maastricht adventures the...

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Post on 04-Jun-2020




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  • Maastricht Adventures – The Netherlands

    As the locals would say: hoi hoi! Going on an exchange is

    something I have always wanted to do and deciding to go to

    Maastricht was the best decision I could have made. The place,

    the people and the experiences to be had were absolutely

    amazing and I would recommend it to anyone. Here’s just a short

    glimpse of the adventures I had over my 5 months in the


    Getting prepared

    For such an organised person, deciding where to go

    and sorting out my application was pretty spontaneous

    and a bit last minute. If you’re not that big on

    researching either, don’t fret because even though a

    lot is up to you to figure out (where to go, what

    courses are on offer, booking flights and

    accommodation, etc.) a lot of support is given to you by

    the Uni. Thankfully Shannon from student recruitment was super

    helpful and made the whole process a lot easier and stress free.

    There were several steps I had to go through before I was given the

    all clear. I had to decide and apply for where I wanted to go and

    what courses I wanted to do, have my application okayed by

    Waikato Uni, who then put through a nomination for me at

    Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics. My

    grades and the fact that I was in my second year made me a

    good candidate and pretty soon my application was

    accepted and I was booking flights and accommodation.

    I booked flights through STA who were able to get me

    some great deals and I found my accommodation

    through a student

    website called


    Housing. Paying a

    lot of money at

    the beginning was

    pretty daunting

    but looking back, it was money well spent. I was lucky

    enough to receive a Waikato Management School

    International Exchange Scholarship which knocked

    $2,500 off the final bill which was really helpful.

    Figuring out which papers I could take which fit my degree was extremely important as I

    wanted the papers I took to count. I had to research the papers on offer and hope that my

    course convenors would agree to credit them – which thankfully they did. To the right is a

    photo of one of my lecture halls in Maastricht (very different to Waikato!).

  • Love at first sight

    Flying in to Amsterdam and catching the train to Maastricht, I remember thinking: “wow this

    is crazy!” Maastricht is absolutely beautiful and I was in love with the place from the very first

    moment. The first two weeks spent living in a new country are incredibly exciting and

    extremely overwhelming at the same time. The key is to be open to

    everything and make sure you don’t hide in your room Skyping 24/7.

    Living in a building full of exchange students meant we were all in

    the same boat wanting to have fun and meet new people. My 20th

    birthday was on my first weekend and previously I had been worried

    I would spend it alone. Turns out I couldn’t have asked for a better

    place or bigger group of new friends to make my night one to


    I arrived a few days before orientation week to get settled

    in before Uni started. There were heaps of dinners and

    parties organised by Uni clubs for us to get a better look

    at student life in Maastricht. This included the passport

    party where a fellow Kiwi and I painted our faces in All

    Black colours to represent some NZ pride. There were

    also traditional Dutch dinners, pub crawls and city

    tours which were an awesome way to get orientated.

    First on the list of things to do was buy a bike – a

    must-have in the Netherlands. I asked around and

    eventually bought a

    second hand bike which

    became my most prized possession on

    exchange – I would’ve been lost without it.

    Uni orientation was very similar to that of first

    year O’week – lots of free stuff and intro

    lectures, the tutors were all very helpful and

    there were plenty of clubs and Facebook

    groups to join to ask questions. Maastricht

    University uses a very interesting teaching

    style called Problem Based Learning

    (PBL) which I would recommend

    researching before you

    decide to go. Basically it’s all about self-teaching and

    group development. There are no lectures (apart from a

    few guest presentations), only tutorials of about 10-13

    people. I actually enjoyed this way of learning because

    I prefer in-class discussions to lectures but it did require

    a lot of extra work (reading) out of class which was a bit

    stressful at times.

  • Discovering Europe

    Travelling in Europe can be super cheap and easy as

    everything is so close together. The first trip I made was

    to Amsterdam with a group called Way2Go who

    organise a number of student trips throughout the year.

    Amsterdam was a busy and exciting city where we saw

    some awesome things including the ‘I-Am-sterdam’

    monument, the Heineken brewery, Anne Frank’s

    house and too many canals to count.

    My next trip was a weekend with an old family friend

    in Berlin. It was lovely to spend some family time in

    an actual house, eating real home-cooked meals. It

    was the weekend of the Berlin Marathon so we

    spent some time exploring the

    city, watching the runners and

    enjoying the live music.

    I have always

    wanted to go to Ireland and when we spotted some

    ridiculously cheap flights to Dublin a group of

    us jumped at the opportunity. The city had a

    unique charm about it and the accents and

    live music was to die for. We explored the

    castles and enjoyed plenty of Guinness and

    cider – I would recommend this trip to anyone

    thinking of going to Europe.

    After having been there in 2011, I was

    determined to go back to one of my

    most favourite cities in Europe; Paris. I travelled with

    two other friends by night bus and we spent the weekend being

    typically French – drinking coffee, eating croissants and climbing

    to the top of the Eiffel tower.

    A couple of my close friends were Belgian so we decided to

    make a family trip to Belgium – just

    a short train ride away. We picked

    up one of their cars and made day

    trips to Brussels, Bruges and

    Ghent. It was awesome to be in a

    car for a change and spending the

    weekend with a group of my closest friends was

    really special.

  • My last big trip was to Prague with Way2Go. I loved this city so

    much and we were able to spend 4 days and 5 nights here.

    Travelling with such a massive group was really cool as I could

    mingle with lots of new people I hadn’t had a chance to meet at

    other events. My favourite part was

    visiting the Lennon wall and climbing to

    the top of the clock tower to see the

    most amazing view of the city. We did

    the famous Prague pub crawl which

    was an awesome night and ended in a

    five-story club; the biggest in Central Europe.

    The food

    As almost everything we did revolved around food I thought it only

    fitting to make a special mention of how amazing it was. My friends and I made frequent bike

    runs to the Vrythof square where we would eat ice-cream or waffles at 9pm. This became a

    tradition as did countless coffee and vlaai (Dutch for cake) dates with the girls. Wherever we

    travelled we tried all sorts of traditional food including Belgium fritz (fries) and chocolate,

    croissants, goulash and more.

    One of my favourite things to do was visit the local market to buy heaps of

    fresh fruit and veges. At the end of December, Maastricht became home to a beautiful

    Christmas market which was always full of delicious

    food and various Christmas stalls and rides. We had a

    lot of lovely evenings spent here after our exams were

    all done.

    If you want to know more about this awesome

    opportunity or want to keep reading about Maastricht in

    particular, feel free to have a read of my blog at

    Thanks and good luck!