macewan university alumni news

Don Caron, 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient 7 New Brand Launched Top 40 Under 40 Night of Theatre 4 10 18 Alumni News Winter 2013

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Fall/Winter 2013


Page 1: MacEwan University Alumni News

Don Caron, 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient 7

New Brand Launched

Top 40 Under 40

Night of Theatre


Alumni NewsWinter 2013

Page 2: MacEwan University Alumni News


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FRONT COVER Don Caron, 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient


the last year has been extraordinary

for macewan university. The institution

was admitted to the Association of Univer-

sities and Colleges of Canada, received an

outstanding review by the Alberta Quality

Assessment Council, became a member of

Canada West, developed and released a new

set of institutional values, launched a new

brand that once and for all affirms MacEwan’s

status as a university, and continued to be

ranked in national polls as one of Canada’s

outstanding undergraduate universities.

There is much in which we can all be proud.

This should be especially so for MacEwan

University’s alumni. Now over 50,000

strong, MacEwan’s graduates have made

a singular contribution to Edmonton, to

Alberta, and even beyond. As the university’s

reputation has grown, the credentials of

those who have studied with us have taken on

increased value. While still young, MacEwan

University’s Alumni Advisory Council has taken

on an increasingly important role in the univer-

sity, and this is something I especially welcome.

There is, though, much yet to be done. We are

in the midst of developing a strategic plan for

the university that will map out its direc-

tion for the next five years. While MacEwan

Page 3: MacEwan University Alumni News





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alumni news fall/winter 2013

david atkinson, President MacEwan University

has developed plans before, this is the first

time it will have developed a comprehen-

sive integrated plan that will bring together

all elements of the university—academic,

financial, facilities, human resources, student

affairs, etc.

The strategic planning process is well under-

way, and there have been 22 consultations

across our campuses on the draft Strategic

Directions document. Work has begun on the

foundation plans which are intended to grow

out of the strategic directions (although I real-

ize they have not been finalized or approved).

The last year has been challenging for

MacEwan, as it experienced, along with other

Alberta post-secondary institutions very

serious budget reductions. While this was

regrettable on any number of levels, it is a

testament to the university that it was able to

deal with these reductions without eliminat-

ing any programs or deducing access. At the

same time, we need to be frank in saying that

the university, especially during this impor-

tant transitional time, could have well used

the funding it lost in creative and constructive

ways. MacEwan is currently experiencing

its largest enrolment ever, notwithstanding

reduced circumstances, and we must argue

vociferously against any further reductions

that would negatively impact the university.

As MacEwan University matures, its alumni

voice will be increasingly heard. I am com-

mitted to working with the Alumni Advisory

Council and our Alumni Relations and Services

office to ensure a strong and vital alumni

network. I urge all our alumni to stay in touch

with an institution in which you should be

immensely proud.

Page 4: MacEwan University Alumni News


IDENTITYThe task of rebranding an organization is sel-

dom a simple one, but it can be done quickly

if you’re prepared to cut corners. In an insti-

tution as large as MacEwan University, it was

vital to provide everyone an opportunity to be

a part of the process.

Over the last year-and-a-half, more than

700 people took the time to provide valuable

insight into who we are as an institution.

We discussed our roots, our defining char-

acteristics, where we’ve been and where we

think we are going. It became clear early on

that people were engaged and wanted to see

this done right. That meant four rounds of

consultation where, after gathering input, we

came back and asked: “Is this what you were

saying? Do these words best express the ideas

we discussed? How can we make this better?”

We debated back and forth on what words

and phrases best expressed our identity and

what makes us distinctive. In the end we

crafted our University Pillars - eight big ideas

that define our core commitments as a uni-

versity. The pillars lay the foundation for who

we are and provide a framework for all future

strategic and academic planning.

The importance of the University Pillars

cannot be overstated. We also produced a

positioning statement, a short paragraph that

defines our distinctive brand profile, purpose

and benefit as a university.

With the establishment of the brand we then

looked to create a logo and a visual identity

that defines our proud name and our image.

Although it is not the most important thing

it was extensive in consultation.

it involved passionate discussion. And it

went well beyond its original scope – which

is exactly what it should have done.

As director of communications and market-

ing, I had the privilege of seeing an amazing

rebranding process unfold. What began as a

simple exercise to update our logo with the

word “university,” went on to become some-

thing much greater, something much more

important. What we did was define our iden-

tity and provide a framework for our future.


Page 5: MacEwan University Alumni News

• Free fitness and aquatic classes• Squash court bookings• Highly qualified trainers• Complimentary parking

Watch for our winterprogram registrationopening in November!



alumni news fall/winter 2013

that came out of the rebranding process, it is

the most visual and needed to represent us

well. Several rounds of consultation were held

with both internal and external stakeholders

as the specifics of the new logo were devel-

oped and then approved.

With the pillars and positioning statement

complete, and logo development well

underway, we then worked hard to create a

tagline that summarizes our positioning and

our brand promise; hence “Connected

– Engaged – Inspired” was born. The tagline

is now being used for marketing and

communication purposes and along with our

new campaign that says, “With the right

preparation, extraordinary happens,”

MacEwan University has begun to rebrand

itself in the marketplace.

Rebranding is not something that happens

overnight – it happens over time. Even though

surveys in 2011 said there was confusion as to

whether we were a university, a college, or some-

thing else, those same surveys said that we

have a glowing reputation in the post-second-

ary world. It is this reputation that we have

built upon and that has helped us take all the

The ‘tower symbol’ represents our sense of place, and celebrates the distinctive heritage of the MacEwan University architecture, locale, and our future as a consolidated downtown campus at the heart of the city. And, in a more cultural way, it represents our sense of community… where people and ideas have come together to achieve extraordinary things. Read more about our brand story and join the conversation at

good things that make up MacEwan Univer-

sity’s world and form it into a new brand.

It is a brand that clearly identifies that we are

indeed a university; a university that is con-

nected, engaged and inspired.

ken schwanke, Director Office of Communications and Marketing

Page 6: MacEwan University Alumni News

2013DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARDSOne of MacEwan University’s highly regarded awards, the Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to graduates who exhibit outstanding achievements or make significant contributions in one or more of the following areas: service to the community, business, the arts, human development, the environment, lifelong learning, post-secondary education, and/or government. Congratulations to the following recipients on receiving this honour.

Page 7: MacEwan University Alumni News

alumni news fall/winter 2013



Business Administration, 1976

Betty Cornelius is the founder and president

of CANGRANDS National Kinship Support,

a grassroots organization dedicated to provid-

ing information and support to 62,500 kinship

children being raised by grandparents and

other kinship family members.

