luton borough council local area carbon emissions reduction action plan july 2010

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  • 8/6/2019 Luton Borough Council Local Area Carbon Emissions Reduction Action Plan July 2010


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    Luton Borough CouncilLocal Area Carbon Emissions Reduction Action Plan

    July 2010

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    1. Introduction 3

    2. Strategy 4

    3. Services 7

    4. Community Leadership 11

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    1. Introduction

    In November 2008, Luton Borough Council applied to join the Energy Saving Trusts One to One support programme. This two year programme isdesigned to help the Borough tackle climate change issues at a local level. In December 2008, the Energy Saving Trust confirmed that the Councilhad been accepted on the programme and that our application for this service had been amongst high competition, with only five local authorities inthe East of England accepted in the first round of the programme.

    In August 2009, the Energy Saving Trust published a recommendations report Local Area Carbon Emissions Reduction Report by EST - August 2009based on information the Council had provided. The report demonstrated that the Council is performing fair to good across all areas of its services,

    community leadership and its overall strategyfor tackling climate change and the sustainable use of energy, but has opportunities for improvement inall areas.

    In April 2010 an action planning workshop was arranged with relevant personnel from LBC to go through the recommendations and try to prioritisethem to develop this Action Plan. This document provides a brief summary of the work we have undertaken in each of the three areas assessed andprovides an action plan for improvement and continued work. It should be noted that, in agreement with the EST, it does not included the Councilsown Estate, as the Carbon Trust have been working with the Council to produce a Carbon Management Plan. A link to the Luton Borough Council

    Carbon Management Plan as approved by the Executive on 7


    June 2010.

    In addition, a visioning event on the low carbon future of Luton organised by EST took place on the 9th of June 2010 gathering over 50 representativesof organisations from the Luton Forum (Local Strategic Partnership). Feedback and actions agreed during the day have also been included, whererelevant.
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    2. Strategy

    As part of the Energy Saving Trusts report, the following achievements were highlighted:-

    The Council is participating in the Carbon Trusts Local Authority Carbon Management Plan (LACMP)

    Luton Borough Councils Energy Policy Energy Policy agreed in 2009.

    Luton has a Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) Luton Sustainable Community Strategy for 2008 - 2026 which includes key priorities on

    reducing energy consumption and adapting to climate change.

    The Council has set targets for carbon reduction which include:o Own Estate 10% by 2014 see p 20 of Energy Policy;o Increasing renewable energy capacity - all new developments totaling more than 1,000 m2 must incorporate renewable energy

    generation to provide at least 10% of the predicted energy requirements. See U3 at pp 101 + 102 in Chapter 8 of Luton Local Plan -(2001 - 2011)

    Luton Borough Council signed the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change in 2006

    The Council has Office Green Champions in some work areas, Office Green Champions,8,What%20you%20get%20in%20return,8,What%20you%20get%20in%20return
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    Strategy - Action Plan

    Recommendation Action Who When HowContinue to set targetsand timescales forreducing energyconsumption across ourown estate, servicedelivery and throughoutthe wider community inline with national targets.

    This should be linked intobaselines and targets ofNI185 and 186.

    1.CAM are looking at our estate, this should include energyconsiderations

    2.Explain to Lean Team the need to save Energy whenthey are interacting with services

    3.Director of Environment & Regeneration to use his

    influence to get buy-in from all Services

    4.Start to devolve energy budgets for buildings to CostCentre Managers/Heads of Service

    Adrian Piper

    Climate Changeteam (CCT)


    DaveKempson/CorporateEnergy Manager(CEM)


    September 2010

    June 2010

    June 2010

    Full survey of current accommodation

    Get Lean team to explain effects ofEnergy use on Service delivery

    Brief Director of Environment &

    Regeneration on key matters

    Implement zone metering of energy usageand charge Cost Centre Managers, withcommensurate reductions inaccommodation SSCs.

    Introduce Energy trainingto all staff in areas of

    Council operations whichare judged to have themost significant impact onenergy use

    1.CCT are already organising Energy training for OfficeGreen Champions (OGC), to extend this to more OGCs

    2.Training for Cllrs

    3.Develop packs of posters and stickers for use by OfficeGreen Champions





    May/June 2011(After localelections)

    Sept 2010

    Training courses

    Incorporate into New Councillor Trainingorganised by Ann Loeffler

    Look for info on the Web and produceposters and stickers

    Ensure that any savings

    made from investing inenergy efficiency arereinvested in sustainableenergy

    1.Carbon Trust Carbon Management Plan feeds into this

    2.Ensure that commitments to investing in energyreduction measures in the Energy Policy re



    June 2010

    From Sept 2010,then needs to be

    Show how invest to save is necessary to

    make real savings

    Reports to the Executive explainingbenefits of invest to save

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    Recommendation Action Who When Howimplemented

    3.Get buy-in from Senior Managers ChiefExecutive/Directorof Environment &Regeneration


    June 2010 Approval of Carbon Management Plan

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    3. Services

    As part of Energy Saving Trusts report, the following achievements were highlighted:

