madhu pandit - krishna voice 2009 05(may)

May 2009 Vol 10, No. 5 Rs.15

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Madhu Pandit Dasa the president of ISKCON Bangalore | Madhu Pandit the chairman of The Akshaya Patra Foundation.


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May 2009Vol 10, No. 5


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The moola vigrahas of Sri Radha Krishna Chandra, Sri Krishna Balarama and Sri Nitai Gauranga wereoffered an elaborate abhisheka which is the first They have received since Their installation in 1997.This is the once-in-twelve-year Kumbhabhishekam and They will continue to receive this every twelveyears. Enthusiastic devotees gathered in the temple hall to commemorate this event. Here, Sri RadhaKrishna Chandra are showered with flowers as part of the abhisheka (top), Sri Krishna Balarama arebathed in exotic fruit juice (below left) and Sri Gaura Nitai are bathed in milk (below right).

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His Divine Grace A. C. BhaktivedantaSwami Prabhupada, founder- acharyaof the International Society forKrishna Consciousness, came toAmerica in 1965, at age 69, to fulfillhis spiritual master’s request that heteach the science of Krishnaconsciousness throughout the English-speaking world. In a dozen years hepublished some seventy volumes oftranslation and commentary on India’sVedic literature, and these are nowstandard in universities worldwide.Meanwhile, travelling almost nonstop,Srila Prabhupada moulded hisinternational society into a world wideconfederation of ashramas, schools,temples and farm communities. Hepassed away in 1977, in Vrindavana,the place most sacred to Lord Krishna.His disciples and followers are carryingforward the movement he started.

Published and owned by Sankirtana SevaTrust, editing by Chamari Devi Dasi. Layout,design and graphics by ISKCON Design Group,Bangalore. For all information contact:Editor, Krishna Voice, SST, Hare Krishna Hill,Chord Road, Bangalore - 560 010 INDIA,Phone: 91-80-2347 1956, 91-80-2357 8346,FAX: 91-80-2357 8625. © 2009 SankirtanaSeva Trust, Bangalore. All Krishna art andthe works of Srila Prabhupada are © BBTInternational. All rights reserved throughoutthe world. Reproduction in any manner isstrictly prohibited. Printed for ISKCON,Bangalore, at Manipal Printers (P) Ltd.,Manipal

May 2009Vol 10, No.5


Leadership and the Earth's Supply 4

Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out 8

Cover pages-4 Text pages-36

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Leadership and the Earth's SupplyHow much the earth gives forth her bounty depends on the spiritual quality of those who rule her lands.

A lecture given in Tehran, Iran, on March 13, 1975by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

nisamya bhismoktam athacyutoktampravrtta-vijnana-vidhuta-vibhramah

sasasa gam indra ivajitasrayahparidhyupantam anujanuvartitah

kamam vavarsa parjanyahsarva-kama-dugha mahisisicuh sma vrajan gavah

payasodhasvatir muda

Maharaja Yudhisthira, after being enlightened by what was spoken by Bhismadeva and Lord Sri Krishna, theinfallible, engaged himself in matters of perfect knowledge because all his misgivings were eradicated. Thus heruled over the earth and seas and was followed by his younger brothers.

During the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira, the clouds showered all the water that people needed, and the earthproduced all the necessities of man in profusion. Due to its fatty milk bag and cheerful attitude, the cow used tomoisten the grazing ground with milk.—Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.10.3-4

After the Battle of Kurukshetra, Yudhisthira Maharaja was unwilling to accept the kingdom. He thought, "For meso many men have been killed on the battlefield. I am so sinful. I am not fit for the throne." But great personalitieslike Bhismadeva, Lord Krishna, and Vyasadeva requested, "No, there is no fault with you. It was a fight. It wasright. So you can reign."

Yudhisthira thought, "These great personalities have given their opinion that there was no wrong on my part." Sohe agreed to rule.

It is said here, sasasa gam indra ivajitasrayah: "He ruled the earth as perfectly as King Indra rules heaven." Howwas Yudhisthira able to do that? Ajitasrayah—he ruled completely as a devotee. The king can rule the country—the world—if he takes shelter of Krishna. Ajitasrayah means "Krishna conscious, God conscious." A Krishnaconscious person, one advised by the shastra, scripture, can rule the whole world or any part of the world exactlylike Indra, the king of heaven, who rules perfectly.

