m. khoirul fahmi

ISBN 978-967-394-230-5 [PROCEEDINGS OF IDMAC2015] 9th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC2015) 119 IMPLEMENTATION OF SABILILLAH ENTREPRENEUR INSTITUTE, NEW INSTITUTE ABOUT ZAKAT MANAGEMENT FOR MUSTAHIQ IN MALANG-INDONESIA M. Khoirul Fahmi Student of State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang [email protected] 085745866448 Abstract This study explores how the implementation of Sabilillah Entrepreneur Institute program of LAZIS (Lembaga Zakat, Infaq dan Shadaqah) in Malang-Indonesia, that took shelter under Sabilillah Foundation. Adopting the qualitative research design, the study presented in this paper ascertained the development of SEI (Sabilillah Entrepreneur Institute) implementation, on mustahiq capability of zakat managerial. In Sabilillah Foundation there are more than 500 mustahiq, and they were very need entrepreneurial guidance. In order be able to increase their capability about financial management. By using the design of curriculum for entrepreneurship, they should master all the subjects on motivation and empowering, business plan, business management and business marketing. conclusively, the implementation pressure has a positive impact with good educational curriculum for entrepreneurship and zakat management, and it helps Mustahiq to be more creative and independent towards competitive era. Keywords: Sabilillah Entrepreneur Institute, Zakat Management, Mustahiq, Entrepreneur Curriculum.

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M. Khoirul Fahmi

Student of State Islamic

University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang

[email protected]



This study explores how the implementation of Sabilillah Entrepreneur Institute

program of LAZIS (Lembaga Zakat, Infaq dan Shadaqah) in Malang-Indonesia, that

took shelter under Sabilillah Foundation. Adopting the qualitative research design,

the study presented in this paper ascertained the development of SEI (Sabilillah

Entrepreneur Institute) implementation, on mustahiq capability of zakat managerial.

In Sabilillah Foundation there are more than 500 mustahiq, and they were very need

entrepreneurial guidance. In order be able to increase their capability about financial

management. By using the design of curriculum for entrepreneurship, they should

master all the subjects on motivation and empowering, business plan, business

management and business marketing. conclusively, the implementation pressure has

a positive impact with good educational curriculum for entrepreneurship and zakat

management, and it helps Mustahiq to be more creative and independent towards

competitive era.

Keywords: Sabilillah Entrepreneur Institute, Zakat Management, Mustahiq,

Entrepreneur Curriculum.

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"Indonesian Gold Generation 2045" is a phrase of hope for Indonesia in the next


year independence. A great hope that is aspired by the Indonesian people,

especially in preparing AEC 2015. In this condition, we really need a movement to

confront AEC 2015 and passion for developing the Indonesian human resources

which the poverty still increases yearly. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) of Indonesia

reported that the total of poor people on March 2015 were 28.59 million both in

urban and rural area. When it is compared to September 2014, the total of poor

people were 27.73 million. (BPS, accessed on September 15th

, 2015). In terms of

employment the total of people who are unemployed in August was increasing to 7,

39 million people, or 6, 25% of the total workforce. (Zatnika, accessed on November


, 2013). From these data, we can conclude that people's ability to survive is still

low, especially poor people who need social support that still continue to increase

from year to year.

Poverty is a great danger to human being and not a few people who fall civilization

simply because of indigence. Therefore as the Prophet has said that “poverty was

about to be a kind of disbelief”. (Qadir, 2001) Therefore, the need for proper social

support for the community in order to make the society more productive and

innovative is needed and it can be done through zakat productive implementation.

With zakat, it is hoped that they are able to utilize the grant to create productivity and

financial independence. Then, what is the strategic role to be implemented? This

paper will describe the new program for special mustahiq who want to move and

change economically.

Fiqh of Zakat

Poverty related problems are always increasing in several areas of Indonesia as a

result of the nation's economic slump that does not finish till now. To overcome the

problem of poverty, Islam has a good strategy namely implementing the obligation of

zakat. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala revealed the sharia in the form of zakat for the

Muslims to be able to increase the concern to the needy and poor people. Zakat is

one of the five fundamental obligations of islam. It is an obligatory form of worship

(ibadah) prescribed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Allah commanded in the Qur’an.

