m. powell & sons,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/wns/1871/...direct to cork, and...

THE WATEBFORD NEWS ESTABLISHED 1&J7. (Alderm&n REDXOHD, Proprietor.) LARGEST CIRCULATION 1 IN TUB Soirrn o? IRELAND . Puilished ertry FriJay Evening, at No. 43 King Street [orrttHTX TBC rBOTIKClAt BANK.} PBICE Tnur.E PENCE ; YEAKLY ( IN ADVANCE) 13S.; By POST, YEARLY, 15S., IS ADVANCE . Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: WATER FORD—Sir. W. K ELLT, Little Gcorgc ' B-strcot. TRAMORE—Miss CLANCY, Refreshment Rooms, in Strand-street. PASSAGE EAST—The Misses LOVE, Hotel , Square. CARRICK-ON-SUIR—Mr. J.M.MuR PHY . News Agent. DUNGARVAN—Mr. MATTHEW WALSH, Blackpool. KILKENNY—COYLE Brothers. Booksellers. &c, S HIPP ING. NATIONAL LINE. •r THE STEAMERS OF THIS LIXE ARE THE LAROEST PASSENGER STEAMSHIPS AFLOAT STEAM FBOM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YOBX EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENS. TOWN EVERY THURSDAY. ^ -m.TATTfYWAT. STEAM SHIP j jXrjC~) ^\ SS COMPANY (LIMITED). ^T y yCH Y /WX A Thenew full-powered British Iron ^^iQBelBaSB Screw Bteam-ahi ps Skipi. Tmt Shi ps. Tmu SPAIN, Grogao 4900 K»OLAi<n, W.H.ThompK>n 3307 EQYrr, Or»co 5064 ERI N ^ Lawson.. . . »10 ITALY, Webster 3700 HELVETIA. Gngg» 3315 HOLLAND, Brace S53O CANADA, Kemp.......... 2872 7RANCF , Thomson 3571 VIRGINIA , Snmntr. 2876 THE QTOES, Thomas.... 3S17 DENMARK , Andrews.... 2850 Will bt despatched from Liverpool to New York is follows STAIN Wednesday Sept. 20th. DENMARK Wednesday Sept. 27th. ENGDAND Wednesday Oct. 4th. And from Qucenstown tbe following days. The Saloon accommodation on board thete Steamen is uoittrpawtd, the State.roouu being unusually large, and open off tbe Balooni , wbicb are situated in tbe poop on deck —tbe poop being 130 feet long. Rate of passage 12, 16, sod 17 G jinni, according to ac- commodation in State room—all bating tame privilege in Saloon. Return Tickets, Twentv-fiveGuineai. Tin Steerage accommodation it unequalled for space, light , and ventilation. Abundance of Froth Proviuona aerted np Cooked by tbe Corapeoy' e otewerde. Rate* of psuage on Reduced Tertna. . PaMtngers booked through to Aipmwall , 8an Francius, Ibt inland towns of Canada , and of tbe TJniUd 8tatee , on fsveanbto t«rn»e: al»o , to Auitnhs, N«w Zealand , China, •id Japan, at law through rates , Tit Ntw York and San Jrancitco. For Freight or Ptiugt apply to T«j NAIIOHAI. Umax S»ir COK * A»T (LIKIXIB), 21 and28, Water-itreer, Liverpool; To, N. and J. Cnncws tni Bioa, Qoeenatoirn ; Mr. MuRrBT, News Agtnt , Carrick-on-Soir; or Mr. RICHA&D PHEUI, Portlaw ; or to tbe Atmt for Trmtnf trd— MICHAEL DOWNEY, Quay. STEAM TO NEW YORK "WHITE STAR" LINE, FROM LIVERPOOL •« fT\HE Magnificent new full-powcrcd ^h2v X Steamships of tho OCEANIC <IK§\I\^A. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. (Limited), 4B8BBK» K> constructed as to secure quick and ngular passages , will bo despatched aa nnder:— ATLANTIC Sept. 28. ATLANTIC NOT. 2 OCEANIC Oct. 12. OCEANIC Nov. 16 BALTIC Oot. 2G. BALTIC NOT. 30 Calling at QUEENSTOWX ou FRIDAY to embark Passemtera. These Steamships afford special accommodation to Cabin PjsaeoRera; tbe saloon, Mate-room? , and «moVe-rootn» sr« amidshi ps. A surgeon aud stewardess carried. Saloon, £18 18s. and £16 IBs., Return Tickets , 27 Guineas b' teer- age, £6 fc. Kor bills and further particular!, apply to JSMAY , 111 WE, & CO., 10 Watei-street , Liverpool ; and 7, Etst India-avenue , London. [jaO-'fj T. S. HAKVEY.Weat of England Insurance OEce. Waterfrd THE GUION LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS "LJ- fr> / ~ VNE of tho following or other First SSSvMil 1 ^^ V- ' class, fnll-powcred Steamships iJBBB b will bo despatched from LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, EVERY WEDNESDAY. Captain. Cap tain. WYOMIXCEwd. Whimraj.MlNKESOTA T W Frmnan WISCONSIN J. A.\Villiama MANHATTAN.W. Forsyth IDAHO * . JiNu PMCI NEHKASKA.... JAI. GUARD NEVADA . ' ... W. C. GREEK MONTAN A tBoildind COLORADO T. F. FBMKAB' DAKOTA (Do.) And art iutended to Sail aa follows:— MINNESOTA Wednesday Sept. 20. jDAUO Wednesday Sept. 27. CALLING at QUEKNSTOWN tbe day following, to embark Passengers. Passengers beoked through to San Francisco and all inland owns st low rate). .. Rates of Paiaage fiom Literpool to New York :—Cabin Passage £16 16i. and £1818s. Steerage Passage at reduced rates. Tbe latwr includes an unlimited supplj of provision, eeoked and smed up by the Company' s stewards. F0t ' iT^'tfABwg&^tiSito.- Quay. W.tertod ; JOHN DKVEREUX, Qnay, Waterford ! THOMAS KAVANAQH, the Square, DuDgsrvan JAMES SCOTT A CO., Qneenstown; or to 2.tfl GUION A CO., 25 Water-street , Literpool. FVGLAN'D AND SOUTH WALES, A * D HIE SOUTH OF IRELAND , K GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, ria U1LVOHD HAVEN , In connection with the WATERTORD & LIMERICK and WATEBFOKD & CENTRAL I RELAND Lines. SHORTEST ROUTE T M I REDUCED FARES. ^Tft Express Trains and New Fast Xail JXJtl BB B Steamers EVERY WEEK DAY. ^HOHh TJP— LIATE WATIRTORD at 4 p.m., on Arrival of 11.40 a m Train from Limerick, and 10.60 a.m Train from Mary borough, A RRIVINO W LONDON at at 11.15 following morning. DOWN LKATB LONDON (Paddington) at 4.60 p.m., «nd A»»iTBAi WAIERFORD about9.30 a.ui., in timo for the Trains on the Watorford and Limo- rirk and Central Ireland Licci. FARES— WATERF0RD AND LONDON: 8IJ . -GL.KS (available i Days) 1st Class & Saloon, 46s Od 2nd Class & Saloon, 35s 6d " 3rd Class & Foro Cabin, 20s Od Him " *-* (available 1 Month) 1st Class A Saloon, 76s Od BCTV . N lavaua ^ / ^ c ^ & ^^ 5 , Ja M Fn ' rthcr information can bo obtained from Messrs. J ACKS .. " and Co, New Milford , and Mr. DOWSKV , id.l p hi Wharf , Watcrford ; and the RKDIXED FAKES bctWecn other important Stations , the lime Tables, and Throucb. Bates for GoodB, *c, of Mr. W. J. Bus. rLt the GR EAT WESTERN CUHI -ANJ ' S AOF .ST, PAUL'S SQDABE , WATERFORD J. GKIERSON , General Manager PAddington , January, 1871. 0>J" 28 IMPORTANT TO EMIGKANTS. "ALLAN" LINE. STVAM FBOM KINGSTOWN (DUBLIN) OKCE A WEKK. -OTOBT SEA PASSAGE. Tho Steamers of the ALLAN Line saU n >Ax from K INGSTOWN (DUBLIN), to AVEKICA , SEK^^-FVEKr THURSDAY , carrying Stoerago JBBEDbr Passengers at tbesamo rate to either QVEIIEC , BOSTON, or N EW YORK . These Steamers offer the SHORTEST PASSAGE to. Can- «d.i , and gire » direct route to tho Western States of America and California, to which Paaacugcri arc booked on Throug h Ticket. THf. SI-LKNIIII! SCREW STKAME KS NOVA SCOTIAX from Dublin Sept. 11. CORIXTJIIAX Sc P*- "i OTTAWA , bept. <i8 ST. DAVID Oct. J tVT. ANDREW Oct. 12 BT. PATRICK Oct. 19 And Every THURSDAY thereafter during the Season . HATES OF PASSAGE MONEY: Saloon Cabin U. Quebec £13 13*. IntetB«liat« Cabm to Quebec , Boston or New York 0 vi. 8te»ra?e to Qoeboc, llosion, or New York 6 <k. I' or further particulars , apply to J AMES & ALEXAN - DER A LLAN , 70 Great Cly de Street, Glasgow, and 1!» Eden Ouay, Dublin j or to their AGENTS : THOMAS PURCELL, Waterford ; J M. MURPHY, New-lane, Carrick.on-Suir. EDWARD BUTLER, Innistiogno. (mh!7-tf COUPBLLE> De ROOS & Co. ' s PREPARATIONS, A N ASSORTMENT of PERFUMES, at Is. t\ >nd at 8d. e»«=h bottle, with tbe following-named Pre. tiona of CouPRLLR, DK Iloos i. Co., Uedford Place, EESSrr s5«. Luu*« . »W tatal Wa.erford .t TH T N » W« Ome* . K.nR-street :-Uult» V.lr, or VegjUbl. ?•« iw«- tin «'«' remedy for NerTOU»ne»f , 4«. ^ UadluTcourW. Hair liestoring Fluid, which ha. ijn fonnd wondMlullj efficaeioas in bringing tbe U,r to JS^fS^^ ^ 1 ^" - <*• -^ tad Auorted Pwfame.. SHIPPING CLYDE 8HIPPING COMPANY. SEPTEMBER , 1871. STKAU COMMU NICATION Between Glasgow, Cork ,and Waterford, Carrying Goods atThcongh Rates to LIXRRI CK, TIPPRRART, CAHIR , CCORKEL, CA»RICR>OJI .S UIR , KILIIRIIT, AB- BRiLii x, MARTBOROCOH, and NRWTOBT (Mon). _ "V. *. rilHE New and Powerful Screw sSdad£T^ X 6teamera SKERRYVORE, CUM. V|tsHylV*- BR * R- 3ANDA, EDDY3TONE, KIN- msmmSSAhB , and TOWARD , or other First-Clasi Vesaels , are intended t* Sail aa under (aaleM pratentod by any unfonMen circumstance), with or without PiloU, and with liberty to Tow Vessels , and to render Auisttnct to Vessels in Diatresa :— FROM GLASGOW TO CORK and WATERFORD, erery MONDAY, WEDNES- DAY »nil FRIDAY, at 2 p.m.; Rail to Greenock 7 p.m. NOTZ. Tbe Steamrn Sailing on Mondays and Wednes- days call first, at Waterford. Tbo Steamer on Friday goes direct to Cork , and calU at Wa.terfotd Tetsming. FRO M WATERFOKD TO BELFAST, Via CORK. FRIDAYS lit , 8th, letb, 22od, and 29th Sept . FROM CORK TO BELFAST Direct. 8ATURDAYS 2nd, 9tb, letb, 23rd , and 30th Sept. BELFAST TO CURK & WATERFORD, Via GLASGOW. UONDAYS...4tb, 11th, 18tb, aid 2£th Sept. wd Oct. 2nd. FKOU CORK TO DUBLIN, Via WATERFORD , MONDAYS....4tb, 11th, 16th and 26th 8ept. and Ort. 2nd. FROM WATERFORD TO DUBLIN , Direct , TUESDAYS....6tb , 12th, 18th and 26th Sept., and Oct. 3rd. DUBLIN TO CORK & WATERFORD,P»a GLASGOW. WEDNESDAYB.6th, 13tb, 20th and 37th 8ept.and Oct. 4 FROM CORK TO Glasgow (eta Belfast) ... Saturday, 2nd Sept,, Sp.m Glasgow (?iaWaterford & Dublin) Monday 4th S p.m Glasgow (direct) Thursday, 7th 8 p.m Glasgow (via Belfast) Saturdsy 9tb 8 p.m Glasgow (ria Waterford A Dnblin) Monday, 11th 2 p.m Glasgow (direct) Thursday, 14th 8 p.n Glasgow (?ia Itelfaat) ... ._ Saturday, 18th 6 p.m Glasgow (via Waterford & Dublin) Monday, 18th 6 p.m Glasgow (direct) Thursday, Sl«t 7 p.m Glasgow (ria Belfast) ... Saturday, 23rd 8 p.m Glasgow (riaWaterford & Dublin) Monday, 26th 2 p.m Glasgow (direct) Thursday, 28th 4 p.m Glasgow (Tia Bellast) Saturday, 30th ,, 6 p.m Glasgow (TiaWaterfori & Dublin) Monday. 2nd Oct., 6 p.m FROM WATERFORD TO Cork, Belfast , and Glasgow ... Friday, 1st Sept., 1 p.m Dublin and Glasgow ... Tuesday 6th 1 p.m Cork and Glaigow Wednesday 6th 1 p.m Cork, Belfast , and Glasgow ... Friday, 8th 1 p.m Dublin and Glasgow ... ... Tuesday, 12th 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 13th 1 p.m Cork, Belfast, and Glasgow... Friday, 16th 1 p.m Dublin and Glasgow Tuesday, 19th 1 p.ra Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 20tb 1 p.m Cork, Belfast, and Glasgow ... Friday, 22nd 1 p.m DnMin and Glasgow ... Tnxday, 30th 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 27th 1 p.m Cork, Belfast and Glasgow ... Friday, 29tb 1 p.m Dublin and Glasgow ... Tuesday, 3rd Oct- 1 ».m FARES :— Glasgow to Waterford or Cork...Cabin , 17s.td. ; Deck , 10«. Cork and Watcrford to Belfast ... 17a. ti. 10s. Cork to Waterford 8>. Od. it: Cork and Waterford to Dnblin... 10a, Od. 6s. Betur* TieieU , aeailallt for ont ilonth , not irantftrahl: Glangow to Cork or Waterford Cabin, 26s. Od. Waterfoi d to Cork Cabin, 12s. 6d. (33* NOTE.—Tbe Clyde Shi pping Company Insure all Goods Shi pped by these Lines of Steamers, at 6s. per Cent. Talo.es to be declared at time of Shipment. Forms and all information to be bid at the Offices. For Kate* of Frei ght , 4c , apply to—CORE STZAVBHIP Co. , Penrose Quay, Cork ; J OHN LTDDT, WATRRFOBD and LIMZRICX ?RiiLYAY OfFicz , LIHXRICK i CAROMX and EOAK, No. 20, Eden Quay, DUBLIN ; JAXBS MAU - DOCKS and HALL , Newport (Mon.) ; J. C. PIKKRRTOK , 10 Victoria Si , Belfast ; GRAHIH DKTMKIK , Grtenock ; GLIDE SniPPlno COKPAS T 3, Oswald Street , Glasgow ; or to MICHAEL DOWNEY, al28-tf Custom Houn Quay, Watsrford, WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY, INTENDED ORDER of BAILING-SEPT., 1871. *k 5*v T^OTICE.—The Waterford Steamship «i s»^^5v J ?l Company reccire Goods for Shipment «^vM\tv^ .ori the following Terms only:—They reserve .4H9SMS 1 B » the right to carry ty any, not by particular Vesiels, with liberty to Tow Ships and call At other Ports nd will not be accountable for injuries or lossee arising from delay, accidents of tbe Seaa , Rirera, Fire , tbe Qoeen' a Ene- mies, defective Navigation, or accidenttfrom any other cause, nor for «ny loss which might have been covered by Insurance , nor for Leakage , Breakage , Condition, Quality, or contents of any Parcels orPackages, unless specially entered and ad «>- Irtn Freight paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the risk and expense of tha Consignees, WATERFORD AND BRISTOL Oiptf, Zara, or otber eli gible Vessel , direct. From Waterford to Bristol : I From Bristol to Waterford : Tne»a»7, S*pt. S1 ...12 Hoon. Thnrada/ &>pl. I, ~IO Morn. Tuerdij , 12, ._ 4 Afln' n. Tfcondsy ,. 14, ... 0 Mora. Tuesday, 18, _11 Noon Tbnndar, ,, 21, ...10 Morn. Tuesday ,. SO, ... 4 Atl'n. JTbnradar 98 ... 6 MOID. Juverna. From Waterford to Bristol , From Bristol to Waterford, Direct, calling at Pembroke Dock. Friday, Sept. 1, ... II Mon. Tuesday, Sspt. S ... »J Morn FricUj, B , _ 11 Horn. Tsradiy, ,, 11 ~ S Mora Frldiy, IS, .„ 8 Hon. TnMdiy, 19 ... 9 Motn Friday, ,. 39, _. 12 Nooa. rnexUy, 6 Mora. Friday, SO, „. 8 Morn. tST On Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin oi the Steam- ers will be Open to receive Pisungcj arriving from London by the Night Mail Traiu. Cabin Fare, lEs. Oil ServanU and Children, 10s. Od. Return do., 25s. ; or with libert y to return from Dublin Cork, or Wexford, 31s. ed., Steward' s fee included; Deck 7s. 6d, Females attend tha Ladiu ' Habiii. WATERJOBD AND LIVERPOOL. Zara and Camilla, or other eligible Veaiels. rsox WATERJOXD : TROK LITXRTOOL : Friday, S.P1. 1 , _ 1] Noon Friday Stpt. 1, -!1 Horn. Monday I . 31 All ' n Monday, <. 1 ArVn Wednt«d»7 6, ._ 3) Alt'i. Wedauday ,, 6. - 9 Aft ' o F'loty 1 Affn Friday ,, 8, ^ 4 Aft ' n Mond.y 11, ... 10| Mom Monday ,, II , - 8 Mon W,<ipe,d»y 13, ... 13 Koun Wtdawlay ,, 13, - 8 Horn Friday, IS, ... 12 Koon Frttiir 16,-]IM»rn Mond.y 18, _ 3, Aft' n Monday 18, _12 Noon Wednesday ,, 31 , ... 3| Aft'a Wedosi day ., 20 , ... * Affn Friday 3J, 1 Atl' o Friday. 37,._ 3 Aft ' n Monday ,. J4, ~ 10| Mem Monday , ., 25 ,-» Mora Wtdnesday 37, ... U Noon Wednwday 21 , Mora Friday, ,.. U NoonjFrlday, " l9 ,.n Hm Cabin Fan, ISt.; Servants and Childnn, lOi. J Deck,7 s< «d. ; Children. U. Femslet attend the Ladies 'Cabin< Goods received at Clarence Dock. WATERF0KD AND LONDON. Aurora and Ytita , or other eligible Vessel*. JROM WATlBfOlD, JROK l O B D t tf, WEEKLY. I WEEKLY. LOADIKO BRBTHS:—London—British and Forei gn Steam Wharf , Lower East Smith6eld , and West Kent Wharf, Southwark. WATERFORD AND PLYMOUTH . Aurort and Vuta , or other eligible Vesaels. ?R0M WATIRIORD: TROK PLTMOUTH : WEEKLY. I WEEKLY. Taking Goods for Falmouth , Southampton, Portsmouth, and places adjacent. WATERFORD AND NKW ROSS. FROM WAWRFORDDaily, Sundays exctpted , at 4.0 P.M. FROM NIW Ross—Dail y, Sundays excepted. at 8.46 A.x WATERFOKDAND DUNCANNON. FROM WAKR» ORDDaily, Sundays excepted, st 4.0 p.x. FROM DoHCAxaoir—Daily, Sundays excepted , »t 8.16 A.v, Bertha secured and every informationgiven by the Agents. Briitol—The General Steam Packet Office. Liverpool— Waterford Steam Ship Company, 23, Brunswick-street, Washington Buildings. London—ANTHOXI . G. ROBIISOI , 2* Mark Lane; British and;Foreign Steam Wharf , Lower East Stnitbfield, and Wnt Kent Wharf, Southwark Pl y vioutk- H RBRT 1. WARIBO , thoWhwf , MHliay. fic29-«l Aod at the Company"! Oflice . tbe MALL , WATERFORD. ASK Your Grocer, Chandler, or Druggist ros KELLY'S "SNOW-FLAKE" STARCH. IT IS UNRIVALLED >OR STRENGTH, COLOUR, AND PURITY. (ST REQUIRES NO BOILING ! (mh24-6m* PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO, 5 4 6 , GEORGE'S STREET , WATEBFOBD. JOHN PJ3NDER , HAVING p laced the Management of his Photo- graphic Studio in tho bands of a FIRST CLASS A RTIST bees to' draw tbe attention of his Patrons to HIS NEWIiY-INTBODTJCED PORTRAITS, vory suitable aa Famil y Piotures, finished in the hi g h, est stylo of Miniature Painting in Oil , Crayon, Bopia , and Mezzotinto. As all Portraits are Painted on rlin Premises , he is enabled to offor fidelity of Portrai. tnre and gncefu! pos* with the highest artistio fini£ atS" Cartes de Visite and plain Photograp hs can be taker? in tbe darkest weather. J. K solicit, an ^ inspeo- tion of his epecimens. [mhlO.y *] £12.000 ,000 STERLINfi , aUARANTBED by Government , aro to be distributed in va.ioua sums npwarda to «20,000. Any w in»Mtin» £1 in tl>U bona f idt Government trans. Si '!!?. '%» Zl I «0 . «»- Por P'«P«t" nil:h «« A. BtNCK, No. 14 , Dnk«-st, Adelphi., London , W.C. 6m 3Sr:E"W -A.TJTTJ^E3N GOODS i On SATURDAY , 16th of WE SHALL BE TO SHOW OUR NEW IKfticft /UKJ teen Purchased pnor to the recent great Aivance in. rnces. Wo are thorcforo enabled to offer our Customers Goods considerabl y under present Market Valno , ZSPJCIAIiT or Woollens , Blanketa, and Flauuli ; Winceys ; Plain and Fancy Dresses ; Calicoes , fee Wo bog to diroot partiealar attention to the following CHEAP LOTS j 1 , 360 YARDS PLAIN WIN0EJS , at 8Jd. Wcoth 5d. par Yard. 1 ,160 do. do. at 4^d. 6d. 1 ,100 do. do. at 6ld. 71d. 950 do. do. at 6jd. Sd. 676 ILANNBL SHIRTS (fall Sizes) 2s. 10}d, ., is. Od. each. COO WOOL HANDKERCHUrS , ll|d, la. 6d. 280 LAEGB CLOTH SHAWLS , 3s. fid. ie. 8d. M. POWEll & SONS, Nos. 2 & 3 , BROAD STREET and 1 , LITTLE: PATRICK STREET. SHIRTS! XVT WARRANTED. —Our CASHMERE COTTON -D SHIRTS aro a perfect and agreeable substitute for Flannel. They nre cooJ, disorient , and do NOT shrink. Our FINE WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS are excellent value. Patterns , with Instructions for accu- rate Solf.Moasuromont , free by post. P. TOBIN & SONS, 68 <fc 59 Quay, Hosiers, Shirt and Collar Makers, and mal3.1 y] General Outfitters. McLEAN & McINTOSH , PLUMBERS, LEAD MERCHANTS , &c, BEG to intimate that they have now added to their business a BRASS FOUNDRY and ENGINBER- ING ESTABLISHMENT , where Brass Work of every description will be caat and finished off in First-class style, and with as little delay as possible. MeliEAN and MCINTOSB also beg to tender their sincere thanks for tho land patronage bestowed on them, and hope, by their constant attention to bum. ness , to merit a continuance of same. tST Lead , Brass , Copper, and. Iron Works, 8, LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, WATERFORD and ROSE-INN STREET , KILKENNY. N.B. Green.honneB, Conservatories , and Pnblio Buildings Healed on the most improved princi plo by the circulation of hot water. (my 15.6m) THE W0RLD.REN0WNED . " ELIAS HOWE" SEWIKG MACHINES ELtAS HOWE (Junior), the Original Inventor of tho Sewing Machine , was decorated by the Emperor with Tho Cross of tho Legion of Honor at The Paris Exposition PnuxrseHe , 1867. GOLD MEDAL—Amsterdam Exhibition , 1869, audit has obtained tho hi ghest honors at nil the great Ex- hibitions. The Qualities which Recommend t hem arc :1—Tensions on Upper and Lower Thread aro en- tirel y new and effective. 2—Beanty and Excellence) of Stitch alike on both aides of Fabrio sewed. 3 Strength, Firmness and Elasticity of Seam that will not Rip or Ravel, i—Uses a Smaller Needle for same Thread than any other Machine, li—Economy of Thread. 6—For Homming and Braiding are especi- ally Unoqnalled. 7—Their Perfection and Complete- neea. 8—Will not easily get oat of order and readily learned. 9—Adapted for every descri ption of Sew- ing. 10—Simplicity and Superiority of Mechanism. " THE FAMILY MACHINE" Ia unrivaled for its Beauty of Stitch ; the groat rango of work it will do, and its simplicity and euperiority of Mechanism. With it a child can Seam , Hem, Fell, Tuck, Quilt , Braid, Bind, Cord and Embroider , 4o., 4o. Machines for Families and Dreos-makers j Uacbinee for Tai lors, Boot-makon and Saddlers , to be teen daily in operation AT ROBERT LOCKE & Co., Agents for Waterford, Whoro all are invited to come and see what tho celo- brated " ELIAS HOWE" Sewing Machines can do 1 N.B. Observe tho Medallion Trade Mark, For- trait Of ELIAS HOWK Embedded in each Machine- none gennino without it. MANUFACTORY Brid geport, Connecticut, U.S.A. PRiUcrrAL OrncE—69a, Broadway, New York. EUIOFKAN DEPO^-61 , Regent-street , London, W. N. P. STOCKWELL, European Manager. BRAKCH67 , Bold-street , Liverpool. REPRESENTATIVE IOR IRELAND—J. PEEUUEXIE , Com menial Hotel, Sufiblk-st , Dublin. (j27.1y) NEW YORK STORE, QUEEN STREET , WATERFORD CABINET WORK and UPHOLSTERY executed on the Premises. REMOVAL and PACKINQ of FURNITURE on reasonable terms. %g" Every Class of Goons SOLD on OOKMISSION, BOUGHT or EXCUAHOED for OTII ER GOODS. GEORGE DEACON, PBOPBIXIOR. %gT Wholesale Customers liberally dealt with. G. D. inviteB the attention of his friends an! the pnb- lio to tho most EXTENSIVE and SELECT STOCK from the Best Manufacturers (which be humbl y begs to offer), comprising the following :— No. 1 contains:—A Large Assortment of PAPIER MACBE and IROIC TRATS, of the Newest Desi gns ; Coal Vases, the . " .Monarch of tho Glen, " tha "Os. borne , " and maoy others of beautiful design. , FINDERS and FIRE IRONS ^ UI great varietyj Cutlery Par s , PANS, SAUCKPANS, and KETTLES I Eleoti«! plated Tea and Coffee Services of Superior quality. ; FANCY GOODS in great variety, inoluding JWork. boxes, Writing Desks , Dretiing Cues , Albums , Clocks, The Now Patent Lamp Clock , (quite new) | Jewol- lory, Stationery, Perfumery, Combs , Moersohaom and otber Pipes ; Lustres and Vasei in variet y; Travel- ing Bags, Courier Bags , Hat Cases , Trunks , and Port- manteaos. A large and well-seleoted Stock of BOOTS and 8HOES. : No. 2 contains DELPH and GLASS of all descriptions. NOB 3, 6, 6, 7, fc 8 contain a well-asBortcd Stock of FURNITURE, comprising Iron and Wooden Bed. steads, Chairs , Tablos , Sofas , Pianofortes, Loqngers , Ottomans , Sideboard*! , Basin Stands, Dressing Tables , Chimnoy and Toilot Glasses , <tc., &o. ; No. 4 contains BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER, and other CARPETS. Tho above being all purchased for READY CASU, I am able to offer them at Prices whiqh will defy Competition! (old-tf) CORNS IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND EFFECTUAL CURES Guaranteed of CORNS, ! DONJONS, CALLOSITIES, CHILBLAINS , IRRH. QULAR and IN-GROWING TOE-NAILS, and all Disordors that prevent tho free nee of tho Feet, Without pain, cutting, or inconvenionce , by a process known to, and onl y carried out by MR. JOSEPH MURPHY , Surrr»n ChiropodUt and Anatomical Profwtor ol tht Patho- logr of tbe Hainan Foot. Ladies and Qentlaoun attended at their own Retideacei br Appointment , or at \ 11 , CATHEDRAL SQUARE , WATERFORD. ContinoM to attend on TnraDAYsand WxoHESnAxa , at Mr. FRIX' I , MART STREET, CLONMEL. (37* TeatimonlaU from tho luding Nobility, Cler gy, and Gentry, throughout the United kin|doro , and sustained bj the moat eminent Medical men , who tive perfect liberty to pub- lish their Cartificatoe to bit great sucons. Tbe following ar- from aoongit hii numeroui Testimonial! :— {From tU SigU Rn. Dr. O'BrUn , R.O.B. of Wattrfori and LUtnort). Mr. JoKph Mnriibj , Chlropodbt, haa extracted from mj feet ¦CTeral oonu, wit&ont croatinff the «Ughtoct pain. I ian * en)d much tot uveral yoan from these Conn , and applied to pcraoni of high character aa Chlropodiata , hot without luooeu. lean low walk with great eaae, and (eel qulta oomtorUhlo; and re. oommend Mr. Uorphj ' a method of exti«ctioii aa being molt sacoeuful. D. O'BaiiB, B. O.B. (From Cfen. Sir John dough, K.C.B.) Sir JoSn OOCOB bega to inform Mr. HORPUT that hl» tre*U ment of hia aon hai been moit anocCMfal. and that he la now eomp letely cored of tho coma from whleh he had been mfleiing. Blr JOHX haa al<o been Isfonned bv other frlenda of hii that Mr. Mcirar baa been equall y •uooeaafol. April 20th. 1868. •VTERVOUS DEBILITY, and all NERVOUS XI AFFECTIONS , whether the remit of early error* oi otbarwit* , are by very simple and laeipensiv* meant qolekly eared in both Frann and Germany. The advertiier a resi- dent in this country, will be hanpy to send free to ell appli- cants fall particulars of the mode of treatment tow« adopted, on receip t of a directed eovelope. All persons may con tbem. •elvee, ind thus not ran the risk of being victimised. Address Mous. A. DOVAX, 19 , Newmarket^treet Birmlngtiim, HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOB. -A Medical man rf 20 yean' eiperitnce in tbe treatment of NERVOUS DE- BILITY. Spermetorrha and other afcetioni which are often acquired In early life , and unfit sufferers for marriage and other social duties, baa published a Book giving tbe full benefit ol uis long txpentnoe gratis , with plain direetioas for the reoovenr of Health and Strength. A tingle copj •rat to any addreM on mei pt of One 8Uap. Addnee to tat BecreU ry.XutitaK O Anatomy Bkmingh«m fjl-lvl SEPTEMBER. 1871 , PREPARED AUTUMN GOODS RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR SEPTEMBER. ^ WATERFORD AND LIMKRICK BAILWAY. U p Traitu fnm Wattfori. ~~ THAIlll OK WSM BITS. I ai)mHTl7 WATSRrOED 1 I i* I 3 i i^~ I* S u.uic, I3A3 1*2 lkS 1, 2, 8, 1*2 11*313*3 10 unialca. oiats. Olaee. CleM. Claet. Class. OlaM. Claat. A.W. 1JI. >.». f.M. TJt. A.M . r.M. h a h m am hm ha hm nm Waterford...<f<p. 8 0 10 SO 3 13 4 15 8 30 8 30 _ Carrlek .... _... « « 10 SO 3 0 6 39 » 11 9 U ... Clonm«l..,-_..- J 30 11 ao t 41 I 80 10 0 10 o _ JtlocU<ra....-«ritl I SO U 30 8 10 v -v-' 13 0 12 0 . ... D0lLll...arWM( 3 <S | 34 40 4 4 30 4 SO _ Coar_....arH*j/ 1 60 3 33 t 1 - « 2 S 2 9 ... Dnblln _..__<fc _ * o 1 0 &2» 7<l 7 45 .„ Coik...™.- r ... ! 0 )U 5'g'S 10 « 10 « „. Jonctlon...-. ., 8 65 1J 40 > 30 S =5 13 IS 14 IS ... I,lnnrlck....«ritl 0 6 | 1 M t 38 ggg HO | 1 10 Down Trains from Zimtriet. TRitlri OM WKIX Bin. BDMHAVI . LIKIB1C I ' ¦ -1- •• 4 6* 1 2* „„ ' .„,_ lSiJltJ itJ 12*3 1<C3 12* 3 1*3 TOWATnroas. cliM oltu 0)ul c]Mm ciaaaClut Claat '. a. A.M. ' A.1»; >:». r.M. r.M. rj t . h a km a hm h m h m k m " llmerlek— .-*» 141 )UUJI 4 0 10 45 10 45 JuetfoB^avrlMt > n lo 30 13 3> 8 10 13 e 13 0 Oork...___ II 0 ID 111 I 1 IS _ 35 DobllD.__... 1 4S 5 81 9 40 4 30 .„ 4 30 DctLnr>__<f<; ... _ 9 0 1 9 7 45 745 Coax.... 8 0 3 41 10 10 ... 10 10 Jnactln..... 7 10 ... 12 40 I 30 13 IS » 30 13 IS Clonmel tit ... 1M in Hi SIS 111 derrick —... 9 25 ._ ill tli til 131 III WtUiford...»rirllO 10 ... 3 1 110 3 45 10 30 3 45 Mall Trains narkad with as atUrlak. Fi.n-Ffrtt Claat Single Tlokf t, 14i M ; Secood do. II Od ; Third do, 6i 5d. E«lorn-Flnt Clue , 31t id; Becoad do, I8i 6i T. AinswotTB, Secretary. WATERFORD AND ~ CtNTRAL IRELAND AND KILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAYS. FROM WATEB70ED. TKA1MI Orf WXKX DATS. SDRSATI „„,„„, 12431*21 14 St 1 li 5 1243 12*9 STAIIOHi. clM| 0)M1> 0|iBi am C|U1 C)tu A. M. A.M. r.M. r.M. a m r.M. hm hm hm hro hm pm W»ttrlord«dfj>drlur» 7 30 10 IS 18 45 4 30 11 30 S « Kllnncow .... ___.„... 7 40 10 25 12 55 4 40 II 40 6 65 Mutllnavat . 7 50 10 33 IS 4 50 11 30 75 Dtllrh»lt.™.-...—._ S 10 10 S5 1 30 S 10 12 10 7 35 Thomaatovn _ _ > 25 11 10 1 45 S 3! 13 30 J 45 Bacoetibridce _...... S 40 ll 25 1 85 S 40 12 45 8 S Kilkenny ...~arrhal 90 11 45 215 80 15 825 Do dtparlun 9 111 13 0 2 30 (13 1 15 8 35 Ballyrtgnt _ 30 12 M 260 83S 135 855 Att.DnV.... _._ (40 13 30 < 45 1 45 9 5 Abbevleix «... iu UU 310 70 20 020 Marjboro' -.-Jirricol [0 35 IS 330 7 80 2 30 940 Marvboro ' —drp-np I 18 I 18 8 7 3? »^21 Dnblin.. orH« n | 341 141 63i l« i« Maryboro*-.<«j> <f«» 10 40 7i J 1 IB - 9 51 KoiertaiPAnoottnJn II t 3 39 1 38 lo 27 10 27 KMma U 44. 4 13 » 13 _ Fartoutowa _ I1H ill HI - - Portnmaa 19 68 9 M _ N«ni.h I3 3 2 S 2 9 2 Templemora 11 31 4 8 8 7 10 M Tknrliia «rr(r«J II « 4 07 I 8 30 II IS TO WATERTORD, TailKI OX Will D»TI. aUROATI .T.T.n.. 12 M 12*3 1 * 21 * 2 I 2*3, 12*3 aTATIORCi C, M1 0| IM< c]lM 0Imi Clu< C|l>1 AJ*. A.M. y.M. rM. AJ<. r.M. hm hm hm hm hm hm Thnrlei ....dtparlun 7 10 11 41 8 15 2 2 Templemore ~ II I 1)3 320 Ro«cr«AlP.nonim.Jn 7 50 12 S5 8 S7 2 44 Kui|b. « SO I 15 Portumna „.-_.—„ 80 ISO Partonilown .- 8 40 6 23 Koacna _ 7 13 6 » _ Marlboro ' ...or»I...«p _ 8 31 118 737 314 Onblla ~...,<ltparturt 9010 50 - 930 Marvbora' .. arT/..<te» 10 40 3 4 » 1 11 52 saw* TiAmi. Hall. ¦ Marrbora '..Atpartun 830 10 60 330 7 40 830 5 15 Abbtvltlx ™~ t 10 11 ID 3 60 80 8 50 536 Atuni»h _ 7 10 1125 45 8 15 » 3 5 50 Ballyratcet- 720H35 4 15 835 013 60 Kilkenny ....arrival 7 45 13 0 4 40 tu 940 825 Do. dfptrltre I ) 19 J lit SH «» llj BenneUbrldg I 12 13 17 S3 10 2 8 90 Thomtitowo 8 25 13 30 6 15 9 13 10 15 7 S B.llrbAl 8 40 13 45 S 32 9 28 10 30 7 20 Mdllaavat .—. 96 110 456 859 10 6S T45 Kltauow Ill IU tU 11 5 lit Waterford —irrirai 9 30 1 45 « 30 10 15 11 JO 8 IS tMnll. lOoodi. TiekeU lamed tor Slnjle Jotmer are available oalr lor tbe Tralo bj which lh«7 an lined, Flrat and Seeoad Olaae B«<ira TiokeU an Uned betucen asv two BtaUooa tvailable /or lha i*me d«r i ihoee unxl for aar dUtuot exoetdlagfo allea, will be available rar.nlara OD the dar after tht date of tbt Ticket I and ttiote leaned berweea Wa- Urtord and SUttaai te Kllktnn/,lnelnalfa , aad atirjboroncli , will b* available ter.Mtsia tor two dan after ibe date of the Tlektt . Pint ead Seeoad Clue Betem Ticket* lamed on Satudar are reMraabla oa SaUrdaj.fandaf, or Monday ) and Ihoee lamed ea Bndair an reMnabUeolndarer Koala* Third Obm Betini TleHU lamed stall Station by Third OIAAS TrtlM, avallablt W ntarn the aaaw da/ br t.r Train except the Malh. SuanAT BxesaaUna^Euat.lm Tlektta Waterlbrd and Kilkenny Will be laaned tt all Station! by the Train leaving Meijboroof. il at 8.30 a.m., tad avaluble to return br the 8.4s p.m. Train from Watorford. Feres from Kariboroeib, Abbev. (elx, Atunagb, asd Batljmtg«>f to WXertotd, ana baci—lit clMi , 3e. t covered carrlagia , 3>. To Kllkeoajr «*d back , 3 J . and Si. From Kllktonr .nd Btnoetibridje to Waterford and back—41. end 2>. 8d. Thomailown and Btlljhaln— 3e. and 2i. Mnllloavat and Kllmtoow-li. Sd, and It. Nolnggtge allowed and BO halMaree. Thraii(b Ttckeu , »l tow <MM, an baotd »V Mwjboimiti ant KUkcoor, via waterford and Hlltord Baron, to and from Lon- don, Dover, Bed Hill , Aldtnhot, Reedinr, Baalnietoie, Swln. dot, Oxford, Blnninibam , Woreeeur , Hertfotd, Cheltenham, Btlttol , eioaonter, Nenpoxt, Mtrlhjr, Abndsie , OardllT , Kettb, Swaaeea. Lliooll/, Oarmartbtn , and Oarmanhin Junction, and NtwHIirord. W. WiuuKi.SeereUrr. WATERFORD AND TRAMORE RAILWAY. Wtth Day Trains. „,,, > 5 3 4 i 6 ^ 7 s T ^ " _ m a ra p m pm p m pro pm p m pm h m hrn hm hm Dm brahmhm h ~ m Wftd «8 0 11 0 I2 15 «3 30 4 0 5 !0 7 15 8 0 _. T' mre 0 15 'II 30 1 15 3 JJ 4 30 »0 0 7 45 9 30 ... Sunday Trains ruM ' I j * * * " 7 8 9 a m ; a m a m p m p m p m p m p m p m hm hro h m " k m ° h m hm km h * nf Vm " Wtord »8 0 11 IS II 1 30 1 30 4 30 S 30 8 30 90 i-more 9 16 11 45 12 45 2 0 4 0 «6 0 < 0 7 45 9 4> BEH801TS WATCHES AND CLOCKS. By Special Appoiotmoot to H.R.H. tbe PIIBCR of WA-LIS PRIZE MIDAISLondon , Dublin , and Paris. MAKES of the Gout CASKETS presented by tbe City of London to H.R.H. tbe PRHCI of WALIB H.R.H. the Dnza of E DI » JDIOH, 8ir Joua BDRGOTXI M.LRSSZM. O VC. ' WATCHES—Chronometen , Chrenographt , Eeriest ' Re- . /^!i^ rt >J*T'rt > HoriioaUU, for Ladies and Oentlemea. CLOCKS—For Dinin 0 end Dr«wlBgTooint , Carriage« I Cb«r. cite , Hill or 8bop, Perpetual Calendar* ,Wind Dialt *c JEWBLLERY-SaeSalitil. b Ho^ cran,^^ DiialoW Cnttalt , and Pino Gold, for BrkUl and other PrtKnU , BlLVfiR XND ELKCT|{O.PLATE-F W RiSSSf a Raeinf, Dinere a ta Slut , or Tea Table , 4c. WORKS OP ART , in Bronst . by the Beet Artutea. PRICE8 and daeenptioni of Watcbet, Clockt , Plate, Jewel- lery, Cbtini, cVc , tee Illustrated Pamphlets , pott (ret ¦ for twe stempe. ,%Wetcb«i , Clocki , Jewellery, Cbaini , PUte , 4c., tent (9 all parti of the world. J. W. BENSON, Bteam Factory and City Bhou Rooms , LDDGATE HILL , AND OLD BOND.8T , LONDON. lO 1 " Watebes rtpairtd by skilled woikmen. Old Silver, Watcbtt , Gold, Jewellery, Ac., eir^' . ^l. Merchant*. Shippers , and Wetc« Clubi ,,p,|!-<» fnMy] ' 6 4 6 , GEORGE'S STREET , WATERFOBD Retinng from the Drapery Business , owing to the Etpi. ration of tU Lease and the inability of tht Prop rietor to procure a renewal. J PENDER offers the Entire of his STOCK at HALF tbe Ori ginal Price , which cenatiU chiefly of Black and Fsacy Silka, Kantlei , KillinerT, STRAW and 8ABLE1 HATB, FDRS , FLOWBB8 and FBATHKR8 , 6TAY0, CRINOLINEB, ;GLOVB8, HO- 8IBBY, ftc. Bale each day from Tea to Five o 'clock. J. PENDEB leUtita u lofptctioa. [milo-Xy HOTELS. ZMPEBZAX, HOTEL , SQUABE , DUNGABVAN. MARGARET O'OALLAGHAN , FROFRIEIOS, BEGS to inform her friends and the pnblio that she nas oponed the " I MTKSIAL " irhioh ia moat convenientl y situate on the SQUARE, between the National Bank and the Post-offloe , and exactly oppo- site whore the Coaoh. and Day Cars start from. M. O'O. will pay every attention to those patron- tsing the Hotel. Charges very moderate. : (B* Cars can be had on the shortest notice. Imperial Hotel, Sangarran. Hay 1 , 1871. (m5-tt IMPERIAL HOTEL. KILKENNY WALTER HANLON , PKoPRraTOB, BEGS - to inform bis Commercial friends and the pablkj generally, that he has just made large additions and improvements in hia Hotel, and trusts b y striot attention, to business, to merit that kind pa- tronage whioh they have hitherto Boliberall y bestowed. The PotTiNo EBIASUSHXENT ooodncted as hereto- fore, and Omnibuses , as tunal, attend all tho Trains. Kilkenny, March 8 , 1871. [mhlO-tf] KELLY'S GROWN HOTEL, M0N0K STRBET , WEXFORD. nnHIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel, in -which JL orerything can be had on tho most moderate te rms. (0* Best Dnblin. and Wezford S pirits; also Brandies Winos , Porter , Ale , *o. (anl6-tf.) % jg" Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. DUBLIN. Commercial ft Private Lodging House 49 MARLBORODGH 8TRBBT. PARTIES Visiting Dnblin oan be accommodated, with or or without Board , and all the comforts of a home, on. Moderate Terms. [o25-tf] rU" Situation central , elose to Sackrille-atreet . CITY MANSION HOTEL, 30 LOWER BRIDGE STREET. DUBLIN, A DMITTEDI. T one of the BEST 8ITUATE, JX. CHEAPEST , and MOST conroRTABti FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTELS in the City; . . Bed, Is.; Breakfast , Is. ; Dinner (Ordinary) Is. 6d. Dining and Sitting Rooms set apart for Ladies and Families , free of charge. Accommodation for Serenty- five Persons. [j»9-ly] %tF A Night Porter always in attendance. PATRICK S. CAREY , Proprietor. D U BLIN . The European Hotel, Bolt on Street, X\ 1HE EUROPEAN is the largest , the best situate , JL and the most comfortable Hotflin the City. All modern improvements have boon recently introduced, and the entire House papered , painted , and decorated. Twenty 6oites of Apartments for Families. Draw- ing Rooms from 2a. 6d. to 6a. Sitting Rooms on the ground floor free of oharge. te3* Scrap, Fish, Joints, Fowl, and Entree in CoSee Room and Restanrant, from Two to Seven o 'Clock dail y. Bed, including Servants, 2s. 6d., £s. and la. 6d. fm31-tf] J. MOLONY, Proprietor. MILFORD HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, ADJOINING the Terminus of the South Wales Railway Company at New Milford, and the Landing Stage of tbo Waterford Royal Iftril Packets. The Pnblio are respectfull y informed that tho above extensive Establishment is repleto with every accom- modation. Coffee, Commercial , and Sitting Rooms ; Billiard and Smoking Rooms. The Rooms are large, lofty, and airy, beautifull y decorated , elegantly fur- nished, and are otherwise fitted np with every regard to comfort and convenience. This Hotel is sitnated on tho banks of the far- famed Milford Haven, and commands a znOBt exten- sive view of Her Majesty' s Dock yard, and of the romantic and picturesque Scenery of the neighbour- hood. Visitors , Touriets, Commercial Gentlemen , and Families will find this Establishment , for situation and comfort , combined with Moderate Charges, sur- passed by no other in the Principality %3T Hot, Cold, nnd Shower Baths. All communications should be addressed to Gy25.tr.) J. WHEeTTON , Managor. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS , TOURISTS, AND OTHERS. If you wont comf ort , convenience, and economy, TRY THE WATEBFORD ARMS' HOTEL, CORKER OF COLBECK ST. AND THE MALL. 1ST LUNCHEONS read y at all times. (iyl) CARDIFF and NEWPORT COAL COMPANY WATEBFORD. nnHIS COMPANY HAS OPENED COAL DEPOTS X AT TIPPERARY and at the different other RAILWAY STATIONS alongtheWaterford , Limorick, and Kilkenny Railway lines. All Orders will be re- oeiTod and promptly attended to b y JAMES DAVIES, Manager. Offices , 24 William-street , Waterford. (o28-tf HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! ja^a^ (t£T Manufacture Franf aise). llmSY ^ LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET , ^^^ •»- WATERFORD. fST Hats Bought in this Establishment , Dressed Fret of Charge. (my 13.6m) . B i H Y AM* S CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, 30 DAMK STREET , DUBLIN. VISITORS TO DUBLIN are reepectfolly invited to call at tbe above addrew , and inspect ttie immense Stock of Pint Clau READY HADE CLOTHING which hia been speci- ally prepared for the Preaent SUMO, and which can with confidence bt recommended to tbe attention of the Public Tbe utmost care bat bo'n bestowed on the deti^ninf of erery Style of Garment. Attention it particularl y invited to the following arriogeraenti into which B. HTAM' B EittMiabmtnt is laid ont for Public Accommodation i— No. 1 CLOTHIXO SOB IHKESIATI WRAB; No, 2 8ZHCT OsnSB DRFASIXMT. No, 8 Jivniu AID YOUTHS' DITIBTKIBT . No, 1 HAT ABO CAP DBFABTMRIT. Tbe mott experienced Catte.t and work bauds are engaged ia tbe Twloriax Bnm&u. T> TTYAM'B -^rTALKING |^<OATS Tbe Mtrquii on Tbe Stanley .. 20B- Tbe Wimbledon 20s. The Newest Stylet. T> TTYAM'S TyALKING ^<OATS In Silk Mixed Tweeds 20H. ln F»">«y Coatinga on, a{JS In Black Clotha MS ' In Great Variety. TTYAM'S QUMMER rnROUSERS Ia Sill Mixed Tweedi In Scotch Angolas _ , In Diagonal Tweeda , 14S. I D Plain Doeakirit 14s. In Licbt Faney Tweeda In NAweet Material!. T> TTYAM'S QUMMER "TTESTS, In Newett 8bapee 6s. lo Fancy Tweedt flo , In Blick and Mtiton Clothi T> TJ YAM'S QUMMEB TTTISTS , In Plain Materials 6a. In Fancy Qailtingi . 03. In Immenae Variet y TD TTYAM'S l^JUMMER QUITS In Llfiht Tweedi * AQ a In Scotch Angolas in, WSl In Mbad Saitinji 40s - In FtDer Tweeda T> TTYAM'S QUMMER QUITS In Darx HaUriatt Aft* In Black Doeakint An , *"* InNerreit FaDrici 8 ' In Lttatt Faihiona. 8ummer Overcoats 16>, 2Of, Sot , 82i Dreu Frock CotU 26s, 83s , 42t , 60f Trootert and Vetta (to mttch) 16i , 20t , SSt , 80* Children t Buitt , 7a 8d to SOt Bojt ' Saltt 16< Od to aot Yoatht' SuiU 20» Od to 40f An Illnstratod Pi ice Lilt , with PUn for Self-MeuoremHit will be tent , Pott Free , on application. Ptxceb of tht value of Two Ponnat and opwirdt will be forwarded CARRIAGE FREE to any Railway Station in Ireland. Any Garment bought aad Uken away will be exchanged at any time within a Month after purchase , it not worn or Injured. TJ TT v a xr TAILOR , CLOTHIER , HATTER , AND OUTFITTER , NT 2BJ SO, OAME.OTBEST , DUBLIN. [U HENRY BELL , on. Asm COLOR MERCHANT WATERFOKD DRUQ HALL, 62, QUAY. BELL'S CHEMICAL FLY PAPER surpasses all others , oansiug total destruction to FHes , Wasps , Ao. The enormous quantities of this artiole whiok have been sold during the few seasons daring its discovery, give* the advertiser the greatest confidence in strong ly reoommending it. In Bheete , i d. each. CONCXKIRATZD ESSENCE Of BID JAMAICA SAE3APA- BILLA, for making a Deoootion at the instant it may be required and in a manner superior to that usually adopted. . Barsaparilla is the principal ingredient in the Lisbon Diet Drink , whioh has been so long es- teemed on tbe continent as a purifier of the blood or BorofaJous affeotions, sourvy, aud other eruptive dis- eases. It is especiall y applicable to those seasons of the year when blotohes, pimples , ringworms , and other affections of the akin are more generally developed. In bottles , Is. 6d., 2s, 6d., 4s., 4s. 6d, and 10s. each. GENUINE TOOTH POWDER. FRAORANT FLORILINZ. TLNCTUEE or TURKEI RHUBARB. SELECT PREPARATIONS, $c. BELL ' S GLICEEINE AND LIKE CREAK (a Compound of Hair Wash and Oils)—The delightfully cooling and cleansing ' propertied- of this preparation are well known , "^ftrf^g ft ahnost an indlspeusible artiole of the toilet. In bottlee Is. eaob. BELL' S ABZCA NUT TOOTU PASTE removes and pre. vents the formation of Tartar, imparts to tho 'teeth a pearly whiteness , without injury to the enamel , and gives a delightful fragrance to the breath. In Pots, Is. each. BELL' S ALMOND SBATINO CREAK. This is the most economical and agreeable of all the varieties of shav- ing soaps. ATKINSON' S BEAR' S GREASE. GRANULAR EFFERVES - CENT GtNoxR BEER POWDERS. FRUIT LOZENGES, with HIPPO, in boxes , 1 B. each. EXTRACTOR ROSES AND ROSEMARY, for cleaning, per. fumisg, and beautifying tho Hair. Distilled by HENRI BELL. This admirable preparation instantly removes dandriff and grease from the Hair, imparts vi gour and health to tho roots , and eflbctnall y prevents prema- mature decay ; it will bo found grateful and pleasing in its oporation, most beneficial in its results , and is highly recommended for the nursery, ia conjunction with BELL ' S PERSIAN OIL. JOHANN MARIA FARINA' S GENUINE EAU DE COLOGNE. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OP MEAT. BELL' S FURNITURE COMPOSITION. —This reviver pos- sesses a great advantage over the ordinary furniture cream and varnish , as it cleanses aa well as polishes all sorts of French polished furnituro, papier maohie , &o., imparting with very littlo labour , a brilliant ap- pearance, being perfectl y freo from bees ' wax. It is not liable to be marked by the fingers. In bottles, 6d., Is., and 2a. each. BELL' S PIRSIAN OIL—Whilst possessing all thebeau' tifying qualities of tha finest Hair Oils, this celebrated preparation also actB on the roots, thereby nourish' ing the hair and stimulating tho growth. In bottles, Is., and 28. fid. each. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT CITRATES OF MAONESIA, IRON, IRON AND QUININE, AND QUININE. BELL' S ESSENCE OF RENNET never fails in making Sweot Cards and Whey, a most wholesome and: nntri- tious preparation for children and consumptive per- sons, and a delightful summer beverage. In bottles, Is. each. ASOMATIC ASTRINGENT for ths Guji3 (Freeman' s) ALMOND ROLL for CHAPPED HANDS and CUILBLAINS. BELL' S ANTIIHLLOUS PILLS, a safe and efficacious ro- medy for Persons affected with bilious complaint , ob- struction in tbo stomach and bowels, &o. Dose, one or two at bedtime; in boxes, 6d., Is. and2a. each. IMPROVED SEIDLETZ POWDERS in One-dozen Boxes. POLISUIXO PASTE for Brasses , Tin, &c. CAMPHORATED TINCTURE OF MYRRH , for tho TEETH and GUMS. BILL' S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, prepared from tho finest Ginger, and particularly usofnl in Indigestion, Flatnlency, and Spasms in the Stomach, 4c. —Dose, from half to one tcaspoonful in a glass of water, as required. TRIPLI FRENCH ROBE WATER. —This concentrated preparation far surpasses what is usuall y sold , having greater emollient properties and a stronger frogranco of the flower from which it is distilled. GLASS FOR GREEN-HOUSE USE, in 200 Feet Cases, 15 and 21 oz. STOCK SIZES :—20 M 12 ; 18 K 24 J 16x20 ; 15 M 20; 14 M 20 J 13x20. Any other Sizes can bo bad b y giving time to order from tbo manufacturer. Estimates for POLISHED BRITISH PLATE GLASS i-in. thick, sont on application. (je30.Sm.) 27, BARRONSTRAND S TREET, WATEETOED, May 1st, 1871. HENRY AUDLEY & CO. WHILE returning their sincere and grateful acknowledgments to the publio for tho extensive Patronage hitherto bestowed upon them, beg to acquaint their kind patrons that they have added to their Stock, n all Depart- ments , COMPRISING : GEOCEBIXS and OI LS , PERFUMERY, I TALIAN GOODS, COLOURS, CUAKDLERY, DEUOS, CORDAGE J , CANT AS, KS SC. whioh they can confidentl y recommend. N.B. S OLE AOENTS in Waterford for PEACOCK aud BUCUAN' S PATENT PAINTS. tST Ordors executed with accuracy and des- patch. HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS. All descriptions of Printing, on above Cards %3T Executed at THE WATERFORD NEWS OMce. YEATMAN'8 YEAST POWDER has , br it« exc4llence, tntirelv superseded BAKING POWDERS. EATMAN'8 YEAST POWDER" . Tbe Sile is immenM, snd still iocrenioj. It will xstp good (or years in tny climste, EATMAN'S YEAST POWBBR miiM Pulry light and digestive, eating eggs and bntter, and delicioni home-madsbrud in five minutes. Used in Her Mijesty ' a kitchen, the Army and Navy, and sold by all Grocen and Chemuta. EATMAN'S YEAST POWDER. Sold in Id. aod 3d. Bow, snd 6d, and li., 2i. 6d., and Ea. Ceniiten. ' . (j»2Ot i3O Sold by R. RYAN, flrocer , 12 Broad Street , aad 111 Quay, Waterford. EOSBERCON FOUNDRY J PENDER, Auctioneer , WATEBTORD, has been APPOINTED SOLE AGENT for tho COUKTT WATERFOSD, by Messrs. T. HARLEY KEOGII BRO- TUERS, for their COMBINED RKAWNC and MOWING MACHINES, THRESDIXO MACHINES , PLOUGHS, 4C, 4 C. [mhlO.ly] IN BOTTLES OF FULL SIZE ONLY ^ A V V H ' ^l CELEBRATED BRANDIES; AWARDED THE MEDAL, LONDON, 1862 BOTTLED AT COGNAC, AND LABELLED ACCORDINU TO AOE, FINE OLD ! CHOICE OLD! VERY OLD! JKarkd : & ; ## ; **& TO BE HAD OF THE BEST MERCHANTS %ST PREFERRED BT GOOD J UDGES. N.D.-AVOIO INFERIOR BRANDIES afceo) AND SMALL "OTTLEI. (wlv Just PullUU S, pott frn for Two Stamps, A GUIDE TO THE CUBE OP NERVOUS- X JL. NESS. By HtKRT SMITH, M.D_ of the Univenitv of Jeu, aolhor of tbe " Peop Ws Ooidi to HMltb H " iu. A Medictl Work on the Ntw 8pedal Trattntnt , by Uedi- due . only, of Nervou , MenUl . and Phyrical DtbUity, Low- nes or Spirits, Indigeatioo , Dimness of 8igbt, Painful Dre ms , Want of Energy, and Premature Decline j with io- strnstions for perfeek nstorstioo to health and vigour, by the NRW SnciAL T RIATKIXT . Tbe WARNI »O Voici (180 Dafee) is illnstratad with cewe and tettiiaonUli. Qivrj advice and rules for Cora b y the UM of the New Remedies with a New Chapter on tbe DM and ibuw of Electricity for tht care of Nervous duettes , with Letters from PttienU who hut tried tbt so-cailtd Remedy, proving tbtt EUCTRIOITT IS lot Lm, aod will not curt Nervou Debility. Freo br pott for two ttrampt, Addreu Dr. H. SKIIH. 8 Barton Creteent , London, W.C. IKTOMAXT 10 CODHIBLT PATIMTS. CoHSDlT A Lo«- so> PHTIIOIAX WITHOUT Fn. -Dr. BXITE will , for the benefit of oouotry pttiente, on receitim detcriptioat of thtir ctttt , tend his opinion , with advise and dotations br tht BMt KKCcMfal mtonUsa to bnlth, folfrCt) BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO CATHOLIC CLERGY , BOOKSBIiLERS , & On Sale at Tht News Office , ' ' With tht Recommendation of tht Bishop of Wsterftrd sod LUmore , the Ri ght Rev. Dr.O'Bmm A CatechiBm for tbe Instruction of Children. BI THE MOST Eev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER , Archbishop of Cashol and Eml y. Printed on Good Paper , and in large clear T yp«. RECOMMENDATION : " I approve of thia Edition of the Ei g ht Bsv. Dr. JAMES BUTLER ' S Catechism, and recommend it to the Faithful of these Dioceses. "iJ« D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B. " Waterford , June 2, 1869." tgT Orders from any part of the Diocese, sent in and directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher Waterford News Office, 49 King-street , promptl y at tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms. May be had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in the Diocese. LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT THB DIRECTORS or THI WATXUOAD 4 . CJENTBAL IRELAND RAILWAY COMPANT (for tha pupote of REPLACING the INSTALMENTS of the GOVERN. MENT LOANS and BONDS falling dne) are prepared to Accept LOANS ON DEPOSIT, bearing Interest at H per Cent., payable on One Yea rns notice ; at 4 per Cent, payable on Six Months' Notice ; at 3J per Cent., payable on Three Months' sotioe ; and at 3 per Cent., payable on one week' s notice. They Trill also accept MONEY on MORTGAGE BONDS, at 4i PER CENT , payable upon Ono Year ' s notice, or for such term of years as may be fixed ; and for the DEBENTURE STOCK, bearing Interest at SIX PER CENT, for THREE YEARS , and FIVE PER CENT in perpetuity afterwards. For the Year ending the 25th of March, 1871, the Traffic Receipts wcro £31,096 12s. 10d. —the Working and other Expenses being £15,489 9s. 8d. —leaving a balanco of £1S,6O7 3s. 2d. for Interest on Loans , af- ter tho payment of which there ! B a considerable sur- plus ; and the Receipts continue steadily to increase. They will , every Half-year, send to each Creditor a Statement showing the full particulars and Amount ef tho several Loana due b y the Company. Applications to be addressed to the undersigned, at the Company' s Offices, Waterford Terminus. (By Order), WILLIAM WILLIAMS , Secretary. Waterford, Angust 7th, 1871. (jilO) WATERFORD AND CENTRAL IRELAND AKD KILKENNY:JUNCTION RAILWAYS. CHEAP SUNDAY EXCURSIONS MARYBOROUGH KILKENNY to WATERFORD ALTERATION OF TRAIN. ON StTNDAY, the 6th AUGUST, ' and following Snndays, nntil further notice , the EXC0R. SION TRAIN will leave Maryborough at 8.30 a.m., and Kilkenny at 9.50 a.m., returning as nsnal from Waterford at G.45 p.m. [For times at Intermediate Stations , see email Timo Tables], FARES—Maryborough, Abbeyleix, Attanagh and Ballyraggett, to Kilkenny and back, 1st class, 3s. covered carriages , 2s. ; Do. do. to Waterford ard back, 1st class, 5s. ; covered carriages , 3s. j Kilkenny and Bennotsbridge, to Waterford and back, 1st class , 4s. ; covered carriages , 2s. Gd. ; Thomastown aud Ball ybale, to Waterford and back, 1st class , 3s. covorod carriages, 2s. ; Mullinavat and Kilmacow , to Waterford and back, 1st class , la. 6d ; covered car. riagO8, Is. These Tickets aro not transferable , and do not en- title tho holders to al ight at any other Stations than thoso to which thoy are booked. No luggage allowed, and no half-fares. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary. WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY Sunday EXCURSIONS, commencing June 4. ON and from abovo date, and every Sunday there- after, until further notice, an Excursion Train will loavo Limerick Jnnction Station at 6.30 a.m. arriving at Waterford at 10.30 a.m. PARES TOR DOUBLE JOURNET 1 From Limerick Junction and Stations, np to Cakir inclusivo (for Waterford)—1st Class , 6a. j 2nd Class 48. ; 3rd Class, 3s. From Clonmel (for Watorford)—1st Class, 6s.: 2nd Class, 3s. ; 3rd Class, 2s. 4d. From Kilsheolan and 8tations, up to Grango inolu. sivo (for Waterford) and to and from any Intarmo. diato Stopping Stations—At Single Fares. Excursionists to return b y the 8.30 p.m. Up-mail Train same evoning. For further' particulars , sea Company' s Timo and Fare Tables. N.B.—On no account will an extension of time be granted or money returned for Tickets lost. (By order), T. AINSWORTH , Superintendent. Limerick Terminus , 1871. SECOND EDITION. Price EIQHTPENOE. Post Fret. The Monster Fanner ' s Guide to the Sew Land Ait, BY JOHN GEOHGE MCCARTHY, SOLICITOR AND LAND AGENT , CORK. Opinions of the Press on the First Sdition : " It R ivet lound practical advics in plain language. " Irish Lav Tints. "A mod«l of accuracy, condMnei« ,good Engluh, and cood unie. " Fneman' s Jturnal. "An invaloiblo guide , at a price which Bringt it witbin the meant of tha humblttt tenant farmer." Svning f si ' . "Jint tuch a work as Farmers matt htvt been heartily duiriog. Nation, " An excellent Gnide. It does not coBtain an nnnecewarv •enteoce. Mr. MacCarth y ' s recognised profeuional ability ii •officient guarantee for the legal soundoeae of hit comment- ary. We anticipate for thit little book an exUniive eircula- tion ana a *iefal influence. Cort Constitution. " A very.mefol book on a very imnortant inbitct. Wilt, IU aid f«w intelligent mon will find any difficulty in under- standing how they aie pl.cid. " -C«* ibamMr. " A great publio advtnUgt , Wt coondmtly recommend it oar Tmant FsrBen. 'V-rij>j>»7om JrVw Press , "An extatdingl y osefnl pabl ieation, . It nakea the law perfectly intelligible to any capacity. '' UunsUr Sues '• On. of tVe mort inulligikle and coorin upotitiout of tha Land Act jet published. " Umtriak CkrmieU. "A most valuable little bnok , clear, plain , and Minted , dt. void of everything technical. We hope it will be in the hands of every Farmer and treiy Landlord in Ktrry " TraUt CltrmieU. " An admirable tieatiis ; condAe , definite , safe , and com- preheneive." Waltrford Mail. " A very able pamnhltt from au txperieaced cen Wa btutil r tecommni it. " —JFaUtf ord Xiwi. " For the class particularly addmaH , it ie worth all th« other worka on the tnbject pnt together." WttUy News To be had of the Publisher, FRANCIS GOT , 70 , Pat. rick-street , and all Booksellers. ' s8-3t VETERINARY PREPARATIONS , Of tried efficacy and repnte , Sold by all Chemists pro BEWZET A DRAPER, Mary street , Dnblin ' Messrs. GOULDIKO, Patriok-atreet , Cork. TA8TELESS) mHE BEST PHYSIC for a Horw, HORSE (X is JAPPAPURGING POWDER PHYSIC.f This excellent preparation does not J spoil by keeping. It is taken in a mash , and the trouble of lotting a hors * is avoided. For DogB also, and for Pigs , it is a most effioient ph ysio. See directions. Price Is. 6d. (post free). COUGH •J TTAKVET'S POWDERS , OF / O.PREPARED ACONITE, for HORSES-SSSS^ 00BGH ' ' THJCK- HORBEB. J wiND. Ao , in Paclets of Six 2a. 8d. It is alaoa cheap remed y for internal WORMS (see Neligan). No worm can exist in an animal that takes it j this is guaranteed. Horses take it in their food, and oan work -while using it. When half a packet has been used as direoted, the beneficial efieot upon the animal will be seen. %g " TRY IT 1 " Numerous Hnntera , that cough or are touclied in tho wind, take HARYXY' S POWDERS regularl y, ana „. thus kept up to the mark throagh the huntinir sea*™ that othoririse would be all but useless. " BilhJAfc S X X T O Y ) "W A T T ' S EMBROCATION , for iN Y T SE. k^S ggS;S^ —; J SPRAINS. Does not blister, gives DO pain ; no restraint required, or to rest ftwn work. PRICE, 8 S. 6d. —Farmers ' Bottles , 8s. each., « Often cures lameness when firing tt& *. " —Th * f ield. "I found Watt ' s Embrocation answer capitall y , it haa entirel y removed alam ' , Splint from toy favor, ite hunter ' s near fore leg. I ban recommended it to all my friends. —R. HOWHL , Garmtrtben. WATT'S 1 ) T7K)B W0UND8 and BRUISES in RED I J? HORSES and Ait AN1MAL8 LOTION. ( The healing properiUes of WAIT ' S oele- —) brated D Lotion are weU known " No Stable that oontaina a Hunter should be without it. " It is used without bandages or covering of any kind to Wounds. Price 2s. 2d. pep bottle , or 10s. 6i per gallon. : . Horses that rub their mane or tail , from ltoUness , are cured of it by one dressing of tbe BZD LOTION. . . ' ¦ .V^ . ^^ Bold In Waterford by Giosoi WHIT * ,.. Thomas St. j HlHlI BlXl j Draggiit , Quay, ana at SMAUVS Veterinary EEtabUshment , BtA» S TRUT . NewRonT Dr^WHtMtr. Tnunore , h. A O.EUKncr. XJlonad B.QUBiXand B. Ll<I(S. C«02jilS0 '