[Reads from his purport to text 3:] "The modern English law of primogeniture, or the law of inheritance by thefirstborn, was also prevalent in those days when Maharaja Yudhisthira ruled the earth and the seas. In those daysthe king of Hastinapura (now part of New Delhi) was the emperor of the world, including the seas, up to the timeof Maharaja Parikshit, the grandson of Maharaja Yudhisthira. Maharaja Yudhisthira's younger brothers were actingas his minister and commanders of state, and there was full cooperation between the perfectly religious brothersof the king.

"Maharaja Yudhisthira was the ideal king or representative of Lord Sri Krishna to rule over the kingdom of earthand was comparable to King Indra, the representative ruler of the heavenly planet. The demigods like Indra,Chandra, Surya, Varuna, and Vayu are representative kings of different planets of the universe. And similarlyMaharaja Yudhisthira was also one of them, ruling over the kingdom of the earth.

"Maharaja Yudhisthira was not a typically unenlightened political leader of modern democracy. Maharaja Yudhisthirawas instructed by Bhismadeva and the infallible Lord also, and therefore he had full knowledge of everything inperfection.

"The modern elected executive head of the state is just like a puppet because he has no kingly power. Even ifhe is enlightened like Maharaja Yudhisthira, he cannot do anything out of his own good will due to his constitutionalposition. Therefore, there are so many states over the earth quarreling because of ideological differences or otherselfish motives. But a king like Maharaja Yudhisthira had no ideology of his own. He had but to follow the instructionof the infallible Lord and the Lord's representative and the authorized agent, Bhismadeva.

"It is instructed in the shastras that one should follow the great authority and the infallible Lord without any personal

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motive and manufactured ideology. Therefore, it was possible for Maharaja Yudhisthira to rule the whole world,including the seas, because the principles were infallible and universally applicable to everyone.

"The conception of one world state can only be fulfilled if we can follow the infallible authority. An imperfect humanbeing cannot create an ideology acceptable to everyone. Only the perfect and the infallible can create a programwhich is applicable at every place and can be followed by all in the world. It is the person who rules, and not theimpersonal government. If the person is perfect, the government is perfect. If the person is a fool, the governmentis a fool's paradise. That is the law of nature.

"There are so many stories of imperfect kings or executive heads. Therefore, the executive head must be a trainedperson like Maharaja Yudhisthira, and he must have the full autocratic power to rule over the world. The conceptionof a world state can take shape only under the regime of a perfect king like Maharaja Yudhisthira. The world washappy in those days because there were kings like Maharaja Yudhisthira to rule over the world."

Everything from the Earth

Let the king follow Maharaja Yudhisthira and show an example of how monarchy can make a perfect state. Hecan do that if he follows the instructions in the shastras. He will get the power.

Because Yudhisthira Maharaja was a perfect king, a representative of Krishna, it is said of his rule, kamam vavarsaparjanyah: "During the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira, the clouds showered all the water people needed."

Parjanyah means "rainfall." Rainfall is the basic principle of supply for all necessities of life. Therefore Krishna saysin the Bhagavad-gita:

annad bhavanti bhutaniparjanyad anna-sambhavah

yajnad bhavati parjanyoyajnah karma-samudbhavah

"All living bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from rains. Rains are produced by performance ofyajna [sacrifice], and yajna is born of prescribed duties."

The head of state is responsible to see that everyone is happy—both man and animal. The rascal state executivessometimes make a show of benefiting man, but they do nothing to benefit the animals. Why this injustice? Theanimals are also born in this land. They are also living entities. They may be animals, with less intelligence thanman, but does that mean slaughterhouses should be constructed for killing them? Is that justice?

Also, the king should give shelter to anyone who comes to his state. Why should he make distinctions? If a personcomes and says, "Sir, I want to live in your state," that person must be given all facilities. Why this, "No, no, youcannot come. You are American. You are Indian. You are ... "?

If a king follows the Vedic principles, he will be an ideal king. He will be a good leader. And nature will help him.Therefore it is said that during the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira, sarva-kama-dugha mahi: "The earth producedall the necessities of man in profusion." Mahi means "the earth." You get all your necessities from the earth. Theyfall from the sky in the form of rain. People do not know the science of how things come from the earth. Undercertain conditions and astral influences the rain falls, and then so many things are produced—the valuable stones,the pearls. People do not know how these things come.

If the king is pious, nature cooperates to help him. And if the king or the government is impious, then nature willnot cooperate. We get information about this from the Fourth Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. When the earthwas not supplying, the king, Prthu Maharaja, was about to punish her. She said, "This is my duty. Because peopleare demons, I must restrict the supply."