Since being denied access to one grandchild

and rescuing another from an abusive living

situation, Betty has advocated for kin-children

and kin-headed households. She works tire-

lessly to provide moral and emotional support

to kinship families.

Since 1997, Betty has fought to get Ontario

grandparents rights and was instrumental in

getting Bill 210 passed – commonly known

as the kinship bill. She spoke at the First In-

ternational Kinship Conference, held in New


Accounting, 1991

Lifelong entrepreneur Don Caron grew up in

a family of entrepreneurs. Rather than follow

in his family members’ footsteps, Don chose

to enrol in accounting at MacEwan.

After graduating, he worked for a number of

national accounting firms and relished the

variety of working with a diverse group of

businesses. The family entrepreneurial spirit

emerged when he and his brother co-founded

a private equity group. The company special-

ized in taking an active interest in the man-

agement and growth of public and private

diversified companies, but Don wasn’t ready

to stop there.

In 2007, after searching for a “highly-scalable

business and finding one in Bri-Chem Corp.,

York in 2007, and at the American Association

of Retired Persons (AARP) in Washington,

D.C. in 2008, as well as at the United Nations

Youth round table in Ottawa.

After her mother’s murder in 1980, Betty has

also taken to speaking out on issues affecting

victims of violence. She is also driven to con-

tinue learning about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum

Disorder, Radical Attachment Disorders and

behaviour modification. With a background

in business, addictions and social psychology,

Betty thrives on making things happen.

On top of all she does, Betty works part-time

as a mental health support worker and has

fostered 32 children over the past 30 years.

he led a multimillion-dollar transaction to

purchase the company and took it public.

Today, Don is chairman, president and CEO

of Bri-Chem, North America’s largest drilling

fluids distributor operating from 25 national

warehouse locations.

Don actively volunteers as an instructor and

mentor for various youth sports groups and

raises funds for community sport associa-

tions and select charities. He was a former

director of the Edmonton Petroleum Club and

for numerous private and public companies.

He was also the recipient of Ernst & Young’s

Entrepreneur of the Year award last year.

Page 8: MacEwan University Alumni News


Arts and Cultural Management, 2003

Dr. Jared Tabler is the vice-president of

operations for ICOM Productions, created the

Style Guy fashion blog and founded market-

ing firm McQueen Creative.

Jared’s early enthusiasm for theatre and vol-

unteerism played a significant role in his deci-

sion to enrol in the Arts and Cultural Manage-

ment program. After graduating, Jared

became a consultant, working with numerous

clients in the areas of marketing, strategic

planning, organizational development and

branding. Jared believes in building strong

communities and as such has volunteered his

time to many arts, culture and human service

organizations including Big Brothers & Big

Sisters, HIV Edmonton, Exposure Festival,

United Way of the Alberta Capital Region,

Theatre Alberta and the Alberta Ballet.


International Business and Supply Chain

Management, 2005

As the founder of, Mark Holoway-

chuk grew his company from $1,000 in sales to

a multimillion-dollar corporation in five short

years. Today, is one of Canada’s

largest online health supplement stores. Origi-

nally starting out in his basement, Mark now

carries over 5,000 products and runs his busi-

ness out of a 5,000-square-foot warehouse.

Mark regularly returns to MacEwan University

to mentor students in the School of Business.

During his visits, he discusses the benefits

and the challenges of owning and running an

e-business and participates in the e-business

challenge, which involves reading student

reports, attending presentations and providing

guidance and feedback throughout the process.

He readily uses his personal experiences to help

mentor and educate students.

Mark also launched,

a website dedicated to providing feedback

and reviews on health products. He founded

the Edmonton Internet Millions Mastermind

Group, a monthly get-together for local Inter-

net entrepreneur. Mark was also named one of

Edmonton’s “Sizzlers” in 2010.

Avenue magazine, for which he is the former

fashion editor, named Jared one of Edmon-

ton’s “Top 40 Under 40” in 2009. The follow-

ing year he was nominated for the Caldwell

Partner’s national “Top 40 Under 40” award.

In 2009, he received a Horizon Interactive

Gold Award with ICOM Productions, an

e-learning company that creates online train-

ing solutions. Alberta Venture named ICOM,

under Jared’s leadership, one of the Fast

Growth 50 companies for 2013. Jared embod-

ies many MacEwan University values includ-

ing lifelong learning, excellence, community,

collaboration, diversity and individuality,

innovation, and leadership.

Page 9: MacEwan University Alumni News

alumni news fall/winter 2013


Nine alumni were involved in the rebranding creative development (including video, music

and photography)

An educational and enlightening feature sharing the facts and figures about MacEwan University

x 100More than 700 participants were involved in four rounds of consultations

new logo concepts

were reviewed

new banners

were installed

new official colours:

The banner on the side of the Robbins Health Learning

Centre is 60 feet high




16 exterior building signs and 51 directional signs were changed in

the first phase

MacEwan is 41 years old and has had six logos since its inception

since MacEwan’s last rebrand


Disability Studies: Leadership and

Community, 2007

Ben is passionate about helping people and

organizations enhance their creative capac-

ity in order to come up with better quality

solutions and services. In addition to being

the founder of Think Jar Collective, Ben is the

Senior Leader of Research and Organizational

Learning at a large NGO called SKILLS Society

in Canada. In this role, he regularly facili-

tates a think tank lab using design thinking

and creative processes he developed with a

research group during his graduate studies.

He also regularly writes for the Creativity Post,

gives keynotes, curates content for Think Jar

Collective and consults across Canada.

Ben has had a tremendous impact on the lives

of people with developmental disabilities in

Edmonton. He is a true community builder

and embodies the belief that strong com-

munities have the capacity to recognize and

appreciate the gifts of all citizens.

Page 10: MacEwan University Alumni News

Each year, Avenue Magazine’s “Top 40 Under 40” recognizes individuals who are leaders in their field, and whose passions and professions have helped raise the city’s profile through growth and change. Congratulations to the following alumni and friends of MacEwan University who were honoured.


Page 11: MacEwan University Alumni News


JANELLE AKER, Journalism, 2005

When Janelle was a student in MacEwan’s jour-

nalism program, she had dreams of writing for

Transworld or Thrasher magazine, as she loved

skateboarding most of her life. Over time, her

writing inspirations changed, but her passion to

share people’s stories hasn’t.

She has worked in Edmonton’s not-for-profit

sector for nearly 10 years, most of which were

in the homeless community with a focus on

housing. It was her journalism education that

made it all possible.