“… so establish Salat and give Zakat and hold fast to Allah…” (al-

Hajj, 22:27)

“Zakat is a duty from Allah similar to the duty of salat” (al-Baqarah,


Al Yasooi explains that The literal meaning of the word “zakat” is purification and

growth. In keeping with these qualities, Allah has prescribed Zakat as an obligatory

charity, as a duty to Allah, upon every wealthy individual. This charity is prescribed

in order to cleanse the individual‘s wealth, heart, and by extension the society in

general, of the baser characteristics of miserliness, selfishness, greed and materialism

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and replace them with higher qualities of generosity, love, care, and mutual help.

(CIOGC, 2015)

There are eight prescribed categories of recipients of zakat. Allah has determined

these categories in Al-Qur’an.

“Shadaqat are for the poor and needy, and those employed to

administer (the zakat), for those whose hearts are to be won over, and

for the freeing of human beings from bondage, and (for) those who are

burdened with debts, and (for every struggle) in Allah’s cause, and

(for) the wayfarer: (this is) an ordinance from Allah, Allah is All-

Knowing, full of Wisdom.” (al-Taubah, 9:60)

Zakat has a strategic role to fight against poverty and at the same time to develop

economics. Different with financial resources for other development, zakat does not

have a reverse effect and expect any reward except the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu

wa Ta’ala. However, this does not mean that zakat mechanism needs no good control

system. Ridwan mentions that the strategic value of zakat can be seen through: First,

zakat is a religious obligation. It is a reflection of human faith. Second, financial

resources of zakat will never stop. It means that people who pay zakat will never run

out because people have to pay each year or other period of time. Third, empirically

zakat can remove social inequalities and can create asset redistribution and equitable


Institution of Zakat

Zakat is a meaningful institution with a definite religion-socio-economic purpose. It

has its established rules and procedures, structure, standard, and specific functions.

Muslims all over the world practice zakat as an obligatory duty of their religion.

While the payment of zakat is an individual duty, the collection and distribution of

zakat is a collective obligation. Islam has organized the institution of zakat with a

spiritual approach leading to the socio-economic benefit of mankind.

“Allah deprives usurious gain of all blessings, where as he blesses

charitable deeds (shadaqah) with manifold increase” (al-Baqarah,


The Central Zakat Committee is an effort to institutionalize Zakat through (CIOGC,


a) Organized promotion, collection, and distribution of Zakat,

b) Organized assistance to the poor and needy of the community.

c) Pooling of individual Zakat payments for major community projects,

d) Supporting high priority community needs permissible through Zakat.

As part of the mosque services to their attendants, LAZIS Sabilillah of Malang also

do the coaching, mentoring and donations toward Several mustahiq, which of course

that all of these are also in the form of social services to the community, in order to

improve their social welfare and enhance the community resources that can be done.

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through optimization and utilization Zakat, infaq, shadaqah and waqaf, with

trustworthy, transparent and professional management.


Definition of Entrepreneur

According to Dingee (1997) Entrepreneurs are those who are making good use of

resources. they can identify and use expertise and assistance that is relevant to the

accomplishment of their goals. They should involve and be independent in the

achievement of their goals.

Entrepreneurs’ personality traits have also been identified to have impact on

organizational performance (Robinson & Sexton, 1994). Studies also found that

personality traits such as locus of control and ambiguity tolerance that influenced the

business success directly and the business process indirectly (Entrialgo, Fernandez,

& Vazquez, 2000). Kiggundu (2002) later added demographic variables to his study

and found that personality traits have direct influence on the success of African

entrepreneurs. Although studies on personality traits have played an important role in

contributing to the success of entrepreneurs worldwide, nevertheless, personality

traits have been criticized both on theoretical and empirical ground in the study of


Bruno, Leidecker, and Harder (1987) studied ten failed high-technology firms and

concluded that there were three major reasons for the failure: 1) financial difficulties,

2) product or market problems and 3) managerial problems. Hence, entrepreneurs

who have the necessary competencies especially in the area of operations, finance,

marketing and human resources, and management skills required for the business are

more likely to be successful (Prahalad & Hamel, 1990; Swiercz & Spencer, 1992).

