m ww r - university of hawaii · la ligre assortment. xitcall early and make selections.fr--i...

M ! 1 ! i' 1 U ill WW i r fiH5S6S3i IJ V'X W W VIIL-N- O. 26 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY. JUNE 26. L888. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. lusiness (Shards. DAILY lusmfss Cards. r A mal Advertiser Walker & Eelward, S. N. CASTLE. G. P. CASTLE. J. B. ATIIERTON. Sug;ar Plant For Sale. f' 23 PUBLISHED jcept Sundays. LEWIS & CO., FORT STREET, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, 6 00 Contractors & Builders Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. 76 KING STREET. ' Advance. uhiv iu -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN-- GAZETTE CO a ilHN Greiieial VEexclianclise. Honolulu, H. I. Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423. 211 tf ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - r. The Entire Plant of the STAR MILL CO. Kohala, is offered for sale. The machinery U in perfect working order, and consists of One 2(5x48 M.'ll with Engine, Trash-carrie- r, etc., complete. One pair of ooilers, 6x20. One Double Effect, 6 and 7 ft. Pans. One Vacnum Pan 6 with Blake Pump. Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine. Together with the usual assortment of Clarlnerd, Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machinery usually found in a well appointed Mill. Also, a number of California and Island Mules, Cane Carts and General Plantation Implement. Delivery will be given after next crop ha been harvested, say about July 1. 1889. For further particulars apply to J" olin Hind, tflce House Goods a Specialty -- a 181-- tf d. Mckenzie & co., Commission Merchants, SHIP CHANDLERY, Xaval Stores and Groceries, Bricks, Inline and Cement. ! Kohala Sugar Co., Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papaikoti Sugar Co. PACIFIC Hardware Company, I'd. 1 1 BURGESS, i,wi DraYmam j A"" "reel. Honolulu. gin No-15- . It yBwiJence FORT STREET, Are just opening a fine line of Baskets. Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Fancisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Madieines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Kemington and Wheeler & Wilson sewing Machines. Manager Star Mill. Kohala, Hawaii. A H. RASEMAN, oK BINDER, tf Families and Ships supplied on most reason- able terms. Island orders solicited. Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479. No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-sh- lp wharf. 21 6-- 1 y B. LEVY & SON, Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants - In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND PRODUCE. L.ier and Blank Book FOB SALE. F jfauufaciurer. tf We have again on hand a few of our exception ally superior STTRIP BOATS, In sizes from 18 to 24 feet. '"tfWERS & COOKE, Lewersfc Dickson) wn to nd Dealers in lumber . r. f Rnildinc Materials. G. W EST & C0.'S, 105 Fort St. I the place to go to for all kinds of lilAi""3 BASKETS! Picnic, Hand, Butchers', Garden, Sponge, Flower, Stocking, Biscuit, Indian Linen Buff Hampers, White Hampers, Barrel Shape. Basket Tables, Dress Stands Work Baskets, Enife Baskets, Dutch Baskets, Sand Baskets, Brush and Crml Baskets, News Stands, Letter Baskets, Carpenters' Baskets, Etc. LA LiGrE ASSORTMENT. XiTCall early and make selections. fr--i 50-12- 12 l'aclflc llwrdware Co. Id. GOO KIM ! GOO KIM ! -- 21 STEEET, Honolulu. LULU MARKET, We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds In our line, and make a specialty in packing all kinds of fruit for long distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. 628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 1742. E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu, 118-6- m Agent lor Hawaiian Islands. ITUIITSJ"ITXJRE5 Toys, Baseball Goods, Crockery, Etc., Etc. wesicrs to William McCandless.) Dealers in As these boats apeak for themselves, we Invite inspection. Price as low as any. We have also several 70-l-b. Clinker, Copper fastened Recreation Boats, with oars and row- locks complete, capable of holding three per sons; just the thing for an impromptu regatta, spin round the harbor, lake or river. Price irom $50 to $60. Also, light Baggage Express with two short portable cushioned seats; handy for business or a family out of town; and one strong hand cart. Cheep for cash at J. A. DOWER'S, Printer's Lane, Punchbowl at. Mutual Telephone 325. P. O. Box 409. 252--1 m :o:- - U lhf. Veal, Mutton, Etc., PIONEER feCQaeen Street, Fish Market, ,ud stirring orders carefully attended i sixt Juruished to vessels at snort Tables of all kinds supplied to !t.t;tcneXo. 12. . J, ALFRED MAG00N, i nr - Steam Candy Facta G. WEST & CO.'s, - 105 Fort Street. Is the Ilace to Buy 4Pianos, Orgrans and Every 3ind of Musical Instrument. G. WEST &COU 105 Fort St. Is Where Everybody Goes to Buy Babv Carriages, Dolls, Tov Dishes, Etc. AND .orney at j-jc- ivv THEE ltf fiHtrctant Street, Honolulu. GrOO KIM! pVULLAKCOUBT ASHFORD, !wy, Solicitor, Agent to TaKe National Brewery ! JEWELRY CUT STEEL J3 j Jv E H Y . F. HOEN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by 8team. 71 Hotel Street. Both Telephones 74. JUST RECEIVED When You Want a Picture Frame or a Cornice 'Pole, g:o to KALI HI VALLEY, 105 Fort Street. G. WEST & CO'S, 1216 At Oreatly Reduced Prices. Acknowledgments, Etc. -- ca Capitol Building, adjoining General Poet Uf5ce. 27-3- m iOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in JUL MERCHANDISE. Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOR SALE I Is now one of the) Permanently Established Industries of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and tfcj Company to whose Enterprise Its Existence Is due have for the first time solved the probfesm of Brewing in this Country a -- INVOICES OF- - JUST RECEIVED FROM PARIS. The Finest and Most Exquisite Workmanship Guaranteed. No imitation, but real GENUINE CUT STEEL. 1 1 EACKFELD & CO., EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, Pure, Wholesome, Palatable tial Commission Agents .And Just Lauded in Fine Order.- - Galv. Corrugated In, 6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by H. HACKFELD & CO. kfcrti: Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf BEER BUYER SALOON. pfm. Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s, Barrel Shookd and Heads, Ax Handles, Pick Handles, Hoe Handles. Canal Baarows, Nests Trunks. Galvanized Barb Wire, Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Nails (asst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. ltf Just Received, per S. S. Australia, A VERY FINE LINE OF Dry and Fancy Goods ! At Astonishing Low Prices. No trouble to show goods. 1 XOLTE, PROPRIETOR. 'lasches Served with Tea, Coffee, nt, Ginger Ale or Milk. horn a a. m. till 10 n. m. THOMAS LINDSAY That it possesses these qualities! in a very' marked degree, and is a beverage admirably adapted for consumption in a tropical climate, is admitted by all who have tried It. It was pre. dieted at the outset that . a. specially, in W. FRAZER, Has Removed His Manufacturing Second-han- d Iron Safes. Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust. GOO KB, TAILOE, THE STEAM BEER Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. 138 Jewelry Ewlislimeii Alakea Sts., Honolulu. OF THE JUST ARRIVED. From Xiiuauii Street to Thomas Block, King Street. National Brewery Co, "Electric'5 Kerosene Oil. "Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland CemeEt, Dairy Salt, Biles Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns. lrljuteed8001 workmanshIP aodf a GMANIA MARKET. 3 - PROPRIETOR, j rn Street, llouolulo. jKDTTON AND VEAL. j Sausage, Pork, Etc., . dipping 8erved on short ltf I? aoH WORKS CO., Particular attention paid to repairing. . 66tf Would soon find favor in the community after it had been given a trial. Household Sewing: Machines, with latest improvements and attachments. Hand Sewing: Machines. One Washing: Machine, Xew. Musical Instruments, Aristons, Ac-eordeo- ns, Guitars, Violins. Bigotphoues, a new and comical instru- ment, can be played by anyone. Guitar and Violin Striugrs. Velveteen Cnrpets autl Kngrs. Ed Hoffschlaeger & Co. NOTICE. In the course of a few short months the prs diction has been amply realized. Cumberland Coal. Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black, Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows, Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches. a 3 I Cooler. lt leau t tastings. 5jA. The Reasons Why it lla Achieved Buccesft Are Not Far to Neek. ,ci MSff4.0 black- - Jist Arrived. To Arrive per Australia to day. Apples, Sweet and Baking. Pears. Prunes. Jams and Jellies. Canned 'Fruits. Potatoes, Onions. Garlic, Cabbages. Cauliflower, Etc. PEOlSr USTTJTS ! Walnuts, Hazel Nuts. Italian Chestnuts. Almond Nuts. -- v"c" me shortest ltf 152 Hand Carts, Baby Carriages, Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage. C. BREWER & CO. SALOON, 6,1 ! Merchant St reels i r ""eminent of Scientific Experience and Practical Skill began the work and have carried it through. A Cool and Healthy Site was selected for the Works. An Absolutely Pure Water Supply has been ob- tained from an artesian source 670 feet deep. The ingredients used, in the manufacture are the best which the MARKETS OF THE WORLD AFFORD. THE MACHLNERY is of the most modern and improved type. t V,,1 co d f f thebest We have now a steam nut roasting ma- chine in full running order. ?Twenty-nv- e extra heavy corn fed turkeys on hand. California Fruit Market, King: Street, Honolulu. 61 H. E. Miclntyre & JBro., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETf. FLEXSBURG STOCK BEER, in quarts and pints. CHAMPAGNES OF - . Joseph Perrier Fils & Co., in quarts and pints. Carte d' Argent. Bouzy Mousseaur, Grand Vin Mousseaux. VEUVE AMIOT Carte d'Argent. Carte Rose. ACKERMANK LAWRENCE Carte Noir. Ed- - Hoffsclilaeer & Co. KING AND BETHEL STREETS. . I C C- - MARCHANT. , ur to Tv . . - w-- w. m TTT T!Tr BlNDEE H. HACKFELD & CO., . nnr Book New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, resh Callforn'a Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416 Manajfcr. . Bell Telephone 63. " Mutual Telephone 147. P, O. Box No. 448. Telephone No. 82 ' ' . . ' 172.fJ Street, Honolulu. EtfEHAI, COMMISSION AGENTS, G 26 tf yueen oi.-- , houojuiu V

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Page 1: M WW r - University of Hawaii · LA LiGrE ASSORTMENT. XiTCall early and make selections.fr--i 50-12- 12 l'aclflc llwrdware Co. Id. GOO KIM! GOO KIM!--21 STEEET, Honolulu. LULU MARKET,

M ! 1! i' 1 U ill

WWi r

fiH5S6S3i IJ V'X W W


lusiness (Shards.DAILY lusmfss Cards.r A

mal AdvertiserWalker & Eelward,

S. N. CASTLE. G. P. CASTLE.J. B. ATIIERTON. Sug;ar Plant For Sale.f' 23PUBLISHED

jcept Sundays.LEWIS & CO.,


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in

Groceries and Provisions.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,

6 00

Contractors & BuildersBrick, Stone and Wooden Building

Estimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.76 KING STREET.

