazines are usually

published by women as they

are more interested by gossip.

He has published other

magazines or been an editor of

ones such as NME so therefore

specialises in music.