madgearu ccdj 24

ALEXANDRU MADGEARU. A STICK WITH DOVE HEAD FOUND AT HALMYRIS Abstract: In depozitul Institutului de Cercetdri Eco-Muzeale din Tulcea se pdstreazd o bagheti fragmentari de bronz, descoperitf, in cursul sdpaturilor arheologice de la Halmyris (nr. inv. 39.645). Ea are lungimeatotali de 110 mm gi un profil pAtrat cu laturade 3 mm. El esteomamentat cu incizii care imitf, penajul.Se disting ochii 9i ciocul. Obiectesimilare s-au descoperit in mai multe situri din Bulgaria, Serbi4 Ungaria, Romdnia, Spaniapi Germania. Cele intregi au la capitul opus o verigd. Deqi nu gtim nimic despre contextul stratigrafic din care provine acest obiect de la Halmyris, considerim necesardstudierea lui, din cauza raritiltrii acestor baghete.Pdnd in prezent, in Dobrogea s-a mai descoperit, din cdte cunoaftem, doar un singur exemplar in afara celui de la Halmyris, gi anumela Ulmetum. Baghetasemnalatd la Troesmisde cdtreOctavianBozu in studiul la carene vom referi mai jos, conform informa{iilor datede Florin Topoleanu, este de fapt cea de la Halmyris. Keywords:stick, religious,christianity In the depository of the Institute for Eco-MusealResearches from Tulcea is preserved a fragmentary bronzestick, found during the archaeological excavations at Halmyris (nr.39.645). The object has a total length of 110 mm and a quadrate sectionof 3 x 3 mm. The profile becomes rhombic toward the upper part (7 mm diameter).The end of this upper part is decorated with a dove placed on a base high of 8 mm. The lengthof the stickwithoutthe dove is 87 mm. The dove is 18 mm length and 13 mm high, and it is decorated with incisions that represent the plumage. The eyesand the beakare also figured (Fig. 1 and 2). Similar objectswere found in several placesfrom Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Spain,Franceand Gennany.The entirepieces have a link at the opposite end. Although we do not know the stratigraphiccontext of this object from Halmyris, we considerthat it deserves a study, because such piecesare quite rare. In Dobrudja was found only one more stick, at Ulmetum. The piece mentioned at Troesmis by Octavian Bozu in the paper quoted below, according to an oral information provided by Florin Topoleanu, is in fact the same with that from Halmyris. The first study dedicated to these stickswas written by HermannVetters, who discussed the sevenpiecesfound at Sadovec during Ivan Velkov's excavations in Institutul de Cercetiri Militare Bucuregti, e-mail: [email protected] 221

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Page 1: Madgearu CCDJ 24



Abstract: In depozitul Institutului de Cercetdri Eco-Muzeale din Tulcea se pdstreazd o baghetifragmentari de bronz, descoperitf, in cursul sdpaturilor arheologice de la Halmyris (nr. inv. 39.645).Ea are lungimea totali de 110 mm gi un profil pAtrat cu latura de 3 mm. El este omamentat cu inciziicare imitf, penajul. Se disting ochii 9i ciocul. Obiecte similare s-au descoperit in mai multe situri dinBulgaria, Serbi4 Ungaria, Romdnia, Spania pi Germania. Cele intregi au la capitul opus o verigd.Deqi nu gtim nimic despre contextul stratigrafic din care provine acest obiect de la Halmyris,considerim necesard studierea lui, din cauza raritiltrii acestor baghete. Pdnd in prezent, in Dobrogeas-a mai descoperit, din cdte cunoaftem, doar un singur exemplar in afara celui de la Halmyris, gianume la Ulmetum. Bagheta semnalatd la Troesmis de cdtre Octavian Bozu in studiul la care ne vomreferi mai jos, conform informa{iilor date de Florin Topoleanu, este de fapt cea de la Halmyris.

Keywords: stick, religious, christianity

In the depository of the Institute for Eco-Museal Researches from Tulcea ispreserved a fragmentary bronze stick, found during the archaeological excavationsat Halmyris (nr.39.645). The object has a total length of 110 mm and a quadratesection of 3 x 3 mm. The profile becomes rhombic toward the upper part (7 mmdiameter). The end of this upper part is decorated with a dove placed on a basehigh of 8 mm. The length of the stickwithoutthe dove is 87 mm. The dove is 18mm length and 13 mm high, and it is decorated with incisions that represent theplumage. The eyes and the beak are also figured (Fig. 1 and 2).