' Advance.uhiv iu --IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN--

GAZETTE COa ilHN Greiieial VEexclianclise.Honolulu, H. I.

Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423.211 tf


The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO.Kohala, is offered for sale. The machinery U

in perfect working order, and consists of

One 2(5x48 M.'ll with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

etc., complete.One pair of ooilers, 6x20.One Double Effect, 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacnum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of Clarlnerd,Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machineryusually found in a well appointed Mill.

Also, a number of

California and Island Mules,Cane Carts and General Plantation Implement.

Delivery will be given after next crop habeen harvested, say about July 1. 1889.

For further particulars apply to

J"olin Hind,

tflce House Goods a Specialty -- a181-- tf

d. Mckenzie & co.,

Commission Merchants,SHIP CHANDLERY,

Xaval Stores and Groceries,Bricks, Inline and Cement.

! Kohala Sugar Co.,Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

Haiku Sugar Co..Paia Plantation,

Papaikoti Sugar Co.

PACIFICHardware Company, I'd.1 1 BURGESS,

i,wi DraYmamj A""

"reel. Honolulu.gin

No-15- . ItyBwiJence


Are just opening a fine line of Baskets.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Fancisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Madieines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Kemington and Wheeler & Wilson

sewing Machines.

Manager Star Mill.Kohala, Hawaii.



Families and Ships supplied on most reason-able terms. Island orders solicited.

Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479.

No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-sh- lp

wharf. 21 6--1 y

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Commission Merchants- In Foreign and Domestic


L.ier and Blank Book FOB SALE.F jfauufaciurer.tf

We have again on hand a few of our exceptionally superior

STTRIP BOATS,In sizes from 18 to 24 feet.


Lewersfc Dickson)wn to

nd Dealers in lumber. r. f Rnildinc Materials.

G. W EST & C0.'S, 105 Fort St.I the place to go to for all kinds oflilAi""3

BASKETS!Picnic, Hand, Butchers', Garden,

Sponge, Flower, Stocking, Biscuit,Indian Linen Buff Hampers,

White Hampers, Barrel Shape.

Basket Tables, Dress StandsWork Baskets, Enife Baskets,

Dutch Baskets, Sand Baskets,Brush and Crml Baskets,

News Stands, Letter Baskets,Carpenters' Baskets, Etc.


XiTCall early and make selections. fr--i

50-12- 12 l'aclflc llwrdware Co. Id.


--21 STEEET, Honolulu.


We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds Inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742.

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,118-6- m Agent lor Hawaiian Islands.

ITUIITSJ"ITXJRE5Toys, Baseball Goods, Crockery, Etc., Etc.wesicrs to William McCandless.)

Dealers in

As these boats apeak for themselves, we Inviteinspection. Price as low as any.

We have also several 70-l-b. Clinker, Copperfastened Recreation Boats, with oars and row-locks complete, capable of holding three persons; just the thing for an impromptu regatta,spin round the harbor, lake or river. Price irom$50 to $60.

Also, light Baggage Express with two shortportable cushioned seats; handy for business ora family out of town; and one strong hand cart.Cheep for cash at

J. A. DOWER'S,Printer's Lane, Punchbowl at.

Mutual Telephone 325. P. O. Box 409.252--1 m

:o:- -U lhf. Veal, Mutton, Etc.,

PIONEERfeCQaeen Street, Fish Market,

,ud stirring orders carefully attendedi sixt Juruished to vessels at snortTables of all kinds supplied to

!t.t;tcneXo. 12. .


i nr -

Steam Candy FactaG. WEST & CO.'s, - 105 Fort Street.

Is the Ilace to Buy 4Pianos, Orgrans and

Every 3ind of Musical Instrument.

G. WEST &COU 105 Fort St.Is Where Everybody Goes to Buy

Babv Carriages, Dolls, Tov Dishes, Etc.

AND.orney at j-jc-

ivv THEEltffiHtrctant Street, Honolulu.


!wy, Solicitor, Agent to TaKe National Brewery !


J3 j Jv E H Y .

F. HOEN,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.

Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by 8team.

71 Hotel Street.Both Telephones 74.


When You Want a Picture Frame or a Cornice 'Pole, g:o toKALI HI VALLEY,105 Fort Street.G. WEST & CO'S,

1216At Oreatly Reduced Prices.

Acknowledgments, Etc.--ca Capitol Building, adjoining General

Poet Uf5ce. 27-3- m


Importer and Dealer in

JUL MERCHANDISE.Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf

THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOR SALE IIs now one of the) Permanently Established

Industries of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and tfcjCompany to whose Enterprise Its Existence Isdue have for the first time solved the probfesm ofBrewing in this Country a



The Finest and Most Exquisite WorkmanshipGuaranteed. No imitation, but real



EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, Pure, Wholesome, Palatabletial Commission Agents.And Just Lauded in Fine Order.- -

Galv. Corrugated In,6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by


kfcrti: Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf BEERBUYER SALOON.pfm. Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s,

Barrel Shookd and Heads,Ax Handles,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles.

Canal Baarows,Nests Trunks.

Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)Horse Shoe Nails.


Just Received, per S. S. Australia,


Dry and Fancy Goods !

At Astonishing Low Prices. No troubleto show goods.

1 XOLTE, PROPRIETOR.'lasches Served with Tea, Coffee,

nt, Ginger Ale or Milk.horn a a. m. till 10 n. m. THOMAS LINDSAY

That it possesses these qualities! in a very'marked degree, and is a beverage admirablyadapted for consumption in a tropical climate,is admitted by all who have tried It. It was pre.dieted at the outset that

. a. specially, inW. FRAZER, Has Removed His Manufacturing

Second-han- d Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust.GOO KB,TAILOE, THE STEAM BEER

Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.138Jewelry EwlislimeiiAlakea Sts., Honolulu.

OF THEJUST ARRIVED.From Xiiuauii Street to

Thomas Block, King Street. National Brewery Co,"Electric'5 Kerosene Oil.

"Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).

Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland CemeEt,Dairy Salt, Biles Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns.

lrljuteed8001 workmanshIP aodf a


3 - PROPRIETOR,j rn Street, llouolulo.jKDTTON AND VEAL.j Sausage, Pork, Etc., .

dipping 8erved on shortltf


Particular attention paid to repairing.. 66tf Would soon find favor in the community

after it had been given a trial.

Household Sewing: Machines, withlatest improvements and attachments.

Hand Sewing: Machines.One Washing: Machine, Xew.

Musical Instruments, Aristons, Ac-eordeo- ns,

Guitars, Violins.Bigotphoues, a new and comical instru-

ment, can be played by anyone.

Guitar and Violin Striugrs.

Velveteen Cnrpets autl Kngrs.

Ed Hoffschlaeger & Co.

NOTICE.In the course of a few short months the prs

diction has been amply realized.

Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

a 3I Cooler. ltleau ttastings.5jA.

The Reasons Why it lla AchievedBuccesft Are Not Far to Neek.,ci MSff4.0 black- - Jist Arrived.

To Arrive per Australia to day.

Apples, Sweet and Baking.Pears. Prunes.

Jams and Jellies.Canned 'Fruits.

Potatoes, Onions.Garlic, Cabbages.

Cauliflower, Etc.


Walnuts, Hazel Nuts.Italian Chestnuts.

Almond Nuts.

-- v"c" me shortestltf

152Hand Carts, Baby Carriages, Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top

Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage.


6,1! Merchant St reels

i r ""eminent of

Scientific Experience and Practical Skill beganthe work and have carried it through.

A Cool and Healthy Site was selected for theWorks.

An Absolutely Pure Water Supply has been ob-

tained from an artesian source 670 feet deep.

The ingredients used, in the manufactureare the best which the MARKETS OF THEWORLD AFFORD.

THE MACHLNERY is of the most modern andimproved type.

tV,,1 co d f f thebestWe have now a steam nut roasting ma-

chine in full running order.?Twenty-nv- e extra heavy corn fed

turkeys on hand.

California Fruit Market,King: Street, Honolulu. 61

H. E. Miclntyre & JBro.,


Groceries, Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETf.

FLEXSBURG STOCK BEER, in quartsand pints.


Joseph Perrier Fils & Co., in quarts andpints.

Carte d'Argent. Bouzy Mousseaur,Grand Vin Mousseaux.


Carte d'Argent. Carte Rose.


Carte Noir.

Ed- - Hoffsclilaeer & Co.


.I C


, ur to Tv

. . - w-- w. m TTT T!TrBlNDEEH. HACKFELD & CO.,. nnr Book New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, resh Callforn'a

Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416

Manajfcr. .

Bell Telephone 63. " Mutual Telephone 147.

P, O. Box No. 448.Telephone No. 82 ' ' . .

'172.fJ Street, Honolulu. EtfEHAI, COMMISSION AGENTS,G 26 tf yueen oi.-- , houojuiu


Page 2: M WW r - University of Hawaii · LA LiGrE ASSORTMENT. XiTCall early and make selections.fr--i 50-12- 12 l'aclflc llwrdware Co. Id. GOO KIM! GOO KIM!--21 STEEET, Honolulu. LULU MARKET,


THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.I3u 5luiI)orit). er 1 am not afraid of his verdict. I admitthat 1 would not care to submit it to indi-viduals who represent sugar interests inter-mixed with wholesale interests down town,huf nf thp nlanter as such who will earnest- -

Kingdom. It is no part of the birth-right of a Chinaman or of anybody elsethat he shall forever have the privilegeof entering the Hawaiian Islands. Forobvious reasons, it is hi general unde Twenty-Thir- d Day.