Definition of Curriculum

The term ‘curriculum’ has paradoxically a long history despite its recent common

usage. Educators define curriculum in different ways, because they have different

perceptions of what curriculum should be. Some educators see the curriculum as a

list of subjects to be studied, while others see it as an entire course in content (Print,

1987). M skilbeck (1984) “curriculum will be used to refer to the learning

experiences of student, in so far as they are expressed or anticipated in goals and

objectives, plans and designs for learning and the implementation of these plans and

designs in school environments.” Robert zais defines curriculum design as:

‘The arrangement of the components or element of curriculum….

Ordinarily, the components or elements included in a curriculum are

(1) aims, goals and objectives; (2) subject matter or content; (3)

learning activities; and (4) evaluation… thus the nature of these

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elements and the pattern of organization in which they are brought

together as a unified curriculum constitute the curriculum design’

(Zais, 1976)

So, if you want to become an entrepreneur, you need to learn "how" first. You should

look for news up to date, contributed to your believe and underlined the positive

impact of entrepreneurship education (Chrisman, 1997; Peterman & Kennedy, 2003;

Zhao, Seibert, & Hills, 2005). By using curriculum of entrepreneur, several mustahiq

will able to compete and to face ASEAN economic community (AEC) 2015.

Entrepreneurship Curriculum in SEI

In this program, there is a program “be a great entrepreneur in two months”, that is a

curriculum was developed by SEI. The material of class program consist of 50%

theory and 50% practice. However, in its implementation, it gives more emphasis on

practice. While, each opening of recruitment for mustahiq In Sabilillah Entrepreneur

Institute (SEI) every new enrollment for new student (mustahiq), they recruit 12

mustahiq in each class. While, the material that is taught by instructor in Sabilillah

Entrepreneur Institute i.e.:

A. The first month was divided into 2 sessions

Table 01: The first session is conducted for 3 days

The second session is conducted in 2 weeks later, but it is held for 2 days. With the

provisions each mustahiq must collect the form of business proposal draft when

registering in the second session.

Table 02, The second session held for 2 days

First day Second day

To discuss about ideas from mustahiq or

opinions to create new product

Business Marketing :

Selling skill

Communication skill

Creative promotion

First Day Second Day Thirt Day

Mindset Development :



Self development

(from zero to hero)

Winner motivation

Entrepreneur skill

Business Plan :

SWOT Analysis

Creative thinking

Creating and planning


Project proposal

Business Management :

Accounting and finance


How to systemize and

develop business?


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Negotiation skill

B. In the second is concerned with practices

1) Guiding and Coaching Clinic

This guiding and coaching clinic can be understood as assistance services. at

this stage, each participant will be given a guiding book and determined each

associate. This assistance serves to control development of mustahiq.

2) Field Study

Field study was conducted during the second month, because the participants

already have knowledge of entrepreneurship for 1 month ago. Each mustahiq

must carry out a field study in accordance with their proposals, both the study

of the product, how to make it, how to do packaging, and distribution

management and marketing.


The participants in this study belonged to mustahiq from Malang society who has

business idea. This project explores the implementation of Sabilillah entrepreneur

institute that will give learning and guidance for mustahiq in order to be productive

mustahiq. To capture the result of first implementation class, researcher conducted

qualitative research design (observation and focus group with participants).

The place is located in LAZIS of Sabilillah Foundation of Malang-Indonesia,

precisely in Sabilillah mosque in the middle of Malang city center i.e. on Ahmad

Yani street No.15 of Malang, East Java. One of Islamic foundation that is build by

Prof. DR. KH. Tolchah Hasan, and this is also known as one of the mosques

monument in the struggle for Independence of Indonesia, this mosque is hope to be a

center of civilization, the center of da’wa, and service centers of people in this

mosque also the center of community empowerment, “Lembaga Amil Zakat Infaq

dan Shadaqah Masjid Sabilillah Malang” or abbreviated LAZIS Sabilillah is operated

for community development under Sabilillah Foundation of Malang. whose mission

to enhance the quality of mosque program and to be an institution that helps to fulfill

the Du’afa rights'.

