
The best experience of my life doing what I love. Luis Fernando Tafoya Aguirre

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The best experience of my life doing what

I love.

Luis Fernando Tafoya Aguirre

How did I start doing exercise?I was born in 31 August 1996 at Mexico City, I lived in Matamoros for about 2 years untill I got sick because of a respiratory issue so my mom and I came back to Mexico City. Because of this illness I was supposed to have a good nutrition, but I didn’t respect the diet as I was expected to, so I had to start to do exercise and that’s something I’ve loved throughout all my life.

The best thing I’ve lived… Taking up soccer.

My favourite sport has always been soccer, I started to practice it since I was 5-years-old. I enrolled in a Cruz Azul F.C. School, here I started to play as a defender but about 6 months later I found out my position as a Midfielder. Four or five years later I was accepted into Colegio Cristóbal Colón, so I had to start practicing soccer there because it was part of my evaluation, I countinued playing as a midfielder.

I wished to be accepted into Tec. The best moment of life started

right when I went with my father to CEM because he had to have some books borred from the library, and there I was flashed out becuase the campus wasreally great and of course, the first thing I wanted to see was the stadium. When we were already there I brougth up the theme of applying for getting into Tec.

Finally at Tec…

I really loved the school and meeting new peopple, because

there I found out my best friends

But as soon as I got out of my first school day I went to the stadium nad I applied for an opportunity to be in the

representative team, and I wa accepted.

The point is that getting into Tec de Monterrey an playing soccer are the two best things I’ve ever lived, because those are the reason that I made the best travel of my life. I participated along with the representative soccer team of Tec CEM in three international youth tournaments, we were to Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

The best experience of my life thanks to Tec… and my parents of course.

Getting ready for my best experience.Before going to the cup we had been getting ready during three months. But one month befor ,I went to Cozumel, where I tried to get as best prepared as I could.

At the airport.

In July 2012 we were taking an airplane that would take us to Frankfurt, Germany.

We have already arrived to Frankfurt…Then, in Frankfurt, we visited the stadium of the local team.

From Frankfurt to GothenburgSo after being waiting during 6 hours to take the next airplane that would take us to Sweden, we finally were at Gothenburg, where we were going top lay the Gothia Cup.

My first international match

In our first match we played against a Norwegian team.

And we kept training…During all the tournament we kept training with the aim of getting better results.

From Gothenburg to Denmark…Here is a picture of Gothenburg port.

We at Denmark… After the Gothia we

went to Denmark top lay the Dana Cup, as son as we got to the school in which we were going to stay we had our delicious meal.

Playing Dana Cup…We really had a good participation at Dana Cup playing mostly against local teams.

Dinner time…After each match we went to the official dinning hall, that was really interesting because we had the opportunity to meet people from another countries and cultures.

How did we move there? After having our

dinner we took the official transport of the cup.

At my favourite Country, Norway. Then we went

to my favourite country during this travel, Norway. We stayed in an elementary school called Skullerud Skole.

My Norway Meals…

I loved to grab with my team at the meal because we shared very funny talks and we

met people from another countries.

I really liked this country because we moved by subway and there we could meet new people and have fun with the team.

The most beautiful landscapesWhen we moved from Sweden to Denmark and the from Denmark to Norway we took ferrys, and by the time that we reached to our destiny we had a beautiful view such like this one…

But… How did we sleep?

We slept on mettresses like this one…

Our way back to homeAfter a very hard travel we were at Oslow airport to fly to Frankfurt. This was the best experience of my life…

Once more at FrankfurtWhen we arrived here all I wanted to do was sleep and in fact… That’s the only thing I did.

Here is a picture of our air traveling…

Finally at home…Then by the time we arrived to Mexico City Airport, I walked through the way the leads to the exit and as soon as I saw my family waiting there for me, I just could think one thing… They are who gave me this opportunity, thay the only ones who I have to thank for this…