How to Stamp a Letter."Out of the millions of persons who

stamp letters daily but few know theway to do the 'licking,'" remarked Mr.Alf. Oldham, the stamp purveyor at thepostoffice, yesterday. ' What is theright way, Alf.?" queried a listener."Why, the envelope ought to be licked,not the stamp. If you lick the envelopeand then apply the stamp it will stick,sure. If you lick the stamp you areliable to carry away all the mucilage onyour tongue, or so much that the stampwill fall off. Many a letter lias reachedthe Dead Letter Office because the senderlicked the stamp instead of the envel-ope. Louisvi 1 le Courier-Journ- al .

sirable to restrict immigration. But ifrestriction is necessary o the best in-

terests of a nation, it if h Ah proper andjust to adopt it as a policy. In itselfthere is no more injustice in excluding aperson from a country than in excludinghim from your house. If it is really re-

quired by the highest interests of thiscountry that the Chinese should be ex-

cluded from it, there is no reason why itshould not be done. The same thingapplies to English, Germans or

iv consider the measure I have no fear.He is as much interested in the passage ofth:s amendment as the town folk are.He i feeling the grip of aie Chinese as wella thev. There is a middle ground uponwhich both can meet. The planter wantslaLor. He is not interested in having theChinese work off of the plantations into allthe minor industries of the Kingdom. Onthe other hand the towns do not mind theChinese as long as they are on the planta-tions, but to have the Chinese unloadthemselves on the community at large is adrain both on planter and town people. Itdoes the planter no good and it is ruin toothers, and a Constitutional amendment toreach and control this difficulty is no

blow" aimed at the chief industrj' of thecountr.

Out of a recent importation of over 600Chinese, Hackfeld & Co. could not securesome thirtv needed for plantations. Thisimportation simply went to swell thenumbers, of Chinese engaged in otherindustries and to enlarge the Chineselabor combination. The recent actionof Mr. . Glade, a member of thathouse, regarding this Chinese question,shows his sense. One could probablycome to some understanding with suchpersons, but the Hon. Noble evidently in-

tends to shut his ears to the whole ques




Drink Moxie at the Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's)

Water Kates.In accordance with Section 1, of Chapter

XXVI, of the Laws of 18SG:

All persons holding water privileges, orthose paying water rates, are hereby no-

tified that the water rates for the term,ending December 31, 1888, will be due andpayable at the office of the Honolulu WaterWorks on the 1st of July, 1883.

All such rates remaining unpaid for fif-

teen days, after they are due, will be sub-

ject to an additional 10 per cent.Parties paying rates will please present

their last receipt.Kates are payable at the office of the

"Water Works, in the Kapuaiwa Building.The statute allowing no discretion, strict

enforcement of this clause will be made.CIIAS. B. WILSON,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu, June 15, 183S. 18-1- 7t


Mc-da- y, June 25.

The House met at 10 o'clock, the Presi-dent, Hon. W. R. Castle, in the chair.Prayer by the chaplain. Rev. E. S.Tinioteo. Minutes read and confirmed.

PETITIONS.Rep. Kalaukoa presented a petition from

the district of Honolulu for more electriclights near Smith's bridge. Referred tocommittee on Public Lands, etc.

Noble Waterhouse presented a petitionfrom John Spencer fora refund of $5 taxeson a carriage that he did not possess. Re-

ferred to Finance Committee.Rep. Paehaole presented a petition from

Lanai that a carrier be appointed to carrymails around the island of Lanai. Re-

ferred to the committee on Public Lands,etc.

Rep. Helekunihi presented a petitionfrom Kaanapalif to amend the educationlaws so that the President of the Board ofHealth may be called Minister of Educa-tion.

Rep. Kamauoha presented a petitionfrom Kaanapali, with 47 signatures, thatthe konohiki sea fisheries and the fisheriesconnected with lands sold by the govern-ment be free to the people on such landsand not to others outside of them. Laidon the table to be considered with theKonohiki fisheries bill.

Rep. Paehaole presented a petition fromLanai, with 37 signatures, that a RoadBoard be appointed for that district, and


Diamond DyeSachs' store.

Ladies' Black Hose at-

The renewed discussion on the Chi-

nese question yesterday was a little pre-

mature. It arose in connection withMr. Kinney's proposed constitutionalamendment, which was very properlyreferred to committee. The amendmentis an important one, for good or ill, andwill be considered later.

Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricatorfor the throat.

Children's Parasols, all colors, at Sachsstore, 104 Fort street.

Absnliitoitr rvGo to G. West & Co.'s fora Japanese Ijr rUf

tion ; he wants to know nothing moreabout it.

The Hon. Noble wishes this measurekilled at once out of its regular course,because it admits of class legislationagainst the Chinese. Really the Hon.Noble seems to have quite forgotten that

CORRESPONDENCE. parasol, only twenty-hv- e cents.Big Bargains in Dress materials and Em

broidered Flounces, at Sachs' store.THE DAILY fltrenclhA No. 1 Cream Cakes and Eclairs at the light, sweet, HiBread, biscuit,. ZSA"4.- -"Elite" every Tuesday and Friday.Pacific Coiflercial Advertiser. Royal Bakiiiix Pn;."' tc..

Plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, at the distressing resnluZu ;'

Mr. Editor: Mr. Washington IrvingBishop was pleased Saturday evening,in the presence of several hundredpeople, to make a personal attack uponmyself, and in general to bestow uponme a good deal of his valuable attention.Now, that I feel very much honored bythe prominence into which the gentle- -

"'KU8. It WlU keiTi in ,iCJ!'California rruit Market per Alameda onice. 3t. Prof. II. a.$10,000 appropriated therefor.

Be just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

Thy Country'a, thv God's, and Truth's.,. . li0Vm.. IPlums, peaches, apricots, cherries, at the

ort street r ruit Depot per Alameda on

the Constitution itself, which, by the way,he savs he would not change or tamperwith, expressly shuts out the Chinese fromvoting.

If that is not class legislation, I wouldlike to know what is? Would he have theChinese vote with others, or does he reallymean what he says? If he meant thatclass legislation was a dangerous weapon,and should never be resorted to, exceptwhen it became a question of self-preservatio- n,

then I agree with him, and that iswhy 1 would see this go to committee forinvestigation; but for the Hon. Noble totake the position that class legislation inno case should be resorted to in dealingwith the Chinese would have no supportwhatever throughout the country.

ice.JUNE 2G, 1888.TUESDAY,


po wders of the covMrl l, i

"The Royal d.: I

for I bavesofouJtX :for that company and the uJJj.

"Because or tbe facilities ih.1

for obtaining perfect!for other reasons deL.TA10

It has been proved by unanimous verdictthat thefeanJose Lager Beer on draughtat the Royal saloon is the best.

TlIKP.K is a good deal of food forthf imnrnmntii f1ipiia5irn Lhs. uertz has received per Alameda a proportion of "if V". 'Pn -:thougnt in

man nas torced me, goes witnout say-ing. I am doubly honored because itwas equally unsolicited and undeserved.I have never publicly mentioned Mr.Bishop except in courteous terras, andindeed I have mentioned him but once.I never called him a mountebank, ajuggler or a monstrosity ("although he

selected stock of gents', ladies and chil

Rep. Helekunihi presented a petitionfrom Kaanapali that the law be changed sothat the President of the Board of Healthwill become Minister of Health. Referredto the Sanitary Committee.

Rep. Paehaole presented a petition, with49 signatures, from Kaanapali, that ani-mals belonging to tenants of konohikis beallowed the privilege of running on kono-hiki or government lands. Referred toJudiciary Committee.

Rep. Nakaleka presented a petition, with16 signatures, that leper hospitals be erect-ed on all the islands of the Kingdom. Re-ferred to the Sanitary Committee.

Rep. Paehaole presented a petition thatno crown lands be leased or sold to peopleother than rr-iden- ts of the Kingdom.

preparation, thedoubtedly thedren's boots, shoes and slippers: also

same, oiid tbe it.,, 1

Royal BakingJures-an- J relil'imost '"Mgents' lawn tennis shoes. yowuer onereu to the public.oon recess ot one hour.

5 122WJ U"cKisAAM0Tr.PH.B

--afjDerrisemntts.Afternoon.Noble Yonng was not in favor of Chinese. NOTICE.may be all three for anything I know),

for the simple reason that I never heard

with reference to the Chinese, whichcame up in the House last week. Itarose in connection with the long peti-

tion with which the House was assailed,and the bill to limit the time duringwhich return permits might be used.As a matter of fact, we believe ''n neitherthe petition nor the bill. Not in thepetition, because it fails to make somediscriminations, which it is importantshould be made, and not in the bill,because it is unjust and violates Gov-

ernment contracts. It is, we think,


Minister Austin reported the followingActs signed by H is Majesty :

J To provide for and regulate the internalpolice of the Kingdom.

Relating to the property and rights of

Al All at tneir office, Wednwdny, ja,

of him beiore his arrival in Honolulu,extensive as it would appear his reputa-tion is, in the scientific circles of the oldworld. Now, that Mr. Bishop has madea discourteous and entirely unwar-ranted public attack upon me, is a cir-cumstance in itself of very little conse-quence. I am vain enough to supposethat my good name is not going to be

But others need them and they must andwill have them. He was charged with at-

tempting to ride rough shod over Rep,Kinney's bill. To clear himself of anyimputation of that kind, he would with-draw his motion to postpone the bill.

Noble Hitchcock took the same positionas Noble Young. It is unsafe to begintampering with the Constitution. Thefoundation of good government had been

w " m .mi


NO. 58, DRAWN ON MESSRS. C.DRAFT & Co. by Wm. W. Goodale in favorof Holmes & Willfong. All persons are warnedngalnst negotiating the above as payment baabeen stopped. 25-l- w

married women.To confer upon Notaries Public the

power to administer oaths.To provide for the registration of prints.irreparably damaged by the aspersions Filter - press. CIHono- -ot a stranger wnose notonetv in labels and trade marks.

lulu is an unhealthy growth of hardlv a J To amend "an Act to regulate the issuFor Sl'

both unnecessaiy and inconsistent withthe good faith of the Government todeclare that the return permits alreadyissued shall be void after a certain date;and it is unjust and unfair to the Chi-

nese, who have been allowed to live and

An Used in Germany.byFourth of July, 1888

month. I have not the slightest desire inS of patents," approved the 29th day ofto right myself with Mr. Bishop, nor August, 1884. ,

. lo amend Article 51, Chapter XXVI., ofwith his ardent admirers of the gallery , the Civil Cod j j Registrar ofbut I prefer not to stand in a false posi-- Conveyances.tion before the discriminating portion of J Providing for Prison Inspectors, and de- -

BE. Hackfeld A

laid and it would be unwise to go diggingout the stones. No bill passed this sessioncan be affected by the proposed amend-ment.