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Page 1: M. POWEll & SONS,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1871/...direct to Cork, and calU at Wa.terfotd Tetsming. FROM WATERFOKD TO BELFAST, Via CORK. FRIDAYS lit, 8th, letb,



Puilished ertry FriJay Evening, at No. 43 King Street[orrt tHTX TBC rBOTIKClAt BANK .}


Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:WATER FORD—Sir. W. K ELLT, Little Gcorgc'B-strcot.TRAMORE—Miss CLANCY, Refreshment Rooms, in

Strand-street.PASSAGE EAST—The Misses LOVE, Hotel, Square.CARRICK-ON-SUIR—Mr. J.M.MuR PHY.News Agent.DUNGARVAN—Mr. MATTHEW WALSH, Blackpool.KILKENNY— COYLE Brothers. Booksellers. &c,

S H I P P I N G . N A T I O N A L L I N E .





/WXA Thenew full-powered British Iron^ iQBelBaSB Screw Bteam-ahips

Skipi. Tmt Ships. TmuSPAIN, Grogao 4900 K»OLAi<n,W.H.ThompK>n 3307EQYrr, Or»co 5064 ERI N

^Lawson.... »10

ITALY, Webster 3700 HELVETIA. Gngg» 3315HOLLAND, Brace S53O CANADA, Kemp.......... 28727RANCF, Thomson 3571 VIRGINIA, Snmntr. 2876THE QTOES, Thomas.... 3S17 DENMARK, Andrews.... 2850Will bt despatched from Liverpool to New York is follows

STAIN Wednesday Sept. 20th.DENMARK Wednesday Sept. 27th.ENGDAND Wednesday Oct. 4th.

And from Qucenstown tbe following days.The Saloon accommodation on board thete Steamen is

uoittrpawtd, the State.roouu being unusually large, andopen off tbe Balooni, wbicb are situated in tbe poop on deck—tbe poop being 130 feet long.

Rate of passage 12, 16, sod 17 G jinni, according to ac-commodation in State room—all bating tame privilege inSaloon. Return Tickets, Twentv-fiveGuineai.

Tin Steerage accommodation it unequalled for space, light,and ventilation. Abundance of Froth Proviuona aerted npCooked by tbe Corapeoy'e otewerde. Rate* of psuage onReduced Tertna. .

PaMtngers booked through to Aipmwall, 8an Francius,Ibt inland towns of Canada, and of tbe TJniUd 8tatee, onfsveanbto t«rn»e: al»o, to Auitnhs, N«w Zealand, China,•id Japan, at law through rates, Tit Ntw York and SanJrancitco. For Freight or Ptiugt apply to

T«j NAIIOHAI. Umax S»ir COK*A»T (LIKIXIB),21 and28, Water-itreer, Liverpool;

To, N. and J. Cnncws tni Bioa, Qoeenatoirn ; t»Mr. MuRrBT, News Agtnt, Carrick-on-Soir; orMr. RICHA&D PHEUI, Portlaw ; or to tbeAtmt f o r Trmtnf trd— MICHAEL DOWNEY, Quay.


"WHITE STAR" LINE, FROM LIVERPOOL•« fT\HE Magnificent new full-powcrcd

h2v X Steamships of tho OCEANIC<IK§\I\^A. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. (Limited),4B8BBK»K> constructed as to secure quick andngular passages, will bo despatched aa nnder:—ATLANTIC Sept. 28. ATLANTIC NOT. 2OCEANIC Oct. 12. OCEANIC Nov. 16BALTIC Oot. 2G. BALTIC NOT. 30

Calling at QUEENSTOWX ou FRIDAY to embarkPassemtera.

These Steamships afford special accommodation to CabinPjsaeoRera; tbe saloon, Mate-room? , and «moVe-rootn» sr«amidships. A surgeon aud stewardess carried. Saloon, £1818s. and £16 IBs., Return Tickets, 27 Guineas b'teer-age, £6 fc. Kor bills and further particular !, apply to

JSMAY , 111 WE, & CO., 10 Watei-street , Liverpool ;and 7, Etst India-avenue, London. [jaO-'fj

T. S. HAKVEY.Weat of England Insurance OEce.Waterfrd


"LJ-fr> /~VNE of tho following or other FirstSSSvMil1

^ V-' class, fnll-powcred SteamshipsiJBBBb will bo despatched from LIVERPOOLTO NEW YORK, EVERY WEDNESDAY.

Captain. Cap tain.WYOMIXCEwd. Whimraj.MlNKESOTA T W FrmnanWISCONSIN J. A.\Villiama MANHATTAN.W. ForsythIDAHO * . JiNu PMCI NEHKASKA....JAI. GUARD


And art iutended to Sail aa follows:—MINNESOTA Wednesday Sept. 20.jDAUO Wednesday Sept. 27.

CALLING at QUEKNSTOWN tbe day following,to embark Passengers.

Passengers beoked through to San Francisco and all inlandowns st low rate). ..

Rates of Paiaage fiom Literpool to New York :—CabinPassage £16 16i. and £1818s. Steerage Passage at reducedrates. Tbe latwr includes an unlimited supplj of provision,eeoked and smed up by the Company's stewards.

F0t 'iT^'tfABwg&^tiSito.- Quay. W.tertod ;JOHN DKVEREUX, Qnay, Waterford !THOMAS KAVANAQH, the Square, DuDgsrvanJAMES SCOTT A CO., Qneenstown; or to

2.tfl GUION A CO., 25 Water-street, Literpool.



SHORTEST ROUTETMI REDUCED FARES.^Tf t Express Trains and New Fast Xail JXJtl

BBB Steamers EVERY WEEK DAY. HOHhTJP—LIATE WATIRTORD at 4 p.m., on Arrival of 11.40

a m Train from Limerick, and 10.60 a.m Trainfrom Maryborough, ARRIVINO W LONDON atat 11.15 following morning.

DOWN LKATB LONDON (Paddington) at 4.60 p.m.,«nd A»»iTBAi WAIERFORD about9.30 a.ui., intimo for the Trains on the Watorford and Limo-rirk and Central Ireland Licci.

F A R E S — WATERF0RD AND LONDON:8IJ.-GL.KS (available i Days) 1st Class & Saloon, 46s Od

2nd Class & Saloon, 35s 6d" 3rd Class & Foro Cabin, 20s Od

Him"*-* (available 1 Month) 1st Class A Saloon, 76s OdBCTV.N lavaua

/ c & ^ 5,Ja M

Fn'rthcr information can bo obtained from Messrs.

J ACKS .." and Co, New Milford, and Mr. DOWSKV ,

id.lphi Wharf, Watcrford ; and the RKDIXED FAKES

bctWecn other important Stations, the lime Tables,and Throucb. Bates for GoodB, *c, of Mr. W. J. Bus.


J. GKIERSON , General ManagerPAddington, January, 1871. 0>J"28




Tho Steamers of the ALLAN Line saUn >Ax from KINGSTO WN (DUBL IN), to AVEKICA ,

SEK^ -FVEKr THURSDAY, carrying StoeragoJBBEDbr Passengers at tbesamo rate to either

QVEIIEC, BOSTON, or N EW YORK .These Steamers offer the SHORTEST PASSAGE to. Can-

«d.i, and gire » direct route to tho Western States ofAmerica and California, to which Paaacugcri arcbooked on Through Ticket.

T H f . S I - L K N I I I I ! SCREW S T K A M E K S

NOVA SCOTIAX from Dublin Sept. 11.CORIXTJIIAX „ ScP*- "iOTTAWA , bept. <i8ST. DAVID Oct. J

tVT. ANDREW Oct. 12BT. PATRICK Oct. 19

And Every THU RSDAY thereafter during the Season.HATES OF PASSAGE MONEY:

Saloon Cabin U. Quebec £13 13*.IntetB«liat« Cabm to Quebec, Boston or New York 0 vi.8te»ra?e to Qoeboc, llosion, or New York 6 <k.

I'or further particulars, apply to JAMES & ALEXAN -DER A LLAN, 70 Great Clyde Street, Glasgow, and 1!»Eden Ouay, Dublin j or to their AGENTS :

THOMAS PURCELL, Waterford ;J M. MURPHY, New-lane, Carrick.on-Suir.EDWARD BUTLER, Innistiogno. (mh!7-tf

COUPBLLE>De ROOS & Co.'s PREPARATIONS,A N ASSORTMENT of PERFUMES, at Is.t\ >nd at 8d. e»«=h bottle, with tbe following-named Pre.

tiona of CouPRLLR, DK Iloos i. Co., Uedford Place,EESSrr s5«. Luu*«. »W tatal i« Wa.erford .tTHT N»W« Ome*. K.nR-street :-Uult» V.lr, or VegjUbl.?•« iw«- tin «'«' remedy for NerTOU»ne»f, 4«.^UadluTcourW. Hair liestoring Fluid, which ha.ijn fonnd wondMlullj efficaeioas in bringing tbe U,r to

JS fS^^ 1" - <*•

- tad AuortedPwfame..



Between Glasgow, Cork,and Waterford,Carrying Goods atThcongh Rates to LIXRRI CK, TIPPRRART,


_ "V. *. rilHE New and Powerful ScrewsSdad£T X 6teamera SKERRYVORE, CUM.V|tsHylV*-BR *R- 3ANDA, EDDY3TONE, KIN-msmmSSAhB, and TOWARD, or other First-ClasiVesaels, are intended t* Sail aa under (aaleM pratentod byany unfonMen circumstance), with or without PiloU, andwith liberty to Tow Vessels, and to render Auisttnct toVessels in Diatresa :—


DAY »nil FRIDAY,at 2 p.m.; Rail to Greenock 7 p.m.NOTZ.—Tbe Steamrn Sailing on Mondays and Wednes-

days call first, at Waterford. Tbo Steamer on Friday goesdirect to Cork, and calU at Wa.terfotd Tetsming.

FRO M WATERFOKD TO BELFAST, Via CORK.FRIDAYS lit, 8th, letb, 22od, and 29th Sept.

FROM CORK TO BELFAST Direct.8ATURDAYS 2nd, 9tb, letb, 23rd, and 30th Sept.BELFAST TO CURK & WATERFORD, Via GLASGOW.UONDAYS...4tb, 11th, 18tb, aid 2£th Sept. wd Oct. 2nd.

FKOU CORK TO DUBLIN, Via WATERFORD,MONDAYS....4tb, 11th, 16th and 26th 8ept. and Ort. 2nd.

FROM WATERFORD TO DUBLIN, Direct,TUESDAYS....6tb, 12th, 18th and 26th Sept., and Oct. 3rd.DUBLIN TO CORK & WATERFORD,P»a GLASGOW.WEDNESDAYB.6th, 13tb,20th and 37th 8ept.and Oct. 4

FROM CORK TOGlasgow (eta Belfast) ... Saturday, 2ndSept,,Sp.mGlasgow (?iaWaterford & Dublin) Monday 4th „ S p.mGlasgow (direct) Thursday, 7th „ 8 p.mGlasgow (via Belfast) Saturdsy 9tb „ 8 p.mGlasgow (ria Waterford A Dnblin) Monday, 11th „ 2 p.mGlasgow (direct) Thursday, 14th „ 8 p.nGlasgow (?ia Itelfaat) ... ._ Saturday, 18th „ 6 p.mGlasgow (via Waterford & Dublin) Monday, 18th „ 6 p.mGlasgow (direct) Thursday, Sl«t „ 7 p.mGlasgow (ria Belfast) ... Saturday, 23rd „ 8 p.mGlasgow (riaWaterford & Dublin) Monday, 26th „ 2 p.mGlasgow (direct) Thursday, 28th „ 4 p.mGlasgow (Tia Bellast) Saturday, 30th ,, 6 p.mGlasgow (TiaWaterfori & Dublin) Monday. 2nd Oct., 6 p.m

FROM WATERFORD TOCork, Belfast, and Glasgow ... Friday, 1st Sept., 1 p.mDublin and Glasgow ... Tuesday 6th „ 1 p.mCork and Glaigow Wednesday 6th „ 1 p.mCork, Belfast, and Glasgow ... Friday, 8th „ 1 p.mDublin and Glasgow ... ... Tuesday, 12th „ 1 p.mCork and Glasgow Wednesday, 13th „ 1 p.mCork, Belfast, and Glasgow... Friday, 16th „ 1 p.mDublin and Glasgow Tuesday, 19th „ 1 p.raCork and Glasgow Wednesday, 20tb „ 1 p.mCork, Belfast, and Glasgow ... Friday, 22nd „ 1 p.mDnMin and Glasgow ... Tnxday, 30th „ 1 p.mCork and Glasgow Wednesday, 27th „ 1 p.mCork, Belfast and Glasgow ... Friday, 29tb „ 1 p.mDublin and Glasgow ... Tuesday, 3rd Oct- 1 ».m

FARES :—Glasgow to Waterford or Cork...Cabin, 17s.td. ; Deck, 10«.Cork and Watcrford to Belfast ... 17a. ti. 10s.Cork to Waterford 8>. Od. it:Cork and Waterford to Dnblin... 10a, Od. 6s.Betur * TieieU , aeailallt for ont ilonth, not irantftrahl:

Glangow to Cork or Waterford Cabin, 26s. Od.Waterfoi d to Cork Cabin, 12s. 6d.(33* NOTE.—Tbe Clyde Shipping Company Insure all

Goods Shipped by these Lines of Steamers, at 6s. per Cent.— Talo.es to be declared at time of Shipment. Forms and allinformation to be bid at the Offices.

For Kate* of Freight, 4c, apply to—CORE STZAVBHIP

Co., Penrose Quay, Cork ; JOHN LTDDT, WATRRFOBD andLIMZRICX ?RiiLYAY OfFicz , LIHXRICK i CAR OMX andEOAK, No. 20, Eden Quay, DUBLIN ; JAXBS M AU -DOCKS and HALL , Newport (Mon.) ; J. C. PIKKRRTOK ,10 Victoria Si , Belfast ; GRAHIH DKTMKIK , Grtenock ;GLIDE SniPPlno COKPAST 3, Oswald Street, Glasgow ;or to MICHAEL DOWNEY,al28-tf Custom Houn Quay, Watsrford,


*k 5*v T^OTICE.—The Waterford Steamship«is»^^5v J?l Company reccire Goods for Shipment«^vM\tv.ori the

following Terms only:—They reserve.4H9SMS1B» the right to carry ty any, not by particularVesiels, with liberty to Tow Ships and call At other Portsnd will not be accountable for injuries or lossee arising from

delay, accidents of tbe Seaa, Rirera, Fire, tbe Qoeen'a Ene-mies, defective Navigation, or accidenttfrom any other cause,nor for «ny loss which might have been covered by Insurance,nor for Leakage, Breakage, Condition, Quality, or contents ofany Parcels orPackages, unless specially entered and ad «>-Irtn Freight paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at therisk and expense of tha Consignees,

W A T E R F O R D A N D B R I S T O LOiptf, Zara, or otber eligible Vessel, direct.

From Waterford to Bristol : I From Bristol to Waterford :Tne»a»7, S*pt. S1 ...12 Hoon. Thnrada/ &>pl. I, ~IO Morn.Tuerdij , „ 12, ._ 4 Afln'n. Tfcondsy ,. 14, ... 0 Mora.Tuesday, „ 18, _11 Noon Tbnndar, ,, 21, ...10 Morn.Tuesday ,. SO, ... 4 Atl'n. JTbnradar „ 98 ... 6 MOID.

Juverna.From Waterford to Bristol, From Bristol to Waterford,

Direct, calling at Pembroke Dock.Friday, Sept. 1, ... II Mon. Tuesday, Sspt. S ... »J MornFricUj, „ B , _ 11 Horn. Tsradiy, ,, 11 ~ S MoraFrldiy, „ IS, .„ 8 Hon. TnMdiy, „ 19 ... 9 MotnFriday, ,. 39, _. 12 Nooa. rnexUy, „ 3« — 6 Mora.Friday, „ SO, „. 8 Morn.

tST On Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin oi the Steam-ers will be Open to receive Pisungcj arriving from Londonby the Night Mail Traiu.

Cabin Fare, lEs. Oil ServanU and Children, 10s. Od.Return do., 25s. ; or with liberty to return from DublinCork, or Wexford, 31s. ed., Steward's fee included; Deck7s. 6d, Females attend tha Ladiu' Habiii.WATERJOBD AND LIVERPOOL.

Zara and Camilla, or other eligible Veaiels.rsox WATERJOXD : TROK LITXRTOOL :

Friday, S.P1. 1, _ 1] Noon Friday Stpt. 1, -!1 Horn.Monday „ I . „ 31 All'n Monday, „ <. ™ 1 ArVnWednt«d»7 „ 6, ._ 3) Alt'i. Wedauday ,, 6. - 9 Aft 'oF'loty 1 Affn Friday ,, 8, 4 Aft 'nMond.y „ 11, ... 10| Mom Monday ,, II , - 8 MonW,<ipe,d»y „ 13, ... 13 Koun Wtdawlay ,, 13, - 8 HornFriday, „ IS, ... 12 Koon Frttiir „ 16,- ]I M » r nMond.y „ 18, _ 3, Aft'n Monday „ 18, _12 NoonWednesday ,, 31, ... 3| Aft'a Wedosi day ., 20,... * AffnFriday „ 3J, „ 1 Atl'o Friday. „ 37,._ 3 Aft'nMonday ,. J4, ~ 10| Mem Monday , ., 25,-» MoraWtdnesday „ 37, ... U Noon Wednwday „ 21, ~ » MoraFriday, „ 2»,.. U NoonjFrlday, " l9,.n Hm

Cabin Fan, ISt.; Servants and Childnn, lOi.J Deck,7s<«d. ; Children. U. Femslet attend the Ladies'Cabin<

Goods received at Clarence Dock.W A T E R F 0 K D AND L O N D O N .Aurora and Ytita , or other eligible Vessel*.

JROM WATlBfOlD, JROK l O B D ttf,W E E K L Y . I W E E K L Y .

LOADIKO BRBTHS:—London—British and Foreign SteamWharf , Lower East Smith6eld, and West Kent Wharf,Southwark.

W A T E R F O R D A N D P L Y M O U T H .Aurort and Vuta , or other eligible Vesaels.?R0M WATIRIORD: TROK PLTMOUTH :

W E E K L Y . I W E E K L Y .Taking Goods for Falmouth, Southampton, Portsmouth,

and places adjacent.W A T E R F O R D A N D N K W ROSS.

FROM WAWRFORD—Daily, Sundays exctpted, at 4.0 P.M.FROM NIW Ross—Daily, Sundays excepted. at 8.46 A.x

W A T E R F O K D A N D D U N C A N N O N .FROM WAKR» ORD—Daily, Sundays excepted, st 4.0 p.x.FROM DoHCAxaoir—Daily, Sundays excepted, »t 8.16 A.v,

Bertha secured and every informationgiven by the Agents.Briitol—The General Steam Packet Office. Liverpool—Waterford Steam Ship Company, 23, Brunswick-street,Washington Buildings. London—ANTHOXI . G. ROBIISOI,2* Mark Lane; British and;Foreign Steam Wharf, LowerEast Stnitbfield, and Wnt Kent Wharf, Southwark Plyvioutk-H RBRT 1. WARIBO , thoWhwf ,MHliay. fic29-«lAod at the Company"! Oflice.tbe MALL , WATERFORD.

A S KYour Grocer, Chandler, or Druggist






J O H N P J 3 N D E R ,HAVING placed the Management of his Photo-

graphic Studio in tho bands of a FIRST CLASS

A RTIST bees to' draw tbe attention of his Patrons toHIS NEWIiY-INTBODTJCED PORTRAITS,

vory suitable aa Family Piotures, finished in the high,est stylo of Miniature Painting in Oil, Crayon, Bopia,and Mezzotinto. As all Portraits are Painted onrlin Premises, he is enabled to offor fidelity of Portrai.tnre and gncefu! pos* with the highest artistio fini£

atS" Cartes de Visite and plain Photographs can betaker? in tbe darkest weather. J. K solicit, an


tion of his epecimens. [mhlO.y *]

£12.000,000 STERLINfi,aUARANTBED by Government, aro to be

distributed in va.ioua sums npwarda to «20,000. Anyw in»Mtin» £1 in tl>U bona f id t Government trans.

Si'!!?. '%» Zl I «0.«»- Por P'«P«t" <»nil:h «« *«

A. BtNCK, No. 14, Dnk«-st, Adelphi., London, W.C. 6m



TO SHOW OUR N E WIKfticft /UKJ teen Purchased pnor to the recent great Aivance in. rnces.

Wo are thorcforo enabled to offer our Customers Goods considerably under present Market Valno,ZSPJCIAIiT or

Woollens, Blanketa, and Flauuli ; Winceys ; Plain and Fancy Dresses ; Calicoes, feeWo bog to diroot partiealar attention to the following CHEAP LOTS j

1,360 YARDS PLAIN WIN0EJS, at 8Jd. Wcoth 5d. par Yard.1,160 do. do. at 4^d. „ 6d. „1,100 do. do. at 6ld. „ 71d. „

950 do. do. at 6jd. „ Sd. „676 ILANNBL SHIRTS (fall Sizes) 2s. 10}d, ., is. Od. each.COO WOOL HANDKERCHUrS, ll|d, „ la. 6d. „280 LAEGB CLOTH SHAWLS, 3s. fid. „ ie. 8d. „


S H I R T S !XVT WARRANTED.—Our CASHMERE COTTON-D SHIRTS aro a perfect and agreeable substitutefor Flannel. They nre cooJ, disorient, and do NOTshrink.

Our FINE WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS areexcellent value. Patterns, with Instructions for accu-rate Solf.Moasuromont, free by post.

P. TOBIN & SONS, 68 <fc 59 Quay,Hosiers, Shirt and Collar Makers, and

mal3.1y] General Outfitters.


BEG to intimate that they have now added to theirbusiness a BRASS FOUNDRY and ENGINBER-

ING ESTABLISHMENT, where Brass Work of everydescription will be caat and finished off in First-classstyle, and with as little delay as possible.

MeliEAN and MCINTOSB also beg to tender theirsincere thanks for tho land patronage bestowed onthem, and hope, by their constant attention to bum.ness, to merit a continuance of same.

tST Lead, Brass, Copper, and. Iron Works,8, LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, WATERFORD

and ROSE-INN STREET, KILKENNY.N.B. — Green.honneB, Conservatories, and Pnblio

Buildings Healed on the most improved principlo bythe circulation of hot water. (my 15.6m)


ELtAS HOWE (Junior), the Original Inventor oftho Sewing Machine, was decorated by the

Emperor with Tho Cross of tho Legion of Honor atThe Paris Exposition PnuxrseHe, 1867.

GOLD MEDAL—Amsterdam Exhibition, 1869, audithas obtained tho highest honors at nil the great Ex-hibitions.

The Qualities which Recommend them arc :—1—Tensions on Upper and Lower Thread aro en-

tirely new and effective. 2—Beanty and Excellence)of Stitch alike on both aides of Fabrio sewed. 3 Strength, Firmness and Elasticity of Seam that willnot Rip or Ravel, i—Uses a Smaller Needle for sameThread than any other Machine, li—Economy ofThread. 6—For Homming and Braiding are especi-ally Unoqnalled. 7—Their Perfection and Complete-neea. 8—Will not easily get oat of order and readilylearned. 9—Adapted for every description of Sew-ing. 10—Simplicity and Superiority of Mechanism.

