m patio chocolates aug … · in- held tomon-ovv, march b, at a omen's i'lull....

THURSDAY TORRANCE HERALD MARCH 4, 1926 MOVES OFFICE Dr. Maude Clmmhers him moved !ier offlco fi-nin tin- First National Hank bulMinn. \vh.-r.. -<h" h.is i.e. n located for s.'\-ial ycm*, to her home on Cut:i avenue. Dr. Chambers may In found .-it her home dm me regular, office hours every day exc.-pt Thursday. Mrs. Frnnk Gibs Madro spent Weilnei Maude Ctinmbers. EDUCATION CENTER Mothers' Education Center in- held tomon-ovv, March B, at A omen's i'lull. eviminalii.n uf children from i It will be followed by a ,I.IKS' lecture. (Uie.sls Monday of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Neelands of Ciramercy ave.- niie were Mr. and Mrs. Rate Zrelth nl I'oUimlMis. cv, and Mrs. Emma liatcman .it Hollywood. The New Shoe Store HAS BROUGHT 'YOU THE NEWEST CREATIONS OF SPRING Every day brings us new customers and ng\v boosters for this NEW shoe store in Torrance. Save you been in to see it yet? Come in, if only to get acquainted with our methods and see for yourself the really wonderful values in up-to-date footwear. We Have Shoes and Stockings for Boys and Qirls Ages 1 to 100 Are Your Children Hard on Stockings? Then come and talk with Miss Johnson at the Hosiery counter. She has some good news for you. "IKiaMB Johnson Shoe Store 1501 Cabrillo Ave., Torrance Do You Know That we can SILVER PLATE or refinisli all flat or hollow table- ware, silverflni; and silver or nickel plate that electric percolator? That we can repair and put almost any desired linish on your GOLD, SILVER, BRASS, COPPER, LEAD, OR IRON ORNAMENTS? Gold, Silver, and Antique Finishe H. A. Lewis, 2391/2 S. Spring St. 1744 Gramercy Ave. Los Angeles List Your Property with Us Special Attention Given to RENTALS TRADES INSURANCE AND LOANS H. A. Treadwell or F. D. Murray 1209y 2 El Prado, Torrance Phone 130-W -WINCHESTER Lawn Mowers WINCHESTER MOWERS Cut Cleun Clog Less Stay Sharp FIVE STEEL BLADES I Sail (tearing Self Sharpening $12, $15, $16, $18, and $22.50 NOW Is the Time to Buy a Mower BUY A WINCHESTER AND GET A GOOD ONE SUNPROOF GARDEN HOSE cracking its cord-tiro lik« conttructi $8.50 buys 50 feet "Hardware" Reeve 1319-21 Sartori Ave. TOttUANCE Phone 32 THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME . A\W,HeCK.<TH .Y CAN'T A POOR GUY SNJOY HIS SELF ON SATURDAYS NO MORE lOeTAUL.*- CHOP WOOD, SIFT ASHES, RUN ERRANDS. DRY DISM6S, SWIN6 A BROOM AN' 96 A NURS61 GOSH, I'D HAn»6 A BeJTteR. Tiwe IN SCHOOL. AT THAI! vwftT's TH& use OF HOLIDAYS ANYwAYp Torrance Theatre Will Feature Fox Films This Week The Wheel' and 'The Fight- ing Heart' Will Be Shown be hard to surpass for tulrnt and 5ss £01 the roles assigned to its ibers is to be si-en in "The Wheel," the William Fox produc- on ot t!ie John Golden stage suc- eaa. which comes to the Torrance Theatre Thursday and Friday. All old favorite with Fox fans lot only in point of the number of 'IctureK. of course! is Claire Ad- ams, who shares the lending honors Ith Harrls'on Ford, who has won ullions of admirers by his excel- iil work on the screen and stage. In support are to be seen Mahlon Hamilton, who plays the villain in lie picture, though he is not of he "deep-dyed" sort. Mr. Hamil- on is one of the best-known lead- ns men and character portrayers n Hollywood. Playing the gay !harmcr is Margaret Llvingston, vho won lor herself a Ions Fox :ontract by the high standard of ler work in "Tim Wheel." Two mysterious shots on two liiTi'tent occasions save the life of }ave Gordon, the young' hero of 'The Demon," Blue Streak West- starrliiK Jack Hoxle, which es to the Torrance Thi-utre Saturday. "Smiling George" O'Brien nails lotlier rung in his ladder of dii- rent screen characterizations. In The Fighting Heart," which will how next Tuesday mill Wednesday t tlie Torrance Theatre, the genial William Fox star portrays a role hat ts a wide contrast to any tar- nerly characterised liy him. Kor the second time Suiiliui; Jeoi-K.