Rep. C. Brown agreed with the Nobleswho had spoken on the question that theless this House has to do with amendingthe Constitution, the better for the Consti-tution and the better for the country.

The bill was referred to the special com-mittee, appointed 19th inst., on the peti- -

2t lwLL AMERICANS WISHING TO SUBSCRIBEA'acquire property and vested interests of I the public, and it is to this circumstance J fining their duties and powers to the fund for celebrating the coming 4thJ To provide tor the registration of copynil kinds in this Kingdom, to limit the entirely mat my explanations are ciue. of July, will find subscription lists at the Paci-

fic Hardware Co. and Egan & Co.'h atores on Fort HerophonThe reasons which led rne to declinetime to a single vear ot anv visit- Mr. Bishop's rather pressing invitationwhich business or pleasure or other mo- - to aS(.end the platform are too obvioustiyes may lead them to pay in their own to need recounting. In the first place, I

A 1 1 It A

tion of the Anti-Asiat- ic Union.

rights.To repeal Chapter LIII. of the Penal

Code, concerning rewards to Sheriffs, etc.J Providing for the commutation of termsof imprisonment of prisoners in certaincases.

The Minister added that these are all thebills engrossed and delivered to His Ma

street, ana at tne Hawaiian Hotel. Toe mem-bers of the Finance Committee, Me-sr- s.


. J. J. EGAN,will also receive subscriptions.

June 25, 1888. 25-l- w

home. I came mere witn very amerent views.in tne second place, l had no curiosity

Just Ilecelvid hy

H. Hackfeld &24 lw

There is always a great deal of bad to gratny, ana no aouots to resolve, ior lof this kind, accom-- Imwijjiumctuwwi I perform the very wonderful and surpris

The following were read, a second time,by title, and were referred to the severalcommittees named with them :

Amend Internal Taxes Law of 1882Finance Committee.

Amend Civil Code, Sec. 1477 Committee"on Konohiki fisheries.

Amend Civil Code, Sec. 10G8, Practitionersin Courts Judiciary Committee.

Amend Civil Code, Sec. 191, VVTater Sup-ply Public Lamis, etc., Committee.

Officers to take acknowledgments, etc.

oanied verv likelv with a good deal ot ing experiments which I had heard de--

Salm on"Wanted !

jesty up to the present time.THE KINO GOING AWAY.

Minister Green stated that His Majestythe King proposes to go to Kona on Tues-day morning to be absent during the re-mainder of this week.

OUUER OF THE DAY.Telegraph Cables. Second reading of

the Inter-Islan- d Telegraph Cables bill.The second section was taken up, and,

after some discussion, referred to a select

PURCHASE, TWO ACRES OF LAND. PA- -laraa District, not more than rne mile from

Poatotnce. J. E. BROWN & CO.,28 Merchant street.

June 19, 1888. 21-- 1 w

scribed. I did, however, doubt thatthese experiments proved the theory ofan actual thought transference, and " Iwas entirely satisfied from what I hadheard and read, that Mr. Bishop wouldnot and did not intend to bring the mat-ter to a scientific test. I therefore pre-ferred by remaining seated to avoid thepublicity which Mr. Bishop's very super-fluous personal references during thecourse of the evening continuously forcedupon me. Any public discussion onscientific problems with Mr. Bishop was

A. Few Harrels of the above, Jof

ceived, and For Sale by j

Cascle & CoojNOTICE.committee, consisting of .Nobles Smith andHitchcock, Minister Austin, Reps. C.Brown and Kinney.

Parcels Post. Third reading of the billto authorize the establishment of a systemof Parcels Post. Passed.

Chinese Permits. Third reading of thebill to limit the time within which permitsfor Chinese to enter the Kingdom mav be

common sense. Most persons wouldsay probably that if the common senseis there it makes no great differenceabout the theory. But bad theory isalways dangerous. It leads to bad prac-tice. Most of the social outbreaks of theday, outbreaks which threaten the per-

manence of our modern society, are dueto false theories. When a legislator sayswe must be as fair an circumstances per-

mit, he expresses bad theory, and thenatural consequence might well be,under given circumstances, unjustaction. When a minister says it may beunjust to legislate against the Chinese,but the experience of the nations showsthat it-mu- st be done, he makes a danger-ous concession, at the bottom of whichthere must lie a false or imperfect the- -

This bill was taken up and considered sec-tion by section. The main provisions ofthe bill are (1) that officers taking acknow-ledgments shall keep records of the same,(2) the books of record are to be deposited,every five years, with the Clerk of a Courtof Record, (3) such clerks shall preserve therecords which shall be open to inspectionof any responsible person, (4) the officersand clerks shall be liable to penalties f rnonperformance of their duties.

After a discussion in which MinisterThurston, Nobles Smith and Hitchcock,Reps. Kamauoha and Kalaukoa, took part,the bill passed, with amendments, to en-grossment and the third reading was setfor Wednesday.

Revenue Stamps The bill introduced bv


SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT BY THEsteamer V. O. Hall, are notified that no freight will be re- -

A. 11. KASEMAXiceivea alter a o clock a. ni.. onthe day of sailing. Per order, .

J. ENA, Secretary.Honolulu, June 8, 1888. 15-l-m

not courtea oy me tor two reasons.First, I make no pretension to being ascientific man and am not speciallyversed in scientific literature. 1 merelyknow, as any ordinary reader knows, therules of induction, and the ordinaryprinciples of scientific proof. I wasnever invited to address the faculties ofthe learned institutions of Europe. Iwas never even hand and glove with aneminent investigator like Dr. William


used. Passed.Security for Costs. Second reading of

the bill to amend Section 858 of the CivilCode, relative to security for costs. Re-ferred back to Engrossing Committee.

The following were read, a second time,by title, and referred to the several com-mittees named with them:

Proceedings in Bankruptcy JudiciaryCommittee.

Exempt Steamships from CarrjMngLepers, etc. Sanitary Committee.

Challenge to Jurors Judiciary

Paper Ituler ami Blauli BoNotice of Removal. .MhiiiiIhHhnt,

Rep. Deacon to amend Sec. 22, Chap. LV,,laws of 1870, relating to stamp duties withthe report thereon and the substituted bill

4 to facilitate the sale of revenue stamps,"of the Finance Committee were taken upfor consideration.

The first bill provides that the Registrarof Public Accounts may impress stampsupon blanks and furnish them to the

ory. So in settling the Chinese question Carpenter. It follows naturally that ITHE OFFICE


.any appeal to the law of nature, and conse WlsheH to notify the public thai be rjoieam navigation company nas been reto larger quarters,moved to the premises formerly occupied by

reirce uo on (jueeu street. 25-l-

Liensof Mechanics, etc. Judiciary Com- - Courts, Executive Departments, Collectorsmittee. of Customs, members of the larand others.

was very unwilling to measure swordswith Mr. Washington Irving Bishop.In the second place, I am not in thehabit of submitting my opinions to whatseems to be Mr. Bishop's favorite courtof final resort the suffrages of the gal-lery.

JSuch are some of the reasons whichled me to pass over Mr. Bishop's invita

No. 13 Kaaliiiiiium

quent attempt to justify anti-Chines- e

legislation as part of the struggle for lifewhich is the law of nature, equally in-

volve false theory, and tend to lead tounjust action. Of course, we do not sup-

pose that such expressions involve onthe part of those who use them any

For Sale, Cheap.ana aiso ior me convenience ot the dis-tricts outside of Honolulu, he shall pro-vide adhesive stamps for the postmastersor" all money-orde- r post offices in the King-dom.

The bill recommended bv the Finanrptions, innuendoes, and challenges, last I OFFER FOR SALE MY DARK CREAM-COL-ore- d

Horse, well broken to harness and saddefinite acceptance of the underlying Saturday night in silence dle (price ?125). Also my covered BrakeI take thisassure Mr.

Committee provided that agents to take ac-knowledgments and notaries public shouldkeep adhesive revenue stamps on hand fortheorv. but it still remains true that tho opportunity, however, to

Bishop that since witnessing his some(price 100); single Harness (price 825); and gent'sriding Saddle (price S15). All are in excellentcondition and very little worn. Arrangements Teadierc' m


theory is implied, and just in so far as itis, every such expression must be moreor less dangerous.

Konohiki Fisheries Select Committee.Manufacture of Poi Commerce Cum-mitte- e.

On the second reading of the bill toamend the Constitution by adding a section ,to be entitled 47A., a debate ensued in whichseveral members look part. The pro-posed amendment authorises the legisla-ture to restrict or prohibit the admissionof Chinese, so that " no law shall be de-clared unconstitutional because confinedin its operation to Chinese, or any body orclass thereof."

Noble Young said It is seldom that thehonorable Representative from Uamakuaand myself disagree, but we do most de-cidedly disagree with regard to this bill toamend the Constitution with a view to classlegislation. I am opposed to tamperingwith the Constitution; it is too young ababy to be pulled about roughly and havetbe hair torn out of its head. No oneknows what the next legislature will be

cau ne miae ior examining above by telephon-in- &

to L. L VAN 8LYKE,22-- 1 w Oahu College, Punahou.

taie 10 tne puoiic at par.The respective merits, of the two bills

were debated by Nobles Baldwin, Hitch-cock, Widemann and Young, and Reps.Kamauoha, Paehaole, Deacon and C.Brown, and Ministers Austin and Ashford.

The bill introduced by Rep. Deacon wasadopted with an amendment, and passedto engrossment to be read a third tune onThursday.

,WT1V1CAGENTS ot ihl "InUce.THE have arra8'1stotick. Teachers wishing to visu iuc

what monotonous, but very marvellousfeats, I am more than ever disposed tobelieve that they in no way necessitatethe hypothesis of any thought transfer-ence. That they are not strictly scien-tific experiments, every tyro must per-ceive. How much more, then, Mr.Bishop himself! My own curiosity ispractically satisfied, but I am entirelywilling to stake a small sum (not beingpossessed of Mr. Bishop's talent fordrawing " a full house," I cannot makeit a large one), that if Mr. Bishop, oper

I m. MATTER OF THE .APPLICATION OFnotices or new bills. a itooert L.isnman for a division fence betweenNational Educationj

Association, j

ivuuouou and Niu.roble Waterhouse gave notice of a bill;to regulate the keenincr of the hnnL--s of Ail parties interested In the above cause arehereby requested to be at Kalakaua Hale on theaccount by wholesale and retail licensees

flimsier oreen gave notice. ot: .An Act aum aay or June, 1888, at 1 o'clock p. m.By order of the Commissioners of Fences,23 td Per W. 8. WOND.