" THE FAMILY MACHINE"Ia unrivaled for its Beauty of Stitch ; the groat rangoof work it will do, and its simplicity and euperiorityof Mechanism. With it a child can Seam, Hem, Fell,Tuck, Quilt, Braid, Bind, Cord and Embroider, 4o., 4o.

Machines for Families and Dreos-makers j Uacbineefor Tai lors, Boot-makon and Saddlers, to be teen dailyin operation

AT ROBERT LOCKE & Co.,Agents for Waterford,

Whoro all are invited to come and see what tho celo-brated " ELIAS HOWE" Sewing Machines can do 1

N.B. — Observe tho Medallion Trade Mark, For-trait Of ELIAS HOWK Embedded in each Machine-none gennino without it.

MANUFACTORY—Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A.PRiUcrrAL OrncE—69a, Broadway, New York.EUIOFKAN DEPO -61, Regent-street, London, W.N. P. STOCKWELL, European Manager.BRAKCH—67, Bold-street, Liverpool.REPRESENTATIVE IOR IRELAND—J. PEEUUEXIE, Com

menial Hotel, Sufiblk-st, Dublin. (j27.1y)


CABINET WORK and UPHOLSTERY executedon the Premises. REMOVAL and PACKINQ of

FURNITURE on reasonable terms. %g" Every Class ofGoons SOLD on OOKMISSION, BOUGHT or EXCUAHOEDfor OTII ER GOODS.

GEORGE DEACON, PBOPBIXIOR.%gT Wholesale Customers liberally dealt with.

G. D. inviteB the attention of his friends an! the pnb-lio to tho most EXTENSIVE and SELECT STOCKfrom the Best Manufacturers (which be humbly begsto offer), comprising the following :—

No. 1 contains:—A Large Assortment of PAPIERMACBE and IROIC TRATS, of the Newest Designs ;Coal Vases, the .".Monarch of tho Glen," tha "Os.borne," and maoy others of beautiful design. ,


UI great varietyj Cutlery

Pars, PANS, SAUCKPANS, and KETTLES I Eleoti«!platedTea and Coffee Services of Superior quality. ;

FANCY GOODS in great variety, inoluding JWork.boxes, Writing Desks, Dretiing Cues, Albums, Clocks,The Now Patent Lamp Clock, (quite new) | Jewol-lory, Stationery, Perfumery, Combs, Moersohaom andotber Pipes; Lustres and Vasei in variety; Travel-ing Bags, Courier Bags, Hat Cases, Trunks, and Port-manteaos. A large and well-seleoted Stock ofBOOTS and 8HOES. :No. 2 contains DELPH and GLASS of all descriptions.

NOB 3, 6, 6, 7, fc 8 contain a well-asBortcd Stockof FURNITURE, comprising Iron and Wooden Bed.steads, Chairs, Tablos, Sofas, Pianofortes, Loqngers,Ottomans, Sideboard*!, Basin Stands, Dressing Tables,Chimnoy and Toilot Glasses, <tc., &o. ;

No. 4 contains BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER, and otherCARPETS. Tho above being all purchased for READYCASU, I am able to offer them at Prices whiqh willdefy Competition! (old-tf)



QULAR and IN-GROWING TOE-NAILS,and all Disordors that prevent tho free nee of thoFeet, Without pain, cutting, or inconvenionce, by aprocess known to, and only carried out by

MR. J O S E P H MURPHY ,Surrr»n ChiropodUt and Anatomical Profwtor ol tht Patho-logr of tbe Hainan Foot. Ladies and Qentlaoun attendedat their own Retideacei br Appointment, or at \


(37* TeatimonlaU from tho luding Nobility, Clergy, andGentry, throughout the United kin|doro,and sustained bj themoat eminent Medical men, who tive perfect liberty to pub-lish their Cartificatoe to bit great sucons. Tbe following ar-from aoongit hii numeroui Testimonial! :—

{From tU SigU Rn. Dr. O'BrUn, R.O.B. ofWattrfori and LUtnort).

Mr. JoKph Mnriibj, Chlropodbt, haa extracted from mj feet¦CTeral oonu, wit&ont croatinff the «Ughtoct pain. I ian*en)dmuch tot uveral yoan from these Conn, and applied to pcraoniof high character aa Chlropodiata, hot without luooeu. leanlow walk with great eaae, and (eel qulta oomtorUhlo; and re.oommend Mr. Uorphj'a method of exti«ctioii aa being moltsacoeuful. D. O'BaiiB, B.O.B.

(From Cfen. Sir John dough, K.C.B.)Sir JoSn OOCOB bega to inform Mr. HORPUT that hl» tre*U

ment of hia aon hai been moit anocCMfal. and that he la noweompletely cored of tho coma from whleh he had been mfleiing.Blr JOHX haa al<o been Isfonned bv other frlenda of hii that Mr.Mcirar baa been equally •uooeaafol. April 20th. 1868.

•VTERVOUS DEBILITY, and all NERVOUSXI AFFECTIONS, whether the remit of early error* oiotbarwit*, are by very simple and laeipensiv* meant qoleklyeared in both Frann and Germany. The advertiier a resi-dent in this country, will be hanpy to send free to ell appli-cants fall particulars of the mode of treatment tow« adopted,on receipt of a directed eovelope. All persons may con tbem.•elvee, ind thus not ran the risk of being victimised. AddressMous. A. DOVAX, 19, Newmarket treet Birmlngtiim,

HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOB.-A Medical man rf20 yean' eiperitnce in tbe treatment of NERVOUS DE-BILITY. Spermetorrha and other afcetioni which are oftenacquired In early life, and unfit sufferers for marriage andother social duties, baa published a Book giving tbe fullbenefit ol uis long txpentnoe gratis, with plain direetioasfor the reoovenr of Health and Strength. A tingle copj•rat to any addreM on meipt of One 8Uap. Addnee to tatBecreUry.XutitaK O Anatomy Bkmingh«m fjl-lvl





~~ THAIlll OK WSM BITS. I ai)mHTl7WATSRrOED 1 I i* I 3 i i ~ I* S.« u.uic, I 3 A 3 1*2 lkS 1,2,8, 1*2 11*313 *310 unialca. oiats. Olaee. CleM. Claet. Class. OlaM. Claat.

A.W. 1JI. >.». f.M. TJt. A.M . r.M.h a h m a m hm ha h m nm

Waterford...<f<p. 8 0 10 SO 3 13 4 15 8 30 8 30 _Carrlek „...._... « « 10 SO 3 0 6 39 » 11 9 U ...Clonm«l..,-_..- J 30 11 ao t 41 I 80 10 0 10 o _JtlocU<ra....-«ritl I SO U 30 8 10 v-v-' 13 0 12 0 ....D0lLll...arWM( 3 <S | 34 • 40 4 4 30 4 SO _Coar_....arH*j/ 1 60 3 33 t 1 -• « 2 S 2 9 ...Dnblln _..__<fc _ * o 1 0 &2» 7<l 7 45 .„Coik...™.- r ... ! 0 )U 5'g'S 10 « 10 « „.Jonctlon...-. ., 8 65 1J 40 > 30 S =5 13 IS 14 IS ...I,lnnrlck....«ritl 0 6 | 1 M t 38 ggg HO | 1 10 „

Down Trains from Zimtriet.TRitlri OM WKIX Bin. BDMHAVI.

LIKIB1CI ' ¦ -1- •• 4 6* 1 2*

„„ '.„,_ l S iJ l t J i tJ 12*3 1<C3 12* 3 1*3TOWATnroas. cliM oltu 0)ul c]Mm ciaaaClut Claat'.a. A.M. 'A.1»; >:». • r.M. r.M. rj t .h a k m a • hm h m h m k m"

llmerlek— .-*» 141 ) U U J I 4 0 10 45 — 10 45JuetfoB^avrlMt > n lo 30 13 3> 8 10 13 e ™

13 0Oork...___ „ II 0 I D 111 I 1 I S _ 3 5DobllD.__... 1 4S 5 81 9 40 4 30 .„ 4 30DctLnr>__<f<; ... _ 9 0 1 9 7 45 — 745Coax.... 8 0 3 41 10 10 ... 10 10Jnactln..... „ 7 10 ... 12 40 I 30 13 IS » 30 13 ISClonmel „ t i t ... 1M in Hi SIS 111derrick —... 9 25 ._ ill tli til 131 IIIWtUiford...»rirllO 10 ... 3 1 110 3 45 10 30 3 45

Mall Trains narkad with as atUrlak.Fi.n-Ffrtt Claat Single Tlokf t, 14i M ; Secood do. II Od ;

Third do, 6i 5d. E«lorn-Flnt Clue, 31t id; Becoad do, I8i 6iT. AinswotTB, Secretary.




TKA1M I Orf WXKX DATS. SDRSATI„„,„„, 12431*21 14 St 1 li 5 1 2 4 3 12*9STAIIOHi. clM| 0)M1> 0|iBi am C|U1 C)tu

A.M. A.M. r.M. r.M. a m r.M.h m h m h m h r o h m p m

W»ttrlord«dfj>drlur» 7 30 10 IS 18 45 4 30 11 30 S «Kllnncow....___.„... 7 40 10 25 12 55 4 40 II 40 6 65Mutllnavat . 7 50 10 33 I S 4 50 11 30 7 5Dtllrh»lt.™.-...—._ S 10 10 S5 1 30 S 10 12 10 7 35Thomaatovn _ _ > 25 11 10 1 45 S 3! 13 30 J 45Bacoetibridce _...... S 40 ll 25 1 85 S 40 12 45 8 SKilkenny ...~arrhal 9 0 11 45 215 8 0 1 5 8 2 5

Do dtparlun 9 111 13 0 2 30 (13 1 15 8 35Ballyrtgnt _ • 30 12 M 2 6 0 83S 135 855Att.DnV.... _._ (40 13 30 — < 45 1 45 9 5Abbevleix «... iu U U 310 7 0 2 0 020Marjboro' -.-Jirricol [0 35 I S 330 7 80 2 30 940Marvboro' —drp-np I 18 I 18 8 4» 7 3? »^21 —Dnblin.. orH«n| 341 141 63i l « i« —Maryboro*-.<«j> <f«» 10 40 7i J 1 I B - 9 51KoiertaiPAnoottnJn II t 3 39 1 38 lo 27 — 10 27KMma „ U 44. 4 13 » 13 _ — —Fartoutowa _ I1H ill HI - - —Portnmaa — 19 68 — 9 M — _ —N«ni.h I3 3 2 S 2 9 2 — — —Templemora „ 11 31 4 8 8 7 — — 10 MTknrliia «rr(r«J II « 4 07 I 8 30 — — II IS


TailKI OX Will D»TI. aUROATI.T.T.n.. 12 M 12*3 1 * 21 * 2 I 2*3, 12*3aTATIORCi C,M1 0|IM < c] lM 0Imi Clu< C|l>1

AJ*. A.M. y.M. rM. AJ<. r.M.h m h m h m h m h m hm

Thnrlei ....dtparlun — 7 10 11 41 8 15 — 2 2Templemore ~ — 7» II I 1)3 — 320Ro«cr«AlP.nonim.Jn — 7 50 12 S5 8 S7 — 2 44Kui|b. — « SO — I 15 — —Portumna „.-_.—„ — 8 0 — I S O — —Partonilown .- — 8 40 — 6 23 — —Koacna _ 7 13 — 6 » — _Marlboro' ...or»I...«p _ 8 31 118 737 — 314Onblla ~...,<ltpar turt — 9 0 1 0 5 0 - 930Marvbora'..arT/..<te» — 10 40 3 4 » 1 — 11 52

saw* TiAmi. Hall. ¦Marrbora'..Atpartun 830 10 60 330 7 40 830 5 15Abbtvltlx ™~ t 10 11 ID 3 60 8 0 8 50 5 3 6Atuni»h _ 7 10 1125 4 5 8 15 » 3 5 50Ballyratcet- 7 2 0 H 3 5 4 15 835 013 6 0Kilkenny ....arrival 7 45 13 0 4 40 tu 940 825

Do. dfptrl tre I ) 19 J lit SH «» lljBenneUbrldg I 12 13 17 S 3 — 10 2 8 90Thomtitowo 8 25 13 30 6 15 9 13 10 15 7 SB.llrbAl „ 8 40 13 45 S 32 9 28 10 30 7 20Mdllaavat .—. 9 6 110 456 8 5 9 10 6S T45Kltauow I ll I U t U — 11 5 l i tWaterford —irrirai 9 30 1 45 « 30 10 15 11 JO 8 IS

tMnll. lOoodi.TiekeU lamed tor Slnjle Jotmer are available oalr lor tbe

Tralo bj which lh«7 an lined,Flrat and Seeoad Olaae B«<ira TiokeU an Uned betucen asv

two BtaUooa tvailable /or lha i*me d«r i ihoee unxl for aardUtuot exoetdlagfo allea, will be available rar.nlara OD thedar after tht date of tbt Ticket I and ttiote leaned berweea Wa-Urtord and SUttaai te Kllktnn/,lnelnalfa, aad atirjboroncli, willb* available ter.Mtsia tor two dan after ibe date of the Tlektt .Pint ead Seeoad Clue Betem Ticket* lamed on Satudar arereMraabla oaSaUrdaj.fandaf, or Monday ) and Ihoee lamedea Bndair an reMnabUeolndarer Koala*

Third Obm Betini TleHU lamed stall Station by ThirdOIAAS TrtlM, avallablt W ntarn the aaaw da/ brt.r Trainexcept the Malh.

SuanAT BxesaaUna^Euat.lm Tlektta t» Waterlbrd andKilkenny Will be laaned tt all Station! by the Train leavingMeijboroof.il at 8.30 a.m., tad avaluble to return br the 8.4sp.m. Train from Watorford. Feres from Kariboroeib, Abbev.(elx, Atunagb, asd Batljmtg«>f to WXertotd, ana baci—litclMi, 3e. t covered carrlagia, 3>. To Kllkeoajr «*d back , 3J .and Si. From Kllktonr .nd Btnoetibridje to Waterford andback—41. end 2>. 8d. Thomailown and Btlljhaln— 3e. and 2i.Mnllloavat and Kllmtoow-li. Sd, and It. Nolnggtge allowedand BO halMaree.

Thraii(b Ttckeu, »l tow <MM, an baotd »V Mwjboimiti antKUkcoor, via waterford and Hlltord Baron, to and from Lon-don, Dover, Bed Hill, Aldtnhot, Reedinr, Baalnietoie, Swln.dot, Oxford, Blnninibam, Woreeeur, Hertfotd, Cheltenham,Btlttol, eioaonter, Nenpoxt, Mtrlhjr, Abndsie, OardllT, Kettb,Swaaeea. Lliooll/, Oarmartbtn, and Oarmanhin Junction, andNtwHIirord. W. WiuuKi.SeereUrr.


„,,, > 5 3 4 i 6 7 s T^"_m a ra p m pm p m pro pm p m pmh m h r n h m h m D m b r a h m h m h~mWftd «8 0 11 0 I2 15 «3 30 4 0 5 !0 7 15 8 0 _.T'mre 0 15 'II 30 1 15 3 JJ 4 30 »0 0 7 45 9 30 ...

Sunday TrainsruM ' I j * * * " 7 8 9

a m ; a m a m p m p m p m p m p m p mh m h r o h m" k m °h m hm k m h*nf Vm"

Wtord »8 0 11 IS II 1« 1 30 1 30 4 30 S 30 8 30 9 0i-more 9 16 11 45 12 45 2 0 4 0 «6 0 < 0 7 45 9 4>

BEH801TS WATCHES AND CLOCKS.By Special Appoiotmoot to H.R.H. tbe PIIBCR of WA-LIS

PRIZE MIDAIS—London, Dublin, and Paris.MAKES of the Gout CASKETS presented by

tbe City of London to H.R.H. tbe PRHCI of WALIBH.R.H. the Dnza of EDI» JDIOH, 8ir Joua BDRGOTXIM.LRSSZM.OVC. — 'WATCHES—Chronometen, Chrenographt, Eeriest' Re-. / !i rt>J*T'rt> HoriioaUU, for Ladies and Oentlemea.

CLOCKS—For Dinin0end Dr«wlBgTooint,Carriage«I Cb«r.cite, Hill or 8bop, Perpetual Calendar*,Wind Dialt *cJEWBLLERY-SaeSalitil. b Ho cran,^ DiialoWCnttalt, and Pino Gold, for BrkUl and other PrtKnU,BlLVfiR XND ELKCT|{O.PLATE-FW RiSSSf aRaeinf, Dinere a ta Slut, or Tea Table, 4c.

WORKS OP ART, in Bronst. by the Beet Artutea.PRICE8 and daeenptioni of Watcbet, Clockt, Plate, Jewel-lery, Cbtini, cVc, tee Illustrated Pamphlets, pott (ret¦ for twe stempe.

,%Wetcb«i, Clocki, Jewellery, Cbaini, PUte, 4c., tent (9all parti of the world.J. W. BENSON,

Bteam Factory and City Bhou Rooms,LDDGATE HILL, AND OLD BOND.8T, LONDON.

lO1" Watebes rtpairtd by skilled woikmen. Old Silver,Watcbtt, Gold, Jewellery, Ac., eir '. l. Merchant*.Shippers, and Wetc« Clubi ,,p,|!-<» fnMy] '


Retinng from the Drapery Business, owing to the Etpi.ration of tU Lease and the inability of tht Proprietorto procure a renewal.

JPENDER offers the Entire of his STOCK

• at HALF tbe Original Price, which cenatiU chiefly ofBlack and Fsacy Silka, Kantlei, KillinerT,

STRAW and 8ABLE1 HATB, FDRS, FLOWBB8 andFBATHKR8, 6TAY0, CRINOLINEB, ;GLOVB8, HO-8IBBY, ftc. Bale each day from Tea to Five o'clock.

J. PENDEB leUtita u lofptctioa. [milo-Xy

H O T E L S .Z M P E B Z A X , HOTEL ,


MARGARET O'OALLAGHAN, FROFRIEIOS,BEGS to inform her friends and the pnblio that

she nas oponed the " IMTKSIAL" irhioh ia moatconveniently situate on the SQUARE, between theNational Bank and the Post-offloe, and exactly oppo-site whore the Coaoh. and Day Cars start from.

M. O'O. will pay every attention to those patron-tsing the Hotel. Charges very moderate.: (B* Cars can be had on the shortest notice.

Imperial Hotel, Sangarran. Hay 1, 1871. (m5-tt


BEGS - to inform bis Commercial friends and thepablkj generally, that he has just made large

additions and improvements in hia Hotel, and trustsby striot attention, to business, to merit that kind pa-tronage whioh they have hitherto Boliberally bestowed.

The PotTiNo EBIASUSHXENT ooodncted as hereto-fore, and Omnibuses, as tunal, attend all tho Trains.

Kilkenny, March 8, 1871. [mhlO-tf]


nnHIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel, in -whichJL orerything can be had on tho most moderateterms.

(0* Best Dnblin. and Wezford Spirits; also BrandiesWinos, Porter, Ale, *o. (anl6-tf.)

%jg" Cars on Hire at the shortest notice.

D U B L I N .Commercial ft Private Lodging House

49 M A R L B O R O D G H 8TRBBT.PARTIES Visiting Dnblin oan be accommodated,

with or or without Board, and all the comfortsof a home, on. Moderate Terms. [o25-tf]

rU" Situation central, elose to Sackrille-atreet.



. Bed, Is.; Breakfast, Is.; Dinner (Ordinary) Is. 6d.Dining and Sitting Rooms set apart for Ladies andFamilies, free of charge. Accommodation for Serenty-five Persons. [j»9-ly]

%tF A Night Porter always in attendance.PATRICK S. CAREY, Proprietor.

D U B L I N .The European Hotel, Bolt on Street,

X\ 1HE EUROPEAN is the largest, the best situate,JL and the most comfortable Hotflin the City. Allmodern improvements have boon recently introduced,and the entire House papered, painted, and decorated.

Twenty 6oites of Apartments for Families. Draw-ing Rooms from 2a. 6d. to 6a. Sitting Rooms on theground floor free of oharge.

te3* Scrap, Fish, Joints, Fowl, and Entree in CoSeeRoom and Restanrant, from Two to Seven o'Clockdaily. Bed, including Servants, 2s. 6d., £s. and la. 6d.

fm31-tf] J. MOLONY, Proprietor.


ADJOINING the Terminus of the South WalesRailway Company at New Milford, and the

Landing Stage of tbo Waterford Royal Iftril Packets.The Pnblio are respectfully informed that tho above

extensive Establishment is repleto with every accom-modation. Coffee, Commercial, and Sitting Rooms ;Billiard and Smoking Rooms. The Rooms are large,lofty, and airy, beautifully decorated, elegantly fur-nished, and are otherwise fitted np with every regardto comfort and convenience.

This Hotel is sitnated on tho banks of the far-famed Milford Haven, and commands a znOBt exten-sive view of Her Majesty's Dockyard, and of theromantic and picturesque Scenery of the neighbour-hood.

Visitors, Touriets, Commercial Gentlemen, andFamilies will find this Establishment, for situationand comfort, combined with Moderate Charges, sur-passed by no other in the Principality

%3T Hot, Cold, nnd Shower Baths.All communications should be addressed to


AND OTHERS.If you wont comf ort, convenience, and economy,



1ST LUNCHEONS ready at all times. (iyl)


nnHIS COMPANY HAS OPENED COAL DEPOTSX AT TIPPERARY and at the different otherRAILWAY STATIONS alongtheWaterford, Limorick,and Kilkenny Railway lines. All Orders will be re-oeiTod and promptly attended to by

JAMES DAVIES, Manager.Offices, 24 William-street, Waterford. (o28-tf

HATS! HATS ! HATS !ja a (t£T Manufacture Franf aise).


fST Hats Bought in this Establishment, DressedFret of Charge. (my 13.6m).

B i H Y A M * SC L O T H I N G E S T A B L I S H M E N T,


VISITORS TO DUBLIN are reepectfolly invited to callat tbe above addrew, and inspect ttie immense Stock of PintClau READY HADE CLOTHING which hia been speci-ally prepared for the Preaent SUMO, and which can withconfidence bt recommended to tbe attention of the PublicTbe utmost care bat bo'n bestowed on the deti ninf of ereryStyle of Garment. Attention it particularly invited to thefollowing arriogeraenti into which B. HTAM'B EittMiabmtntis laid ont for Public Accommodation i—


Tbe mott experienced Catte.t and work bauds are engagedia tbe Twloriax Bnm&u.

T> TTYAM'B -^rTALKING | <OATSTbe Mtrquii

on Tbe Stanley ..20B- Tbe Wimbledon 20s.

The Newest Stylet.

T> TTYAM'S TyALKING <OATSIn Silk Mixed Tweeds

20H. ln F»">«y Coatinga on,a{JS In Black Clotha M S 'In Great Variety.


Ia Sill Mixed TweediIn Scotch Angolas

_ , In Diagonal Tweeda „ ,14S. ID Plain Doeakirit 14s.

In Licbt Faney TweedaIn NAweet Material!.

T> TTYAM'S QUMMER "TTESTS,In Newett 8bapee

6s. lo Fancy Tweedt flo,In Blick and Mtiton Clothi


6a. In Fancy Qailtingi . 03.In Immenae Variety TD TTYAM'S l^JUMMER QUITS

In Llfiht Tweedi *•AQa In Scotch Angolas in,WSl In Mbad Saitinji 40s-

In FtDer Tweeda


Af t * In Black Doeakint An,*"* InNerreit FaDrici *°8'In Lttatt Faihiona.

8ummer Overcoats 16>, 2Of, Sot, 82iDreu Frock CotU 26s, 83s, 42t, 60fTrootert and Vetta (to mttch) 16i, 20t, SSt, 80*Children t Buitt , 7a 8d to SOtBojt' Saltt 16< Od to aotYoatht' SuiU 20» Od to 40f

An Illnstratod Pi ice Lilt, with PUn for Self-MeuoremHitwill be tent, Pott Free, on application. Ptxceb of tht valueof Two Ponnat and opwirdt will be forwarded CARRIAGEFREE to any Railway Station in Ireland. Any Garmentbought aad Uken away will be exchanged at any time withina Month after purchase, it not worn or Injured.




BELL'S CHEMICAL FLY PAPER surpasses allothers, oansiug total destruction to FHes,

Wasps, Ao. The enormous quantities of this artiolewhiok have been sold during the few seasons daring itsdiscovery, give* the advertiser the greatest confidencein strongly reoommending it. In Bheete, id. each.

CONCXKIRATZD ESSENCE Of BID JAMAICA SAE3APA-BILLA, for making a Deoootion at the instant it maybe required and in a manner superior to that usuallyadopted. . Barsaparilla is the principal ingredient inthe Lisbon Diet Drink, whioh has been so long es-teemed on tbe continent as a purifier of the blood orBorofaJous affeotions, sourvy, aud other eruptive dis-eases. It is especially applicable to those seasons ofthe year when blotohes, pimples, ringworms, and otheraffections of the akin are more generally developed.In bottles, Is. 6d., 2s, 6d.,4s., 4s. 6d, and 10s. each.



of Hair Wash and Oils)—The delightfully cooling andcleansing' propertied- of this preparation are wellknown, " ftrf g ft ahnost an indlspeusible artiole ofthe toilet. In bottlee Is. eaob.

BELL'S ABZCA NUT TOOTU PASTE removes and pre.vents the formation of Tartar, imparts to tho 'teeth apearly whiteness, without injury to the enamel, andgives a delightful fragrance to the breath. In Pots,Is. each.

BELL'S ALMOND SBATINO CREAK.—This is the mosteconomical and agreeable of all the varieties of shav-ing soaps.


EXTRACTOR ROSES AND ROSEMARY, for cleaning, per.fumisg, and beautifying tho Hair. Distilled by HENRIBELL. This admirable preparation instantly removesdandriff and grease from the Hair, imparts vigour andhealth to tho roots, and eflbctnally prevents prema-mature decay ; it will bo found grateful and pleasingin its oporation, most beneficial in its results, and ishighly recommended for the nursery, ia conjunctionwith BELL'S PERSIAN OIL.


BELL'S FURNITURE COMPOSITION.—This reviver pos-sesses a great advantage over the ordinary furniturecream and varnish, as it cleanses aa well as polishesall sorts of French polished furnituro, papier maohie,&o., imparting with very littlo labour, a brilliant ap-pearance, being perfectly freo from bees' wax. Itis not liable to be marked by the fingers. In bottles,6d., Is., and 2a. each.

BELL'S PIRSIAN OIL—Whilst possessing all thebeau'tifying qualities of tha finest Hair Oils, this celebratedpreparation also actB on the roots, thereby nourish'ing the hair and stimulating tho growth. In bottles,Is., and 28. fid. each.


BELL'S ESSENCE OF RENNET never fails in makingSweot Cards and Whey, a most wholesome and: nntri-tious preparation for children and consumptive per-sons, and a delightful summer beverage. In bottles,Is. each.


BELL'S ANTIIHLLOUS PILLS, a safe and efficacious ro-medy for Persons affected with bilious complaint, ob-struction in tbo stomach and bowels, &o. Dose, one ortwo at bedtime; in boxes, 6d., Is. and2a. each.



from tho finest Ginger, and particularly usofnl inIndigestion, Flatnlency, and Spasms in the Stomach,4c.—Dose, from half to one tcaspoonful in a glass ofwater, as required.

TRIPLI FRENCH ROBE WATER.—This concentratedpreparation far surpasses what is usually sold, havinggreater emollient properties and a stronger frograncoof the flower from which it is distilled.

GLASS FOR GREEN-HOUSE USE,in 200 Feet Cases, 15 and 21 oz.

STOCK SIZES :—20 M 12 ; 18 K 24 J 16x20 ; 15 M 20;14 M 20 J 13x20. Any other Sizes can bo bad bygiving time to order from tbo manufacturer.

Estimates for POLISHED BRITISH PLATE GLASS i-in.thick, sont on application. (je30.Sm.)


HENRY A U D L E Y & CO.WHILE returning their sincere and grateful

acknowledgments to the publio for thoextensive Patronage hitherto bestowed uponthem, beg to acquaint their kind patrons thatthey have added to their Stock, n all Depart-ments, C O M P R I S I N G :



whioh they can confidently recommend.N.B.—SOLE AOENTS in Waterford for PEACOCK


tST Ordors executed with accuracy and des-patch.

HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS.All descriptions of Printing, on above Cards

%3T Executed at THE WATERFORD NEWS OMce.

YEATMAN'8 YEAST P O W D E Rhas, br it« exc4llence,tntirelv superseded


EATMAN'8 YEAST POWDER" .Tbe Sile is immenM,snd still iocrenioj. It will xstp

good (or years in tny climste,

EATMAN'S YEAST POWBBRmiiM Pulry light and digestive, eating eggs and

bntter, and delicioni home-madsbrud in five minutes. Usedin Her Mijesty'a kitchen, the Army and Navy, and sold byall Grocen and Chemuta.

EATMAN'S YEAST POWDER.Sold in Id. aod 3d. Bow, snd 6d, and li., 2i. 6d.,

and Ea. Ceniiten. ' . (j»2Ot i3OSold by R. RYAN, flrocer, 12 Broad Street, aad

111 Quay, Waterford.


JPENDER, Auctioneer, WATEBTORD, has been







C H O I C E O L D !V E R Y O L D !



afceo) AND SMALL "OTTLEI. (wlv

Just PullUUS, po ttf r n for Two Stamps,A GUIDE TO THE CUBE OP NERVOUS-

X JL. NESS. By HtKRT SMITH, M.D_ of the Univenitvof Jeu, aolhor of tbe " PeopWs Ooidi to HMltbH" iu.

A Medictl Work on the Ntw 8pedal Trattntnt, by Uedi-due. only, of Nervou, MenUl.and Phyrical DtbUity, Low-nes or Spirits, Indigeatioo, Dimness of 8igbt, PainfulDre ms, Want of Energy, and Premature Decline j with io-strnstions for perfeek nstorstioo to health and vigour, bythe NRW SnciAL TRIATKIXT. Tbe WARNI»O Voici(180 Dafee) is illnstratad with cewe and tettiiaonUli. Qivrjadvice and rules for Cora by the UM of the New Remedieswith a New Chapter on tbe DM and ibuw of Electricity fortht care of Nervous duettes, with Letters from PttienU whohut tried tbt so-cailtd Remedy, proving tbtt EUCTRIOITTIS lot Lm, aod will not curt Nervou Debility. Freo brpott for two ttrampt, Addreu Dr. H. SKIIH. 8 BartonCreteent, London, W.C.

IKTOMAXT 10 CODHIBLT PATIMTS.— CoHSDlT A Lo«-so> PHTIIOIAX WITHOUT Fn.-Dr. BXITE will, for thebenefit of oouotry pttiente, on receitim detcriptioat of thtirctttt, tend his opinion, with advise and dotations br thtBMt KKCcMfal mtonUsa to bnlth, folfrCt)


On Sale at Tht News Off ice , ' 'With tht Recommendation of tht Bishop of Wsterftrd sod

LUmore, the Right Rev. Dr.O'Bmm •A CatechiBm for tbe Instruction of Children.


of Cashol and Emly.Printed on Good Paper, and in large clear Typ«.

RECOMMENDATION :" I approve of thia Edition of the Eight Bsv. Dr.

JAMES BUTLER'S Catechism, and recommend it to theFaithful of these Dioceses.

"iJ« D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B." Waterford, June 2, 1869."tgT Orders from any part of the Diocese, sent in

and directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and PublisherWaterford News Office, 49 King-street, promptly attended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms.

May be had Retail from every Catholic Booksellerin the Diocese.


IRELAND RAILWAY COMPANT (for tha pupote ofREPLACING the INSTALMENTS of the GOVERN.MENT LOANS and BONDS falling dne) are preparedto Accept LOANS ON DEPOSIT, bearing Interestat H per Cent., payable on One Yearns notice ; at4 per Cent, payable on Six Months' Notice ; at 3J perCent., payable on Three Months' sotioe ; and at 3 perCent., payable on one week's notice.

They Trill also accept MONEY on MORTGAGEBONDS, at 4i PER CENT, payable upon OnoYear's notice, or for such term of years as may befixed ; and for the DEBENTURE STOCK, bearingInterest at SIX PER CENT, for THREE YEARS, andFIVE PER CENT in perpetuity afterwards.

For the Year ending the 25th of March, 1871, theTraffic Receipts wcro £31,096 12s. 10d.—the Workingand other Expenses being £15,489 9s. 8d.—leaving abalanco of £1S,6O7 3s. 2d. for Interest on Loans, af-ter tho payment of which there !B a considerable sur-plus ; and the Receipts continue steadily to increase.

They will , every Half-year, send to each Creditor aStatement showing the full particulars and Amountef tho several Loana due by the Company.

Applications to be addressed to the undersigned, atthe Company's Offices, Waterford Terminus.

(By Order),WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.

Waterford, Angust 7th, 1871. (jilO)WATERFORD AND CENTRAL IRELAND AKD




Snndays, nntil further notice, the EXC0R.SION TRAIN will leave Maryborough at 8.30 a.m.,and Kilkenny at 9.50 a.m., returning as nsnal fromWaterford at G.45 p.m. [For times at IntermediateStations, see email Timo Tables],

FARES—Maryborough, Abbeyleix, Attanagh andBallyraggett, to Kilkenny and back, 1st class, 3s. •covered carriages, 2s. ; Do. do. to Waterford ardback, 1st class, 5s. ; covered carriages, 3s. j Kilkennyand Bennotsbridge, to Waterford and back, 1st class,4s. ; covered carriages, 2s. Gd. ; Thomastown audBallybale, to Waterford and back, 1st class, 3s. •covorod carriages, 2s. ; Mullinavat and Kilmacow, toWaterford and back, 1st class, la. 6d ; covered car.riagO8, Is.

These Tickets aro not transferable, and do not en-title tho holders to alight at any other Stations thanthoso to which thoy are booked. No luggage allowed,and no half-fares.


Sunday EXCURSIONS, commencing June 4.ON and from abovo date, and every Sunday there-

after, until further notice, an Excursion Trainwill loavo Limerick Jnnction Station at 6.30 a.m.arriving at Waterford at 10.30 a.m.

PARES TOR DOUBLE JOURNET 1From Limerick Junction and Stations, np to Cakir

inclusivo (for Waterford)—1st Class, 6a. j 2nd Class48. ; 3rd Class, 3s.

From Clonmel (for Watorford)—1st Class, 6s.: 2ndClass, 3s. ; 3rd Class, 2s. 4d.

From Kilsheolan and 8tations, up to Grango inolu.sivo (for Waterford) and to and from any Intarmo.diato Stopping Stations—At Single Fares.

Excursionists to return by the 8.30 p.m. Up-mailTrain same evoning. For further' particulars, seaCompany's Timo and Fare Tables.

N.B.—On no account will an extension of time begranted or money returned for Tickets lost.

(By order), T. AINSWORTH, Superintendent.Limerick Terminus, 1871.


The Monster Fanner's Guide to theSew Land Ait,


Opinions of the Press on the First Sdition : " It Rivet lound practical advics in plain language."—Irish Lav Tints."A mod«l of accuracy, condMnei«,good Engluh, and coodunie."—Fneman's Jturnal."An invaloiblo guide, at a price which Bringt it witbin themeant of tha humblttt tenant farmer."—Svning f si'."Jint tuch a work as Farmers matt htvt been heartilyduiriog. —Nation," An excellent Gnide. It does not coBtain an nnnecewarv•enteoce. Mr. MacCarthy's recognised profeuional ability ii•officient guarantee for the legal soundoeae of hit comment-ary. We anticipate for thit little book an exUniive eircula-tion ana a *iefal influence. — Cort Constitution." A very.mefol book on a very imnortant inbitct. Wilt,

IU aid f«w intelligent mon will find any difficulty in under-standing how they aie pl.cid."-C«* ibamMr." A great publio advtnUgt, Wt coondmtly recommendit t« oar Tmant FsrBen.'V-rij>j>»7om JrVw Press,"An extatdingly osefnl pablieation, . It nakea the lawperfectly intelligible to any capacity.''—UunsUr Sues'• On. of tVe mort inulligikle and coorin upotitiout of thaLand Act jet published."—Umtriak CkrmieU."A most valuable little bnok , clear, plain, and Minted, dt.void of everything technical. We hope it will be in thehands of every Farmer and treiy Landlord in Ktrry "—TraUt CltrmieU." An admirable tieatiis ; condAe, definite, safe, and com-preheneive."— Waltrford Mail." A very able pamnhltt from au txperieaced cen Wabtutilr tecommni it."—JFaUtf ord Xiwi." For the class particularly addmaH, it ie worth all th«other worka on the tnbject pnt together."—WttUy NewsTo be had of the Publisher, FRANCIS GOT, 70, Pat.

rick-street, and all Booksellers. 's8-3tVETERINARY PREPARATIONS,Of tried efficacy and repnte, Sold by all Chemistspro BEWZET A DRAPER, Mary street, Dnblin • '

Messrs. GOULDIKO, Patriok-atreet, Cork.


P H Y S I C . f This excellent preparation does notJ spoil by keeping. It is taken in amash, and the trouble of lotting a hors* is avoided.

For DogB also, and for Pigs, it is a most effioientphysio. See directions. Price Is. 6d. (post free).

COUGH •J TTAKVET'S POWDERS, OF/ O.PREPARED ACONITE, forHORSES-SSSS^ 00BGH'' THJCK-H O R B E B .J wiND. Ao, in Paclets of Six2a. 8d. It is alaoa cheap remedy for internal WORMS(see Neligan). No worm can exist in an animal thattakes it j this is guaranteed. Horses take it in theirfood, and oan work -while using it. When half apacket has been used as direoted, the beneficial efieotupon the animal will be seen. %g" TRY IT 1

" Numerous Hnntera, that cough or are touclied intho wind, take HARYXY'S POWDERS regularly, ana „.thus kept up to the mark throagh the huntinir sea*™that othoririse would be all but useless."—BilhJAfcS X X TOY ) "WA T T 'S EMBROCATION, foriN

YTSE. k^S ggS;S—; J SPRAINS. Does not blister, gives DOpain; no restraint required, or to rest ftwn work.PRICE, 8S. 6d.—Farmers' Bottles, 8s. each., « Oftencures lameness when firing tt&*."—Th * f ield.

"I found Watt's Embrocation answer capitally ,it haa entirely removed alam', Splint from toy favor,ite hunter's near fore leg. I ban recommended it toall my friends.—R. HOWHL, Garmtrtben.

W A T T ' S 1) T7K)B W0UND8 and BRUISES inRED I J? HORSES and Ait AN1MAL8LOTION. ( The healing properiUes of WAIT'S oele-—) brated B«D Lotion are weU known

" No Stable that oontaina a Hunter should be withoutit." It is used without bandages or covering of anykind to Wounds. Price 2s. 2d. pep bottle, or 10s. 6iper gallon.:. Horses that rub their mane or tail, fromltoUness, are cured of it by one dressing of tbe BZDLOTION. . . ' ¦ .V^ . ^

Bold In Waterford by Giosoi WHIT*,.. ThomasSt. j HlHlI BlXlj Draggiit, Quay, ana at SMAUVSVeterinary EEtabUshment, BtA» STRUT. NewRonTDr^WHtMtr. Tnunore, h. A O.EUKncr. XJlonadB.QUBiXandB.Ll<I(S. C«02jilS0 '

Page 2: M. POWEll & SONS,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1871/...direct to Cork, and calU at Wa.terfotd Tetsming. FROM WATERFOKD TO BELFAST, Via CORK. FRIDAYS lit, 8th, letb,



TUE TENANT'S I N T ER E S T in tho DAIRYF A K M O F S H A N A K I L L , iu the


AND IMMKDUTF. POSSESSION GIVEN .Theso Lands contaiu ail Acres, 2 Roods, and 13

Parches, Statute Measure ; are all in Grass, and heldnndsr Leaso for «n aaoxpired term of 1? Years, from!3th March last, at tho Annual Rent of £130, with aBuilding Charges of £15 per Year. There is a good,comfortable Slated Hous« on the Premises, consistingof Parlour, 2 Bed-rooms, Kitchtn, SerTanta' Rooms,<ic. Tho Farm Buildings 'are all Slated, now andcommodious, consisting of Stable, Barn, Shed for 36Cons, and other Offices* all standing in a squar*.Ther» is a never-failing Supply of Water on the Lands,and th« Farm is wall Fonccd.The Landi are situate within VI miles of Watcrford-

a public coach passes near tbo lands by Kilmac.thomas, to and from Wuterford duily. Apply to

THOMAS WALSH & SON , Auctioneers,Tlio Mali , iVuterford; or

JOHN ROK, Sol., Rockview House, Maryboro.'April 21tt , 1871. (u21- t)


Watorford and Limerick Railway.)


0} Thorou/j h-brnl Sl-ori - lt orn Oil* and Heifers, Bui's,BK»S and Lambs, Yaluab\e SI ltd tf Hones, comprisingso»if veil kn<}iai Steep le Chase Forte* and Bnnlcrs,Breed llm-es and Yonwj l loft r t , X'c, S 'c,


MILAKT1UAK has been favoured with instruc-

• tions from Captain Qi i.v (who is giving uptho Breeding of Horses, and is about lotting ono ofhis out-Farms) , to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, atLOGUI.OlfKH CASTLE, on the above day, at thehour of ON'E o'clock sharp, without tho slightestreserve, the following valuable property :—

CATTLE AMI SIIEF.l1.15 Valuable Thorough-bred Short-born Dairy Cows,

and In-calf Heifers, all registered in Coatcs' HerdBook, and descended from the following celebratedBulls:—Felix (217;ij) t Lord Nelson (2217S) ; Miss,(25611) ; Oberon (2Gfl«J(i) ; Master Harbinger (1835G) ;Nirciisns (2li!»lS) ; Duke of Argylo (15U12) ; Royalty(27392) ; Scamp (13G7 1) ;Dukoof Cumberland (3611);Don Juan (l!)2:l) ; Sir Kerncth (1 150) ; Cornot (155).

Full particulars and pedigrees rrill be given iuCatalogues.

Four of tlio Cows will be on tlio ])oint of calving byth» day of Sale—moro ol them later on in the season.

00 very Superior Two-ycars-old and Hogget Ewes.(10 Lambs. HORSES.The entiro of .tho valuablo Stud of Steeple Chase

Horses, Hunters, Brood Msros, Young llorsos, Ac,including the well known Horses, the Fenian, Quick-step, Ziralcct/Vauguard, several well known and extra-ordinary clever Huntura. Tlio Brood Mares, Agilityand Lady Hopeful , with several very promising YoungHorses, all particulars and pedigrees of which vrill ap-pear iu catalognca, which may be had on applicationto .MJClfAKL HART1GAN,«l-:it Auctioneer, Limerick.

Panics leaving Dublin by tlie !'.:)0 a'.m Train ; Corkbj the t> ;>.m. ; W;iterforil by the 1O.2U a.m. ; and Li-merick by the I' .10 mm., Train*, will arrive ut Cahcrin time for tho auction. Cars will be waiting ut. tin:Railway Station to convoy them to Loghloher Castle.

The Sale will commenco with Cattle and Sheep atone o'Clock ; tho Horses at two o'Clock.


FOURTEENTH ANNUAL SALEOf / .¦•¦'ccf ier J/ni«» , .*/ . . ./ . , Lamb-; .S'o.-t j H n r t i, .fv .

WALSH k SON hare been honored by F. ALK I'. II , Esq., J.i 1., with instructions to SKM J

BY ACCT1U.N', or. TIIUKS DAY , the 21st September,l.S7), at IIO.SEGAI'.LAND, 515 S11KE1' and LAMBS,viz :

21 Shviii'ling liain.- .I A ged .lo.

Kin Draft Kwcs, many uf llii 'tn lit for Die Jiutclicr .I.MI Hogge t ilo.1.111 Lambi.

I'ift v limit (if CATTLE , as fulluivs : •I 'I l.in. year old Slu.ri-ll . itn IS nll. ln-riUiv Lord

D K V KS . I .7 Fat and in-C:ilf Heifers, (wn yca r> old.

1- Three, year old. forward SLoru Bullock.-:.Al.«o, a very liandsomo Light Running Open Car-

riage, with Portable Hood , in perfect ordor, by Hrr -TON; Wood's Two Horso Combined Reaping andMowing -Machino; a Land Presser, a Manuro Distri-buter (sows broadcast or in drill).

The Sliccp nml L'nttlc "ill be peuiicd at 11 o'clock,I.UDC II at Twelve o'CIoelc. Sale at One o'Clock.

P..S.— ihc iiKuil Hams arc direct from tho celebratedpri/.e-Uikiug Flock s of tlic Rev. Mr. l]o>ANQi 'Kr andthe Uuke of Brcci.cixii.

The Shearling ltams arc all out of carefully seloctodKwes and by the atjed Hams; they urc grass fed, andbavo Dover been housed. It

The Storo Cattle and Sheep nro well worth thoattention of persons requiring Stock, a;i they are inhigh condition and perfect heolth , tho Sheep havingbeen all bred at Itoscgarlaml , and the Bullocks andHeifers being iu Mr. LKII . II 'S possession for twelvemonths without any other Stock mixing with them.



DLERY, Ac, <tc—J. PKNDER will hold au Auctionat the above Repository,GST OK (/.<• f irs t M;, ,d ,.v ,.f eac l , M:»lk d'air doyf j ,

O I I I ' "n the Old Fun- i»« ./.--.Horses and other Property to be entered at Mr.

P CMIEU'S Ollice, (ieorge's Street , up to 11 o'clock,morning of Sale. No charge for entry.

[mhHi-y] J. l'ENDEH , Auctioneer.