- cornea under Hie directimi n John I'-ord. brilliant Fox cii- cciui-, who ma.le the year's screen tensaiiiin, "The iron Horse," which icoreil licavily fur bolll O'Brien and 'oril. C.eorge's rule of Davy Bran- Ion in "The iron Horse" was lh« iiuiliim younn man's first leading X C. TERRY HOME SCENE OF LUNCHEON The home of Mrs. J, C. Terry of Plaza del Amo was the scene of a delightful luncheon Monday, when Sirs. Terry entertained the Past Noble Grands' Association (Re.- bckah). Flags were intermingled with the lodge colors, pink and green, and hatchets carried out the motif of Washington's Birthday. During the afternoon the ladles were delighted by a solo, "The Three Links," by Mrs. Frank Miller, and a piano selection, "A Child's Good Night," by Estle Terry. Members of the association pres- ent were Mrs. Ella B. Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt, Mrs. Ada Ander- son, Mrs. Kate Sidebotham, Mrs. Marshall Tappin, Mrs. Marcella Brumplon, Mrs. Christie Christen- son, Mrs. Jennie More, Mrs. Ethel Waite, Mrs. Edward Lynch, and the hostess. Other guests were Mrs. Caro- lena Poor, of Los Angeles; Mrs. Hannah Owens, of Lomlta; Mrs. Florence Porter, Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs. Alberta Phillips, of Tor- RELIEF ASSOCIATION ENJOYS LUNCHEON Members of the Torrance Ueliet Association gathered Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. W. Woodiim- ton for a farewell luncheon in honor of Mrs. If. M: Reavie and Mrs. Ij. I!. LailiR and daughter Olive, house guests of Mrs. Wood- ington. The guests of honor, who leave Saturday tor their homes in Sas- hcaiiti.ul cushions, tokens of ap- preciation of their work lor the association. Women's Club Enjoy Long Program Between 160 and 200 out-of-town guests were present at the Wom- en's Club Wednesday when Reci- procity Day was observed. All business was postponed and the afternoon was passed in listen- ins to the delightful program pre- pared by the program chairman. man of h nd Mr Braun, vice-chairman of the Amer- ican home department, discussed the work of their section and what it means to the world in the future as well as the present. (Irace Thomas Bloxham caused much merriment with her read- Ings "Homesick." in negro dia- lect; an Italian dialect poem, "She Wunia Bolivia de Hair"; and "The Little Boy's Bear Story." Mary Lingenfelter Thompson, ac- companied by Mrs. J. M. Fitzhugh. sang a group of old-fashioned songs "The Nightingale," "Would God 1 Were an Apple Blossom," Phone Employes Will Celebrate The employes of tile Bell Tele- phone Company will celebruU- the t'iCli'-th anniversary of the (de- plum.- ii.-xt Wednesday Mulch 1(1. Th" limitation In "opi-ii house" from 10 u, in. to S p. ill. at the local office follows: "On March 10, 1S76, the first phone hy Alexander Gruliam Hell, Hie inventor in his allic workshop in Boston "Only liity years later -on this March io. I'.r^O -tin- 3HO.UOO mm ami wiuii.-ii who supply the every- hood. .Vim nca's iti.miii.oiw tele phones will nail, in nation-wide observance oi tin- fiftieth anniver- sary of till- telephone. "II will Kill- pli'lisur.- to Unix.. Who |IV p, iVilcKcd tu aill III Illllk- pait of this i-.real service to have Mm. together with your family or frien.ls. visit on Mau-li Huh Hie eelilr.il olficc u Inch serves your telephone You will linil an an- i|llalnl:imv A illi Hi,- ci^iiimicnt anil methods employed In your service l,oi h MIL i,'Mini; ami uiutilally help, fill BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN FOR FIVE A dinner was held at tile Central KvaiiKelieal parsonage Tuesday evening ill honor ot the hir,llnlays of Mrs. Jacob Heller, Mrs. \V. k Brown, Mrs. F. A. Heller, and Dolores and Peggy Heller. Covers were laid for the five Kuesls ol honor, and Mr. and Mrs. J. I-'. Heller and Jacob Heller, of Hi dondo Deaeh; Mrs. M. K. Peer, Key. I-'. A. Heller, anil W. K. BllWC.ll. MRS. R. B. MACALPINE GUEST OF HONOR Mrs. H. U. MaeAlpine of (iramervy elaborate hinelieon Kriday at the Women's Athletic Club In Los All- Kclcs. MRS. GEORGE WATSON ENTERTAINS FRIENDS A number 01 friends Bathe, cd at ill.' IIOIIH- ol 1 Mr. and Mrs. (leorue Watson ot Andlvu av.