From “Company Profile” book of Lazis. They have approximately 500 mustahiq and

21 people who set as board of LAZIS and 15 volunteers from student of State Islamic

University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang. in 2011 till 2015.

One sample consist of 12 mutahiq participant (10 mustahiq who have business and 2

mustahiq who are beginners). The participants were asked to participate in focused

group discussion by their instructors. The mustahiq represents a diverse range of

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mustahiq racially and socio-economically. However, the focus groups participants

were either self-selected or were actively recruited by their forum. Future research

will require a broad sampling strategy to include more diverse mustahiq who are

beginner in focus groups and interviews.

To participate in the study, the instructors have to sign consent forms for the

classroom observations and the interviews. Lazis Sabilillah give freedom for

researcher and volunteers to hold general observations, which does not focus on

individual students, and meet the requirements for this study. Assent forms and

parental consent forms were signed for mustahiq included in the focus groups.


Sabilillah Entrepreneur Institute or SEI implements a learning strategy that

emphasizes the important attention the role of mustahiq. How they are able to

develop their capabilities in reality and process of taking part in something. Because,

learning by doing in a real situation is a certainly powerful way of acquiring

information, skill and values (Print, 1987). While, SEI implements these model

learning process more effectively and makes mustahiq know one by one the ways to

be entrepreneur well. The ways can be seen in figure 01.

exposition Interactive






inquiry Models of


Figure 01:teaching-learning strategies

Source: Curriculum development and Design, fourth impression by Murray Print

The principal grouping of SEI learning strategies are:

1. Expository teaching

2. Interactive teaching

3. Small group teaching

4. Inquiry teaching

5. Individualization

6. Models of reality

1. Expository Teaching

This involves the transmission of information in a sigle direction from source to

learning.(Print, 1987) mustahiq are passive receivers of information and knowledge,

cause their mindset will changed by tutor in this step. Like in the first meeting,

First meeting, in the first meeting of SEI was held on September 5th

, 2015. And was

instructed by Dr. Moh Mahpur as the Dien of Psychology faculty in State Islamic

Low reality

High teacher participation

Low learning involvement

High reality

Low teacher participation

High learning involvement

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University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang. He explains about Mindset

Development (motivation, empowering), Self development (from zero to hero),

Winner motivation, Entrepreneur skill. These lesson focuses on the model to change

and develop mustahiq mindset, and how the way that should done by mustahiq to

manage their capabilities, especially in money saving.

Many mustahiq did not know what they will be done to be entrepreneur. For

example, Mrs. Riyanah as mustahiq in Lazis Sabilillah, she stated

‘Now, I have not business, because my house has changed. Ago, I sold

in the cross of road, thought sold some foods, drink, etc. but now I am

still confuse to decide my new business’

From Mrs. Riyanah saying, we are able to conclude that she is very need a guiding

and knowledge about entrepreneurship. So, in the first meeting she will get method

to manage her capability to be the real entrepreneur.

2. Interactive Teaching

Interactive teaching uses the deliberate encouragement of interaction between

learner and teacher. (Print, 1987) In this step, mustahiq more active to communicate.

Such as the second meeting:

Second meeting, in the second meeting was held on September 12th

, 2015. We

invited Dr. Sigitn Styawadi as th instructur in second meeting about Business Plan:

SWOT Analysis, Creative thinking, Creating and planning, Investment.

In this section, mustahiq pushed on creativity and innovative thinking. The first step

they will be taught about the importance of entrepreneurship and the benefits of

entrepreneurship. The output of this study in the second session which they are

capable to;

a) Being able to join in the world of investment

b) Analysis and creativity of the business potential

c) Designing and developing businesses

d) Ability to manage their financial and business administration

In this section, we can call “business idea jam”. Like Zusatzausbildung

Entrepreneurship program from German, CEE 2009. While, Providing guidance for

and opportunities for the practical application of finding an idea and following it up

through each step, from idea generation to evaluation. With respect to finding a

business idea, an idea jam will be organised which represents initial preparation for

an internal idea competition. After finding a business idea, the mustahiq become

familiar with the application of ideas in different circumstances.

