lulu charter ~ bahrain revolution

Translated by third party

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A draft translation for the Lulu (Pearls) Charter of the February 14th revolution in Bahrain


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Translated by third party                      

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Lulu Charter For the (14 February Revolution)


The 14 February revolution in Bahrain as not the a spontaneous, it was

triggered by the Islamic awakening and the Arab spring Encouraged by the unstoppable urge for change that engulfed the area and the whole world, and the result of a long fight for children of this wounded country since it became the loot of an invading tribe for the past 230 years by Treachery and blood, and this practice continued with them generation after the other, mastering the art of domination on the this proud nation, looting the wealth of this country, tearing off its society, spreading division amongst its people, stepping on its dignity, and maltreating and mistreating whom ever dares to ask for his rights.

First: The 14 February revolution. The starting point

The oppression practiced by the Al Khalifa tribe for more than two centuries, the Islamic awakening and the Arab spring unchained the urge in the souls of the Bahraini nation to emancipation and freedom from the brutality of the ruling regime, which triggered the first spark of the glorious revolution of 14 February, that was embraced by the Lulu Square, which was at the peak of peaceful, patriotism and unity in their demands although participants came from different sects, believes and political views, but it was faced by suppression in its worst ways of brutality and violence that exceeded all norms of international society, believe, humanity, legality, which made the Khalifa regime burn all the bridges between the nation and their regime, revoking every pledge they made to our nation, committing every crime in known to mankind by the hands of mercenaries brought from all over the region specially to suppress our people and our nation, releasing the demons of hate and sectarianism by the means of a media and propaganda machine from the national sectarian television, sacking thousands of people from their jobs, violating peoples honors sexually, and the infringement on everything the people hold holy and sacred, and by doing this the regime wrote the ending of its bloody reign in our country, and planted in the minds and souls of our people a clear demand that unchangeable anymore and became the main goal for our people, this is the right of self determination, after it became clear for our people that the option of reform and co-existence with this regime is now impossible, and that all the uprisings, the efforts to live with the wounds and the efforts to co-exist was only faced by brutality, betrayal, suppression and empty promises.


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Second: The 14 February Coalition The 14 February coalition was born from the womb of this glorious

popular revolution by the hands of independent youth, independent from any political believes, political societies, or sectarian believe, panted in the colors of the entire nation without discrimination, pledging to the souls of the martyrs, the wounded, the detainees, the entire people of our nation, and to country itself, to continue the struggle and the revolution until reaching the peoples goals of overthrowing the regime and achieving self determination.

Third: The principles of the revolution

Motivated by the core principles of Islam that is against slavery, oppression and embracing Dignity and Freedom, we emphasis on these points:

1. The patriotism and independence of this revolution, and the refusal of all kinds of interference, guardianship and dependency of our revolution.

2. The Khalifa regime has lost its of legitimacy and will not be dealt with under any circumstances.

3. Liberating the country from all oppressors’ current and future, which are represented now by the Khalifa regime.

4. The refusal of any foreign interference specially the Saudi occupation that is supporting the Khalifa regime and consider it an occupying force that need to be fought and pushed out of our country by all means possible.

5. Not to get involved in any side disagreements and differences amongst rebels, which can create an obstacle in the path of our revolution.

6. To value and appreciate any effort from any party or individual that is in the interest of the revolution, the rights of our people and will lead to self-determination.

7. Activation of all options to lead this revolution to victory and to achieve its goals.

8. Motivate the pride of the national identity and patriotism, and treat people based on their loyalty to the country and their patriotism.


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Four: The aim and Goal of the revolution

1. The over throwing of the Khalifa tribal regime that lost its legitimacy and prosecute its heads and leaders for the crimes they committed against humanity towards the people and the country headed by Hamad himself.

2. The confirmation and emphasis on the peoples right of self-determination and giving them choice of any Political system they agree on (Constitutional Monarchy, Republic, etc.,) that will satisfy the people ambitions and needs.

3. The dismantling of the security establishments and restructuring them in a way that will protect the citizens and ensure their safety and security.

4. Forming an independent judiciary system that is not controlled by the Executive authorities.

5. Reinforcing the principle of separation of three powers (Legislative - executive – judicial).

6. Protecting the national unity and social fabric, the encouragement of justice and equality, and to ban discrimination amongst citizens.

7. To find a realistic fair solution for the systematic political naturalization issue that was enforced by the current regime to mutilate the identity of the nation and change the demographic structure of the country.

8. To protect and maintain the Arabic and Islamic identity of the country. 9. The formation of a national body to oversee the election of a constituent

assembly that works on a new constitution for the country after the fall of the Khalifa regime.

10. Emphasis on equitable distribution of wealth, And maintenance of the wealth of the nation and its gains for future generations.

Five: Mechanism of revolutionary action

The 14 February revolution is based on the peaceful Islamic values that interacts with the events on the bases of strong believe in the revolutions just cause, and applies the sacred defense principles, the protection of honors, defy oppression and repelling aggressors, based on the verse: {whom ever attack you, attack him the same way he attacked you} (equivalent to an eye for an eye in bible), and from there, we emphasis on these mechanisms:


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(A) Field Works:

1. The revolutionary field work is the core of the revolution, it its based on the strong presence on the fields and the contribution of all parts and segments of society.

2. This move depends on the diversity of movements in proportion to the different age categories and segments to ensure the participation of all people in the revolutionary activities such as, marches, demonstrations and sit-ins etc.,

3. Reinforce the civil resistance that is based on popular mobilization such Civil Disobedience, General Strikes, with the development of the methods of resistance based on the requirements of the phase and the variables of the situation.

4. Strengthening the self-abilities of the youth of the revolution in creating field activities that generate an active pressure that pushes towards overthrowing the regime and towards self-determination.

(B) Media works. Given the important role played by the, visual media, broadcast media

and written media, it took a significant part in the rebel’s activities based on:

1. Expose the repressive practices of the brutal Khalifa regime and its mercenaries, condemning the Saudi occupation and the world super powers by documenting the media materials and publishing them to the world, holding seminars and press conferences, doing television and media interviews, and other methods of publicizing the cause.

2. Confirm the demands of overthrowing the regime and self-determination, and focus on the media to impose the demands on the regional and international scene.

3. Produce and create written and visual media related to the revolution and the historical struggle of the Bahraini people to glorify the cultural heritage, and the identity of the nation.

(C) Human Rights Work

1. Monitoring and documenting human rights violations and communicating with the global and regional human rights organizations.

2. Follow-up with the cases and lawsuits against the symbols of the Khalifa regime in international courts and strongly support it.


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(D) Political works.

1. Cooperation and harmonies with the revolutionary tide that has engulfed the region and the world, and support the just demands of all people yearning for freedom, dignity and justice.

2. Make the appropriate political alliances to support the revolutions demands, and the exercise of political and diplomatic pressure to achieve them.

3. Open the way for cooperation and understanding with the various regional and international powers in terms of parity, from a position of strength by the belief in the justice of the case, and standing firm to people's right to self-determination and establish a system of government that the people of Bahrain deserves as, patient, educated and informed people.


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• Conclusion:

The foregoing is a summary of our view of the political situation for our precious Bahrain, that we are aiming to build its present and beautiful future, away from the awful dictatorship represented by the Khalifa criminal regime hoping from God the Almighty to take our hands towards the coast of security, integrity and safety, and to guide us to victory on those who oppressed us, with a pledge to our martyrs, wounded, detained and our nation to continue our struggle and revolution until we achieve victory.


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