-imi. recently and spi-nt :i jolly .-M-niiiH. The affair wtis> III Iniiiiir of Mr. and Mis. Watson's tw.-nls-first «ed,lin,j anniyersary. OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS AT O. E. S. PARTY Cm sis ol' Ml. and Mrs. Ij. F. I laiimOil-Ink at the Eastern 8t»r .laiit-e tui'Hday e\cning were Mr. and Mrs. »i. Hiiewele, and family anil Mr. Mlinius, ill Lung Beach, and Miss Lorn Bochlcrl of (lardena. MRS. BRADY WOLFE HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Hiiidv Wolf,. o| Siena ayi-- I,II,|L;,. Inn, OK..n Mnnd.n inly, 49c pound. Bejcoti Drug Co., Torranc*. --Ail\. The guests Incluited Mrs Helm.. 'iie-jB.-nh.-llin-r. ol I'lill.iil.Ophia. I'll.; Mis N. A Ilei-Ker. of I'll 1 HI.Urn. I'ahl ; Mi.-. I 1. II Diinn. Mrs. Mlllel lU-UCOl-lc, lit I.OIIK liiiueh; Mi.- .limi'ph Cool,, ami Mis Tom I'oh > ATWMER KENT If Atwater Kent should happen to make straw hats, they would be better straw hats than any others. You can know that from the way Atwater Kent makes receiving sets and radio speakers. DeBra Radio Co. Carson and Cravens Streets Torrance Phone 73-J George H. Colburn Purchases Grocery licnrge H. Colburn announces that he has purchased the grocery business of J. Grccnbalgh at 645 Sartori avenue and will operate I as a cash grocery. Mr. Colburn has restocked the store with a fresh line of good and is inviting locnl residents t< call. doming Through the Bye," am iweetest Story Ever Told." Mrs. Thompson was a uharmlni aiden of the long ago In hoop skirts and ruffled pantalets. He ! bewitching corkscrew curls peepec out from under a little poke hat tied under her cln with ve ribbons. Frederick I'. Shldler gave piano numbers that were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Isabel Henderson, first chairman of the building board, gave a brief sketch of the begin- ning and financing of the club- house. Mrs. Parks, president, Introduced her official family, the exeeutlv board, to the guests, and also "tli one who has enabled me to becom the president that I am my mother." Greetings and congratulatloi were given to the club by mai visiting presidents. Refreshments were served during the social hour that followed. The Women's Club of Torrance, with the other nearby clubs, will act as co-hostesses at the Redondo Club Monday, March 8, when Dr. Bartola, state president, speaks. All members are asked to be pres- ie parliamentary law class, un- Mrs. John Dudley of Los An- geles, will hold its first session on Tuesday, March 16, at 1 o'clock, in the Women's Clubhouse. This class free t to all club members. Miss Lydia Prlngle, local chair- in of international relations, Women's Club, attended the district conference of the chairmen of in- rnational relations in Los An- geles Saturday. Introducing the New.... m Patio Chocolates Fruit Centers Bitter Sweet and Milk Chocolate Coated ....Saturday Only.... These new El Patio Chocolates are the new- est achievement of Leihy's, and afe vary high grade. These will be-sold on SATURDAY ONLY at this special price of 49c pound box. Beacon Drug Co. Torrance We Have Every Wednesday and Saturday As well as all other Fast Days DURING LENT Rock Bottom Meat Markets 1639 Cabrillo 1591 Carson The Country Has Qone Nash J and Ajax.'J February! Greatest Month in .Nash History and Greatest Ajax Six Month Swiftly soaring nation-wide Nash sales swept February although the shortest month of the year into high position as —the biggest single month of production on Nash cars, alone, in the entire history of the company. Aad Ajax Six sales racing on ahead pushed February Ajax business far beyond the big' gest previous month since this brilliant new Nash-built success was introduced. And the reason for this record-breaking Nash' Ajax success is just this record-breaking QUALITY plus record-breaking VALUE. Hanzal Motor Co. 350 Camino Real - Redondo Beach Phone Redondo 5844