3. Small Group and Inquiry Teaching

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The advantages of small group teaching revolve largely around the interactive

benefits acquired by mustahiq. Because, by using small group and inquiry teaching

involves learnings in four stages of relatively independent activities of mustahiq.

a) Problem awareness of mustahiq

b) Forming tentative hypotheses or answers the problem

c) Research and collection of data

d) How we get conclusion based on the evidence collected

Third meeting, transforming and discuss about how we can share and promote our

products in competitive era. In the AEC 2015, we will face more competitive product

thought in price and quality. In this opportunity, material that presented are Business

Marketing, Selling skill, Communication skill, Creative promotion and Negotiation

skill. Was delivered by M. Fatkhur Rozi, S. E., M.M. on the last week of September


At this meeting, like Mrs. Kunafa start planning itself to be an entrepreneur, this is

the result of training in the last meeting. By using SWOT analysis, Mrs. Kunafa

starts to promotes her logical, rational thinking and systematic approaches to

decision-making. Like said Mrs. Kunafa;

‘Alhamdulillah, Now I am start to trying soy milk industry, yesterday I

learned and saw that there is opportunity that many schools around my

house. So, finally I decided to make soy milk business’

4. Individualization and Models of reality

By Involved mustahiq to know more about the entrepreneur deeply, mustahiq invited

to see and learn directly to the successful entrepreneur. This is step of 70% of theory,

through models of reality they will be finalized again to exchange their scientific

opinions and knowledge.

Individualization by using coaching clinic, this step emphasizes all of mustahiq to

Evaluate Themselves and always increase of their capability in entrepreneurial

character. Such as that was coached by volunteers, about the spirit of mustahiq and

experience progress. Through the reflection questions like "Write the experience of

self-advancement that has been manifested?” So, from this Question the mustahiq

will able to integrate theories with their ambition to be achieved.

And the last, Models of Reality are very powerful learning strategies and their

advantages are numerous (Print, 1987). By using observe, imitate and modifications

will provide new experience for the mustahiq to more know directly about the

excellent products that can compete in globalization era. They will be introduced to

the real world that combine some theories that they have learned during the training a

month ago. Like all of mustahiq was done in several places of success mustahiq in


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In this section, we can call “Business Modeling and Excursions”. Like

Zusatzausbildung Entrepreneurship program from German, CEE 2009. Business

modeling, Presentation of different kinds of business models, mustahiq

embeddedness in the context of society. their framework and examples of different

branches and Identification of what characterizes successful entrepreneurs.

Excursions, mustahiq learned from some companies, entrepreneurs or institutions to

provide the examples of entrepreneurship and learn directly from entrepreneurs.

Professional Mustahiq, (From zero to hero)

And finally, mustahiq will get a real science to become a Muslim entrepreneur in the

future. Like figure 02, Output and model of SEI implementation (Source: Author).

Figure 2: Output and model of SEI implementation

Success Mustahiq

Volunteer of SEI

LAZIS Sabilillah

1. Under LAZIS Sabilillah

2. Guidance and consultancy

3. Concept and technic

1. As laboratory and facilitator

of program from volunteer

2. coordinator, communicator

3. Proud of technic

1. Has global mindset

2. Has develop financial

3. Has socio-entrepreneur


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Results of this study showed a significant relationship between the implementation of

Sabilillah Entrepreneur Institute (SEI) of Malang with mustahiq motivation to

becomes a successful entrepreneur. This means that zakat distributed by muzakki to

LAZIS Sabilillah had been used well and in professional way. Through education,

training and mentoring that will continue to create the successful entrepreneur. So, if

zakat was distributed correctly, it will increase revenue of mustahiq, in other word,

if we give more motivation, the success rate of mustahiq will increase higher than


Exactly, this curriculum of entrepreneur in Lazis Sabilillah of Malang is not just for

mustahiq. But, in the next era, SEI hopes that this program also implement for all of

people around Malang city and people in Indonesia in generally


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