IMPORTANT TO DKAPKRSStock-in-Trade and Business Premises


JPENDER will Sell his STOCK-IN-

• TRADE, and tho Interest in tho Leaseof tho Premises, 5, and 0, GEORGES-STREKT,

WATKRFORD.Tho STOCK, which is a general one, consists

of the usual Goods Bold by respectable Houses.This would be a very desirable opening, as thoConcern has bucomo a very paying one, and liasattached to it a very numerous and respectablecunnectiou.

Pun of the purchase money can remain in thebands of the Purchaser, at Interest , if desired.

Apply to M K . J. PENDKH , 5 and li , George'*-Ktrr<;t ,)\ 'aierf«rd. (au 11 -tf)

STEAM THRESHINGriV iff .SOLI), a i'OKTAHLK STEA.M K.VCf. NKX nml Tll l tKSHl.V t ; MACJU.VK, nearly Xew.

Apply to "A I .I M A ," euro of Messrs. FKN .\»SV ,Waterford. (jyl I-tf


MICHAELHAS QUARTER SESSIONS.Ll3»<mr—For tlie Division tlirrcjf on Tue»ci.<j- , Julli

Oclnlwi . lBTl.Dt'NOAEYA!! — For tlie Division thercef , on Thursday,

12lh Oclub.-r , 1871.WA I K U K O I'U— ror the City thereof , on Monday, lClli

Octutcr, Uli .\VA I E K » O K I I — For tlm Division thereof , o:i Weuucsday ,

I K Odi/I>. r. 1*71.JIICIIAKJ.MA! ) LAND .SJCS.S1U.VS.

D I V I S I O N* OF LISMOHE. — At Listnorr , on Weilut-^Jiy,J l l l i October, lfr.7 1.

DIVISION OF D CK O A K V A S —At Dungaivan , on Sjtut.d«y, l t ih Ucluber, 1671.

DIVI8IO.1 op W'/ tT KhTOBi '.—At WatcrforJ , on Solor-d»y , 21st UciuWr, Ih71.

'J'iir l.'..ur: will MI mi Ihn Fir*t DAJ of Ibe J.and Sis*i"ii«ror eaih l) ivi*.uin , for Lu^iu^!> rL-l.itiu ^ fos.iiii L,auJSv^»i<Hi- ,at 'li.> hnur ol 'I wi - lvfu 'CliicL IMKJII .

lUUi tui> 1 llli <liv nl Sq.i.Bu 1 , 1S7J.WILLIAM JOHN DION .NKIIY.

Cteik ol tlif l:'ic -, Ciunly u> \Yalrifu nl .

cciirnr 1'ou R Evis iN c THE LISTS OKVOTKHS.

/•.„• lh- <.."'••• •« ';» ••/ irii(.i;/'...-./ . . . , .l ll:.:M .,i, ..;¦;;.. .,.,.„•,„„in l/iu Yea ,- 1S7 I .

fT^HK Clinirnrin ol'l^oarter Scwiun.s fur (lie CnuntrI of Walerford will hold (I pen Coan.s on the fuf.

lowing days , »t llio Court-liouHea in the undcriiieii-tioiiwl places, for the purpoaeof RK V I B I N C i the List«of VO'l'EltS for tho County of Waterford and -hoBorough of DungarTin:

Ai LI -M OKB— For tlie lla:ony of Coshmora aud Cosh-briiJif , »' TowAiy, 3Wh October, 187 1,if]»i o'CJoci, «.iu.

At DUII OAIIVA N— Fur llii- lhruudi uf liuiiga t> ii U onFnday, tbc l.llli "• October , 1H71 ut Teii o'Clock i.m.

A T U L'NO A BC A N — Fur Hie l^roniei o\ \hxun \l ill,nutDrum, !)»<:¦« Within Druio, •ml Uleiuhery, Friday, lJiuOctober, 1«71, 3i 11 u'Clock , fl.io.

AT W II KBM H U — For Hi" Juronm of Giullier aojSliilulethird , uu Wtdu.ndaj , J81I1 October, 1871 , at To,o'Clock. •. ID. . ..

AT CABBJC KBF. Q—For the B uoiiy of UpperlliirJ , 6nFrVlliy, SUt'1 October, 1N "1 , «t lm|l-p«st Tlir«e o'Clock p.tu.

Th« Clerks of each (j'oinu, and also the Collectorsof Too*'*' Rate for each L'niou in tho above-namodlUruuioc, <uc hereby reijnireil to attend the RevisionCourts for came, nnd produce their Books both for thopaet and pre«eut yeara. The Chairman will sit at thoCourt-houno io dach placo punctually at too hournamed, and all Clet ks ftf Unions, Collectors of Poor'iHalo, ic, who shal l fail <«> rinswer in flin'r nawei,whou called , will bn fined.—UnlH I IU'M 'I l th ilay ' ofSyuiciiibi-r, 1^71. WJ I. JOHN D K N N K H V ,

Clerk of the PCUVB of L'uuuty of W uterford.

^E^WATERFOJJ) NEWS i^i^ER) ' |ADYERTI^a^^^IBER 15, 1871.y ^^r• . -:THB;NAinONAJa.l!NGHA-VTiJG OPO'CONNELL'B dRYP?- AND TOMB.Tie Monumental Toicer .J' Crimii Glasnevin CemeteryTHIS BEAUTIFUL UEUqBlAI..iof.the greaUst

- of IrishmeOj which is now".prason'Ud to the Pub-lic, for execution, prico, and"patriotism/mnst' eqsursitself a prominent situation in tho drawing-rooms oftho wealthy, or hurablo cottages of tho admirers oftho great Tribune. Printed in colours. Prico OnoShilling, in postage stamps. ¦ ¦ ¦

Full printed description sent to addross, post froo.AGENTS WANTED—Two to Thrco Pounds realized

weekly, without risk, by the sale of the National En-grayiug of tho Crypt and Tomb of O'Connell. AUhaving sparo tinlo should addrcs9 by letter to F. S.BKATTY,' D Aston'g.quaT, Dublin.To Mr. F. S. Benttj.

SIB — I am muvh obliged t«) jou for Rivin}? mo the op\»ortunityof seciiij your work tiui«lic<l. I t i> linudsoaier, uioru istrikin^,more intrnv>tin^: than crer, ami I roost fiiuccrcly.Uopc will >wapprrciatc«l ai it th 'scrre?, uml will rewnrd jaa for yonr trouble.

JVUftK S. O'JJHAfONESBV,(A Meuibt'i'of tlie LVuictcry Committee).

II 1. (laniini'rV Vhwv.Darryiiaiic AMn-v , Cnliirci«en.

Mr. Fraud* S. Itaitty.U KA K ^

IK — I lies to tluiuk you for thu pruof of yonrUauilsiiiuii«B'I iiiliTivlilii" Kujfr.iviiu; uf DK (/Council Uryjil (nil Toiuli atitUsin-viu. I tmst it umy b»' npnircriatiHl vn> it ought , and prorcrenuuicrativc to you, I am, llcar fir, jour'* fnitbfully,

DANIEL O'COHNKLL .Catholic CcuietcricR* Office, Dublin.

tf iu—I am directed to iuform you that tho Committee haveprantrd yon pennispiou to linry one fi t your unirerMUj admiredEnijr.ivlngB of the 0'Connril Crypt and Tomb, exhibited at Glas-neviu Cemct;ry. c. COILE, Swrctarr.

-Mr. T. S. Biiittv, t>, Anton's Ouav, Dublin. sl5-t


W I L L I A M G R I F F I T H S ,Agent for Iroland,



Patentees of O'aznlino Oil , to burn in paraffin andmineral oil lamps ; a puro white oil giving a clear bril-liant name.

Sole Agont ami Contractor for Ireland :I I R . W I L L I A M G R I F F I T H S ,

jlii)J No. a. Wlntou Avonuo, Rathgar, Dsblin. [6m



2ii Xi:W STltKET, AND 43 HALLYBltlCKEN.From ii. to 8*. an Ounce advanced on Plate, according toroanufactUT. $5}" Private Office attached. Couutry com-munication- promptly attended to.'

P.S.—Large turns of over £10 and npwards , at ReducedInterest. Inull-lyl



is ou thj Wheeler and Wilson principle, with Seven-Ucn AiiiUt 'Onat Pat ct itt'cd Improvements.

Tho i.SILEXT BELGRAVIA is easily learned, andnot l iable to get ont of order. Its Treadlo motion islight—i, child may work it.

AcKSTSi— ROBERT LOCKE & CO.Gcnem t Draper?, Cabinet-makers, em'. fjpfto(s(ern\s,

C,i ir- Gt , QUAY, WATERFORD. -(Srl.ssTiacrioNs GKATI S . (auU-Itm)


J O H N S T A F F O R DBEGS to inform the Nobility, Clergy , and Gontry

nf Waterford and surrounding districts , that heHAS OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING ESTA-

BLISHMENT , AT 17 GEORGE'S STREET,*he-re ho olfcra for Sale the very Bc3t description«r Bii:-;r, MUTTON, POKK, AND VEAL. <&<- AHJoint * Cut to Suit Purchasers.

J . S., in returning tliunk* to his numerous ^upjior-terf , fcr the very largo aliare of patronago which (lieyaccord :d him during tho long period he has been inb-isincss. beys to aasurc them that in his Now Eata-¦iliahuicut they will find it their interest to continuethat support,

63?" The Establishment will be open from Seven inthe Morning until Nine at Ni ght.

OBSERVE -.—Uenernl Vktuallirur Ettabluhment ,17 (large *i Street.dis- t'| .KillS STAFFORD , P KOPSIKTOR .



l'OTATOES of the very BEST (iUALITV , at LowestPrices. fjeliO-tn

TO BE SOLD,Tl IK BRUiAXTlNE " GEORGE," of Pictoa, 228

Tons Register, carries lot) tons ; now here, dis-charging a Cargo of Duals from Jliramichi. 1'or fur-ther particulars, apply to tho Mastor on board, or to

M. I'ARUELL A SON, Ship Brokers,»15-it] 13 Merchants' Quay, Waterford.

COUNTY CORKr VC HE SOLD, with a Landed Estatoa' Conrt Title,JL and Immediate I'onscssion, a Superior audmost iidvautageously circumstauced FEE SIMPLEPROPEUTY , coulainiug 2Uli Acres, within Two Milesof Youghal , aud littlo moro than an hour from Cork,Tho Lands aro in au improved condition, and theluigrr portion iu pcrm&ucm pasture,

l'cir furtlier particulars apply to3Iossrs. ilARSH 4 SON, 70 South Mall , Cork ,or llio Propiiotor. «S.t.

TO BE LET ,(And Immediate Pwme&inn yi i cn),

BELLVILLK LODGE, NEWTOWN , WATER-1 FOliU , couvCDiently situatod within Five

Minutes' walk of tho City. There aro Three SittingRooms, Five large Bed Rooms, Servants' Rooms, &o.Also Small Garden, Pair.Horso Stable, and CoachHouse, and nu excellent supply of Spriug Water,

Apply to I. THOKXTO.V, or T. «. J £ A ](V»: V, Ksqrs.

TO BE SOLD,rTllIE l.VTERKST iu tho LEASE of tho old-eslnb-JL lished aud extensive Concerns known asWINKS' CHAXDLKKV , 0, Harroustrand-strcet ,Woturford. Tho lease is renewab le for ever , and at»nominal rent.

App ly to R. W K K K K S Si-AUit on , on tho prcmiBc-i ;M* UK DKLANpltK , Solicitor, Waterford j •' at i I , Fleet-strjut , Dublin. (auij-tf



LET, /mil K L^ROE aud EXTENSIVE PROVISIONJ. STOKES, Bitustein EYRE-STRKKT, tJALWAY ,anil fonnurly worked by tlio lato M II :IIAEL O'BU IK .V ,EJ IJ . Tho above establishment is tlio largest in tlioWL-st of Ireland, aud contains Slaughter, Curing, undSinoke-lmiiie.1, all in perfect working order. Thorn arcal-oou the premises a Largo Corn .Store, with Kiluattucheil ; also two Owelling-liouscs, with Out-houses,&<:. For further particulars, as to rent, itc apply to

MICHAEL A. 0'imiKX , a William-st., lialwfty.X.H. —(ialway is onu of tho largest Pig.fucding dis-

tiicts ill Ireland, and is now iu direct communicationby rail with Wuterford. (sl.:l»i)

T K A M O R EriW HK LKT, lor Two Mouths, n COMFOUTAULV-L KL U X I S I I K I ) HOUSE, tho rcsideDto uf aprivate family. It coutains Drawing Room , LargoDining itooin, Six Bedrooms, and all necessaryf . lfiicoj i f'lowur and Vegetable G'ui-deu ; Coachhouse«ud titablf, if ruquiretl. sH-tf

A pply to iliKs yi- ix , Muin.Btreot, 'J'ramoro.

W A N T E D ,DUKl .V f i thu Wiuler Munihs , a Small, l.'nfur-

lii,lif-l H() i ; sE, wiiJ .in l;;Kj,t .Vilum/f AVatcr-lord, ( I'ruiiiul-u, JJiininuru, or (Jlieek poiii t pa-fcrrodj.Address, (stating Turnis, which must bo moderatei ," X. Y.," (JHicu of Ibis Paper. (M i.-,^

COMFORTABLE LODGING^rpo liu liiul iit l;<l l ^UAV , opposite thu ateimiL-r*X Drawiug.rouni and Bed-ruoui ; eltgant view.

(au »o.tf

TO B A K E R SrilO RI - , LCT, a l lAKK I I O L S K , with New Oven ,_L Smre Jluuij i , :MII I )tw»n for Sliop.

Apply to JUCJI AI U ) HKXEHKIt l t V ,f" 1.

'1- ' .') Kriilgisslrect , Waii-i fdrd.

Purchase of HOUSG Furniture.JO1IX PKNI )j; i! il; prepared to buy (ir prefrrred)

by privalu maty, at tho Highest Price , thuFrnsri i 1:1: o fl ld i^Ks , ind Pi ioi 'Kiirv of K V K K V K I X H .Liberal Advanciii made on all Property scut for ab?o.lute Sale, atl'ui ding tbo public an opportunity neverbeforo ull'ered.

(£25" Sales »f Properly of every description ucgo-cialed piivatvl y, and uo charge mado unleas a. Hale iseffected. Valuations lor Probate Duty and other pur.poses completed with accuracy and despatch._ [mlil0-ly] _ JOHN PEXDKK , Auctioneer

Coffin Factory & Undertaking EstablishmentMANUK-STKEET, WATEKF0R0.

TJICHARD FITZGERALD bege to inform liiaXL numer< i. Friende, and the Public generally,that he ie -,w preparod to fiecnte all Orders in thoUMDitrAUino BU»INK«».

Di>tifA.s>:i> Cow.—A diseased nnd decomposed carcussof u ouw TO discovered by nigh constable Pallis, outhe piemUea or a dealer named Caahin, at Fcrrybankou V eduosday. In accordance with tho ordor of thoMayor, tho carca«s was buried and Caahia ordered tobe prosecuted. An regarded the police to whom »n£hpurchases aro bound to bo mado known by tho pur.chasers, Cashiu saved himself, us he inada tho neces-sary reputt.


GREAT SALE.' OP ^ JIA1^0P'p|lTES'j ;IMPORTED direct Croin t)ie Manu'factnrdrs, Mowra.

COLLAKI) & C0LLAtt'b, l!UC5HNl D\tiri.tNj:, BfelVtiMIAD , &c, 4o., at

C. A. JONES' MUSIC DEPOT,120 , Q.UA Y, W A T E R F O R D . :

HARMONIUMS in great varioty, English andFrench mako ; Violins, CornoU, Concortinas, Drums,Flutos, Banjoes , Music Boxca, &c. Ac, • .'


20,000 NEW SONGS and PIECES, at ONE TIIIKUtho Marked Pries for Cosh, the entiro STOCK now

SELLING OFF AT A GREAT REDUCTION !previous to Alteration of Trcmiscs.



Begs to call special attention to his cxtonsivo TUNINGand REPAIRING business. His Tuners visit all tboSouthern and Midland Counties of Ireland Quarterly.

tST Pianofortes and Harmoniums hired by theMonth or Tear, with option to purohaBo, and on thoThreo Yoara' aystem.

C. A. JONES' MUBIC WAEBH0U8E.Criclcetting, Archery, Croquet, and other Games, at

unusually Low Prices. [my-t-tf]



PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, AXD HARMONIUMS.The above-named Musical Instruments, practically


No. 83 TUB Q U A Y , W A T E R F O R D .SSI" 1* Years' oipcrienco in tbo principal Musical

Houses of Louden. Testimonials from the greatestProfessors of tho period, and 300 Referoncca.

NEW MUSIC always in STOCK, aud forwarded atlLtXP-XARKEU PulCE. • . ;

Mark tho Address:—REMOVED FROM KINO. STREET,TO 83 THE QUAT, WATERKOED. . •N.B.—No Connection with any other House in town.



THE courso of Instruction comprisos Frouch ,Italian, English in all its branches ; Music Sing-

ing, Arithmetic, Plain and Ornamental Needlework.Terms known on application to

(flO-tf) Miss O'ilARA, Principal, 51 Kinc-atroot,


SS-N0. 18, HENRIETTA STREET.Terms, on application. • ¦ fd4-3m]



hor Rosidcncc, No. 17 LOMBARD STREET, or wouldattend Pupils at their residences if required.

A SCHOOL for JUVENILES has been OPENEDat tbo nbove address, at tho request of muny citixona

9* Terms, ou application . (ol-5t)


ing in the immediate vicinity of Stephen'sGreon, aud a Professor in Several Colleges of thoCity, will RECEIVE a* BOARDERS Young Oontlc-men from the Country, and, if requirod SUPERIN-TEND their STUDIES. Evening Classes, meetingin the house, free to Boarders.

Terms for Board and Ijodging, inclusivo of Educa-tion Fees, in tho caao of sotno (joliogos ami Schools.

nighest references.Apply to " XX," Office of tbi3 Paper. (It.)







"1)IOG to acquaint Uicir Cu6tomcrs and- thu Public that owiug to tho late-ness uf tlio ISuabun,



Considerably under Value !

$4f* Aud offer tho Bamo advantago in alldepartments of their business.



T H E G R S A T A D V J . N C B J XD R A P E R Y n o o n s . .

M. B O L G E R ,DKSIRES to Inform tho Public that ho

has been successful in securingttcvoral Choap Lots of


Aud invites the attention of Purchasers toIMS I.AKI IK STCXJK OF




Having purchased very extensively of thuabove, tho wbolu shall be oQ'ercd

AT V E R Y L OW P R I C E S ,la order to lighten tho Stock. ¦

The Uesiduo of the Summer .Stock at T)uoJtalf tho Usual Prices.

M . 15 O L (i E 11 ,7fi , yf.iy, WATEiU-QRl) .

August l'.itli , 1S71.

Alliance Life and Fire AssuranceC O M P A N Y ' ,



Sir MUSKS SIOXTKFIOIIK , Bart., F.R.S.Ij j" Prospectuses , ltiito of Assurance aud ovci>

information may be had ofiliu RICHARD 1LARR1S , A«eut,

Stock and Sharebrokor, 15 Qni'i-ii-sl.,.W«U:i ford.H A l i l N K A t H S U I l A N C K . '

Cargoes , jier Steamer and Sailing Vessel , to anyPint iu tho Irish, Bristol , and Em;Iish ChannelsInsured ou very ModcruUi Terms, as well ait all Sourisks. War riiikn taken. •' (tf)

PROVIDENT CI.KKKS ".Mutual Life Assurance Association.

EsTAiiusimi 18 IO—TKLSTKK S :¦I'limim* Iliirilii!. K *i., M .I' . I Tbnmwm IIiinki'TJ K>i|.K.tW. l.'raii f..nl , Kw]., M.I' . | Harnn I . X. Ilotiubil.l,M.I'.

Assurances of every description effected" daily.


Btreet, City, K.C., London.—Tho nbovo Association isspecially authorised by Act of 'Parliament aud thocertificate of 11.M. Treasury to Icsuo GL'AUA N TRKS lorall departments of tho Government sorviee. FidolityGuarantees issued for situations of trust ou moderatetcrmB. WM. THOS. L1NFORD, Secretary.

Aj ent/ or M 'uttrford—PATRICK POWER, -1 LittleGoorgo'8 street. ; [j'j^B-ly

HOLU:ITA V'S PILLS.—Tho Greatest Wonder ofUnleru Timif.—Tlicj wirrect hilinwiBar, preTi'Dt tintnlcno/,elentiM tlio liver, uiltC purify tliosyittcmf rcnorAtetliciIubilitAted,ttn^isUH'Q tbc ntmnuth, luvrtrase thu illipctiUf , iuri iiratu'r>iuncrvM, pnimote IHIIIIU, an* reinstate tun wodk iu nu nrrinuraud virtKitf ntrcr Mtirv pipcrlruccd. TLu wilo uf tl. tmolMLitlironKbout tU« «lol>u tmtonUbei t vcrjboiW voli^uinc-' 'if invit•ocptioa Uutt HiJloii^T:f,till« tr»Bloe|i/J All utbcr^iMioiucifurirciiirii «.Ti?Wa«c ul eietj ' nuA&^TaWlnhdkirH U-.<»M totbo nflln ti J , and n I KKIII tu tinw who miffer (mm nu/ uiwnlcr,iutrrnal ur ritcronl. Tbuutauui (if ptreom bM.ru tiaitiawl thatbj tlicir IIM' IUODC tlicr have heen restored to health tJUt alluthcr remedies ux4 proved uwuaensf ul.

subjoctal : ." ~ */ K' - ' "•' Ks 'or -•'¦: : ¦ ' -* -\. \ •English and C?,™ .ciol, Uathomatios, Claaflies, A __ m „ ,, T

_ - - - - WATSEFORD.Modern Language"v.a Irish s Logic,and Mstophy. A U T UJ l I . N G O O D S . ...Tho NIGHT CH!«S, in. which, instruction* oaa-.bo.ro.

eoived in all tho iubjocts, oxcopt Logio and. llota-pbf sici, commencos each night at Eight o'Clock. Thefeo for thia Cla.- ,a h O.VE POUND- per Quarter, INADVANCE.

For'Tormi, io*., for other CiaVso's, apply'to ' "'"'(a8) • SiTEPUEN P. O'BRIHN, Prinoipal.


WILLIAM • YOUNGER & CO. :invito particular attention to. their

LIGHT DINNER ALE ,NOW sp much sought for id tlio London Hafkots.

It does not contain high alcoholic properties ,but is woll flavoured, aud possesses many invigoratingqualities, resembling Champagno Wines.

HI/DK., Ws. ; BRLS., 36.s.; HALT BBLS., 18S., 'to bo had in Wood, Bottle, or Jars, f rom tho STORES,


CARRICK-ON-SUIR UNION."\T0TICE.—The Board of Guardians of tho abovoi l Union, will , ou SATURDAY, 2Srd Soptombornext, entertain propoaals .for.Supplying tho Work-houso and Fcvor Hospital, with tho folloyrijig Artiolosfor b' months, from tbo 2Utb of Soptoinbor 1S71: . .

Best Whito Bread por lib.; Brown Bread per 41b.Supcrfino Flour per Sack ; Indian Meal por Sack.;Oatmeal por Cwt. ; Skimmed Milk por Imp. Gallon,for 3 or 6 months; Stono Cools por Ton ; Boof, primeCuts & Soup Pieces per lb. j Mutton per lb.; Toa, perlb. : Soft Bucar por lb. j Loaf-Sugar-pcr-lb.: BostGround Pepper per lb. ; Whiskoy per Imp.' Gallon outof Bonded Stores, and not loss than 15 degrees 0. P.;Port Wine por Bottle ; llarsella Wino par Bottlo ;Double X Alo por Cask of 120 Pints ; Starch per llj. jWashing Soda per lb.; Salt per Owt. ; Soap (Yellowand Brown) per Cwt. ; Mould Candlos por lb. j BestDipt Candlos por lb.; Sweeping Brashes por doz.;Blacklcad. Brushes per doz.; Whitewash Brushes do.;Racks and Combs per doz. ; Blackload per lb.; Block-ing Twine per lb. ; Bass Brooms per dozen ; Advertis-ing, per Aovortisement or for half-year ; Coffins porfoot, in throo sizes, Boards to bo ono iuch thick andPainted. Printed particulars on application.

Tenders indorsed tenders for .No.—as tho casomay bu, and in tho form prcscribod by tho Poor LawCommiisioucrs,) containing tho tuunos of two solventsureties willing to join tlio applicant in a bond fortho dno porformanco of tho Contract, will bo receivedby mo, up to 12 o'Clock, on tho above-named day.

(By Order) J. MULLINS, Clerk.Soptombor 2nd, 1B71. [s8-2t


WORKHOUSE SUPPLIES WANTED.r|">UE Board of Guardians of this union will, at theirA Meeting to bo held on THURSDAY, the 21stSeptember, 1871, consider TENDERS for SUPPLY-ING the WORKHOUSE, frco of cipenso for delivery,with PROVISIONS, CLOTHING , aud ESTABLISU-JIENT SUNDRIES, from the -J'.ttli September, Io71,to thc 2oth. March, 1872, at such times and in suchquantities as may be rocmircd.

Printou Lista of tho Atticles may bo had on appli-cation.

Parties tendoriDgaro roquirod to havo their Samplesin Scaled Parcels, each Article tu have a label statingthu prico of such Article, also a private mark, whichmust Tic folded iu and sealed up, and a similar privatemark in the iusido of tho Soalcd Tender.

Tenders, addressed to " The Chairman of thy liuardof Guardians," and • endorsed " Tcudor for " (astho case may be), with Samples, und setting forth thunamca of two Solvent Sureties willing to joiu thuparty contracting iu a houd for tho duo pcrlormauccof the Contract, will bo received by mo up to FotKo'Clock p.m., ou WUII .NESIM Y, the 20lh September.

liy oidcr ot tho Hoard,JOHN If . BOYLE, Clerk of Union.

Board Room. Oth tiopt., 1S71. s«-2t


Notice that Bate Books are Open for Inspec-tion of Ratepayers.

-l^rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Rates, as

JAI lioreinuudor mentioned, aro about to bo madoou the . Property situated in. tho undermentionedElectoral Divisions of tho above-named Union, rats-able under the Provisions of tho Acts for tho Reliefof tho Destitute Poor in Iroland, namely:—

Electoral Division of Ardmore, a rntcof 1B 2J in tbo Pound.Electorul Division of iialljuiacjrt, a rate ol lid iu the

Pound.Electoral Division of Jiohadoon, a rate of Is 6d in the

Pound.Electoral Division of Cuppagli , a ratoof Is Id in the Pound.Electoral Diviaiou ot Cmigleu, a rate of lid in the Pound.Electoral DivUiou ol Cloncn, a rale of Is U in the Pound.Electoral Din'sion of Colligao, a rate of I* in tlio Pound.Kli'cloial Divuiou ot Cuumaragliu , a rate of Oil iu the

Pound.Electoral Division of Dromana, a rate of It 3d in tlie

Pound.Electoral Division of Uromorc. a r.itc of Is in tlie Pound.Electoral Eiiisiou of Uungaiva n , a rats ol -U Oil iu the

Pound.Kltctmal Division of Kereco. a rate of Is in the Pound.Electoral Division of Knockaaubrandiiun , a rale of Is *d

in tlie Pound.Electoral Division of Moileligo, a rato of Is 3d in the

PouHil.Electoral Division of Mountstuart , a rate of Is Id iu the

Pound.Electoral Division of Ring?ille , a rate of Is Sd in the

Pound.Electoral Division '.or Scslunane, a rate of It "i in the

Pound ,Electoral Division of Whitechorcb , a rate of Is OJ in the

Pound.The Hate Books aro deposited for tho inspection of

any ratepayer at tho board-room'of tho workhouse,and will bo there opcu for such iuspeotioa, bcttroonthe honrs of ton o'clock in tho forenoon and four intbo afternoon, during tbo fourtoon days next ensuingtbo ilato hereof, cxcluBiro of Sundays.

Signed thia 5th daj of Soptember, 1871.(2t.) JOHN i\ BOYLE, Clork of Union..



Union will , at their Mooting to bo held onSATURDAY,'tho 23rd. September,: 1871, proceed toELECT ft person properly qualified W fill the Situationof SCHOOLMASTER to Now Rosa Workhouse, at aSALAUY of £33 por Annum,, with Rations andApartments. • ¦

Tho Board will rcquiro from tho.Candidates, whomay offer for tUo. aboro Situation, Testimonials show-iug that they nro cither first or Second Class Touchijrsunder the National Board of Education, and who arootherwise woll qualified and competeut to fill thcOffice.

Sealed Applications, addressed to the'Chairman,with Testimonials 9.1 to compotency and character, tobo lodged in tho Tondcr'-Box at tho Entrance Hall oftho Workhouse, up to TWELVE o'Clock noon on theabove date. Candidates' personal attendance- indis-pensable. ¦ % order,

GIFr'ORD CARH , Clerk of tho Union.Board Room, :toth August, 1871. [sS-2t


thu 2'Jnd Inst, I will , up to Kloven o'Clock,a.m., rcccivo Proposals, wliich will bo connidorcd bytho Board on tho Bnmo day, for Supplying tho Work-hnuao with BREAD , 'MKAT, and Other RCTjuisitcs,for Periods of Six and Twelvo Mouths, as spooilicd !nHand Bills , which , Uigother with Tondor Forma, maybo had at my-Office.—By-Onler,

. , . .. , JOHN. F. MAC CARTAN.Sept.1 !llh', -1871- '' ' '' ' ' [It.]


f V \ l K BOARD OF GUARDIANS of tho abovoJL Union will , up to Twelve o'Clock on" THURS-

DAY, thu 2lst 'SEl'l'EnlBER, lust., receivo Tendonfor tlio usual Quurterly aud Half-yearly WOHK-HOUSE SUPPLIES, from. Si'Jth SEPTEMBER.

form of Tender, with Handbills, giving particularsof the Matters to bo Contracted for, can bo luid onApplication to me-By Order, ;

M. MAUER , Clerk of Union.Callan, Sept. 7th ,'1871. ' [It.]

GAME NOTICE.T'lIE GAME on tho following LANDS aro t trictly1 preaaiived,' and any Persons found Tros] asaiug

thereon will be Prosecuted :—OurtoonB, Rathpltriok,Lulhny, Trcoaai-oe, ' Airnionnt, Nicbolostown Char-loKtown, llallinoroa, Slieveroe, Ballinlaw, Ballyvar-ring, and Ballyroogh. • ' [It]

Sentcmber 14, 1871.


ANOltA , tho Estate of Mr. Coxy, Sitnata in theBarony of Ida, nnd County of Kilkenny, are Preserved.Any J'ofgons found thereon with .' Dog or Grin, afterthia Notibe, will be ooniidored TriupuaW, and dealtwith accordingly. , ' •' • ¦ ' ! ¦

1 •Mr«ntHo, -Septomber) l«71. • • ' [«.15.3t]¦¦: ••• ¦- ••iWANTED,' " • • ' • ' • ' ¦ '•


L1NERY and DRESSMAKING, at the houseof lira. BBOIUEBS, 118 Quay. [al7.tf

WALTER O^ONNELL &. COARE now Showing thoir recent


AUTUMN GOODS,which inclndo


Special attention is called to tbo


Which for Variety of Stook,

And Taste iu Solectiou,

Will be found unique.

We noto a few of the leading Dress Material* :









Novelties in FELT aud STRAW HATS,




Every variety of TRIMMINGS ,D I M M U Y GOODti ,



300 PAIRS OF BLANKETS,oocurcd at



Under tlio present officient management,is giving very general satisfaction.

Our 13s. and TIIKEE (SI'I .VKA SLITS

arc largely patronised.We aro showing an immense variety


WALTER O'DONNELL & CO.,¦47, 50, & 51, Quay, IVatorford

(Opposite the Market House).


T H A N K S .THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS gratefully thank

the following Friends who, in response to . thoAppeal made to them by the Committee of Ex.pnpils,for Funds to pay the debt incurred by tho pnrchasoof tho Field next tho Mount Sion Garden, nave sentin tho subjoined Sums :—Patrick Keily and Sons,George's.strect, £1 ; Pat. Sheridan; John-street, £1:MiBa Ellen Kelly, Square, £1 ; Wm.[Pownej,.7nlgaa-strcot, £l ' ;' A Friend, per )Vm7T5ownoY. £1J Ml.Dobbjn, Thomas-strcet, £1; P. D.' WaTauTSeresford'-stroet, £1 • John Stafford, George's-strcpt, £1; Jos.Fitzgerald, Michaototreot, 10s. '; Key. F. Bfaeehy,Manor, 10J ; Ed. Duggan, Ballybricken, 10s.; Fourlittle boys, sons of Mr. Whitty, Georgo's-street, 10». ;Nicholas Watteri), Stophen-Btreet, 10s. ; DaTid Gilli-gan, Francis.Streot, 10*. ; Walter Hartry, Kilbar.7,10s. i Mrs. O'Dwycr, Bridge-strect, 10a. ; John Fitz-gerald, Blake's-lane, Ss.rpHE SISTERS of tho GOOD SHEPHERD mostA gratefnlly Acknowledge haying roceivod £2«i

from a Friend, in aid of their Institution. .


THK REV. ROGER POWER, P.P., tbaekfiallTacknowledge! to haTO received on the occasion

of the lato Bazaar, or during tho past year, the follow-ing Donations for tho New Cburoh of Kill .—Patrick M. l'owsr, Esq., J.P.,Woodlands, por '

N. P. O'Sheo, E«q., D;L. ... ... £5 0 0Rer. John Power, Old Cotes, Notts ... 5 0 0Rev. Edmonc? Mooney, CO., Modeligo ... 4 0 0Sir John Ksmonde, Bart;, M:V. ¦... ..'. 'A 0- 0Very Rev. John Power, P.P., Clomnel ... 3 0 0Rov. Matthew P. O'Brien, Philadelphia, U.S. 3 0 0R«T. Dr. Kyan, Adm., Trinity Within ... 0 0Mrs. aud tho Misses Coghlkn, Kilmaothomts 2 0 0Her. Maurioo Mooney, P.P., Cnhir ... :2 0 l>

£1 each from Count do la Poor, "M.P., Vory Rev.Dr. Flynn, V.G., P. W. Power, Esq., J.P., Pembrokos-town ; ROT. Win. Walub, Clonmel ; Muia Anderton,Lytham ; Ror. Thoa. Hannigan, G.C., Gaomonsheld ;Roy. K. Foran.C.C, Dungarvan j Mr. Michael Kcirsoy,Tho Mill , Kilmacthomoa; W. F. H. Bosanquet, J.P.,Knockane, Portlaw ; llor. P. F. Flynn, O.C, SS. Peterand Paul's, Clonraol ; Mr. Patriok Power, Kilbride ;Miss Power, do. ; Miss Uiggins, Abboyside 1 Mr. D.Hickoy, Stonebousei Mrs. Kirwan, Uillsbrook ; Rev.Patrick Power, P.P., Cappoquiu ; Rov. P. Spratt, C.C,do. j Kov. John Walsh, C.C., Ballylooby ; Bar. PatrickPower, Fliut; ROT. Patrick Donovan, Livorpool; Rev.W«. Bnrke, CO., Ballyporeeo ; 4Ir. Thomas Raher,Ballybrogan ; Mr. P. Bnrko, Ashtown ; Mr. MylesWalsh, Kilraaethomas; Mr. Lanronco'Casey, Park ;Mr. Robort Mooney, Lissahano ; Rev Jrohu Casey, P.P,KilroBBOnty ; Ruv. John Shanahan, C.C., do. ; Mr,Thomas Power, Shanaoluno; Rer. E. Rowan, Glcnda-longh ; Mrs. Martin Hickcy, .Looghdabeon ; Mrs.Ronavno. Claabmore : a few American friends.

JJort llclufi—DosageA R R I V E D .

11th—rcmhroc, Unuooru, ult j Sanil»,«, Gl«»gtnv, «c; AlliimiLivurpoiil, t*o»dn ; Urbu, Cardiff, ditto ; MaiB*rct* Pt»rthc*wlcuila : .Ucx.l.i. Cunliff , conls ; .Cu«u, CirJIff, dlttn ; Catbi'rim'Ciinliff, <litt<.; SlarT Jnno^ Cardiff, Clictlcpohit, c«»L( ; LnchIKVMI , OIIIVM, whiiit j Molina, Porthoawl, cooln 1 CunillW, PUvprimo), g c. . ¦

12th-- JJulilaiff , «. Hilforu, WBtoHiwd, « c ; Mewtngvr, CarilitT, CIMUJI ; FHTuera, SW&UWA, RUSI, COAU.

l:ltb—WKUT lily. Cunliff, co.da ; Jowpli an4 Slur;, ScwpnrtPruiemx, LlvcrpiiuL ditto.

14tli—Ugiuoro, Pvrthu\wl, anxl *: WcTrcrn, IMcjw; uiaiicJ. M. Tcrniui', Kuwport, ouaU ; OinBV, •, Llr^rpool, (j c j Orlnuilo, SwaiiMS, RMEI, oialit ; Gn-at Wettcrn, f, >Ul/onl, K .'.Ottotie, tiuliuA, maizo; Nun, *, Landon, g 0. . * ' J

15tii—Timolentc , Hn"na, uinizc ; TIoHift; KIcbolicff, 'wlirntVulimUvrn, Lyouoj, oualjt ; Non, Lontlua, to c ; Lncj, Miirinnnnli', wlient ; Oriental, Cardiff, conU ; KluluUv,!, GUnguw g-cilsUVoff, », Miltonl, u c. • • • ' •

Barottc off thunnorc.S A I L ED .

11th—South of Ircliuid, «, HUfnrd, g o ; Edlp«e, Soithlimli-tou, onto ; hotic, Hwiuis«a, bolla«t ; Emma, Brutal, lc«; LilyR«<>, Unrmw, bnUwt ; Allot EKwior.'KUmora; Lunelly, btt-U»t 1 Agnix, Cork, Btrmr, pitwood. • : I I

12tb—A 6troo*r. Canl'l Fbtlp, ballut 1 Ramla, », OlMgtm,SUTUUB E 01 Orut Wutcra, 1, MU'oTd, ream, g c ; Lara, »,Bri'tol, CoSer, jr c. ' ' - . •

liith--Camilla, ", Liverpool, O'DonaM, | t ; Cnmbrau, >,GlAAfrow, g. o; H< lBkoff, (i, lliHord, g Q.'- ¦ ;

14th—8kcr, Kewport, Liverpool, ooa"« 1 Temprit, Barmw,ba'lut ; Diiniteh, Dnnnu, wheat jlUloolm, Ntath, bJlait;South of Irtlaad, •, Ml'?ord, g c. . .

15th—Jarcros •, BrutoL

WATBEPORDIltPOETS OP FOREIGN GRAIN.Marr, Btnu , Mariannpb', 2900 quarter, wheat, Cole and

Prouor. Loch LeHni, JloDonald, M«Ma, 3000 qtmtitn wheat.Whits Brother! and Co. Raaio, Canfiani, Tat'aaroK, 2217qnartcn wheat, T. C. Eponoer. - Wjrtrn, I, Pottujgcr. (Meua,SKO qunrten malu, White BtrthentaA Co. Apolt, Aiolwne!Nkholeilt, 3100 qaartvr« wheat, Orobb Brotheri. Ottine,RoreUa, SallnL «» quartrmnate, B. HirrW. " • • '

The Marchioness of Ormonde, vrith the ladiesMary and Blanche Sutler, b»VB arrived at KUIuaoj Cwtlc,from England,

TTTB "bog" to"annonnc«


from L0ND0~N and tho

Manufacturing Distriota

of Engtand and Scotland

His PURCH ASES, which are

now Disi'LAVEU in our


aro well worthy of an


We are, respectfully,



THE AUGUSTINIAN F A T HE R S gratefullyacknowledge to have received the following

Subscriptions towards tho Erection of thoir NEWCONVENT :—John R. Dower, J.P., ... ... £ 20 0 0Mra.Elkm Forrista! (lit Instilniont ) ... 10 0 0K«v. F«lh«t A nderjon, O.SA., ... ... 10 0 0Very R«v. W. O'Sallivan, O.8.A., ... 10 0 0Tlionias WMiams, ... ... ... 8 0 0A Very Rov. Father O.S.A., ... ... 5 0 0V«ry Rev. P. Horan, O.S.A, ... ... 5 0 0B. R. Kennedy Manager Nutioual Bauk ... 5 0 0John Williams ... ... ... 5 0 0Mr. Poley ... ... ... 6 0 0MimKata Hearn ... ... ... o 0 0M.A.Anthony ... ... ... 3 0 0Thomas McCarthy ... ... ... 3 0 0tl its Anne Carberrj ... ... ... 3 0 0Richard Phelau ... ... ... a 0 0William Ryan ... ... ... a 0 0Captain Gibboos ... ... ... 3 0 0Patrick Fljnn ... ... ... a ° "Henry Anthony, M.D., ... ... 2 U 0Mm. Olden ... ... ... 2 0 0P. Power " ... ... ... -' 0 0Mrs. Whelan, Abb«y»ida ... ... 2 0 0Deni. McCarthy ... ... ... a 0 0Mrs. M.bony ... ... ... 2 0 0Captain Curran ... . ... ... 1 W JJJobu Boyle ... ... ... 1 10 0James Wall , .. ... ... 1 10 0

£1 Eicn—1'raucij SheMiau , Mauaitr MunaterB»nlc, Mi&.iAatbony, Mrti. Iiiicn, iliss B. W«Ub , A Good Friend, J.Christopher, J. Lyncb, Dr. McGratb, R. Keily, J. Wall, M.Keane, B. Dwyar, K. Brennan, P. W. Fiiigerald, MauricoHackett, R. Keily, Quay ; P. Heafy John Morrissey, Bal-lyneety ; Captain Carroll, Black pool ; T. Hearty, P: W«I» BJ. White, A Lndy Friend, P. Flood, (l«t instalment) ;Mr. Whclan , Quay ; Mr. Kaianagh , M anrico FljDD , J.Hannigao, J. Najlo, CapUin Kirby, jnn.; :Anonymon« ,E. Foley, E. Kenuefick , Mis» Higgins, Abbeyaide ; JUuricolliggins,A Uentlaman of the Town : A FaithfnlUenefactor ;Vcrv Kcv. Dr. Cleary, St. John's College, Watetford ; VeryKev. J. Colcman, O.3.A., Drogheda ; lt«. W. O'Byrne,O.S.I., do. ; Dr. Flvnn , Mr. Ljnin, Mr. Wbitr , llaiu-*t. ;.{nhn Itktes.

10J EACH.—T. Scanloo, P. O'Brien, A Benefactor , AliceWalib , Hiss O'Keeffe, John Balgei , Dublin ; Mr. Sheehan,Main-acreet ; John ScaulOD , Mr. Hearue, Blackpool ; Mr.Morriaaey, Mrs. Hcarn, Ardmore ; Miss UUnville, Joseph.Meany, William Walsh, Square ; Miss Mahoay, Willi am .street ; Mrs. UibboiH, South Terraco ; Mr. Shine, Masterof Union ; Misa Byrne, William-street ; K. Morrisscy, AWillow's Mite , John Butler, Coptain Carroll, Buttery ;P. Flynn , M. Power.

7s. 6d. EACH.—Mrs. O'Callagban, Mr. Carbeiry, Mr.Draper.

6i. EACH.—Mta. Nugent, Mrs. M aloncy, Michael Wall ,Matgatet Doyla, Mrs. Connors, If . J. O'Brien, L. M'Gratli,W. Dee, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Griffin , Miss Mnry Cofiey,Mra. Kelly, Mr«. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Higgina, T. Suck, MM.O'Brien, Mr. Orr, N. Power, Mr. Mulcaby, Mrs. Boyle, J.Crotty, J. Connucs, Mr. U'Neill , lire. Keane, Lionelbm/tb, Mri. Loaergan, Jobn WaUb, D. Sbea, J. Hallr,E. WaUb, T. Dower, Jobu McCarthy, Mr. Dganeby, Mr.Casey, Ur. Healy, T. Mulcahy, Jobn Smtllmao , Mra.Jobauua Flyua , Hits Gat In, J. Fitzgerald, Mr. Kirhey,sen. ; Mr. Hacltett, Mra. Hegarty, MUs Quary, M. Leabv,W. Hearn, M. Mulcahy, R. Longan, Mra. Daniel, A Gentle-man, Tip., Jobn Honey, J. Murray, T. Dee, P. Hearn.

4a. ASD UNDER.— Mrs. Cullinun, Mrs. Condon and D.Condon ; Johanna, Curran, Brid get Qainlan, Mary O'Brieo ,Thomas Connor*, Patrick Scanlon, James Curran, JaraeiQually, Mrs, Blote, Wo. Hayes. Ann Harney, MichaelWiUh, Jobn McCarthy, Mrs. Salcaoo, ili« O'Doonell,Kate- ltoar.be, Mrs. O'Gradv, Mra. Power, Ellen Cnrran ,Mra. Maria WaUb , Uits Kinaaly, Matthew Walsb, P. Wbe-lin , Mr. Pender, P. Mulcalij , juliu Sliea, Sergeant Shee-bau, Thomas Maion, James Lyucu, Maurice Quan, Mrs.Ducy, Mra. Monabaa, John Troy, Mary Roach, CorneliuaM abau, John Coleman, Ellen Hayes, E. Hickey, Mrs,Curran, Mr. Wlliamaon, Miss Manbficld , Martin Doheny,K. Vtale, Mar/ Biyn, E. Power, Mary X»ih/, Mra. Buck.J ames McDonnell , Thomas Veal, Mrs. Hally, Mrs. Heffer-uan, Mn. Uarty u, Patrick Mamball , Mra. Meriik , Mn.Foley, Margaret Leoihan, Jobn Byrne, Richard Power,James O'Donnell , M ary Hennessy, Jane Walsb, Mrs. M.Sullivan, Mr. Foley, Mr. J . D onegan, Ellen Fitzgerald, P.Onndoa. Mrs. Moran. James Moran. James FlaniiaD.Thomas Wall , Catheiiue Duggan, Tbooaa Foiey, AnneNerillf, Catberiue Fitzgerald, Mary Fitiferald, JohnKeane, M. Power, Mary Walsb , Michael Farrell, CatherineDaly, Win. Ryan, Miu Wade, Mra. Flanigao, Auu Qibboni,Robert Tomlinuu, A Good Uirl, Michael U'Meara, Wm.Power, Mr. Hackttt, Tim McCarthy, Catberiue Walsb ,Jobn O'Farrell, Mra. Hanoa Foley, Mra. Gleeaon, A friend,Uaptam Gibbons, Patrick O'Donnell , Patrick Cormiclc,Thomas b'olund, Mrs. 11 array, Mrs. Nugent, Visitors,.IJ icuael .Morn.soy, Jobaoiu Christopher, Mn. Uigg ins, P.Power, Wm. Fleming, Autj Druen, Matbew Wbelto , Mra.Scott, Mrs. Morgan , Mr*. Oakley, John Kyan, Mrs. Sco:i-Ion, Wm. O'Meiua, Airs. Mulcabj.Slra. Cleary, Anonymous,Mra. Douellao, Mr. Madden, Wm. Foley, Jobn Hourko,Mra. Hamillou, Mil. Slatlery, I'. Conroy, Mn. Veale, MwvDonovan, ,Johanna ilsarn, Mary Meebtn, M. Power, !'.Nogent, Kate UcQratb , Mis. SUtterj, Nota Dower, Mn.CVtby, ¦ Kute Curiatopbtr, P. Byrue, Mix Casoy, MiaaCorbel!, Mrs. Kyan, Mrs. U'K«fl"o, Maty Wbclan, 11.W aUb, A Friend, Mary Fitzgerald, Mn. Power, Mia.Kellv. M. Morriuuy, Anae Pow«r.

