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Page 1: Ma & Pa Training - Daybreak Stake Trek · TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember

Ma & Pa Training


Page 2: Ma & Pa Training - Daybreak Stake Trek · TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember

Welcome and thank you for your willingness to participate in the Daybreak Stake Pioneer Trek. As

many of you know, Trek is a special event made available once every four years. It is also a

singular opportunity to positively affect the lives and enhance the testimonies of our youth. The

success of Trek depends in large measure upon the preparation of the Ma’s and Pa’s. Your diligent

preparation will play a significant part in your ability to effectively guide, teach and love the youth

during this wonderful event.

To that end, we have compiled this manual which is intended to be an important resource for you.

It contains important information and useful instruction. It is critical that you become acquainted

with its content and that you prayerfully consider the Trek theme, goals, objectives, and scriptures.

Remember, this assignment is not just about hiking and camping. It is about building and

strengthening testimonies in a hiking and camping environment.

Thank you again for your commitment and desire to serve. We look forward to this wonderful life-

changing and testimony building experience with you. May the Lord bless you in your study and

preparation to bless the lives of the youth of Zion.

Rudy and Arlene Taylor Trek Trail Bosses

“It is good to look to the past to gain appreciation for the present and perspective for the

future. It is good to look upon the virtues of those who have gone before to gain strength

for whatever lies ahead. It is good to reflect upon the work of those who labored so hard

and gained so little in this world, but out of whose dreams and early plans so well

nurtured has come a great harvest of which we are the beneficiaries. Their tremendous

example can become a compelling motivation for each of us, for each of us is a pioneer in

his own life, often in his own family, and many of us pioneer daily in seeking to do God’s

will and lift and serve those around us.” -President Gordon B. Hinckley

“A dictionary defines a pioneer as “one who goes before to prepare or open up the way

for others to follow.” Can we somehow muster the courage and steadfastness of purpose

that characterized the Pioneers of a former generation? Can you and I, in actual fact, be

pioneers? I know we can be. Oh, how the world needs pioneers today!”

-President Thomas S. Monson

“I have a desire to leave a record of those scenes and events through which I have passed,

that my children, down to my latest posterity, may read what their ancestors were willing

to suffer, and did suffer, patiently for the gospel’s sake. And I wish them to understand,

too, that what I now word is the history of hundreds of others who have passed through

like scenes for the same cause. I also, too, desire them to know that it was in obedience

to the commands of the true and living God, and with the assurance of an eternal reward -

an exaltation in His kingdom - that we suffered these things. I hope, too, that it will

inspire my posterity with fortitude to stand firm and faithful to the truth, and be willing to

suffer and sacrifice all things that they may be required to pass through for the sake of the

Kingdom of God…”

-Elizabeth Horrocks Jackson -Martin Handcart Company

Page 3: Ma & Pa Training - Daybreak Stake Trek · TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember

TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the

son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty

winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon

you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down...

Mosiah 5:15 - Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in

good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to

heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, an power, and

justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all,


Alma 1:25 - …nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of

God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.

TREK SONG: As Zion's Youth in Latter Days - Hymn #256

TREK GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: • The youth will recognize the importance of being “Steadfast and Immovable” in keeping the

commandments of God, staying true to the values we hold dear and in their reliance upon the


• Trek is hard. Life is hard. The youth of the Church will face incredible difficulties in the future

that will test their faith and resolve. It is our hope that they will recognize that they are capable of

accomplishing great things, even the hardest of things.

• The youth will recognize that as worthy members of the Church and while standing in holy places

they are afforded the blessings and protections of the Savior. These blessings and protections

come by way of our steadfast reliance upon the Lord.

• The youth will recognize that Christ-like love and service to others brings about tremendous joy,

fulfillment and satisfaction in our lives.

• The youth will gain a renewed appreciation of our Pioneer history and a renewed connection with

their own familial ancestry.

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EMERGENCY CONTACT FOR YOUR FAMILY DURING TREK For emergencies call Bro. Maurice or Sis. Jenni Noyes at:

(801) 913-0944 for Maurice or (801) 913-8844 for Jenni

Jan 29th, Feb

26th and April

30th 7:00 p.m.

Ma and Pa Training Sessions All Ma’s and Pa’s. Meet at the Stake Center in the

relief society room.

March 15th (Sun)

6:00 p.m. Trek Kick-off Fireside Youth and parents invited. Will be held at the Stake


May 26th (Tues)

6:30-8:30 p.m. Trek “Movie Night” at the

District Movies

All youth are invited. Will be held at the District

Movie Theater. Youth meet at Ward first before

going to theater.

June 10th (Wed)

5:00 a.m. Oquirrh Mountain Temple

Session Ma’s and Pa’s, Stake Leadership and Committees.

June 16th (Tues)

6:00-8:00 p.m. Bucket, Sleeping Bag and

Equipment Check-In Drop off gear at the Stake Center. This should

include everything except for your sack lunch and

what you will be wearing the first day.

June 17th (Wed)

6:00 a.m. Leave for Trek Arrive at the Stake Center. Check-in and be dressed

and ready to go. Don’t forget water bottle and sack


June 20th (Sat)

3:00-4:00 p.m Return from Trek Expected time that Trekkers will arrive back home at

the Temple Point building.