Leaders think that simply by passing a resolution in the Parliament they will make everything come. They thinkthey can be rascals and everyone will be happy. But the leaders will not make the world happy, and their behaviorwill simply deteriorate more and more.

The Only Sacrifice

Krishna never says, "The factory will make the people healthy and strong." But government rascals are promotingfactories. Then how will the people be happy? By performing ugra-karma—"horrible work"—the people will beunhappy, dissatisfied rogues. Where has Krishna said, "Open factories for economic development"? Nowhere.

Here it is said that all economic development will be complete simply by regular rainfall. Kamam vavarsa parjanyah.Kamam means "all necessities of life." Modern scientists, philosophers, and politicians do not know this. We are

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getting so many things. How are they supplied? It is clearly said, kamam vavarsa parjanyah: "The necessities aresupplied by rain." And how will the rain be regular? Yajnad bhavati parjanyah: "By yajna, sacrifice."

Where are sacrifices to be found? In Kali-yuga, the present age of quarrel and hypocrisy, sacrifices are very difficultto perform. There is no money. There are no qualified brahmanas. Therefore the shastra says, yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah: "In Kali-yuga intelligent persons will perform the sacrifice of chanting the holy namesof the Lord." Those who have brain substance, not cow dung, in their heads will take this process.

Let everyone chant Hare Krishna, in every home. Whatever people have, all right. Just begin chanting. Just seewhat happens. We are trying to introduce the chanting, but rascals will not take it. There is no loss if people chantHare Krishna worldwide. Where is the loss? But still, they will not.

Everything can be had from the chanting. Sarva-kama-dugha mahi. The earth is the mother, and Krishna hasarranged that everything will come from the earth. Everything is coming. The rose is coming, the mine is coming,the gold is coming, the coal is coming, the petrol is coming. Everything is there in the earth. And if there is regularrainfall, you get everything you need. And by performing sacrifice, you get regular rainfall. In this age all othertypes of sacrifice are impossible:

harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalamkalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha

"In the Age of Kali one can attain the goal of life by chanting the holy names of the Lord. There is no other way."

So introduce the chanting of Hare Krishna. What is the loss for people? Let the chanting go on home to home,office to office, factory to factory. Let there be factories, but let all the factory members be engaged in chanting,and supply them prasadam, food offered to Krishna. There will be no more strikes. There will be no more communistmovements. Everything is available. Everything will be all right.

The Krishna consciousness movement is not sentimental fanaticism. It is not a religious movement. It is a scientificmovement for the good of the whole world. We have to convince people of this by our character, by our behavior.Then people will accept the Krishna consciousness movement.

Now they think it is a type of religious movement. And for them "religious" means fanaticism. Krishna consciousnessis not like that. It is not meant for fighting other religions. The British created fighting between Hindus and Muslims.Before that, there was no religious fight in the history of India. The Kurukshetra fight was political. That was nota religious fight on the basis of "You are Hindu. I am Muslim. Therefore we must fight." There was no such fightingin Indian history.

On the material platform your interest and mine sometimes clash, and there may be fighting. But why fight in Godconsciousness? If everyone is God conscious, where is the question of fighting?

Thank you very much.

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SRILA PRABHUPADA SPEAKS OUT"Science": Dogmatic Foolishness from Advanced Demons

This exchange between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and some of hisdisciples took place in Mayapur, India, on January 16, 1976.

Srila Prabhupada: If a man does not read the Srimad-Bhagavatam, then he remains a rascal.

Disciple: So, Srila Prabhupada, in the ultimate sense,anything apart from the Vedas is not really knowledge.Srila Prabhupada: No. It may be some fragmental

knowledge, but if one wants full knowledgein life, then he must read Bhagavatam—the

pastimes, the dealings, of the Lord and Hisdevotees. Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary

knowledge—ABCD—so that you can distinguishbetween matter and spirit. And then you shouldread Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Formerly all the great leaders of society knew allthese things. Everyone was taught like that. But

now, andha yathandhaih: some big bombastic blindman is leading all the small blind men directlyinto the ditch. Someone is passing as a great

leader—great for giving people wrongdirection, so that they can spoil their lives.The great leader cannot even save himself.He can spoil himself—and others—very nicely.