Uivthf i, ittatnaftes> * Scatlt^^j intuuncnunUef Birlht, i lvriaguf Dtal ll t, I». tech —prepaid

B I R T H S .On tlio Lli inat., at LunpiviMc, Yoiishal, tho W'ifu <¦( D«»:d

RnsB, Kw)., lnspcvtxr uf the ProTinruU ltank o£ Irelitml, <•' '»^n.• At Pcffaboro' Tippcm.y, tile wifij vl WP'inui Wliit*-, I><1-,

At Lotamorp, (,'ork , tin- v 'fe of C. .T.Suirnii'. nf nnin.Mctitemb.r IU, »t )>ri4-u lluusr, Kilkinnv , wife of WillLiin

Hayui-n, E«i , of * <l«ni[lit< r.September 8, ut Ath[;nn*an Lottie, cmuitv Kildare, tlie TV\1Q

of Col. Ponlitt, R. li. SSntuvrai't, (T.I!., of a diuicuu-r.At Bath, the wifv of C»J>tuiii R. W. ruippn, Boynl Artilltrv,

of a son.On the 6th nut., at Kunifi, tU« »^o of Tliomoo (irecms B»|.,

J.P., ot a aon.On tlie 3rd in.'t., lit Cvtlc-strcct, Scnngh, the wlFc nf Mr,

JameAM'Cutchi-OD . mertliant, of a dancliUT,8clit.. 3, Fiu^ajrv Kaat, the wifo of Willinru E. Jones, of n itou.

M A R R I A G E S .Jillm WatUrrf, Kru., cl<!rst twin of the lute Low-is Wjltter*,

Em., anil m-phow.,( o'Callahiin Rynn, Knq., Uriah, Tliurl.^,to Nannie, MCOMU iliiu^btcr of Froocu Reynold *, Kt , Pkinulp,Kilkcnuv.

tk']iteuiU'r 10, iit Rt. Mary'* CtttUL-.lr.il, Klllwnnjr, Ur. J.>M-pliSomrrs, Kin^tnvt, to .Ui*» Kllcn O'Brien, Janic'a.ntrot.

D E A T H SSeptt-uihiT il, ut Park, Carrick-on-Suir, Mary Anuc Walsh,

the bcliiviil ilanchter uf Da«id Walili , GHI .— R.I.I'.S pU.-ruh«.-r 7, nt CiiBv*i:mngv. cnunty Kilkruoj, np ril 3 *) jeur*,

Fmnco!" Mury, UUIUTUI wife of Juhn Marphy.' S>pt«iiihcr 11, at the Convent of Mercy, Bareot-Ktm't. Doh-

lin, Eliz.1, in reltjylnn* SbdAr Mftrv Paul, rlAngbttr of tlit- lut*;Pnti 'ck Mackcn, of that city, . fay nhe rw»t in pence.

At Poonak , Unmuoy, Ktlialiud Coriiliue Morton, t-lillil i.f<ft-onn: anil Annie Wilding Wood, will fframUlniih'lit4T of tholata lU-v. Jtiuics Mortnn, uf Little Island, Clouuicl , n%<s\ i-levmniouths.

Ou tlio lntli.in«L, at 29, Ca»tU-wood-aveuue. IL-ltUmini-?, Dull-lin, Tlinmiw Hii|:hi*, Mi-it MM of Tliorurut Huirliw, Kiu \., for-nu-rly uf Cli.nmi-1. ii«(<l 50 years.

At UandoH I>«\cc , Thurk«, Unthcriiu-, ttiu U-loviil .l-iuirlit.Tnt Hiebanl Prulidcrun&t, F*<q.

At tho Abboy CottA r, CWiir, Jaun Marr, thu l«.lor«l wifeol Sir. J<.Un M. liinn-n. ajtol W years. ' '

(Iu the lfitli iu«t., nfttT » liiifctrintr Hlnc tr, N»nr :a Tervum,themuinhlu dmi^htcr of Kdwnn\ Corbctt, Krq., (ivoTxoi.atn-t-t,HuioniV. -. ¦ ¦

.On tlic Uth Inst., at LowtT Hart»tronjv.irtrcet, LlmcricW,

Richard, Mn of Mr. Mlcbnd M'Donnrll, a>.-ed 12 years.On Oth iust., at tho Alihey Scliool. Tipptrary, John La Touchc

Hituic, fecoud son of J. Hnmo Mayaton, KMI ., Agent, Dank ofInland, CiJUu, aval 18 years. '

On Uie lali uut., Etta Peyton, wifo of Ctptaia Sfannadl,Roynl County Limerick Regiment, late of the 85th UfihtInfoiitir. ' : . . . . » '

LOCAL RAILWAY TRAFFIC,For the Week ending Friday, September 8, 1871.

~" " Wat^rfoTd erickXUsertoktWaterrdiKinicnny! and . and . «nd ., «od : *nj JnMhon• Limerick, Foynoa SnnU Jtennv (3L BmhrnyI 17TS?S 'alv mnea'WI mile.; .mllca ]28J milea[ open): I open.' ¦ open. |' open open:

j Jt a. dJ* a. A. B , t. i.'£ •• d -j; a. ,1.

'raSTtaJ 030 12 »|l«» » - Ifig-lS Jois U oi'f f l i t 1!(iooda,0»«le l2I9 H iof « ° »°& <X> °216 19 "; 63 u 4

Total «.!215O 6' 3IW U S WO 00 0»l 10 *jl81 0 3

SodTlaaty ilHB 8 «jaa Vg|0W 00. 0^O » ?'l72 10 9

C»t!£tTt.- On ¦.Thnradaj'':morning, Mr. Ifert,

'•nobiriaker, Laay-I»aei,fotind » number of his pigeonsly ing killed in his y«rd, from some sharp instrumentbeing driven into their backs. > one but abrate wouldperpetrate each an sot.

®&tt*rfbtfr i&trtttteWalerford , September 15th, 1871.

Weather fine through the week. Supply ot fanners' grain toa moderate, extent of Wheat and Oata, light of Barley. De-mand good, at an adu&nce of 6d. to la. on Wheat, and 24. onOata. Brioo of Barley not scttlod.

FOREIGN WHEAT-Salcs amaU, at the advanco of butweek.

. INDIAN COBS—A good oonnimpli— damaad, at the pricesot Uustireek.

FLOOR—Millers look for an advance, which checks Bales.



WHEAT, per barrel of 2801bs. a. d. . a. *. a. «. .. d.— ^Vllitc- - - - 0 0 6 t o 0 0 030 6 t o 31 0— Rod - - - - 00 0 00 029 0 .ifl ;i— Shippiig d* - - 00 0 IM 000 0 ("J O

BARLEY, per barrel or 22Hbs.— Griodinif - - - 00 0 00 013 6 11 i,

Malting - - - w II ou 015 fi K oOATS, per h.irrtl of 1-Uilte.

Illa>.-k- - . - . 0(1 n vl) O I I C ]l a— Whit., . . -i 1X1 0 (XI 001) 0 IJII 0— (Irry . . -I Oil 0 01) 000 U l» I)

FLOUn, ]x!r*.ic)c, of awlb-. i |— Supcrfincs - - -! Cxi 0 00 0 41 0 12 0— Inferiors - - -i 00 u 00 0125 0 :is 0

OATMEAL, per .Sack - -; 00 0 00 000 0 00 0BRAN", per barralofSllbs. - , (I 11 00 0! 0 0 00 0

FOREIfiK. Fmr.WlfEAT, p«-r bwrd of 2S011,«. s." d i. tl

— Aaoriean. Sprinifaii 'l Winter - -00 0 to 00 0— Miiriauopli: :!1 0 ;ll <i— Bi.'nluMi4ri :n 0 :!1 ii— (ihirka, Tatranrnj;, aoil (hl sa - - '2A I* :tl 0— Ilirail 011 u i>) 0

I N D I A N CORN , Yel low, CM.-jsa ami Calati 19 '"• -'0 8— Ilmiil anil Koionian - - - III •! \'* li

— — American, . . . -;ou 11 iiO 0— — French ami American Whi te • i^i " '"i 0~ ~ Egyptian - . . -no 11 fju 0— — Dam:igctl - . - -iio Ii On 0

FLOUK, American, per harral of 19fill, «. . -< M <I 0<I 0— Frcucli, pcrs.ict, of 2S01)jf. . . .!flO I) in 0

ISDIAS MEJVL, American, per barrel of lOOlbs .Ion 0 0>j 0_ _ ( Homo .ttanufactnrc, par 1 L. K ... ,.

I sack, of 28011M.- if 20 6 J1 ''

fmports f r Evporlsj or Week ending Thursday, l l l h inst-IMPORTS. EXPORTS.

Wheat - 10008 yuartere. Wheat - 13» B.trn-la.Indian Corn 10200 ilo. ,Oat« - - StW rloDari • - ,lo. iBarley . <lo.Barley- - do. Indian Corn 20 <lo.Flnur 5 VJ0 $M V'- Hour - - SM «o."nar [ Barrels. Oataeal - 2 Sack-.Meal - Sacks, ilnilian meal 4 do.

WATERFORD BDTTER MARKET.Number of Firkins wtightd at the Public Butter Market

for TFeek ending Friday (this day) , and Prices.Saturday, — +W — H6s. Od. to ISfc. Oil.Monday, — jr, - ¦ II63. (Id. Iil» . (M.Tuesday, — 2 — C00«. Od. 117*. IUWcdm-wiay — 277. - 117s. Or). li!«. (M.Thursday, — Xt\ — YiSH. Od. I X f . 1*1Friday, — 0 — 000*. Od. miO-. od

Xo. of firkins corrcapondiag w :k last year — 8tl.Price tier cwt. — — 126s. Oil. to Lfe 0d.

(Corrected this day Jar The Watcrford Newt.)PROVISIONS.

Bicox PIOJ, )<or cwt. — — W«. Orl. to .V>i. f i j .OrrAi. do. — — 5LN. Oil. ->U. dd.FEET do. — — Sn. 01. lm. 0.1.HKA IIX di>. - -- 3SJ. Od. H*. 0«.T«LLO>T do. — — Us '. Od. 4. .. (V|.LARD (chandlers') ¦ -- (Os. W. l-'i. M.

RUTCKERS' MEAT.BKEF, per lh., "d 8d to fld LAJIB, per qr. Os Od t.> is HI

Do. steak, 8-1 to 101 VEAL, per lb. 7d t.. !MM ITTTOS, |K.-r lh , 7Jd»l tn 101 1'OIK , pcrlb. Od to (vi

POTATOES.A"':r3i-i- pri'.-»- . i'.d t« . fid per ..toe?.

BREAD.WHIIK, per 411, »-l. to fiM ( HOUSKLD, ncr .Ub5'.d t<. iv1

WHISKEY.DUULIM , per gallon, IAI. Oil. I OLD CORK , pjnllon, l".i. OdCORK , ponclicon, 17a. Od.

F I S H .VFXDLSD, pr ewt, 2ii. to OOj. I PEAI. — O< M. tn fAlHKRBixas, )i> .-r brl, 10a. to 22*. SOLL*, — l \<\. to fl-iS.»Lao.i, in;rlb. Os 0.1 t.i Oil. ! TURBOT , — I'd. tu Oil

FOWL AND EGU.S.F«m., JUT pair, '!<. Oil t<i Os. I Ec«s, per 110, Oi. to 7i MU EKHK , II .< US. tu (n pur pair | TO RV K IS , Oi)s. to Oi.'i. a cuupla

SOAP A.ND DANDLES.Wmtt, per ..nt. L'k. t/> 00n. Oil I MOULD, per lb. -- 0 . 7.1.BROWN, 1I11. ¦£>/. to :»¦< . M | DIPT. do. • 0- *1.

WOOL AND HIDES.Ho.Joirr WOOL, Is. S<1 14> Is. M j UIDES, 'AS *, to 3Crf. Ol p*r cwtW E T H KR K Em:, Is 7d t<i Is. »l Kirs, 3.1. to .i'.d. 1"T lb.SKIS WOOL, Us lid to li. 3d CALF-, 42a. to Jis. per <loz.

T 1 J 1 B E R . ¦Ri:n V ISE , IH.T t..u, i!i< ftl av; I STAVES , pi-r 100), in OV.YKLLOW , do. (ils to 6S.< 1 l.iTUs, |K-r du. l'K W to 1J- .

C O A L S .rOAL.S,pi;rtull , \lU . Ol ti> 17-1 0<I I COKK , 1H.T toll , -JU. l»l III I f l

FODDEH AND (illEEN CROPS.IUY, |HT tmi - .YM to ii.'n. M AXUOLII S , ptr tun, (jH to I « K

!).>. (ol.l) 7'i.i to «^. Tvnxirs, in-r tou, (»w to "1STIUW , (u-liKiti-m H>s to .V.J . CARROTS, i.T t"l. I»U loi"[)> .. lo.i l. tn LV to TilV.

M O O N ' S C U A X G E S .First Quarter. Thursday, Sept. 21... 5.12 p.m.Foil Moon Thursday, Sept. 38... 6.« p.mLast Quarter Friday, Oct. 0... 6.32 p.mNew Moon Saturday. Oct. It... 6.10 a.m.


for Account, 00 ; Kev and Hednccd, 00.CLOSING I'BlCES....Cunsola Tor Money S3ji ;Coniols for

Account, 035} ; New and Reduced, 01H 1 <••


Three per Cent. Consols — 92} —Xew 3 per Cent Stock — 09 —Bant of Ireland 100 2tK>i —National Bant 30 61;»2J1 61J 2JJMunster Dank , Limited 3i —Hibernian Hank 25 — —'Provincial Bank (li — —National of Liverpool (limited) 15 — —City of Dublin Steam Company 100 1U7 J —

BAII.WATSW&terCard & Central Ireland ft per c«nt — —Waterford & Central Ireland £100 paid 19 —Waterford and Limerick 50 33il —Waterford and Limerick New 5 per

cent, redeemable _ 50 40 —Great Southern and Western 100 1)3 —

"She SBataforii ijeto*." BE JEST, AND FEAR NOT.



\\ • regret exceedingly to liave to report a vcrjconsiderable Lncreaso in the number of-tasos orpluro-pnoumonia in cattle, is tho neighborhoodof thia city, tout vte arc happy to add that i3 notvery fatal in its effects. ,'As to* Order in Counct),of November lant , relating to this disease, «very stringentlj", and most properly bting putinto force, Tf e would wish thnt the police, who ar«empowered in tlic matter, as Tf ell as the farmin|and othof classes affected by it, should under*stand, aa far as possible, tlie courso of procedurein the matter. Under section eight, the owner »fany cattle attacked by disease, shall at one*giro notice of the fact to tho nearest policestation, from whence un inspection will im-mediately lie made, and tlie result communicatedto tho Chief-Secretary, anil to the nearest magis-trate. In reference to the removal of cattle,section 11 provides that no animal shall be re-moved from an infected district without a licenssfrom the officer in charge of the nearest station,und, unless the animal it intended for immediateslaughter, the owner,before obtaining such licensefor removal, must make a declaration before 8magistrate that thoso intended for ronfbvul anfrco from disorder, and that, in fact, there haJbeen no disease for ten days previous on tho f»rofrom which «ueli removal is about to take piaee.The wisdom of this section is, if one head ajfcattle in twenty becomes diseased, tlic othernineteen must remain in company "frith it ontSit is cured, or all the others hnvo taken it. Withreference to cattle not affected with disease, batwhich may be in company with cattle affected, thabuteher who may buy them for immediate slangii-tcr is entitled to receives license for their rernovilfromjthe officer in charge of the next police ltetioi*to whom the butchsr is bound to return, withii48 hours from the time of slaughter, a certifies!*'to.' that effect, tlie default in all cases' of dii»obedionccoftheonlernot exceeding £20. Asthewbail been much misconception on thoso rinneWpoints of tlic Order in Council, we deero..jt rid*to draw public attention to tho matter, in tto(hope that it may be better undoi-stood than 54°appears to be up to the present. . ?

THE BALLOT IN OUR COLONUiS. V5*A most intelligent gentleman, a native of tl*county Waterford, who haa'jast.retoraed. ttomSjtHney, informs na that vote by ballot opjrmtataritliWJmost beneficial effeots in Sydney, where ho Wiresilled and voted for the la»t> 20 jean. He 'iiaiiLlltfjlates n.8 on the near ¦ approach of that great alKsaro, which, he says, has worked • TritJi-tte |JflKpeaceful effect in her Maj«»ti/«,ooVonJp«ijgta itiflKthat on the day of the election, ta.8yaoejuiDd)eW§tralia, there is irrf tlif' iliyhtnat riK IfnAlltj 'Wflafter voting every elector qnietly* ntiaof^mS 3•incss without delay. So f y t o e, no qout jSiMit |is to be seen anywhere. Earing «een opatuiMiM 11home, he looks upon the ballot—or private;fotw!|as a certain boon to these oonntrie*.— . :i '


IRELAND i.f X793.—We'hare before ni'i ctthiiQ 1Freeman's Journot.of this. d«ie, DT.wnlSrmjaMKthat at the March assizes of (hot yilf, tiTstmitf Mher -of persons were sentenced to datiil 'nmf mK•Yhitebpy Act, »nd for robberioi of fsriou ttflWM

Page 3: M. POWEll & SONS,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1871/...direct to Cork, and calU at Wa.terfotd Tetsming. FROM WATERFOKD TO BELFAST, Via CORK. FRIDAYS lit, 8th, letb,

A COSTLY CEMETERY NEGLECTET1The large cemetery of Bal lynanoesha, within

fifteen minutes' walk of the centre of this city,contains five Irish acres of land, safely enclosedby an excellent, high stone wall. The wliolr waspaid for by th« public at, a cost of over Jtfl.UUO,and yet. it, is almost unused for burials. Inorder to ctl'ocb a change, the Board of Guardians,in whoso charge «it is, Hro about to mak-o somoalterations uud improveinonts in it. In thefirst- place, thoy propose to paint over the maingateway the real nnmo j;iven it whon consecrated bythe Most Kev. Dr. O'Urien, via.—" St. Otteran"»fVinctory "—from the patron saint of tho dioceae.Xi-st , u large ciws will bo ercctoJ oti a mound insidotho outraiice, « aOjoiniu({ which will lio placed auiuriuary rhapcl. The ground will bo ornamentedwitli walks ami shrubs, Ac, ami the front wall hafnrnisurd wuh ivy. ilie caretaker's Iiou'o will boinured to the corner nearer the oily. And still betteraud more pleasing than all , tho lioard propose to paja small sum to tin- Catholic Chaplain for hi* atten-dance in the lemel 'iy at a certain hour in the day,in order I n perform the solemn bntin l FTW'CU of thedi'j.d. Those most ih'sii.ibln change.? and improvo-tueuta , we know , will bo gratifying to tho public.Tho Mpenso of SIIIU 1, though comparatively littlo ,will be twine out of the income for iutennents. Tholaw has closed up over a dozen burial places j»i , andadjoining this cily, and although that ia tho caso,atrauge to s-ay, this line, spacious cemetery, ao nearthe city, nud so rosily approachable by two mainroads, has now remained several years comparativelyuseless to the inhabitants for its sad lui imperativeobiVct.

1 I I K UU KKICK KUXTIONIJ in win for llin rlrction lias arrived, nml it is

rjpwled that Monday or Thursday will l«j fixed onus tho day of nomination , when , notwithstandingllirealR to ihe contrary, the unopposed election ofAir. liutl will be ofl 'ecti'd. Indeed, in llio presenttemper of the people there, ii would bo madness for;tuv other ramlidateto attempt to shou his faco. Mr.liutt visited Dean O'Brien at his residonce, Nowcastlo,and other prominent Nationalist!, and has since loftfor Kngland. Tlie .statement that he had been arrestedis believed to be t)m invention of his opponents,whose wish i< Hither to the thought, although evenif true it would not prevent his clectiou. TlieFanners' Club of Limerick IIHTO espoused his cnusowarmly, and have subscribed £HKJ towards hiseipcnscs, brcauao they believe, with John Martin ,that they " conld not find in Ireland a man morethoroughly acquainted with our national qucstiou,more eloquent to advocate Irinh rights with tonguoand pen, more Irish in heart anil in genius, thanIsaac Mutt."

STOP DKU. VKKN.VKSS IN THE GITV.Every good ciliion should do what is possiblo to

¦top thu spread of drunkenness hero, as also over thewhole couutry. Donald tho Quay, and see all thomoney that is earned there every week in tho yoar,und yet ono finds tho men who work on it, not mnchtlie better. Do they look well ? Aro thoy improvedin dress ? Aro their families comfortable? Look atthe 6t»ito of their houses ? The clorgy and medicalmen of the city can tell the state thoy are in. Whoredues much of this money, earnod so hard, go to ? Thoratepayer.-*, thn poorhouses, the hospitals nro alwaysburdened with ihe families of drunkards. I wouldearnestly encourago clergymen of all porsnasiona toLwp constantly battering at tho frightful citadel ofdrunkenuvss, which ruins both body and uonl. AudI would earnestl y advi«e all employers nuvor to em-ploy a drunkard as long as they could get <i soberman to do their work. In short, drunkenness auddrunkards should be discouraged in overy possible

C A T H O L I C C H U R C H .Urn K .V or run ]U:v. M VITIIKW O'K K K I H : TO

Vim. I M A .—A fow wuoks since we had thu plo;iaui-f. tonotico tho arrival of this zealous clergyman in this ,his native city, and, after a prolonged stay in ourmidst, it seems but yeslernay sinco we bid him faro-well on his naurri journey. This week , howover, wereceived the XVi./o'l- J.nir..n), August "J9, in which wotind a notico ofhis arrival in that city, and the follow-ing concerning bis first, sermon :—" ST. MAUT'S(Vii in i.i r (.'111 1:1 11. —The Kev. Father O'Keeffopri-aclied on Sunday for the first timo tsinco bis ro-l urn from his European tour. Father'.')'Kecflo returnedon Tuesday, invigorated in mind ami body. Not. onlyi\;(v )ii.« OM-II Hock ili'liditeil to welcome back to Nor-folk il. i- ir l.c-lovcd priest , but the entire communityjovfui ly greuteil the accomplished scholar and Christiangentleman. Many Protestants were in tho congre-gation on Sunday, tostifying by their prosenco thoenteem and veneration in which tho rev. gentleman isheld. Vather 0'Kecflo preached from Iho Gospel ofthe day (Iinke xvii., U—19). In his earnest, practicalmanner he told tho story of the leper. ]Io depictedin vivid language tho loathsomo naturo of tho disoase.ifow th» leper wad sliunncd by all as a loathsome andunclean thing, and how by tho mercy of Christ howas cleansed and made whole. He oihortoil hispeople to Bhnn the leprosy of sin ; to repout of theirsins, and be cleansed by the blooH of Christ. UighMass was celebrated by the Kev. Father White."

The Most Kev. Dr. O'Urien, accompanied by theJtov. 1'. Nolan , Adm., returned to Waterford to-dayf, -om his visitation of six parishes in the district ofClon nu-I, during which he confirmed ' 18 in tho parishof Newcastle; - 1' iu Ardfinan ; 373 in Cahir ; 212 inIlall y loobv ; li'i" in Cloghcen, and ICJO in Uallyporeon.This nnmbor, together with 2,207 confirmed by hislordship last June in tho other six parishes of thoClomnpl and Carrick.on-Suir districts, makes a totalof :i,!'l1 confirmed during the past visitation.

Tin: At "i,i>TixiA N " Clinic H, DCNUAKVAN .—We ob-mrre that tho Fathers of this excellent order, stationedat Duugarvan , havo undertaken tho erection of a newconvent, to which desirable object a list of verylil>cral snlmcriptions appear in anothor column. Their7.i»l and devotion to the cause of religion, havo gainedfor them very many friends in nnd around Dungar-van and we feel assured that tho amount requiredfor this essential work will be speedily and chocrfnllysubscribed.

•HKTEllR OF T1IK GOOD SHEPHKRI ) BAZAAtt." The btmiar, as announced, took place in tho Cityllalion Wednesday and yesterday. Tho attendancewas nov as large as was expected, considering thobotiOTtilcnl object in view , tho succouring of a trulyunfortunate class in iho community ; but tbo compe-tition ninongtt thoso present for prizes, many ofthem valuable, was extremely brisk, and the result,in a financial point or view, is BO doubt such as notaltogether to disappoint tho wishes of the pro-moters. Amongst those taking a lively interest intlio proceedings was tho Right Worshipful Henry i.yslaxlurv, mayor, and last night hi« worship presided,t da; table for tho drawing of the prizes uuder tho\rt fiiion princi ple, the proceeding boing, the draw,in™ of llw ticket from tho urn by two small boysfrom the Mount Sion school?, and Mr. Wm. Kelly,of the ({nay, culling out each number, his worship.utM-rintend'ing tho operation. The lottery was mostindustriousl y and ably managed by Mr. I'. Manning,¦j/' , and Mr. Wm. Lenihan , and with them in pro-rninLi" the (food work wcro Messrs. h. Freeman, T.C.,•ind A. I'. Maher, always zealous oil thoso praiso-wottiiv 6ccaHir>us. '1'hi! largo room was taatofullyHeoomu-d with evergreon- , brilliantly lighted, whilstin ibc frunt of the {jnllcry the- city flag, bearing thomunicipal nrun, wi* placed , creating a very strikingi-ff. ct in oiiijuncUw! with thu stalls , handsomelyadorned , iK.th by natur.) »ud art , with their various;»iid enticing prize.-. Tlie <rtici"iit band of tbo \V'»-tiorinrd Artillery, under Herr /.incajit, stationed indin: -^-tilery, milled consiileralily to tbo ploasurcs ofe!ir •<>¦ • .-"''"• by tb'.ir excellent, mu-ic , and BO farti die -pafiinoterii conld achieve it , iho bazaar wentoff oiid endoi much to the pleasure of thoso who at-tcnde> ! As usual , kind and benevolent ladies weroat ham! to lend th*tr ifilliii ff and ;pcrsuasivo servicesin uriiin- the appeal :.T bi-half of the panitent of{ -mis vuople, ai«l ii tl'" '-'"'¦ "orl: of charity they\" ' I aa ;s ever evhiliiteu t«c(.ui;st us on those oc-

CWVM IS ,' an untiring iwwiduiiy. oml M earnestness of*

uma>: w |,ich couM ""<¦ I"'' "> brinff down s bloswnjj«»n d« i»-ork in hand. Tho ladies presiding fcndtheir priz.es *e™ ™ fo.11"!' :.~ . _ , „:„ e ...

Mn l%d». /ices(ord-str< et, and Miss Slaney, £5VniP S«M Uwrfiion, Tramore, Illustrated I.ifo of

ivS^sSsisrs^Vnlsh. South virade. n«d llU-^,lly. Cat innne-street ,t -M Watch. Cushion , and Vase. tU&-* Howard i^uay,nd Mi tS lleid , a Silver Um. Mis* hvt V>, Statuett.-,

" .rler a glass , hade. 31 re W. iCJIoni *!1 ,:W,a'»lMi«; M itiaiile , China Vai .Service. Miss Mician,h,.re«6.c<l.str.aa, Miss Dolihyn , and Miss Kent, SilverWatch and two silt ornaments. The Misses 0 ] mnKi.ic-'tni-t , Iliscuii >!a*k( t and 1'illow. The JlissobHi.liop JSarronstrand.atraw and MissO'KcOre, Quay,-rre as they always aro, atu-.iotive in the extremeZiU,a refreshment table, at.d tiie.o pan be no doubtihatiiiji! sweets thero dispensed were, in aw^nt, snebJS to aid considerably to the general total.

""be wiies won under the Art L'nlon principw^ ro :—A. la»

b, by Aid. r. K. Keid , J.I'.; fat pig, l«yMrs. i- Focleys i»vo polo screens and a fancy tablo,bv Mr! Dovcroitx, (A'exford ; » suit of vestments and.lr-pHginL'-case, Miss it. O'Donnell, Kiug-atrcet; a giltXk nuder shade, SU. vV. Kelly, guay ; large officeV,!. Anonymous, Pcter-stacn. The following aroIS; ^ ^ ' 'l IC7:1 |557 ;

KM^BNNY TJNIO>—TiiLRSiiA v .Th« new r»» books were signed to-day. Tho

of tho unio* recommendod potatoes to bo• M tho inmates, 'ftfl cnbbago grown on tho

g'TwM crcmnd was o«rt to b8 sold. Mr.r

llSl 3dS»«i' WM * Broat "tomiirf A»r cabbage atCarroll 68iaw

^ the 0I|n£taJ;;fi9 pf twopresent. ^


fc t;m0 to BCnj the clotha.-Qr.wJft).tailors for n »W« tho house, or IS less thaiTLcro are .W9 «° ;u crcJi ,

;„ bank £2


KSSJSS^^* -ants to i-33. Lost»ear i! 8 p«r we»k.


This voteran politician, who nooda no format iitrodac-tion to tho citizons of Waterford, has arrival at thoClub-house in this city, and has boon visitidg someold f rionds. Injtho event of a dissolution of parliament,which is not at all unlikely to occur next Spring, wounderstand that Sir Henry is prepared to again lighttho good fight , iu which ho has eo often been victoraud vanquished.

TllK WoXKIIOl'SK ClIUDIZ.v's TR II"—STBASGKA PATU V.—For somo yoars baok, our [x»r workhousoohildron were, each summer, rejoieod with a trip toTratuoro, under tho watchful care of Mr. Ryan,master. Tho favor was conferred by subscription,at,d this year, his worship, tho mayor, in tho kindostmanner, a few weeks sinco, renewod tho BHbjeot at thoboard with n subscription of ton shillings ; sinco then,but 7s. 6d. additional have boon subscribed, making20s. lid. out of a necessary total of £3 10s. The poorchildron piao for tho sea air, and a joyous day, audtho season draws fast to a close. Will not the kiudfavor bo gmuted those poor creatures ?

THE LAT. K FATAL ACCIDENT OX THE SCIIOONEBMAHUARCT.—On Friday last, Dr. Goro, coronor, holdan inquest, afc Mr. O'Ueilly'a, Bailees New-street , ou view of tho body of tho sailor, JamosWalsh, who, a* roportcd in laat Sews, was killed onboard tho schooner Manjmct by falling, headforemost,upon tho windlass. Tho ovidonco went to showthat Jccoaaed w.os somowhat nndar tho influence ofdrink, and had a dispute with a quay portor beforothe sad event. Tho captain sworo that Walsh wentup tho rigging against his will , aud that nothingcould bo done to avert tho awful catastrophe. Thojury returned it verdict of accidental death.

SERIOUS ACCIIIKNI .—On Sunday evening last, atalionl half-past six, whilst a goo4s' train was beingshunted on tbo Watorford and Liraorick lino, at thoNowrath I erminus, a young man, named Butler, wasamasing himself jumping on and off ono of tholorries. Whilstdoing so his foot slipped ; ho fell upontho lino, and tho wheels of ono of tho truckspassed over bin right ankle, completely breaking it.Ho was takon immediately to the leper hospital.

THE LOCAL FARHIXC SOCIETIES—THE FOOT ANDM OUTH DISEASE.—Owing to tho prevalence of thefoot and mouth disoase in this district, tho committooof tho Watorford Farming Socioty docided on notholding their annual show, fixed for yesterday in theCourt-house grounds. Tho poJtponcmoBt was madoindefinitely, and it is likely tho show will not tokoplace this year. Judicious, nay, imperative, as hasbeen this decision, considorablo disappointmenthas been folt by intonding exhibitors in butter, greencrops, and hors«9, at the postponement, so far asthoso departments are concorned, particularly asthey wcro at much pains and loss of timo in pro-paring for tho expected exhibition. Wo do not sconhy a sbo* for thoso thing] might u»t bo heldimmediately, and wo throw out tho hint to tho com-mittee, in a hope that it can bo realized.

FINNISH'S INSTITUTE.—At tho monthly meeting oftho governors of this institution, on Tuesday, the fol-lowing woro prosont:—Messrs. Joseph Strangman(in tho chair), Joshua W. Strangman, hon. troasurcr ;(i. Walpole, M. Slaney, J.P., Capt. P. P. Brinan, J.P.,and T. H. Harvoy. Tho busiuoss was of a lightnaturo, nnd consisted of tho following :—Mr. MichaelConnolly was doclarod contractor for boof, roundswitbont laps, at Gid. per lb., &nd Boup pieces, at 3id.por lb. Mr. Connolly also tondtrod for mutton, atNd. per lb., but tho committeo doomed this figuro toohigh ; refused tho tender, aud direetod tho matron topurchase in tho market for tho month. J[r. W.Thompson, Iligh.stroet , obtained tho bread contract,at 4Jd por lib loaf. Tho coramittoo strongly rocom-inondod tho erection of tho proposed drying-closet,and tho board now authorised that body to havo itcarried out forthwith. Tho proposition as to thosuggested chango of tho investment of tho funds oftho charity, was postponed to next meeting, thoCommissioners of Charitablo Donations and Bequestsnot having farther addressed tho governors upon thesubject. Tho temporary appointmont of Mrs.Coppcrthwaito as assistant-suporintoudent, on trialfor thrco months, was now mado pormanont, thocommitteo reporting very favorably of tho manner inwhich Mrs. Coppcrthwaito performed hot duty. Ata prior meeting, Patrick Connolly was admitted to thohouso, on motion of Mr. T. S. llarvey, ho paying £2") ,but, for nnmo unexplained reason, Connolly refused toenter. Tho amount w;is now ordered to be refundedto Mr. JInrrcy, and tho board adjourned.

RUN OVKK .— j ostcrday morning, an old woman,whilst crossing tho Custom Houso Quay, nearlyopposite the boot and shoo establishment of Mr. Allen,was knocked down and run ovor by a horso and car,then being i-apidly dri ven From t)io Milford boat tothe N'cwrath terminus, to catch the outgoing train.The poor woman sustained a compound fracturo ofono of her legs, ami was removed to hospital . Thedriver was going too rapidly to bo arrcetcd, but thoaccident was soon by tho pol iceman on duty. It ishard, at times, for drivers to avoid thoso accidents,owing to tho persistent, stupidity of such poor women,but wo havo rocontly witnessod furious driving inour city , particularly about tho Mall , rendering thedrivers most culpablo, and tho public very much attho mercy of horses and wheels.

1'niMc If USANCES.—Timothy O'llaro was broughtup at the Polico Office, yesterday morning, beforo thoMayor and Capt. llrenan, charged with having beendrunk and incapablo whilst in charge, of a horso nndcar at Hose-lane, much to tho danger of tho public.O'Harc, who didn't como np now for tho first timo,was sent to jail for a week. Michael Halloy, an in-telerablo nuisanco every timo ho can manage it , wassent to prison for a week, for having boen drunk onWodncsday, in tho streets, and oxtromoly rcpulsivoin his movements. A few cases of inobriation, in aminor degree, concluded the business of tho morning.

N KW Rnss K KKATTA.—We observe by a programmobeforo us, that, under tho management of an influen-tial list of stewards, with Mr. J. Spencer Jones assecretary, a regatta is fixed to take placo at NewRoss on Monday, 23th September, tho 23rd boing tholast day of entry. Tho list contains eleven events,with liberal prizes, including £10 for fonr-oared gigs,under ;!H foot ; a silver cup for canoes, and three goldlockets, value .fcG, for two-oared wherries not exceed-ing 27 feet. Thoro aro a number of othor wherryraces, with prizos for yawls, cots, &c-, besides avariety of otbor Bports, tho wholo terminating *itha display of firoworks. It is expected that thosteamer Lla will run an excursion from Watorford,and it is probable that thoro will bo a largo attend-ance on tho occasioo.

A ROWI .NO Ct.i n MM: CUIXMKL .—An lnfluoutialmeeting was hold on Monday in Clonmol , for thopurpose- of making arrangements for tho formationof a rowing club, when no less than fifty-two mem-bers wcro onrolled. Mr. T. C. GRIHB was chairman,and Mr. M'Knery, tho secretary, said tbo cntroncofee would bo 5s., with a subscription of Is. a monthto April next, from which it was calculated a sum of£31 to £38 would bo raised to >t*rt with. Tho roroto Mr. E. J£all y'8, Irishtown, has been selected as thoBito for a boat-house, tho cost of erecting whichwould bo £7:2 ; tho rent £12 por annum, of whichtho canoe clab, alroady in existence, would pay half.After April next tho entrance, foo will bo 15s., andnew membors will be admittod only by ballot. Anannual appointment of officers will tike placo, onding1st of Octobor. Tho club promises to bos success,wo aro glad to notice.

Civiu SKRVICK K XAMINUIONS .—In the 20 success,ful competitors out of 17-1, who wcro examined lastmonth for civil scrvico appointments, wo notice thenamo of Mr. J. D. Klliott , or Kilkenny, Ben of Mr.John Klliott , steward to tho Marqnis of Ormonde.Ho was educated and prepared by Mr. h. 3. Ryan,head.master of tho Model School iu that city.

A NNVAI . 1U-U.XII > X.—Tho annual re-uul&n of thosoemployed at tho woollen factory at Nirovalo, Hallyma-carbcry, in this county, took placo on Saturday last,when over 100 guests assembled, including many ofMr. Leachman'B personal friends from Clonmcl , f<is-ino.-e, j£o. Dinner was served at fivo o'clock in aspacious apartment, which was handsomely festoonedwith cvergrooiis, ami on the walls were appropriatemottoes. Tho dinner completed, dancing ensued,and was kept up till the advent of another day wanproclaimed by tho tolling hours, and then separationlook place, aftor a sccuo of unalloyed festivity.

l'll.Tiiws FA K M I M O SOCIET Y .—The annual show ofthis very popular society, under tho presidency oftho Karl of Hussorough, will tako placo on Tuosday,tlia 3ru of Octobor.

y . iSIHD ilAhhE $'KH'.SAmongst the arrivoU at tbo Adcltil ii Motel ,

Watt-rfunl iDaviil Kn^'li, yruiirifUirj, wn.:-Jlr. »iia Ji t"-Irvine UnUiu : •¦"irp.- K. M«.-»y, Ki.|, DuMlu : Mr. (Jralltliaui .l- raif'rnl- Sir Join, Illiinili -n , Itu-l . l.'artl» llliili 'lru : W. P.liliinif i i". Kf l . It'iini'tt-town : W. .M.illn w. Kxj , Dublin; II. S.ci-iltwi-r K*|., DiiMiii : Thulium Dnwil , Ksi|.. Lnllilnn : II. W.Mi-mlvtll . f>i, Kilki nliTj J«un»Aiitli.iiiy, Kw|., Siilii-lil; Jol""I! Mu'rri*. Ka'l . linml"» i "ir """i' l '¦¦«»-li, Hurt., M.P., aiuiV-1J- IJ. HM -I I . IMrwi -r Park, Kt n>inct«.n ; II. Currli, t^tf* I*1111 "W tivK i:«>ri.'f Fnii.l . K»l , ItM-kluw; II. Keller, I.liui riik;j i),'.w»m ', TA-, 4 Ji«'-W : rntlrrick P. Punlim, toi-, J. It.fiiristii- F

"< I Ili v. TO; lluj'l u, 1'ulliL-kiiirr; J. McCimkiy,Fs.1 «<!-»'• It- '>• Kn»m«D, Kiq., Bc%,.U .M, rluutArf ; Dr. J.-f-r ra'tnuil family, Itiiliuinuil Ihirmckii, DAIJ IIU : O.-L^'tli All«u ,Km !'«tll it-Ht-i Atliliiui;; K- Cuuibrrliw, K«.|., 5llt K.-l.-t., L.J.Ciirni -li • Capt. Sli.-ffii -W tlr«i-t 1).L., Truiplcniore : JohnO'Siill Kwi-f CarricV-im-Suir: K. C. llaMnrk, Kn|., VictoriaPark l^mit'.n : Dr. Sirnu, IlallyraCKl t J ficotvii Lructi , K«|.,/' . .|( . Wui PilLTim. Kwi.- Mnncht«U-r ; Mr. anil Mrt. Ifuuinu,Eli-: jn'lin l:u:U:u. A.|., Kinpljuu, Norfollc.

'['KB fell? JJon. tl10 J'arl of S'radbrokc, ther'...iirf*-iu nt tiUuMivb. Ix)nl Dunwicb. ami tbi; Loiti«« Rnm.

Assistant aurgoon nitwtni i-wffi xioyai *.r-tilU-rf iuui iuTir«liutiUclW ou lii»uof »l«ni..;.'"

The Jlarchioness of lOrmonde and tho LadiesMarv anil nlancUe Ililtlprh.irc left Kilkmnv Cattlr , for CaitlenrnmrS for tlie fiitivitiw iu colebratiou of tbo «,uiiui; of «i;cof thn Vi'reount Bt-rnard.

V/iconntess Lismore issuflering from a severej.u VofrbiiinioUc f tcr, at Koimtallr Cortf.-, CIogl«.<.n.

fkc Str' "|1(i Countess of Dartrey mid LadyMarT l)a»»!ili

rlli»tW,l ' "»Hou 'or Sbcrbonc, on K Ti,it to tbo


'c: Moore, Esq., h.h., Vrt. Moore andMliS bTvi ft Uaroe. for5, Jhjivlw Ita%V«j,U

TAB LATE STABBISC CASE.—Tho boy Kinsolla, stab-bod on Snnday last by tho other youth Walsh, wasyesterday discharged from hospital.

W«" WANT Of iK Also.—Tho I'oJtraastcr.Gonernlh». ordered » lajpp tp be placed over th» door of thepoaUoffica in limerick.

STOCK SALE AT HALLYOLANThe sale of abort-horns and other itoclc, as adver-

tised, took placo on Tuosday, at Ballyglan, Woods-town , the charming eoat of Sir Robert J. Paul, Bart.,J.l'., under the ablo and satisfactory management oftho Messrs. T. Walsh and Son, auctioneers, tho Mall,U'atorford. Tho wcathor was delightful, and tbotrip to tho country, and such a boantifai country too,ono of n vory enticing character, immonsely enhancedby a ramble through tho shadod walks, and by thewolUtriramod parterres of Ballyglon, previous to thocommencomont of tho salo, which was most agreeablypreceded by a rich and plonteous lnnoheon, enjoyedby all , on tho courteous and hospitable invitation of SirRobert himself. Amongst thoso prosont wero .—

Sir Robert J. Paul, Hart , J.P.. Hon. D. P. Fortoscue, M.P.,.Hiiimderrille; Mcstrs. C. ltojjei*, J.P., Tfiimoro; V. Lc«, Water-foril ; Dr. Conilcll, ilo.; P. Anilcrwm, l>rosp«t ; W. Bonoj,nt«wanl at Milfort Hums. Portlaw ; P. Stranci:, J.P., Ajlwnrdi-towu ; It. Tjmliui, J.P., Stw Ross ; J. Joins, D.L., Mulflnivbro';William Fit/ t-nilil, J.P., ChriRt^ndom ; J. Budd, Tramore ; It.O'Donnell , Sol., Cnrrick ; R*:v. Mr. Cooko. RiUjncalo ; J. Hill,st«'«-aril to tin; Rirl of Urasboroiicli ; 11. Huuburr. J- Moadows,anil C. O'Sullivmi , co. Cork ; K. Itobcrt", J.P., Walton ; T.Lalor, D.L,, Crv-i;; J. nanuoil , Wooilsto^TU ; J. Pbdan, ptovmrtlto Sir KolH-ri Paul j J. Vrend. Limerick ; G. ami F. .Mulcomson,Partlaw ; F. (i. HloomtM.l, Xewpark ; W. Mooro, F. Kent, J.Norw,Kxl , H«v. Mr. Blacker, J. M'FarL-ui,l, stcnanl to LordTemnlciuon., 4c.

