madoff lawsuit list

The List: Madoff Investor and “Feeder Fund” Litigation Updated: April 29, 2010 Table I: Federal Securities Class Action Litigation (Current Number of Separate Actions: 19) (Multiple Interrelated Lawsuits Listed in Table IV, below) Date Court Defendants/Claimants Link D&O Diary Post 12/12/ 08 E.D.N.Y . Bernard Madoff; Bernard Madoff L. Madoff Investment Securities/Irwin Kellner on behalf of all persons who purchased securities from Madoff or BMIS. Here Here 12/15/ 08 C.D. Cal. The Brighton Company; Stanley Chais; Bernard Madoff; Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities/ Michael Chaleff, on behalf of all investors who invested capital through Chais and Brighton and all investors who invested capital through Madoff and BMIS. Here Here 12/16/ 08 S.D.N.Y . Ascot Partners, L.P.; J. Ezra Merkin; BDO Seidman/New York Law School on behalf investors of Ascot limited partnership interests Here Here 12/16/ 08 S.D.N.Y . Gabriel Capital, L.P.; J. Ezra Merkin; BDO Seidman/ Scott Berrie on behalf of all persons who invested in Gabriel limited partnership interests Here Here 12/22/ 08 S.D.N.Y . Tremont Group Holdings; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; Ernst & Young LLP/Yvette Finkelstein, on behalf of capital investors in American Masters Broad Prime Market Fund, L.P. Here Here 12/23/ S.D.N.Y Family Management Corporation; Here Here Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix The D&O Diary

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  • 1. The D&O DiaryThe List: Madoff Investor and Feeder Fund Litigation Updated: April 29, 2010 Table I: Federal Securities Class Action Litigation(Current Number of Separate Actions: 19) (Multiple Interrelated Lawsuits Listed in Table IV, below)Date Court Defendants/Claimants Link D&O Diary Post 12/12/08 E.D.N.Y.Bernard Madoff; Bernard Madoff L. Madoff Here HereInvestment Securities/Irwin Kellner on behalf ofall persons who purchased securities from Madoffor BMIS. 12/15/08 C.D. Cal. The Brighton Company; Stanley Chais; Here HereBernard Madoff; Bernard L. MadoffInvestment Securities/ Michael Chaleff, onbehalf of all investors who invested capitalthrough Chais and Brighton and all investors whoinvested capital through Madoff and BMIS. 12/16/08S.D.N.Y. Ascot Partners, L.P.; J. Ezra Merkin; BDOHere HereSeidman/New York Law School on behalfinvestors of Ascot limited partnership interests 12/16/08S.D.N.Y. Gabriel Capital, L.P.; J. Ezra Merkin; BDO Here HereSeidman/ Scott Berrie on behalf of all personswho invested in Gabriel limited partnershipinterests 12/22/08S.D.N.Y. Tremont Group Holdings; OppenheimerHere HereAcquisition Corporation; MassachusettsMutual Life Insurance Company; Ernst &Young LLP/Yvette Finkelstein, on behalf ofcapital investors in American Masters BroadPrime Market Fund, L.P. 12/23/08S.D.N.Y. Family Management Corporation; Seymour Here HereZises; Andrea Tessler; Andover AssociatesLLC; Beacon Associates LLC; BeaconAssociates LLC; Beacon Associates MangementCorp.; Beacon/Andover Group; MaxamAbsolute Return Fund L.P.; Maxam CapitalManagement LLC; Fulvio & Associates,LLP/David Newman and others on behalf ofinvestors in FM Low Volatility Fund L.P 12/23/08S.D.N.Y. Tremont Group Holdings; Tremont Partners Here HereInc.; Rye Investment Management;Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation;Oppenheimer Funds Inc.; MassachusettsMutual Life Insurance Company/RichardPeskin on behalf of investors in Spectrum Select Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix

2. L.P. {For additional lawsuits against relateddefendants/parties, see Table IV below} 12/30/08 S.D.N.Y.Tremont Market Neutral Fund L.P.; Tremont HereGroup Holdings, Inc. Ernst & YoungLLP/Group Defined Pension Plan & Trust 1/9/09 S.D.N.Y.Fairfield Greenwich Group; FairfieldHereGreenwich Limited, Fairfield Greenwich(Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich AdvisorsLLC; Walter M. Noel Jr. and other individualdefendants/ Pacific West Health Medical CenterInc. Employees Retirement Trust on behalf of allpersons who owned shares of Fairfield Sentry (Foradditional lawsuits against related parties pleasesee below)1/12/09 S.D.N.Y.Herald USA Fund; Herald Luxemburg Fund; Here HerePrimeo Select Fund; Medici Bank; Sonja Kohn;Perter Schelhauer; Bank Austria Creditanstait;Unicredit S.A.; Pioneer AlternativeManagement; Ernst & Young L.P./RepexVentures on behalf of all persons who invested inHerald USA Fund Herald Luxemburg Fund; andPrimeo Select Fund and Thema InternationalFunds1/26/09S.D.Fla. Banco Santander S.A.; Banco Santander Here HereInternational; Optimal Investment ServicesS.A.; Pricewaterhouse Coopers; HSBCSecurities Services (Ireland) Ltd.; individualdirectors and offices of Optimal Investment andOptimal Fund/Inversiones Mar Ocava Limitadaon behalf of all persons who owned shares ofOptimal Strategic US Equity Ltd pm December 10,2008 or who purchased Optimal Strategic USEquity Ltd. shares between January 27, 2004 andDecember 10, 2008 (Case consolidated inMultidisrict Litigation order, here) Consolidated Amended Complaint dated 10/21/09Here1/27/09 S.D.N.Y.Beacon Associate Management Corp.; Joel HereDanziger; Harris Markhoff; Ivy AssetManagement Corp.; The Bank of New YorkMellon Corporation; Friedberg Smith &Co.,PC/ John and Phyllis Cacoulidis as Trusteesof Grand Metro Builders of NY Corp. DefinedBenefit Plan, on behalf of all persons who investedin Beacon Associates LLC I between August 9,2004 and the present2/19/09 S.D.N.Y.FM Multi-Strategy Investment Fund L.P.; HereFamily Management Corporation; SeymourZises; Andres Tessler and Fulvio andAssociates/ Wolff Living Trust on behalf of allpersons who bought limited partnership interestsof the FM Multi-Strategy Investment Fund, L.P4/7/09S.D.N.Y.Austin Capital Management Ltd.; individualHere Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 3. defendants; Rothstein Kass & CompanyP.L.L.C.; Rothstein Kass & Co.(Cayman)/Construction Industry and LaborersJoint Pension Trust and Plumbers and PipefittersLocal 525 Pension Plan on behalf of all personswho held interests in the Austin funds and whoseinterests were invested with Madoff, with asubclass of employee benefit plan which throughtheir fiduciaries that Austin Capital to manageinvestments and whose funds were invested withMadoff4/20/09 S.D.N.Y.J.P. Jeanneret Associates Inc.; John P.HereJeanneret ; Paul L. Perry ; Ivy AssetManagement Corporation ; Bank of New YorkMellon Corporation ; Margolin, Winer &Evens LLP/Local 73 Annuity Fund and Local 73Retirement Fund on behalf of persons whoinvested in the Income-Plus Investment Fundbetween January 1, 1999 and the present. NOTE: On November 16, 2009, the plaintiffs filedtheir consolidated amended class action complaintin this action. The consolidated amendedcomplaint can be found here.4/20/09 S.D.N.Y.Meridian Diversified Fund Management, LLC; HereMeridan Capital Partners, Inc.; individualdefendants/Pension Trust Fund for OperationEngineeers on behalf of all investors who acquiredshares in Meridian Capital Parnets fund or hedgefunds managed by Meridian Diversified Fundsbetween January 2, 2008 and December 11, 2008 5/7/09 S.D.N.Y.Ariel Fund, Ltd.; Gabriel Capital Corporation; HereJ. Ezra Merkin; Fortis Bank (Cayman) Ltd.;Fortis Prime Solutions (Cayman) Ltd.; FortisBank; Fortis Prime Solutions (USA) LLC; BDOTortuga; BDO International/Jacob E FinklesteinCGM IRA Rollover Custodian on behalf of allpersons that invested in the funds. 5/29/09M.D. Fla. JML Portfolio Management Ltd.; Swiss LifeHereHolding AG; Nomura Holdings, Inc./Jeffrey S.Araj M.D. on behalf of all persons who owned theNomura All Weather Fund on December 10. 2008or who were sold variable annuity policies ofSwiss Life through JML which invested in theNomura All Weather Fund from January 3, 2006to December 10, 2008 6/5/09 S.D. Fla. Collins Capital Low Volatility Performance HereFund II, Ltd.; Collins Capital Low VolatilityPerformance Fund L.P., Collins CapitalInvestments, LLC; individual defendants/WestPalm Beach Police Pension Fund, on behalf of allshareholders of Collins Capital Low VolatilityPerformance Fund II, Ltd. between June 1, 2007and December 11, 2008 Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 4. Table II: State Court LitigationDate Court Defendants/ClaimantsLink D&O Diary Post 12/16/08 Cal. Sup. Morton D. Kurzrok/ Richard H. Gordon {Note: Here Ct.Removed to C.D.Cal. on February 12, 2009, CivilAction No. 09-cv-1060} 12/19/08 N.Y. Sup. Fairfield Greenwich Group; FairfieldHere Here Ct.Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greenwich(Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich AdvisorsLLC; Walter M. Noel, Jr. and otherindividuals/ Pasha and Julia Anwar on behalf ofinvestors in Greenwich Sentry L.P. {NOTE: Thiscase was removed to federal court andconsolidated with other federal court FairfieldGreenwich litigation, see consolidation order here} 12/23/08 N.Y. Sup. Gabriel Capital; J. Ezra Merkin; ArielHere Here Ct.Fund/New York University 12/24/08 Cal. Sup. Stanley Chais/ Eric Roth as Trustee for Vanessa HereCt. Productions Ltd. Profit Sharing Plan NOTE:Removed to federal court (C.D. Cal) on February27, 2009, Civil Action No. 2:09cv1434.12/31/08 Cal Sup.Robert Schulman and other individualHereCt. defendants/ Tremont Parnters, Inc.; TremontGroup Holdings, Inc; Rye Select Broad MarketFund f/k/a American Masters Broad MarketPrime Fund L.P.; Massachusetts Mutual LifeInsurance Co.; Oppenheimer AcquisitionCorporation; MassMutual Holding Co.;Citibank N.A./White Trust Dated May 3, 2002and Rigdon O. Dees III {Note: This case wasremoved to the C.D. Cal on January 30, 2009, anda separate entry on the removed case appearsbelow in Table IV}2/3/09N.Y. Sup. Laura Blank/ Stephen Simkin Here Here Ct.2/4/09N.Y.Tremont Partners, Inc.; Tremont Group Here Sup.Ct.Holdings, Inc.; Rye Investment Management;KPMG LLP; Individual Directors and Officers/Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund, L.P.,Nominal Defendant/2005 Tomchin FamilyCharitable Trust, derivatively on behalf of RyeSelect Broad Market XL Fund, L.P.2/5/09N.Y. Sup. Tremont Partners, Inc. ; Tremont GroupHereCt. Holdings, Inc.; Tremont Capital Management,Inc.; KPMG LLP; KPMG International; FrankDipascali; Andrew Madoff; Mark Madoff;Peter Madoff; Ruth Madoff/ Rye Select BroadMarket Prime Fund L.P., Nominal Defendant/Jay Wexler, derivatively on behalf of Rye Select Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 5. Broad Market Prime Fund, L.P.NOTE: On October 21, 2009 the plaintiff filed an extensive amended complaint in this action (here), adding additional allegations and naming additional defendants, including KPMG UK; JP Morgan Chase: The Bank of New York Mellon; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company2/5/09 N.Y. Sup. Friehling & Horowitz, P.C.; Andrew Madoff; Here Ct. Mark Madoff; Peter Madoff; Ruth Madoff; Frank DiPascali; Frank Avellino/Daniel Ryan and Theresa Ryan, individually and on behalf of the Lawrence J. Ryan By-pass Trust 2/13/09 Cal. Sup. The Lambeth Company; Stanley Here Ct. Chais/Bottlebrush Investments L.P. 2/13/09 Cal. Sup. Stanley Chais/ CMG, Ltd. and The BrightonHereCt.Company, Nominal Defendants/ Daphne Brogdon on behalf of all persons who as of December 12, 2008 had capital invested or indirectly with Defendant Stanley Chais 2/13/09 N.Y. Sup. Fairfield Greewich Group; Fairfield GreenwichHereCt.Limited; Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Globeop Financial Services LLC; Citgo Fund Services (Europe)BV; Citgo (Canada) Inc.; individual directors and officers; PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLC; Pricewaterhouse Coopers Accountants NV/ Greenwich Sentry L.P., Nominal Defendant/ David Ferber SEP IRA {NOTE: This action was removed to the Southern District of New York, Civil Action No. 1:09-cv-02366, here} 2/17/09 N.Y. Sup. Fairfield Greenwich Group; Fairfield HereCt.Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Globeop Financial Services; Citgo Fund Services (Europe)BV; Citgo (Canada) Inc.; individual directors and officers; PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP/Greenwich Sentry Partners, L.P., Nominal Defendant/ Frank Pierce and Frank Pierce IRA 2/25/09 Conn. NEPC LLC; KPMG LLP/ Retirement Program HereSup. Ct. for Employees of the Town of Fairfield, Connecticut {NOTE: This action was removed to the District of Connecticut on March 20, 2009, Civil Action No. 3:09-cv-506. 2/26/09 N.Y. Sup. Application of J. Ezra Merkin and GabrielHereCt.Capital Corporation against The Calibre Fund LLC (Order to Show Cause Why Permanent Arbitration Stay Should Not Be Entered) 2/27/09 Cal. Sup. Brighton Investments; Stanley Chais/ Leghorn HereCt.Investments 3/10/09 N.Y.Sup.Rye Investment Management; Tremont HereCt.Partners, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings; Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 6. KPMG LLP; Individual defendants; Rye SelectBroad Market XL Fund L.P., NominalDefendant/Securion I L.P. 3/10/09 Fla. Circ. Paul J. Koningsberg; Koningsberg, Wolf &HereCt. Co./Steven E. Leber as Trustee of the Steven E.Leber Charitable Remainder Unitrust {Note: OnApril 20, 2009, case removed to Southern Districtof Florida, Case No. 09-80593} 3/13/09 Cal. Sup.Crescent Securities; Frank X. Mantovani;Here Ct.Halpern & Mantovani; The LambethCompany; Stanley Chais/Helen Epstein LivingTrust 3/17/09Florida Westport National Bank; Robert L. Silverman;HereCir. Ct.PSCC Services; PSCC, Inc./RichardAbramowitz; Howard Pomerantz as Trustees forthe Abramowitz & Pomerantz, PA RetirmentsPlan; Robin Abramowitz, IRA; HowardPomerantz IRA; Wendy Sager Pomerantz IRA 3/19/09 N.J. Sup.Fiserv Investment Support Services; FiservHere Ct.Inc.; First Trust Corporation; RetirementAccounts, Inc.; Fiserv Trust Company; NTC &Co.; TD Ameritrade Trust Company/ StephenSquires on behalf of all persons whose IRAinvestments in Madoff were held by Fiserv {Note:On 4/24/09, this action was removed to D.N.J.Civil Action No. 09-cv-01960} 3/24/09 Cal. Sup.Morton D. Kurzrok/Dichter-Mad FamilyHereCt. Parnters {Note: On May 4, 2009, case removed toC.D.Cal. Civil Action No. 09-cv-3099} 3/24/09Sup. Ct.Beacon Associates Management Corp.; Ivy Here N.Y. Asset Management Corp.; Ivy AssetManagement LLC; Friedberg, Smith & Co.P.C.; Joel Danziger; Harris Markhoff/BeaconAssociate LLC II Nominal Defendant/JoelSacher and Susan Saher 3/30/09 Conn.Bernard L. Madoff; Tremont Partners, Inc.;HereSup. Ct.Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; OppenheimerAcquisition Corp.; Maxam CapitalManagement LLC; Maxam Capital GP LLC;Maxam Capital Management Limited;individual defendants; Peter B. Madoff; RuthMadoff; Mark D. Madoff; Andrew H. Madoff/Retirement Program for Employees of the TownOf Fairfield; Retirement Program for PoliceOfficers and Firemen of the Town of Fairfield;Town of Fairfield4/1/09 N.Y. Sup.Andover Associates Management Corp.; IvyHere Ct.Asset Management Corp.; Ivy AssetManagement LLC; Citrin Cooperman & Co.LLP; Margolin Winer Evens LLP; JoelDanziger; Harris Markoff/ Andover AssociatesLLC I Nominal Defendant/ Charles J. Hecht4/1/09Mass. Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund L.P.;Here Sup. Ct. Tremont Partners, Inc.; Tremont Group Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 7. Holdings, Inc.; Oppenheimer AcquisitionCorp.; Massmutal Holdings LLC;Massachusetts Mutual Life InsuranceCompany; individual defendants/FamilySwimmers Limited Partnership on behalf of allinvestors in Rye Select Broad Market Prime FundL.P Note: On May 13, 2009, this action wasremoved to D. Mass (Civil Action No. 09-10784)4/6/09 N.Y. Sup.J. Ezra Merkin; Gabriel Capital Corporation; HereCt. BDO Seidman LLP; BDO Tortuga f/k/a BDOCayman Islands/ CRT Investments, Ltd.,Mortimer Zuckerman4/6/09Fla. Cir. American Express Bank Ltd. d/b/a StandardHereCt. Chartered Private Bank a/k/a StandardChartered Bank International (Americas)Limited; Standard Chartered Bank; individualdefendants; Fairfield Greenwich Group;Fairfield Greenwich Limited; FairfieldGreenwich (Bermuda) Ltd.; FairfieldGreenwich Advisors LLC; individualdefendants; PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP;Citgo Fund Services (Europe) B.V./HeadwayInvestment Corporation {Note:On May 22, 2009this case was removed to, the United StatesDistrict Court for the Southern District of Florida;Civil Action No. 1:09-cv-21395). 4/14/09 Mass.Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund, L.P.; Here Super. Ct. Tremont Partners, Inc.; Tremont GroupHoldings, Inc.; Oppenheimer AcquisitionCorp.; Massmutual Holdings LLC;Massachusetts Mutual Life InsuranceCompany; BNY Alternative InvestmentServices; Bank of New York Mellon; individualdefendants/ Lawrence J. Rothschild on behalf ofinvestors in the Rye Select Broad Market XL FundL.P. during the class period {Note: This actionwas removed to the District of Massachusetts onMay 22, 2009, refer here} 4/30/09 Del. Joanne Olian; Estate of Howard Olian; Wintex Here Chanc. Ct. Mill Inc. (Nominal Defendant)/Lazy RiverInvestment Company5/5/09 N.Y. Sup.Harmony Partners Ltd.; Harmony Services, HereCt. Inc.; Harmony Services LLC; individualdefendants/ Max Goldweber5/7/09Fla. Cir. Tremont Group Holdings; Tremont Partners,HereCt. Inc.; Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P.;Select Broad Market Prime Fund L.P.; SelectBroad Market XI Fund, L.P.; KPMGLLP/Robert Cocchi; Penni Ellen Fromm; PFFAssociates, Inc.; Brian Gaines; John Johnson;Dr.David Schwarzchild; Dr. Herbert Silverberg;John Silverberg; Dr. Jerry Weiss; Donna Weiss;the Norman Shulevitz Foundation, Inc.; RMManagement LLC; Sande Wische; Carol Wische; Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 8. Paula Zitrin; Dr. Jaron Zitrin; Rachel Zitrin; Dr.Roger Zitrin 5/12/09 N.M. Dist. Austin Capital Management/State of NewHereCt. Mexico ex. rel. National Education Association ofNew Mexico on behalf of the EducationalRetirement Board and the State InvestmentCouncil {Note: On July 27, 2009, this action wasremoved to the United States District Court for theDistrict of New Mexico, Civil Action No. 1:09-cv-00730, refer here} 5/13/09 Cal. Sup.Stanley Chais; The Lambeth Company; Francis HereCt. X. Montavani; Halpern & Montovani; CrescentSecurities, Nominal Defendant/Douglas Hall asCo-Trustee of Vivian H. Hall IRA and derivativelyon behalf of Crescent Securities 5/13/09 Cal. Sup.Stanley Chais; The Popham Company; FrancisHere Ct.X. Montovani; Halpern & Montovani;Marloma Securities, NominalDefendant/Stephen Heimoff derivatively on behalfof Marloma Securities 5/15/09 N.Y. Kingate Management Limited; HereSup.Ct. PricewaterhouseCoopers Bermuda;Pricewaterhouse Coopers InternationalLimited; Citi Hedge Fund Services, Limited;individual defendants; Kingate Global FundLimted /John Bruhl,derivatively on behalf ofKingate Global Fund Limited 5/15/09 N.Y. Sup.Fairfield Greenwich Group; FairfieldHereCt. Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greenwich(Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich AdvisorsLLC; Fairfield Risk Services Ltd.; CITGOFund Services (Europe) BV; CITGO BankNetherland N.V., Dublin Branch; CITGOGlobal Custody N.V.; individual defendants;PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP;PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V.;PricewaterhouseCoopers InternationalLimited; Fairfield Sentry Limited NominalDefendant /Morning Mist Holdings Limited andMiguel Lomeli derivatively on behalf of FairfieldSentry Limited {Note: On May 28, 2009, thisaction was removed to the S.D.N.Y., Civil ActionNo. 1:09-cv-5012} 5/29/09 N.Y. Sup.Fairfield Greenwich Group, FairfieldHereCt. Greenwich (Bermuda) Limited; FairfieldGreenwich Advisors LLC; FairfieldInternational Managers, Inc.; individualdefendants/Fairfield Sentry Limited 5/27/09Mass. Rye Select Marked Fund L.P.; TremontHere Superior Partners, Inc. ; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Ct.Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp.; MassmutualHolding LLC; Massachusetts Mutual LifeInsurance Company; individual defendants/Arthur S. Simons on behalf of all persons who Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 9. invested in Rye Select Broad Market Funds {Note:On July 2, 2009, this action was removed to D.Mass, see linked document}6/5/09 N.Y. Sup.J. Ezra Merkin; Gabriel Capital Corp.; BDOHereCt. Seidman LLP/ Vadja Family Trust, derivativelyon behalf o Ascot Partners L.P. and GabrielCapital L.P. 6/15/09 N.Y. Sup.BDO Seidman LLP; BDO Tortuga f/k/a BDOHere Ct.Cayman Islands; BDO Global CoordinationB.V/Bart M. Schwartz as receiver for Ariel FundLimited and Gabriel Capital, L.P. 6/16/09 N.M. Dist. Austin Capital Management; Austin Capital Here CourtManagement GP Corporation; Victory CapitalManagement, Inc.; KeyCorp; Berean Capital;Tremont Partners, Inc.; Tremont CapitalManagement; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.;Oppenheimer Funds, Inc; individualdefendants/State of New Mexicao ex. rel. FrandFoy and Suzanne Foy7/2/09 N.Y. Sup.Peerstate Equity Fund L.P., Robert N. GetzHereCt. LLC, Robert Getz, Stephen Getz/Judith W.Bailey Individually and as Executor of the Estateof Richard Bailey and as Successor Executor tothe Estate of Suzanne Bailey7/8/09Ct. Connecticut Community Bank, N.A., owner ofHereSuperiorWestport National Bank/Ben R. Backus as CourtTrustee of the W.R. Johnson Co. Pension andProfit-Sharing Plan, et al., 7/10/09 Cal. Sup.American Express Bank Ltd.; AmericanHereCt. Express Bank International; StandardChartered PLC; individual defendants/MariaAkriby Valladolid 7/16/09 Md. Circ.Jack Kay; Kay Management Inc.; KayHere Ct.Investment Group LLC; individual defendants/George Wasserman and Janice Wasserman;Goldstein Family Limited Liability Company asgeneral partner and on behalf of various entities 7/16/09 Fla. Circ. Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith/ HereCt. Morselife Foundation, Inc. Note: On 8/7/09, thiscase was removed to the Southern District ofFlorida, Civil Action No. 09-81143 (here) 8/17/09 Sup. Ct. Frank J. Avellino; Kenn Jordan Associates;Here N.Y. Kenn Jordan Foundation; Mayfair BookeepingServices, Inc.; The Avellino Family Foundation,Inc.; Grosvenor Partners, Ltd.; MayfairManagement, Inc.; Mayfair Ventures G.P.;individual defendants; Mayfair PensionPlan/Daniel C. Gascoyne; Grace G. DeluryIrrecovable Trust; Edna Guittierez F/B/O SpecialAccount for Gutierrez Children; TerrenceGascoyne; Margaret Gascoyne 9/10/09 Ct. Sup. BDO Seidman, LLP/The Calibre Fund LLC Here Ct. 1022/09 Sup.Ct.Friehling & Horowitz, P.C.; KPMG, U.K.; Here Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 10. N.Y. KPMG International; J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.; The Bank of New York Mellon; Paul Koningsburg; Annette Bongiorno; Frank DiPascali; Andrew Madoff; Mark Madoff; Peter Madoff/Matthew Greenberg; Walter Greenberg; Doris Greenberg; The Estate of Leon Greenberg 10/22/09 Sup Ct.KPMG International; KPMG U.K.; J.P.HereN.Y. Morgan Chase; The Bank of New York Mellon; Beacon Associates Management Corp; Ivy Asset Management Corp.; Joel Danziger; Harris Markoff; Friedberg, Smith & Co. P.C.; Paul Konigsburg; Annette Bongiorno; Frank Dipascali; Andrew Madoff; Mark Madoff; Peter Madoff; Beacon Associates LLC II, Nominal Defendant; Donna M. McBride, individually and derivatively on behalf of Beacon Associates LLC II 11/19/09 Cal. Sup.KPMG, LLP; Tremont Capital Management, HereCt.Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Rye Investment Management; Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund, L.P.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Mass Mutual Holding LLC; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co./Brian Faith and Sharon Faith individually and as trustees of the Bryon L. Faith and Sharon E. Faith Revocable Living Trust 11/19/09 Cal. Sup.Crosswater Financial Corporation; Crosswater HereCt.Investment Advisors, Inc.; Clark Richards; KPMG, LLP; Tremont Capital Management; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Rye Investment Management; Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund, L.P.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Mass Mutual Holding LLC; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co./ Michael Herman and Sandra Herman individually and as trustes of the Michael and Sandra Herman Trust 12/19/09 Fla. Cir.Coler, Donten, Levine, Porter & Veil, P.A. ; HereCt.Rhonda Guinazzo/Susan Markin Table III: Other Proceeding (Please note that additional actions duplicative of items listed in this table follow in Table IV, below) Date ForumDefendants/ClaimantsLinkD&O DiaryPost 12/11/08 S.D.N.Y.Barnard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff HereInvestment Securities LLC/Securities andExchange Commission 12/18/08 S.D.N.Y.J. Ezra Merkin/The Calibre Fund Here(Application for Temporary Restraining Order) 12/22/08S.E.C. Securities and Exchange Commission/PhyllisHereMolchatsky (American Masters Broad Market Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 11. Fund/ L.P.) 12/30/08S.D.N.Y.Anthony, Maria and Toni Here Sciremammno/Bernard L. Madoff1/2/09S.D.N.Y. Irving H. Picard, Trustee for the SIPAHere (Bankruptcy Liquidation of Bernard L. MadoffCourtInvestment Securities LLC and JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A./ Rosenman Family LLC1/7/09 S.D.N.Y.Irving H. Picard, Trustee (etc.) and J.P. Here(BankruptcyMorgan Chase Bank/Hadleigh Holdings LLC.Court) 1/12/09 S.D.N.Y.United States v. Bernard L. Madoff/Order in Here/(Criminal CourtBail Proceeding/Notice of AppealHere 1/15/09 LuxembourgUBS (Luxembourg) S.A.; Luxalpha SICA V/ Here Oddo Asset Management S.A. 1/26/09 S.D.N.Y.Citgo Group Limited; Citgo Fund ServicesHere (Europe) BV; PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP/ G. Phillip Stephenson as trustee for the Philip Stephenson Revocable Living Trust 1/30/09 Ct. SuperiorMcGladrey & Pullen LLP & GoldsteinHereCourtGolub Kessler LLP/Maxam Absolute Return Fund L.P. 2/11/09 Office of the In the Matter of Cohmad SecuritiesHereHereSecretary of the Corporation (Administrative Complaint andCommonwealth Ex Parte Motion for an Order Summarily(Massachusetts)Suspending Registration as a Broker-Dealer) 2/12/09 E. D. Pa. Austin Capital Management Ltd./ Pension Here Fund for Hospital and Health Care Employees Philadelphia and Vicinity, on behalf of all employee benefits funds for whom Austin acted as investment manager and on whose behalf Austin invested plan assets in any Madoff- related investment during the period February 12, 2005 to the present. 