Her personal life has also transformed into

a “labour of love” career, as she cofounded

a website with her partner, Terah Jans.

“I Dig Your Girlfriend” was created to share

stories, information and to support Edmon-

ton’s LGBT*Q community. The website’s

success has been built on the honest voices

of their friends and writers who have shared

their personal experiences of being in a mar-

ginalized community and how equality issues

affect Edmonton as a whole.

DON BERNER, Friend of MacEwan University

Don has been called one of Canada’s fastest

rising saxophone stars. In addition to appear-

ing alongside such notable jazz luminaries

as Juno Award winner P.J. Perry, Bobby

Shew, and Hugh Fraser, he has performed

at Edmonton’s Jazz City Festival, Yardbird

Suite, Calgary’s “Beatniq”, Saskatoon’s “The

Bassment”, and Vancouver’s “The Cellar”.

Don has also been a featured artist at the

Montreal Jazz Festival.

Don can be heard on numerous CDs includ-

ing his own debut CD, “Sextet,” his second

album, “Fortress of Solitude,” and his brand

new album “The Don Berner Sextet Invades

Calgary,” which has been charting all over

Canada and is the subject of a recent CBC

recording. He has performed on CBC’s

Hockey Night in Canada and numerous

radio and TV specials.

He has also been nominated for the TD

Canada Trust Jazz award, the Galaxie Rising

Star Award, and several Mayoral Arts Awards.

IRFAN CHAUDHRY, Bachelor of Arts, 2003

Irfan holds a masters degree in Criminal

Justice and is an instructor in the Depart-

ment of Sociology at MacEwan University.

He was awarded the Royal Commonwealth

Youth Service Award for his work with the

Youth Restorative Action Project and won the

Centre for Race and Culture anti-racism ini-

tiative for his work with the Mosquers Mus-

lim Youth Amateur Film Festival, which he

helped co-found. He is currently completing

his PhD, researching which parts of Canada

have the largest number of racist tweets and

how this, if at all, relates to the amount of

reported hate crimes in those same cities.

ELLEN CHORLEY, Theatre Arts, 2004

Ellen is an Edmonton-based playwright,

producer, performer and theatre instructor.

She is the founder/artistic director and

festival producer of Promise Productions,

a theatre for young audiences that produces

the Snow Globe Festival of Children’s Theatre

every December. Ellen has written and

produced a number of plays including

Murielle, which received the 2013 Sterling

Award for Outstanding Production for Young

Audiences and Outstanding Independent

Production. She is also the recipient of the

Nextfest Emerging Artist Award and has been

nominated for the Mayor Celebration of the

Arts awards on two occasions.

As an actor, Ellen has performed on stages all

over Alberta and Western Canada. Ellen serves

as artistic associate for Edmonton’s Northern

Light Theatre, and works as a drama group

leader at the Autism Society of Edmonton.

Page 12: MacEwan University Alumni News


MacEwan University

After receiving her Master of Fine Arts in

Writing from the University of Victoria,

Jessica returned to Edmonton in the hopes of

finding meaningful, relevant employment. In

just a few months, she was hired at MacEwan

University as an instructor in the Bachelor

of Communication Studies program.

During her first year of teaching she edited

and completed her first book, Rosina, the

Midwife, which was released this past March

and was on The Edmonton Journal’s list

of best sellers for ten weeks. The book is a

SORIN MIHAILOVICI, Design Studies, 2008

Sorin wears many hats throughout the day,

keeping busy with production work at OMNI

Television and City, as well as running a

mobile app and producing his own TV series.

At OMNI Television, Sorin is responsible

for the development and implementation of

diversity-related programming. He is also

the producer of the ‘DiverseCity’ segment on

Breakfast Television.

Sorin is also the founder of the world’s largest

fraud prevention mobile app, Scam Detector,

accessible on iPhones and Android. The app

RONA FRASER, Arts Administration, 2000

After graduating, Rona started her dream

career in event management and fund

development. Working with SJ Event Man-

agement, she learned how to produce and

promote world-class events. In 2001 she

and her husband started their own event

management company, Event Energy,

which has become a full-service event com-

pany serving all of Western Canada. Rona

has worked on a variety of events including

the Alberta Music Awards, Edmonton’s May-

or’s Celebration for the Arts and the Daddy

Daughter Ball.Over the years, the company

has evolved into specializing with working for

non-profit organizations, with over a million

dollars being raised for worthwhile causes

including The Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospi-

tal Foundation, The Canadian Cancer Society

and Ronald McDonald House. Ten years

ago, she did the grand opening for the Nina

Haggerty Centre for the Arts and continued to

work for the centre on a contract basis which

led to her current part-time position as their

director of Development.

migrant story based on Jessica’s great-great

grandmother who stayed behind in Calabria,

Italy while the rest of her family migrated to

Canada during the 1950s.

Two chapters of her book received recogni-

tion before publication: “Scattered” won

the 2012 Other Voices Creative Non-Fiction

contest and “Traces” was shortlisted for the

Writers Guild of Alberta’s James H. Gray

Alberta Literary Award in the summer of

2011. Jessica is currently working on another

book project which is a novel set in Alberta.

exposes the world’s most notorious scams and

educates the consumer on how to avoid them.

Sorin is also the producer of his own TV

series called Travel by Dart. Every episode,

Sorin and his friend Matt Cook throw a dart

at the world’s map and travel wherever it

lands, with the purpose of helping the land

or the people. Whether it’s about building

a school in Uganda or a library in the West

Indies, Sorin and Matt are always ready to

roll up their sleeves.

Page 13: MacEwan University Alumni News


alumni news fall/winter 2013

CAROL NEUMAN, Executive Leadership in the

Non-Profit Sector, 2012

Carol is executive director of the Alberta Stu-

dents Executive Council - an advocacy group

representing 175,000 students from across

the province. Her organization has worked to

develop solutions for students ranging from

the Serving Communities Internship Pro-

gram, to the Alberta Campus Mental Health

Innovation fund, to advocating for new

strategies to expand access to post-secondary

programs for rural and northern students.

MICHELLE PONICH, Journalism, 2006

Since graduating, Michelle has gone on to

establish herself as one of Edmonton’s vision-

aries in the not-for-profit sector, an area that

she has great passion for. For over three years

she worked in the area of development with

the Alberta Cancer Foundation forwarding

their mission and raising funds to support

research and cancer care in Alberta. In 2010,

Michelle accepted the position of executive

director with the Edmonton Down Syndrome

Society (EDSS), becoming the first paid staff

person in the organization’s 24 year history.