Similar objects were found in several places from Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary,Romania, Spain, France and Gennany. The entire pieces have a link at the oppositeend. Although we do not know the stratigraphic context of this object fromHalmyris, we consider that it deserves a study, because such pieces are quite rare.In Dobrudja was found only one more stick, at Ulmetum. The piece mentioned atTroesmis by Octavian Bozu in the paper quoted below, according to an oralinformation provided by Florin Topoleanu, is in fact the same with that fromHalmyris.

The first study dedicated to these sticks was written by Hermann Vetters, whodiscussed the seven pieces found at Sadovec during Ivan Velkov's excavations in

Institutul de Cercetiri Militare Bucuregti, e-mail: [email protected]


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the 1930's'. He pointed to several analogies in Spain, Germany and Switzerland,reaching the conclusion that the sticks with dove were transported by the Gothsfrom Danube to these regions, and that they represent ,.the bird of the soul,,, afuneral symbol. The symbol of the bird was considered by Vetters an element ofS$1ho-Sarmatian origin. Most of the sticks known by Vetters are dated in the 6rhcentury.2 Some of thern have pairs of doves. The sticls *"r" p.oa*J u,

" ri"*

in moulds. In spain, at cacabelos, was found a mould for sticks (Fig. 3).3 J ----'o

A religious significance was also proposed by Dortle Jankovii, who hasascribed the sticks to the believers of the Bonosiac heresy, recorded in largenumber until the 6th century around Aquis in Dacia Ripensis,'an area where manysuch sticks were found. Jankovi6 supposed that these ,ti"k, *.r" put on the neckinstead of the crosses o. This heresy was initiated by the bishop Bonosus of Naissusat the end of the 4th century (he sustained that Mary did not remain always virginand it seems that he also denied the divine nature of Jesus Christ). fne nerJsyfound followers not only in Dacia Mediterranea, but also in other Balkanprovinces, as well as in Hispania, Gallia and Burgundy. Bishop Niceta ofRemesiana fought against this heresy5.

The idea of Jankovi6 was assumed by Nelu zugravu, first in relation with apiece found at Craiova, and next in his bool on the heresies spread in the Danubianp.rov.inces6. I accepted without criticism this interpretations in some previousstudres', but now I reject it, because two such sticks (Fig.4) were discovered in aclosed context dated Lefore245,at Romula, in a building destroyed by the inroadof the Carpi of 2458 .It is clear that the dove sticks appeaied much time before theBonosiac heresy. Even if they would have a significance related to the Christianity,they could not be considered insignia of the believers of this heresy.

Ovidiu Bozu, who discovered four sticks in the collections of the TimigoaraMuseum, proposed another significance, following the interpretation of a lot of

, t;,*.,'l::, Eine^Gote-nfestung bei Sadowetz Q,,[ordbulgarienl..Germania.,. 19. 1935. p. 154.- H' vetters, Der vogel.ay! der Stange, ein Kilt:eichen. "Jahreshefte.des Ost..reichischen

Archi iologischen Inst i tutes in Wien', , 37. 194g. p. l3l_150.' . Ib idem, p. 134, 135, f ig.32117.'D Jankovii, Podunavski deo oblasti Akvisa tt VI i poietkom I:lI veka (La partie danttbienne de lardgion d'Aquis au vle sidcre et au &lbut du vIIe siicri), Beograd, l9g r. p. n6-nl, zzt.'A Baudrillart (ed.), Dictionna.ire d'histoire et de giographie eccldsiastiques. vol. 9, paris, 1937, col.1093' 1094, 1096; M. Mirkovii, Die christliche Kirche und das C hristenrunt in den zentralilll,rischenProvinzen im 4. und 6. Jahrhundert, in A. B. Biernacki, p. parvlak (ed.), Late Roman and EarlyBt:antine Cities on the Lower Danube from the 4th to the 6th century,)D'fln"rrotional ConferencePo:nan, l5-17 November t995), poznan, 1997, p.50-51,56; N. 'Zugravu, Erezi i si schisme laDundrea Mijlocie Si de Jos in mileniul I,Iaqi, 1999, p. g0_gl.' N. Zngravu, Geneza crestinismultti popular al romdnilor, BucureSti, 1997, p. zgl, 2gg, 314{ footnote I 40), 3 I 9 (nota 229), 423-424; Idem, Erezii.... o. g1.

