lucifer the doom bringer

Strategy Guide for Lucifer the Doom Bringer by the_rock_rjc (as of v6.60) Table of Contents How to use: Type CTRL + F [?] and hit Enter twice to reach the section you want [1]Introduction [2]Stats [3]Weaknesses and Strengths [4]Skill Information [5]Skill Build [6]Recommended Item Build [7]League Item build [8]Usage of Shiva's Guard [9]Usage of Refresher Orb [10]Item Build theme [11]Crucial Doom Disables, Non-Disables & Counters

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Strategy Guide for Lucifer the Doom Bringer by the_rock_rjc (as of v6.60)


Page 1: Lucifer the Doom Bringer

Strategy Guide for Lucifer the Doom Bringer by the_rock_rjc (as of v6.60)

Table of ContentsHow to use: Type CTRL + F [?] and hit Enter twice to reach the section you want


[3]Weaknesses and Strengths[4]Skill Information

[5]Skill Build [6]Recommended Item Build

[7]League Item build[8]Usage of Shiva's Guard[9]Usage of Refresher Orb

[10]Item Build theme[11]Crucial Doom Disables, Non-Disables & Counters

[12]Tip on execution of Fire & Ice[13]Strategy

[14]Role in the Team [15]Complimentary & Counter heroes

Page 2: Lucifer the Doom Bringer

[16]Doom Priority[17]CREDITS


[1] Introduction

I have been trying to come out with an original idea for my favourite hero, dear old Lucifer, who has been around for a long time. There is GreatCrusade's Tanker Radiance/Heart build, Guyoverthere's Caster Refresher-Doom build , so there's no space left for an additional value-added guide. Or so I thought.

While doing this guide, I also came up with the idea of a series of hero guides, under a common theme. And so Elemental was born. Currently, I have only Lucifer, Azgalor and Rootfellen(the last one are in the works) in the series, but more will certainly emerge.

My original idea for Lucifer is called Fire & Ice . In my guide, Fire encompasses the Within, the theme focused on eliminating Lucifer's weaknesses and the representative spell is Doom; Ice encompasses the Without, the theme focused on enhancing Lucifer's Strengths and the representative spell is Arctic Blast. Together, the two spells make up the core spell combo.

[2] Stats

Strength: 26+3.2/level (primary stat)Agility: 11+0.9/levelIntelligence: 16+2.1/levelBase Damage: 53-69Base MS: 300Base Attack Time (BAT): 1.7Attack Range: 150Cast Point: 0.3Cast Animation: 0.5 (can be cancelled)Attack Point: 0.5Attack Animation: 0.7 (can be cancelled)

Note: Lucifer cannot attack or pick up items below ~150 range using the right click command; Either back Lucifer away or use the attack command instead.

[3] Weaknesses and Strengths

Why this order? Because in my guide, Weaknesses are my Fire and Strengths are my Ice, and

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must be addressed in that order. This will also serve as a reference when explaining the item build.


* No slow/stun, difficult to escape or chase* No spell-tanking passive, easily killed by magical nuking* Low Starting Int (16) for a spell-caster, overall mana pool is small* Low armor gain, easily killed by DPS


* Most powerful single-target Disable: Doom, locks-out enemy hero in a fight* Very high Strength gain per level (3.2), tanking potential* High Movespeed with Scorched Earth, good chasing potential

[4] Skill Information

*In this section, I will give elaborations only. For reference to the 4 skill descriptions, click here.

Devour (E)

Casting range: 300Best creep HP to cast: 580/ 480/ 380/ 280

Lucifer is unable to devour Ancients, Roshan and magic-immune creeps. You immediately get the normal bounty of creep(not shown) once Devour is cast, with the additional 10-40g(shown) after the creep is digested. Devoured enemy creeps no longer gives enemy players vision of Lucifer. You cannot "miss" a creep with Devour or level Devour while digesting a creep(so be aware when skill points are available).

You can still use Devour to defend your tower by Devouring the lead creep and making sure the rest home in on Lucifer.