Tho herd oflbrod for sale, and now disposed of,owing to overstocking, as sot forth in tho catalogue,has been very snectssful, both as winners in tho showyards and as foodcrs of good marketable young stook.Tho blood is principally Booth. Tbo lost bulls in nsowore Bravo by British Flag ; Knight of tho Empiro,of pure Booth blood ; Maisshoet, by Shoot Auohor, io.One of tho oarliest cows importod into tho hord, andfrom which a groat many of tho animals in it at pro.sent aro dosconded, was Lady Jane, bred by tho latoMr. Archbold, of Davidstown, and purchased by SirRobert Paul at the auction at Davidstown, in 1855.Tho Bracelet tribo has aUo been encouraged, and thoanimals of tho tribo in this herd traco back theirdescent by tho femalo lino to tho cows Officious,Prejudice, and others, bred by Mr. Booth. All thoanimals at Ballyglan wcro frco from disoaao, goodbreeders, and not pampered, boing altogether out-fod.Tho salos woro as follows:—

Cows.—Lady Janet, calved March, 1857, by Acro-bat, dam, Lady Jano, a prizo winner at Iverk andWaterford, Mr. P. Kent, £16; Lady Joan, March, 1864,by Mainshoet, dam, Lady Js.not, a prizo winner atCarlow, Mr. Taylor, £23 10s. ; Lady Judith, April,1866, by Mainshcct. dam, Lady Jatut, a prizo winnerat Carlow and Watorford, Lord Bossborough (by Mr.Hill) for £29 10$. ; Lady Joanna, 1807, by Marino,dam, Lady Joan, by Mr. William Fitzgerald, at £18 jLady Isabel, 18118, by Dictator, dam. Lady Juliana,Dr. Condell, at £1510s. ; Lady Inoj, 1869, by Knightof tho Empiro, dam, Lady Juliana, Lord Bossborongh,at £16 10s. ; Lady Jooolyn, 1870, by Bravo, samedam, Mr. Blonmfiold, at £18 ; Lady Josopha, 1870, byKnight of tho Empiro, dam, Lady Joan, Rov. J. Cooko,at £J5 10s.; Itosotta, 1865, by Jfainsheot, dam, Hosu.bud, Mr. P. Malcomson, at £1G ; Eosoleaf, 1865, »ydo., dam, Rosebnd, tho Hon. Mr. Fortescno, M.P., at£21; Rose, 18G8, by Dictator, dam, Rosotto, CaptainPailiser, at £15 10s. ; Redbreast, 1870, by Knight oftho Empiro, dam, Kosetta, Lord Tomplomore (by Mr.M'Farland) 10 guinoos j Bracelet 2nd, 186*, by Van-guard, dam, Bridal, Mr. Moadows, Cork, at £35 ;Brilliant, 18G8, by Marino, dam, Bracolot, Mr.O'Sullivan, Cork, at £33 ; Breastplate, 1869, byKnight of tho Empiro, dam, Bracelet, samo, at £37 :Brooch, 1870, by Knight of the Empire, dam,Bracelet, samo, at £36; Poahen 12th, 1864, by Kings-fort, dam, Feahou, was sot np by Mr. O'Sullivan'srcprosontativo, at 20 guineas, bnt was sent baolc un.sold; Eventide, 186(5, by Mainshoot, dam, Evo, wasalso put back ; Eelipso, 1868, by Dictator, dam,Evening, Mr. F. Malcomson, at £1410s. ; Wild Flower,1862, by Knight of Windsor, dam, Blue Bollo, tholatter, a prizo winner at several shows. Mr. R.Tyndall, at £24 10s. s Woodbino, 1870, by Bravo, dam,Wild Flower, by Mr. G. Malcomson, at £11 10s. ;Luna, 1862, by Little Pat, dam, Lovity, Mr. WilliamMAlcomsou (per Mr. Bogoy), £16; Lunatic, 1870, byKnight of tho Empiro, dam, Luna, Lord Templemoro(per Mr. M'Farlaud) , at £11 10s. ; Lustre, 1869, byChief Baron, dam, Lunotto, Rov. J. Cooko, at £1710«. ; Emblom, 18RR, by Patriarch, dam. Empress, Mr.F. Malcomson, at £18 ; Bonnio Loss, 1867, by samo,dam, Beauty, a peculiarly successful prize winner,was not purchased ; Holla Donna, 1870, by Knight oftho Empiro, dam, Bonnie Lais, Lord Bcssborough, at£14 ; Regalia, 186(1, by Lord Clydo, dam, Rarity,Mr. F. MalcomJon, at £10; Royalty, 1809, by Glory,dam, itogalia, a prizo winner, not sold ; Octavia 2nd,1S62 , by Soubadar, dam, Octavia, whoso progenywore all prizo winners, was not sold.

YKAKUN iix ,—Waif, by Knight ot tho Empire, dam,Wandorer, Lord Tcmplomore, at 10 guineas ; LadyJcttsica, by Jlraro, dam, Lady Joanna, Lord llcen-borough, at £5 ; Lady Juvorna, by same, dam, LadyJoan , Mr. Bunbury, at £11 ; Rosotta, by do., dam,Hosetto, Mr. Bloomfield , at £7 10s. ; Rosalie, by do.,dam, Roscloaf, Hon. Mr. Fortoseue, at £7; Rosamond,by do., dam, Rose, Mr. Buuburry, at £4; Rosalind, bysame, Mr. Bunburry, £3; Emerald, by samo, dam,Emblem, M. Taylor, at £« 13s., and Evergreen, bysamo, dam, Evoutidc, Lord Bossborough, at fivoguinoas,

liui.u.—Bravo, 1868, by British Flag, dam Pea.hou 12th, not sold; tir&ndeo, 1869, by Glory, dam,Laundress, not sold ; Knight of tho Thistlo, 1870, byKnight of tho Empiro, Mr. Pholan, at £10 ; Knight oftho WhiBtlo, 1870, by Knight of the Empiro, dam,Poahen 12th, Dr. Condell, at £3 10s. ; Knight ofMalta, 1H70, by Knight of tho Empire, dam, LadyJanet , Mr. T. L&lor, at £10 10s. ; Knight of Gwynno,by Knight of Erin, dam, Poahon 12th, Mr. F. Malcom-son, £17; Itrigand, by Bravo, dam, Luna, Rov. Mr.Blacker, £11, and Brigadier, by samo, dam, BonnioLass, was put up under a resorvo of £25, and not sold.

HALF -BKF.II COWS.—Somo oight half.brod cows woronoxt setup and disposed of nt pricos varying from £8to £13 10s. Tho buyers woro Meisrs. Anderson, G.Malcomson, and Waring.

A ^RATIFYING TRIHDTK OF REGARDFor somo six or sovon yoars past, Mr. John

Donaldson has been tho efficient and much respoctcdlocal manager of tho Gas Works, in this city, dis-charging his onerous duty in a manner to givo fullsatisfaction to employees and principals, so muchso, that tho resignation of his omco, consequent uponan appointment opening to bim in Scotland, thocountry of his birtb, was mado tho occasion, withintho past week, of a gratifying scone, though touchedwith a tingo of sadnoss, bocanso it was the date oftho sundoring of old ties of OBteem and rogard, formedthrough a long and croditablo batinest connection,Such a sccno as marks tho gratitudo and respect ofthe omployco, and demonstrates tho storling worth oftho manager of a large public concorn. Whon itbecame known throughont tho Gas Works that Mr.Donaldson was about to lcavo, it was immediatelydetermined by tho cntiro of tho at* ff that ho shouldnot be allowed to tako his departure without bearingwith bim a tangible mark of tho ostoom and warmregard in which ho and Mm. Donaldson woro sodesorvedly held by those under him, accompanied byn,n address, oxprcssivo of tho high senso ontortainedof him, as a public officer , and a kind friond ; of deoprogrct at his doparturo, and of fervent wishes for hiBlong life and happiness in tho futuro. Measures werotaken accordingly to givo offect to this creditablo in-tcntiou, and, on Saturday orcning last, a deputationof tho operatives, headed by Mr. John Clancy, collectorfor the firm of Mossrs. Anderson and Jonos, lesscos oftho gas compnny, woro received by Mr. Donaldson,at his rosidouce. tho Watorside, whoro tho followingaddress was read by Mr. Clancy, nnd prosontationmado to bim and Mrs. Donaldson :—

•• D»:*» Silt—Wo. tbn oni:riitivr« and other rmpliijiy* nf thoCity uf Wnti-rfiml (ias yl,rkB, have lirurntil, with lunch n-urrtyuur intriition of M-verini; your cmim-etiuu with tho firm othi! Mi-'fl. Amlrnuin nud .IOIIM —a cnniii-ctinn existing for joI'tDK :* tiuia. lt,-f..n: your tli-nurturi! froin atuonpit us, w»- fwlit to In-""I' Kf t e l u ) .lilt/ tii tiili- the Jil*.;:/ uf |irc«ntin- toyou , uud ti your uwtaMc wif.- . wimo tokon of tlw n-anwt andrreard in which you wcro hold bjr us durint; our lonu inter,L-imrsi- w ith you M tiiiinu iT of thow workc, a jicrilMl rxtflndiu^ovi-r J- IN ywir!". Wi- I K* »intrrclr Ui nsnuro jou that wo f«l virymuch tlii' laltinK of uM friend*; the event in trying; fcvlititrKwih-r our liinrti, t<i wliirh, hithcrtu, we wcro itraiifiTl ; fcvlirifiuu» •¦iilj cniit l nud CToki^l l,j the advent of tho sod hour ofwjar.ition. Imbued witli those fw-lin^n, no time wan lout br usiu "ivlni: thrui clli<;t , and wi- f«] a mi laucholy Krntineutinu inI H-UI^' «.iml>!<«l now to prfl .-iit yem with n i*nia!l mcmciit/,, onwhit-h , in afU-r lifi 1, you m«y n-rti-ct with j,lr;Louri> : b-ndini.' w»inri.i.-tlj' boll.-, Ui fnrin Hum- n,uiiix-tili|; !mV l»-tw* n you aniltlu, ii...u of tliu Wut.l.or.1 CM \Vorks, a tiu which we tl.itt.-ronrw-lv" will iTd Ino, win i ial[.->l in your kill.I ritollcction.¦• With UM' »ocoui|nuiyiii|{ fold |-uivrd.(.l4»iu wliiiih we jinw-ntt</y«ii . «« 1»K nWi to nniout a jiair of »ol,l.sir-rings („ Sl ,t.llnmihiNin . h-rn-ntly |.rayiiiL' that l»itb ,,,u and »1«. may livnmany liappj yiiim t-i w.ar thi-in, and Hint , iu your new kiih. roof duty, you anil your n-s|«c-Uil family in.iy obtain all youwould w li , and no truly uierit, imnjicrity, bmltli, audhaiipinc«s."

Bocciving tho very handsome offerings from Iholmuds pf Mr. Clancy, Mr. Donaldson eiprcssed biswarm ackpowlcdgnippts for thn liind feolingprompting the testimonial — feelipgs ho shouldover bear fondly in ln's bost rocollections , and for thoequally kind but far tooflattoriDg address with whichthe presentation was accompauicd. Ho should takothat opportunity of saying that tho responsible dntiosof his position woro mado comparatively light by thoattention, nnd by the dili genco of thoso over whomho was placed, and now, on tho evo of his departurefrom amongst them, ho conld safely say that e moreassiduous, more atteutive, or better conducted menthan the operatives of (.|ip Cjty qf Waterford GasCompany could not be mot with, aud to one. and allho befigod to convey his warm wishes for suecetslIn conclusion , ho should return his very best thanksfor tho handsomo preacnta now mado to Mrs. Donald-son and himself, and to assure the kind donor* thatthey would bo cherished by them as grateful ro-mcmbmfjcers of a business connection ever carried opIn tho best spirit of barmopy'apfl goof} fliifh.

Tho dopntation woro then most hospitably enter-tained by Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, and this mostcreditable ovent terminated by Mr. Donaldson, andthoso for whom ho cared BO long and ao woll , separat-ing with mutually oarnost good wiahea for health andprosperity.

At the late examination of officers of the ArtilloryReservo, whioh took placo at Woolwich last week,Major J. Russ'oll Muloahy, of tho Waterford Artillery,took fi rst place, having obtained over 3,2Q0 marksout of a maximum of 3,500.

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ,. i i .

A respectable county Kilkenny farmer informs onthat he never saw such a market of pigs aa therencro on Ballybrickon last Wednesday.



Wie Bight Worshipful H. P-SLAT-TIEY, Major, to tho chair.Alro prescat-Alil'rmen T. W. Jacob, J.P., P. A. Power, J.P.,

and P. Xeily, J.P. ; Messn.W.Maloomnon,H.E. White, P. Carew,F. Kent, L. Freeman, P. Hanning-, and E. Clibborn.

PItOT COMMITTEt—PIIOTAOE.Tho Pilot Committee recommended a gratuity of

£2 to Catherine Power, to defray funeral expenses ofher deceased husband, James Power, a superannuatedpilot. Approved.

A report, signed by Mr. E. H. Aloook, pilot-mastor,and Mr. H. N. Nevine, secretory, was read, makingcertain suggestions in reference to tbo maintenance of,and admission to, the harbor pilots. Amongst thosssuggestions wero the following :—" Whatever numberof apprentices it may be decided to take, thoyshould be young men between tho ages of 21and 25, who aro already seamen, and who shouldserve for ench time as was reqnired, for small pay,regulated by tho number of vessels they wero boardedon for instruction, and from which they returned totheir post without delay. They should, in tho firatinstance, bo attachod to the cutter for such timo as ineach particular caso Boomed requisite to the pilot-master. They should bo undor the diroct orders of theboat-master, receiving direotions from him, and fromhim alone; and his duty would ba to koep themconstantly boarded on Teasels going up under chargoof pilots from Dunmore to Passage, where it wouldbe their duty to report thom«elves to the pilot officeras quickly as possiblo, and be by him sent back toDunmoro by a vessel proceeding from Passage, to beundor the charge of a pilot, whon such was available,and whon not, send them by the road. When onboard the cutter, they should assist in working, andobey tho boat-master in carrying on any daty ho maydirect ; but when there was a possibility of boardingthorn for instruction, they should not bo rot&iaod intho cutter, oicopfc is casoa of extreme emergency.When they appear to the pilot-master competent totako chargo of voaaols from Dunmoro to Passage,they sbonld then bo instructed in tho same, manner intho pilotage of vessels from Passage to Waterford,and vice verm, acting under tha 'orders of the- pilotofficers at Waterford and Passage. Twolve monthssuch training shonld fit thorn for pilotage certificates,but if, when ozaminod, they should not be foundcapablo, tboy night get another Biz months' trainingin whatever points they appeared deficiont, and ifthen still incompetent, they shonld be finally rejectedas unfit for tho service. For steam pilotage, no nowpilot should bo oligible from Donmore to Pastogonntil ho has served as pilot for sailing vessels withoutter for one yoar, and in two yoars from that timoto bs oligible for steam training in the upper river. Itseems to us that taking in boys, who would not bo fitfor pilotage certificates from three to fivo years, andwho, dnring most, if not all of that time, would bskept simply as working hands on board the cntter,would be imposing upon tho service a useless expense,and would not bo training pilots. The pay they wouldrecommend is 2s. 6d. for eooh vessel," Tho roportwas hold over to noxt meeting.

THE BUOTS.Tho pilot-master roported " tho buoys bolow Paa-

sago continuo in good order, and their proper posi-tion, Sinco last report the buoys above Passage havebeen cloanod, painted and replaced, and aro now ingo«d order."

ENGINEER'S rEPORT." I \Kg to report that the drodgcr rained from vest eml of

QvMin'a Channel, aince hut report, 4723 tent of hard day anditontii. Thii work, hundinff thi ratflinr of tho South guidebanic, is now in a- forward itatc. The ifeepenior ot th* ScotchPitl U progTCA-dng slowlj, on account of the floods from thc-m&rRhca and mill-raco. Sir. Oliver, marine surveyor under Mr.'oorto, report* that his examiaation and boruig ot tho bar b«.

low Dnncannon is near complctioB."Tho CHAIRMAN said ho had recently oxamincd tho

Ford Works, with tho Sooretary, and found theywero near completion. The soundings made showedthe depth to bo vary considerable.

Aid. JACOB—Did onr engineer say wlen thoy wouldbo completed ?

CHAIRMAN —About tho ond of this month.THE NEW O.I.-AY AB0V1 BHIDGE—THE DECISION.

The Quay Comraitte reported a communicationthey had had, «inco lost board, with the Messrs J. T.Ryan and Son, Limerick and Waterford, touchingthoir tender of £3,436 for the making of tho nowQuay above bridge. The communication was madeby tho committee to tho Jtosors. Ryan, with a viewto sco if thoy wonld reduce that sum, and offeringthorn the contract at £3,000, cut stone facinga,Ao. In reply to that proposal, tho Messrs. Ryanwrote to say thoy regretted thoy could not undertakethe work at that figure, and tho utmost they coulddo would bo to roduco their proposal by £100, whilatthoir doing eo would not loavo thorn anythiug tocover contingonoios. Tha Mossrs. Ryan thanked thecommissioners for tho desire they manifested to dealwith thorn.

Tho CHAIRMAN said that thoir engineer, Mr.Stophona, having estimated that th» work could bedono for £2,500, tho committeo felt they conld not re.commend tho adoption of tho Mossrs.Ryans' offer, whichproposal would involve an incroaso of £936. Theywent as far as they could in offering tho Messrs.Ityan £3,000,, which was £500 over tha sum estimatedby Mr. Btophena an auffioient and, that offer beingrefused, tboy rocommonded that it should bo ozocuUdby tho board undor the inspection of Mr. Stophons,who was sanguine that the work wonld bo woll donewithin that figuro.

Mr. MAXXtxo—Mr. Stephens said he would requirethe necessary plant for tho work, and tho cost uudertbs,t head was not included in his estimate.

Mr. CAMW—I am opposed, upon principle, to theboard doing this work, or any ouch work, themselves.Suppose a high tido comos and sweeps away £500worth of work whilst w* have it in hands, wo will beat that loss ourselves; but should it happen to a oon.tractor, ho must repair it at bis own cost.

In reply to one of the commissiraerg, the SECRET-IHTlaid the work was advertised in the Waterford papers,in tho Freeman, the Irish Timei, and the JiuUder, andbut one tender, that of Messrs. Ryan, was received.Aware, as he was, of thoir finanoial condition, hewonld stiongly adviso the board not to ontcr into acontract for the £3,500. Aid. KEILY -. Why t SSCRE.TAUY : Because by having it in your own hands, yoncan economiBo your funds, so as to exieato it moreeasily and boneficially than if left in the hands of acontractor. In answer to another question, theSECRETARY aaid that Mr, Stephens would expect »per contago for superintending the work, if tho boardundertook it.

Aid. JACOII—Mr. Stephens gots £100 a yoar as ourengineer, and ho receives £150 a year aa engineerinspecting tho Ford Work«. Now that thoso worksare finishing, he will expect that the remunerationfor inspection will continue over the new quays, if thoboard undertaken thorn.

Mr. KENT—That snm will be added to tho oxponsonf tho work.

CIIAIRHAN —Mr. Stephens estimates thooxpenditnroat £2,500, and he has been always found to do his workwithin the estimate ho names. The Hewn. Ryanpropose to roduco thoir estimate by £100, and thatreduction leaves a difference in excess of £836, andthat difference tho quay committoo feel thoy cannotrecommend the board to adopt. Tboy snggest that,nnder the circumstances, the board should do itthemselves, and there will bo a great advantago inthat coarse being adopted, bocaoae, should a strikeoccnr amongst the laborers, the oommiBsioners canstop tho worki nntil tho people como to their sonses.Anothor roason why this mode should bo adoptedwas, bocauao of report* gone abroad that our ao>counts aro not accurately kept, and it is desirablethat as it is determined to keep this expenditureseparate and most accurately, to givo the board onopportunity, by doing so, of contradicting thosereports.

Mr. K ENT—Thoro aro two prices boforo ns, ono at£2,500, tho othor at £3,300, and tho question is,whioh of tbom shall wo accept (hoar, hear) ?

Aid. K EII .V laid much stress upon tbo objeotionBtartod by Mr. Carow about the probability of a hightido taking away a portion of tho work, if tbe board,undertook it, and at a conBoquont loss to the publio 'but Aid. J A < on ropliod that noarl y all each workswero dono by tho harbour commissioners, and thoywore novcr injured by high tidos.

Aid. K KILV —Wo had a fatal high tido a few yearaago.

Mr. MAN N I M ; inquired what might be tho probableamount of tho on tiro expenditure ?—and was answeredby tho MAYOK Bay ing that had Mr. Manning beenpresont ut tho last mooting of thu quay committee,bo would have thoro heard the information whioh Mr.Stephons placed beforo thorn upon tho subject. Itwould not do to discloso everything taking placo at acommitteo, but snfficiont was thoru shown to justifytho quay oommitteo in undertaking thin work .

Aid. Ki:n.r— Is there any limit as to the time inwhioh tho work should bo dono ? ClIAl aUA * : No;auch a regulation wuuld cot be, at all , doiirab'o. Mr.KENT : It atrikoa roe that a. very fair offor haa beonmado to tho Messrs. Ryan.

The CI U I R K I N suggested that if tho report waa tobe moved, it should be proposed by a commissioner,not a member of tho committee. Nono undertakingthe duty on the moment, and, aa the Mayor wasobliged to be in a harry, he moved iia adoption, thework to bo carried ont under tbo inspection ot theflngipepr-

Aid. K EILT—I muat say that evory work done byMr. Stephons haa given satisfaction.

Mr. MAICOMSON , saying it was important theyshould aavo so muoh money as appoared between thetwo prices, seconded tbo motion.

Mr. CABEW said he was Buro tho work would bswoll dono in tho hands of Mr, SteDhem. but hisdoubt waaj would it be done, or conld it bo done fortho snm named, Mr. Carow, who originally inti-mated hio intention to demand a poll upon tbemotion, withdrew his opposition and, a resolution tothe following effect was adopted—That the work bedone by tho commissioner! under the supuintendenctof tho engineer, the Messrs. Ryans' tender being for£3,326, they having refasod an offer from tbe boardto do tho work for £3,000, and Mr. Stephana's esti-mate being for £2,500, ' " '

' Aid. JAcdB><Jre atated that Sir Daniel Goooh, M.P,tho' chslrmW of the' Great Western 'Company ofEngland, *aa in town and desired an interview withthe mayor and himstlf, Mr, Bteplitnj, the vice-ehair

man of the Waterford and-Limerick Railway Com-pany being already with him.

Aid. Kint—He did.not . Mnd for Mr. Maloomion(laughter) 1 .

The MATOB suggested that Mr. Maloomson wouldtake the ohair, bat Mr. Maloomion declined, sayiBgJIB wasted, himself, to eee Sir Daniel Goooh, andfinally the board was adjourned to that day week.



Ald. T. W. JICOB,J.P., V.O., in the chair. Al«o present—CapL Powor, D.V.O.. Aid. Redmond, Major CVOorman, J.P.,Miun. 0. llogera, .I.P., M. O'Shea, W. Kdlj, P. Vcale, F.Kent, E. Wolah, Capt. ManiMll, J.P.

THE CROWE'VALLIS CASE.The following letter was receivid from High-

constable Pallis :—" Lady-lane, 13th SopUmbcr, 1871.

" Sir—la reply to flo dwk'a letter ot tho 7th inat., 1 wu notawaro of Mr. EdwanI Crowo'i child being vaccinated nntil I sawthe cncUxcd certificate, which was not shown to me until alt«rtho trial. I haro a most reepectable person to prove ho beardmo direct Mr. Crowo to get a ccrtiScato if tho child wa« vaoci.nated, and show it to Dr. Jackman for tb« purposo of stoppingthe pro«»cution. 1 Juul ou aoveral occasions to caution Mr.Crowo beforo I could got him to abate nuisances on lm vnmues,which were complained ot by merchants residing near ill place.Thia, together with being onroged in My official capacity whigh-constablo, in Investigating a very cUsagreeaMe occorrencoof a domestio nature, which took placo in Ins hotel, may hav«caused annojanco to Mr. Crowo.—I hnro the honor to be, HIT,your obedient flarrant, J « CALMS.

" Chairman, Waterford Board of Guanliana.Mr. O'SHEA said ho would move that a copy of that

Utter be sent to Capt. Crowo. The CHAIRMAN saidthat it would be better not to do so, containing, as itdid, the latter paragraph. Tho clerk could Bond thesubstance of it to Captain Crojvo. Mr. O'SHEA repliedthat that very paragraph was tho koynoko of thewhole dispute.

Aid. REDMOND said it waa duo to Captain Crowe,who was a very rospectablo citizen, to lot him havo acopy of that letter, and it was also very questionablehow far, if at all, a publio offioer should intorforo infamily matters.

Capt. POWER expressed himBolf against tho motion,on the gronnd that it was wholly unnecessary,

Tho CHAIRS!AN Baid bis only objection was that thatparagraph would be likely to creato moro animositybetween thoBe parties,

Mr. ROGEKS tiought it only fair towards the rate-payers, that Captain Crowe should got a copy of thatletter.

Capt. POTTER divided tho board on tho motion, andfound himself tho only nogativo. The motion passed

THE BOONET.HARTIOAN CASE.Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Hartigan, of Bailey's New.

atreot, complained against Mr. Roonoy, city roliovingofficor , for using bad language towards them, whoathey wont to got him, at night, to tako from them adetorted infant, and havo it admitted to tho house. Areply was now read from UT. Roonoy, denying theallegation, and aisorting that ho had done oven morethan he was called upon to do, to meet the require-ments of tho case. The letter was ordered to beinserted on tho minntes.

THE LUNATIC ASTLUMs NOT FORGOTTEN.Replying to a question from tho board, the Master,

Mr. RIAN, said that the woman Darmody, for sometime a lnnatic inmate of tbe houso, bad been removedto tho Kilkenny asylum, she being a native of thatcounty.

ALD. BEDHOND expressed tho gratification he feltat hoaring that this poor woman bad boen finally andproperly dispoBod of. In connection with this ques-tion generally, he begged to add that a gentlemanconnected with tho asylum board of Limerick hadkindly sont him a copy of a roport from ono of tholocal papers, of tho meeting held there ou yesterday,whioh roport ho (Aid. n.) bogged to hand to theirrespected chairman, Aid. Jacob, with the hopo thathe would lay it before the Waterford asylum board atits noxt meeting. By that report it would be seenthat thero were 401 patients in tho Limerick asylum,only fivo of whom wero paid for patients, leaving 339entirely supported ont of tho publio rates, by tbetenants alono, though thoy had no voice whateverin the expenditure (hoar). It wonld also be observedthat tho superintendent thero was " brought over thecoals" for appointing officers without the board'ssanction ; and other questions relating to contracts—always interesting to tho public—wore likewise re-ported. He expected that Aid. Jacob wonld kindlyUBO his influence with the Waterford board to admittho preBS, and thus follow the examplo now workingto woll in the Limerfck board (hoar, hoar). Mr.Disraoli said lately that without the press thore couldnot possibly be a healthy publio opinion ; and ho(Aid. R.) would add that withont the press in pub-lie boards, thero could not bo boalthy confidenceamongst tho ratepayers genorally (hoar).

The CUAIOMA* said that tho board of govornors oftho Waterford asylum wonld moot noxt day, and hewould, at Aldorman Redmond's roquost, bo mosthappy to place tho repart boforo tbom, and alsomention tho dosiro of admitting tho press (hoar).

Capt. POWER said ho was utterly unable to aeo whythe pross should ba oxclndcd from tho lunatic asylum,whilst they were admitted to the poorhouso, andothor public institutions (hear, hoar). What infor-mation could the ratepayers obtain as to how tenderswere disposed of iu tho asylum; as to tbe election ofofficorB, and how grievances woro settled if thoy hadnot tho press admitted to thoBo meotings ? It wasduo to thoso who supported institutions of so expon-sivo a character aa tho Iunatio asylums of Ireland,that thoy shonld know how thoir money was beingdisbursed, and tho only way that that could bo douo,was, by having: thoso mootings reported. Tho proBJwas a terror to tyrants, bat a pleasure to tbo just(hear, hear), nnd it should bo admitted to evoryinstitution paid for out of tho public money (hear,hoar). If their chairman wonld ¦« kind enough tobring tho question before tho govornora at their nextmeeting, he (Capt. P.) thought it ought to bo done ona resolution of the board of guardians, and not uponthe request of an individual raembor.

Mr. O'SQEA objected. Thoy had no control, what-ever, over tho governors of the aaylnm, and noresolution of their board conld bo binding upon them.Ilo wonld snggest that they Ieavo the matter withAid, Jacob (hear, hear). Major O'GOSSCAN concurred,aid said thoy would bo only acting advereo to thoirobject by passing any resolution (hear, hoar). If th*prosont movo did not saccood, tboy could thoo thinkof a rOBOlntion.

Aid. REDMOND thanked Captain Powor for his kindapproval of the movement now on foot, but said that,at present, he thought it bost to leave the matter inAld.Jacob'shandawfthontaayreaolation (hear, hear).Tho subject would bo brought boforo tho governorsby thoir worthy vico-chairman, but thoy wonld notknow anything of the discussion whioh might takoplaco upon it, except what he (Aid. J.) would remem-ber, bocauso of the exclusion of tho reporter*, and,that was a system which the force of public opinionalono wonld have tho effect of abolishing (hear, hear).

Major 0'Gorman said they would take fartheraction, in the .event of tho asylum board not accedingto the recommendation of this board.

Tho matter was loft, for tho present, with AldermanJacob.

VALUABLE VISITING EXPORT.Major O'GORMIN, JJ\, road the following roport

drawn np by him as visiting guardian for the week :—I, thia day, vuitod the poorhorue, and wu nnch gratified to

Had it in auch excellent order. Tho clcanlineaa of tho roomsoould not beexceeded. I Inspected tho bread and meat aupplied.Both seamed of good quality. Tho poor people In the hospitalKcmod well attended to, and no complaints from anyone wenmaito to me. Tlte bojs, when I entered the dining lull, were atdinner, which rcraa served to them in an orderly, cleanlymanner. I inspected the girls' and infant schools. Both metwith my approval. Tho roofs ot th« lower skeda were in processof repair. Tho rooms in those Bheds inhabited by tho innna oldpeople wero verycnmfortAblo anil well ventilated.

I inspected tho farm, and am of opinion that its uanagamentreflect* tho frrcatcst credit on the master's juiUnseut. Thavagi-tables of enrr sort wcro mo«t luxuriant. One singla onionwei^'l-ed no less toon 19 ounce!*, Tbe siza of tbe parsnips also,at fnil, astonished mOiut when tho muter informed mo thnt,in ordur tn produce BUCD results,he utilized all over tho farm thesewage obtainable from tbe cgUbUshment, my aurpriso ceased.After snpnlyinr the poorhouso farm with as much manuro as isncormary, the remainder ot tbe scwogo is, I am sorry to say,ootiTejnl into the river Suir, and thus lost.

Ho would l«, indeed, a truo friend to his country who cou'dprcTnil upon corporations of cities And towns in Ireland, to iu-Urccpt, for the frrncfit of farms adjoining, tho abundant sowaj-eat liaml. At present, ljuntlroils vt thousands of pounds sU-rlingaro expendud on artificial manures, whoso virtues axe, at taut,queallonnblc, wliilo tbn mont fructifying manure is conveyed bymoans of suwen , cunningly contrivt-u, to tbe ocean. We might,with infinite liunt-nt Ut our uland, imitate tbu wlwlom audsagacity of nations which, in our arrogance, wo call imrbarouB.

The Chinese, for Instance, do not permit a porticlo of theirtowns' sewage to be lost ; and an the lato Kr. Cobdcn iluclan.-din tbe Houso of Commons, the farming of this people ii notagrtcnlture—it is horticulture. Tho wholo country i> a garden,teeming with fr><xl, and, tbareforo, turning with human being*.Both act and re-act on ono another. Whero there ia ahandonoeof foal, then U unro to ho an abundance ot population and,when tha population Abound*, thero nro hands in abundauco tooffnnl tbo bent tillage tn tbe grateful soil.

Tlie Iidand of Mauritius, so insignificant in aren as almost tobe untnarkeit ou our maim. sntipliM throc-fourthx of the sugarcoumimi-d in Kurope. Tho Inhabitant,! fif thAt most civilizedUlet allow none of tbe sewafe of Port Louis—its capital—Ui bethroxn Into the Indian ocean. In some tewus in Irclnnil, Ibclicvo an effort has been mace to induce tbo authorities to pellto farmers a portion of tewage. Dublin,' CorV, and Belfast, Iam Uild, Atf! making a movement in this particular direction.The authorities In Watorford might, (uraly, follow no good anexample. Hanj n**ons combine to render this island the unin-habited (compnratircly speaking) land It is. It it deprived olIU manufactory by the icalons Parliament of England.It Is then told that Ita climate, being too humid,is nnfit for tUlatre, and that all it ought to do Is to get Hoof ita men and women, and now fat awn for Jons Ball.This Island in, in fact, a draw farm' for England, sod a super-Delal (initt liUiial Knte) farm ahm. for the heart of the hVadbeiuf totally uncultivated, for want ot the generous, abiding,and gently slininlatlng effect* of the re-productive oaaenoea, so(uiltlly abandoned to the sea, tha (ew inhabitant! an de-pendent upon foreign oonntriai for an aandenUU lupplj of poor,bad food. Instead of the wholeaome stuff of all kinds withwbleb, In spit* of England's Interested opinion, their ownlands eonld in. anch bounty bestow. To atarvo our foty wpollute onr rivers jto prorido the foretfner Wf tod own onour surface; to produce meat, unpanaiimwi tjrennervee, we•mpty out bland of ita fine people ; to God's ereatorea In bumaashape we pnfer tho heart.

Should not aome effort be made to meet thia state of things *Ten. Let the nUlf ul example of Ur. Ryan be followed, not fromour poorhousen only, but from oar cities. Let a few instance*only bo prodnocd of similar success, and Irishmen's opinionsmay alter. The/ maj begin to feel that food itself is batterthan the cash that hnys it; that the win ot a hoitil* potentatamar, at any moment, deprive us of even the mlMraUa jelMneal vonohsafalto us by him, afKr his tnrnpwtiV) tale WWfully provided i and that a day mav be seen; whsri Midas-hire,'

r^»sffej fiM •?¦ Tr H. ¦«!* ww**BrfjrtcmVr (IK, 1871. u - Fulcra. 0*0OUA>.Aid.' RtDkoihr"aaid that that admirable raport'did

every credit to the bead and hoarlj of bin gallantfriend, Major O'Gorman (hear, bear), and he wag alioglad to find snob etrong proof that tfb* tnaaMo- fruabtotoi^ef^

gwdft ro 'fto^ &^^w^

mentioned, in the report jut reaxJ. The fut wailufBoient 'to «hbw what oould, b» ,done upon a "nailpieoe'of lan , and thf-reiult wM.niry,ore>i«toble tothe'master. ." There could be nothing more.importantto an agricultural country than, manure, ito whiohMajor O'Gorman had made auoh, particular, ind_ justreferenoe (hear, hear), and it waa equally undeniablethat Ireland, as a rule, was almost starved ont for thewant of manure. Tranoe was far and away beforeIreland in this respect, and Belgium, that small butfertile oonotry, waa a perfect garden because of itsbeing plentifully manured, whilst here, it was notor-ious that manure was thrown into the river, poison,ing the fish. Major O'GOKHAN : Aye, and thrown inat the rate of eighty tons a week. Ald.BEDMOSD con-cluded by expressing a hope that munioipal corpora-tions would, in Ireland, utilize the sowage of townsfor the benefit of the country at large.

Capt. Powra said it was the ratepayers who putthe manure there and not tho master, and MajorO'GORMAN, thereupon, asked—Who the d 1 saidthey didn't ? a slight query humorously varying therather monotonous proceedings, Capt. FOWEK wenton to argne that mnch of the fertility of the othercountries alluded to, was due to the fact of their beingunder a different climate from that of Ireland , aproposition to which Major 0'Gorman took someexception.

ThoCUAiRJUN said that in his young days, and asoould be sees by Tigho's history of the countyKilkenny, considerable quantities of liquid manureworo sont up from Waterford through the barony ofIverk, but iu and from the time of the famine, thatsupply dropped off. Tho discussion then ended.

ULLID DISPKNIAKY.Mr. James Comorford was, upon the nomination of

Mr. E. Walsh, plooed upon the Ullid dispensary com-mittee. COALS.

There wore two tenders for ISO tona of Cardiff coal,dolirsrod, ouo at 16s. 3d. the othor at 15s. 8d. a tonThe latter, pronounced an exceptionally low tender,was accepted. Contractor, Mr. Richard Power.

TIIE PBOTESTA.YTCHUKCH. .Capt. MAUNSELL reforrod to tbo site selected for

the church for the Protestant inmates, for the pnr>poso of stating his objection thereto aa unsuitable,to give a notice of motion to rescind all resolutionsbearing upon it, and, to allocate a sum not exceeding£100 to erect a suitable Protestant church.—Adjour-ned."STATE or las Housi.—Remaining Saturday Sept. 2,719; admitted, 61; born, 0; discharged, 40 ; died, 3 ; re-maining September 0, 739; over thu daj twelvemonths, i i ;able-bodied malei, 2; femalw, 16; No. in infirmary, 292 ;;in fever hospital, 20 ;coit of provisions received, £831os. lidconsumed, £94 9a. Id.! average cost, 2i. 6Jd ; infirmary,2». 8d.;fever hoepital, 6a.lid: dining ball,If. 1M.

COLIICIID. UBCOLLECIEDFitzgerald £176 19 9 ... £3003 1* BGibson 235 18 8 ... 1263 5 11Jones 63 4 7 ... 1467 17 3Power 0 0 0 ... 1801 0 1Barroa 100 10 I ... 2598 3 2

£578 13 1 ... 10,131 1 2Balance atainst guardians £2.889 0 0

TRAMOTIE PETTY SESSIONS—IMnvnAVBotore Mossrs. E. POWIB, (ohairman), C. Rogers,

J. Power, and Capt. Mannsell. Mr. Canlneld, S.I., inattendance.

AXLEOED FELONIOUS ASSAULT.—Jamos Kolly, labo-ror, was brought up on remand, oharged withviolently assaulting, with folonions intent, AaastatiaSullivan, who lives with hor parents, labouring people,at Lissolane, on Sunday evening, tho 3rd instant,about six o'oloclc, whilst on hor way home. Complain-ant, a fino, strong, girl about twenty-five years oiago, deposed that on Sunday evening she was goinghome, along tbo bank, adjoining tho back strand; shefirst met Kelly's mother ; sho bid her good evening ;she then saw Kelly himself, coming along tbe bankafter hor ; she quickened bor paco, and he iqnickenodhis ; whon ho came up to her, he canght bold of hor,and tried to throw her on tbo bonk, bnt did not suc-ceed ; he then pulled her down tho side of the bank ;sho soroamed as loud as sho coald ; he pat his handround her throat, and was choking hor : he triod tostop her mouth with hor shawl ; sho caught histhumb in her mouth, and mado him let go; she sworepositively that she beliovod he intended taking herlife, and only somo boys who wore on the strand camoto hor assistance), ho would havo dono so ; he haddrink taken; was only Blightly acquainted with him ;it was at tbo sido of tho bank noxt tho strand he hadher ; they oould bo seen from tho strand ; bor arm isvory much hurt, and was cut in the struggle. Mr.Strango, solicitor, cross-oxaminod complainant atsomo longtb, aud sbo persisted in Baying Kolly inten-ded taking hor lifo , and it was woll for hersclfjthatsho was so strong ; sho had somo candles bringinghomo, and thoy wore mado bits of; hor clothes wcronot torn, but hor arm was cut, which Bho couaH show.Mr. Strango: Would it bo hard to mako up friendabotweon you ? Complainant: It would ; I will ncvorforgivo him, dead or alivo. Jfr. Strange : Than Isupposo it would bo useless to say any moro to you ?Complainant : I think so. Geoffrey Power, an ictol-ligont lad, deposed that samo cvoning, ho nnd othorboys woro going along the strand to Kelly's houso,about somo pigeons, wbon thoy heard a womanscreaming ; when they wont ovor, thoy saw complain-

< ant down on tbo sido of tho ditch , and Kolly noarher ; sbo was crying lond at first; thoy conld not aeowho thoy wcro, as it was dark, but when Kelly spokothey know his voico; thoy could not got over to thnmas thoro waa a stream of water between them; theywero about a quarter of a milo away whon thoy firsthoard tho screams; ono of tho boys said, " Kelly youwill be made pay for this ;" he made no answor; tbogirl called to them to como and Bave her lifo ; thoythen wont round and want up to hor ; sho was stillcrying ; sho told thorn what Kelly did to her; Kollywalked away towards his own houso, and thoy wonthomo with the girl. Michael Pholan, anothor of thoboys, fully corroborated tbe last witnesses evidonco.Mr. Strango aaid all he hod to say for the defencewas, Kolly unfortunately was under the influence ofdrink that evening—only for that be would not haveacted in anoh a manner, as ho bore aa oxcellentchanntor. Tho bench, after a short consultation,decided on aending the oase for trial at next QuarterSessions, admitting prisonor out on bail, binuelf in£20, and two sureties in £10 each.

ABANDONING SBBVICE.—Mr. Michael Dunphy,former, summoned Margaret Power for leaving bissorvice boforo tbe eipiration of the Urm agreed upon.This caso was adjourned at three different pottysessions. At the last sessions, Mr. Sargent, solr., fordefendant, obtainod a postponement in order to sum-mon Mrs. Dunphy, aa ho provod, to the .satisfactionof the bench, that she was a moat material witnessfor his client, she being tho party who, made tbeagreement. To-day, Mr. Dowsley, aolr., Clonmel,appeared for plaintiff, and pressed the benoh to inflicta Bevere ptraiihment on dofendant to mako her an ex.ample to deter others from leaving their sorvice. Mr.Sargent strenuously resisted the application, sayinghe had summoned Mn. Dnnphy as a vritnees, andwhy did she not attend ? Mr. Donphy said she wasunable to attend, as sho was in a delicate state ofhealth. Mr. Sargent : You should have brought amodical certificate to that effect. In reply to thebench, Mr. Danpby aaid there wore 34s. duo to do-fendant. Mr. Sargent then said that although hisclient was overworked, and that she did everythingin hor power to pleaso them, yet she now was satis*fied to forfeit the wages due to her, and end thematter. Defendant was fined Is. and to forfeit allwages.

WEIGHTS AMI M F.ASUKKS.—Constable Swooney,deputy inspector of weights and measures for thoTramoro district, summoned a number ofhaxtars forhaving light woights, and in one instance, a wrongbeam sad scales. The beneb soveroly reprimandeddefendants, but aaid they believed it was morethrough carelessness than fraud. Small fines of fromId. to Gd each, woro imposed, together with the for-feiture of tho weights.

GKOSS KKCLECT—Mr. William Casack summonedWalter Power for leaving his sanrico without givingnotico. Mr. Cnsock deposed that defendant wasengaged by him at 7s. por wock ; on Snnday morningho went away, leaving his Btablo and soddlo roomopen, and throe horses with thoir hoads tied up; hedid not como bock till four o'clock in the ovoning;plaintiff had to clean tbo horses himself; defondanthad tho koys of tbo oatbiu with him, and when heasked bim for thorn be denied he had them; ho after-wards got them in his pocket. Defendant said hewas in the stable, at six o'clock in the morning; somemen camo in and thoy gavo him somo whiskey ; whenho went to breakfast he foil asleep, and did not wakentill about four o'clock ; ho then went to tho stable,and Mr. Cusock told him to go away ; ho also accusedhim to hiB mother of stealing a bottlo of whiskey outof his shop. Plaintiff denied having Baid. anything tohis mother about a bottlo of whiskey ; ho owed him5s. 3d. wages. In reply to tbo bench, Mr. Cusa tc,said ho would not tako bim back, as ho cpo.lct neverdepend upon him. It would bo a very nerions thingto him if tho gentlemeu who. owned the. horses hap-pened to come into, tbo stable, and saw them tiod npat that haur in the evening, whon hones like thornshould be attendod as regularly as a clock, and to pre-vent others from doing such a thing, he would oakthe benoh to punish defendant. The baooh serenely,censured defendant, and ordered him to par \a. Aoe,and Is. Gd. costs, and to forfeit t.Ju> Qs. 3d, wages.He waa allowed a week to, my.

NAT(PA4V JUSii, KBW BOSS.—J. Nicholson, Esq.,manager of tbe New Boas branoh of the Nationalbank, being about to leave that town to. take chargeof the Bank iu Loughrea, his frienda in New Ifcoszneighbourhood are about to present him vn,tt a suit-able testimonial, to express their esteem and rogardfor him. Mr. Nioholaon, whp,ii a native of Watorford,is a most efficient and deserving officer of the National,and well Of*0! °f ">a tribute the people of Boss areabout to tender him.

NATIONAL BANK.—John Deady, Esq., accountant intie'National Bank at Nenagh, baa bjje^ prompted tothe management

^of the Jjlnai^ir^bv b'janoh, aad.it

replaced in Nen&g^by'Mx/ Pettrce from'the Uak io,•"•"••JW- • " • • •' ' , • i, ::._„:.Mi. rpoesor, J.P., and other/), are abocui MttftBtork above bridge; J, , T r% .,*

. ^<»W™'l .«W «w«« <P.«pllfxl!)fc(ef«J4*<»W«l7

in nuij+vnnt i .• ¦ : •

.. .. i hVSQABTAS* Q0MBW0SDBX0B.. •_ :. J U ij , ¦» *. I - * " »—

TOW COMMflfflONHB8- ^WMH»*'»i>iT.' • :- 'MicHAE,'Al ;A>rrH0!rt, 1!iq, chairman.Also present--Mossxav Jt 'Haokett, W. Byas, J.