Fnclsco,Jolj !! tor--to provide tor the payment of the expenses Held in Sanor tne government, until, the passage of

composed of. There may not be any ofthe present members of this House thereand if you begin to dissect the Constitutionnow, and with so bare an end in view as toprovide for class legislation, who knowswhat may be attempted next legislature?I regard this bill as a blow aimed at the

tne Appropriation Bill of 1888 and 1890.

The truth is we are under obligationto be absolutely fair, and not merely asfair as our interests may permit.If it is unjust to legislate against theChinese, that settles the question. It isabsurd to say we must do it, whether itis unjust or not. Such an utterance isas repugnant to reason, as it is to soundmorals. We are all poor sinners, andwe do a great many things which weought not, but it is because we want to,not because we must; and if anti-Chines- e

legislation admits of no betterjustification than this specious "must,"it is a disgrace to us that we permit it atall, and the sooner everything of thesort is wiped from the statute book thebetter for our good name. A justifica

ating on myself, will consent to anyscientific test, agreed upon by ourselvesand two or three gentlemen of standingin the community, and privately per-formed in their presence, he will notsucceed. Now, if Mr. Bishop's desire is.

Round - tripvn ouiJtusiun ji me ruies, me Din was For Kent or For Sale.read, a nrst time by title.HEPORT OF COMMITTEE.

Rep. Kinney reported the HawaiianFP.0-M-

HONOLIJU'as I suspect it is, to confound skepticsversion of the report of the committee onand dazzle the multitude, on the public j . PLEASANT nOTTAftV

illi mil In Perfect Oriler.TV San Francisco sjIV

A few minutes' walk from the Post Office.Apply to


visitation ana inspection oi KaKaako hos-pital, ready for distribution.

blCe books.Minister Thurston announced the report

of the President of the Board of Healthprinted and ready for delivery to members.Adjourned at 3:50 p. m. to 10 o'clock

Tuesday morning. ioo.ooJ

tion which fails to justify, in other wordsto show its cause to be just, is a mis-nomer, and may as well be shown up forwhat it is, an appeal to brute force.

The llussian Very GatesFruit Depot, Fort St.

(Old Shooting Gallery),On Sale, ex S. S. Australia, May 29,

Troops at theof India. Whlcb lncina.5

fee nd " i" ..

ON ICE) For further prticuIrsPP""

principal industries of the Kingdom andwill not support it. There are other waysof regulating the Chinese matters withmuch less danger than tampering with theConstitution. I therefore move the indefi-nite postponement of the bill.

Rep. Kinney said I wish to tell the hon.Noble that he hasn't got the power to post-pone the consideration of this questionthat this House has not. You may killthis and kindred measures but you willnot then have succeeded in getting rid ofthis question it has come to stay. Thecourse of the hon. Noble in thus attemptingto kill this measure in its inception aud toprevent it going to a committee for inves-tigation (a courtesy extended to every billhowever crude and ill advised) certainlyshows lamentable consciousness of weak-ness on his part. Is he afraid of an inves-tigation? Will additional light before wecome to a decisive vote hurt anyone?Will not discussion bring the right view tothe front? I wish to be temperate in theconsideration of this question. I want allthe light possible brought to bear on it, butsuch a course as the hon. Noble is attempt-ing will simply result in exasperating themany who are as largely interested in it ashe is except perhaps a solely fromthe standpoint or the almighty dollar.Neither he nor his cause will gain by sucha course. He makes the wholesale chargeagainst this amendment that it is a blowaimed at the great industry of the country,a charge which a fair examination of themeasure not only does not support butpositively refutes. I would be perfectlywilling to submit this measure to tne plant- -

A-- ft

stage, he will naturally decline this offer.But if he has a candid desire to establisha scientific theory, I am at a loss to knowhow he can do otherwise than accept it.He cannot deny that the proposition isa fair one. On the other hand to claimthat his invitation of Saturday night wasfair, or reasonable, or scientific, would beworse than absurd. I will not insult theunderstanding of so eminent a scientistby entertaining the thought. I neverheard that his illustrious confreres,Carpenter, Maudsley, Wundt, and agreat many others whom Mr. Bishopdoubtless knows better than I do, con-ducted their experiments in the mannerhe proposes, and I am unable to under-stand why he should abandon the tradi-tions of his scientific brethren.

In brief, if Mr. Bishop succeeds in anyexperiment which is really rigidly andproperly conducted, I shall be veryhappy to forfeit my stake, and publiclyto r cant my unbelief. If he declinesthe experiment, and insists on five hun-- d

ed people, he may a pr priate any ofthe three appellations above mentioned,or any others of a like nature in myvocabulary, for he will have made outhis title to any or all of them.

Henry N. Castle.

Wm. G. IrwinApricots, Peaches, Apples,

1221 7-- tdRed Currants, Gooseberries,Plums, Olives, Artichokes. Sage

Also, . FOR SAK

London, May 29. The British Cabinetis said on the best authority to be per-plexed if not alarmed by the completionof the Russian railway to Samarcandwith the possibility of a spur to Herat.What with recent conflicts with theThibetans, the presence of Russiantroops at the very gates of India andChinese hostility also to contend with,John Bull is in a state bordering onanxiety.

O'Brien, the recalcitrant Irish editor,addressed a public meeting of 25,000persons in Dublin, May 28th, denounc-ing the Pope's decree. The meeting en-dorsed the action of the Irish membersin Parliament, and protested againstany interference by the Pope in Irishpolitics.

Fortunately, however, the opponentsof unrestricted Chinese immigration arenot reduced to an appeal to brute force,and those who' make this appeal di-

rectly or by implication, have mistakentheir defense. We are bound, in consid-ering the Chinese question, to take intoaccount the rights of every one con-

cerned, without regard to race, and afailure to do so i3 a failure to do justice.On the other hand, that expresses thewhole of our obligation. YTe are boundto do no more. There is not neces-

sarily any injustice in excluding anymen or class of men from entering th9


A 600-Gall- on


Smoked Salmon, .

Olive Oil.3"N. B. PEICES LOWEK THAN EVEB.eiNew Seaoa Onions & Potatoes.


In goo 1 order.


Page 3: M WW r - University of Hawaii · LA LiGrE ASSORTMENT. XiTCall early and make selections.fr--i 50-12- 12 l'aclflc llwrdware Co. Id. GOO KIM! GOO KIM!--21 STEEET, Honolulu. LULU MARKET,


v HONOLULU. 3&vtxt$tmtnts. Silmtisminls.Mr. at the OperaW, Irving liisliop

House and ICinmaJune-'- '.frNlA Square. PROGRAMME. ... sn.lavs fioni''cine.

This Day!Bevenue Sale !

Tin . .

OF THEnen the curtain rose at the OperaHouse Saturday evening, Mr. Bishop

This Day,Mortgiisec's Notice of Sale.TN ACCORDANCE WITH A POWER OF 8ALEJ-- contained in certain mortgages made byPaalua and Kaininui to H. DimonJ, recorded inLiber 50, page 305, and Paalua and Kaininui totbe Excelsior Lodge, recorded In Liber 87, page242, which said mortgages were duly assigned to

SIXTH SEMI-ANNUA- L:J.l.ebi-- ... fromi ei smilingly greeted a sea of expectantfaces. The following committee was


granted him by request on nominationot the house: Major Cornwell, Judge TABGET PRACTICE. ..ti-uKS-

. J. O. Carter iu. trust for Mrs. J. H. Pa.tv. dnll11' ...... v ie25.

By virtue of a decree issuing out of the Su-preme Court of the Hawaiian Islands v8 407Hats, confiscated under the Revenue Laws ofthis Kingdom, I will sell at Public Auction, atmy Salesrooms,

On Tuesday, June 26tliBicker on, Hons. A. Rosa and J. U.

... nhPll. for Hanalei ivawamui, Dr. N. B. Emerson, andOF THE

;f.r w.. spni. . . p,uir. for Kuau, Messrs. Frank Spencer, F. P. Hastings,J. H. Paty, C. L. Wight and F. S.

recorded as aforesaid; Notice is hereby giventhat said mortgagee intends to foreclose saidmortgage, for conditions brokon, and upon saidforeclasure will sell at Public Auction, at thesalesrooms of Jas. F. Morgan, In Honolulu,ON TUESDAY. . - - JUNE 26, 1888.At 12 to. of said day, the premises described insaid mortgages, as below specified.

Further particulars can be h.d of w R

At lo o'clock a. m.for Ka- - HAWAIIANPratt.mi . For the Benefit of the Hawaiian Government.

. ...! for Waialua me experiments consisted of : (1)Castle, Attorney at Law.

Mr. Morgan sells real estate under fore-

closure at 12 o'clock.Special meeting of the Honolulu Social

Club this evening at 7:30 o'clock.Steamship Australia, with latest news ot

the world, is due at noon to-da- y.

Don't forget Messrs. G. W. Macfarlane &Co.'s trade sale to-da- y at L. J. Levey's auc-tion rooms.

The Weekly Gazette, issued to-da- y,

contain3 over thirty columns of readingmatter.

Captain Unger would like to meet all themembers of Company B at the Armory to-

night at 7:30.

Wailuku Sugar Company's stockholdersare again rejoiced with the declaration of adividend of $3 per share.

Hon. Dr'. Wight made the forcible re-

mark on the mind-reader- 's carriage ex-

ploit, "That man must have an eye in hisstomach 1"

A concert was to have been given com-plimentary to Capt. Hobron at the hotelto-nig- ht, but it is unavoidably postponedtill further notice.

Besides the race between the Myrtle andHonolulu crews, the Vandalia will sendout two 12-oar- ed crews on the morning ofthe Fourth of July.

Mr. Levey sells the famous 407 hats at 10o'c o.k. That many shocking baa hatsmay be expected immediately afterward todisappear from our streets.