June 28th (Sun)

6:00 p.m Post Trek Fireside All youth and parents are invited to view a video of

Trek. Will be held at the Stake Center

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Name Ward Phone Number Email Address


Pres. Ryan Price 2nd 801-554-7509 [email protected]

Carol Pettit - Stake YW President 2nd 801-979-0385 c 801-446-3740 h

[email protected]

Howard Freiss - Stake YM President 2nd 801-898-6670 [email protected]


Rudy Taylor 4th 801-381-5142 [email protected]

Arlene Taylor 4th 801-913-2626 [email protected]


Sean Sant 7th 801-446-1438 h 801-455-8038 c

[email protected]


Amy Bingham 3rd 801-541-0905 [email protected]


Jan Marsh 2nd 801-699-7343 [email protected]

KD Price 2nd 801-560-7792 [email protected]

Fadwa Lawrence 5th 801-253-1701 [email protected]


Jenny Budd 1st 801-253-6836 [email protected]


Stuart Richardson 6th 801-631-7142 [email protected]


Nick Peck 4th 801-446-4407 h 801-839-9670 c

[email protected]


Matt Rollins 4th 801-835-1033 [email protected]

Page 6: Ma & Pa Training - Daybreak Stake Trek · TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember

REGISTRATION Please fill out and sign the registration and health history forms. It is important that we have these

forms from everyone who will be attending. Completed forms can be turned into Amy Bingham,

Rudy and Arlene Taylor or Ryan Price from the Stake High Council. Don't forget to attach a copy

of the front and back of your medical insurance card. (You are not required to pay the participation

fee or provide height and weight information)

SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL PREPARATION Pray often about the youth that will be under your care. Attend the temple often to receive insight,

direction and understanding. Your spiritual preparation is of utmost importance. It will allow you

to clearly discern the promptings of the Spirit in providing the needed guidance for your family

members. Also prepare yourselves by studying the scriptures and studying about the Pioneers. Be

prepared with Pioneer stories that you can talk about to pass the time or use as teaching moments.

You may be asked questions from the youth about the Pioneers. Questions like: How far did the

Pioneers have to walk each day? How long did it take to get to the Salt Lake Valley? Where did

the Pioneers leave from? etc. Please be prepared to answer their questions or use the knowledge

that you have gained about the Pioneers to teach the youth at appropriate times or as the Spirit

dictates. There are many resources on-line or books about Pioneer history that you can find at your

local book store.

PHYSICAL PREPARATION Your participation includes helping to push and pull the handcart with the youth in your family. We

will be walking many miles per day (10 on the first day, 5 the next then 7 each of the last two days).

Please take the time to break in your shoes before we go. On the previous Trek we had several

problems with the adults because of not being physically prepared. Please do not become a burden

on your family because you were not prepared physically. Walk daily to break in your shoes, eat a

healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Become friends with some of the other Ma’s and Pa’s and

exercise together and/or prepare together. This will help to reduce your stress.

YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES You will be responsible for approximately eight youth, ranging in ages from 13-18 years old. They

will be assigned from different wards, you may not know them and they may not know each other.

It will be up to you to bring them together as a family. Here are some helpful hints:

Love - Your most important role will be to love the youth. The sooner you can feel compassion,

unconditional love and respect for each of the youth in your family, the more wonderful your

experience will be. Remember, each youth is unique and will need your love and support to

overcome their personal challenges. These challenges can be physical, emotional or spiritual. Do

not show favoritism. Look for the positive attributes in each member of your family and seek for

opportunities to reinforce them. Love for your family will be your greatest resource.

Page 7: Ma & Pa Training - Daybreak Stake Trek · TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember

Unity - The sooner you can bring your Trek family together the more meaningful and rewarding the

whole experience will be. Get to know each of your youth as soon as possible. Develop a spirit of

love and unity as you interact. They may be apprehensive at first but with your love and openness

towards them they will overcome their fears. Ask questions about who they are and who they want

to become.

Lead - You will lead your family throughout Trek. Take the lead in family prayers, family

scripture study, family council, meals and activities. You will be responsible to delegate and make

assignments to the youth as needed.

Listen - It is critical that you listen to and observe the youth in your family. Use eye-to-eye contact

when listening and avoid distractions. They will know you care if you sincerely take the time to


Be on Time - You will be responsible to make sure your family is on time for all activities during

Trek. Keep your family together at all times.

Set and Adhere to Clear Expectations - Establish clear expectations and family rules. Let your

family know that you must know where they are at all times and that they are to get permission

before they leave the family camp. Use the buddy system. They should not be going to the

bathroom in the dark by themselves. Set clear rules for helping to set up and take down tents,

cooking, cleaning, garbage pick-up, etc. Ma’s and Pa’s should not be doing all the work. The

youth should have responsibilities and assignments. The youth should also be adhering to the “For

Strength of Youth Standards”.

Safety - You are responsible for the spiritual and physical well-being of your family. Safety first is

the priority. We are responsible to return the youth to their parents in one piece. For injuries, seek

out medical personnel immediately.

Have Fun and Have a Great Attitude - You should help your family have fun. Be positive and

enthusiastic. Smile and encourage your family members, even in the most challenging tasks. No

whining or complaining, the attitude you display is the attitude the youth will adopt. Be a good

example, be flexible, be patient, and have fun, laugh at mistakes, and always look for the positive.