Disciple: These blind leaders havecreated such chaos, Srila Prabhupada.People's minds have become terriblydisturbed.Sri la Prabhupada: But f rom

Bhagavatam we can offer thescience of transcendental peace


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and tranquility. First we can show everyone, scientifically,how they have left the spiritual world and how they havebecome covered by matter.The materially affected mind is the first creation formaterial enjoyment. From the mind the material sensesare created: five senses for knowledge-gathering andfive senses for working, along with five airs within thebody. And then panca-maha-bhuta, the five basic materialelements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Then materiallyaffected intelligence, and finally ahankara, or false ego,the power to misidentify one's actual, spiritual self withall these material coverings.So in this way the atmas or jivas, spirit souls who onceresided in the spiritual world in full knowledge, are nowliving in ignorance. Some of them are standing, as treesand plants. And some of them are moving, as insects,animals, and humans. But in your so-called civilizationdo you have scientific knowledge of how the soul hasbecome bewildered by this material covering, whichactually he has nothing to do with? Then what is thevalue of your knowledge? Hmm? If you do not knowthese fundamental things, then what is the value of yourknowledge? You are simply observing superficially,externally.But there is good hope. People are receiving thesebooks. So we should take the opportunity of preachingthis Bhagavatam, and classes should be held regularly.Let people study Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, andthey will accept it. They are not fools. Simply we haveto introduce this great science. The Western people arenot fools, but misguided. So you take charge of guidingthem; then this Krishna consciousness movement willbe successful. People will appreciate, they will take itup and reform, and their life will be successful.But if they utilize their intelligence merely for developingbetter ways to kill the child within the womb and forclaiming, "The child in the womb has no soul—the soulcomes after birth," then what is this nonsense? Unlessthe child in the womb has a soul, how can he manifestlife symptoms?Disciple: Well, Srila Prabhupada, it's quite obvious thatsince the child in the womb is growing and reacting tostimuli, then he must have a soul.Srila Prabhupada: Yes. The same growing processthat we observe later in life, outside the womb, is goingon from the very beginning, within the womb. Thematerial body is developing. That's all. Everyone knowsthat the baby outside the womb has a soul, so how canyou say that the baby in the womb has no soul? If he

has no soul, how is his body growing and developing?Such rascals—they are passing as big scientists. Whatreasoning do they give for claiming that the baby in thewomb has no soul?Disciple: They don't really have an argument.Srila Prabhupada: Just see. All dogmatic. All dogmaticfoolishness that they are propagating. And this is goingon in the name of vijnana, science. Real vijnana shouldbe enunciated.Vijnana: vi- and jnana. Actually, vijnana has twomeanings. One is visishta-jnana, or genuine knowledge,fully realized and articulated, or enunciated. You cantake this meaning. And the other meaning of vijnana isvigata-jnana, or pseudo knowledge, knowledge lost orstolen by illusion.So these "scientists"—their "vijnana," or "science," isvigata-jnana, knowledge stolen by illusion, so-calledknowledge bereft of all real knowledge. That sense isgiven in Bhagavad-gita: mayayapahrta-jnanah—maya,or illusion, has utterly taken away these people'sknowledge, and yet their so-called knowledge is goingon as vijnana, science. Maya has made these peoplerascals, but they are presenting themselves as men ofadvanced knowledge. That is the defect of Kali-yuga,this age of hypocrisy.Disciple: Advanced demoniac knowledge.Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Advanced demons. Actually,they are advanced demons. Asuras. Asuram-bhavamasritah—they are infected with the contamination ofatheism, godlessness.Disciple: Of course, Srila Prabhupada, one thing youcan say for these so-called scientists: They know thescience of avoiding the real issues. In that sense, theyreally are expert.Srila Prabhupada: A child can also avoid the real issues.That is not expert. A child without guidance can alsoadvance very nicely in foolishness. And when the foolishchild touches the fire and burns his hand, some otherfool may say, "Oh, this is advancement of knowledge."Similarly, in this material world all these rascals areendeavoring for the advancement of their foolishknowledge. They are following in the footsteps of thatancient demon Hiranyakashipu. He also tried to ignorethe soul and the Supreme Soul and tried to immortalizehis material body, which is impossible. But just likeHiranyakashipu, today's rascals have become veryadvanced in that foolishness.