    The Council has shown that they actively seek projects delivering energy efficiency through the Butterfield Business and Technology Parkwhere the Innovation Centre and Business Base have achieved an Excellent BREEAM rating. Butterfield Business and Technology Park

    The Luton Local Plan refers to energy efficiency, Luton Local Plan - (2001 - 2011)

    Average SAP rating targets for the Councils own social housing stock are set annually, NES Energy Analysis of LBC Stock up to March 2009

    The Council has a target to increase the Minimum SAP rating of the Councils own social housing stock to 20 by 2012, LBC Decent HomesWork Programmes 2007-11

    The Councils Affordable Warmth team proactively refers clients onto the Warm Front scheme, Lutons Affordable Warmth Strategy

    The Local Development Framework Local Development Framework contains strategic objectives which focus on sustainable and integrated

    communities and minimising carbon footprints to combat climate change.,%2005-05-2010.pdf,%2005-05-2010.pdf,%2005-05-2010.pdf,%2005-05-2010.pdf
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    Services - Action Plan

    Recommendation Action Who When HowContinue to implement theEU Energy Performanceof Buildings Directive byensuring an EPC is issuedeach time an LA dwellingchanges tenancy

    Keep up to date with changes in tenancy to ensureEPCs are issued at the correct time

    Building and TechnicalServices

    Ongoing with eachchange in tenancy

    Building and TechnicalServices liaise with VoidsTeam - Anne Gibbons

    Work with the regional

    HECA/Carbon ActionNetwork (CAN-East)forum to share bestpractice.

    1. Attend CAN E meetings and disseminate appropriate

    information to colleagues2. Support appropriate CAN-E led programmes

    CCT Attend quarterly


    Sharing information

    Attending meetings andengaging in programmes

    Training on sustainableenergy should beprovided to curriculumadvisors so they can

    promote the subject toschools

    1. Establish a link to Eco Schools (addressing the energysection of the programme) by connecting the programmeto the work of the Climate Change Team and/or wideningthe knowledge of waste promotion officers on energy

    issues when providing training to schools

    2. Deliver energy training at Schools Training Event October2010

    3. Teacher/Governor training (including uploading material tothe Luton Learning Grid for schools to utilise)

    CEM + CCT+ Officersfrom Waste Teamworking on eco-schools)

    CCT + C&L HealthySchools Coordinator -Lyndsey Bithrey

    Climate Change Team +C&L

    Mar 2011

    October 2010

    In time for schoolstraining eventOctober 2010

    Investigate with C&L thebest way access curriculumadvisers

    Workshop training

    Arrange slot on Eco-Schools training day

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    Recommendation Action Who When HowIntroduce more detailed,

    relevant and usefultraining on using theplanning system to reducecar dependency

    1. Provide training to improve knowledge and skills in

    sustainable transport planning

    2. Secure funding for training

    3. Find a training provider

    Planning Policy &

    Transport PlanningTeams



    Determined by Joint

    Committee cycle &LDF timetable

    By October 2010

    To Enable Trainingto be delivered byend of March 2011

    Service Plan

    Bid made April 2010 toCLG viaClimate ChangeSkills Funding programme

    Look viaweb sites &contacts

    Ensure that planningofficers disseminateinformation on energyefficiency and renewableenergy to peopleenquiring or applying forpermissionand

    Introduce more detailed,relevant and usefultraining for staff inHousing, Planning andBuilding control

    1. Refresh the sustainable Design Guide (Designing forSustainability) and other publicity/publications

    2. Find training provider for training of DC planners andothers

    3. Secure funding for training of DC planners and others

    4. Organise training of DC planners and others

    5. Give better advice to developers on what is possibleregarding Renewable Energy Technology

    6. Produce a list of developments in the UK where newtechnologies have been used

    7. Challenge the BSF Team to show they are incorporatingEnergy efficiency and renewables into their developments

    Regional Planning andJoint Technical Unit

    Development Control



    Development Control(DC) & CCT


    DC & CCT

    By March 2012

    By April 2011

    By August 2010

    Oct 2010

    March 2011

    March 2011

    October 2010

    Development Control -Team Plan

    Look viaweb sites &contacts

    Bid made April 2010 toCLG viaClimate ChangeSkills Funding programme

    Training Course/workshop

    LBC site links to guidancesites, including T-ZERO

    Internet trawl & ask EST &CT & put results on web

    Viathe Planning process
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    Recommendation Action Who When HowContinue to ensure

    Building Control officersare trained and encourage& promote sustainableenergy solutions for LBCapplicants

    1. Provide sufficient training to improve knowledge and skills

    in sustainable energy

    2. Target Designers & Building Industry viaseminar/forum

    3. Establish a Seminar Program

    4. Find appropriate training provider

    Building Control

    Building Control & CCT

    Building Control & CCT

    Building Control & CCT


    By end of 2011

    By end of 2010

    By October of 2010

    Building Control Team Plan


    Look viaweb sites &contacts

    Look viaweb sites &contacts

    Building design expertsneed to be involved inpre-applicationdiscussions i.e. at keymoment when designscan change.