Music and Song - Pioneers sang often. It helped them to deal with the boredom, hardships and to

provide levity. There will be several songs and hymns provided in your journals. Please utilize

these at appropriate times. We will also be singing at the devotionals each morning so have your

journals ready to go at a moment’s notice. If you play the guitar or harmonica or other instrument

please feel free to bring it along to add to your family’s experience. Also you may want to

introduce other campfire/trekking songs. (FYI temperatures can drop to below freezing and there is

lots of dust and dirt so please do not bring expensive instruments that may get damaged).

Allow Creativity - Allow the youth to show their creative skills. They are smarter than you think

and will often find a new and better method for accomplishing a task. Avoid providing step by step

instructions or doing jobs for them. Allow the opportunity for them to grow, discover and develop

their potential. Avoid the temptation to remove or soften the hardships of the experience.

Remember they need to know that they can do hard things. It is about allowing the youth to stretch,

grow and discover their abilities. It is also to reveal strengths and weaknesses.

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Family Dynamics - Remember all families need not be the same. Each family will have its own

personality and will develop at its own pace. As you work together, your family will grow in

strength. Some families may appear to be more outgoing and lively, while others will be more

sedate and reserved. Guide your family development according to the personalities of each

individual in your family. Seek to understand the personalities, thoughts and feelings of each of

your family members and how they can work together.

Resolving Problems - When challenges arise in your family, it will be your responsibility to

resolve them with the Spirit in a positive way. Depending on the situation you may need a family

discussion or a one-on-one counseling session. Make sure that love and prayer are tools used to

help resolve any problems.

Gap Fillers - Although almost every minute of Trek has been carefully planned out, there may be

lag times. Please be prepared to fill this time with pioneer stories, games, songs or other spiritual


Respect - It is important that all participants respect one another. During sharing times, please

make sure that we do not criticize each other. Boys should be respectful of the girls and the adults

should be respectful of each other. To gain respect we must first give respect.

Invite the Spirit - We have provided several opportunities throughout the course of Trek for you to

facilitate interactions with the Spirit. In approaching this responsibility you need to remember that

this requires more than a casual effort. Here is where your preparation will be key. Elder Bednar

said that teaching is not so much about “talking and telling.” Rather, it is “listening and observing,

so that we can then discern by the Spirit what we should say”. We know that the Spirit is the real

teacher. Without the Spirit the greatest of sermons are just words. Seek the Spirit and you will

have the inspiration needed to teach the youth. One of the best ways to invite the Spirit is to engage

the youth in searching the scriptures together, discussing ideas, sharing personal experiences and

insights, and bearing testimony. Often the youth have their own spiritual experiences and insights

to share. You will have time to do this during family home evening each night and during morning

council and scripture study. Share your testimony of the gospel and allow the youth to share theirs.

When we share our testimonies with each other, the Spirit bears witness, and all are edified. Have

the youth share their feelings about the activities of day or ask them to summarize in one word or

sentence what they have learned. The Spirit is what will touch their hearts and change the lives of

our youth.

DEALING WITH DIFFICULT YOUTH Trek is designed to provide individual and group experiences. Each youth will learn lessons that

apply to his or her own life. Trek will provide situations where the youth can learn through

experience to appreciate what they have, who they are, and what they may become. The youth will

be asked to do difficult things and you may find that some youth are not enthusiastic about Pioneer

Trek. Never force the youth against their will to do something that they do not want to do, but

lovingly encourage and inspire the youth to participate. When questioned you should emphasize the

positive experiences and benefits that can be achieved through sincere participation.

Page 9: Ma & Pa Training - Daybreak Stake Trek · TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember

CHAIN OF COMMAND For any serious emotional or behavioral problems with a member of your family, please seek out

one of the leaders in the chain of command. For daily questions about itinerary or day-to-day

activities, please check with your Company Commander first.

-Stake Presidency

-Stake High Council

-Trial Bosses

-Company Commanders


It will also be your responsibility to gather the following items. Utilize friends, family and

ward members.

Label all items with name and ward number

Tents: 1 - small for ma/pa

2 - that will sleep 5-6 people (one for sisters one for brethren)

Please set up tents once before we go to make sure they have all the parts, poles,

stakes, rain fly, etc.

Tarps: 1 - tarp for under each tent suggested (various sizes depending on tent size)

1 - 12’ x 24’ (size suggested by Missionaries) for covering the cart

1 - tarp or sheet to sit on while eating at least a 10’ x 10’ (put this in the easy to grab bag for lunches)

Rope: 4 - 25’ lengths of at least 1/4” rope or better (or at least 100’ cut to length as needed)

3 - 4 - ground stakes

2 - 6’ tall collapsible tent poles to make shelter for prolonged rain storms (See PVC


Hammer for tent stakes

2 - 5 gallon water containers with lids and spigots to fill water bottles from and for cooking

Battery operated lantern (extra batteries if needed, recommended LED type lantern)

Small sewing kit

Zip ties - Several size 11”-12” length

Watch (to be on time to events)

Bag or satchel - to put easy to grab items in (TP, FHP, Journals, Rain Ponchos, Hand

Sanitizer etc. see items below)

Hand sanitizer (suggested 2 small bottles one in satchel the other with food prep items)

1 extra roll toilet paper

10-15 - 1 quart size zip lock baggies for emergency potty stops

Extra feminine hygiene products

First aid kit with scissors

Consecrated oil for blessings

Duct tape - (DO NOT PUT TAPE ON CARTS - Duck brand tape does not stick when wet)