Oleary, J. William*, and Biohard Keily.lNVKCiOK'8:Bnonr—The Inipootor reported that

the oommi««8 »ppofated to intpeot the westerndutriot of the t<jwn, reoommend the following im-provement in that portion of the borough : 1st.—Tooall upon the Marquis of Waterford's agent to takedown or build up the old rains in Blackpool at theend of Chapel-lane, with the. view of removing thonuisance therefrom; 2nd.—To call on Mrs. Keily tomake a gewer on the Buttery West, near the end ofFair-lane to the rere of her houses; 3rd—To makea pared channel at Looghmore, from the large stoneat or on the side of the road to the gullet at the endof Fair-lane, with the view of taking off the surfacewater, together with draining the yards to tbe rereof the houses in that locality ; 4th—To open acdolean the main sewer in Thomas-street, the upper endof which is full of liquid stuff stopping the free courseof the water therein; Sth—To call on Mr. Christopherto take down or close in an old ruin in 2 and 3 Cross-stroet, whore a publio nuisance has been committed.A long list of the number of houses, occupiers, andowners followed. The Inspector farther complainedof the very filthy state of the fish shambles, Btatinghe had to call on tho scavenger twice within a fewdays to sweep up the plaoe, and, that the Btoncb.arising therefrom waa most disagreeable. Mr. Clearysaid as to the houses in Borheenathraw, they were ina shooking way, ond when rain falls it flows into thehouses iu suoh a way thrt the tenants have to bail itout ; in foot, it runs up to their beds. The tenantsare so exceedingly poor they are not able to oarryout the slightest improvement in their houses oryards. Mr. Williams said that Orimmin's-lono was ina most shooking state. Mr. Cleary : The people inBorheenathraw are iu a most wretched state j therere of their houses haa no sewerage ; thoro aropigstyes, but they are unroofed, and they are obligedto make piggeries of thoir houses, aud yet, tho rentof Is. 4d. a week must be p&id and no mistake.Chairman : We should be most careful as to thesanitary state of Iho town and, aa cleanliness is agreat preservative to good health, those partiesshonld bo made to remove these nuiaanoes. Mr.Cleary : I think it's the duty of the landlord to putthese houses in a state of repair. Chairman -. Havewe power to force the landlords to remove the com-plaint ? Mr. John Hunt, commissioners' solicitor,stated they had full power to compel the landlords toput the houses in a proper state of cleanliness. Anorder to that effect was accordingly made.

KATE COLLECTOR.—The board made an order thattho rate uuder towns' improvement act be closed bythe collector against next meeting.—Adjourned.

CATTLE DISTEHPKR.—Constable O'Callaghan, Col-ligan station, read his report in court laat Saturday,of the foot and month disease amongst the cattlain the rural distriota of Duugarvan, from which, itappeared, that tho distemper is greatly on the in.orease. Other members of the constabulary alsoread thoir reports, which woro anything but favor-ablo. Thia is sad intelligence.

THI PROPOSED INCREASE or THE SALAET or ini;MASTER, OF THE WORKHOUSE.—The following state-ment, in support of his proposed increase of salary,has been prepared by Mr. M. F. Shine, master of theworkhouse, for the ensuing board, before whom themotion will come on for discussion :—

Workboaie, Dungarvan, September lotb, 1871.Sis—As a DOtice of motion to increase my aalary will bo

considered at the guardians' Imeetiog of the Slat iostaut , [beg respectfully to direct your attention to the follottin;?statement, showing tlie grounds upon which I have baaedmj claim : From returns obtained by tbe clerk of thounion , aud laid before tbe board, it appears that, for twentyunions in this province, tlie average number of paupersrelieved ia. each 1*3 350, while tbe number relieved in tbi*union is 403. The following table will show tho numbersrelieved in tbe unions of lj iamore, Fermoy, CloglieeD,CarricJc-on-Suir, Youghal, Duagarvan, and Clonmel, audtbe salary paid to tbe tauter of MCU ; which I bave selectedfor no other reason than, that they surround Dungarvan ,aud the guardians must possess &ome local knowledge otthem :

Averago No. Salarj as , Aaiatauts.Relieved, Muster.

Lumoro ... 193 £60Cloi'hccn ... 239 75Carrick-on-Suir... :K1 80 A-3)Youglial ... 3M SOFeruiojr ... 2K> VtDuugnrvau ... 408 60Wonmcl ... MS 100 xib

From this table it it aeen tliat tbe number relieved in Ibisworkhouse is more than doable that of Lismorp, aud thatClonmol atone exceeds Dungarvan in tbe amount of labourtc ba performed by tbe master. From returns, showing the•alaries paid to each officer in several unions, and tbennmber of paid officers ifi each , two fact! are deducihlewhich do not appear from the foregoing table, and tlieie araimportant in my favor. Tbe Grit ia, that , taking intoaccount tbe importauce of ibis uuion, aa judged from ttonumber relieved , you bavo the smiillest staff of residentofficers in this onion j and tbe second is, that the severalofficers of jour union, have been receiving aatariea quite usliberal as those paid to similar officer? in the other noioo*,with two exceptions—the clerk and matter. One of thesehas been creditably removed, so far as it lsy ia the gaaidinns'power, and I trust, tbat the loog-atandiog, and now only,exception in my case, will b« removed also, as every argu-ment used by,Mr. Uoyle in hia application stands equallygook iu mine.

There was no board yesterday.


BOARD OF GUARDIANS—SATURDAT.Mr. H. W. BKISCOE , J.P., ohainnan, presiding.

Also present—Messrs, Clement Sadleir, J.P.. D.V.C., JohnRichardson, Thomas Cleary, J. R. O'DonueU, Pat Phclaa(Ca.rriuk.beK), Thomas Lalor, D.L., Frederick Malcomson, J.I'.,and W. Power.

Tho business was extremely light. The corres-pondence was comprised in two circulars from thecommissioners in reference to cholera, and the ad.missions to two applicants, who were taken in.

STATS or THE HODS«.—Remaining at llast date, £67 ; admit-ted dnring tha week, 21; born, 0 ; discharged, 18: died. 3 :remaining on above date, 287 ; Knmbcr at oorreaponding periodlast j;ear, 205 ; No. of sick—in infirmary hospital, 103 ; in feverhoapitsJ, 3j No. in blind aj/lom, 0 ; No. in deaf and dnmb in-

stitution, 0; No. ou out-door relief, 158 ; coat ot out-door re-lief for the week £9 ; decrease, 28 ; amount received during tboweek, £0 0>. Od.; paid by the treasurer during the week, £1024s. Id; cost of provisions and necessaries, £47 7s. 4d. ; do. oon.sumo), £(2 2s. Od, i general average cost of an inmate for onoweak, 2s. 9id. ; do., Infirmary, 3s. Od. ; do., fever hospital, tii.

71d. ; balance against guardians, £1038 5t. 5d.

THE LATK REOATTA—A CHALLENGE.—A report igcurrent here that we are soon to nave another contestbetween the Robin, tho Cruiskcen, and the SimriKe,for a heavy money prize. The ohalleogs, jf oon-ect,arises from the fouling at the lato regatta.


8II —The people of the county Waterford feem tobe forgetting their own interests in railway matters.It ia » aluuna that they have not a central railwaythrough the heart of our fine county. A railway ianow being made from Clonmel to Thurles—anotheris in course of making through the county Wexford—yet, here ia Waterford county without a move as yet.What are tbe gentry and leading inhabitants about FWhy don't they meet and devise some plan ? Thothing can be t s easily done here as elsewhero.—Yours truly, W. W.


DEAR SIR—Tho praotioo of going to Dublin forgoods is fast finding its way here, and a more perni-cious system can hardly be conceived. For instance,I know a oitizen to bring down from Dublin lately,two ohosts of tea, and two suits of clothes. I hoardtho same citizen, in a few days after, advocatingsubscriptions in this city. Now, sir, how are sub-scriptions to bo paid—aa also numerous taxes thopoor to be supported—local institutions to be main-tained, if people go to Dublin to buy their goods ?Tho system is shamefully bad, and should bereprobated. Every shilling earned in Waterford,should, if possiblo, be left in Waterford, and thisapplies to all provincial places. But persons willsay—" Oh! but wo get things cheaper and better inDublin." Somo things may bo got a few poncochoapcr in Dahlia or elsewhere. But, the man whowould give up a fellow-oitiien to savo a fow pence, isworth bnt little. Dooa be not deserve to be treatedin like manner himself P If tea, and beer, and coots,and hats, and blankets, and watches, and trinkets,are bought out of W&terford; I don't see why breadand ovory other thug should not also be bought outof Waterford. And then how aro onr traders to live ?

Watoiford, Wednesday, Evening. A. M.

OUB MARKETS-Tms WEEK .How OaAl.v. — The supply of wheat large this

week, and quality and condition much improved toIhatoflaat. Boat red, sold at 30Uo308 3d p«r barrel.Tfhite, 31a to 31B 6d. Formers are well ploascdwith these pricea, and. expected to bring in theirwheat freely to market. No barloy at market asyet, as farmers we waiting till brewers commencebiying. T.b* wpply of new oats small, and pricesadvanoiatj; lla 6d to 11s 8d for blacks, and 12s forp»ya. The quality of blocks superior to any ofprevious years, both iu condition and weight.—BUTTER.—The supply of butter feir for the seasoB,aud tho quality improving as the weather getscool. Prices advanced, joasarday U to.6s per ewt.To the best makex» X®» to 126s were paid. PIGSeasier in pw»i W*. may be quoted u aha top fi.gnre. A. farther fall may ba> looked for as the sea.ISA advanoes. Quantity will ha Bomeroui nextweek, and from this forward BACON.—Thii articlein very alow demand. Prey at prioe, 80s free onboard. AgenU.«xr*?9», aa immediate fell to Kt.—Coals at tho VW« 16* w per ton | delivered iatown, lfo Potatoes, fid to 6td per atone. Tenblack opei at market. , "

Tax . FOOT AND uoum UUXASB.—Qa MondayConstable Walsh, oX Bwraih. and CotuUUo PJetreKlin, ,Petta>»J*m. Wported, wb the JfeKor Offloe thaoonfdflflB* wy«*»W of UM dim* in their dbtrioto

s pi lpV tiatUrtoUasoattto. The Gownm

wits*),*** **»* ™ to have been huM at thsofanef the prevent oxng, feu •!*> bm pwtpgnad{•mttaWM QWM...: !, r-~iwwa.

Page 4: M. POWEll & SONS,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1871/...direct to Cork, and calU at Wa.terfotd Tetsming. FROM WATERFOKD TO BELFAST, Via CORK. FRIDAYS lit, 8th, letb,

Sclcctclr »octt»« !"THE TWO.VILLAGES." !Orer tho rirer, on the hill,Lipt-h a villago whit© and still.All around it the forcfit trees, 1Shiver and whUpcr in the brcttc ; 'Over it siUling Bhuiows go :Of Mario; hawk and screaming crow, IAnil mountain prosKs, low «ud awed, 1Grow in the middle of every street. 'Over tho rircr, uurtcr tho hill.Another rtf/agc lietli «tiU;Thero I SL-C iu tho cloudy niplit JTwiiikliuj : Rtirs of household lte.it, !Firus that claim from the smithy's door, ,Muts tliat curl on the river FIIOTV,Aud in tho mud no jrraases prow.For the wheels that hasten to aud fro.In that Til]'i(n>|on the hill•Never itt sound of Hiiithy or mill, »1 lm houses nre thatched with jjruss and flowcraN«TIT a Hock t> toll tho hours ;Ttlio marble dtion aro always* Mint ,You can not cuter iu hall or hut—All the villager* liu usltrp.Never a irrniu to sow or tv.ip,Netrr iu drmuw to mourn or *n;b,Silcut and iiUu aud low they He.In that vitliure under the hill,!When thr uitrht i>" »tarry awl *til) ,Many a wenrv &n\\ in iiniyurLooks to tli.it other village there.Ami wpt'piny anil wchinij, lon^s to gr>Up to that homo from hero below,Limp* to «lei-p by the fnnwt wild,Whither have vanished wife and child,And hesiretli, pnvyinc, that ntiswer fall :" 1'aticnce, tluit villain: shall hold you all!"

NO NONSENSELimerick has i t hpr orni ngain.

Though Im«r hiT jratcj ithc tt'liigg kept, .shut,I tliiuk shc'it j-cuil nn honest uiau

To sp<\ik hur utiudiu London, ButPditii ' worth y vitizens dfctaro

S» IOIIJ; .-li.'-V liii-rrretl in the rutOf n|Kit1ivp>tlitiral ,

The Wliii-sj ii^uiu may conquer ; But.'Ti*1 nrsuM on tho other hand,

TJJU |HH>(0t* with thr jwwt have cut.And Liiui-riek'd vuk-o this time Miall ring,A* mtitj her iius in oldru tiinu ; But

You hear a sterner vide (talari?," Fur measure* nu don't can; a nut,<»ivi * us the iijrwi wrought to tni*J ,Ami we'll duct him ;)tullj ;" itut>lrn"ture< and raan iilcnttttal —The case another way to put—>l:ike the Kreat boou for which should fightThe Eulhiut uieu of Umcrick ; Bui" A I'atholic should represent

This ancient city," tut! tut ! tut !Since Emmett was a Protestant ,

That jargou. must he fiilenced." ButLit cn-wls ami sides shake friendly hands,Aud let thy Oran-ro ensign jutIts ihmitr,; head nth\rnrt the Green,If that will buy Hyrt-euii-ut; ButAW want a man whoso arm sliall shield

Our common Ireland—hall ami hut—T1i''ii , Lmn riirk nun, find union iu

Tliat pmnil conjunction— fouiu Butt.—y.ozhnv

ftfttrfeultltt'C(From the Irish Farmers' Gazette.)


PLOUGHING .—This is probably about t'bo boat soasonfor ploughing; tlio land is, ia general , neither too wetnor too dry, aud no otbor work should bo pormittudto interfere vrith it. Aftor tho com IR cut, wo wouldreoommond tho land to bo lightly scuffled, woll har-rowed, and tho stubbles and weeds carriod off toincrease tho dung-hoap, and then ploughed with adeop furrow. Land thrown roughly up at this periodhigh and dry will bo so acted on and onrichod by tbsalternate frosts and tb.aws of wintor, as to breakdown nnder tho harrow g ja tho finest tilth, and allowof much earlier cross .ploughing than that whioh iaploughed up at a latP.r period, whoa tho land is «atu.rafrd with wator.

AfTUM.N Ci.KA.\i:.r. of Rtubblo land , preparatory tonoit year's green cropping, is a practice- which mustcommend itself u\ tlio notice of all who aro duairousof having thoir w ork well fonvanlod at :i BOason whenevery honr is of consequent*.). TJ JO implements com-monly uneil i-j thi* operation aro tho two-horsogrubber, Ben' MI' H broudsharo, ;i>nd tho commonplough. In li 10 enso of tho latlor, tho first furrowgiven is mere ly a i-kimiing of two or three ir.chcs indopth, follow iil, nsiu tlicca-ioofthu other implements,by » t\wroai;h Imrioiring to bli.iko up tho weeds, whicharo then 'gathered oil*. Once the weeds huro beonremoved— whatover iinplemuut has beon employed tobreak tho mu frvco—tlio usual winter furrow i» givento an grejtc a depth an possible, and whororor it caube done wo stroug ly recommend that a light subsoilplough, Cir oven a common plough without tho mouldboarda, should follow in tho wake of tho first plough.The move wo brenk up tho under stratum, and thusporrait, tho nir to circulato freely through it, so muchgreater a depth do wo provide for tho extension ofthe roots of tho succccdiug crops. To those whobare not yet ruloptrd tho prnctice ofantumu cloaningor who nre sceptical us to tho benefits resulting fromit, wo i-bouM irn:ii,'imj thnt it would bo quitoouonghto KCO in spring, in wo have seen, a field intended forfollow crop« , hall ' of wliiuli havo beennutuinu-cleauodand half l<- l 'l in tin' onlinary state , tlui weather , orfoniQ other pn'Sriiir.; CUUMJ Itaviug preventod thocoinplctiuM nf the irntirc: cleaning in autmiin. Whenthe liarrowri were pm over ilic- field in apriug, for thofirst time, that portion which had beeu gonu over inautumn turned up mellow and clean , whilst theother portion was cloddy and foul , bciug coveredwith wisps of couch crass roots.

n i lKAl may be sown this mouth on fallows or onover loas. Whoa tho latter aro ploughed fcr wheat,they should bo dunged, aud tho Knd pressor used.

W INTKK II KANS aro Ij uHt sown from the middlo oftho mouth to tlio middlo of October. Lot tho landbe wol l manured aud deeply ploughed, harrowed, andtbo beans drilled in at from "JJ to 3 foot apart, pro.Tided tho luud bo sulCcieutly dry.

W ISTKK V F.TCIIKS .—To havo oarly and luiuriantcrops of winter vetches, abuudauco of manuro iinecessary. Let tho manuro be (spread over tho sur.fatoof tho land , ploughed into beti of about eightfoct wide; harrow roughly down, sow tho need ntthe rate ol four bushels per lri.sh acre ; givo a turnor two with the fino harrows , and trench up tho fur-rows. The votch cK may In; sown alonoor inixcul withryo or oatH ; when mixed with grain, thrco bushelsof votchos , with four or live stono of oats or rye , willBOW the Irish acn\

H VB may be sown nlono in tlio mino manner o»TetcheB , for either grain or a soiling crop. 20 stonoa«nti'« tha Iriali'iinra. ' >

1' I H F : may be sown from tho middle of this to thomiddle of next mouth us an early grain crop afterpotatoes or othor grcon crop, or oven on good wheatenstubble lard ; from IS to 20 ttonos BOW tho Irishacre ; it may be sown broadcast aud trenched, orunder the plough.

lUrK, to tecuro an abundant crop, should bo trana-plautod as early as possible, and be liberally suppliedwith manurv, which may bo spread ovor tho surfaceand ploughod in s plants may then be inssrtcd inerery third furrow, 12 inches npart , or tho land pro-pared and manured an is usual for turnips, and tbsplants put in with a setting-stick , 12 or 11 inobosapart, on tho orown of tbo drill- ), llapo may still besown on good, warm, dry soils , nnd a favourableolimato ; it will give an abundant btto to sheep in theearly spring, whon green food is ncarco.

CLOY Kit A .NI > U KASI secils fur meadow or pasturemay fitill be sown ; let thd laud bo ploughed , li ghtlyicuflled or Kcorified , unil well harrowed mid cleaned.

ITALIAN II VE -MM --* A M I - CI.M V K B may bo sown oarlythis mouth , in rich wi .-JJ -prrnnn nJ land , in » favourableaspect. This irra»H w il l give a very early bite toewes, or coino iu lor sniliug by tho middle or end ofA pril. It will yield three nr four cuttings 'luringtho seaRou , but hhould be top-dre^ed with rich coin-post or Jir| < i [*rl manure, iiumt*'i/at*'/y nf tcr each culling.About four bushels of Italian rye-grass , with Id or lilbs. of red over, ami 3 Iu 1 lbs. of rape, will sow miIrish acre.

liiyv s LAND ' .—This is brst prnF'jn for manuring allpraK'* landfl , whether inliMided for meadow or pasture.If tho lanils uro infuctrd with moss, they should bo»n)l -carilied , harrowed , and the moss gathered oilninl burned , before applying thn manures after which ,in dry weather, it should be well bush-harrowed , and ,if necessary, some fresh crass seeds sown.

CAIIIIAII KS may lie planted between the middle ofthis uwl lint succ»'i"Iin^' month. Tho l/ind .N IIOU I I! bewell and deep ly ploughed nr digged nnd liberallymanured. The cabbages wi ll come into nse from thomiddlo of A pril.

LI V E SIOC K .—K .vrrKX tMi CA T I I .K intended to boready for thu Christmas markets sho»ld be put »pthis monili , and for a tini'; they will do In^tter inyards than stalls , if thu wnathnr is warm. I^'t themliave velclios , cluvcr , anil Aberdeen turni p", finwnearly, tn cunir in HI . this time. I' rnni '1 1b. t<> !( 111. "1caLo per hcrail may nls.o Im given to ensure oteailyimproventent.

K K K K K I N I . K WKS .—This in tho proper period lorculling out ntul selecting owes for breeding purposes;after srlictiou put them on rich gra«.«, that theymay bi- in poo'l condition when placod iilong with thetun next mouth.

I. A M I I S nhuultl haTO Hlmndancoof aiiort. Bwcet grass 'n littl'! e . Tlia krep from henoeforwar<l will bo abun-dant l y repaid next spring in superior strength »ndcondition , nnd , at uliiaring time, in the crop of wool ;on tho contrary, if Int fall off in condition now, noetlbrta wiil brinR them np to equal those wbich We, ..ceived no check ; tlio wool will bo of uneven fibre,«, .<l miirli deteriorated in rnlno.

j.-,,,ir ]> ot _" A Subscriber's Brother"— PuRgcst nrotm-dy h idci liutyr of antimony for foot rot in

I HCU imrt lninbB ? Mine havo watery bhaten. and

S o.mcH tlu.-n.fram. 1'rofcwor Simondi recom-;..,. :,<|, t|,,. nppliontion oflunnr caustic to tho nlcors'ud proud lleib , fi-llowinpr that np with a tincture ofmvrrh Ointment of carbolic acid ia alBoyery useful,I,,?,! Arstr oVB tho nmell yon mention.

IUNI HS '; Sur.CT.-" An Old Subscriber"-! buy a

rtll hero. sho.p lhe.n.«t«ontb.-. mUt JAA ct Ml

Sd you reotwmeid to imed tbMB 00 ttoj»TT Wtb

a small brand, as raddlo ia Tory disogroeablt ?—I fyon intend to brand on tho cheek, you should nso aniron instrument mado for the purpose. On tho upperfaco of tho block is cot out, as a dio, the capitalletter to bo used. Tho longth of tho instrument, in-cluding tho shank, is about 18 inches : it IB boated iaa fire, and the letter barns its form on tho bair of thofaco ; or, whoa usod for cattle, on tho horne. Twobrands shonld bo used to oipodito tho work. Youmay also brand with moHod tar kopt hot until thobranding is oomplotcd. Some put a bit of pitch amongtho tor when put on tho firo to melt, others do not.

C A T H O L I C C H U R C H .THE CHUIICU is STKAI > IULT.Y.—An osteomod cor.

respondent, Writing vividl y of tho undying lovo of thopcoplo of this country for tho Catholio faith, and thocombined zeal of tho priests nnd pcoplo in givingeffect to thai lovo by tho erection of sploudid tomplosto tho Most High, thus describes tho impression leftupon him by a rccont visit to Stradbally, in thiacounty:—" Perhaps uowhero within our own timo,or within our own dioccso, can tho effects of thisrovereueo and boliof bo moro fully roalized than by nviow of tho Catholic parish church of Stradbally.Thcro, wo need only look upon n- haudsomo church,with an nowl y-built tower—striking ovon in idoa—andwo can fully imagino tho faith in tho roveronco, do-votion, and lovo for tho Catholic religion of tho priostsand peoplo of that locality. Tho building of thotower was commonccd about this timo lost year, nndthrough tho great zeal and energy of tho rospectcdparish priest, co-oporatsd iu by his good parishoocrs,aud SL generous gentleman formerly residing in thoparish, bnt now living in Prance, is jnst bordering oncompletion. It is ft building that redounds, in thofirst place, tho most particular credit on FatherCasey, for his anxious aud nover-oeasing desiro topromote the proper decoration of tho Houso of God :for his firm faith iu tho nsnistanco of God, ovidencedbr bis having commenced it with rt mcagro fund ; andthen on tho noblo spirit of a Catholic individual , whocontributed £200 towards it , and who, with the truoepirit of religion, has desired frequently of tho parishpriest not to mcutiou his namo; nud finally, it confersiulinito credit on the highly Catholic-spirited parish-oners, in londing, all through, their utmost assistanceto tho good work. Pomona of tasto and judgment,who havo como to sco tho building, praiie it in thahighest manner. Time, tho acknowledged destroyorof all things of tho world, has, in no way, dampedtho Catholio ardor bore, a strong proof that thatfaith is not the work of man, but of God. Oh! if thopeoplo of Stradbally, who have gono to rost n, hundredyears ago, coeld return to lifo now, with whatamazement would thoy not look upon tho faith andchurch of to-day ?"

The intermout of lh» vonerablo Jlothor Mary To-resa Connolly, took plnco on Friday, in tho coraotcryattached to tho Convent , Carrick-on-Suir, aftor Oflicoand High Mass in tho hatulsomo parochial church,prcsidoil ovor by Ucv. John Dee, P.P., Rall ynealo.Tho following olorcymon wcro also presont:—ThoRev. E. 1*. Walsh , PP., Her. J. O'Connoll , Ilev. P.O'Uonnell , llov. Thomas Hannigan, Itcv, James Han-nigan, Kev. Waltor Hallj, KOT.C. J. Flavin , Kov. J.Cloary, Rov. F. Coffcy, Her. Michael Casey, and ROT.John Powef. At tho close of tho solomn oOieo, HighMass cominoncod, at which tho ROT. P. O'Donnellofficiated as colobront, tho Rov. J. O'Donnell , deacon,and tho EOT. i*. Cofley, sub-doacon. .A processionwas then formed, consisting of tho clergyman, thecommunity in their robes of whito , and the ChristianBrothors and friends of tho deceased, to the. Conventcemetery, where tho remains werro dopositod amidtho prayers' of all for tho otornal rcpoia of tho saintodriix-moml —.R.I.P.

VniTAT/d.v.— Tho 3Iost ltor. Dr. O'Brion, LordBishop of this dioccso, held a -visitation on Saturdayand Snnday, at tho parish of Kowcastle. On Mon-day and Tuesday his lordship was similarly engagedat Ardfinan ; on Wednesday and Thursday at Cahir jon Friday and Saturday at Ballylooby; on Sundayand Monday next at Clcghcon, and on Tuesday andWednesday wook at. Ballyporoon, whoro, for thistime, will bo concluded tho visitations in tho Clonmoldistrict of tho dioceses of Watcrford and Lismoie.

¦ST. MAK V'S, litrsHnnv .v.—Tho Rov. Thomas English,P.P., thankfully acknowledges tho receipt of £5 fromMrs. Chulo, £i from James Gill , lOsq., National Bank ;and :£l from Mr. Jnmes Plymi , Wostgato, being theiroontributionR in aid of tho funds for tho oroction of aenmpauilo and chimo of hells , with a largo clock, &a,in front of St Mary's Church. Wo learn with satis-faction that tho penny weekly collection , which hasbeen organized in tin- parish for tho above mentionedobject , han proTod a great success, nnd that withintho past month it ban reached tho sum of £10, whichhas beon lodged in bank in tho name of tho pastorand two piirishionors.—Cf'mniW .fVe* /'r«s.«.

It is with the aincero.st regret that wo announcethe death of tho Rov. Mr. Kavauagh, which sad eventtook placo on Sunday at his rosidenco, Kilkenny.Father Kavanagh had been in ill health for somotimo, and in consequence resigned the Adminstrator-shi p of St. Mary's Cathedral . Tho zonl , pioty, nndcharit y for which Falhor Kavanagh was romarkabloendeared him to nil classes and crecdR.

COADJUTO R Bisnoi' rou K ILKENNY .—Wo understandthai., owing to the ill health of our piou.s nnd veno-rablu bishop, bin lnrship has dircetrd tho Ticar-Oeno-ral , Very Rev. Dean M'Donahl, P.P., to summon ameeting nf the parish priests of tho ilinccss , on Sop.tember I'Jth, in the Cathedral , to yelfet three clergy-men IV J IOSO names nro to bo forwarded to Romo, inorder that tho Hol y Father may make a final decisionas to a coadjutor bishop for Ossory. His KmincnceCardinal Cu'llon will presido nt tile moiling of thul'Jth, iu tho Cathodral.— Kilkenny .J 'umml.

WllV TIIK NoKTlt HAS PKOIiltKSSP.il ,—1 ho f.n'lltfcrlu-h-p eri 'lent , iu an excellent articlo, says :—Duringthe Cattlo Show in Maryborough wo mot an honestEnglishman who expressed his astonishment that thiscounty ih particular , and Ireland in general , shouldhuvi! nothing better to show than cattle. Ho couldnot liiidcrdtnnJ , hu told iu, how we, participating inthn institution s, should not participato in tho manu-facturing opulunco of England—should not , like her,possess tall factories and deep sunk mines, noisyfonndoriiM, swarming with smutted smiths, and shipyards, tivtniii!,' mill alivo with myriads of briiwncyartixans—shi]M , manufactures , nnd commerce. :i Lookt'> llelfast ." ho cxchiitnoi] , " aud pee what tho city has" become. Why should not every Irish city eihi-bit similar bmtlo aud industry, anil abound inwealth lib: lielfnst ?' This is a i[iic.st!nu whichKujrlishtncn Uive to ask ; and the answer they expectis the, acknowledgement of Homo defect in Irishcharacter which incapacitates our country for pros-nority^-vonio lack of perseverance, or energy, tiomomoral flaw—to which national calamity may boattributed. Tho citizens of Belfast, boing of foroignorigin, are froe from this nations! defect; nnd nro,therefore, successful in industry. When an English-man, good reader, argues in this way, you should tollhim that the prosperity of Ulster originates in thoinstitution called " Tonant-llight." It ia not anysuperiority of race or peculiarity of religion, it ia thosecuri ty of tcnuro and certainty of reward , necessita-ted by tcuant-right, which produces Ultonion pros-perity. Without tenant-right, operating throughitjioi", tho inhabitants of Ulster would bo as slugf ishand Apathetic ns any other people. Industry wouldlanguish into idleness, and wealth degencrato intoindigence and rags. Industry, in that province, hasbeen certain , during centuries , of reward ; and thomass of its inhabitants have, been penetrated accord-ingly with tin; spirit of industry. Security impartsa vigour, communicates a manliuess, and inspired anenergy which is something magical. A numbing in-fluence!, on the other haud, is produced by insecurity,which mummifies soei"ty : everything languishes ,doles, and pines in helpless despondency.

STOKMY Mt'.mw ix TI P I 'P. U A K V .—Pursuant to reso-lutinn (if the Town Commis'-ioiiers , a public meetingof tin! inhabitants of Tippurary was convened forMonday la«t , in tho Town Hall , for tho purpusn ofobtaining for tlint town " tli.it. pwtimi of (lie Towns'Improvement Act which relates to cleansing and

li ghtingand no other portion thereof." In consequenceof tho detci mined opposition lii-rcliifure to the: intro-duclion of the Act , disturbances on a largn scale wuroantici pa t ed, nnd a force from tho outl ying districtwas drafted into town at. an early huur for the pur.pose of nssistiug the Tipperary police in maintainingnrdp.i'and quelling any rioting ilmi might occur. Ashort time before 1^ o'clock , floold , the bell-man,paraded tho principal streets of tho town for tliopnrposo of announciug to tho inhabitants thut thomeet ing was about to como oil". IIo was followed bya crowd of " gamins ," >\r.d derisively cheered till hoagain retired to priAato life. Tin; Town-hall was, inthe meantime, thrown open, hut tho ratepayers nndcommissioners did not put iu an appearance, and fora time it was thought no meeting would come olf. Atabout half-past ]'J o'clock , however , Mr. Carew,Chairman of die Tmvn Commissioners, arrived at thoTown-hall , and immediatel y that he hail taken thuchair , the lar^e crowd outsido thronged into thnbnilding, which , in nn incredibl y short spaet of time,was crowded to Hutl'ocation. The proceedings were ,front the commencement, so noisy and boisterous thattho chairman, before any business proceeded, propo-sed to adjourn the meeting. This conrso of procedurewu, however, nil but unanimously rejected, and thochairman waB ultimately induced to remain in hisplaoc. Tho only other commissioners present wuro—Messrs. Wm. Ryan, and J. O'Connor. Thu K CT, Dr.Boll was also in attendance, but tbo entire of thuratepayers, numbering in all sixty-ono, who 011 aprevious occasion signed & momorial to have thoTowns' Improvement Act obtuincd for Tipperaryabsented thomselves, witb ono or two exceptions, fromthe meeting- Mr. O'Connor moved the first resolution ,to tho effect that the. consideration of obtaining forTippernry tho Towns' Improvement Act bu udjour-ned till that day month. Tho proposition, which wnslecoived with uproarous cheers, was seconded by Mr.ilichael Mullnlly, and after n very stormy scene, thechairman wns induced to pnt tho resolution, and itwan carriod, amid great cheering and confusion, andthe meetluir tnon hi oko up.

A'&'JUKST.—A laborer, named Kinvan, whilst at-tending ft mason at Johnstown, on Tneeday, fell fromtho Udder, dislocating a thigh, sod aerorely inuringbi* left artn/"H» ;>ira»''taUBir'to hoeplUO, and jfreoeiring every attention, ' "¦ ¦'¦ ¦

. > : '- •> '. .



Also presont—Mossrs. E. Konnofick, R. Byrne, audP. Flynn.

A POI .VT or ODDER .—Mr. Byrno objooted to thelegality of thoir proceedings. Ho was thoro at twolvo,thoro was then no quorum, and now they wero goinginto business at two. Ho looked on thcir doing so asillegal, it boing now so much beyond tho ap-pointed timo of meeting. Ho called upon tho clericto read tho section bearing upon tho question. Mr.Boy lo did so, and tbo board proccedod, Mr. Byrnodoclnring ho would not take any part in tho bnsinoas.

Tup. MASTER'S SALAHV .—Mr. Walsh, a member oftho board not present, sent iu a notice ot motion toincreaso tho salary of tho mastor from £G0 to £80por annum. Tho board ordered that tho olerk bedirected to roquest tho opinion of tho commissionersas to tho logality of a notico of motion, duly signedby a guardian, who was not present at the meetingat which it was handed iu.

THE KATE,—Referring to a rccont resolution of thoboard, regulating tho futuro collection of tho rate,tho commissioners wroto, acknowledging rocoipt ofresolution, "requiring tho collector to havo one-third of tho new rate collectod within three months jtwo-thirds within six months, and the wholo amountcollectod within nino months from tho dato of thoissuo of tho warrant; and tho commissioners havo toinform tho guardians that in unions in which thetimo allowod for comploting tho collection is dividedinto two or moro periods, tho poandago -varies, thohighost rato of poandago boing given for all sumscollectod in tho first period, and decreasing poundagesfor tho latter periods, and tho commissioners requesttho guardians will givo thoir consideration to thi3nrmnyoment." Postponed to this day fortnight.

THE CLKKK 'S SALARY .—Tin commissioners alsowroto, declining to sanction a greator incroaso to thoclerk than would make his salary £100. Postponedalso to this day fortnight, and tho board adjoarnod.

STATK OF TIIK HOUSE.—Xmulior (n tho house, 2f-1; admitted,SV; iliJchnrKOd 2> ; Rlilc-bcxliM iralc, 1; do, fcmiuV, 21; in i»tirumry, 41; iu fever hospital, 2; average cost of pauper, 2s. Rltl ,;cost iu infirmary, 'fc. lid. ; trot in tt '.vcv boxpitat, J.V. ; paid } iytreasurer, £17 la M; balance in favor ot giiiudiaus, £827 fe. KM.

PETTY SESSIONS—3ATUBDAV .Boforo Sir NUGENT HUMBLE, Bart., (in tha chair,)

Honry E. Redmond, R.M., and J. R. Dower.UMIRANDED CAKT.—Constable Cougblan charged

Miolmel Brien, Laughmore, with having his cart un-branded in Dungarvao on the 15th ultimo, and whenasked why he did not comply with tho act, ho saidthe enrt was not his but Michaol Hearn's. DefendantBuid that ho bought tho carl from Ilcarno. Court :Is what ho statos truo ? Constablo : No, your wor-ships. Fined 2s. Gd. and costs, aud also a similareum for giving a wrong nomo.

UM.ICKXBKD Doe..—Patrick Mocklor, master tailor,wa s ohargod with having an unliconsod dog. Defend-ant said ho got tho dog from a woman ¦who wns goingto Amorica about nino wcoks ago, to givo it to horbrothor who was iu Currabaha. Court : What kindof dog is it? Defomlant: \Vhy then its only a smalllittle " epannard," your worships (great laughter.)Court: Wo mast fino you for keeping him withoutlicense. Fined 2s. 6d. and costs, and to take outlicense forthwith, or pay Is. a day during tho timotho deg shall not bo registored.

INDECENT EXPOSUIIK .—John Corbitt, on part ofconstabulary, charged Patrick Bourko, a Tipperarybathor, with indecent eiposuro, adding that hobelieved defendant wns unsonnd in mind. It appoarodthat dofondant was on tho public road near MountOdell , in the early part ef tho week ; witness flaw himtear his clothes, and ho was in a stato of nudity, ox-cepting his shirt on. Court: What reason have yonto suppose that ho ia insane ? WitnosB : No. man inhis proper senses would toar up his clothes in thatmanner, and indecently expose his person. Court :Can yon stato auy further reason for his insanity ?Yes, ho was washing his faco with tho road puddle,I put him into tho field, and bo toro the grass liko abeast with his hands. Court : Did you over sco aman beforo tear grass with his hands ? Not in thomanner ho wns going on; ho ran into my houso too.Court : Did ho do anything when ho got into it ? Hogavo mo a slash of a list into tho (nco ; ho ran to thopan that was on tlio settlo nnd thought to break it.Court : Were you ahlo to hold him ? Othor men cainoto my assistance, ami thoy had enough to do to holdhim. Head Constablo John Ahnnrn ntuted that amessongor arnvod nt tho barracks reporting: that therowas a madman on the road noar Mount Odell , and tohave, sumo of the men como out to arrest him ; theydid so, and lodged him iu Bridewell. Mr. Shaw,Bridowell-keepor, paid tho man wanted to get awaycvory miuute ; his conduct whilo in prison was mostviolent. Chairman : From what you havo seen, iloyou suppose the man is not of sound mind ? Mr. phaw :Your worships, ho was moBt violent ; I novor saw asauo man act in such a mannor before. Prisoner nowstated that ho camo to tho wator on Wednosday last,and tasted uoithcr whiskoy or porter sinco ; that howas a strangor and bad no porson to givo a charactorof him. ilo had DO recollection of what happened.During tho time ho spoko there was not tbo alighloalincoherence iu his languago ; ho suetned quite scnsiklo.Chairman : From tho ovidunco boforo us, if you aronot insano you aro'ono of tho greatest blackguardscan be ; therefore, the opinion of court is that you boimprisoned for two months, and by tho expiration ofthat timo, it will be known whether you are, iunauoornot (groat applause iu court).

K IIAII THKS I'ASS.—John liourkc, a sky farmor, wasmulcted iu the sum of b. and costs for tho trespassof his threo donkeys on the road . Hu is a systematictrespasser. Walter Wall , carrior, was fined (id. audcosts for allowing his horse, to wander along thoroad without a guido on (Saturday night last. Firstoffence.

Moitt: U NLICENSED Do«n.—Nicholas Power, Ring,was fined 2s. fid. and costs for having in his posses-siou one unlicensed dog ou the 27th ultimo, andJames Daly 'thc name, for liko offenoo.—Adjouruod.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S .SKKiotJ ACC I D E N T ..— Thursday morning, aomo

men wuro gettiug a hogshoad of sugar into Mrs .Jloloncy 's ONUibJiKlimuiJt , Jlaiii-stroet , aud whilstBtiindiug on tho dniy, with ropes tiod around thuhogshead, Michae l Wholiin , a carrior, thon placediu front, with both liuuds supporting it whiloit cuino forward gently, by somo miujianHgumcuttho hogshead ran down ou the poor follow, breakinghis thigh, aud wero it, not for tho timely assistance ofMr. Richard ttyrno, P.UU., nud tho Uev. F. O'JIrion ,CO., passing nt tho timo, who proused the hogsheadback as well as thoy could, until assistanco came, inall probability it would havo crashed tho uufbrtiiniitoman to doatb. liu was removed into his own housowithin threo yards from where tho accident occurredquito insensible. Dr, il. Authouy \*aa promptl y iuattendance, aud did what ho could fur thti poor tuf-ffii'nr.

AoM.sriNiAN Clinton, DtlNOAitvAN .—It is now thatthis hnudsoma church may bo truly said to boa model ono, with its mnguificoutl y stained gl.isswindow, erected in tho rers of tho bcuutiful nowmatblo nltar, got up under tho (supervision of Mr.Honry Sinnott, architect and ongineor. Tho designis (Sothic , artistically executed iti a variety of colours,uud strikingly effective when tho rayi. of au easternsun pouetrato it. Tho sanctuary is woll lightjd,enabling tho congregation assomblcd around thonltar to read with tho greatest possible, case. Thisimprovumuut gpcakfi well for tho taMo and judgmuutof tho person who put forward tho suggestion.

N EW A CUUSTISUN COXVKXT .—A subscription listhas been opeucd for tho building of u, now uouveut inproximity to the church , and is to bo creeled on apart of tho property of that truly popular nobleman,tho Maruuis of Waterford. Its frontage will bo in thoMain-street and tho rero will oxtend to tho yurd oftho church , which will givo great convenience totheso humblo ecclesiastics, obviating tho necessitynow existing of having to pass through a lougcrowded street to thoir resideuce. Thcso oxomplaryclergymen cutcrtaiu evory hopo that tho kind ofheart iu Dungarvan nnd its vicinity, and others whoaro proverbially known for their genorosity, will notbis slow iu forwarding their donations to enablo themto complete their convcut. It is not for themselvestlio Augustinian Fothors intend this building. Theirstay hero may bo but short, but thoy will bo sure tobo succecdud by otbor worthy men, who will dis-charge their sacordotal functions to tho faithful withuntiring energy and zual in tho causo of religion. Tho.erection of tbo Auguatitiinn Convent will tlnin} as alasting testimony of thu piety and generosity of thoCutliulic inhabitants of tho town.

Cl.KRK OK TIIK PKAL'K ruB THE Col.'.VrY Tll'I EKAIlI .—Lord VjVcoiiut Libfunro, Lord Licuteuojii, uudG'i'?''>* /'ofti/orum ol tho county of Tipperary, hasconferred the above olliee, valued at ,tl ,OU(J u year,nnd vacant by tho K'giottLtl death of (ieo. PoimonbyIVittie , Ksi|., cm Jimies Archer llullor, Ksq., J.I'.,(iurnuviltii Jlouse , Cahir. Mr. Uutlcr'a chamctur aiu public man, an an upright couutry gcutleuiau, aa *>good grand juror, has beon always popular wjth allinrts of men. Ho is tho rcprcisoutativo of aa onciejitCatholic family iu his nativo county, aud tbo appoint,ment, so crcdiloble to Lord Liamore, bos given theutmost satisfaction.

OHI LD Daimio.v.—On Thursday night last, ayoung woman, a otranger, with an infaut of;a fewweeks old, took liidgiiiga at Mr. Uartig»n'i, Boilej'iKew-strcct. After some time, she asked leave to puther ohild in the bed, iu charge of Mrs. Uartigaa,whilst she went out to purcbaso aomo tea and augar.Loave wan granted ; she went out, but never returned.Mrs . Hartigan, after carefully tending tho childduring tho night, bad tho helploas ono placed in theworkhouso.

TitAMUltK. —A number of excursionistH from Kil-kenny lipeut (Sunday last in Tramore, uudor charmingweather. Thry wcro accompanied \>y »n excellentbaud, whoso first-class music contributed Tory muchto tho pleasures of tho day. Tho trainB out wcroalso well filled by our fallow citizens, and tho desireamongst them is . Rtrong to avail ol'' the remainingiino waatber tcmporprilyi at tlio seo-siilo. Tho rlaaptrains on Monday aaii Tbnr«dnyuleo ooutiuuo tuooarey maoy^outht MUJBC hi^lthlul trip; ': ' "'

P O L I C E OFFICE.SATURDAT.-— Before the Mayor and Aid. Jacob.

The nutter MarM.—Patriot Mearaya farmer; «nm-monod Mr. J, Byan, batter morobant of this otty, for5s. loss snatained by him throagh the defondaot injur-ing a Srkin of batter. Complainant deposed tnat 'bebrought a firkin of butter to market to sell, and aman named Fewer, who represented., defendant,bought it from him at £1 by hand ; complainantcalled at tho store of dofondant to got payment, butwas thoro told that thore was a cut of 10s. on thofirkin j ho pro.tosf.od against that and toot his batteraway ; ho afterwards sold it at under value, and henow sued him for the amount of iujury sustained.Mr. Fowor said that when he purchased the butterfor Mr. Ryan ho did so on tho understanding thatthoro was to bo a cut if tho butter was not all thoaamo ; whon ho examined tho firkin ho found therewcro two qualities of liutter and he told him thatthcro would iu conscqnonco, bo ft cut or 5s. Com-plainant : You said 10s. Mr. Fowor : I said Ss.Complainant : You purchased tho butter by hand,and, your worship, thoro is no cut allowod when but.tor is bought that way. Mr. Foiver : When I pur-chased the buttor from you thoro was nothing saidabout whether tboro was to bo a out or not. I canproduco a man who heard mo say to Mr. Meara thattho cut would bo 5s. The Mayor : Whoro is ho ?Mr. Potvor: I can get him. The Mayor : You Bhouldhavo him hero ; you had timo enough. We must givea decreo for tho full amount, with costs. Mr.Fowor loft, protesting against the payment. Bag-ging a Fox.—Early as is tho soason for tho hunt,Constablo Wilson baggod a fox, this Tory morning, ata quarter past ono precisely. Tho livoly Nimrod,with a small pack of Royals, was up at John's Hill,some short timo boforo tho hour namod, whon hohoard tongue given below at tho Mall, leaving nodonbt, upon his experienced oar, that gamo wasplenty and astir in that quarter. Off they wont infull cry, and, in a short space, wore up with th«Tarmint, disporting near tho City Hall , no doubt verymuch to tho discomfort of thoso who wore thon woo-ing nature's siveot comforter, balmy slcop. MisaEllen Fox tried hard to get off, but it was simplicityin tho oxtromo to think to elado tho grasp of thoastuto hunter, in whoso toils sho fonod horiolf ; shewas baggod, and was now earthed up for a month.Tho oarly bird catches tho worm, and, if tho wormis out' to bo caught, it has but to blame itself. BobbyBurntin'TroubU.—Somo few days since,Robert Burns,of nigh-street, was summoned for drunkenness.Bobby appearad , with Mrs. Bobby to onoor him, and,with considerable lingo, and not a littlo wooping—itwas refreshing to see Bobby trying to squeozo themout—assured tho Mayor that, if let off, ho would go,at onco. and tako tho pledge. Hii worship recordeda wook against Robort , for it's a long tirao ainco Mr.Burns stood below zero on tho Potor-streot registry,but told him if ho brought tho certificate of theplodgo tho noxt morning, tho punishmout would notbo inflictod. Robert loft tho court, and, as soon as hopossibly could, got into a row with a man namodMichaol Sullivan , in Broad-stroot. Sullivan attondedto answer tho chargo on Thursday, and raado it ap-pear, as did also tho constablo, that bis share iu thebnsinoas was to defend, himself from Mr. Burn». Asthis charactor did not appear, tbo case was adjournedto enforco his attendance. Both now stood beforetho bench, and tho first thing dono by Robort was toplant tho plodgo on Mr. Hanrahon's (C.P.S.) dosk. Itwas a failure Breaking a contract with juatico is nojoke.; Bob was guilty in that particular, and wasordarod to undergo th« week, from which sentence h»wonld hare got free, had he kopt his word. TboRon*-.*n#?n was allowed to oorer both offtuOOB. SalliTanwas disoharged. The Bcandal-mmgeri. — WilliamBoglcy, an ancient, with an extreme fondness for law,beforo tbo court last woek aa complainant againsta tribo of squaws of Wheelbarrow-lano for callinghimyas tho female practitionora say, ont of his:namo,brought up Mrs. Sarah Dunphy, Mrs. Bllon McGrath,and Concertina Rabbit, all of that ilk , for a persistencein this conduct. The Mayor kindly hiutod to Mr.Bcgloy, who, as bo procoodod to address tho courtnnd posterity, was snrroundod by potrolensos, witnos -ses either for or against, if ho could not livo in peacein his presont location, it would bo bettor for him togo cldewhero, and not bo spending his monoy in law.Mr. Bcgloy, howovor, was ovidont'.y doi.crmincd onhaving law, and having his grievances publishod totho world too, for, singling out tho reporter of tho5frui<2«r> ', ho vociferated, working his dexter arm,moanwliile, l iko tho pendulum of a twenty-four hourwag o' tho wall—" Hero's a reporter hero, aud homust pnt mo iu tho paper." Laughtor, loud and long,jroetod this outburst of tho irato Mr. Bogloy, where-upon tho mayor called for silonco, telling him to pro-ceed with his speech , and that tho pross would dohim evory justico, no doubt. It ia to bo regretted,perhaps, that spaco will not admit of an oxtendodreport of Mr. Bogloy's oration upon tho presoutoccasion ; it must suffico to say that tho speakerdescribed Mrs. Dunphy aud Mrs. McOrath as particu-larly annoying to him on his return homo from thehearing of his last causo j they dressed up a broom inimitation of his son, who died in arms in India ; put acap upon it , called him (Bogloy senr.) a shaky oldporjuror, and in other ways gaTO him very considor-able annoyance. Tho accusation appeared not totouch Mrs. Rabbit, and sho was allowod to cscapo ;whilst tho other two wero fined 2s. fid. and costs, or Itihours, tho mayor olworving that ovon if Begley wasan excitable , cross old man ho nhould bo lot alone.Awf thcr. — Catherine Walsh complained that MargarotWalsh threatened her in tho samo locality, so much aothat complainant had to obtain tho sorviccs of a squadof polico to seo her into hor own liouso from her fury.Mrs. Kylo spoko generally of tho violonco of Margaretupon tho occasion, whilst for tho defence, Mrs.Catharine Murphy nworo sbo heard both jozabelaequally furious and equally vile. Tho case was dia-mimed.