A' Madgearu, The Spr.eading9f the Christianity in the rural areas of post-Roman Dacia (4th-7thcenturies). "Archaevs. Etudes d'histoire des relijions,', g, 2004, t-+, p.'+a; rdem, The 6th centuryLa\rer Danubian Bridgeheads: Location and Mision, "Ephemeris Napocensis',, j3,2003 (2005), ;.r08.3 Gh. Popilian. (/n quartier artisanal d Romula,..Dacia,,, NS, 20, 1976. p.243.


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sirnilar pieces made of bone found in several early Roman cemeteries andsettlements from other provinces, studied by the Swiss archaeologist Gerd G.K<jnik. He argued that the sticks were in fact distaffs. The link was used to insertthe finger. The bone sticks were decorated at the opposite end with a representationof Venuse. In Dobrudja, bone sticks with the figure of Venus were found atDinogetia and Callatisto. On the other hand, O. Bozu agreed that the dove stickshad a Christian significance, because they were used by Christian womentt. In themonograph of the fortifications from Sadovec, Syna Uenze and Joachim Wernerwere too convinced that these sticks are a kind of Christian amuletsr2.

The interpretation proposed by O. Bozu for the use of the sticks seems to beconvincing, but we cannot exclude that they were hair pins.

Since in the Roman symbolism, the dove was associated with Venus", itspresence on an object used by women before Christianity is normal. The dove wasa substitute for the representation of the goddess. After Christianization, the samesymbol of the dove was preserved because it was associated with anothersignificance, the Holy Spirit descended to Christ at His baptism by Saint John. Thedove was also a symbol of the divine peace (the dove that brought the olive boughto Noah).ra We consider that this is the explanation of the appearance of the stickswith dove. They were initially variants of the bone sticks, were Venus was replaceswith her attribute, the dove. Women continued to use these sticks, but thesignificance of the dove became different after the free spreading of theChristianity. This is only one case when Greek, Roman and other heathen symbolsand customs were Christianized. The dove sticks were not tokens of an Orthodoxor Heretic believe, but they bear a Christian symbol. In some cases they aredecorated with crosses, or they have small crosses attached with chains''. Ananalogy are the Sucidava type buckles decorated with pierced crosses which werenot religious tokens. In both cases, one specific for women and other for men, aChristian symbol was applied on an object used for a specific purpose, but this didnot transformed the objects in tokens that expressed the belonging to Christianity,like did the pectoral crosses that had no other function.

n G. G. Kcinik, Die Fingerkunkel aus Grab 156, in K. Roth-Rubi, H. Rudolf Sennhauser (ed.),

Verenamrinster Zurzach. Ausgrabungen und Bauuntersuchung, vol. l. Rdmische Strasse und Grciber,Znrich, 198'7. p. 129-137.

'o Gh. Stefan, Dinogetia, I. Risultati della prima campagna di scavi, "Dacia", 7-8, 1937-1940 (1941),p. 414, fig. 22 @. al7); C. Preda, Callatis. Necropola romano-bizantird, Bucureqti, 1980, p. 63, 159, O. Bozu, Obiecte cre$tine inedite de uz casnic. Furcile de tors pentru deget datate tn secolele IV-VIe. n., " Analele Banatului, SN, Arheologie-Istorie", 2, 1 993, p. S. Uenze, Die spritantiken Befestigungen von Sadovec (Bulgarien). Ergebnisse der deutsch-bulgarisch-\sterreichischeAusgrabungen(1934-1937),I ,Mtinchen,1992,p.199,412.'' H. Biedermann, Knaurs Lexikon der Symbole, Mtinchen, 1998, p. 1084.ra F. Cabrol, H. Leclercq (ed.), Dictionnaire d'archdologie chrdtienne et de liturgie, vol. III/2, Paris,1914, col.2203.ts V. Liubenova, Seliiteto ot rimskata i rannovizantijsknta epokha, in J. eangova (ed.), Pernik, vol. LPosel i i ieni ivotnachdlmakralrraotVchi l .pr .n.e.doVlv.nan.e. , Sof ia, 1981,p. 192,f ig. 133;S.Uenze, op. cit., Taf. 419.