BEN WEINLICK, Disability Studies: Leader-

ship and Community, 2007

Ben is passionate about helping people and

organizations enhance their creative capacity

in order to come up with better quality solu-

tions and services. In addition to being the

founder of Think Jar Collective, Ben is the

Senior Leader of Research and Organizational

Learning at a large NGO called SKILLS Soci-

ety in Canada. In this role, he regularly facili-

tates a think tank lab using design thinking

and creative processes he developed with a

research group during his graduate studies.

She is also an active community builder,

serving as a member of the Winter City strat-

egy think tank, Edmonton Economic Develop-

ment Corporation’s Downtown Vibrancy Task

Force, a board member at LitFest: Edmonton’s

Non-Fiction Festival, and community co-chair

for Edmonton NextGen. Earlier this year,

Carol also founded the 10 Mile Meal project,

a new initiative that celebrates vernacular

prairie cuisine.

During her time with the EDSS, Michelle has

established the organization on an equal play-

ing field with other like-sized charities in

Edmonton. Her deep-rooted belief in people

born with Down Syndrome has provided her

the drive and passion to not only bring vision

to the society, but change perceptions in our

communities. Michelle also dedicates her

personal time as a board member with CTV’s

Good Neighbour Fund, the Motorcycle Ride

for Dad and Bryan’s Angels.

He also regularly writes for the Creativity

Post, gives keynotes, curates content for

Think Jar Collective and consults

across Canada.

Ben has had a tremendous impact on the lives

of people with developmental disabilities in

Edmonton. He is a true community builder

and embodies the belief that strong com-

munities have the capacity to recognize and

appreciate the gifts of all citizens.

photo credit: claudine lavoie photography

Page 14: MacEwan University Alumni News


within every child lies a potential that

can often surprise us. This is a fact that for-

mer MacEwan student Anita Lafferty witnesses

on a daily basis. In her role as graduation coach

at St Joseph’s Catholic High School in Edmon-

ton, Lafferty works directly with First Nations,

Metis, and Inuit students (FNMI), helping

them overcome obstacles that may prevent

the realization of their full capacity.

Edmonton Catholic Schools established the

FNMI Graduation Coach Program in 2009 in

response to the unacceptably low number of

FNMI students completing high school. In the

short time that the program has been in effect, it

has been a resounding success, bringing gradua-

tion rates amongst FNMI students at St. Joseph’s

from 14 percent to an impressive 60 percent.

The success of the Graduation Coach Program is

a combination of the support given by coaches

such as Lafferty with a more personal, self-

directed style of learning for the students. “It’s

a lot like university,” says Lafferty. “They attend

seminars once or twice a week, then largely work

on their own. My job is to make sure they are on

track, check their progress, and make sure they

meet the requirements to graduate.”

Lafferty’s journey into the world of supporting

students began at MacEwan University, where

she was initially focused on getting into the

field of nursing. While enrolled at MacEwan,

she became heavily involved with the school’s

Aboriginal Education Centre. “I would do

things like go to high schools and speak to

aboriginal students about my experiences in

post-secondary,” she says. “The Aboriginal

Education Centre got me volunteering with

Edmonton Public Schools, and all sorts of

other things involved with youth. That’s what

really helped change my mind and led me to

get involved in teaching.”

It was at this time when Lafferty met her cur-

rent boss Pamela Sparklingeyes, who was work-

ing in the Aboriginal Education Centre and who

encouraged Lafferty to get involved with youth.

“I would basically volunteer and tutor students

whenever Pam asked,” she says. Such passion

and work ethic clearly didn’t go unnoticed.

“When I finished my degree, I contacted Pam to

let her know and to ask if she knew of any avail-

able positions. She replied immediately, and a

week later I was in an interview.”

Reflecting upon her educational journey,

Lafferty speaks very highly of her experience

at MacEwan. “It is a fantastic, dynamic place.

The Aboriginal Centre was like my family, and

it allowed me to really get involved in a lot of

other things.” Lafferty even went on to become

president of MacEwan’s Aboriginal Student

Club, hosting events such as Cultural Days as

well as developing relationships with faculty

that continue to this day.

Cultural awareness is an important compo-

nent of the Graduation Coach Program, the

success of which Lafferty credits largely to

the resource centre within each participating

school. Dubbed the Braided Journeys room,

it serves as a home base for students seeking

information on post-secondary schooling,

scholarships, events, volunteer opportuni-

ties, or simply a place to hang out and feel as

though they belong. “This is a place where

students feel comfortable. I’m here to support

them, while other staff may come in and do

teachings. It is a piece of the school that these

students can call their own.”

When asked what the most rewarding aspect of

her job is, Lafferty responds without hesitation.

“Graduation day is by far the most rewarding

thing,” she states. “The excitement, the hype,

seeing the parents so happy, it’s just the most

magical day.” Additionally, the Aboriginal

Learning Services department of Edmonton

Catholic Schools puts on an honouring ceremo-

ny for all FNMI graduates each year. “It gets

bigger and bigger each year, to the point where

we have to start looking at bigger venues.”

Having been working at St. Joseph’s for three

years now, Lafferty has seen many students

graduate and go on to post-secondary educa-

tion, with some still keeping in touch. “It’s

always so nice to hear from them,” she says.

“It’s great to see how well they are doing, and

I will probably get some of them to volunteer,

keeping the circle going the way it did for

me.” With such a passion for helping others

succeed, Lafferty will undoubtedly inspire nu-

merous students to find that potential within

themselves to truly shine.



Page 15: MacEwan University Alumni News


Do you know of a MacEwan University alumnus that has made a significant contribution to our community or who has achieved inspiring success? Each year at Convocation, MacEwan University recognizes the achievements of Distinguished Alumni and their contribution to the university and our community.

Distinguished Alumni awards are open to all MacEwan University graduates. To be considered, a good candidate will have exhibited an outstanding achievement or made an outstanding contribution in one or more of the following areas: • Service to the community • Business • The arts • The environment • Lifelong learning • Government • MacEwan through various channels

Anyone may nominate an alumnus, or themselves and there is no limit to the number of times a candidate may be nominated.

The deadline for nomination is:December 31, 2013

Nomination forms are available


alumni news fall/winter 2013

Page 16: MacEwan University Alumni News


and nerve-racking experiences”, she states.

“School really helped me feel more comfort-

able with being a manager, as well as making

decisions on all aspects of my business.”

Leclair first heard of the Arts and Cultural

Management Program after deciding to

transition away from a career as a performer.