New black Sharpie marker (other colors optional for flag design) fat tip best for flag design,

thin tip for bracelet

Old towel to dry feet if crossing water / pkg. baby wipes to clean feet

Page 10: Ma & Pa Training - Daybreak Stake Trek · TREK THEME : STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE TREK SCRIPTURES: Helaman 5:12 - ...Remember, remember

Put in plastic tub: (label all items with name and ward number)

o 1 - 10 qt pot with lid

o 1 - large pot for boiling/warming water

o 1 - large skillet for making pancakes/cowboy breakfast

o 1 - spatula

o 1 - ladle

o 1 - large mixing spoon

o 1 - 2 qt. pitcher

o 2 - plastic tubs/or extra large bowls for washing and rinsing dishes

o Small bottle dish soap

o Rags or scrubber to clean dishes

o 3 or 4 - dish towels to dry dishes

o 1 - roll paper towels

o 2 - pot holders

o Salt and pepper (in shakers that seal)

o Matches

o 6 - kitchen size trash bags

o Can opener

o Sharp knife and small cutting board

DL&L RULES AND REGULATIONS - you are responsible to know and follow these rules

• The Trek group is to stay together on the trail at all times. Do not get separated.

• Leave all animals alone.

• No exits from the property for ice, groceries, gas etc. Only exit is for emergency medical


• No firearms, ammunition, knives, sheath knives, round nosed shovels or digging allowed.

• Support vehicles and handcarts must yield to all other traffic.

• Bring 4 buckets to put under water spigots on the water buffalo to catch any water. This keeps

the area from getting muddy. Use the caught water in the buckets to wash faces, feet, soak neck

coolers in etc.

• Water is for cooking and drinking and washing dishes. Not personal hygiene. No hair washing.

We need to conserve water.

• All handcarts must follow the missionaries and trail boss. Do not cut corners or go off the trail.

• Do not run with carts, or stand, ride, sit in/on or lean on handcarts. Youth may ride on a handcart

when medically necessary only.

• Do not drop the pull bar, it may break. Lay it down gently. Do not sit on the pull bar.

• Leave NO TRACE, on handcart; no tape, string, carving, writing etc.

• Cross any ditch, cow trail or depression perpendicular to the ditch.

• Do not pull handcart sideways on a steep incline. If all the weight is shifted to one wheel, it can


• Stay away from the wheels, some clothing, especially dresses, can get caught in the wheels.

• Push only from the back, do not push on the side of the handcart behind or in front of the wheels.

• Make sure water jugs are easily accessible to fill water bottles.

• Each handcart should have two 5 gallon jugs for water.

• Pack handcarts centering the weight over the axles.

• Have a trash bag on each cart for all trash.

• Have a first aid kit in each handcart.

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• Each family should have consecrated oil with them. Involve the new 18 year old elders in

administrating to those who may need blessings.

• Lock the doors when you exit the port-a-john because the wind can swing the door open, which

can brake it or it may hit someone.

• Be cautious climbing up and down the port-a-john trailers.

• Do not lock anyone in the port-a-john. This can cause them to panic and try to break out and can

damage the doors on the port-a-john.

• Assign your families to clean the port-a-johns night and morning. They stay a lot cleaner when

the youth help maintain them.

• All feminine products and garbage must go in garbage bags NOT in the port-a-johns. Nothing in

port-a-johns except that which passes through the body and toilet paper. Anything else will have

to be removed by you. We will have a grabber available for those who throw things into the port-


• Cowgirl and cowboy potty stops. Each handcart should have a tarp or sheet for Ma’s and Pa’s to

hold up for potty breaks where the port-a-johns are not available.

• Have ziplock bags and toilet paper for cowgirl/cowboy potty stop. Must put used toilet paper

and/or feminine hygiene products back in a ziplock bag and throw away in a trash bag. Do not

leave TP out on the trail.

• Hydration: Each person should bring a water bottle. Not tin cups on the trail. Water bottles allow

trekkers to drink while trekking. Each person should drink about 32 oz. each hour while trekking.

• Train Ma’s and Pa’s how to treat blisters and how to recognize dehydration.

• Duct tape; use duct tape to tape hot spots and to hold mole skin on.

• No base camps. Each night you will camp at a different location designated by the missionaries.

• Once in camp, stay in camp. No driving around the ranch or hiking in the hills.

• A flat nosed shovel may be used to remove cow patties out of the campground. No round nose

shovels. No digging. (base camp will have the shovels to remove cow patties)

• No transporting rocks into the meadows.

• All cooking must be done at least 12 inches off the ground. No fires allowed on the ground,

including propane heaters or lanterns.

• Fires are allowed in campsites when conditions are safe. Fire must be at least 12 inches off the

ground. You must remove all extra firewood.

• Bring a metal trashcan to put ashes in and must take ashes home with you.

• We have dumpsters for your use. Please conserve space. Crush all boxes, cut both ends off cans

and crush flat. Space is limited.

• Ranch gates MUST be left exactly how they are found, whether open or closed.

• No trace camping in camp and on the trails. No banana or orange peels, apple cores or candy

wrappers etc. in camp or on the trail. Perform a walk through sweep of camp before leaving to

ensure all trash is picked up.