MONDAY .—Before tho Mayor, Aid. Jacob, and Capt.Brenan. Drunfc and the Ket". of il.—John Koarney,a aailor, was drunk on Sunday night, and John ueodTory bad languago upon the occasion, so said Consta-ble Thompson. John ploaded nothing but intoxica-tion , nnd paid Gs.Gd. toget out. A huckecn.—JamosBuck, n young man (!), scarce into his teons, flourish,ing in Poter-stroet, stood boforo tho court chargedwith having been druuk and disordo rly tho day be-fore, an indictmont. heart! by a crowed court withuuboundod laughter. Tho little buck took tho wholematter very quietly, and loft his dofouco to his ma-ternal , who said it was hia first timo, and , if lot ortnow, would never «omu thcro ngain. His worshipRBked the mother of tho buok if sho wanted hor sonto get drunk at six ycarB' old, and then informedyouog Ireland hinisolf that only ho didn't liko to sotidhim to jail ,hewould commit him fornprotty fair length ,and havo him soundly whipped. Howovcr, ho wouldnow let him go, Husponding the warrant uutil hewonld yot a vaoanoy in an Industrial 8chool , intowhich establishmont lio would put him the momentho obtained it. The buok went horns to his guv'nor.

STAHIMNO .—John Walsh, a youth of about fourteen,from Patrick-street, of respectable appearanco, anapprentice in a printing establishment in town,was brought up in charge of Hub-Constablo T. Colman,Kiug-streot, on a chargo of having stabbed anothorlad nc»r the market-house on Sunday. From thoBtatcmont mado, it seemed that Walsh and the in-jured lad, a boy namod Kinsella, from (iaffnoy 'e.lane,oB' King-street, had a quarrel on a hulk at tho riverBU I O, uud, in tho courts of tho boxing which ensued,Walsh drew a penknife and stabbed the other overtho heart ; a very littlo moro and tho blow wculdhavo boon fatal. KioBclla fell , covorod with blood ;tho alarm was raised, and tho polico wero Bpoedily ontlio spot, as woro also l)r. Scott and tho Kov. It.Power, C.C. Kinsella wns found lying on tho road-way bleeding, and w:is taken ru a cart to tho leperhospital , where ho was fipueihl y nttondod by Dr.Cavct, and tho occurrenco reported to tho maycr.Walsh, at once, acknowledged that ho stabbed thoother, whilst somo of thr boys, who wore now gatheredaround, slily took np tho murderous knife, nnd, un-observed, threw it into the river. He was taken totho lock-np for tho night, and was now brought up,to bo further dealt with. Sub-constnblo Colman pro-duced a certificate, originally obtained from Or. Cavct ,mating tho nature of thu wound , und then added bohad subsequently scon tho doctor, who said tho wouudwas not as dangerous an was nt first bolioved . Walsh'sfather appeared, to tender bail , and was informed bytho Mayor that until n certificate prononncing thoboy ont of dangar was produced, ho could not enter-tain tho application. If that was done, he wouldadmit tho boy to bai l , himsolf in £10, and two suretiesof £5, to petty fiossions, and attend at threo o'clockto receive them. Sub-constnblo Colman Btatcd bowould wait upon Dr. Cavot for tho purpose Tho boysfell out over curds with which thoy wero gratifyingthoir gambling propensities on tho Sabbath.

Ou Tuesday, Captain I*. 1'. Hronau presided sodu,and disposed of a fow cases of rtrunkonnoss byinoderato linos. On Wodnesday, beforo tho Mayornud C»pt. Brouan, uMrs. Mary Connors wns lined 5s.nnd costs,or a weok , for scandalising tho fair famoof hor neighbour, Mrs. Smith. Will thoy over atop ?

ST. FATKIC H 'S HAI.L PKTIT SKSSIO X S—SATURDAY .—Beforo Messrs. (i. I. GodLi) , U.M., (in the chair), J.Koarney, nnd C:. Rogers. Tho cases woro Tery low,ami all of a light nature. Johu Casey was com-pUuned ugaiusb by Constable Morriauoy for furiouidriving at Butlerstown, and, being convicted, waalined In. and coitB, with 8B. car biro in serving thesummon;, defendant living a dintauco into th»country in tho direction of Portlnw. Miobael Murray,an inmate of the Waterfowl workhouse charged JohnWalsh, another inmate, aud deaf and dumb, witbhitting him on tho head with u stouo. Walsh' wasoriginally in tho Lismoro houao, and was committedthonco for an assault on u fellow inmate. Whendischarged , bo was dcstiluto in the city, aud .wa*takeu iu here. Sentenced tu ono month's imprison-ment. Johu M'Orath, who represented himself as •laborer, but who tho polico look upon u an intimateof a certain class ol females, was charged by thonotorious Ellou Gloesonwith robbing her of a watoh.Miss Cilecson , who sportod exceedingly loud toggeryund was rather elevated in the brain, told a storyuncongenial to print, aa to how sho got the ticker,and equally so as to bow she wai deprived of it, battho result w/u.tlja't j/ohn wajj seat to Quarter Session*for tkii alTdged robbery, * "


For years pack we have been convinced of thenecessity of a general Local Bill for this city—aBill which would include markets, gas, andwater, Ac The latter, however—namely, water—has been disposed of. We are glad to hearthat the Mayor and Corporation art new seriouslyconsidering the question, with the view of bring-ing the project Wore Parliament in tho nextSession of 1872. Local companies are managinggas matters in Cork, Limerick, Kilkenny, NewBoss, Bungnrvan, Wexford, and moat other Irishcities and towns, with very large profits andgreat satisfaction and advantage to the inhabi-tants ; and thore is no reason why it is not BO inWatorfard. In Septomber.1869, the then Mayor(Aid. BEDMOSD) made a report to the TownCouncil, in which, he referred in tho followingmanner both to the gas question and tho generalmarkets. Sinco that, however, matters haveoccurred here which provo that this city may bethrown into darkness almost at any timo, unlessa new Gas Bill bo passed without delay. TheMayor of 1&69 then said :—

"TUE OAS SUPPLY." Wo have recently erected a lamp ovor tho clock

in John-street, whioh proves a great pablio conve-nience, especially iu winter, whon tho dial can be seenas well at night as iu tho day. Wo have recom-mended two lamps at tho back of the park, ono inWator-stroet, adjoining, and ono at tho corner ofFire Alley-lano, Ballybricken, all' of which areurgently required. To b'ght tho city proporly aoonsidorablo number of lamps moro aro required forthose populous lanes and places where there is atpresont no light. Thoso can hardly bo expected untilgas is choapcr than it is at presont, and such we needscarcoly look for so long as tho ga3 works are not theproporty of tho citizens. Towards making thorn tboproperty of the citizons, tho gas committee of theCorporation have directed thoir energies. In thiahall tho committee had an in tor viow with a deputa-tion from tho directors in Cork somo time since. Thedeputation could give no definite information ; but, afew days ago, I received a letter from the highlyrospeptod chairman, Mr. John U. Sugruo, stating thatif the Waterford Corporation wont for a Bill ho wassuro tho company would not oppose it. His rrordaars :—' I believe I may safely venture to express an' opinion that our Company wonld not bo unwilling' aollors if tho Corporation, as representing the' oitizous, obtain tho ueoossary powers to purchase' tho works on fair and commercial terms, by which'tho ioterosts and liabilities of the shareholders will1 bo adequately protoctcd.'

" So far this is satisfactory. We shonld pay thecompany to the hist farthing of what is right andjust. Thor» aro ovor 1,000 consumers in this city,and I am conrincod that thoro would not bo muchdifficulty iu raising tho necessary capital amongsttbom to buy up tho works, and set up a Consumers'Company, as in Cork and Wexford, where such com-panies havo beon thoroughly successful. If everyconsumer took on au average three shares of £5 each,a capital of £15,000 could be raisod in a short time.I know sovoral who would each tako many shares.Tho Corporation, having a deep intorcst in tho matter—having to pay for tho public lamps about £1,500 ayoar—would, no doubt, aid tho movement by everjmeans in their powor.

"A PUBLIC MARKET IN THE CITT." Nothing ii more needed than a pablio and general

market in this city, and yet nothing ia mora.easilyobtained. Before I go out of office I hope to let thathing in motion. Indeed, I would have done so beforenow only onr respected Town Clerk seemed to havehis bands more than full of work in tho opening ofstreets, &c, and tho unfortunate, dispute with theHarbor Board will add more to his work. Tho Markets'Bill will , for a timo, require, his almost undividedattention. In my opinion ho, needs more assistancein bis ofBco, whioh, I am suro, yon will freoly grant.By adopting this Bill , wo could altogether dispense,with a soparato Gas Bill , and why { Because wocould iutroduco into it ono or two clauses whichwould ouablo tho Corporation, or a company undor itBauthority, to purchase up tho present works.

" Evory day, regularly, we feel tho want of ageneral market. Had wo such a raarkot we wouldhave much moro produce, especially buttor, cominginto town. Powors should bo taken in tho bill topurchaso Mr. Newport's intorest iu thia markot, forits present unsatisfactory conditiou is a serious lossto tho city. I may bu anked how aro funds to boraised for tho purposo ? They can bo easily obtainodfrom Government on tho security of tha market tolls,as in Kilkonny aud other cities. Next I will bo askod,vfhoro will you obtain a central sito ? Thoro arosovoral of them. An excellent ono may bo obtainodfrom Peter-street to tho Quay, taking in on ono sideCook-lano and Quay-laue, aud on tho other Arundel-square and Couduit-lano, having a fino ornamentalirontago on tho Quay. It is a disgraco to so noble acity as ours, with tho first port and harbor iu thokingdom, with tho trado of Tipperary, Kilkenny,Woxford, nnd IVaterford pouring into it, not to havomarkot accommodation suited to its importance audrequirements."


On Saturday, Sir Daniel Gooch, 3art.( U.P., thohighly intelli gent Chairman of tho Great Westernltailway Company of England, and director of thoAtlantic Telegraph Company, accompanied by Lady(iooch, arrived at tho Adel phi Hotol, in this city.On Monday Sir Daniol, togothor with Mr. Ainsworth,Secretary of tho Waterford and Limerick KailwayCompany Mr. Ambrose, tho board's solicitor ; andMr. W. J.'Bussoll , tho district Superintendent of theGreat Western Company, inspected tho local ter-minus of the Watorford and Limerick line, afterwhich Sir Daniol aud Lady Gooch ; Mr. AT. Malcom-son, Chairman of the Waterford and Limorick RaiUway ; Mr. Stopheus, Vico-Chairman ; the RightWorshipful tho Mayor, 11. F. Slattory ; Mr. MiohaelDownoy, Agent of tho Watorford and Milford Com-pany ; Mr. W. J. Buasoll , aud Capt. Richard Aylwari ,proceeded down our beautiful nvor, with whioh heseemed highly pleased. An excellent luncheon wasprovidod. Previous to the trip down tho river, somoof tho mombcre of tho Jfarbour Board, including theMayor , Mr. Wbito, Aid. Jacob, Mr. Stephens, «ugin-eer, had an interview with Sir Daniol Gooch, as totho best means ol developing tho trado of Waterford.From a personal interviow with Sir Daniel at theAdelphi, we are enabled to stato that ho entertains amost favourable opinion of tho natural position of tboport and harbour of Watcrford. lie also believes,and truly, that tho connection between the Water-ford and Limerick Un«, and his great railway, willbo ono mutually bonuficial for both companies, aaalso conducive to tho progross and prosperity of thisquartor of Ireland. Sir Daniel and Lady Goooh lefton Tuesday morning by the 10.20 train for Cork, fromwhich ho and his lady pspceod to Killornoy.

SKA -COAST FISHERIES .—Tho Dnngarvan fishermenhave beon vory successful for the past five or sixwooka. There havo been some tremendons takes ofsmall fish , especially " scad," which is largoly boughtup for storing for wintor uso. Tho supply of haakis also remarkably good. However, nothing h'ko thouurobor of boats at work in fonnor years is now en-gaged in tho fishery, as dozons of tho men hero nudalong the coast, who woro iu a stato of great destitu-tion during tho wintor, had to pawn thcir lines tosupport their fnmiles. Thoy nro aoiv nnablo torelease thorn, and aro losing their chalice of thoplentiful supply of fish. A small sum judiciouslyexpended for tho rclcaao of the lines vronld teudmuch to tho advancement of tho fisheries.

LOCAL hit-miVKMKxrs. — The flagging of LittlePatrick-street aud Alexander-street aro Bomo of thobest improvements yet mado in the city. Five-alloy-lauo improvement, so ofton spoken of, should comonoxt in tnrn.

THE OLD IRISH PABLIAM KNT.—On tho 10th. of Sept.1723, now nearly 150 yours ago, au act waa passed" for tho encouragement, finding and working of thominerals of this kingdom." At the lamo timo othoracts were passed for tbo " curing of bidos," and forthe " encouragement of hemp and flax manufactures."

TIIK IRISH Vit'EUOYALTv—Tho London correspon-dont of a local contemporary telegraphs that tho re-port is in circulation " that Earl Spencer has re-signed thu Lord Licntonanoy of Ireland ; that hisresignation has been accepted by tho First Ministerof tho Crown ; that tho now Vicorey will bo the Mar-quis of I^ansduwno, who married ono of tho daughtersof tho Duke of Aborcorn."

Tho Jnnrnal Kays tho Oowran agricultural society'sshow won't bo held this yoar in consequence of cattledisease.

Mr. Isaac Jiutt is quito well , and will bo electedwithout tho shadow of opposition for Limerick .

Tho Citizens' Cork Gaa Company aro paying 10 porcent.

C'urdinal Cnllcn will bo in Kilkenny on Tuesday,when a coadjutor bishop will bo seleotod.

Tho elections in Austria are going decidedly infavour of tho Ministry. Separate Governments to eachiiotwmaiid, i3 likely to mceeaf .

8HKMFV COUHT, EmmiUKOH .—TtuDt Minis—R. ¦WOTHM,•TOOK & Co., Bt-mont J. C. AnDruioK, Groocr, Victoria StreetEmiuiurxli—Before 8hcri(T UunuboU. Tho Puraucra aro thenmtmfactnrpni of tbt Glcnlleld Starch. The difcndur b •0n««r at No. SS8 Victoria Street, Edinburgh. The Pursucncomplaiuad tbat tbo Defutulor had ruoentlr oonuneKod to MUutorcu not manufactured bj tho Pnnncn i whidi he, or tliotonc-tlnu for him, habitnallj ana rcprntedlv reprwentcd to cuitom-crs U> be tliofllen«eM Hturrli, And prarsd tor Interdict and cx-fvmw. The Sheriff irnuitMl InUnl!ct.amlgwrD docroi iigaiunttlio Defender for £6 18a. W. of expeiues.

TIIK l'tsnrectwn oe MECHANISM.—"In ihorfc,&H tho improvcme&U for our convenience And 'Comfort, dntuvfrom A nUfv of harbnritr to ono of high dvittzntion, irv but thecumulative rrftiilt* of invcutiru itifrrnuit/.; And in nn instarirt' isthia tuuro clearly seen thau in tho historv of thoso bcnutiful in-ventions which bate from time to timo been brought to benrmum tho Bclonoo of Horolour. Tracu U* bistoij from the timeui tho Konyuw, with their' ctepgvdm or water-dock, nud Alfixtlwith hu cajiulw, from hour-j/lauc* and inn-dials, <iown to thntmiraclo of tngcnaitv, ' Thi: WAtch,' and «ee how improvementDM sucooodetl improvement, until At but thoeo manufactured bvBcnaon, of Ludjntto liUI, and Old Bond Street, London, Watch«jd Clock maker to H. R. II. the Prises of Walw, lmvo bumcharactcriHticallj duflcribcrf nji the "perfection of taccliAnum "—Standard. ¦• For pricw of W»tcle», Clock*, JrmUcrj , CbiiniiK-.tee JUoMfrtfi. Bamphlrtvwidolt nro scat poet Ittc onre-

¦ ffTATH)K8 'OF' TOT flBlTWH ABMY. sooBncias sfr'xo.csdicr »trtj 1W1» Mgwttw. ¦

CWbwe two pU<M at* q>ttit*t*d, tie Jutiiatf b Uut itwhich tbrDevotief tt»R««tamti•*•*«»«

, ciT*i*T/ . . S9th...B«ri*doM ;Portin>th1st t. Gu«rdi;..AJdiri1iot 80th...J«J , ;;and Ii QoiruV..,Alderioot 31rt...M«lU : Athlon*RoynlH.Gutrdj'.jAWnsUbt 82d...Oip«,' fllugoirlit D. Qa*nh..:.Carn|b'' 33d..!Aldenhot2d Pitto...AWtnhot 34th'...Sborac!i°>3d Ditto...Aldershot 36th...8beffietd.4th Ditto...Manchester 36th...Bengal,Comgh5th Ditto...7ork S7tb...Bet>|r»1, Btl't«t6th Ditto...Dublin 38tb... Bengal | Atdenhot7th Ditto...Aldenhot 39th...BennllCbttbatn1st Dragoons...Curragh 10th...Dublin2d Ditto...Kdinburuh 41at...Btnnal ; Fermoy3d Hussars... Bnrobay; Cantbt 42d...AWerahot4th Ditto..Bengal; Canterbnrv 43(l...Kin»ile6th Lanc«r>...Benitil ; Cantbt Wth...Corkath Dragoons...Cabir 46th...Madras ; Aluershot7 th Hussars... Aldartbot 46th...Winchester8th Do...Newbrid»e «th...Liracrick9th Lancors...Aldershot 48th...M»lta; Cbatbam10th Hussati...Aldanbot 49th...Bombay ; Gosportlllh Do...Beng;al ; CaDtecbnry SOth...Aldershot12th Lancers...Aldenbot 51at...Carmgb13th Hussars...L«<3j 52nd...Malta ; Kinsale14th Do...BallincolliK 53rd...Bermuda; Aldershot15th Do...Bonibay ; Canterbry 64tb...Carrajth10th Lancers...Madras; Cantrb 56th...Bengal , Newry17th Do... Corranh 66th...Bombay ; Carragh18th Hat«an._aladras; fontrb 57tb...Dorosport10th Do... Brighton 58th... Bengal; Cnrragb20th Do... Bengal ; Canterbury 59th...Bombay • Limerick21st Do...Bengal ; Canterbury 80th...1st bat, Canada, Win-

FOOT OOIBDS . chtjter ; 2nd bat, Bengal ,Grenadier Guard»...lit bst, do; 3d bat, Madra«, do; 4th

Aid «bot ; 2nd bat, Cnrragb; bat, AIder»bot3idbst , \VelliDgton Barracks 61st...Nova Scotia; Aldershot

ColdBtream Goan)n...lst bat, 62d...Beogal ; DablinTower ; 2d bat, Aldenhot 63d...Benital ; Devonport

3coti Fusilier Goarda.lst bat, 84th...Malta, .DublinWellington Brclu ; 2nd bat, 65th... Bengal iPermoyAldersbot 86th...Bombay ; Winchester

IS*A!ITRY. 67th...Doverlat F't 1st bat. Warloy ; 2od 88th...Teroplemore

bat , Bengal , do. 69th... Bermuda, Chatham2nil...lat but, Bombay, Devon- 70th...Doblin

port ; 2nd bat, Devonport 71st...Gibraltar, Fort Grorga3rd ...1st bat, Bengal , Shorn- 72d... Bengal ; Port George

clifle ; 2nd bat, Sbornclifl'e 73d...Cevlon ; Sheffield4th ...1st bat, Alderauot ; 2nd 74th...Gibraltar; Aldershot

bat, do 76th... Hong Kon?, Devonportoth ...l«t bat,Bengal; 2nd bat. 76th...Madras ; Cbatbam

Dublin 77th...Fortimoutb6th ...1st bat, Bengal, Bui. 78th...Nova Scotia, ordered

tevant;2d bat, Buttevant home ; Edinburgh7th...1st bat, Portsm'th ; 2nd 79th ...Madras, Aldershot

bat, Portland 80tli ...Belrast8tli ...lat bat, Bombay, Man- 81st...Gibraltar , Alderthot

chwleri 2nd bat, Hanchtr. 82(1... Aldcrtbot9th ...1st bat Dublin; 2nd bat, 83d... Bombay, Cbatbam

Aldersbot 81th...Formoy10th...1st bat Japan, Dablin ; 85th...Bengal , Templemore

2nd bit, Bnrraali ; Ald'uhot 88th ...Cape, Fermoylltb...lst bat, Bengal , Cur- 87th...Malta , Cbatbam

rngh ; 2nd bat, Curragh 88th... Portsmouth12th... 1st but, Preston ; 2nd 80th ... Madras ; Aldenhot

bat BengBl , Preston 90th ...Glasgow13tb...lst bat Gibraltar, Pern- 91st... Aldenhot

broke ; 2nd hat, Pembroke 92d... Bengal , Edinburgh14th...1st bat, Bengal, Cbea- 93d...Edinburgh

tar ; 2od bat, do. 9'Jth...Alderebotloth...1st hat, Cuttagh ; 2nd 9oth...Gosport

bat, Aldenhot 90th ... Benettl, ShorocliSoletb-.lst bar, Nairry ; 2od S7th...Molliagar

bat, Canterbury e8th,..Ath1one17th...1st bat, Bengal, Alder- 99th... Aldenhot

shot ; 2nd bnt, do. 100th...Aldershot18th...1st bat, Fermoy ; 2nd 101st, Aldersbot

bat, Devonport 102d...Alderthot19th...1st bat, Bengal , Chat- 103td, Parkhurst

bam ; 2nd bat., do. UHtb, Bengal ; Aldenhot20th...lit bat, Curragb ; 2nd 105th, Bengal; Currajh

bat) Mauritim, ordered lOfftb , Boogal ; Corkhome, Corragh 107th, Bengal ; Aldenbot

2ht...lst bat Jfadraf , Now- 108th, Bombny ; MnlBogarport ; 2nd bat," Burmab, 109th, Bengal ; PiestooWoolwicli Rifle Brigade...1st bat,Alderl-

22nd...1st bat, Guernsey ; 2nd shot ; 2nd hat, Dover; 3rdbat, Aldersbot bat, Aden, Cbabara, Wool-

23rd...1st bat, Newport ; 2nd wicb ; 4th bat, Cbatbambat, Woolwich COLONIAL CORPS.

21th...1st bnt Malta ,Chatbm; 1st West I R...Jamaica2*nd bat, Mrtdrfld , do. 2d...Demerara

25th...1st hat, Goiport ; 2nd Ceylon Rines..Ceylondo, Upngal , Gosport iloyal Malta Funcibles, Malta

20th...Bengal , Aldeftuot Army Service Corps,.. Net*27th... Aldershot ley.28th...Gibraltar ; Aldershot AruiyHospital Corp8.,.NetleJ


A' Horse Brigade, Peshawnr 11th Brigade SheffieldB Horse Brigade, Aldemhot 12th do PortsmouthC Horse Brigade, Woolwich 13th do Pl ymouthD Horse Brigade, Bangalore 11th do WonltrichE Horse Brigade, Kirkee 15th do GibraltarF Horse Brigndu, Uinballnb 18th do Burrack poroDepot H.H.A., ?llkijstoiie 17th do Dover1st Brigade, Woolwich 18th do KirkcoZud da Ceylon 19th do Peiljiorur3rd do Halifax 20th do Secunderabad4th do Dublin 2Ut do Woolwich6th do St. Thomas's Mount 22nd do Meean Mecr6th do Bombay 23rd do Karaptce7th do Woolwich 24th do Morar8tb do Luckoow 1st Depot Brigade, SbeerneasOth do Ahmedabad. 2nd depot Brigade, WoolwichlOtb do Malta Coast Brigade. Sbeerness

AUSTRIA. GRAXrtxo " HOME RULE."—The AustrianGovernment has taken the initiativo in meeting thewishes of the inhabitants of tho Italian Tyrol forgreater autonomy. Tho Governor of the Tyrol hasbeon instructed to confer with German and Italianmen of noto with this object. It appears, however,that the porsons consultod in tho Tyrol have madedemands which aro inconsistent with the unity oftbat provincOycnd the development of tho Govern-ment views has, consequently, for tho present, beonprovented. Austria has also offered Home Rule toher Polish .Province.

ArroiNikssT or PETTY SESSIONS CLERK TOECLOXMEL,—A meeting of tho magistrates of the Clon-mel Borough, county Tipperary, aud Waterforddistricts, was bold in the Court Honse, Clonmel, onTuesday, to elect a potty sessions clerk, in room ofThomas Milner Grnbb, deceased. Magistrates inattendance—Alderman Kenny, J.P., Mayor ; Countde la Foer, M.P., J. J. Shee, B. P. Pholan, Jerome J.Gniry, Aid. Woods, and Percy Gongh, Esqre. Onmotion of Count de la Poer, seconded by Aid. Woods,Mr. Wm. M. Casey was unanimously elected, after allthe magistrate! bad borne their testimony to hitworth and ability. The magistrates also agreed torecommend Mr. Casoy for tho vacant office of clerk inBaUymacarbory, hold also by hia predecessors. Al-luding to thia oxccllont appointment, the Tipp traryi'xte Press remarks:—" Mr. Casoy has been for manyyear's a highly ropoctod member of tho staff of ourlocal contemporary, during which period be wonthe marked esteem of his employer by an honestand honorable dischargo of duty, while he securedTory many warm friends by bU unaffected courtesyand genial disposition. Tho appointment wfll mootthe approval of the pablio at large, and in congratula-ting. Mr. Ccaey ou his unanimous election, we feelthat we p»y a deserved tribute to one who, from biiindustry »nd- iigh order of intelligence, will make anazeellant ooblic officer."

THE FOOT AND Mourn DISEUI.—This diieua 11officiall y stated to bo spreading amongst the cattlein this district. On Saturday, Constable :Walsh,Ferrybank distriot, reported, thirteen head of cattleto affected at Kewratb. ConsUblo Flewellen, Peter's-lane, stated, at tho county Potty Sossions on Satur-day, that the disease prevailed Tory much in hitdistrict, a report corroborated by Mr. Koaruey, J.P.BEEAKFAST—Errs's COCOA—GRATEFUI, AKD COM-

JOKTIHG.— " By a thoroagh knowledge of the natural laviwhich govern the operations of digestion aod nutrition, andby a carrfnl application of the fine properties of well-selectedcocoa, Mi. Epjis liae provided onr breakfast tables witb adelicately flavonreil beverage whicb may save u« many heavydoctors bills."— Cicit Senict Gazette. Made simplywith Hoiling Water or Milk. Each p.iclet is labelled—" JAMIS EPPS & Co., Horoasopatliic Chtroiats, London."Aluo, makers of Kpps'a Milk y Cocoa (Cocoa and CondensedUiUcl.

Those Ladies who havo not yet used GLEJII'IELDSrABOn, are rnpectfnlly solicited to give it a trial, and care-fully follow out the directions printed on every package, andof this is done, they will say, like the Queen's Laundrcsntliat it ii the finest ttarch tbey rver used. When von askfor Glenfield Starch, see tbat yon get it, as inferior kinds artoftrn pubstitutei] for th« sake of *xtra nrofitR.

WM. YOUNGER & Co. s India Pale and Edin-burgh Ale* of the finest quality and in the highest state ofprr'ectioD mav bu obtained from Bottlera and the principalRetailers. Purchasers are requested to observe signature andtrade mark ou Utteh , is othar brands are frequently substi-tuted. Brewerirt , Edinburgh ; STORES, NO. 81 Custom-Homo Quay, Waterford. M. B. CiMPlort, agent.

LUXURIANT AND BEAUTIFUL HAIR .—Mrs. S. A.AixBif 's WORM'S H» II KUTOBBR OK DEBBSIBO neverfaila to quickly rostore Qraj or Faded Bair to its youthlulcolor and beauty, and witb the first application a beautifulglois and delightful fiagranca is given to the Hair. It atopithe Hair froa falliog off. It prevests baldness. It promotealatariant erowtli ; no othar preparation will produce thelame brneficial result. In large llottles, I'nca Six Sliillimtr.Sold by chemists ami Perfumers everywhere. Dtpot, 200Huh flnlboru , London.—For Children's Hair. — M mAUBi't " ZTLOBILSIMDM" far eicels any pomade or hairoil and ia a deli ghtful Hair Dressing; it UK dUtinet aodetpara te preparation from the ratorer, and iti nse is notreqnirni with it. Pries of Zotoliatiarnum, Tbree shilliog.

ADVICE TO AIOTHZHS.—Are you broken of yourrest by a .ick child, toflerimt wilb the pi in of catliog teHbrOo at once to > Chemist, and get a bottle or Mrs. Wmtow'iSooxsiso STEOP. It wiltielieve tb« poor tonertr immt-diately ; it i> prrlettl harmless ; it produce* natural quilt•leen, by rdloving; tbo child from pain, and tb. lilt!* chfrnbtwaket " u bright at a bntton." It has breo long in OH IDAmerica, and ii highly recnmninded by inedinl.inen ; it iivery pleoant to take; it aootbet tb» cbiU | It tofLnit tb»gnm>, allaya all pain, relieves wind, regulate* tb< bowels,and is the best known remedy (er dyteoterj and diarthoei,whether ariaiug from teelliina; or otber Close*. Be tare and»<k for lira. WilULow's SOOTSOO Bizvi. tni s» tbat" Curtis and Perkins, New York and London," ia on theootiidi wrapper. No mother 1u0uM.be witbout it.—Sold byall andicioe dealera'at It. lid. per bottle. London Depot,4»3.O«foril «!*?(. («23-1T)

KIMMEL'S TOILET SOAP8.—Pun white Glycerine Soap,6il. -, Tnuuparont Olroeriix, 1M . ; Dnffon(t .Oil Scon, perfumi*with Aiutraliui lEucncos, 1*. per box 0! 3 ; Mask BrowWinitnir Soap, U. per Packet Sold by all Perfumery Deafeniu Irulncd.

IUMMEL S AQUADEWTirtK, an extract 01 Southern Flow,cm, (or whitening tbs teeth, wwMng tha month, tonifruur thegums, ud unpartlng stdeUebnu flavor to tha breath. Price2*. au. per bottle ¦ Sold by aUporfiiMiT Dealen In InlandRrHMEL'8 LOSS JUIOB AJfD 0LTCERINE, toe butpnpantioa for th.ih.Jr.' Ui*i4 *. 8d., and He. EimmeivToilet Tlnerar, of world-irUe.«pBt»t»jn, la., a, ed., and 5.

Thb luoi 'are'xtMrpeoUuTlj •olioittd to mala• •¦ • • ' :i Titii of- •

*»*« • Cri.B«ryiEi.bi5 T ARCH ,


FOB DBKS8ING LACES, LINENS, &c.It is now nood in (Jl Lsutiariea,

from the cottage tb the palace, and when oncetried is found to be indifpaniable.

$8T When yon ask for GLetmerD 8rts.cn, seethat you get U, as inferior kinds are often substi.tuted for the Bake of extra profits.

F R I E N D OF A L L !Known in all farts 0/ the World. Here's our Remedy

HOIaliOWAY'S PILLS.No PiMiLT or person should ba without these Pills. Theirlong-tried efficacy in correcting disorders of the liver and¦tomacb, stimulating the hovels, and purifying the bloodbaa seenred for them an imperishable fame tbrougboal tbsworld. A few doses product comfort ; a short coDtioaaDcecfiecta & complbt. cure. Invalids may look towards tbis rec-tifying and revivifying medicine witb the certainty of ob-taining relief.

How zo Ex/or Lips is only known wlien tie blood ispure, its circulation perfect, and the nerves in good order. Tbeonly safe and certain method of expelling all impurities is totake HOLLOWIT'I FILLS, which have tie power ot cleansingthe blood from nil noxious matters, expelling; all bnmocrswhich taint or impoverish it , and thereby purify and invigo-nta and give general tone to tbe system. Yoaog or oldrobust or delicate, may alike experience their beneScial ef-fects. Myriads affirm tbat these Pills posseu a marvelloospower in securing these great secrets of health by purifyingand rcculating tbe fiaidf , and strengthening tbs solids,

OrjE M OTHERS ABD DIOOHTEBS.—The functional irre-gularities peculiar to tbe weaker sex are invariably corrsctidwithout pain or incoavenitnee by tbe use of Hollonjj'iPills. Tbey aro tbe safest and sorest medieino for alldiseases incidental to females of all ages, and most preciousat the torn of life, or when entering into womanhood.

DEBILITATED CosioiiioTion—BAD Hr.il.TH.—In gene-ral debility, mental depression, and nervous irritability,there is no medieino which operates so like a charm as tbetafamous Pills. Tbey soothe and strengthen tha nertea andsystem generally, give tone to tbe atomacb, elevate tbe<pirit>, and in fact render tbo patient sensibls of a totalsndmost delightful revolution in bis wholo system. Thonjindsof persons bave testified, that by tbeir Ue alone, they bit«been restored to health after all othar means had provedunsuccessful.

INDIOESTIOX ASD ITS Com.—Indigestion with torpidityof tbe liver is tbe bane of thousands, who pass each daywith accumulated sufferings , all of which may be avoidedby taking these Pills according to tbe accompanying direc-tions. Tbey atrengtheu and invigorate every organ subser-vient to digestion, and effect a core without debilitating orexhausting the system ; on tbe contrary they support andconserve tbe vital principle by a complete purification of thehlonnrt

Conons AND COLDS.—This porifyiog and regulatingmedicine should be had recourse to daring cold, chaoge<cl«,uniTwct weather. It is tbe best cute for hoarseness, soretbronts, diphtheria , plenrisy, and asthma ; and an infallibleremedy for congestion, bronchitis, and inflammation ; indeedus n family medicine, tbey are invaluable for anbdaing suchailments of young and old, of both sexes.Sollowaj 't Fills are thi Sett remedy known in the teorld

fcr the following duauet ;Ague Debility InnamrnttionSore ThroatsAsthma Dropir Jaundice Sto ce and GravelBlllious Com-Dysentery liver Com* Secondary Symplon

piainu Erysipelas plainta Tie DoaloareaxBlotches on Female Ir- Lambago Tumours

thn Skin resularltles Piles UlcersBowel Com- Fevers ol all Rheumatism Venereal Antctioni

plainla kinds Retention ol Wermt of all kindsOollcs Fits Urine Wetkneu, ftomConstipation ot Gout Bcrofnfa , or whatever causa,the Bowels Htad-uhe King's Evil tc, fte.Consumption Indigestion

Tbe Pills and Ointment are Sold at Professor HOLLOWAX'SMtabliibment, 633 Oxford-street, London ; at The XewtOffice, No. 49 Kiog-strett, Waterford ; also by Dearly evtryrespectable Vendor of Medicines throughout tbe civilisedworld, in Uoxes and Pots, at Is. 1 Jd. 2s. 9i, 4s. fld 11s., 23).and 33s. each. Tbe 2s. 8d. size conuioi (brer, tbe it. 6d.size six , the lls. size sixteen , the 22s. size thirty-three, andtbe 33J. size filly-two times the quantity of a 11. lid. Boxor Pot. The smallest Box of Fills contains four dozen; andtbe smallest Pot of Ointment one OHnce.

N.B.—Directious for the guidance ,of patients in evtrydisorder are affixed to osch box and pot, and can be had in¦my language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Persian,or Chinese.

DK. DB ROOS' celebrated GUTT.1E VIT.fior LIFE DHOPS | lor Spermatorrhoea, Nocturnal

Emissions, Iwpotency, Sexoal Incapacity, Debility, Kpilepsy,and all those disease* for which Mercury, Sarsaparilla , &e.tate too ntten employed by English Pujsicians to tbe ultimateruin of the Sufferer's health.

The GUTT.£ VlT/E are tbe result of long practical in-vestigatio n ot tbe remedies best adapted for these tliseuts.Their rich, stimulating, stomachic qualities, and, above all ,their complete renovation 0/ the nervoue ty ttem, readerthem in every respect worthy tbeir significant title. Tbeymay be taken witbout hindrance or restraint of diet, &c.,and in this respect also tbej may cWun preeminence overmost other advertised medicines. By promoting digestion—nourishing the constitution—enriching witbout inflamingthe Mood—bracing without stimulating tbe nervous systemtoo violently—tbey strengthen tbe general babit, and restorethe Dalur.il healthy tone of the nervous and muscular fibres,thus enlivening and invigorating both body and mind.

The GUTTJE VITJE have been particularly «ucc*ufulwith young people who bave tbe appearance of old nge ; whoare pale and effominBte, and who, having an utter distaste foreve;ything,are incapacitated for study, business or enjoyment.Thousands of apparently hopeless cases, g iven up iy the fa *cliffy, have been permanently cuted , and have borne gratefulevidence of the fact.

Price 4'. CJ., Us. and 33*. ot all Chemists, or direct onreceipt of stamps, or post-office order addressed to Dr. DeRoos, Holford House, Holford Square, London, W.U , orat The New Office, Wdlerf.rd .

Post Free for 2 Stampi, open ends, or 12 Stamps in anEnvelope.

THE MEDICAL ADVISEE, on prematuredecay of the eyeCem, and its speedy reaSoratioa ; cfcfp-

ters on certain disorders, and tbe beat means for their re-moval ; the microscope as an aid to diagnosis ; Marriage, itsdisqualifications ; rules and prescriptions for self-treatmant,£c ; illustrated with numerous cases. By Dr. Waller DaBoos, Holford House, Holford Square, London, W.C.

NOTICE TO INVALIDS.—Although thero is no de-nying tbat the GutUo Vita: are admirably adapted for all tbecomplaints enumerated below, tbeir remarkable, efficacy iathose cases where they bave bad a fair trial having betamoat iconrlosiye: still , in all long-standing or severs cases,it will be judicious to write, without delaay, to Dr. De. Boos,Holford Honse, Hulforil Square, London, W.C., giving amiDUte detail as to the symptoms and duration of tbe cots-plaint , general bcaltb , habit? , cccupatien, age, Sn. enclosinga Post office Order for £1 li., when advice and medicine*will be forwarded per retura. Correspondence c-iotinneduntil a cure is effected. All communications consideredstrictly coufideutial.


PKl/LE'S CRINUTIUAR , noted all over tbn world for itsmiraculous propertied, nod aa the only remedy tbat can bedepended opoD. It is guaranteed to produce • whisktn,mousUcUions, Ac., in a few weeks, ud will be found emin-ently aoccnsfal in nourishing, curling, and| beaatifyiug tbthair; checking greymas, strengthening weak hiir, prevent-ing its falling off aod restoring it in baldness from whatevercause. Upwards of 100 physicians bave recommended it intbe norsery, for promoting * fine, bealtby bead of bair, awlaverting baldoesa in after years. May be obtained throiiBall Chemists, ia bottles price 2s each.

OUSKRVE that 1 16 page pamphlet i» inclosed witbeach package, which baa a red stamp outside bearing thiwords Rosalie Conpelle in white let ters ; the words Coapellt'iCrinutriar are also moulded in each bottlt.

" I was bald nine yean, bnt 1 find new hair coming n>pidly."—J. Hone. " Thanks to joor staff, 1 bsrt ao ei-cellent moustache and whiskers."—Major Bruwne. " I hidlost my hair in patches, bnt it has restored il."—MiuHewilt. " After i!D year's baldueu, it bu acted miracul-ously."-}!. Moir. (d2S.tl.)

.gjrSold at Tim N BW9 Office . Waterford.Pains iu the back, Gravel , Lumbago, Rheumatism, Goat,Flatulency, Headach e, Nervousness, Debility, Strirtorr,4c. 4c.DR. DE R O O S ' COMPOUND RENAL

PILLS, (ai tbeir name lUnal or the Kidneys, in-dicates), are celebrate! all over tbe world , as the safest aodbett Remedy for the above dangerons complaiuU, Dischargesof my kind, aod Disease of tbe Kidneys, Bladder, andUrinary Organs generally, which, if neglected, frequentlyend in Stone in the Bladder , and a liogeriog, painfol death.For depression of Spirits, Eicitement, Incapacity for So-ciety, Study or Busiaets, Loss of Memory, Wretchedu**,Nervousness, and even Insanity itself, when (as it often thicase) arising from or combined with Urirurv Diseases, tbrjare unequalled. By their sslntary actioa oc Bile aodAcidity of tbe Stomach, tbey purify aad promote tbe lltulSecretions, tberebylprevent the formation of Stone, and tboestablish lor life the healthy functions of all these organs.

Price Is. lid., it. Od, 4s. cVL, Hi. aad 33s. per box, wttifall directions throagh all chemistf. TbeOenuioc bav* tb«words " Walter De Roos, London," in whitejletters, on theStamp affixed to eacl) box, by special direction of Her aft*jwty's Honorable Commlssionen, to protect tbe public fromfraud , and to imitate wbicb is felony and trausportatieg

CAUTION.—Some unprincipled Venrlorm, when askedfor Dr. De Boos.' Pills, have attempted to foist other medi-cines or compounds of their own upon tbe purchaser frotawhich tbfy obtain a larger profit , bat which invariablv'entaildisappointment. Ask for Dr. D« Rooa1 ComDoand HntlPills, and do not be persnaaed into trying anVTbiiif rfsT^but should tbe lesst .lifficnlty occur, enclose tbe aroOTDt fTpont-office order or stRinps as above, and they will be mlper return; or may be had at the The Nevi Offloe, WaUr.ford.

TO BE GIVEN AWAY IA New Jledical Work on Marria(re, the cause aod eon ofpremature: decline in man, Nervoo, Debilitr, ImpoSlT, •CKp^ Sd fe1^

0^ :Ij lVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOB.-1 ror iwo Stampj suiTeren mat avoid tha numerttJinipoa or. wh. jend tbrir book, for iotiSfc-SiSS tai*


».I!1S if °°Jn!ll''Ijrof»« too>r« diaeuea with iatreasti

ire deiptiv" °""'1 *nd °tb" lJ»«rii«i» » *sjda»*^,Ajfelid"l!j 25'jetl* «xtensiveWeui»3td in Ilii 11 iiilsJaTsr?-of Deb.l.ty ami tb, „*,,„ rOOTlaf,n<fSTVO«730cto7».?sult.Dg therefrom, will ,«nd frte, on reoripii rf^wVftS?

anrSTf 1° P^ .P0****"' ¦ P«nPl>»rt MntaiDiBf blf hW^sncceasful and only ufe Ueatatnt, with all tbt iilliaWTpr»cnpiions and direction, by whioh saffiam mfm0 %tbemul.e. at JriSiog ut. Addres. Ur.LAWM. M»*s»|Publisher, 11 Rand Court. Holbora, londonT 7M

biKPHM KIMBBT. at T%e VaUr/or* Ittmt QmS^^PnutiuK, Uoon.biDdiDs; •'¦< "irhinr mlini' TfliMMi i 1ment, *i Kin«Hitr,-», in the Parish of Tric&mSSZM.SOBxCRtPTlo- -Yearly (in adw*.) 18., haU^w*|65. ed.;if »0M«»d inaQrao«,16« .4Wij..-irn»fcs«5»Sy«rly, in adnoor, Ui. ; if „» ' SS.'SSgAdveTtuementa for Tie Jf eni wi\\M t»e£nl£tl3&nspwUbl. N«ra Agent ia tba VaMToSSff WM