
(ii) Colon : Single endodermal approximately 1.3 m long in human distinguished into four limbs as ascending, transverse, descending and pelvic or sigmoid limb. Colon posses two specialized structures as Taeniae (present in the middle of colon) and Haustra , (dilated sac-like or pockets like structures surrounding taeniae). Serosa is the outer most layer. The serious layer (visceral peritoneum) forms small pendulous projections, the appendices epiploicae filled with adipose tissue. Muscular layer is two layered contain involuntary unstriated muscles. The innermost lining is made up of columnar epithelial cells. Goblet cells and absorptive cells are also present. Cells are without villi and microvilli i.e. not brush–bordered. Colon is concerned with absorption of water (80- 85%), salts, vitamins etc. hence concerned with faeces formation. Colon bacteria also synthesized vit. B and K.

Upload: yashsodhani

Post on 24-Sep-2015




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(ii) Colon : Single endodermal approximately 1.3 m long in human distinguished into four limbs as ascending, transverse, descending and pelvic or sigmoid limb. Colon posses two specialized structures as Taeniae (present in the middle of colon) and Haustra, (dilated sac-like or pockets like structures surrounding taeniae).Serosa is the outer most layer. The serious layer (visceral peritoneum) forms small pendulous projections, the appendices epiploicae filled with adipose tissue. Muscular layer is two layered contain involuntary unstriated muscles. The innermost lining is made up of columnar epithelial cells. Goblet cells and absorptive cells are also present. Cells are without villi and microvilli i.e. not brushbordered. Colon is concerned with absorption of water (80-85%), salts, vitamins etc. hence concerned with faeces formation. Colon bacteria also synthesized vit. B and K.