May 20 EkadashiMay 21 break fast

Jun 3 EkadashiJun 4 break fast

Jun 5 Panihati Chida Dahi Utsava

Fasting Festivals

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The deity or archa vigraha is the form that the Supreme Lord resides in, to accept the offeringsof His devotees and to give them an opportunity to personally relate with Him in this materialworld. Although the Supreme Lord is transcendental to matter and His form is spiritual, Hepermeates all matter, including stone, wood and metal. Worshipping His deity form is non differentfrom worshipping the Lord directly. Vedic scriptures mention a variety of materials that may beused to create the deity.Every year, the Brahmotsava festival is held on Hare Krishna Hill to commemorate the appearanceof the Deities here – Sri Radha Krishna Chandra, Sri Krishna Balarama, Sri Nitai Gauranga,Sri Srinivasa Govinda and Sri Prahlada Narasimha. This year was the twelfth anniversary ofTheir Lordships’ appearance and special Kumbhabhisheka ceremonies preceded the Brahmotsavacelebrations. At a unique event that takes place only once in twelve years, the moola vigrahaof the temple were offered an elaborate kumbhabhisheka on April 3, 2009. The temple was filledwith throngs of eager devotees witnessing this grand ceremony.From April 8 to 19, the colourful Brahmotsava celebrations with vahana utsavas, dolotsava,kalyanutsavas and churna abhisheka were celebrated. Every evening the devotees participatedin the vahana utsavas and with the Lord they witnessed dance and music performances thatwere held for the pleasure of Their Lordships. Fireworks lit up the sky during the vahana utsavas.The festival culminated with the churna abhisheka ceremony when all the utsava vigraha of thetemple received a ceremonial bath together in the main temple hall, an event that takes placeonly once every year. After ten hectic days of exciting festivities followed by a relaxing churnaabhisheka, Their Lordships Sri Radha Krishna Chandra were taken on a tranquil ride on a flowerdecorated barge in the temple kalyani, during the Theppotsava.


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Ananta Sesha VahanaAnanta Shayana Alankara


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Ashva VahanaKalki Alankara


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Surya Prabha VahanaNavneet Nartana Krishna Alankara


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Hanumad VahanaSeeta Rama Pattabhisheka Alankara


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Garuda VahanaAshtabhuja Narayana Alankara


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Hamsa VahanaMohini Alankara


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Kalpa Vriksha VahanaVenu Gopala Alankara


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Gaja VahanaRaja Rani Alankara


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Maha PallakiRadha Raja Gopala Alankara


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Brahma RathaVrindavan Krishna Vishesha Alankara


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Churnabhishekato Sri RadhaKrishna-chandraand Sri Krishna,Rukmini &Satyabhama...

... Sri KrishnaBalarama...

... and Sri NitaiGauranga,Sri PrahladaNarasimha andSri SudarshanaNarasimha.


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Sri Krishna Balarama now in Bellary

The Akshaya Patra kitchen facility in Bellary now includes a small temple where the Deities of Sri Krishna and His elderbrother Balarama are housed. The prana prathishtapana of these Deities took place on March 18, 2009. A grand abhishekafollowed (above) and later the devotees had darshana of Them in Their gorgeous dresses (below).

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News from Hubli-Dharwad

Sri Gaura Nitai receive abhisheka onthe occasion of the appearance of LordGauranga, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Alankara of Sri Krishna and Balaramaas Lord Rama and Lakshmana, along

with Sita Devi and Hanuman onSri Rama Navami.

Shreya Utsava—A festival forthe youth to create awarenessof spiritual values.

Sri Krishna Contests—Schoolchildren participated in

contests with themesconnected to Lord Krishna.

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Sri Gaura Purnima(below) The Deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitaiwere offered elaborated abhishekam onGaura Purnima day. At right, They enjoy aboar ride during the Theppotsava.

News from Mysore

ISKCON Hubli Restaurant Inauguration

Chief Guest, cine actorSri Ramesh Aravind, cutsthe cake at the openingof The Higher Tastegarden restaurant atISKCON Hubli.

Sri Rama Navami(right) On Sri Ramanavami day, the Deitiesof Sri Sri Krishna Balarama were adornedas Sri Rama and Sri Lakshmana. In theevening, Rama Taraka yajna wasperformed for the pleasure of LordRamachandra. Sri C H Vijayshankar, BJPleader, former MP, came to witness thearati and participated in sankirtana. Nearly4000 visitors participated in the festivaland received prasadam.

