macchu picchu speech

Vague words or pronouns that have no antecedent. Lacking a conclusion or needing to say more. Why did the Incans abandon WHAT IS IT – INTRODUCE IT Macchu Picchu? Scientists have always wondered why but they have only come up with theories. Hello, my name is Lawrence Jiang and I am going to tell you about Macchu Picchu. Macchu Picchu is WHAT IS MACCHU PICCHU? Where is It? HOW BIG IS IT? HOW MANY PEOPLE LIVED THERE? located 8,000 feet above sea level, which is pretty high. This city is often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas" because it was built by the Incans. This structure was built in around 1462, at the height of the Inca Empire. Less than 100 years later, it was abandoned. In 1911, it was rediscovered by a Yale archaeologist, Hiram Bingham. Another important trait of this Macchu Piccuh site is that it had amazing building designs. The area Macchu Picchu is in is also very seismic, and the Incans were aware of that, so they used a technique called ashlar, which means to cut blocks of stone so that they would fit together. This helped because if there ever was an earthquake, the stones could resettle without crumbling. In fact, thie stones were cut so perfectly that even a knife couldn't fit between the crevices. The Incans would occasionally use mortar, but it was only used for the minor buildings, never the important ones. The Incans also had other ways to make Macchu Picchu earthquake resistant. Doors and windows were trapezoidal and tilted inward from bottom to top. The corners were usually rounded. DRAW A CONCLUSION ABOUT THE WINDOW, AND ABOUT THE PARAGRAPH Another one of Macchu Picchu's mysteries was the way the Incans brought the stones to that area. They didn't use wheels, but their toys showed that they were aware of

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Page 1: Macchu Picchu Speech

 Vague words or pronouns that have no antecedent.Lacking a conclusion or needing to say more.

Why did the Incans abandon WHAT IS IT – INTRODUCE IT Macchu Picchu? Scientists have always wondered why but they have only come up with theories. Hello, my name is Lawrence Jiang and I am going to tell you about Macchu Picchu.     Macchu Picchu is WHAT IS MACCHU PICCHU? Where is It? HOW BIG IS IT? HOW MANY PEOPLE LIVED THERE? located 8,000 feet above sea level, which is pretty high.            This city is often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas" because it was built by the Incans. This structure was built in around 1462, at the height of the Inca Empire. Less than 100 years later, it was abandoned. In 1911, it was rediscovered by a Yale archaeologist, Hiram Bingham.

           Another important trait of this Macchu Piccuh site is that it had amazing building designs. The area Macchu Picchu is in is also very seismic, and the Incans were aware of that, so they used a technique called ashlar, which means to cut blocks of stone so that they would fit together. This helped because if there ever was an earthquake, the stones could resettle without crumbling. In fact, thie stones were cut so perfectly that even a knife couldn't fit between the crevices. The Incans would occasionally use mortar, but it was only used for the minor buildings, never the important ones. The Incans also had other ways to make Macchu Picchu earthquake resistant. Doors and windows were trapezoidal and tilted inward from bottom to top. The corners were usually rounded. DRAW A CONCLUSION ABOUT THE WINDOW, AND ABOUT THE PARAGRAPH           Another one of Macchu Picchu's mysteries was the way the Incans brought the stones to that area. They didn't use wheels, but their toys showed that they were aware of that method. Scientists think that they just had hundreds of people haul them up the planes.           The Incans built a road to Macchu Picchu that is called that "Inca Trail." Many people today still walk the two to four day trip to Macchu Picchu on foot to visit the deserted city of Macchu Picchu.                  Macchu Picchu had a very spiritual stone called the Intihuatana stone. The Intihuatana stone is one of many ritual stones at Macchu Picchu. These stones were arranged to point directly at the sun when the winter solstice came. At noon on March 21 and September 21 the

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sun is almost above the pillar, making no shadow at all. Researchers believe that it was built as a clock or calendar. On September 2000, the Intihuatana stone was damaged when a 1,000 pound crane fell onto it. When the crane fell, it broke off a piece the size of a pen. "Machu Picchu is the heart of our archaeological heritage and the Intihuatana is the heart of Machu Picchu. They've struck at our most sacred inheritance," said Federico Kaufmann Doig, a Peruvian archaeologist. THIS PARAGRAPH NEEDS A CONCLUSION – ALSO, IF YOU’RE GOING TO USE THE QUOTE, YOU NEED TO TIE IT THE TOPIC. DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH YOU ADD TO THE REST OF THE PAPER, YOU MAY NEED TO CUT TO MAKE 3 MINUTES. THIS IS CLEARLY THE PARAGRAPH TO SHORTEN. YOU CAN SHORTEN BY CHANGING THE WORDS, AND BY ELIMINATING UNNECESSARY WORDS.

AND USE YOUR STRUCTURE WORDS TO WRITE A CONCLUSION. Scientists still have not found an answer to why the Incans abandoned

it, but they have their theories. The majority of the scientists think that they were wiped out by a disease similar to small pox, but there are other theories as well. Some even think that it was used as a prison. Another theory was that it was used as an agricultural testing station. WHAT IS THIS? WHY WOULD THEY HAVE BUILT ONE?