TREATS You may bring a few small hard candy treats for your family. Old fashion hard candies or mints

would be appropriate. Do not bring chocolate, candy bars, licorice, taffy, chips, soda, or anything in

a wrapper. The Pioneers had very few treats or candy. When passing out treats do so discreetly and

not in front of other families to avoid comparing or competing with other families. Try to make it a

special occasion for your family or special treat during FHE. No wrappers are allowed. Treats

should come unwrapped in a bag.

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RAIN AND LIGHTNING There is always a possibility of rain during Trek. Storms in a wilderness environment are not just a

nuisance, they can be life threatening. The two greatest dangers from rain result from lightning and

hypothermia. If rain is expected, precautions should be taken to keep everyone as dry as possible.

Have the youth’s rain ponchos in the grab bag so they can access them quickly. Tents and shelters

should be used while in camp or on the trail. If lightning is approaching, move off of any ridge to a

lower elevation. This will be the time to pay close attention to instructions given by the Trail

Bosses or Company Captains.

Items in your handcart should always be covered by a tarp, until such time that your gear can be

moved into a tent or other protected place. While on the trail it may become necessary to utilize

tarps, tent poles, ground stakes and rope to make a shelter to huddle under. (We will review this in


The temperature can drop very quickly in the mountains. It is not unusual to have temperatures

drop into the 20s. Everyone should have with them a warm coat. Please make certain that when the

temperature drops your family members are wearing their coats. Remember, it is hypothermia we

are trying to avoid. Hypothermia is the number one killer of poorly insulated campers. And, yes, it

can happen even in the middle of summer. When a person’s clothing becomes wet to the skin, heat

is drawn from the body 250 times faster than if the clothing were dry. If you notice intense or

uncontrolled shivering or difficulty speaking because of chattering teeth please get help from one of

the medical personnel quickly.

TRASH “No Trace Camping” is the policy. Please have a garbage bag handy during the day to collect

garbage from lunch and potty breaks. All garbage bags will be taken to the water buffalo collection

site each night for transport out of camp.

EASY TO GRAB ITEMS Please bring a gym bag or satchel to store your frequently used items. Place your bag/satchel in an

easily accessible place in the handcart. Having these items strategically placed for easy access will

prevent you from having to unload the entire cart to find an item. The items we recommend you

place in this bag are: extra roll of toilet paper, ziplock bags, feminine hygiene products, first aid kit,

sunblock, bug repellent, chap stick, 10’ x 10’ tarp to sit on for lunch, hand sanitizer, duct tape, old

towel/baby wipes to dry/clean feet, journals, sharpie pens for flag design, rain ponchos and any

other items you may wish to have easy access too. Also make sure that their extra pair of shoes are

easy to grab somewhere near the top of the cart just in case shoes get wet or need to be changed.

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COWGIRL/COWBOY POTTY STOP There may be times when the port-o-johns are not nearby and one of your family members will

need to use the bathroom. When this occurs, utilize a tarp to shield the youth from view. This

should be done off the trail. If a girl needs to go, females will hold the tarp and if a boy needs to go,

males will shield the goer. A ziplock bag and TP will be needed for these stops. Remember, place

the used TP back into the ziplock bag and dispose of it in your handcart garbage bag.

BASE CAMP LOGISTICS Base camp will consist of 6 different trucks, trailers and 1 medical vehicle. One trailer is for the

committees gear, firewood and other items. There will be a food trailer that will hold stoves and

food and a refrigerated trailer with cold food items. There are 2 port-o-john trailers and a water

buffalo truck. Medical will have a suburban that will be used as transport for the injured, hold

medical supplies and be used as an ambulance for anyone sick or not able to walk. The medical

vehicle will follow the battalion during Trek as much as possible on the roads. There will be times

when we are off the main roads and on the overland trail so the ambulance will not be close by but

medical personnel will always be walking with the companies. The port-o-johns and water trucks

will meet us at certain points along the road for potty breaks and to fill your 5 gallon water

containers if needed. Make sure that everyone has water in their bottles and is continually drinking,

especially when we stop.

The food and equipment trailers will leave base camp after the battalion has left each morning and

travel to the next spot where we will be camping. If these trucks/trailers need to pass us on the road

please make sure that handcarts are pulled all the way off the road so that they will be able to drive

by safely. Please be respectful of the base camp staff. They are working very hard behind the

scenes and miss out on much of the fun. Your family may also be assigned a time to clean the port-

o-johns. Make sure that all family members participate and use this time for service.

FOOD PREPARATION Most of the food preparation will be done by the families with the exception of the sack lunch on

the first day and possibly one or two of the dinners. Each person is responsible to bring their own

sack lunch on the first day. The youth will be hungry after walking and pulling the cart. It is

inevitable that some of the youth will not bring enough to eat. Please encourage the youth to share

and set an example by bringing a little extra to share so that no one goes hungry, just in case

someone forgets their lunch.

Other meals will be cooked on a camp chef stove with propane that the wards are helping to collect.