“I originally didn’t have much intention on

going to school,” she says. “When I wanted to

stop performing, I realized I should get some

kind of professional training if I wanted to

still be involved in the arts. MacEwan really

sounded appealing.”

Leclair is very enthusiastic when speaking of

her time in the program. “It was very unique,”

she says. “I got a lot of opportunities that

changed my perspective on the Edmonton

arts scene. Getting a behind-the-scenes look

at the Edmonton Opera, the Alberta Ballet,

and touring a variety of facilities lets you see a

side of things you just don’t understand when

you are part of the audience.”

In particular, Leclair identifies the field

placement element of the program as being

of great value in preparing her for entry

into the working world. “You actually get to

work while also being mentored,” she states.

“During our two-month placement, all of the

students would get together periodically for

workshops, and share our experiences.”

With Pique Dance Centre now open for busi-

ness, the base of happy customers continues to

grow. In fact, a graduate of MacEwan’s Theatre

Arts Program who had been cast in the musi-

cal Mary Poppins, yet had no previous dance

training recently approached Leclair. “I love

working with these customers,” says Leclair.

“I almost feel like a consultant.”

Having successfully made the transition from

performance to business ownership, working

within the art form she so loves is very re-

warding for Leclair. “I know that I’m making

a lot of people happy. They aren’t worried

about it being uncomfortable for them to

learn, and that makes me feel like I’m really

contributing to the dance community.”



for many young artists, it can be diffi-cult to decide between following one’s passion or to choose a more stable

career direction. For Jeanelle Leclair,

choosing was simply not an option. The gradu-

ate of MacEwan’s Arts and Cultural Manage-

ment program instead decided to pave her own

road, incorporating both her love of dance with

a strong entrepreneurial spirit.As a result of

both hard work and true passion, Leclair now

owns and operates her very own dance studio

in downtown Edmonton.

Pique Dance Centre opened its doors in

August of 2013, offering instruction to students

from beginners to advanced dancers looking

to refine their skills. The studio offers an

incredibly diverse range of classes, cover-

ing staple genres such as jazz and tap while

additionally providing expert guidance in

Afro-Cuban, African, and soca styles to name

a few. However, Pique stands out by focusing

exclusively on adult students, providing a ser-

vice previously unavailable to Edmontonians.

The idea for the studio first came to Leclair

while she was attending MacEwan. Having

danced since she was a young girl, she was

able to earn a living after high school by per-

forming professionally, working on a cruise

ship and as a cheerleader for the Winnipeg

Blue Bombers. Wanting to maintain her skills

while in post-secondary, she quickly became

frustrated while trying to find appropriate

instruction. “It can be uncomfortable in

classes where you are the only person older

than 16. Then one day it hit me; I should

open a studio just for adults!”

Transforming the idea into reality didn’t hap-

pen overnight, nor was it a process without

significant challenges. “Nothing goes as you’d

expect it to, and everything that does happen

is totally unexpected,” Leclair says with a

laugh. Yet she is quick to credit her education

with equipping her to deal with many of the

difficulties associated with starting a busi-

ness in the arts industry. “My program really

helped prepare me, particularly in regards

to marketing, market research, managing

finances, and finding funding,” she says.

Dealing with commercial realtors, bankers,

and finding the perfect location for the studio

stand out to Leclair as the most arduous parts

of the process. “Those were really challenging

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this year marked the seventh annual

alumni night of theatre event held at the

John L. Haar Theatre, Faculty of Fine Arts

and Communications campus.

Over 250 alumni had the opportunity to

catch up with old friends while enjoying hors

d’oeuvres and wine before heading into the

theatre to watch the performance of Carrie:

The Musical.

Carrie: The Musical tells the tale of an

awkward ugly duckling who transforms into

an avenging swan. After years of struggling

at home with a domineering mother and

harassed at school by vindictive bullies,

Carrie White is awakened to her telekinetic

powers. The musical explores outsiders,

being misunderstood and struggling to

make human connections.


As in previous years, the Theatre Arts students

and staff put on an amazing show and a great

time was had by all.

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alumni news fall/winter 2013

Carrie: The Musical Photos provided by Epic Photography

I wanted to pass on a big thank you! My guest and I had a great time at the show. The performance was fantastic and the food was amazing. This was my first time attending and I’m happy to say that the evening was very enjoyable. I am very grateful to be a MacEwan alumni!

carmen krysa, Office Assistant, 2006

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sometimes, it is the unexpected decisions

that truly define our lives. For Ian Soles,

deciding at age 38 to abandon a successful

career as a management consultant to enroll

in MacEwan’s Massage Therapy program may

have seemed crazy to some. However,



the move proved to be the right one, marking

the beginning of a most rewarding journey

into the world of patient care.

At present, Soles is the president and lead

therapist of Salutaris Centre, a leading-edge

therapeutic clinic specializing in the treatment of

lymphedema. This condition is the result of an

improperly functioning lymphatic system that

can result in chronically swollen regions of the

body, with many sufferers finding limited relief

through standard medical avenues. Interestingly,

the three other therapists who work at Salutaris,

Lee Saunders, Leila Power and Shaunna Leclair

are all MacEwan graduates.

Prior to delving into massage therapy, Soles’s

consulting career was already well-estab-

lished and prosperous, yet not without sacri-

fice. “My career was going better and better,

but my life was getting worse and worse,”

says Soles, describing long work weeks and

being home roughly 4 or 5 days a month.

“When my two-and-a-half year old daughter

asked me, ‘Are you going to visit me again

today Daddy’ I knew I had to make a change.”

While contemplating his next move, Soles

glanced over the notes of a friend who hap-

pened to be a massage therapist. “I sat and

read her notes and realized that this is what I

want to do. I came back and told my business

associate that I was leaving the firm to become

a massage therapist.” Within 4 months, Soles

had wrapped up his commitments and was

enrolled at MacEwan University.

In speaking of his experience at MacEwan,

Soles is very complimentary of the school’s

focus on working with each student to sup-

port their learning. “As a 38 year-old business

guy, they really helped put together a pro-

gram that met my particular needs, enabling

me to enter this field. They worked with my

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knowledge and experience to help me become

a better therapist.”

Upon graduation in 1994, Soles was of-

fered the opportunity to purchase Elements

Wholistic Centre, a business owned by one

of his instructors. “Of greatest importance to

my success early on was the seriousness with

which the instructors taught the hands-on

work,” Soles says. “Good technical skills are

imperative, and the instructors at MacEwan

really understood this.” As a result, not one of

the 25 clients/week left as a result of the prac-

tice changing ownership, firmly establishing

Soles within his new field.