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The doves sticks presented in the following list were found in the Middle and

Lower Danubian regions, sometimes in contexts that are showing that they were

produced and used up to the 6'n century.I - Asparukhouo, Region,

-Bulgaria. Fragment long of 108 mm'16

2 - Bila Voda, Pernik Region, Bulgaria. Five pieces from a lot of metallic

objects hidden in the 6th century in the ruins of a villa rustica dated on the

3,d-4'h centuries, used as raw material for a workshop. The date of the

deposit is given by a Sucidava buckle decorated with cross and crescent.rT

3 - Bozveliysko, varna Region, Bulgaria. A fragment long of 86 mm and a

dove from another stick.l84 - Caridin Grad (Justiniana Prima), Jablanica District, serbia. A fragment

long of 72 mm, iound in a building near the basilica from the lower townre.

5 - Celei (sucidava), corabia, olt county, Romania. An entire stick without

known dimensions, found in the garbage pit 2 I 2000 together with a

bronze coin from the 4th or from the 6th century.zo6 - Craiova, Dolj counfy, Romania. An entire stick long of 182 mm, found in

the settlement from- point F6ntdna Obedeanu dated in the 5'h and 6th

centuries, in the filling earth of dwelling2.zl7 - Ddbravino, Varna Region, Bulgaria' A fragment long of 4l mm"".

8 - Gam'igrad, Zaie1aiDistrict,-Serbia. Thiee pieces from the 4th century

palace."9 - Gole5, Silistra Region, Bulgaria. An entire stick long of 168 mm, found in

a fortress dated between the 4tn and.the 6'n century, in a fountain near a

tower, with objects from the 4tn-5tn centuries. From another stick are

preserved two fragments with total length of 170 mm.'o

t6 L.Lazarov, Dreven broru. Katalog (Ancient bronze. Katalog. Dalgopol. 2001. p. 50, nr. 95 (p.

ts2).tt V. Liub.nova, Bronzovi predmeti ot kdsnoantiinata vila pri rudnik "Bela I'oda". Pernik (Objets de

bronze de lavilla de la basse antiquitd situtle prds de la ntine "Bela I'oda", Pernik), "Arheologija''.

Sofia, 37, 1995, 3, p. 13, frg. 12.t ' Ibide^,p. 50, nr. 97, 98 (p. l5l- l 52).re V. Kondi6, V. Popovii, Cariiin Grad. Unrdjeno naselje u vi:antijskom lliriku (Cariiin Grad. Site

fortifid dans l'Illyricum byzantin), Beograd, 1977,p.399, nr. 59. Pl. XVI/4.-20

p. Gherghe, L. Amon, D. Liciu, F. B6ciu, Corabia, jud. Olt [Sucidava], in Cronica cercetdrilor

arheologice. Campania 2000,Suceava, 2001, nr. 52,p.75.2tGh. Popilian, M. Nica, ASezarea prefeudald de la Craiova (Fdntdna Obedeanu), "Drobeta", 15,

2005. p. 150-151, 154-155 Pl . VV5.

" L.Lazarov, op. cit., p. 50, nr. 96 (p. 152).23 D. Srejovii (ed.), Gamzigrad. An Imperial Palace of the Late Classical Times. Ausstellungskatalog,

Beograd, 1983, p. 138, nr. 186-188 (apud S. rJenze, op. ci t . ,p,4l2' footnote l7).to G. Atunusou, Martyrium et Agiasmon dans le castel basbyzantin prds du village de Golech, rdgion

de Silistra (communication prdliminaire), in Von der Scythia zur Dobrudia, hrsg. Ch. Chotioliev, R.pi l l inger,R.Harrei ther(Miscel laneaBulgar ica, l l ) ,wien, 1997,p. 127, l28, f rg.5l l l , 12(p. 138);

Idem, De nouyeau sur la localisation de laforteresse bas-byzantine St. Cyril en Scythie Mineure, in

Prinos lui Petre Diaconu ta 80 de ani. Volum ingrijit de I. Cdndea, V. Sdrbu, M. Neagu, Brdila' 2004'

p. 417, f tg. 6.

' r1 A

Page 5: Madgearu CCDJ 24

l0 - Gornea - Cduni{a de Sus, Carag-Severin County, Romania. A.fragmentwithout dove, long of 175 mm, found in section I in the 4'n centurycastellum.2s

11 - H6rlec (Augusta), Yratza Region, Bulgaria. Several sticks (at least onebeing decorated with a cross on the dove backside) found in a tower of thefortrlss, with 6th century objects.26

12 - Kjustendil (Pautalia), Kjustendil Region, lulgaria. A fragment long of120 mm, decorated on one side with a rosette.''

13 - Kladovo-Donje Butorke, Bor District, Serbia. An entire stick long of 193mm2*.