    1. Provide advice on renewable energy to DevelopmentControl, developers and householders

    2.Produce a guide for developers on Renewable Energy

    CCT & DevelopmentControl

    CCT & DevelopmentControl

    On going

    By March 2011

    One to one guidance

    Guidance on the web

    Weight needs to be given

    to visual appearance andquality of buildings andequipment.Visual impact windturbines not necessarilybest long term solution.Therefore need to provideguidance on range ofmeasures not necessarily

    just the cheapest.

    1. Seek advice from Commission on Architecture in the Built

    Environment (CABE) CABE Renewable Energy

    2. Produce a guide for developers on Renewable Energy

    CCT & Development


    CCT & DevelopmentControl

    On going

    By March 2011

    Web guidance & Meetings

    Put guidance on the web
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    4. Community Leadership

    As part of the Energy Saving Trusts report the following achievements were highlighted:

    Sustainable energy is identified as a priority in Lutons Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for 2008 2026.

    The Council has a target to reduce CO2 emissions from domestic housing by 20% by 2015.

    Luton works with several regional bodies on sustainable energy issues.

    Luton BC has a programme of raising awareness of climate change and energy issues in the wider community.

    The Council is working with schools on an investment programme to improve the energy efficiency of school buildings.

    Local Transport Policy, encourages low carbon modes such as public transport, cycling and walking.

    New developments have to consider public transport and travel plans when choosing a location, and the aim is to reduce car dependency at

    any new development.

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    Community - Action Plan

    Recommendation Action Who When HowContinue to ensure thatenergy/climate change isidentified as a priorityissue in the SustainableCommunity Strategy(SCS).

    1.Continue raising climate change issues at theEnvironmental Stewardship and Climate Change SubGroup of Luton Forum

    2. Ensure Climate Change presence in the Luton ForumDelivery Plan

    Trevor Brennan




    Reports & Contributionsto meetings of ESCC SubGroup

    Input to updates ofDelivery Plan

    Continue to loan Energy

    Monitors to residents andpromote Energy Monitorsto businesses

    1.Provide Luton Cultural Services Trust with another 20

    units to lend out from all branches (currently 10 units inthe Central Library)

    2.Energy Monitor user training for librarians followed bypublicity to the Public

    3. Put Monitor Promotions in LutonLine and on LBCwebsite (Jul/Aug and Oct edition)

    4. Involvement of community groups e.g. Transition Townsin the promotion activities


    CCT & LibraryService



    By June 2010 -


    By September 2010

    Prior to publicationsdeadlines

    By March 2011

    Deliver monitors to



    CCT Send copy toComms

    Engage with communitygroups

    Continue to reduce cardependency and promoteuse of public transport,cycling and walking.

    1.Develop Corporate Travel Plan

    2.Advise schools on School Travel Plans

    3.Provide information on local services and prices andpersonalise travel planning (for employees initially)

    Trevor Brennan

    James Hardie,School Travel



    By March 2011


    To follow from thecorporate travel plan

    Setting up working group,survey of staff, report andcost benefit analysis ofoptions.

    Meetings and informationto schools.

    Use Internet & Councilpublications

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    Recommendation Action Who When How4. Awareness raising campaign

    5. Investigate potential of the Urban Challenge Fund

    Christine Davy

    Keith Dove


    By end Sept 2010

    Publicity campaigns

    Enquire about availabilityWork with localbusinesses to promotetravel plans

    1.Make links with LBC business unit

    2.Introduce monitoring of the travel plans required byplanning

    3. Require long term commitments from developers whenmaking large proposals e.g. supporting bus services

    4.Work with the Airport and Hospital on local/subsidisedbus services




    Keith Dove/KenToye

    To follow from theCorporate TravelPlanBy End of March2011

    By End of March2011

    By end of March2011


    Check on travel plans

    Via Planning process


    Consider introducing fiscalmeasures to encouragereduced car use andcleaner car purchase.Financial incentive morelikely to be successfulthan charging etc.Encourage PublicTransport providers todevelop new bus routes.

    1. Encourage large employers to offer reduced bus ticketsfor staff

    2. Develop and Promote a Cycle to work scheme

    3. Low parking charges for low carbon vehicle

    4.Investigate the feasibility of Car clubs and Car Share

    5. Improvements to bus routes through the Bus QualityPartnership

    Ken Toye/TrevorBrennan

    Vivien Bray

    Mick Dryk

    Trevor Brennan

    Keith Dove/KenToye

    By end Sept 2011

    By end Sept 2011

    By end Sept 2011

    By end Sept 2011

    By end Sept 2011

    As part of the CorporateTravel Plan

    Meeting with finance andHR for their agreement.


    As part of LBCWorkplace Travel Plan


    Seek to reduce CO2 fromcars though promotingefficient driving and lowcarbon car choice

    1. Integrate sustainable travel with road safety Christine Davy By end March 2012 Carry out feasibility studyand progress if feasible.

    \\Corporate\e&r\Shared Area\Nottingham declaration working strategy\EST Baseline Questionnaire\Action Plan\Draft Action Plan v4 of 040610 with amendments from consultees.doc