Shortly after starting his practice, Soles at-

tended a demonstration of the Vodder Method

of Manual Lymph Drainage; a technique that

had a proven track record of reducing lymph-

edema. Soles reveals being truly inspired to

learn the Vodder Method, stating, “I felt that if

I could learn a technique to save a child’s leg,

I would really have done something worth-

while in this world.” Consequently, one of

Soles later patients would be only the second

person in Canada to have a lymphatic vessel

transplant, with the Vodder technique being

critical to their rehabilitation.

After several years of practice, Soles was

approached by Edmonton philanthropists

Dianne and Irving Kipnes, regarding treat-

ment of Dianne’s chronic lymphedema. Their

discussions evolved into their partnering in

the establishment of Salutaris Centre in 2010,

with the goal of helping advance the treat-

ment of this poorly understood disease for the

benefit of the wider population.

Furthering this commitment, the Dianne &

Irving Kipnes Foundation donated $5 mil-

lion in September of 2013 to fund a Lymph-

edema Research and Education program at

the University of Calgary. Soles is extremely

optimistic about this venture, “We hope this

research will help us understand how the lym-

phatic system actually functions, and hopefully

find a cure for lymphedema.” With this area of

anatomy very poorly understood, Soles hopes

that this program will help establish a whole

new area of medical specialization.

It has been a long and winding road for Soles,

one that was truly guided by a passion for

people. “This line of work is not like an office

job, its really about touching people’s lives.”

With such an enduring enthusiasm for helping

others, it is clear that Soles choice to follow his

heart and completely change careers wasn’t

quite so crazy after all.

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i always promised myself that i would

travel the world one day. It’s much easier

said than done. Why? Because one minute

you’re ready to explore the world and the next

minute you’re using excuses like, “but it is so

far away” and “I’ll just travel next year.” I was

caught in this cycle for quite some time, until

one day I had a moment of bravery. And in

this resolve, I told myself that I was going to

travel, no more excuses.

The challenge was, I was still enrolled in

the Bachelor of Applied Communications

program and I wasn’t about to drop out of the

program, but I knew that my desire to travel

wasn’t going anywhere. So I began to look for

options and came across MacEwan’s

Education Abroad Program.


With an endless amount of help and support

from MacEwan International, I found myself

in the United Kingdom studying Fashion

Journalism at the University for the Creative

Arts (UCA).

I chose UCA for a number of reasons.

The Fashion Journalism campus is located in

Epsom, which is an hour away from London,

and how could I say no to London? I also

wanted a program that would challenge my

skills as a communicator and introduce me

to new ideas and concepts.

I’ve had people ask me if the Education

Abroad Program was worth it. My answer is

always yes. Taking part in the program was

one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I experienced so much in the UK and I would

do it all over again without a second thought.

I had the opportunity to learn from some of the

industry professionals who influence the Lon-

don fashion scene, and I ended up going there

at least once a week to experience it firsthand.

In a professional sense, I believe that my

study abroad term helped to set me apart

from other graduates. When you go abroad,

your perspective of the world diversifies and

you look at things differently, which is exactly

what some employers are looking for.

After finishing her term in London, Taylor

Blades returned to MacEwan where she is

currently finishing her diploma in Public

Relations. She also received her Bachelor

of Applied Communications in Professional

Writing this past November. She hopes to

return to the UK in the future to pursue a

career in fashion journalism.


The most important lesson I learned from

my exchange was that anything is possible if

you set your mind to it. I never realized how

capable or determined I was until I found my-

self in a different country away from everyone

and everything that I knew. MacEwan’s

Education Abroad Program helped me realize

how captivating the world is and how study-

ing abroad can truly change your life.

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Doctoral Supplement from the Social Sciences &

Humanities Research Council and Sport Canada

for his PhD.

Additionally, as the majority of Canada’s popu-

lation is insufficiently physically active, he is in-

volved in research that assesses how individuals

can improve their physical activity behaviours.

At the same time, he works with multiple sports

teams from Edmonton and the Lower Mainland

as a sport psychology consultant.

Desi’s long-term goals include completing

a doctoral dissertation followed by a one-or

two-year post-doctorate degree, and eventu-

ally work as a professor in sport and exercise

psychology. He plans to continue to work as a

sport psychology consultant and hopes to one

day work as a consultant at the Olympics.


when desi mcewan first stepped on campus in 2005, he met with an advisor who, after hearing about his interests and passions, suggested he pursue a doc-

torate in sports psychology. This advice

turned into a ‘light bulb’ moment for Desi and

thus began his educational journey. He says

that this type of support from staff and faculty

members, including Dr. Rodney Schmaltz and

Dr. Lynne Honey, distinguishes MacEwan

from other universities.

When he was nearing the end of his fourth

year, Desi began his cross-Canada application

process for graduate school. After receiving

acceptance offers at all three of the schools he

applied to, he ended up choosing McMaster

University in Hamilton, Ontario. During his

time at McMaster, Desi received multiple

awards, including a Joseph Bombardier

Canadian Graduate Scholarship from the

Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council

and numerous internal university awards.

While working on his masters’ degree, one of

his studies was published in The Journal of

Psychology of Sport & Exercise, and the

Huffington Post wrote about his findings

leading up to the 2012 London Olympics.

In 2012, his assistance as a sport psychology

consultant with a local women’s curling team

was acknowledged by the team’s skip at the

provincials for Alberta in articles in the

Edmonton Journal and Edmonton Sun.

This fall, after completing his master’s degree

at McMaster, Desi packed up again and moved

out west to pursue his PhD at the University of

British Columbia where his focus is on teamwork

in sport. He is interested in learning how sports

teams achieve their goals and what maximizes

their effectiveness. He has again received a Joseph

Bombardier Canadian Graduate Scholarship as

well as a Sport Participation Research Initiative


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business is about constantly reacting, adapting and prospering; and business at

macewan university is good.

Earlier this year, the School of Business,

welcomed more than 80 academics, students

and businesspeople from across Canada to

e3 = Earth, Education, Economics — the first

Principles for Responsible Management

Education (PRME) Canada Regional Meeting.

PRME is a United Nations Global Compact

initiative. The principles serve as a frame-

work for management and business educa-

tion schools to develop future thought and

business leaders in terms of sustainable and

responsible management.

“In hosting the first PRME regional meeting

within Canada, we hope this nationwide

discussion will continue towards establishing

the definition of the PRME within a Canadian

context,” said Elsie Elford, Dean of the School

of Business.