2/13/09 D. Conn.PSCC Services, Inc.; Westport National Bank; TD Banknorth N.A.; Dennis P. Clark; Robert L. Silverman/Stephen R. Levinson; Richard E. Layton; Dr. R. Layton P.A. 401(l) Plan, on behalf of persons who were beneficiaries of omnibus accounts at BMIS maintained in the name of Westport National Bank 2/13/09 N.D. Fla. Arthur Nadel; Scoop Management; Scoop Here Capital; Peg Nadel; Bernard L. Madoff; Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, et al./Jonathan Lee Riches d/b/a Ervin Antonio Lupoe {Pro Se Complaint} 2/17/09 N.D. Tex. Stanford International Bank, Ltd.; Stanford Here Group Company; Stanford Capital Management LLC; R. Allen Stanford; James M. Davis; Laura Pendergest- Holt/Securities and Exchange Commission {Failure to Disclose Losses Arising from Madoffs Funds} 2/19/09 S.D. Tex. Stanford International Bank, Ltd.; Stanford Here Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 12. Group Company; Stanford CapitalManagement LLC; R. Allen Stanford;James M. Davis; Laura Pendergest-Holt/John Cochran on behalf all purchasers ofStanford CDs or shares in Stanford AllocationStrategy Fund {failure to disclose exposure toMadoff-related losses} 2/24/09 D.N.J. Peter Madoff/ The Lautenberg Foundation, HereJoshua S. Lautenberg, Ellen Lautenberg 3/16/08 E.D. Mich. Britney Spears; Kevin Federline; SecuritiesHereand Exchange Commission/Bernard L.Madoff d/b/a Jonathan Lee Riches a/k/a GinoRomano, Inc. 3/17/09M.D.Fla.Bernard Madoff/Gino Romano d/b/a Michael HereScott Pesce 3/17/09S.D.N.Y.David G. Friehling/United States of AmericaHere(Criminal Complaint) 3/18/09S.D.N.Y.Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; TremontHerePartners, Inc.; Rye Investment Management(a.k.a. Rye Investments, Inc.); OppenheimerAcquisition Corporation; OppenheimerFunds, Inc.; Massachusetts Mutual LifeInsurance Company; individual defendants;KPMG LLP; Bank of New York MellonCorporation; BNY Alternative InvestmentServices; Austin Capital Management; GPCorporation; NOMINAL DEFENDANTS:Rye Select Broad Market Fund LP; RyeSelect Broad Market Prime Fund LP; RyeSelect Broad Market Fund XL Fund LP;Austin Capital Safe Harbor ERISADedicated Fund Ltd.; Austin Capital SafeHarbor Master Account G.P./Laborers Local17 Pension Plan and Daniel Jackson,derivatively and on behalf of all employeebenefits plans that invested in Austin SafeHarbor Funds. 3/18/09S.D.N.Y.David G. Friehling; Friehling & Horowitz,HereCPA, P.C./ Securities and ExchangeCommission 3/25/09N.Y.Sup.Ct. Peter B. Madoff/ Andrew Ross Samuels Here4/1/09Office of the Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC;Here Here Secretary of the Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd./ Commonwealth Enforcement Section of the Massachusetts (Massachusetts)Securities Division of the Office of theSecretary of the Commonwealth4/2/09 W.D.N.Y. J.P Jeanneret Associates, Inc.; John P.HereJenneret; Beacon Associates ManagementCorporation; Joel Danziger; HarrisMarkoff/Patrick Morin as Trustee of theEmpire State Carpenters Pension Fund,Empire State Carpenters Annuity Fund andEmpire State Carpenters Welfare Fun; JamesWillis as Trustee for Ironworkers Local No. 6 Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 13. Pension Fund and Ironworkers Local No 6 Medical and S.U.B. Pay Plan; and Daniel McGraw and Theron Hogle as Trustees of the Engineers Joint Pension Fund Local Unions 17, et al., Engineers Joint S.U.B. Fund or Engineers Joint Training Fund, on behalf of all trustees of multi-employer pension plans for which defendants served as an investment manager or ERISA fiduciary and whose assets were invested in BMIS from April 30, 1991 to the present4/6/09Sup Ct. N.Y. J. Ezra Merkin; Gabriel Capital Here Here Corporation/ The People of the State of New York by Andrew M. Cuomo4/9/09 S.D.N.Y Vizcaya Partners Limited; Banque JacobHere (Bankr.)Safra (Gibralter) Ltd. a/k/a Bank J. Safra Limited/Irving H. Picard, Trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 4/13/09 S.D.N.Y.In re Bernard L. Madoff (InvoluntaryHereBankruptcy Bankruptcy Petition) Court 4/14/09 S. D.Fla. Madoff Securities International Ltd.Here (Chapter 15 Bankruptcy Proceeding) 4/14/09 S.D.Fla.Peter B. Madoff/Stephen John Akers, MarkHere Richard Byers, and Andrew Laurence Hosking as Joint Provisional Liquidators of Madoff Securities International Limited {In re Madoff Securities International Limited} 4/17/09 S.D.N.Y.Alvin J. Delaire, Jr./Martin Schulman M.D.; Here Martin Schulman Individual Retirement Account; Suzanne M. Schulman 4/17/09 S.D.N.Y.Kingate Global Fund, Ltd.; Kingate Euro Here (Bankr.)Fund, Ltd.; Bank of Bermuda, Ltd./Irving H. Picard, Trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 4/23/09 S.D.N.Y JP Morgan Chase & Co.; JP Morgan ChaseHere Bank NA/MLSMK Investments Company5/1/09 S.D.N.Y.Stanley Chais, individually and as GeneralHere (Bankr.)Partner in Defendants The Brighton Group; The Lambeth Company; and the Popham Company, and as trustee for Chais childrens trusts/Irving H. Picard Trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC}5/1/09 W.D.Tex The Board of Trustees of the TexasHere Ironworkers Fund; The Texas Ironworkers Pension Fund/Austin Capital Managemen, Ltd.5/4/09D.N.M. Bank of America; Merrill Lynch & Co.; Here others/ Bernard Madoff d/b/a Jonathan Lee Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 14. Riches a/k/a/ Jonathan L. Riches InvestmentSecurities LLC (Pro Se Complaint)5/5/09S.D.N.Y Irving Picard as Trustee for the SIPAHere(Bankr.)Liquidation of Bernard L. MadoffInvestment Securities LLC; MaxamAbsolute Return Fund L.P./Bank of AmericaN.A.; Banc of America Securities LLC{In re:Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC}[Interpleader Complaint]5/6/09S.D.N.Y J. Ezra Merkin; Gabriel Capital L.P.; ArielHere(Bankr.)Fund Ltd.; Ascot Partners L.P.; GabrielCapital Corporation/ Irving H. PicardTrustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L.Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re:Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC}5/7/09D. Conn.Bank of America, N.A./Maxam CapitalHereManagement LLC and Maxam Absolute ReturnFund L.P. 5/7/09S.D.N.Y. Roman Igolnikov; Sheldon S. Gordon;HereMatthew Stadtmauer; Union BancairePrivee Asset Management LLC; UBPIHoldings, Inc.; Daniel de Picciotto; MichaelDe Picciotto; Guy de Picciotto; ChristopheBernard/Andrea Barron on behalf of investorsin the UBP fund 5/8/09S.D.N.Y. Beacon Associates Management; individual Heredefendants; Ivy Asset Management LLC;Beacon Associates LLC I and BeaconAssociates LLC II/William C. Towsley et alTrustees of the I.B.E.W. Local 43 and ElectralContractors Welfare Fund; John S. Kogut et alas Trustees of the I.B.E.W. Local 43 andElectrical Contractors Welfare fund; David J.Henderson et al as Trustees and Participantsof the Oswego County Laborers Local 214Pension Fund; Earl Hall et al as Trustees ofthe Oswego County Laborers Local 214Pension Fund, on behalf of all persons whoseERISA covered benefit plan assets wereharmed as a result of imprudent investments inthe Beacon Associates funds in investmentsmanaged by Bernard Madoff 5/12/09 S.D.N.Y. Jeffry M. Picower; Barbara Picower;Here (Bankr.) Capital Growth Company; Favorite Funds;JA Primary Limited Partneship; JA SpecialLimited Partnership; other partnerships:The Picower Foundation; The PicowerInstitute for Medical Research/ Irving H.Picard Trustee for the Liquidation of BernardL. Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re:Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 5/12/09 S.D.N.Y. Harley International (Cayman) Ltd./ Irving Here (Bankr.) H. Picard Trustee for the Liquidation ofBernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 15. {In re: Bernard L. Madoff InvestmentSecurities LLC} 5/13/09 D.N.M. J. Ezra Merkin; Bernard Madoff; Stanley HereChais, others/ Irving Picard d/b/a JonathanLee Riches (Pro Se Complaint) 5/18/09 S.D.N.Y. Fairfield Sentry Limited; Greenwich SentryHere (Bankr.) L.P.; Greenwich Sentry Partners L.P./ IrvingH. Picard Trustee for the Liquidation ofBernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC{In re: Bernard L. Madoff InvestmentSecurities LLC} 5/27/09 D. Colo. Fiserv, Inc.; Fiserv Trust CompanyHereRetirement Accounts, Inc.; NTC & Co. LLP;Trust Industrial Bank; Lincoln Trust Co.;Robert Beriault Holdings, Inc.; TDAmeritrade Online Holdings Corp.; TDAmeritrade Holding Corp./Max Rudman,Betty Smelin, Raanan Smelin, on behalf of all -persons who had self-directed IRAs with Fiservthat were invested in BMIS 5/29/09 E.D.Pa.Meridian Capital Partners, Inc.; Meridian HereDiversified Fund, Ltd.; Meridian DiversifiedFund Management, Ltd.; William H.Lawrence; Ernst & Young LLP/R.W. GrandLodge of Free & Accepted Masons ofPennsylvania 6/5/09S.D.N.Y. Irving H. Picard/Mary Albanese;, Brow Here (Bankr.) Family Partnership; Laurence Kaye; SuzanneKaye; Rose Less, on behalf all persons whowere investors in Bernard L. MadoffInvestment Securities LLC from inception untilDecember 11. 