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Page 1: m Patio Chocolates Aug … · in- held tomon-ovv, March B, at A omen's i'lull. eviminalii.n uf children from i It will be followed by a ,I.IKS' lecture. (Uie.sls Monday of Dr. and


MARCH 4, 1926


Dr. Maude Clmmhers him moved

!ier offlco fi-nin tin- First National

Hank bulMinn. \vh.-r.. -<h" h.is i.e. n

located for s.'\-ial ycm*, to her

home on Cut:i avenue.Dr. Chambers may In found .-it

her home dm me regular, office

hours every day exc.-pt Thursday.

Mrs. Frnnk Gibs Madro spent Weilnei Maude Ctinmbers.


Mothers' Education Center

in- held tomon-ovv, March B, at

A omen's i'lull.eviminalii.n uf children from

i It will be followed by a ,I.IKS' lecture.

(Uie.sls Monday of Dr. and Mrs.

W. J. Neelands of Ciramercy ave.-

niie were Mr. and Mrs. Rate Zrelth

nl I'oUimlMis. cv, and Mrs. Emma

liatcman .it Hollywood.

The New Shoe StoreHAS BROUGHT 'YOU


Every day brings us new customers and ng\v

boosters for this NEW shoe store in Torrance.

Save you been in to see it yet? Come in, if only

to get acquainted with our methods and see for

yourself the really wonderful values in up-to-date


We Have Shoes and Stockings

for Boys and QirlsAges 1 to 100

Are Your Children Hard on Stockings?

Then come and talk with

Miss Johnson at the Hosiery

counter. She has some good

news for you."IKiaMB

Johnson Shoe Store1501 Cabrillo Ave., Torrance

Do You Know That we can SILVER PLATE or

refinisli all flat or hollow table­

ware, silverflni; and silver or nickel plate that electric percolator?

That we can repair and put almost any desired linish on your



Gold, Silver, and Antique Finishe

H. A. Lewis, 2391/2 S. Spring St.

1744 Gramercy Ave. Los Angeles

List Your Property with Us

Special Attention Given toRENTALSTRADES


H. A. Treadwell or F. D. Murray1209y2 El Prado, Torrance

Phone 130-W


Lawn Mowers


Cut Cleun Clog Less Stay Sharp


I Sail (tearing Self Sharpening

$12, $15, $16, $18, and $22.50NOW Is the Time to Buy a Mower



cracking its cord-tiro lik« conttructi

$8.50 buys 50 feet

"Hardware" Reeve

1319-21Sartori Ave. TOttUANCE

Phone 32








Torrance Theatre Will Feature Fox Films This WeekThe Wheel' and 'The Fight­

ing Heart' Will Be Shown

be hard to surpass for tulrnt and

5ss £01 the roles assigned to its

ibers is to be si-en in "The

Wheel," the William Fox produc-

on ot t!ie John Golden stage suc-

eaa. which comes to the Torrance

Theatre Thursday and Friday.All old favorite with Fox fans

lot only in point of the number of

'IctureK. of course! is Claire Ad­

ams, who shares the lending honors

Ith Harrls'on Ford, who has won

ullions of admirers by his excel-

iil work on the screen and stage.

In support are to be seen Mahlon

Hamilton, who plays the villain in

lie picture, though he is not of

he "deep-dyed" sort. Mr. Hamil-

on is one of the best-known lead-

ns men and character portrayers

n Hollywood. Playing the gay

!harmcr is Margaret Llvingston,

vho won lor herself a Ions Fox

:ontract by the high standard of

ler work in "Tim Wheel."

Two mysterious shots on two

liiTi'tent occasions save the life of

}ave Gordon, the young' hero of

'The Demon," Blue Streak West-

starrliiK Jack Hoxle, which

es to the Torrance Thi-utre


"Smiling George" O'Brien nails

lotlier rung in his ladder of dii-

rent screen characterizations. In

The Fighting Heart," which will

how next Tuesday mill Wednesday

t tlie Torrance Theatre, the genial

William Fox star portrays a role

hat ts a wide contrast to any tar- nerly characterised liy him.

