made in danube for... · project co-funded by european union funds (erdf, ipa) lap context -...

14 Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) Made in Danube Ana Bošković, Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency, Project Partner 2 nd Steering Committee Meeting 5./6. March 2018, Budapest, Hungary D3.3.2. LAP for Competence Centre – Wood Sector

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Page 1: Made in Danube for... ·  Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) LAP Context - POTENTIAL • Spačvabasin is the largest habitat of common co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

Made in Danube

Ana Bošković, Vukovar-Srijem CountyDevelopment Agency, Project Partner

2nd Steering Committee Meeting5./6. March 2018, Budapest, Hungary

D3.3.2. LAP for Competence Centre –Wood Sector

Page 2: Made in Danube for... ·  Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) LAP Context - POTENTIAL • Spačvabasin is the largest habitat of common co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


• Wood sector one of strategic sectors of VSC, together withagriculture and RES.

• Local initiative started by members of Wood cluster Slavonian Oakduring EU projects when challenges in wood sector wererecognised as a need for smart and sustainable use of localresources.

• Founded in 2010. by VSC and has 35 members from wood industry,academia and public sector:

• Croatian Forest Research Institute, Faculty of Forestry Zagreb,

• Spačva, total 23 representatives of industry,

• Carpentry school Vinkovci,

• VSC, Competence Centre, VSC DA.

Page 3: Made in Danube for... ·  Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) LAP Context - POTENTIAL • Spačvabasin is the largest habitat of common co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


• Spačva basin is the largest habitat of common oak in Croatiaand Europe.

• 28% of the VSC is covered in forest.

• VSC forests are characterised by authentic Slavonian oakfamous for its special strength thus perfect for fine andprecise processing.

• Wood sector in Croatia is primarily export-oriented.

• Fertile land makes up more than ½ of the VSC area.

• Large potential of RES (solar energy, biomass, geothermalenergy).

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• Majority of VSC forest managed by a state company fromZagreb even though almost ½ of annual income is generatedby Slavonian oak from VSC causing lack of wood material forregional/local enterprises.

• High rate of depopulation in VSC.

• Wood industry in VSC based on mainly outdated technologywithout sufficient capacity for wood drying.

• Low level of product finalisation.

• Insufficient knowledge and low level of participation in newtechnologies and R&D activities.

• Low level of local RES use.

Page 5: Made in Danube for... ·  Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) LAP Context - POTENTIAL • Spačvabasin is the largest habitat of common co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

Mission & Vision

• Mission of the local initiative is to enable sustainabledevelopment, to protect the environment and to enhancecompetitiveness through research, development and innovationprojects with a special focus on bioeconomy.

• Vision of the local initiative is to become the leader in the regionin promoting and implementing bioeconomy in the way of smartand sustainable use of resources.

Page 6: Made in Danube for... ·  Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) LAP Context - POTENTIAL • Spačvabasin is the largest habitat of common co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

LAP TASK LIST – MiD activities

1. Framework analysis: conducting interviews with SMEs, HERs andRPAs,

2. Analysis of the regional SMEs innovation capability: collectingtechnology requests, identifying technology offers, conductinginnovation audits,

3. Analysis of the regional R&D innovation capability: identifyingtechnology offers,

4. Growth of business network of regional players in the DR:initiation of new innovation partnership agreements (5),initiation of new cooperation agreements (10),

5. Documentation and dissemination of knowledge: pilot implementation of the LAP for Smart Forestry Final Report.

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6. Development of technological infrastructure, new technologies:

• Measure incorporated in the VSC Strategy within Priority„Development of economy based on knowledge and technology”together with:

• Strengthening cooperation between science and industrythrough R&D&I projects,

• Development of added-value products,

• Application of KET and ICT.


• Infrastructure + equipment + skills + triple helix,

• Put on the list of VSC strategic projects,

• Financing: EU and/or international funds,

• Active construction permit exists, feasibility study in the process ofdevelopment.

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7. Increase of RES production & usage in the region: huge potential inbiomass and geothermal usage:

• Two main sites for exploitation of geothermal sources:

1. Babina Greda: local and regional government cooperation,additional research works are necessary after dealing withownership issues on the location

2. Vukovar: research works are planned on 2 existing heating plantsin order to construct a drill for exploitation of geothermal water.

• Energy production from biomass and production of heating productsfrom secondary wood material (e.g. pellets) can lead to opening ofnew workplaces and contribute to circular economy.

Financial incentives for co-financing, EU funds, awareness raising,availability of technologies.

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8. Increase the international experience of young employees

• In order to tackle high rate of depopulation, task aims at providingincentives for enrolment of students in deficient occupations throughpossibilities for:

• Gaining of international experience,

• Scholarships,

• On-the-job training,

• Student exchange.

• Efforts for establishment of VET regional competitiveness centre inVSC by the Ministry of Science and Education.

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9. Use of natural materials in play areas

• SAFERPLAY project (Erasmus+) finished in February 2018

• Project developed an innovative training in the design, installationand maintenance of safer and challenging play areas.

• Project consortia included professionals from England, Spain,Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic and Croatia.


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9. New products: development of new products with HER• Wood Cluster Slavonian Oak, Competence Centre and Faculty of

Forestry Zagreb,

• Development of new products: desks and canopies.

10. Branding of Slavonian Oak• Study for branding of Slavonian Oak finished.

11. Smart and sustainable use of local raw wood material for ruraldevelopment (ROSEWOOD) – H2020• Designed to develop regional networks that will connect actors of the

wood mobilization value-chain from forest owners to relevantregional authorities but also forestry industry to cover and findanswers to the main challenges in the field, especially thesustainability of the wood mobilization.

• Started on 01.02.2018.

• Project partner: Competence Centre Ltd.

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12. New products – door• Beneficiary: Spačva• Development of new innovative products: doors,• R&D&I project in the process of evaluation for ERDF funds.

13. Competence Centre for Slavonian Oak• Competence Centre Ltd. for R&D established

14. Project proposal for Seed Money Facility• Project WOOD FOOD applied for Interreg funding, project proposal in

the process of evaluation, intended start date: 05/2018.• Project partner: Competence Centre Ltd.

15. Project proposal for Interreg Central Europe• Project FRINNOVATE applied for Interreg funding, project proposal in

the process of evaluation, intended start date: 11/2018.

16. Project proposal for H2020: PLANNING PHASE

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Ana Bošković, Senior Project ManagerVukovar-Srijem County Development AgencyAntuna Akšamovića 31, 32100 VinkovciT: +385 32 300 585E: [email protected]

Ivan Ambroš, DirectorCentar kompetencija d.o.o. za istraživanje i razvojOhridska 17, 32100 VinkovciT: +385 32 540 685E: [email protected]

Thank you for your attention! co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

Page 14: Made in Danube for... ·  Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) LAP Context - POTENTIAL • Spačvabasin is the largest habitat of common co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

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