2008 {In re: Bernard L. MadoffInvestment Securities LLC} [Class Action forDeclaratory Judgment] 6/5/09S.D.N.Y. Family Management Corporation; SeymourHereZises; Andrea Tessler; Maxam AbsoluteReturn Fund L.P.; Maxam CapitalMangement LLC; Beacon Associates LLC I;Beacon Associates Management Corp./JohnFerrini; SEP F/B/O John Ferrini-PershingLLC 6/10/09 S.D.N.Y. Bernard L. Madoff; Kingate Management HereLimited; Tremont (Bermuda) Limited; FIMAdvisers LLP; CITI Hedge Fund ServicesLtd. ; individual defendants/ CriteriumCapital Funds B.V./BBF Trust/ Wall StreetSecurities S.A.; Banca Arner, S.A./ AlvaroCastillo on behalf all share holders of KingateGlobal Fund, Ltd and Kingate Euro Fund of December 11, 2008 6/10/09 S.D.N.Y. Irving H. Picard/Mary Albanese;, Brow Here (Bankr.) Family Partnership; Laurence Kaye; SuzanneKaye; Rose Less, on behalf all persons whowere investors in Bernard L. Madoff Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 16. Investment Securities LLC from inception until December 11. 2008 {In re: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC} [Class Action for Declaratory Judgment] 6/10/09 D. Colo.First Trust Corporation RetirementHere Accounts, Inc.; Fiserv Trust Company; Trust Industrial Bank; Lincoln Trust Company; NTC & Co. LLP; TD Ameritrade Trust Company; TD Ameritrade Online Holding Corp.; Robert Beriault Holdings/William J. Cohen and Eleanor Cohen on behalf of all persons who had self- directed IRAs with Fiserv that were invested with BMIS 6/11/09 E.D. Pa.Austin Capital Management, Ltd.; Austin Here Capital Management Gp Corp.; individual defendants; Victory Capital Management; KeyCorp/Board of Trustees, Steamfitters Local 449 Retirement Fund; Joseph M. Little and Regis R. Claus guardians ad litem, on behalf of all employee benefit funds that named Austin Capital Management as investment manager and whose assets were invested with BMIS 6/12/09 N.D. Ill. Last Atlantis Partners LLC; Last Atlantis Here Capital Management; Irwin Berger; Stig Ostgaard/Robert C. Jenkins; Robert C. Jenkins Living Trust; Allen Hargest 6/12/09 S.D.Fla.Standard Chartered Bank International Here (Americas) Limited; Standard Chartered Private Bank/Jose Antonio Pujals; Rosa Julieta A. DePujals, on behalf of all defendants customers who were charged Fairfield Fees between June 12, 2004 and December 23, 2008 6/16/09 N.Y. Sup. Ct. Mark Madoff; Andrew Madoff/RichardHere Stahl 6/16/09 N.Y. Sup. Ct. Mark Madoff; Andrew Madoff/Reed Abend Here 6/22/09 S.D.N.Y.Cohmad Securities Corporation; Maurice J. Here Cohn; Marcia B. Cohn; Robert M. Jaffee/Securities and Exchange Commission 6/22/09 S.D.N.Y.Stanley Chais/Securities and Exchange Here Commissions 6/22/09 S.D.N.Y.Cohmad Securities Corporation; Maurice J. Here Cohn; Marcia B. Cohn; Robert M. Jaffee; other individual defendants// Irving H. Picard Trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 6/22/09 M.D.Fla.Irving H. Picard; FBI Special Agent JohnHere Sereno; Captain Richard Conklin; Anthony Tuccinardi; Paul Tuccinardi; Angelo Tuccinardi; Mario Tuccinardi; Tony Socci; Jennifer Telesco; Stamford Police Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 17. Department; Hillsborough County Sheriffs Department; Tampa Police Department/Jonathan Lee Riches (pro se claimant) a/k/a Bernard Madoff [habeas corpus petition] 6/25/09 E.D.Pa. Austin Capital Management, Ltd.; AustinHere Capital Management Gp Corp.; individual defendants; Victory Capital Management; KeyCorp/Laborers District Counsel of Western Pennsylvania Pension Fund; Philip Ameris and; John C. Busee as Trustees, and on behalf of all benefit plans that had named Austin Capital Management as investment manager 6/26/09S.D.N.Y. Safra National Bank of New York; SiamHere Capital Management Ltd.; Banque Jacob Safra (Gibralter) Ltd.; PricewaterhouseCoopers Accounting Services Ltd.; individual defendants/SSH Holdings Group Ltd on behalf of persons acquiring shares of Zeus Partners Ltd between December 1, 2004 and December 11, 2008 6/30/09S.D. Fla.Horse Illustrated d/b/a Bow Tie Magazines, Here et al./Bernard Madoff, Jonathan Lee Riches (pro se complaint)7/1/09 Calif. Dept. of Stanley Chais (Desist and Refrain Order) Here Corp.7/2/09 S.D.N.Y.Gabriel Capital L.P.; Ezra Merkin; BDO Here Seidman LLP/Croscill Inc., Florence Kahn, Weiberg Intervivos Trust; Douglas J. Kahn 2008 Family Trust; David Kahn 2008 Family Trust7/2/09S.D.N.Y. Union Bancaire Prive; Union BancaireHere Prive Asset Management LLC; UBPI Holdings, Inc.; individual defendants/Declan Farrell and Warren Pack on behalf of investors in Selectinvest Funds and other funds offered and managed by Union Bancaire Prive and its subsidiaries7/8/09N.Y. Sup. Ct.Gerald McEvoy/The Guardian Life InsuranceHere Company of America7/8/09S.D.N.Y. Barry Drogy/The Guardian Life InsuranceHere Company of America 7/13/09S.D.Tex. The Commonwealth of Antigua andHere Barbuda/ Joan Gale Frank; Jon A. Bell; Samuel Bukrinsky; Jaime Alexis Arroyo Bornstein; Peggy Roif Rothstain; Juan C. Olano and John Wade in his capacity as trustee of the Microchip ID Systems Inc. Retirement Plan on behalf of all persons who were customers of Stanford International Bank Ltd. [Note: This Stanford Financial Group case contains allegations that SIBL invested with BMIS] Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 18. 7/13/09D. Colo.Richard A. Guggenheimer; Cathleen A. HereLieberman; Norma Shapiro/Trust IndustrialBank d/b/a Fiserv Investment Support Servicesand NTC & Co. (complaint for declaratoryjudgment and for stay of class arbitrationbrought by all persons who opened self-directed IRAs with Fiserv that were investedwith BMIS) 7/14/09 S.D.N.Y. Herald Fund SPC; HSBC Bank PLC; HSBC HereSecurities Services/ Irving H. Picard Trusteefor the Liquidation of Bernard L. MadoffInvestment Securities LLC {In re: Bernard L.Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 7/15/09 S.D.N.Y. Federal Insurance Company/Ann & Hope HereInc.; Helen Realty Co.; Samuel N. Chase;Irwin Chase; Marjorie Chase Alpert Torgan 7/15/09 S.D.N.Y. Alpha Prime Fund Limited; HSBC BankHerePLC; HSBC Securities Services/ Irving H.Picard Trustee for the Liquidation of BernardL. Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re:Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 7/15/09 S.D.N.Y. Thybo Asset Management Fund; Thybo HereGlobal Fund Limited; Thybo Return FundLimited; Thybo Stabel Fund Ltd. / Irving H.Picard Trustee for the Liquidation of BernardL. Madoff Investment Securities LLC {In re:Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 7/15/09 S.D.N.Y. Primeo Fund; HSBC Bank PLC; HSBC HereSecurities Services/ Irving H. Picard Trusteefor the Liquidation of Bernard L. MadoffInvestment Securities LLC {In re: Bernard L.Madoff Investment Securities LLC} 7/17/09 S.D.N.Y. Anthony L.M. Inder Rieden; Dawn E. HereDavies; Euro-Dutch Management Ltd. ;Ernst & Young [Cayman Islands]; Ernst &Young [Bahamas]; Ernst & Young LLP;Harley International (Cayman) Ltd.; FixAsset Management/Tradex Global MasterFund SPC Ltd. on behalf of all persons whoowned shares of Santa Clara I Fund 7/21/09 S.D.N.Y. Gabriel Capital L.P.; Ezra Merkin; BDO HereSeidman L.P./Morris Fuchs Holdings LLC 7/22/09 S.D.N.Y. Kingate Management Limited; FIMHereLimited; FIM Advisers LLP; FIM (USA)Inc.; Citi Hedge Fund Services Ltd.;PricewaterhouseCoopers Bermuda;individual defendants/Andorra Banc AgricReig SA, on behalf of investors in the KingateGlobal and Kingate Euro Fund 7/29/09 S.D.N.Y. Ruth Madoff/Irving Picard Trustee for theHereLiquidation of Bernard L. Madoff { In Re:Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff InvestmentSecurities LLC}8/5/09 S.D.N.Y. Beacon Associates LLC I/Beacon AssociatesHere Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 19. Management Corp. 8/11/09 S.D.N.Y.Frank Dipascali, Jr./Securities and ExchangeHere Commission 8/11/09 S.D.N.Y.Frank DiPascali, Jr./United States of America Here (Criminal Information) 8/12/09Sup.Ct. N.Y. Larry Meistrich; Ari Friedman; Andrew Here Madoff; Nehst Media Enterprises, LLC; Red Coral LLC; Lil Nikki LLC/ Dana Offenbach 8/19/09S.D.Fla. Standard Chartered Bank International Here (Americas) Limited; Standard Chartered PLC; Fairfield Greenwich Group; Fairfield Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greewich (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Fairfield Sentry Ltd.; Fairfield Sigma, Ltd.; Walter Noel, Jr.; individual defendants/Ricardo Lopez 8/20/09D.Ariz.Joe Arpaio d/b/a Maricopa County Sheriff; Here Irving H. Picard; Frank Dispascali; David Friehling/Bernard Madoff; Johnathan Lee Riches 8/31/09 S.D.N.Y.J.P. Jeanneret Associates, Inc.; Ivy AssetHere Management, LLC; Bank of New York Mellon Corporation; individual