If you know someone who can donate either a camp chef or 20 lb. propane bottle to borrow from

your ward please let us know. Most likely two families will be sharing one stove to cook on. Base

camp will keep the stoves and propane in the equipment trailer. (Not packed in the carts). Each

time we set up camp you will send 2 youth to the equipment trailer to pick up a stove or propane

bottle. Coordinate with your cooking family. You can set the stove up between your camps or

alternate camps with your cooking family. At meal time send 2 youth to the food trailer for your

milk crate/box of food. After each meal send 2 youth to return your empty milk crate/box back to

the food trailer to be restocked and then picked up at the next meal time. In the morning during

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camp breakdown the stove and propane should be returned to the equipment trailer. (Do not load on

your cart)

Please make sure that the youth are doing most of the cooking and clean up. This is a great

opportunity to learn new skills. If there are any youth in your family with food allergies you will be

notified ahead of time and special attention will be paid to this. Your food crate/box may be a little

different from the others or they may have packed their own food. Please help the youth to enjoy

the food that will be provided. There should be plenty for all. Discuss what the Pioneers had to eat

and bring, if you would like, 4 oz of flour to show the youth how little they had to eat.

MEDICAL There are several medical personnel with us on Trek. These include mostly registered nurses. They

will be available to check on your families throughout the TREK. One or two will be walking along

with each company during Trek. If you notice any medical problems with a family members please

notify a medical person quickly. The Medical committee will be teaching you what to look for

before TREK. Please pay close attention and read and study the hand-outs that you will be given.

It will be important to know and recognize the signs and symptoms of certain ailments and to get

medical attention quickly. Some of the most common problems encountered on trek will be

blisters, dehydration, heatstroke or hypothermia, sunburns, chafing and allergy and eye problems.

Please make sure that your family is drinking plenty of water. This will prevent many problems.

Duct tape feet in the morning before starting out to prevent blisters. Wear gloves to prevent blisters

on the hands from pulling/pushing the cart. Make sure everyone puts on sunblock in the morning

and wears their hats/bonnets to prevent sunburn. There is no shade on the trail. We will be out in

the sun for 10+ hours continually each day. So getting a bad sunburn on the first day will make the

rest of Trek miserable. Remind your youth to apply Gold Bond powder in the morning to prevent

chafing. There will be bottles of Gold Bond powder at the port-o-johns so that those needing to

apply may do so.

We will notify you of youth in your family that have special medical needs before Trek. Some of

these youth may need to have certain medications on them or in the easy to grab bag such as epi

pens for life threatening allergies or inhalers for asthma. Some youth may have environmental

allergies from dust, grass or sagebrush. Make sure if needed they take their allergy medication

before starting out for the day.

Along the trail there are many animal holes in the road. Make sure that those in front pulling the

cart warn those on the back pushing the cart of any large holes by calling out “hole on the right” or

“hole on the left” etc. Without this warning we will have many ankle/knee injuries. Trek can be a

trying experience for those not prepared and some of the youth will fall into this category. With

your help many of the medical problems on Trek will be avoided.

SANITATION AND WATER The most important thing to remember about sanitation is to make sure everyone knows not put

anything into the port-o-johns except for that which passes through your body and toilet paper.

Everything else needs to go into a garbage bag. There will be hand sanitizer and a hand washing

station at the trailers.

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Fill water containers before the water buffalo leaves to refill with water each day. Keep the 5

gallon buckets under the spigots on the water buffalo this will prevent a muddy mess from being

created. Also at night the temperature may drop below freezing so protect your water containers

from freezing.

HANDCART SAFETY RULES The hand carts are big and very heavy especially when loaded. It will be important to be extremely

careful around the handcarts. Most importantly DO NOT RUN with the cart. Because it is so

heavy if someone were to trip and fall in front of the cart there will be no way to stop the cart in

time from running them over. Also stay away from the wheels. Feet can easily be run over and

dresses can easily get caught up in the wheels. Push and pull only from the front or back of the

handcart. Treat the cart with respect. Do not sit on, stand on or drop the pull bar. If we damage

the carts in any way DL&L will charge the Stake for the damages. When loading the cart make

sure that most of the heavy weight is distributed over the wheels. A perfectly balanced cart will be

easier to pull. Cover the contents of the cart with a tarp and secure the tarp with rope. To do this

first lay the tarp in the bottom of the cart, load items on top of the tarp, then pull the tarp over the

top of the load and fold the extra length back over the top again. Secure with rope. Make sure

water jugs, grab bag, and their extra pair of shoes are easy to access. If it rains, you will undo the

extra folded over the top portion to make a shelter. (We will demonstrate this in training) Pay

attention to Company Captains when going up or down hills. On very steep hills handcarts may be

turned around and lowed backwards. Never put more weight on one wheel by pulling the handcart

sideways on an incline. This can break the wheel. Always cross a ditch perpendicular to the ditch.

If we encounter water, the handcarts will go across one at a time in an organized and orderly

manner. Those walking through the water will need to remove their shoes and put on their water

shoes first. Carry those not wanting to get wet across the water.

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TREK ITINERARY SERVICE AND SACRIFICE Each day your family will have opportunities for service. We encourage you to look for these

opportunities and take advantage of them. It is important that the youth learn to serve one another

and to look for opportunities to serve. During either family council or FHE take a few minutes to

recognize the service that was done during the day and reflect on how it made them feel.

DAILY FAMILY COUNCIL - held each morning

Please hold a daily family council with your youth. This is a time for morning family prayer,

scripture study, and instruction. Encourage the youth to bring their scriptures to this council. For

purpose of time, this can be a discussion during breakfast.

-Family morning prayer

-Scripture study

-Family Council - Instructions, concerns, recognize service and remember blessings

Encourage the youth to conduct their own personal individual morning and nightly prayers.