Kor the second time Suiiliui;

Jeoi-K.- cornea under Hie directimi

n John I'-ord. brilliant Fox cii-

cciui-, who ma.le the year's screen

tensaiiiin, "The iron Horse," which

icoreil licavily fur bolll O'Brien and

'oril. C.eorge's rule of Davy Bran-

Ion in "The iron Horse" was lh«

iiuiliim younn man's first leading


The home of Mrs. J, C. Terry of

Plaza del Amo was the scene of a

delightful luncheon Monday, when

Sirs. Terry entertained the Past

Noble Grands' Association (Re.-

bckah).Flags were intermingled with the

lodge colors, pink and green, and

hatchets carried out the motif of

Washington's Birthday.During the afternoon the ladles

were delighted by a solo, "The

Three Links," by Mrs. Frank

Miller, and a piano selection, "A

Child's Good Night," by Estle

Terry.Members of the association pres­

ent were Mrs. Ella B. Miller, Mrs.

Elizabeth Hunt, Mrs. Ada Ander-

son, Mrs. Kate Sidebotham, Mrs.

Marshall Tappin, Mrs. Marcella

Brumplon, Mrs. Christie Christen-

son, Mrs. Jennie More, Mrs. Ethel

Waite, Mrs. Edward Lynch, and

the hostess.Other guests were Mrs. Caro-

lena Poor, of Los Angeles; Mrs.

Hannah Owens, of Lomlta; Mrs.

Florence Porter, Mrs. Frank Miller

and Mrs. Alberta Phillips, of Tor-


Members of the Torrance Ueliet

Association gathered Wednesday at

the home of Mrs. W. W. Woodiim-

ton for a farewell luncheon in

honor of Mrs. If. M: Reavie and

Mrs. Ij. I!. LailiR and daughter

Olive, house guests of Mrs. Wood-

ington.The guests of honor, who leave

Saturday tor their homes in Sas-

hcaiiti.ul cushions, tokens of ap­

preciation of their work lor the


Women's ClubEnjoy Long

ProgramBetween 160 and 200 out-of-town

guests were present at the Wom­

en's Club Wednesday when Reci­

procity Day was observed.

All business was postponed and

the afternoon was passed in listen-

ins to the delightful program pre­

pared by the program chairman.

man of h nd Mr

Braun, vice-chairman of the Amer­

ican home department, discussed

the work of their section and what

it means to the world in the future

as well as the present.(Irace Thomas Bloxham caused

much merriment with her read-

Ings "Homesick." in negro dia­

lect; an Italian dialect poem, "She

Wunia Bolivia de Hair"; and "The

Little Boy's Bear Story."Mary Lingenfelter Thompson, ac­

companied by Mrs. J. M. Fitzhugh.

sang a group of old-fashioned

songs "The Nightingale," "Would

God 1 Were an Apple Blossom,"

Phone EmployesWill Celebrate

The employes of tile Bell Tele­

phone Company will celebruU- the

t'iCli'-th anniversary of the (de-

plum.- ii.-xt Wednesday Mulch 1(1.

Th" limitation In "opi-ii house"

from 10 u, in. to S p. ill. at the local

office follows:"On March 10, 1S76, the first

phone hy Alexander Gruliam Hell,

Hie inventor in his allic workshop

in Boston"Only liity years later -on this

March io. I'.r^O -tin- 3HO.UOO mm

ami wiuii.-ii who supply the every-

hood. .Vim nca's iti.miii.oiw tele

phones will nail, in „ nation-wide

observance oi tin- fiftieth anniver­

sary of till- telephone."II will Kill- pli'lisur.- to Unix..

Who |IV p, iVilcKcd tu aill III Illllk-

pait of this i-.real service to have

Mm. together with your family or

frien.ls. visit on Mau-li Huh Hie

eelilr.il olficc u Inch serves your

telephone You will linil an an-

i|llalnl:imv A illi Hi,- ci^iiimicnt anil

methods employed In your service

l,oi h MIL i,'Mini; ami uiutilally help,



A dinner was held at tile Central

KvaiiKelieal parsonage Tuesday

evening ill honor ot the hir,llnlays

of Mrs. Jacob Heller, Mrs. \V. k

Brown, Mrs. F. A. Heller, and

Dolores and Peggy Heller.Covers were laid for the five

Kuesls ol honor, and Mr. and Mrs.

J. I-'. Heller and Jacob Heller, of

Hi dondo Deaeh; Mrs. M. K. Peer,

Key. I-'. A. Heller, anil W. K.