Mrs. Florence Williams lectures at Har

hnding a gentleman in the audience 407r . ivi- -- , An n . . tt:'i..Ise.ai?a." Cameron. lor numu- -first blindfolded and then with open

J. O. CARTER. Trustee,Mortgagee.

The premises to be sold areFirst All of Paalua's rieht in the Ahnnnu

RIFLE ASSOCIATIONfor Koolau, eyes, whose name Mr. Paty hadviously written in his note book 5 ASSORTED HATS of Waimea, Koolauloa, conveyed to Eaelinul.Molokai andv. .. irrpi'or.for Esq., Royal Patent 880, and all her 'other rightshnding two pins concealed byBickerton, one in a drawer in the boxKoolau.

in said Ahupuaa.Second A one-ha- lf interest undivided in a

house lot on Beretania street, set forth In RovalPatent 446. - -

Third An Ahupuaa in Kona, Hawaii, awardedto Paalua by I.. C. A. 13, (Law of 1800).

office, the other in the royal box : (3) "The Hats will he on view on Monday afternoon.writing on a blackboard a native word21-- td JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer.previously written secretly by Mr. Paty,Leaving To-da- y.

for Maui and even imitating the handwriting, the1 Lorenzen


Lewis J. Levey,23-- gt AUCTIONEER.

word being ".Lehua;" (4) presenting aand



- .; 4 pill- -, List of Prizes!bouquet with eyes open to two ladies.Chaney, ior

! 10 a 111 first found while blindfolded, whomMr. Pratt had thought of; (5) playing afor Kahumi To be Awarded to theDa vies,'.fiteliice,

! r5 p in- - game ot hare and hounds bhndiolded, infor Kauai, 5 Winners in the Citizens' MatchHAWAIIANwinch over a very rutrged and circuitousroute jumping fT and ducking under At the II. II. A. Practice, July 4:To be held on their Range, on King street,the gangway, going behind the wings OPERA HOUSE Given by Talue.and through Mr. Irwin's box Mr.

!" , riirlc for Ilaniakua, 5

foiWanine. for Hamakua, Hawaii.IfH eakuiafor Pepeekeo.

:;Kv turlianalei

C. E. Williams 1 Baby Carriage $20 00Bishop led Mr. Hastings to an ante u. nan son 1 aox Silver Teaspoons.. 16 00Benson, Smith & Co 6 cs Perfumery 18 00

mony Hall at 7:45 this evening, her subjectU ..J CI nrvrvr. 1? t TU! .:ii I . I 1 - room wnere uaior cornwell was con

1 I 11 V V. VI lllf L. 111. t IlllllllllsllllVI f . 1 , ..n. Mrs. 1. iacK 1 Steven's Tarcet Pistol 20 00cealed at thev J I i ,1 i I gJ T I I U Tt 1 1 ro I li 1 vk I m . . . .

opposite the Govt. Nursery.

On Wednesday, July 4, 1888


Lewis & Co 1 Star Ham 5 no--".T. :u ii"fsLe. IOI A'atvti o - be one of the most interesting lectures of placing a living tableau of tour persons, M"PnT i A IXJ A PTQ West & Co 1 Banjo 15 08the series. liolllster & Co 1 Meerschaum Pipe 20 Ou.Marshal Soner the central figure, as JL ALVJL' ;fl 11 r I) I k 7C J. McCarthy 1 box Havana Cigars fi on. ,. wnrtfrom foreign they had been posed by Jndj:e BickertonThe great, final performance of Prof. King Bros 1 Card Case 5 00Ur Yr. Macfarlane 4 Co 1 Toilet Set. 9 ca. fi 00and Dr. Emerson, Mr. Bishop findingCanaris, including an exposition of how to

do the whole business, will take place at J. Hopp & Co 1 Cradle 15th characters scattered through thealalia, Kimberley. S America.

3. nr,nt Nicoils outh America.

:.:jfr. r- !- from San Francisco.

The Famous Wizard of the North,will give a

J. D. Tregloan Order for pair Pant a 10 noaudience, and (7) drawing, blindfolded, Castle ft Cooke 1 Set Carvers 18 00the Opera House this evening. Box plan a recognizable sketch ot Mr. B. Orden- - GOVERNOR DOMIN1S CUP. Ilawn. News Co 2 vols Bryant's Poems 10 Qof&GB Holland, S Islands. open at J. E. Brown & Co.'s. Wing Wo Chan & Co 1 Tea Set 25 00Last and Farewell Performancestein on the blackboard witli the artist, Pacific Hardware Co. 1 Combination Clock. 15 00.ewt-asiic-

, .V'e Lactate, Valued at $100, for the highest aggregateProf. Berger had a fair audience and led Mr. btrong, acting as thought medium Khiers & Co 1 box Gent's Ties 5 00on score in matches Nos. 1, 2 and 3, to becomeBay by his rival artist's side. The audiencenaiu, X7crv"v Lswers & Cooke Tree Pota a 50

A. Kraft 1 Guitar 20 00a fine concert at Emma Square last even-ing. The gate9 were obstructed somewhat

u " n.'i.l. Drew. San Francisco were delighted with the performance tne property ot the marksman winning itthree times at the regular meetings of theViVHDmi Tuesday Even'g, June 26throughout. w. . iuce a valuable Priae

M. Mclnerny 1 case Cologne 10 00vAKiUo' "er - ruiL aVtHoix- -

by gamins and there was too much libertytaken by the hoodlums, particularly with At the close Mr. Bishop explained his C. Gertz 1 pair Dancing Pumps 4 00At 8 o'clock.

method, which was, briefly, that bvfrom Foreign Ports. C. H. Greanhalgb 1 Writing Desk y 00M. Goldberg 1 Springfield Rifle. Belt. etc. 20 00Eipected their tongues.

tt. it. A.,Won July 5, 18S6, bv J. Brodie. M. D,Won January 1, 1887, bv Wm Unger.Won July 23, 1887, bv J. Rothwell.Won January 2, 1888', by C. B. Wilson.


pressing his eyeballs upward or down H. May & Co 1 box Tea 5 00In fulfillment of the promise made the public, heWhere Iroru. Due.S:m Francisco. .June 26 ward when blindfolded he threw himselfA continuation of Messrs. G. W. Mac A. M. Hewett 1 Book 3 ruitakes pleasure in making the following

into a semi-unconscio- us or hvpnotic state,farlane & Co.'s trade sale will take place Hart & Co 1 CakeDodd 4 Miller 1 10-ga- l. Keg Beer


jia ... to-da- y at Mr. Levey's auction rooms, when Davis & Wilder 1 box Tea 6 00when mental images concentrated in theminds of his subjects wTere reproduced J. Nott 1 pr Granite Vases , 3 50

Colonies July,an Francisco. .Julysan Francisco.. JulyHrenien July

m Francisco. .JuneLiverpool Sept

V alued at ?o0; also, second prize, $5;third prize, $2.50. Conditions of the match :a tine assortment ot .bnglish turniture, H. E. Mclntyre k Bros 10V'2-l- b Bacon 2 50on his own inward vision. Open to all members of the Association andcarpets and rugs will be sold; also a line of P. Mclnerny 1 pr Slippers 3 00ircovery Aicunesney & Sou 100 cakes Babbett's Soan 6 00Emma Square was thronged with

at 4:30 Monday afternoon, to view members of the regular and volunteer mili



He will positively expose the famous Cabinet

staple goods of different kinds. The saleIHHaotieia.



J. T. Waterhouse 1 Lamp 10 00jcienaouth... Liverpool Aug tary companies of the Kingdom, to become H. J. No'te 1 Meerschaum Sinokinz Set... 15 Oilwill commence at 10 o'clock sharp.. iotk ocui tne property ot the marksman winning itMr. Bishop's open air performance. The

King and Princess Liliuokalani were C Hustace Suar 3 00T. H. Davies & Co 1 Ladies' Fan IS no..liongKong June three times at the regular meetings of theThe legislative committee on the Chi

...JNin r rancisco. . June Ejin&Co ISi k Hat 15 COri. it. iV.Tt. : .a rrv t i -June 23-t- d

Test, in full view of the audience, without theaid of a Cabinet, or any contrivance whatever. distance, zuu yards: rounds, iu: anv. ..s America..

..Panama . . . .

nese question held a session in the Assem-bly room last evening. Several - mastermechanics in the plumbing and tinsmith- -

military rine under the rules: limited toHe will also expose and explain the mysteries of: Trenton


55 America.. ... "..S America.. .. "

On Sale at the Gal. Fruit MarketDr. Slade's Slate Writing:,'hKvacintli. S A m erica '

Newcastle Julv 31

one entry to each competitor. Entranc--fee- ,

$1.Won January 1, 188G, bv Wm. Unger.Won July 5, 1886, bv CB. Wilson.Won Januarv 1, 1887, by C. B. Wilson.Won July 23, 1887, bv T. McDermott.Won January 2, 1888, by Br. Brodie.

'ae j31..Newca-tl- e .Julv. . .Zti

1Ex N. S. Australia, May 39th.


Materialization of Bodies,

The Floating Table,302020

;;iti;i'o sail r iuuciwu.j uijiljhicrm.. . .Manioa JuneJjHarewoo.1. Hongkong . . .June

Iffjm Vt Townsend . June.xA Barnes. . Newcastle J ulyliiikaua San Francisco. .1 une

II. THE ALDENAnd many other tests. The exposures and ex-planations will be made openly and in full view fruit and taro Cherries, Apricots,

ANY MEDAL. , .31 COMPof the audience, from which the closest scrutiny3029 is Invited.ijulienFleece.San Francisco. June Valued at $100 ; also, a second prize of $2 : readies, Apples,

Red Currants,The programme will also be replete with new inira prize, z.ou. conamons: upen to ali

among interested observers. As a-- pre-liminary test Mr. Bishop, eyes bandagedwith cotton batting, handkerchief, and ablack bag overall, found a knife con-cealed in the shrubbery by Hon. H. A.Widemann and Major Cornwell, who,with Hon. J. A. Cummins, Lieut. Kit-tenhou- se

of the Vandalia, Messrs. Paty,Pratt and C. O. Berger, constituted thecommittee oi the day.

