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Madison's NeoClock - A PIC + KiCAD + NeoPixel adventure Created by David Littell Last updated on 2018-08-22 03:43:15 PM UTC

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Madison's NeoClock - A PIC + KiCAD + NeoPixel adventureCreated by David Littell

Last updated on 2018-08-22 03:43:15 PM UTC



Guide Contents

Guide ContentsThe BackstoryRubber, meet RoadEschew PallorConnect the DotsHard TimesParting Shots

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The BackstoryMy name is David Littell. I'm an embedded systems engineer with about 35 years experience with microprocessors,computer hardware, software, and systems of all sizes. I was one of "those" kids that was constantly taking apart (andsometimes even fixing!) all things electronic. I grew up spending my allowance at Radio Shack for kits, books, andparts and my nights with fingers glued to shortwave radios. At age 15 I built a Processor Technology Sol-20 from thekit - one of the only kids in my home state to have a computer (in 1978). It worked at first power-up. (I still have it and it(probably) still works - resurrection is yet another item on the bucket list.)

Fast-forward a few decades and I now have a daughter that loves when Daddy builds things for her. I had noticed theNeoPixels at Adafruit and thought they'd be interesting to work with, so I ordered a NeoPixel Ring-12 and startedstudying the Data Sheet. Slippery slope, that...

One idea led to another led to an avalanche of "Hey! This might actually work! What about this…" and the next thing Iknew I was learning KiCad to design my first board to drive NeoPixel rings to make a desk clock for my daughter. Enter Madison's NeoClock:

Well, these are the famed NeoPixels so I wanted to use color in a sane but interesting way.

And wow will they light up a room at night! Sleeping in sunglasses isn't all that comfortable, so what can be doneabout that? Should it throttle back based on only time or can it somehow know the brightness around itself?

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Where to begin? Where the rubber meets the road, I think: creating a bitstream for the NeoPixels. There are manyoptions that work well but I already had a few Microchip PIC's that I'd been using in other projects. Can this do thejob? Time to visit those WS2812 and PIC Data Sheets...

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Rubber, meet RoadThe tough part about using NeoPixels is the 1-wire control protocol. Frankly, looking at the WS2812 Data Sheet for thefirst time gave me the creeps!

I like my protocols & interfacing simple. This ain't quite what I had in mind. So what now?

OK, if you stand right here and squint like this and the light is just right...there it is! There is a way to push a little here,pull a little there, and get the "0-code" and "1-code" overall durations to match while still having reasonable T0H andT1H times. That's what I needed because I'm using one of the PIC CCP (Capture Compare PWM) modules in PWMmode to create 0's and an additional CCP in PWM mode to create 1's. The CCP's in PWM mode have some constraintsand this (from the PIC's Data Sheet) is pretty much all I know:

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Ha! Now I have a constant stream of 0's and a constant stream of 1's. Great. Full on or full off - take your pick.However, I want this clock to be colorful which means I need 0's and 1's intermixed. To do that, there's a wicked-coollittle spoonfull of voodoo in the PIC's bag of tricks - the Data Signal Modulator (DSM):

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Now this is cool: one "carrier" is the PWM stream of 0 bits and the other "carrier" is the PWM stream of 1 bits. The"modulated data" will be the output of one of the MSSP's in SPI mode. This is coming together!

Then Reality comes stomping in and kicks your nice little Lego house all over the room: the MSSP in SPI mode simplywill not be convinced to output bytes back-to-back. There's no way around this little 1 clock lapse between bytestransmitted by the SPI hardware. Well, that just throws a big ol' monkey wrench into my plan...

So instead, I'll try something else - pushing data through bit-by-bit via the handy MDBIT input to the DSM.

That's where this portion of the adventure ended up - with a little help from the interrupt-on-change inputs so the codecan know exactly when to flip MDBIT to a 0 or a 1 to keep the output bitstream coherent. It's not as fire-and-forget asSPI but I did indeed learn a lot while writing (and rewriting and rewriting...) those 400 lines of PIC assembly. WooHooFUN!

So now I can finally talk to this thing - what do I want to tell it?

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Eschew PallorNeoPixels are all about color - beautiful, vibrant, in some cases retina-scorching, color. But this project is supposed tobe a clock, not a beacon for alien spacecraft entering orbit. I want a color palette that's interesting over a 24-hourperiod but not extreme or overwhelming.

It's like they always say: "There's a sinusoid for that!" (Well, maybe not always...) After way too much geekiness with aspreadsheet I settled on something like this:

One "special effect" I was interested in implementing was a tapering before and after the brightest point (whichindicates the actual time on the clock). A number of false starts and bad ideas later I ended up with something likethis:

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But not before having too much fun with the Mac's Grapher (which I now know I am nowhere near smart enough toactually use...):

Using the NeoPixel ring-12 to represent hours and the ring-24 to represent minutes was OK, but I wanted a littlesomething extra (feature creep alert!) for seconds. It had to be different from both the hours and the minutesrepresentation and still be (relatively) obvious. Enter the white chasing taper. A white dot makes the round of the ring-12 each second and is "chased" by a few more tapering-intensity white dots. All that doesn't disturb (too much) thering-12's hour display and its own tapering.

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Connect the DotsAfter adding the ability to sense ambient light so it can calm itself when the light is dim I finally realized that the clock'stiming was drifting all over the place. The ultimate answer, of course, was more cowbell! Juggling pins on the PICfreed up the I2C signals for the newly added ChronoDot and Frankenstein's monster was (nearly) complete.

Sub-adventure 37a in this saga required learning KiCad to get the schematic onto something other than taped-together scribble sheets, a visit to Dave's Hack-a-matic Board Layout Shack, and my first shot at a getting multipleboards to fit together.

The overall circuitry is straightforward as most of the magic is in the software and the stitching together of the variousPIC modules:

The power section was interesting as I tried to incorporate the recommendations from the ST LM317 Data Sheet andlessons learned from working with some really good hardware designers. Mistakes are mine alone - but it hasn'tsmoked yet!

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Hard TimesAfter all that (and then some) I still needed to make a physical printed circuit board. That meant more fun with KiCad,which I do like pretty well. I spent a lot of time hunting down component parts and footprints and such - definitely onmy faves list. But I somehow managed to produce something that OSH Park could manufacture:

I'm sure some layout guys are busily sharpening their knives and I know there's much, much, much I don't know. Mydefense:

I came,

I saw,

I hacked,

Deal. ;-)

One particular challenge was placement of the connectors to which the NeoPixel rings attach. I had to bumble aroundin Eagle enough to understand how the power and data connectors were placed in its coordinate frame and thentranslate that into KiCad's. I still have bruises on my scalp from standing on my head (and in the end I had to prettymuch just guess on the additional ring-24 power and grounds). I whipped up yet another spreadsheet to help me workout the translation:

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In the end, I think it came together very well. Madison loves it and keeps it on her desk. I had a blast, learned a lotalong the way, and stretched myself more than a little. I lost count early on of how many hours I put into this but it'sbeen like many other projects over the years - some little nugget I learned here is guaranteed to help in anotherproject later on.

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Parting ShotsHere, then, are the guts of the finished article:

Artistic lighting? Totally unintentional - I'm just as much of a hack with photography...

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