defendants/ Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 267 Pension Fund and its trustees, on behalf of all persons who were provided with investment advisory services by J.P. Jeanneret or Ivy Asset Management at any time between January 1, 1996 through the present and who suffered damages as a result of Jeanneret's or Ivys decision to invest with BMIS 9/11/09 S.D.N.Y.Notz, Stucki Management (Bermuda) Here Limited; Notz, Stucki & Cie, S.A.; individual defendants; BDO Compagnie Fiduciaire, Luxembourg; UBS (Luxembourg) S.A.; PricewaterhouseCoopers Luxembourg; Frank DiPascali, Jr.; Peter Madoff; Andrew Madoff; Mark Madoff/Matias Erausquin; Enrique Erausquin; Liliana Controne; and Yolanda Freischknecht, on behalf of all persons who owned shares of Plaza Fund on December 10, 2008 9/15/09Sup.Ct.N.Y.Fairfield Greenwich Advisors, LLC;Here Fairfield Greenwich Limited/Aon Services Corporation9/17/09Cal.Sup.CtStanley Chais/People of the State of CalifoniaHere 9/24/09S.D. Fla.Standard Chartered Bank International Here (Americas) Limited/ Maridom Limited; Caribetrans; Abbot Capital, Inc. 10/2/09 S.D.N.Y.Peter Madoff; Mark Madoff; Andrew Here Madoff; Shana Madoff/ Irving Picard Trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff { In Re: Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 20. Investment Securities LLC} 10/2/09 S.D.N.Y. J.P. Jeanneret Associates, Inc.; Ivy AssetHereManagement Corporation; individualdefendants/Board of Trustees of the BuffaloLaborers Security Fund, Board of Trustees ofthe Buffalo Laborers Welfare Fund, theBuffalo Laborers Welfare Staff Fund, onbehalf of all ERISA plans advised by JeanneretAssociates or Ivy Asset Management to investin any Madoff-related 10/13/09S.D.N.Y. United States of America/Phyllis Molchatsky;HereSteven Schneider 11/11/09N.D.N.Y. Bob Mantello and Earl N. Hall as Trustees Hereof the Bricklayers and Allied CraftsmanLocal 2 Annuity Fund, et al./J.P. JeanneretAssociates Inc. (individual lawsuit brought byinvestment advisor against pension planinvestors seeking declaratory judgmentapproving method of distribution of liquidatedassets of the Income Plus Investment Fund,which had invested in BMIS) 11/13/09S.D.N.Y. Jerome OHara; George Perez/Securities andHereExchange Commission 11/25/09M.D. La. Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Tremont HerePartners, Inc.; Oppenheimer AcquisitionCorporation; KPMG, LLP; Rye SelectBroad Market Fund L.P., NominalDefendant/Municipal Employees RetirementSystem of Louisiana Individually andDerivatively on behalf of Rye Select BroadMarket Fund L.P. 12/11/09 E.D.Va. FAMM a/k/a Families Against Mandatory HereMinimums, et al/Jonathan Lee Riches, d/b/aBernard L. Madoff, a/k/a Bernie Madoff 1/4/10W.D.Okla.Bernard Madoff/Jana LeDawn Stevens; SaudHereFahd 1/6/10 D.D.C.Securities and Exchange HereCommission/Citizens for Responsibility andEthics in Washington 1/15/10D.Colo. Readers Digest d/b/a The Readers Digest HereAssociation, et al.,/Jonathan Lee Riches d/b/a/Bernard L. Madoff a/k/a Bernie Madoff 1/19/10E.D.Pa. AGL Life Assurance Company/The MichaelHereS. Rulle Family Dynasty Trust 1/21/10 S.D. Fla.EFG Capital International Corp.; EFGHereBank f/k/a/ EFG Private Bank SA/Lorreneda Silva Ferreira and Arlete da Silva Ferreira,on behalf of all customers of EFG who investedwith Fairfield Sentry and who had notredeemed their interest as of December 11,2008 2/5/10S.D.N.Y. First Frontier L.P.; Frontier Capital HereManagement, LLC; Frontier AdvsiorsCorp. Mark Ostroff, FNU Ostroff; Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 21. Beacon Associates LLC I; Beacon Associates Management Corp; Ivy Asset Management Corp.; The Bank of New York; Mellon Corp.; Joel Danziger Esq.; Harris Markhoff, Esq.; Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP/ Jack Saltz as Trustee of Susan Saltz Charitable Lead Annuity Trust; Susan Saltz Descendants Trust; Susan Saltz 2/16/10S.D.Fla. Jeffry W. Pickower Estate; Barbara Here Picower; Capital Growth Company; Decisions, Inc.; Favorite Funds; JA Primary Limited Partnership; JA Special Limited Partnership; JAB Partnership; JEMW Partnership; JF Partnership; JFM Investment Companies; JLN Partnership; JMP Limited Partnership; Jeffry M. Picower Special Company; Jeffry M. Picower, P.C.; Picower Foundation; The Picower Institute of Medical Research; The Trust F/B/O Gabrielle H. Picower/ Adele Fox, individually and on behalf of all persons who maintained customer accounts with BMIS who are not SIPA payees and who have not received the net account value scheduled in their BMIS accounts as of the day before the SIPA liquidation 2/23/10D.Conn.Connecticut Community Bank, N.A., ownerHere of Westport National Bank/Sol Davis, Individually and as Trustee of the Sol Davis Retirement Plan, et al. 2/24/10D.N.J. Stephen Harbeck; Armando J. Bucelo, Jr.; Here Todd S. Farsha; William H. Heyman; William S. Jasien; David G. Nason; Mark S. Shelton; David J. Stockton/Lissa Canavan; Leslie Goldsmith; Judith Kalman 2/25/10 S.D.N.Y.Daniel Bonaventre/Securities and ExchangeHere Commission 3/9/10 D.N.J. The Goldman Sachs Group; The AycoHere Company/Jerome Goodman 4/12/10 N.D. Cal. Ivy Asset Management; The Bank of NewHere York; Mellon Corp./Stephen C. Schott as Trustee for the Stephen C. Schott 1984 Trust 4/15/10 S.D. Fla. Safra National Bank of New York; Safra Here Asset Management Corporation/Enrique Fefer and Dalia Fefer as Trustees of the Enrique Usher Fefer Revocable Trust 4/19/10Ct. Superior Westport National Bank, a division ofHere Court Connecticut Community Bank, N.A.; PSCC Services, Inc; Robert Silverman/Howard F. Pitkin, Banking Commissioner 4/22/10M.D. Tenn. Dolly Parton, D/B/A Dollyworld; Jonathan Here Lee Riches/Bernard L. Madoff Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 22. Table IV: Additional Lawsuits Against Related DefendantsDateForum Defendants/Claimants Link D&O Diary Post 12/22/08S.D.N.Y.Massachusetts Mutual Life InsuranceHere Company; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Rye Investment Management Group; Harry Hodges; Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund; Rye Select Broad Market Fund; Tremont Partner, Inc./Arthur Lange on behalf of all investors in the Rye Funds 12/23/08S.D.N.Y.Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P.; TremontHere Partners, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Rye Investment Management; individual directors and officers of Tremont/ Arthur Brainson IRA on behalf of limited partnership investors in Rye Select 1/9/09S.D.N.Y.Fairfield Greenwich Group; Fairfield Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Walter M. Noel, Jr. and other individuals/ Pasha and Julia Anwar on behalf of investors in Greenwich Sentry L.P. {NOTE: This case was removed to federal court from N.Y. Sup. Ct. and consolidated with other federal court Fairfield Greenwich litigation, see consolidation order here} 1/12/09 S.D.N.Y.Fairfield Greenwich Group; Fairfield Here Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Fairfield Risk Services Ltd.; CITGO Bank Netherland N.V. Dublin Branch; CITGO Fund Services (Europe) B.V.; Walter Noel and other individuals/ Inter-American Trust, Elvira 1950 Trust, Carlos Gauch, Bonaire Limited on behalf of investors in the Fairfield Sentry Fund 1/20/2009 S.D.N.Y.Argus International Life Bermuda Limited;Here Argus Group Holdings Limited; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co,; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Rye Investment Management; Rye Select Broad Market Fund L.P., Rye Select Broad Market Insurance Portfolio, LDC; Tremont [Bermuda] Limited; Tremont Capital Management Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc., Tremont International Insurance Limited; Tremont Partners, Inc./ Chateau Fiduciaire S.A. as Trustee of the Map Trust on behalf of all persons who purchased or held variable universal life insurance offered by Argus International Life Bermuda Limited f.k.a. Tremont International Life Insurance Limited Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 23. from January 2003 to the Present 1/30/09 D.Mass. Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P.; TremontHere Partners Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp.; MassMutual Holdings LLC; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; individual officers and directors/ The William Kretschmar Revocable Trust and Inch of Gold on behalf of all investors in Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P. 1/30/09 C.D.Cal.Robert Schulman and other individual Here defendants/ Tremont Parnters, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc; Rye Select Broad Market Fund f/k/a American Masters Broad Market Prime Fund L.P.; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; MassMutual Holding Co.; Citibank N.A./White Trust Dated May 3, 2002 and Rigdon O. Dees III {Note: This case was originally filed in the Superior Court for Los Angeles County and removed to federal court;, a separate entry on the removed case appears above in Table II} 2/4/09S.D.N.Y.Banco Santander S.A.; Banco SantanderHere Here International; Optimal Investment Services S.A.; PricewaterhouseCoopers; HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Ltd.; HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Ireland) Ltd.; HSBC Bank USA, N.A.; individual directors and officers/ Serol Holding Corporation on behalf of all persons or entities who owned shares of Optimal Strategic U.S. Equity Ltd. on December 10, 2008 2/6/09D. Mass.Massachusetts Mutual Life InsuranceHere Company; Mass Mutual Holding Company; Mass Mutual Holding Trust I; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp; OppenheimerFunds, Inc.; individual directors and officers; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc./ Madelyn Haines and Paul Zamrowski on behalf of limited partners in Tremont Market Neutral Fund L.P. and Tremont Market Neutral Fund II, L.P. 2/6/09S.D.N.Y.Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; TremontHere Partners, Inc.; Rye Investment Management, Inc.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P. f/k/a American Masters Broad Market Fund L.P.; Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund L.P. f/k/ a American Masters Broad Market Prime Fund L.P., Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund, L.P; Ernst & Young LLP, and KPMG LLP/Eileen Silvers and Richard J. Bronstein on behalf of all persons who purchased limited Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 24. partnership interests in Rye Select Broad Market Fund L.P., Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund L.P. or the Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund L.P. between December 21, 2003 through December 21, 2008. 2/17/09 S.D.N.Y.Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; RyeHere Investment Management; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Robert Ivan Schulman; Rupert Andrew Allen; Cynthia J. Nicoll; Stephen Thomas Clayton; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; MassMutual Holdings LLC; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; Select Spectrum Partners LLC; Gary Busel; Ronald Pearson; KPMG LLP; and BDO Seidman LLP/John F. Keane Jr. Trustee on bhelaf of all investors who as of December 11, 2008 in Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund, L.P; Rye Select Broad Market Fund L.P.; and Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund L.P. 2/18/09 S.D.N.Y.Argus Group Holdings Ltd.; Argus Here International Life Bermuda Ltd.; MassMutual Holding LLC; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp.; Rye Investment Management; Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P.; Rye Select Broad Market Insurance Portfolio LDC; Tremont (Bermuda) Ltd.; Tremont Capital Management; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Tremont International Insurance Ltd.; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Ernst & Young LLP; KPMG, Ltd./ The Geoffrey Rabie Credit Shelter Trust, the Joanne Brenda Rabie Credit Shelter Trust on behalf of all persons that held policies issued by Tremont Insurance International or Argus International and managed by Tremont Capital Management or Rye, through December 10, 2008. 3/4/09S.D.N.Y.Ariel Fund, Ltd.; Gabriel CapitalHere Corporation; J. Ezra Merkin; Fortis Bank (Cayman) Ltd.; Fortis Prime Solutions (Cayman) Ltd; Fortis Bank BDO Tortuga; BDO International/ Nephrology Associates Pension Plan on behalf of all investors in the Ariel Fund Limited who had not redeemed their interests as of December 11, 2009 3/5/09N.D.Tex.Irving Piccard; Bernard Madoff; PeterHere Madoff; Shana Madoff; Andrew Madoff; Banco Santander; Manuel Echevegria; Robert Jaffe; Cohmad Securities; Fairfield Greenwich Corp.; Optimal Investment Services; Rachel Piccoli; Gensee Capital Corp.; Pricewaterhouse Coopers; HSBC Holding PLC; Bank Medici/Emilo H. Chavez Jr., Chavez Esatate Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 25. 3/5/09S.D.N.Y.Bernard L Madoff; Bank Medici; Sonja Kohn; Here Peter Scheithauer; Herald USA Fund; Herald Luxemburg Fund; Bank Austria Creditanstalt; Unicredit S.A.; Primeo Select Fund; Primeo Executive Fund; Pioneer Alternative Investment; Thema International Fund PLC; individual defendants; Ernst & Young SA; Ernst & Young Global Ltd.; HSBC Holdings Plc; HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Ireland) Ltd.; HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Ltd.; HSBC Securities Services S.A.; PricewaterhouseCoopers Chartered Accountants; PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited; Friehling & Horowitz/Horst Leonhardt on behalf of those who purchased investments in funds that were controlled or managed by Medici between January 12, 2004 and January 12, 2009 3/11/09 S.D.N.Y.Fairfield Sentry Limited; Fairfield GreenwichHere (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greenwich Group; PricewaterhouseCoopers; Jeffrey Tucker; Citco Fund Services [Europe] B.V.; Citco Global Custody N.V.; Andres Piedrahita; Jan Naess; Peter P. Schmid; Amit Vijahyvergiya; Walter M. Noel, Jr./The Knight Services Holdings Limited on behalf of all others similarly situated 3/10/09 S.D.N.Y Fairfield Greenwich Group; Fairfield Here Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Fairfield Risk Services Ltd.; Walter Noel, Jr.; Jeffrey H. Tucker; Andres Piedrahita/Shimon Laor, Michael Pompan, Mandes Investment & Enterprice Ltd. on behalf of all shareholders of Fairfield Sentry Ltd. as of December 11, 2008. 3/11/09 W.D.Wash. Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; TremontHere Partners, Inc.; Rye Investment Management (a.k.a. Rye Investments Inc.); Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; individual defendants; KPMG LLP; Bank of New York; Mellon Corporation; BNY Alternative Investment Services, Inc.; Futureselect Portfolio Management Services, Inc.; NOMINAL DEFENDANTS: Futureselect Prime Advisor II, LLC; Rye Select Broad Market Fund LP; Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund LP; Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund LP/John Dennis {NOTE: This case was voluntarily dismissed on 4/29/09, refer here} 3/11/09 S.D.N.Y.Argus International Life Bermuda Limited;Here Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 26. Argus Group Holdings Limited; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Rye Investment Management; Rye Select Broad Market Fund L.P.; Rye Select Broad Market Insurance Portfolio, LDC; Tremont [Bermuda] Limited; Tremont Capital Management, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Tremont International Insurance Limited; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Ernst & Young LLP; KMPG LLP/ The Harriet Rutter Klein Revocable Truston behalf of persons who purchased or held deferred variable annuities from Argus during the period from March 2003 to the present 3/11/09 S.D.N.Y.Argus International Life Bermuda Limited; Here Argus Group Holdings Limited; Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; Rye Investment Management; Rye Select Broad Market Fund L.P.; Rye Select Broad Market Insurance Portfolio, LDC; Tremont [Bermuda] Limited; Tremont Capital Management, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Tremont International Insurance Limited; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Ernst & Young LLP; KMPG LLP/ The Matthew L. Klein Revocable Family Trust on behalf of persons who purchased or held variable universal life insurance policies from Argus during the period from March 2003 to the present 3/16/09 S.D.N.Y.Beacon Associates LLC I; Beacon AssociatesHere Management Corporation; Ivy Asset Management; Joel Danziger; Harris Markhoff; The Bank of New York; Mellon Corporation; Freidberg Smith & Co. P.C./Jay Raubvogel individually and as trustee of the M. Raubvogel Co. Trust, on behalf of purchasers of limited company interests of Beacon Associates LLP I between January 1, 2000 and December 11, 2008. 