14 - Mokranjske Stene, Bor District, Serbia. A fragment long of 100 mm2e.15 - Murighiol (Halmyris), Tulcea County, Romania. A fragment long of I l0

mm, found in unknown conditions in the Late Roman fortress.16 - Orqova (?), Carag-Severin County, Romania. Four pieces preserved in the

Museum of Timigoara, most probably found at Dierna (Orgova). Twoentire sticks are long of 178 and 190 mm, while from other two arepreserved only the doves.30

17 - Pantelimonul de Sus (Ulmetum), ConstanJa County, Romania. An entirestick long of 130 mm, found in a tower of the southwestern gate. togetherwith coins from Constantius II and Valens3r.

18 - Pernik, Pernik Region, Bulgaria. Five entire pieces and eight fragments.One of them has a cross attached to the link".

19 - Popina, Silistra Region, Bulgaria. An entire stick long of 170 mm, foundin a 4ft century grave together with a fibula with onion heads.ii

20 - Prahovo, Bor District, Serbia. An entire stick long of 200 mm, two dovefragments and three fragments that preserved the link.3a

21 - Reqca (Romula), Olt County, Romania. Two fragments long of 122 nmand 53 mm, both decorated with a dove, found in a building destroyedduring the attack of the Carpi in 2453s .

" N. Gudea, Gornea. ASezdri de epocd romand Si romand trirzie, Regi!4 1911 , p. 84, fig. 50/ 16; O.Bozu, op. ci t . , p.206, f \9. l l5.26 Apud Gh. Popilian, M. Nica, op. cit., p. I. Ivanou, Ktustendilskijat Hisarldk i negovite starini, "Izvestija na Arheologiieskija Institut,Sofia", 7, 1920, p. 105, fig. 76.28 D. Jankovi i , op. ci t . , p.252,Pl.XVILV7.2e D. Jankovii , op. cit. , p. 252, Pl. XVIIV6.

'o O. Bozu, op. cit., p.206, frg. lll-4.

" Gh. Papuc, C. Bdjenaru, Z. Covacef 5.a., Pantelimonu de Sus, com. Pantelimon, jud. Constanla

[UlmetumJ,inCrontcacercetdrilor arheologice din Romdnia. Campania 2006,Tilcea,2007,p.260." V. Ljubenova. op. cit.,p. l9l-l92,frg.132-133.33 2. VAZarova, Slaviano-bdlgarskoto seliite krai selo Popina Silistrenko, Sofia, 1956, p.27, trg. 18(:p.27).3a D. Jankovi i , op. ci t . , p. 252,Pl.XVIIVl, 3. 4, 8, l l , 12." Gh. Popilian, Un quartier..., p. 243, fig. 13112, 13.


Page 6: Madgearu CCDJ 24

12 - Roy-ah Varna Region, Bulgaria'-Two,fragments long of 169 mm and 192-

*-. O"" of them h-as two faie to face doves''o

al - Sadovec, Pleven Region, Bulgaria' Two entire sticks long of 210 mm and

195 mm, and 11 fiud'"ni'(onle made of silver' from which only the dove

$_as preserv"d). Di:;;;;;i"t; the fortifrcations ascribed to the Gothic

foederati, Sadovsko Kale and Golemanovo Kale'37

24 - Szeks zfrd, Tolna County' Hungary' An entire stick with unknown

dimensions, found in the women grave nr' 79 from an early Avarian


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+ l I

Ftg. lt Tt* ttick from HalmYris'

t' L. Lararov, oP. cit., P. 49, nr' 93' 94'

' ;. ;:errze, ip- cit., p.-szt-szs,Taf ' 419' 51r.-6' 6lr-s' 122t10',, G. Rosner. Do, o*orn*Jiriiii, Cruu"*ld im szet<szdrd-Bogyszl6i strasse, Budapest' 1999' p'

faf.6!79!l (P- 172).



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Fig. 3 : Moukd for sticks (Cacabelos, Spain), after H. Vetters, op. cit. , ftg. 32117 .


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Fig. 4: The sticks from Romula, after Gh. Popilian, un quartier.... p. 2-13. fig.13t12. 13.

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Fig. 5: The sticks from 1- Gole3 (after G. Atanasov, Martyrium..., fig. 5lll,12),2'

Sadovec (after S. lJenze, op. cit.,Taf.611,2),3- Orgova (after O. Bozu, op. cit.,ftg.

I 13-4\.


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Fie. 6: \ Iap.