Lieut. Rittenhouwe, Major Cornwelland Mr. Paty were selected as a commit-tee to conceal an article within one mileof the square. On their return they putthemselves in contact with Mr. Bishop,blindfolded, before a map of the city,when, with a pencil, the mind-read- er

designated on the map the localitywhere the article was hidden. Themap was draped while Mr. Bishop hadIns head bound up as above described,and taking the three gentlemen withhim in a carriage he drove off, the reinsin one hand and the committee men sit-ting behind him in the rear seat. Animmense concourse in carriages and sad-dles and on foot fell inio procession inthe wake of the extraordinary equipage.Mr. Bishop told the committee that he

comers; to become the property of theand startling tricks of Legerdemain and Necrom-ancy, never before performed in Honolulu.ErceipU of Island Produce. marksman winning: it three times at reeru

ing trades appeareu oy request ana gaveimportant evidence. A shorthand re-

porter is employed to take the testimori'in full.

Captain Kibbling of the schooner Halea-kal- a

claims that his vessel beat theschooner Moiwahine on their last trip toHawaii by nearlj' half an houi to Kohola-lel- e.

The captain of the Moiwahine sa3sthat one of the masts of his vessel wascracked, which necessitated the reeling ofthe sails.

More prizes are being added to the listfor the citizens' rifle match. The assort-ment now on view at Mrs. Lack's storewould stock an industrial exhibition. Citi-

zens should show their appreciation of theH. R. A. committee's activity by both giv-

ing and shooting for prizes. There willdoubtless be something for the poorestshot.

Gooseberries, Plums, Olives, Artichokes, Sage.Big33ugar. Baga rice. Mia. pkgs. lar meetings of the H. R. A. ; 10 roundsI'Lthua. .. each at the 400 and 500-ya- rd raneres : anv mi:Admission SI. 75c. and 50c.

Box plan for sale of seats now open at J E..rSoiwahine. itary rifle under the rules; limited to oneALso

Sauerkraut. Smoked Halmon,Olive Oil.

t'Hi.raiiala. entry for each competitor. Entrance fee,Brown & Co 'a, Merchant street. 25-2-t






;i Eliza.Liiio'iho. N.B.- - PRICES LOWER THAN EVER.


G00 HAWAIIANf.';i"aii;uii.

Won, Julv, 5, 1886, by J. B-od- ie, M. D.Won January 1, 1887, by W. C. King.Won July 23, 1887. by J. Rothwell.Won January 2, 1888, by W. C. King.


Liiv.lii. New Season

Onions and Potatoes.1'ASSE.NGKIiS. OPERA HOUSE Valued at $150. Competitors limited tomembers of the Association. Conditions:For the highest aggregate score at 200 and


S'lllilo. perstmr Lehua, June2"'M Irwin and F M Hatch. 500j'ards; 10 rounds at each distance; any

Thursday Eve'g, June 28 military rifle under the rules; to becomethe property of the marksman winning it

1 A. I A. 1 i. f J.S ff Fresh Can a Lime !was not going the circuitous route theyhad gone, but should drive direct to theplace of concealment, fie drove by wayof Emma and Beretania streets to Fort turee nines m regular meetings oi tne tt.SHIPPING NOTES.street, and proceeding along that thor

JUST ARRIVED.Repetition of W. S. GILISERT'S3 --Act Comedy,oughfare pulled the team up as it passedeamer Mukolii brought 16 cattle

V:VM from Molokai and 115 sheen Messrs. Benson, Smith & Co.'s drugr store. Here he alighted and with the

committee entered, when, after someLa- -irench bark Cecile. Captain

A Newspaper Office Fire.A recent New York dispatch says : At

3 o'clock on Sunday morning a tire wasdiscovered in the city editor's room ofthe New York Tribune. Not tea min-utes before the city night editor and hisassistants had left the room withoutbeing conscious of a fire beneath them.In less than half an hour after they hadgone the room was a ruin, together withhalf of the reporter's room, which ad-

joined it. Every combustible wasburned up, including the desk of thecity editor and his assistants, the desksof several reporters, the letter boxes inwhich was standing the mail of thewhole city staff, and an oil por

for annovance produced bv a crowd that 66 E-S-G-A-G--

E-D"followed, the mind-read- er found the For.Sale Cheap,nasn't left yet.j5a:kentineGeo. C. Perkins. Captain

at Ililo last Friday 18article a pair of spectacles hidden ina recess of the soda fountain. On thean r ranrisco with a cariro of

K. A. Entrance tee, $1.Won Januarv 1, 1886, by F. J. Iliggins.Won July 5, 1886, by J. Brodie, M. D.Won January 1, 1887, bv Wm. Unger.Won July 23, 1887. by J. Brodie, M. D.Won Jauuary 2, 1858, by F. Hustace.


Valued at $75. Conditions : Open to allmembers of the Honolulu Rifles; to be-come the property of the marksman win-ning it three times at the regular meetingsof the H. R. A.

Distances, 200, 400 and 500 yards; 10rounds at each range; any military rifleunder the rules; limited to one entry foreach competitor. Entrance fee, $1.

Won January 2, 18S8, bv J. Rothwell.Won July 23, 1887. by S. Rothwell.V. ASSOCIATION SECOND-CLAS- S


route Mr. Bishop guided his horsesFOR THE BENEFIT OF THE1 T beautifully round corners and past meet

intr carriages. The committee's handsK lla bark Lady Lampaon ar-Jd- aatternoo,, 22 days from San

IW; r.'Venel height consignedUultA Co.. and also 4

were not placed nearer Mr. Bishop than Theo. H. Davies & Co.19-2- wHonolulu KiHes' Armory.about six inches during the journey.

isW Sampson"ewer's wharf.

;Hwauanbark Jan,es A. King, Cap- - --CASTE

trait of Horace Ureeley. lhe nnan-ci- al

loss was not, of course, heavy,but the inconvenience caused by thedestruction of property of no value ex-cept in a newspaper office can hardly beestimated. This property included the" blotters." " assignment books," re

SUN FIRE OFFICE,i..Cir "rived earlv on JuneW. T.,l'4&r 5.000 pickets and

T, s ; t. OF LONDON.

Established 1710.Silver Medal. Open to all members ofcords and library of the city editor, num

berless blue pencils, pens, papers, letters the Association who have never made arecord exceeding 75 per cent, at anv regu

S Pv I rTrt,ed havin had S.i 'r first 17 days;hi ?a igllt d E windstjSet is dQCked atwb f

OTICE.from a " Constant Reader," " Subscrib-er " and other cranks, free passes over lar meeting of the H. R. A. Prize, a Silver

Cheviot Hill Mr. .T. F. BrownBelvawney Mr. F. P. HastingsSymperson Mr. E. F. BishopAngus MacAllister....Mr. W. 31. McFarlandMagillicudy Mr. Wm. UngerBelinda Treherne.. Miss ParkeMinnie Symperson Miss MakeeMaggie Macfarlane .Miss HareMrs. Macfarlane Miss WalkerParker Miss Brown

Medal.Conditions: Rounds. 10: distance. 200 Insurance effected upon every description of

mHERE WILL BE A SPECfAL MEETING OF property at current rates of premium.yards; any military rifle under the rules.I the Honolulu Social Club, at their hallPoce Court. h.ntrance fee, $1. Lntnes unlimited.THIS EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Business of

the railways, invitations to banquets andballs, poems on spring, bottles of inkand mucilage, scissors, revolvers, andthe manuscript of an exclusive storygiving the original and only solution ofthe Keelev motor.

Total 8um Insured in 1885 327,333,700SATURDAY. .Inno 9? importance. C. COTTRELL.

26-- Jt Secretary. VI. GOLD PURSE.11 1. nn'oT,.f..iH Srel ';:ruui.Iossession of opium.

six hours hardf'--f

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of tbe Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.A . Prices as XJsnal !Hhr. contract service was or--

fl Eri ; .Monday, June 25. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.Wailuku Dividends. JtBox plan opens at J. E. Prow n 4 Co.'s at

9.3d a. m. Wednesday, June 27th.ionflf - w animals and one ofopium r continued. Ex. " DEUTSCHLAND."OF WAILUKU SUGAR CO.

are hereby notified of a dividend of $3 per Doors open at curtain at 8 p. m. 25--4t

To-day- 's Issue.The Hawaiian Gazette just out con-

tains about twelve columns of legislativeproceedings for the past week. Thereare five columns of editorial and severalcommunications, including Col. Spald-ing's interesting report on the diffusionprocess at the Makee Sugar Com-

pany's mill. The local columns containlull reports of important events inconnection with Oahu College and Ka-mehame- ha

School, full report of theSecond Judicial Circuit at Wailuku,

F0'"sn New, ,teni.. share now payable at the oilce of C BrewerCo. P. C . O .71- 8,

Treasurer W. S Co.2-- Twentv thfmco,i J6--3tHonolulu, .Tune ?5. 1P8S. DAVIS & WILDER,5 Hy p?at"jrum mass-mee- t-

i diternoon, and 1 r h iiipruiest against

Given by J, W. Carlin, Lieut. U. S. F. S.Vandalia." Valued at$75. Competitors

limited to members of the Association.Conditions: Any military rifle under therules. Ten rounds at 200, 400 and 500yards. To be the property of the winnerprovided his score at the three rangesamounts to 132. Ties to be shot off at 600yards. Twenty rounds. Entrance fee, $1.


For Association Badge. To be worn bythe winner until his score is beaten at anyregular meeting of the H. R. A. Limitedto members of the Association ; 10 roundsat 500 and 600 yards. Entrance fee, $1.


Some ver3T valuable prizes, and a prizefor everybody. Any rifle; 5 rounds; dis-tance 200 yards. No air or set triggers al-lowed; Entries unlimited. Entrance fee, $1.

No entries will be made before the dayof the match, and persons will shoot ac-cording to the number on their ticket.

The following persons will not be allowedto take part in tbe Citizens' Match: Dr.Brodie, Wm. Unger, C.B.Wilson, J. H.Fisher, F. Higgins, F. riustace, C. W.Ashford, C. H. 'Nicoll, J. Pratt, J. Roth-well, W. C. King, J. Hingley.

52 FORT STREET.ftE;i JSo tt e Local r;- -

Manienie Hay,WHITE BROS.'

Portland Cement.jven Russell & IMPORTBESSupreme Court record for the week, andmany items of intelligence. Do notneglect to procure copies for the foreignlav 1 t iuuua anmails.beaa? rster.liVn law than Groeets fc Provision Dealers.






