lyric deconstruction

Lyric Deconstruction Analysis of Marcelline Lyrics

Upload: aprilharriet

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Lyric deconstruction

Lyric DeconstructionAnalysis of Marcelline Lyrics

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‘Marcelline,Why don’t you just stay clean?’

Within this line there is evidence that the artist could be referring to a social issue relating to the abuse of drugs within society. This cultural factor determines how the song will progress and links directly to modern issues.

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‘Marcelline You know you’re safe with me’

This shows that the artist is demonstrating that they are able to protect the girl from harm, however she is unwilling to comply. Showing the male to be the dominant figure within the lyrics, therefore portraying that the woman is portrayed as the emotionally weaker sex within the lyrics.

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‘Yeah, and your eyes,Look so clean’

This line could be relating to how the girls eyes are free from the use of drugs, but could also be relating to how her eyes are innocent and pure.

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‘Just get out, Back to the streets where it all began’

This line could link to street crimes, such as prostitution or drug dealing. As usually the streets have negative connotations relating to these topics. This shows that the man within the lyrics has given up on trying to help her.

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Go get out,Outta my face, don’t wanna see you again

This reinforces the fact that the character within the lyrics is not wanting to have any contact with the girl anymore, which could be an opposite to the previous lyrics ‘your eyes look so clean’. Showing that he may care for he even though he doesn’t want to

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‘Such a pretty young thing,Spends the whole night wondering’ This line could be initially referring to her looks, as pretty and young can link to the connotations of innocence and purity previously stated and shows how her innocence has influence over her thought process, as it can be shown as weakness.

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‘Where she gon’ go When she gets old’These lyrics link to the previous line as it shows she is influenced by her surroundings. but underneath her ‘front’ she is vulnerable and trying to come to terms with how her life will progress.

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Yeah she does As she’s told

This could be interpreted as the girl within the video follows the society she lives in, therefore answering to the negative thoughts that are within her head.