FAMILY HOME EVENING - held each evening

Each day time will be provided for you to hold family home evening. FHE usually happens after

dinner but may occur at different times. FHE should start with a prayer, song, and a scripture or

story. The first FHE should focus on the “Family Pioneer” that each person is walking for. Each

family member should share their story of the person they are walking for and why. You will also

be provided bracelets. The bracelets should be given out during the first FHE. You should discuss

the meaning of the bracelet. During FHE the youth should be encouraged to participate in the

prayer, scripture, song and possibly allowing them to prepare a FHE lesson. FHE is a good time to

reflect upon the day and the feelings of the youth about their experiences. Sharing testimonies and

personal experiences will help to strengthen the youth. At the end of FHE, this is a good time to

have the youth take a few quiet moments to write in their journals.

MORNING BATTALION DEVOTIONAL Each morning, everyone will gather at the flag. This gathering will take place after your family

morning council, breakfast, camp breakdown and loading of your handcart. Each family will line

up their handcart in one of three rows (one row per company). Families will gather around the flag

and prepare for battalion prayer, flag ceremony, pledge of allegiance, and a short morning

devotional which will be conducted by the following:

-Thursday - Trail Boss in charge

-Friday - Youth council in charge

-Saturday - Bishops/Stake leaders in charge

Each day a different company will be the lead company of the battalion depending on which

company we start with. For example A,B,C first day, then B,C,A next day and finally C,A,B.

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Company captains will provide departure instruction. Please follow your company captain and the

trail bosses.

MORNING OF TREK SIGN-IN AND DEVOTIONAL As the youth arrive at the Stake center the morning of trek, they will check-in at the check-in tables

and receive a color coded name badge. Ma’s and Pa’s will also get a colored name badge as you

check-in. Please do not let the youth know at this time what the colors represent. The color will

correspond to the bus they will be loading. Food tables will be made available with light breakfast

foods. Everyone will be called together for the first morning devotional which will consist of a

welcome, final instructions and a prayer. Ma’s and Pa’s will be excused first to get on the buses.

The youth will then be instructed to load the bus according to the color of their name badge. The

busses will have colors posted by the activities committee. As they get on the bus they will check-

in with the activities person at the front of the bus who will call out their name and tell them who

their ma’s and pa’s are. You will welcome your family as they each get on the bus. This should be

an exciting time with cheering and a warm, enthusiastic welcome.

MORNING OF TREK- BUS RIDE Each bus holds approximately 48 people. Please welcome and gather your children together. You

should sit together as a family. The activities committee person assigned to your bus will make sure

that everyone is accounted for. If anyone is missing, a search party will be sent out to find the lost

individual. While on the bus, take the time to get acquainted with your family members. You can

start with introductions and ice breaker games. (More to come on this) You will have time on the

way to discuss the DL&L rules an have each youth sign the rules stating that they understand them.

Your own family rules and family motto will also be discussed. Family flag design will occur

during lunch time. The activities committee member on the bus will also be directing some of the

activities. Bandanas and journals will be given out on the bus. Bracelets will be given out at FHE

later that night.

TEAM BUILDING GAMES UPON ARRIVING AT STAGING AREA As the buses arrive at the DL&L staging point, we will begin team building games. The games will

continue until all the buses have arrived and all the youth are accounted for. As you get off the bus

please follow the instructions from the activities committee members. You will set your lunches

aside and begin playing games. We may need some assistance from Ma’s and Pa’s during this time.

If you have not been given a specific assignment, please participate in the games with your family.

The youth should be participating in the games with their families and not looking for their

belongings. FIRST FAMILY CHALLENGE- Wednesday upon arrival after team building games

With Ma’s standing by their handcarts and on the word “go”, all the youth must find their gear and

help the Pa’s gather the family gear and load it into their handcart. The cart must be balanced,

covered and tied down ready to go. The first family in each company to have all equipment loaded

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and have the best balanced handcart will be the first family to lead their company that day. This

will be an opportunity to teach your youth how to load the cart properly and what to have as easy-

grab items. Don’t forget to fill water containers and have their extra pairs of shoes easy to access.

You should also have your water bottles either on your person or attached with a carabineer to the

cart. Referees – Each Company Captain decides which family wins. The best balanced cart out of

all three companies will not only lead their company but will also be the lead cart for the battalion

this first day. Please make sure the youth understand how to properly load the cart as they will be

doing this on their own the next day. (keep this top-secret)

FAMILY PICTURE During one of the days, time will be set aside for family pictures. These pictures will be printed

after Trek and given to you to distribute to each of your family members. We encourage you to

distribute them in a meaningful way. They can be given during a family reunion or dropped off

with a special note attached or even mailed to each of your children. Please make sure that they get

this treasured reminder of their Trek experience. TREK TEACHING MOMENTS AND VIGNETTES While on the trail, please anticipate stopping occasionally for vignettes and other activities. These

activities are intended to invite the spirit and provide learning opportunities for the youth. Vignettes

may consist of short stories or skits. It is important when we stop, that you gather your family

together and place the youth in a position where they can hear what is being said. Ideally, the youth

should be placed on the inside and parents should stand around the outside, in a semi-circular

fashion. The open expanse and wind make it very difficult to hear, so please encourage your family

to remain quiet during the presentations. You can use these experiences as reflection/teaching



As we arrive at the first camp site on the first day you will pull your hand cart to an open spot. Do

not unload because soon we will be kicked out of this campsite by angry mobber’s and you’ll need

to re-secure you handcart to trek on further to the actual basecamp site. As the mobber’s start to

create a commotion send your children to see what is going on. The mobber’s will engage the Trail

Boss and demand that we leave the area. Gather with your children to receive instructions from the

Trail Boss and Leadership at this time. Please use this experience to teach the youth that

“Mormon’s” were routinely shunned, persecuted and displaced from their homes. We now live in a

time where we may experience similar treatment for our beliefs. You will then return to your cart

secure your load and we will then Trek on further to the real basecamp. When we eventually arrive

at basecamp you will have time for dinner and FHE before lights out at 10:00 p.m. Please make

sure the youth are secured in their tents before retiring to bed. Girls tent on one side boys on the

other and ma/pa tent nearby.

