macp openday june10

MA and Mres Design Critical Practice Welcome Introduction

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MA and Mres Design Critical Practice

Welcome Introduction

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What do you study?

Masters in Design Critical PracticeStudio Practice- Spaces Term 1Studio Practice- Creative Technology Term 2Studio Practice- Major Project Term3 & 4Methods and ProcessesDiscourses Critical Context Essays

MRes in DesignBring your own project as your research interestDivided into 3 sections1. Defining the project Term 12. Methods and Processes of your project Term 23. Doing and exhibiting your work Term 3 & 4

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Methods and Processes

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The consumption spaceThe production space The intermediary zone


Mediating Lens

Context of Production Context of Consumption

Situation of InnovatorsSuppliers



Raw Materials



Contemporary Culture





Event/Situation Bubble

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Materials Speed Dating- Martin Conreen, Materials Library, Kings College

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Drawing as reflexive Process

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Giles Lane - Proboscis

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Student Work MA & MRes

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An Introduction to Masters in Design Critical Practice and Mres in Design

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Exhibition of Work

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Discourse in the Studio

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Henri Lefebvre

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Slavoj ZizekI don’t believe in combining things. I hate this approach of taking a bit from Lacan, a little bit from Foucault, a little bit from Derrida. No, I don’t believe in this; I believe in clear cut positions. I think that the most arrogant position is the multidisciplinary modesty of ‘what I am saying now is not unconditional; it is just a hypothesis’, and so on. It really is a most arrogant position. I think that the only way to be honest and to expose yourself to criticism is to state clearly and dogmatically where you are. You must take the risk and have a position.

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Mike Michael

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Elizabeth Shove

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Clive DilnotEssentially design is nothing else but the encounter with given realities (actualities, situations, circumstances, conditions or experiences) in terms of their transformative possibilities and potentialities. Design opens these possibilities…it is the actualisation of the possible.

Dilnot, Clive, ‘Design? Ethics?,’ The Archeworks Papers, Vol 1 No 2, 2005