Former Deputy Prime Minister, the Honour-

able A. Anne McLellan, delivered a keynote

address. In her presentation “From Board-

room to Classroom: Fostering Sustainable

Management,” McLellan advocated that

promoting sustainable thinking is more than

just talk, it is also about integrating ideas into

our core values.

Attitudes in business have long been shaped

by a focus on profit and financial return on

investment. A growing number of business

leaders are demanding change and embracing

sustainability as not just an idea, but also as a

necessity. Changing attitudes throughout the

business community starts with the percep-

tions impressed upon students on their road

to becoming the business leaders of tomorrow.

In other news……

The Business Management program,

(formerly Management Studies), received

national accreditation from the Canadian

Institute of Management this past August.

Graduates will have met the academic require-

ments for the Certified in Management (C.I.M.)

and Professional Manager (P.Mgr.) designations.

The Bachelor of Commerce program will be

graduating its first cohort of Marketing and

Human Resources Management majors in

spring of 2014.

Lastly, the annual Student Business Confer-

ence (SBC), will take place on Wednesday

March 5, 2014 at the Shaw Conference

Centre. The conference will welcome students

from across the university, as well as business

leaders from in and around the Edmonton

area. This year, SBC will feature a business

mixer which will provide students and busi-

ness professionals with a great networking

opportunity. For more information on the

conference and how you can get involved




Page 25: MacEwan University Alumni News

TICKETS for all Griffins court sports home games:

ADULTS $5$5 STUDENTS/SENIORS $2$ passes are also available.

alumni news fall/winter 2013


how often do you hear the word networking and think of an awkward

business mixer? In reality, we are actually

networking every day; building and maintain-

ing relationships by sharing information and

resources. We generally do this inside and

outside the office, but if you see others being

promoted over you or are never asked to lead

new projects, the reason could be a lack of

internal networking. Internal networking is as

simple as engaging in daily conversation with

your colleagues to build rapport, learn ways to

collaborate and share ideas. It can allow you to

uncover information that inspires new initia-

tives or ways to contribute to the team.

Managers tend to value someone who is

involved, trusted by others and invested in the

success of the organization. A few simple ways

to become an expert internal networker are:

CAREER TIPS, TRICKS AND TRENDSfrom Karly Gerlach, employer relations

specialist at MacEwan University

Career Services.

• Get involved in training, orientation or

mentoring new hires

• Organize an office fundraising event,

new program or sports team

• Attend office functions

• Ask a colleague to lunch who you have

never connected with before and try not

to eat lunch alone

• Find ways to help a colleague

• Internal networking is not for “suck-

ups” or gossips. It is building valuable

connections with colleagues and

receiving recognition from management.

You might even have fun along the way!

If you have questions regarding this topic or

any career related questions you would like

answered, please email [email protected]

with “Career Corner” as the subject line.

Page 26: MacEwan University Alumni News



leslie horne, a 1994 advertising and public relations graduate, has a pretty sweet life. She lives in Edinburgh,

Scotland – surely one of the most magical,

romantic cities on earth. She works in her

dream job, as a global marketing manager for

Genius Gluten-Free Foods, and spends her

spare time enjoying a number of food-related

interests. We caught up with her to talk about

her career, her life and the role that MacEwan

University has played in her success.

Q. Why did you choose to attend

MacEwan University?

a. I’ve always been interested in Marketing,

and MacEwan had an excellent reputation for

its Advertising and Public Relations program.

I remember reading the course outline and

saying, “yep, this is for me!”

Q. What are your most vivid memories of

your time at MacEwan?

a. The friends I met along the way. We all

studied together, socialized together and

really supported one another throughout the

entire journey. Many of these friends are still

in my life today and we continue to support

one another personally and professionally.

Q. How did you land your first job

after graduating?

a. I volunteered at the Rainbow Society,

a children’s charity granting wishes to chroni-

cally ill children. Through helping the charity

develop their fundraising materials, I met

people in the industry and eventually landed

my first job at Capital Raceway managing

their media relations. I didn’t know the first

thing about cars, racing or motor sports, but

I was delighted to take on the challenge.

I even managed to drive a sprint car, which

was pretty neat, and got to experience mil-

lion-dollar sponsorship activation in action.

Q. How did your MacEwan University

education prepare you?

a. Although I majored in public relations,

most of my career has been spent as a mar-

keteer. The Advertising and Public Relations

program provided enough diversity to allow

me to move into various marketing and PR

roles, which in turn enabled me to fine tune


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Angela Miniacipublic relations, 2005

If I could dine alone with anyone from any period in history, it would be: princess diana

One book everyone should read: pride and prejudice by jane austen

One movie everyone should see: the breakfast club

One song that would be on the soundtrack of my life: over the rainbow by israel kamakawiwo’ole

Favourite place on campus: library

Favourite place traveled: london, england

One thing I never leave home without: iphone

If I could be one age for the rest of my life it would be: 29

Cats or dogs? dogs

Greatest accomplishment since graduating from MacEwan University: travel

If I could eliminate one insect from the earth, it would be: mosQuitos

My favorite childhood television show: full house

My MacEwan experience in one word: relevant

the direction that was best suited for my

skills, talents and aspirations. However, the

writing skills I developed while at MacEwan

have been invaluable. Not only have I had to

manage PR firms and write countless market-

ing briefs, the skills enabled me to pursue my

passion as a food writer and blogger.

Q. How is living/working in the UK different

than in Canada?

a. Nothing really prepared me for working in

the UK. The first couple of years were pretty

tough, especially coming into a new country

in the depths of a recession. Finding work

had its challenges, many of which I attribute

to cultural attitudes, lack of connections and

understanding of my work experience. Also,

they use different marketing terms and over-

all language than we do in Canada so trying to

understand a conversation can be challeng-

ing. What worked to my advantage was my

North American experience, which many

companies saw as beneficial in developing

their export strategies.

Working in the UK has also been very reward-

ing. I’ve been blessed to work with some

globally-recognized agencies and brands. The

caliber of work and energy that comes out

of London is phenomenal and I would never

have had some of the career and life-changing

experiences had I stayed in Canada. It’s been

tough, but amazing at the same time.

Q. What would you advise a student who

was interested in working within the food &

drink industry?

a. Start working in the industry at any

capacity. That could mean working as a

server in a restaurant or at the local grocer,

or starting a food blog and getting familiar

with social media. People who work in this

industry are very passionate, outgoing and

sometimes downright crazy. But it’s amazing

how much fun working in an industry that is

fuelled by passion can be. You have to love

food, love people and love to eat and drink.