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YOYO MORNING - top secret Please bring a watch with an alarm. You will need it this first morning. Ma’s and Pa’s will awake

early. Do not wake the youth at this time so be as quiet as you can. You will be getting up quietly

and leaving camp. Leave your gear packed in the tent and the tent door open. We will have a note

that you will leave in a place the youth will be sure to find easily. This note will let the youth know

that they are on their own this morning and contain detailed instructions to get breakfast, take down

the tents, load the cart and line up and be ready to go. They will have help from the bishops,

activities committee and other leaders still in camp. The note will let the youth know that

sometimes Pioneer youth had to step up and be responsible. We will have a devotional before

leaving on the trail. Ma’s and Pa’s will have already left after having picked up a sack breakfast to

eat on the trail. You will trek onto the next basecamp site 5 miles down the trail. Make sure you

use to potties and fill your water bottles before leaving. (We will assign some of the pa’s to stay

behind. You will be assigned to walk with the youth as we trek to make sure everyone is safe. “A” companies pa’s will walk with “B” company, “B” with “C” and “C” with “A”, as to not be with

your family) Keep this morning TOP SECRET! SILENT WALK

About a mile out from basecamp on the second day the youth will be instructed to walk silently

until we reach basecamp and think about or remember the Pioneers who came before. During the

last hundred yards or so of the silent walk the youth will pass the activities committee and some of

the Ma’s who will be holding signs of encouragement along the trail. We will continue to walk

silently past the signs until we reach base camp where the ma’s and pa’s will be waiting and cheer

as the youth arrive. As the youth arrive please jump in with your family and pull your cart to an

open area to set up camp. You will have time for lunch and to discuss their feelings of the

morning’s activities.


After lunch we will gather for Pioneer games. Please follow instructions from the activities

committee as to where your family will be in the game rotation. Please participate and encourage

the youth to participate in all games. This will be a fun time of friendly competition and will help to

pull your family together. After the games you will have time for dinner and FHE. We will then

gather for a hoe down. All youth and leaders should be encouraged to participate. After the

hoedown will will have treats and possibly fire pits where you can gather your family for singing

and storytelling before bedtime.


About a mile in on the trail we will stop. Leave your cart where it is on the trail and gather to where

the Trail Boss is at the head of the battalion. A letter will arrive from Nauvoo that the Trail Boss

will read out loud. Please be quiet so everyone can hear. The letter will call all males of priesthood

holding age to immediately leave on a Mission. The Women will be encouraged to Trek on to Zion

on their own. Pa’s take a minute so say good bye to your wife and daughters and then take the boys

and head off up the hill out of site for a Priesthood meeting. The Ma’s and girls with gather for a

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Women’s meeting. After the meetings the Women’s pull will be held. You will receive

instructions on how this will occur at the meetings. This is a spiritual time for all so be sure to

include prayer in your preparation. SOLO TIME Gather your family for instructions for solo time. Letters will be passed out to each youth. Your

family will be told to spread out to be on their own and take time to read their letter, write in their

journal, rest, meditate, scripture study and prayer. You will have about an hour for solo time. After

solo time you will gather your family for FHE and dinner. BBQ & TESTIMONY MEETING Gather for a battalion BBQ for dinner and activities by the activities committee. After dinner

instructions will be given as to where you will gather for testimony meeting. Don't forget to bring

your bucket to sit on for dinner and for the testimony meeting. The battalion will be divided into

several smaller groups for testimony meeting so that all the youth will have the opportunity to bear

their testimonies. Please allow for the youth to go first before all the ma’s and pa’s so that they will

have ample time. After testimony meeting we will again have treats and you can gather as a family

at camp or possibly around the campfires before lights out. WHITE OUT

During lunch final instructions will be given for unloading carts and for the white out. The youth

will be told of one last Trek they will do before reaching home. This is the most important trek of

all, the Trek to the temple. They will be taught the importance of families here on earth and those

that have gone on before. The importance of temple work to be sealed with their family for

eternity. Instructions will then be given to unload and clean the handcarts, load equipment into the

trailers and then board busses with your family for the ride back home. We will then trek to the

staging area to unload carts and load busses for home. Keep your family flag with you so you can

carry it on the Trek up to the temple. The busses will stop at the bottom of 114th and past 40th.

When all busses have arrived we will then Trek one last time up to the Temple where your families

dressed in white shirts will be cheering along the path as you arrive. Please gather at the temple

point building for a final picture and to pick up your gear before heading home.

YOU MADE IT! Thank you for your service. Know that you will have helped to change lives. Go home, put your

feet up and take a nap.