13-t- f W. G. NEED HAM.s.vl; cr.,c, ill Drpsont tVw.;m ui i? r .. moA man down on the south side put aJ ""cian . m,h anoat.

sign in his window, which read : iJoy STEAMER.-- lAFRESH GOODS BY EVERT183 y STOCKHOLM TARW the Wanted." A few hours latera passer-u- y

. . ... . iL.-l- l, , utnrv "yuKiyn, as saw him lerk it down wrauuuuy aum:Xr. : 1 .ec0er. The tear it up, while he gave vent toighto "0 NTERPRISTjlEl i ' PLANING- - MILL,

verv had lanirmio-e- . linallV a ne The Liverpool and Lonlecher's?f.Chvindthatown nnt

mi O CD


174 Telephone 55. don and Globeapproached and asked the cause d insanger, when it was learned that his wifehad just presented him with male trip-lets. Still there are people who donot believe that advertising pays.ffef Observatory

which itstn

information can beAny further



Sugar Coolers.IRON TANKS,




IjSTSTJULlSrCE CO. had of the Secretary.was lorma ly transfer?Of

Irritated throats and annoving COUgnsr?ia.;..u,.th ESTABLISHED 1836.Ten Dollars Eeward.are quicklv relieved bv the genuine ButterS-fyifC-aiil

ftkfT June 5? will, onlick Tptain Flnv le Jransfer was

Scotch, only to be tound at the PioneerSteam Candy Factory of F. Horn. Plenty Assets S 40,000,000

Net Income 9,0?!, 000Claims Paid 112.569,000ot testimonials.

Committee on Citizens' Prizes:

C. W. Ashfoed,O. White,J. J. Williams,J. H. Sopee.

J. BRODIE, M. D.,President.

C. H. NICOLL,Secretary. 21-t- d

(l inhr,-- ,. "yam r The Pionepr Steam Candv Factory, Bak- -(16. 'Jr ."imaf" 111. readers For Sale By- -Takes Risks against Loss or Damaze by Fireerv and Tpp Cre,im Parlor is the Only estab

on Buildings, Machinery, Sugar 51ills.Dwellinsand Furniture, on the most favor ble terms.raj 0' The teleSL "f hshment in Honolulu that can afford to

lntbii ,he largest insell the best Ice Cream at 2 per gallon, and H. HACKFELD & CO.

ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID ONTHE of any person found stealingthe Daily Advebttseb or "Weekly Gazette" iromthe store or residence of subscribers.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.Honolulu, March 30, 18b8.

!! tbe no others can. 216-- uaeter. 118S-6- m m BISHOP St CO.F. Hoen, Proprietor.

Page 4: M WW r - University of Hawaii · LA LiGrE ASSORTMENT. XiTCall early and make selections.fr--i 50-12- 12 l'aclflc llwrdware Co. Id. GOO KIM! GOO KIM!--21 STEEET, Honolulu. LULU MARKET,



Importers and Wholesale Dealers in--A Large "Variety.New Summer Dress Materials !


Che new and fine Al steel steamsniy

'ZEA. LJSTZI "For Sale by Castle & Coo

Millinery ouse,Popular IAD 3T' Price L.ist9 Furnished on Application.th Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

at Honelaln from Sydney and Aucklandon or about


SAN FRANCISCO.26 and 28 California St.,

WOLFE & CO., KING STEEETHave Just Received an Assortment of


Grofifirifls. Provision ov,l nNew Goods arid IsTew .Bargains!

July 1st, 1888,An will leave for the abeve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AHKNT8.

SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to Selecting andPacking Goods on Foreign Orders. VUK uuu re .

X7"TO THE LADIES Before making your purchases, take a look at theimmense assortment of new Dress Materials, and combination Suits, that we arenow displaying and offering at Extremely Low Prices. A full line of

New Fancy Figured and Dotted Muslins.Summer Silks and Combination Suits. A new line of Embroidery Flounces.

Dupee Hams and Bacon, Kits Pig Pork, Kits Salmon BelliesKegs Holland Herring, Kegs Sauerkraut, Limberer nMettamurets, Smoked Sausages, Green Cheesp iviTnstf in Rmwn

J2TCareful Attention given to all Commissionsand Satisfaction Guaranteed BOTH IN PRICEAND QUALITY. lC8-l- y 12o6-l- y

For Sydney and Auckland.Barrels Sprouts, Salmon, Oxford Sausage, Curried Fowl

encan Peas, Sniir.J--



MRS. ROBT. LOVE, - Proprietress.

Germea, Rolled Oats, Pearled Wheat, OatCracked Wheat, Oats, Bran, CornNvCatX

Fresh Grapes, picked every day and nM oS .


if leave Your Orders, or Ring: up 194 or 39.

The new and tine Al steel steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

July 5th, 1888.

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,--FRESH- 8OA SALE T

In White, Cream, Pink. Light Blue and Mixed Colors. New Lace Flounc-ings- .

in Black, Cream, and Ecru. Embroidered Scan Shawls,in Cream, 'Light Blue, Pink, and Tan Shades.

CKEAM tJJbGRSEYS,And New Kid Gloves, in all the new Tan Shades.

, Children's Fancy Parasols,A complete assmt. of Silk Mits and Silk Gloves,

in all colors, and all the new evening tints inJerseys and open work.




-- AT-

33. F, EHLERS & CO.!Soda Crackers


Saloon BreadAlways on Hand.



French. Silks and Laces.

And will have prompv dl3patcn with mails anasaengera for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

F00K LOT & CO.,

113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall


Chinese & Japanese Goods,

Blk. Khadames reduced from $2.50 to S1.7:12FOR LADIES and CHILDREN.IslautI Orders Promptly Attended to.

172-3- m


Black Gros Grain reduced from $1.75 to $1.25. Black SmnM,Flouncing reduced from $3.00 to $2.00.

Other Black Silks and Laces ReduceMETROPOLITANSanders'

Baggage Express Co.

(Successors to Sanders' Express and BurgessExpress).

Proportion,Fire Crackers. New Design In Cups and

Sauceea, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyGoods

At Oreatly Retlnced Irioe.NEW GOODS AND DESIGNS. Office:84 Kino Street.M. N. Sandeks.1 p,.

F. I. Cutter, J Meat Company,Regular Bhipments by every steamer.




WATCHES,Gold Chains, Lockets, Pins,

Diamonds, Plated Ware.

Kukui and Shell Jewelry.

By the consolidation of the above-mentione- d

ousineas. improved facilities are obtained tosatisfy theWnts of the public in the conduct-

ing of a

General Draying & Express Business.

Wagons are present at arrival of each'

foreignand island steamer.

Full charge tafcen of all baggage and parcelsf travelers and; the same checked through,

when necessary, to all points. ;

Special attention given to the "oval ofPianos and Furniture, to and from all pointsin the city and suburbs.

Reasonable rates for general draying andall business properly-attende- d to.

t3" Telephone No. 86. Give us a call.

N B. The collecting of rubbish, formerlycarried on by Mr. N. F. Burgess, will be carriedon m usual and orders may be left as above.

15-3- m


RESERVEDMANAGER.Beware of Imitations,Which are being put upon the market.




sold onl) by

,Smith & Co. O. J. FISHEL.fan


Sole Agents In the


Best Roller FlourMADE IN AMERICA.

Meals Superior to all OthersFOR THE


Gronsalves & Co.,20 tf Sole Agents Hawaiian Islands.

JOHN NOTT,Navy Contractors.


Buhach Producingand Mfg. Co.

STOCKTON, CAL.78 au12tf

It BSpreckels Wm. G. Irwin.



WE3ST3STEII & CO.,92 Fort Street. 109 tf







P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter ".....Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor


Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. Waternouie

BOM MEAL!!The undersigned are now prepared to rc

ceive orders for thjs Celebrated Fertilize!from the manufactory of-- Buck & OhlandtSan Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo.nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analyBis:

Water...... . 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 4 "Silicious Matter 4.65 "Lime. 81.70Phosphoric Acid 23.11Oxide of Iron 85Carbonic Acid 1.89Alka Salts .52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prom

and Careful Attention.

W. GL Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.


To tlie Public.

Importers and Dealers in



Bark 3Deutschland ,

From Europe, an assorted cargo of

NEW GOODS,Which they offer to the trade

At Lowest Market Rates.209 tf

Chinese & Japanese Goodsi w.-,,- . 7J? Jp&SteK :.! , fVf

Draw Exchange on the principal pares 0 theworld. fi , '1

ir--. . 1 18 t . -t-- rl-- C .. ' i! .) .; .. - - - l.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

FINE JEWELEY !Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav

Ings Department subject to published rules andregulations. - 17oc3tf

Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Gowk

I would respectfully inforzi m ; friends and thepublic generally, tha am located in


Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet IronHONOLULU MARKET.

(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

Wo. 6 Queen Street, Fish. Market. Ho.nolalu, II. i.


Have constantly on hand Silk, Satin,Crape,. Grass Cloth, Embroidered and

'Hemstitched Silk and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawlsand Scarfs.

A great variety of Chinese and Japa-nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lac-quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold and Silver Jewelry, setting withTiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklacesr Etc.

An assortment of Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets

Tables, Chairs and Settees.A full assortment of Flower Pots, Arti-

ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc.

New Goods received by every steamer.The public are respectfully invited to

inspect our goods. ll-3- m


TAILOR,No. 46 1-- 2 Merchant Street.

White and Flannel Pants,White and Calico Shirts, and

Underclothes, made cheap.10-l- m -

The Pacific Transfer Co.,

1876. GEO W. LINCOLN.Office with Jas. I. Dowsett, Sr., Queen- - Street.

Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand.BOTH TELEPHONES NO 15 TJ I L 33 E B

Where I am fully-prepare- d to do all kinds of

Jewelry "WorkIn the most satisfactory manner. I have

also secured the services of a

-- First-olass - AVatchmaltf r,"lAnd will guarantee all work entrusted to me. 1

have also just received a splendid line of


Suitable for the coming holidays', I offerat extremely low prices, and request you to In-

spect the same before purchasing elsewhere.

Thanking, you for many years' past favors:and asking for a continuance of the same,

..:". Respectfully; ;

. . '..MAX ECKART.

"Don't forget Damon's Block, Bethel Street;Honolulu, II. I.

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to.

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage,hauling or moving work, all of which I will guaran tee-t- xcute faithfully. 75 and 77 KLinv Street,Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short


D. R VIDA,Manager. Telephones No. 212 ASBell Telephone No. 275.