3/16/09 S.D.N.Y.Standard Chartered International USA (Ltd.);Here Standard Chartered PLC; Fairfield Greenwich Group; Fairfield Greenwich Limited; Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Fairfield Sentry Ltd.; individual defendants; Jitendra Bhatia; Gopal Bhatia; Kishanchand Bhathia; Jayshree Bhatia; Mandakini Gajaria 3/19/09 S.D.N.Y.Worldwide Fund Management, Ltd.; Bank Here Austria Creditanstalt; Bank of Bermuda (Cayman) Limited; Bank of Bermuda (Luxembourg) S.A.; Bank Medici AG; Ernst & Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 27. Young; Primeo Fund; Herald Fund SPC; HSBC Holdings plc; HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Ireland) Ltd.; HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Ltd.; HSBC Securities Services (Luxembourg) S.A.; Pioneer Alternative Investment Management Limited; Pricewaterhouse Coopers; Thema International Fund plc; Unicredit S.A.; individual defendants/ Fabian Perrone and Chia-Hung Kao 3/24/09 S.D.N.Y.J. Ezra Merkin; Gabriel Capital Corporation/ Here Equal Investments Limited on behalf of all persons who owned Ariel Fund Ltd. shares as of December 11, 2008 3/25/09 S.D.N.Y.Banco Santander S.A.; Banco SantanderHere International; Optimal Investment Services S.A.; HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Ltd.; individual defendants; PricewaterhouseCoopers/Welinton David Santos; Adolfo Koblecovsky; Alejandro C. Arroyo; Mateo Codinas Abad; Juan Martin Aparicio; Balmica Gestion S.L. on behalf persons owning participating shares in the Optimal Strategic U.S. Equity Series of Optimal Multiadvosiors, Ltd. or the Optimal SUS Ireland Fund (Case Consolidated under Multidistrict Litigation Order, here) 3/31/09 S.D.N.Y.Massachusetts Holding LLC; Massachusetts Here Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp.; New York Life Insurance Company and Annuity Corporation; Rye Investment Management; Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund L.P.; Rye Select Broad Market XL Fund LP; Rye Select Broad Market Insurance Portfolio; Tremont Capital Management; Tremont Opportunity Fund III LP; Tremont (Bermuda) Ltd.: Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; Tremont Partners Inc.; individual defendants/F. Daniel Prickett 4/2/09S.D.N.Y.Beacon Associates Management Corp.; Joel Here Danziger, Esq.; Harris Markhoff; Ivy Asset Management Corporation/ Plumbers Local 112 Health Fund on behalf of all persons who invested in Beacon Associates funds during the period August 9, 2004 to the present 4/3/09D.Colo. Fiserv, Inc.; Fiserve Trust Company; NTC & Here Co.; Trust Industrial Bank; Robert Beriault Holdings, Inc.; Lincoln Trust Company; TD Ameritrade Online Holdings Corp.; TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation/ Eric D. Weinstein on behalf of all persons who were victims of Madoff's fraud through pension or IRA accounts with Fiserv, Inc. et al 4/9/09S.D. Fla. Banco Santander S.A.; Banco SantanderHere Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 28. International; Optimal Investment Services S.A.; Optimal Multiadvisors Ltd.; Optimal Strategic U.S. Equity Ltd.; individual defendants; HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Ireland) Limited; and HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Limited/Antonio Atencia Puado on behalf of investors in Optimal Mulitadvisors who held shares in Optimal Strategic U.S. Equity Ltd. as of December 11, 2008 (Case consolidated under Multidistrict Litigation Order, here) 4/10/09 S.D.N.Y.Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.; TremontHere Partners, Inc.; Tremont (Bermuda) Limited; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corporation; KPMG LLP; KPMG (Cayman)/ Meridian Horizon Fund L.P.; Meridian Diversified Fund L.P.; Meridian Diversified Fund Ltd.; Meridian Diversified ERISA Fund; Meridian Absolute Return ERISA Fund; 4/23/09 S.D.N.Y.Fairfield Greenwich Group; Fairfield Here Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd.; Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC; Fairfield Sentry Limited; individual defendants; Citgo Bank Nederland N.V., Dublin Branch; Citgo Global Custody N.V.; Citgo Fund Services (Europe) B.V.; PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited; PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (US); PricewaterhouseCoopers Bermuda; PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants; PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants/ Nadav Zohar and Ronit Zohar on behalf of all persons invested in Fairfield Sentry Ltd. as of 12/11/08 6/12/09 S.D.N.Y.Kingate Management Limited; FIM Limited; Here FIM Advisers LLP; FIM (USA) Incorporated; PricewaterhouseCoopers; PricewaterhouseCoopers Bermuda; CITI Hedge Fund Services Limited; Bank of Bermuda Limited; individual defendants/Silvana Worldwide Corp. on behalf of investors in Kingate Global Fund 6/24/09 S.D.N.Y.Kingate Management Limited; FIM Limited; Here FIM Advisers LLP; FIM (USA) Incorporated; PricewaterhouseCoopers; PricewaterhouseCoopers Bermuda; CITI Hedge Fund Services Limited; Bank of Bermuda Limited; individual defendants/ Eithan Ephrati on behalf of investors in Kingate Global Fund 6/26/09 S.D.N.Y.Bernard L. Madoff; Kingate ManagementHere Limited; Tremont (Bermuda) Limited; FIM Advisers LLP; CITI Hedge Fund Services; individual defendants/LucienGeldzahler on behalf of persons who invested in Kingate Global Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 29. Fund Ltd. and Kingate Euro Fund Ltd. 8/3/09 S.D.N.Y.Tremont Capital Management, Inc.; Tremont HerePartners Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings, Inc.;Tremont (Bermuda) Limited; Rye InvestmentManagement, Inc.; Oppenheimer AcquisitionCorporation; Massachusetts Mutual LifgeInsurance Company; KPMG LLP; Bank ofNew York Mellon; Ernst & Young; SHLCapital, Ltd; individual defendants/TheLugano Trust; The Hermitage Trust; TheJaybee Trust; The Conick Trust; The SonickTrust; The Clarick Trust and other Trusts 9/17/09N.Y.Sup.Ct. Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P.; Rye HereSelect Broad Market XL Fund, L.P.; TremontPartners, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings;Massachusetts Mutual Life InsuranceCompany; Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp.;Goldstein, Golub, Kessler & Company, LLC;McGladrey & Pullen LLP; KPMG LLP; BNYAlternative Investment Services, Inc.; TheBank of New York Mellon Corp.; Fiserv Inc.;individual defendants/Peter A. Zutty and RobertN. Zutty1/13/10 S.D.N.Y.Tremont Partners/Trustees of the Washington HereState Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry PensionPlan, in their capacity as fiduciaries of the fund,individually and on behalf of all funds governedby ERISA that invested in any commingled fundor separate account managed by Tremont, theassets of which constitute ERISA plan assets3/8/10S.D.Fla.Banco Santander S.A.; Banco Santander HereInternational; Santander Bank and Trust,Ltd.; Optimal Investment Services, S.A.;Manual Echeverria Falla; Manuel SanchezCastillo; Ana Maria Jaureguizar/SolymarInvestments, Ltd.; Astrolite Investments, Ltd.;Sunrays Investments Ltd.Table V: Madoff-Related Insurance Coverage LitigationDateCourt Defendants/Claimants Link D&O Diary Post7/14/09 Minn. Dist. St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company; Here Here Ct.Travelers Casualty and Surety Company ofAmerica/Upshur-Smith Laboratories, Inc.7/15/09S.D.N.Y. Federal Insurance Company/Ann & Hope Inc.;Here HereHelen Realty Co.; Samuel N. Chase; Irwin Chase;Marjorie Chase Alpert Torgan7/20/09 Sup. Ct. N.J. Allied World National Assurance Company;HereWestchester Surplus Lines InsuranceCompany; United States Fire InsuranceCompany; Axis Surplus Lines InsuranceCompany/ Bleznack Black LLC8/10/09 Del. Chanc. Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, London;HereCt. Continental Casualty Company, FederalCopyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix 30. Insurance Company; Twin City Insurance Company; U.S. Specialty Insurance Company; National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Zurich American Insurance Company; Ace American Insurance Company; XL Specialty Insurance Company; Axis Insurance Company; RLI Insurance Company; Great American Insurance Company; ACE USA/ACE US Holdings, Inc./ Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; MassMutual Holding LLC; Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.; Tremont Group Holdings; Tremont Partners, Inc.; Tremont (Bermuda) Limited; Rye Select Broad Market Fund, L.P.; Rye Select Broad Market Insurance Fund, L.P.; Tremont Market Neutral Fund, L.P.; Tremont Opportunity Fund III, L.P.; Rye Select Broad Market Portfolio Limited; Rye Select Broad Market Prime Fund, L.P.; Rye Select Board Market XL Fund 8/19/09S.D.N.Y. AIG International Group, Inc.; AIGHere Here International Insurance Company of California, Inc.; AIU Holdings, Inc.; Chartis Insurance/Robert and Harelene Horowitz on behalf of all Madoff investors who also had homeowners insurance policies with Fraud SafeGuard coverage 8/27/09D.Conn.The Travelers Companies; St. Paul Mercury Here Insurance Company/Associated Community Bancorp; Connecticut Community Bank; Westport National Bank; Dennis Clark 12/9/09S.D.N.Y. Firemans Fund Insurance Companies/Sharon Here Lissauer 12/21/09 S.D.N.Y. Austin Capital Management, Ltd.; Austin Here Capital Management GP Corp.; individual defendants; Victory Capital Management; KeyCorp/Laborers District Council Pension and Disability Trust Fund No.2; Justin Meighan and George Maloney, Trustees Copyright 2010 Kevin M. LaCroix