GUEST OF HONORMrs. H. U. MaeAlpine of (iramervy

elaborate hinelieon Kriday at the

Women's Athletic Club In Los All-



A number 01 friends Bathe, cd at

ill.' IIOIIH- ol 1 Mr. and Mrs. (leorue

Watson ot Andlvu av.-imi. recently

and spi-nt :i jolly .-M-niiiH.

The affair wtis> III Iniiiiir of Mr.

and Mis. Watson's tw.-nls-first

«ed,lin,j anniyersary.


AT O. E. S. PARTYCm sis ol' Ml. and Mrs. Ij. F.

I laiimOil-Ink at the Eastern 8t»r

.laiit-e tui'Hday e\cning were Mr.

and Mrs. »i. Hiiewele, and family

anil Mr. Mlinius, ill Lung Beach,

and Miss Lorn Bochlcrl of (lardena.


Mrs. Hiiidv Wolf,. o| Siena ayi--

I,II,|L;,. Inn, OK..n Mnnd.n

inly, 49c pound. Bejcoti Drug Co.,

Torranc*. --Ail\.

The guests Incluited Mrs Helm..

'iie-jB.-nh.-llin-r. ol I'lill.iil.Ophia. I'll.;

Mis N. A Ilei-Ker. of I'll 1 H I.Urn.

I'ahl ; Mi.-. I 1 . II Diinn. Mrs.

Mlllel lU-UCOl-lc, lit I.OIIK liiiueh;

Mi.- .limi'ph Cool,, ami Mis Tom

I'oh >


If Atwater Kent should happen to make straw hats, they would be better straw hats than any others. You can know that from the way Atwater Kent makes receiving sets and radio speakers.

DeBraRadio Co.

Carson and Cravens Streets Torrance

Phone 73-J

George H. Colburn Purchases Grocery

licnrge H. Colburn announces

that he has purchased the grocery

business of J. Grccnbalgh at 645

Sartori avenue and will operate I

as a cash grocery.Mr. Colburn has restocked the

store with a fresh line of good

and is inviting locnl residents t<


doming Through the Bye," am

iweetest Story Ever Told."Mrs. Thompson was a uharmlni

aiden of the long ago In hoop

skirts and ruffled pantalets. He

! bewitching corkscrew curls peepec

out from under a little poke hat

tied under her cln with ve

ribbons.Frederick I'. Shldler gave

piano numbers that were greatly

enjoyed.Mrs. Isabel Henderson, first

chairman of the building board,

gave a brief sketch of the begin­

ning and financing of the club­

house.Mrs. Parks, president, Introduced

her official family, the exeeutlv

board, to the guests, and also "tli

one who has enabled me to becom

the president that I am my

mother."Greetings and congratulatloi

were given to the club by mai

visiting presidents.Refreshments were served during

the social hour that followed.The Women's Club of Torrance,

with the other nearby clubs, will

act as co-hostesses at the Redondo

Club Monday, March 8, when Dr.

Bartola, state president, speaks.

All members are asked to be pres-

ie parliamentary law class, un-

Mrs. John Dudley of Los An­

geles, will hold its first session on

Tuesday, March 16, at 1 o'clock, in

the Women's Clubhouse. This class

free t to all club members. Miss Lydia Prlngle, local chair-

in of international relations,

Women's Club, attended the district

conference of the chairmen of in-

rnational relations in Los An­

geles Saturday.

Introducing the New....

m Patio Chocolates





Chocolate Coated

....Saturday Only....

These new El Patio Chocolates are the new­

est achievement of Leihy's, and afe vary

high grade.

These will be-sold on SATURDAY ONLY

at this special price of 49c pound box.

Beacon Drug Co.Torrance

We Have

Every Wednesday and Saturday

As well as all other Fast Days


Rock Bottom Meat Markets

1639 Cabrillo 1591 Carson

The Country Has Qone Nash J and Ajax.'J

February!Greatest Month in .Nash History

and Greatest Ajax Six Month

Swiftly soaring nation-wide Nash sales swept

February although the shortest month of the

year into high position as

—the biggest single month of production on

Nash cars, alone, in the entire history of the


Aad Ajax Six sales racing on ahead pushed

February Ajax business far beyond the big'

gest previous month since this brilliant new

Nash-built success was introduced.

And the reason for this record-breaking Nash'

Ajax success is just this record-breaking

QUALITY plus record-breaking VALUE.

Hanzal Motor Co.350 Camino Real - Redondo Beach

Phone Redondo 5844