No dieters allowed!

Q. What’s your current job?

a. I am a global marketing manager for Genius

Gluten Free Foods, an amazing growing com-

pany based out of Edinburgh. It’s my dream job

as it’s in gluten-free food, which is my passion,

and I get to work around the world.

Q. What do you do for fun?

a. I eat. I cruise around grocery stores and

markets looking at packaging and for new and

interesting products. I started my own web-

site,, where I create

gluten-free versions of my all time favourite

recipes. I’m big into recipe development,

food photography, food writing (restaurant

reviews) and entertaining. I also love travel-

ling and trying new cuisines. Living in Europe

lends itself well to this!

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staying active during the winter months

Do you find that when the temperature drops,

so does your motivation to exercise?

Exercising during winter is just as important

as exercise during summer. The Canadian

Physical Activity Guideline’s recommend 150

minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per

week and two strength-building sessions to

maintain good health and reduce the risk of

disease. Instead of hibernating with a cup of

hot chocolate and an endless TV marathon

this winter, read on and find out how you can

stay fit this season.

take it outdoors

Embracing winter can be fun and great for

your health too. Cross-country skiing, downhill

skiing/snowboarding, snowshoeing and ice

skating are major calorie burners and a great

workout for your legs and core muscles, as well

as your heart. Skating for 30 minutes burns

approximately the same calories as jogging for

the same amount of time. If you don’t know

how, take a lesson or rent the equipment to try

it out. It will challenge you and keep you fit.

Go out and play! Make it a family activity and

go sledding, build a snowman and make snow

angels. In fact, sled pulling is an exercise fit-

ness trainers recommend to improve cardio,

but instead of doing it at the gym, you can get

some fresh air and have fun at the same time.

Of course you can simply enjoy the outdoors

by walking or jogging. Use caution in extreme

temperature and always dress for the occa-

sion. Layer up with lots of long sleeves, good

pants, multiple socks and heavy coats. And

don’t forget, in winter months, proper foot-

wear is a must.

take it indoors

If the thought of getting outside to exercise

makes you shiver, take your workout indoors.

Join a gym, this will allow you a variety of

physical activities to choose from every week.

Sign up for a class: whether it’s Zumba, kick-

boxing, weight lifting, swimming or Pilates,

a scheduled activity will help you commit to

staying physically active. If you like to bike,

try a spin class. Group classes are motivating

and can keep you in cycling shape over the

winter. To make it easier, ask a friend to join

you. Having someone to work out with will

hold you accountable so when it’s so cold and

you don’t want to leave your house — you will!

It may also give you a chance to learn new

skills and maintain or improve your fitness

for your summer activities.

For those days when you don’t feel like ven-

turing out into the snow, try a fitness DVD.

There are so many to choose from and you

can do it in the privacy of your own home.

Or, you can always set up a home gym com-

plete with light dumbbells, resistance bands,

an exercise ball and a jump rope and do

Page 29: MacEwan University Alumni News

Mental health is on everyone’s lips.Millions of Canadians are affected by issues related

to mental health. Let’s continue the conversation and, together, we can erase the stigma associated with mental illness.


alumni news fall/winter 2013

circuit-style workouts. Use the stairs: as little

as 20 minutes climbing up and down provides

a very intense and efficient workout. If all else

fails, bang out some sit-ups and lunges while

you are watching your favourite TV show.

Whatever the weather brings, find something

you love to do and make it part of your every-

day life. Don’t let winter slow you down,

get up and be active!

Anita De Boer is a Bachelor of Physical

Education graduate and is certified with the

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology as a

Certified Exercise Physiologist. She specializes

in working with people with specific health

conditions, those recovering from injury,

as well as beginners just starting out.

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have news to share?


bert auger (Social Services Worker)

Bert has recently moved to Edmonton from

Grande Prairie, and is currently working with

the Human Services Ministry of Alberta in

their Human Resources department. Ben has

over 18 years of experience working with the

Government including working with First

Nations. He is honoured to be a MacEwan

University alumnus.

lynn sibbons (Social Services Worker)

Lynn is proud to share that she is a grand-

mother to a beautiful little boy.


perri besserer (Advertising and Public

Relations) With over 25 years in the ad-

vertising industry as a Creative Director/

Consultant, Perri spent many years qualifying

clients and coming up with creative ways to

shine their personal and professional brands.

Currently, she is a professional life and suc-

cess coach with her company NuYU Life Skills

Co. She looks forward to connecting with

other graduates.


glenn melnychuk (Police and Security)

After six years as the Director of Corporate

Security, Safety and Regulatory Affairs,

Glenn has moved to Purolator to be closer to

home, and work with a large Canadian owned

company. In May of 2013 he obtained his CPP

(Certified Protection Professional) designa-

tion from ASIS International.


jacinda adams (Police and Security) After

graduating Jacinda worked at ETS Protective

Services as well as Macewan Security. In 2008

she was hired with the Canadian Forces Mili-

tary Police. After serving four years in Edmon-

ton as a patrol member including deploying to

Afghanistan Jacinda has transferred to Ottawa

as part of the National Investigative Service.

bradley grieve (Music) Bradley, recently

released his debut album, The Heart That

Loves Is Always Young, with the Bradley

Grieve Jazz Orchestra. The album features all

original compositions and is now available on

CD, iTunes, and


tess jorgensen (Bachelor of Arts) Tess is

excited to be part of a 12-month Municipal

Internship Program through Municipal Affairs.

rehana meghani (Bachelor of Arts)

Rehana completed her Masters Degree in Psy-

chology (Clinical Track) at the New School for

Social Research in New York. She is currently

working towards her PhD in Applied Organi-

zational Psychology from Hofstra University

in Hempstead, New York. She is expected to

graduate in May 2014.

Let your classmates know what you have been

up to by sharing your stories and successes

in the CLASSifieds. Submissions can be sent

by e-mail to [email protected]

or by mail to:

Alumni Relations & Services,

Macewan University, PO Box 1726,

Edmonton, AB t5j 2p2

High resolution photos are welcome and

will be used when space permits. We reserve

the right to edit submissions for content,

length and clarity.

Page 31: MacEwan University Alumni News


alumni news fall/winter 2013

“Alberta Trees”

Cher Hoffman

Visual Communication Design, 1990

Do you have a talent for photography? The alumnus who submits the published photo will receive a

$100 gift certificate for any campus mstore. Photographs can be submitted to [email protected].

For more details visit

Page 32: MacEwan University Alumni News

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