lyme disease in dogs by dr. brenda taddeo sully animal hospital 5095 westfields blvd centrevile va...

Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

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Page 1: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

Lyme Disease in Dogs


Dr. Brenda TaddeoSully Animal Hospital5095 Westfields BlvdCentrevile VA 20121

Page 2: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

What is Lyme Disease?

• A spirochete (bacteria) species of the Borrelia burgdorferi group isTransmitted by the Tick.

• Two main ticks that can transmit lyme disease to the dog is DEER TICK and the Westerin BLACK LEGGED TICK

• The tick transmits lyme dz by taking a blood meal and be attached for 18hrs

Page 3: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121


• By the Deer tick and westerin blacklegged tick –• Not just the deer tick – many people believe it is

only by the deer tick.• Ticks don’t just transmit lyme disease, dogs can

also get rocky mtn spotted fever, ehrlichia, anaplasmosis

• Zoonotic – Means When Humans get sick from a disease they caught from a bug or other animal. ( Lyme disease is by the Tick) NOT THE DOG.

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• Great site to show you the prevelance in your area and about tick borne diseases– jus type your zip code in

Page 5: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

DEER TICK/Black leg tick vs Western Black legged tickBoth Transmitts Lyme disease and ANAPLASMOSISTicks and Coinfection – Can carry more then one disease

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Cats can get lyme disease. (We do not see it very often in cats)

Page 7: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

Signs of Lyme Disease

• Three Catagories– 1) sub-clinical – No signs but have been exposed• CDC reports that 95% of dogs do not have symptoms

– 2) Clinical – • Limping, Fever, lethargy, (no Skin rash or bulleyes),

While a “bull’s eye” rash at the site of the tick bite is common with human Lyme disease infection, dogs have no such indicator.

– 3) Severe clinic infection -Lyme Nephritis - severe and fatal kidney failure

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Symptoms and Types

In general, symptoms in dogs are difficult to detect and may not appear until several months after infection

Page 9: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

Lyme Disease

• There’s simply no way for pet owners to tell if a tick is carrying disease or not, and it only takes one tick bite to infect your dog. Owners may not even seen a tick on there dog

• What’s common among all vector-borne disease, however, is that symptoms can be vague and difficult to recognize. Or can mimick each other. (anaplasmosis)

Page 10: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

Clinical Signs

• Kidney disease appears to be more prevalent in Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and Bernese Mountain dogs

• Often many pet owners don’t know their dog is suffering from a debilitating tick disease until it’s too lat

Page 11: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

How do we DiagnosisLyme Disease?

• Veterinary Clinic 4dx plus snap test– Can tell you with in 10mins a positive antibody to

Lyme, erhlichia, anaplasmosis, or heartworm disease

– Test for tick borne diseases yearly, at clinical signs occur or if you noticed a tick on your dog then a 4dx test being done 3 weeks to 3 months after exposure.

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4dx test

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Blood sent to a specific Lab

To confirm if they have a true active infection of lyme disease

May have to do this more expensive test after doing a 4dx test to confirm lyme active infection

Other test may need to be done if Lyme Positive – Cbc, Chemistry panel, and Urinalysis

Veterinary C6 Test

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1) Doxycycline – Is the main treatment and done for 30days. For all stages of doxycycline2) Some of our more severe cases may need to be hospitalized, with Fluids, and supportive care3) Side effects – upset stomach

Page 15: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

How do we protect Pets?

• Lyme Vaccine – works as long as given and up dated yearly• Many products work – It depends on how fast the tick is

killed that matters. – Topical – Tick products, like frontline, parastar, vectra 3d, advantix– Oral products Like Bravecto and Nexgard– Collar – Seresto– Most products work by killing the tick, many if any repel the tick

• Use it Year round – our Winters are not cold enough and long enough to kill ticks

Page 16: Lyme Disease in Dogs By Dr. Brenda Taddeo Sully Animal Hospital 5095 Westfields Blvd Centrevile VA 20121

Protecting your pet continued

Check them over by using a baby cloth to run over face and feet to knock off any ticks

Using a tick key – never use your hands – always were gloves

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Home protection for pets and

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Good internet sites to visit


Great sources of Good Veterinary Advice vs Dr. Google

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Any Questions!