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Bangalore City Civil Courtdeclares ISKCON Bangalore

the absolute owner of the templeon Hare Krishna Hill, Bangalore

In a nine year old litigation between ISKCON-Bangalore and ISKCON-Mumbai over the ownership of the SriRadha Krishna Temple on Hare Krishna Hill, Rajajinagar, the Bangalore City Civil Court passed a judgementon April 17th, 2009, declaring ISKCON-Bangalore as the absolute owner of the Sri Radha Krishna Temple andthat ISKCON-Mumbai has no right to interfere in the affairs of ISKCON-Bangalore. ISKCON-Bangalore is anindependent society registered in Karnataka in 1978 under Karnataka Society Registration Act and ISKCON-Mumbai is a separate society registered in Mumbai.

The genesis of the dispute was the difference that arose between the devotees of ISKCON-Bangalore andISKCON-Mumbai on the issue of spiritual succession in ISKCON after Srila Prabhupada’s time. Srila Prabhupada,the founder acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), before the time of hispassing away had noted that none of his disciples (who were mostly young westerners) were qualified tooccupy the spiritual post of Acharya. And hence he had not appointed any of them to the post of Acharya buthad given a written directive that he shall remain the Acharya of the ISKCON organization in future also.

But soon after Srila Prabhupada’s passing away, his leading western disciples conspired to declare themselvesas Acharyas and occupied the spiritually and managerially powerful position of authority that enabled themto lord over the lives of devotees, ISKCON properties and large sums of money. This has led to thousandsof cases of abuse of power, sexual, mental and physical mistreatment of devotees and children, disrepute tothe ISKCON organization (especially in the US media), and even murder of devotees.

In 1999, the devotees of ISKCON-Bangalore became aware for the first time of Srila Prabhupada’s writtendirections on spiritual succession. The devotees under the leadership of Madhu Pandit Dasa, President,ISKCON-Bangalore, opposed the prevalent flawed practice in ISKCON and declared to the world that theywill only follow the written directive of Srila Prabhupada on spiritual succession and not the present corruptsystem of self-appointed gurus.

These self-appointed western gurus were angry that ISKCON-Bangalore temple, which is considered the mostsuccessful, popular and rich temple in the ISKCON world, was slipping away from their control. They directedISKCON-Mumbai which is also largely controlled by the self-appointed gurus, to take control of the ISKCON-Bangalore temple and it’s administration. They even made an attempt to oust the office bearers of ISKCON-Bangalore and take over the ISKCON-Bangalore temple.

In the year 2001, ISKCON-Bangalore represented by the Secretary, Stoka Krishna Dasa, filed a case inBangalore City Civil Court against ISKCON-Mumbai praying that ISKCON-Mumbai should be restrained frominterfering with the affairs of ISKCON-Bangalore. This case was heard by the Judge Sri B. Balakrishna inCourt Hall no.5 and after several months of day-to-day hearing, as directed by the Supreme Court of India,the judgment was pronounced on April 17th, 2009.

“This is a great victory for Srila Prabhupada. His movement has been hijacked by self appointed gurus, muchagainst his instructions,” said Madhu Pandit Dasa, President, ISKCON-Bangalore. “In Bangalore, we revereonly Srila Prabhupada as the Acharya of ISKCON, and not the self-appointed gurus. And it has always beenour prayer to Lord Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada that if They so desire, let the position of Srila Prabhupadaas the sole Acharya of ISKCON in Bangalore temple and our affiliated temples be not disturbed. SrilaPrabhupada has answered our prayers and the court has declared that ISKCON-Bangalore is a separateindependent entity and that ISKCON-Mumbai cannot interfere with the affairs of ISKCON-Bangalore. We thankall those who have been supportive of our cause.”

It is also significant that the court had posted for judgment on April 17th, 2009, after four postponements. AndApril 17th was exactly the 12th anniversary of the installation of the Deities on Hare Krishna Hill. The devoteescelebrated the Brahmotsava festival that evening, carrying Their Lordships Sri Radha Krishna-Chandra onthe Brahma Ratha with great jubilation.

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KumbhabhishekamSrimati Radharani is offered a sahasra dhara snana during the Kumbhabhishekam

Page 33: Madhu Pandit - Krishna voice 2009 05(may)

Krishna Voice Monthly Magazine, May 2009 Vol10, No.5 Price Rs 15/-Posted on 5th or 10th of the Month at MBC, Manipal, License to post without prepayment No. W

PP(CO-8), Reg No. KA/BGGPO2521/ 2009-11, Registered with Registrar of Newspapers for India under No. RNI 71022/99, Posted at MBC, Manipal, 576104.