Scorched Earth (T)

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Casting range: 900 (i.e. mid-point of SE can be placed at a max of 900 without Lucifer moving)Area of Effect: 1400(diameter)

You can either use this skill to run or to chase; better to be the hunter. The MS Lucifer gets with Scorched Earth on No Boots, Boots of Speed, Power Treads, Phase Boots and BoT are 389, 454, 474, 480, 500 respectively. Simply add 26 to the number if Lucifer has Eul as well. Scorched Earth also affect your own non-Lucifer units, like Dominated creeps.

A small trick to utilise for Tower Defense(original credit is mine):

Lvl? Death! (V)

Casting range: 600

Only targets heroes. Deals a mini-stun of 0.01 second, which cancels Channeling.

*Special discovery: Lvl Death! is tabulated in 2 periods(with about 1 second in between): In the 1st period, the damage of the normal nuke and 1/2 the bonus nuke(if any) is dished out, followed by the 2nd period where the remaining 1/2 of the bonus nuke is accounted for. Therefore, do not be surprised if your target dies even before the 2nd period kicks in.

* Lvl? Death now deals both the actual and bonus nuke as Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic. All heroes have 25% natural spell resistance. Extra items like planewalkers/hood add to that % (with diminishing returns).

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Doom (D)

Level 3X - Deals 90 damage per second. Lasts 16 seconds. Cooldowns: 90/80/70(From Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade)Cast range: 650

Against enemy heroes, Doom effectively does 360/630/960 damage after spell resistance. Since they cannot cast spells or use items personally, a well-prepared and calculated assault from Lucifer usually results in death. Level 1 Doom can target neutral creeps, while Level 2 and 3 Doom cannot.

* Now you can use Doom at least once (twice with Aghanim) in between waiting for Refresher's cooldown, which means even more ganking power.

[5] Skill build

Level 1: DevourLevel 2: Lvl Death!Level 3: DevourLevel 4: Scorched EarthLevel 5: DevourLevel 6: DoomLevel 7: DevourLevel 8: Scorched EarthLevel 9: Scorched EarthLevel 10: Scorched EarthLevel 11: DoomLevels 12-15: StatsLevel 16: DoomLevels 17-22: StatsLevels 23-25: Lvl Death!

Farming and Survival are the focus during the early game, so max Devour by level 7 to accelerate your gold-earning speed. With level 4 Devour, you will gain double the average creep gold(through the +40 bonus) every 15 seconds. Another important consideration is that a Devour now guarantees creep gold and experience, so creep pulling by enemy harassers are no longer a significant headache for Lucifer.

The skill build looks defensive, but it does have its time for offense. Lucifer’s best point to kill an enemy hero during early game is at level 6; both you and your enemy hero's level. Firstly, even if you level a little more slowly than your adversary, just drop LvlDeath! on him/her once the magic number comes up. Secondly, at level 6, you can rely on either multiple lvl 1 LvlD!s to harass/kill the enemy hero or on your lvl 1 LvlD!+Doom combo to ensure the kill. A small

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demonstration by me (from my prey's POV):

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(For those who are confused, the sequence was: I Lvl Death! --> Lion uses Tango --> I Doom, followed immediately by Lvl Death!, Lion runs and dies.)

You can also go ganking with your team; If coordinated well, you can effect many kills easily with the above combo.

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Scorched Earth is maxed at level 10. The reason for this unconventional leveling is that this is approximately a good time Lucifer is alternating between the lane and the jungle to farm his 1st main item, and SE puts him in good stead to move around quickly. The attack speed boost also helps quite a bit, as he can take out a neutral creep camp with less hassle.

Why 4 levels of stats from levels 12-14 instead of Lvl Death!? Firstly, this is so that there is a sufficiently large mana pool for the Double Fire & Ice combo if you are going for Refresher immediately in the extended build. Secondly, Lvl Death! is not chosen due to the fact that at the stage of the game where heroes can more or less shrug off the shrinking damage output, Lvl Death! should be relegated in favour of more useful HP-pumping.

Finally, I would like to stress a mistake that Doombringer players actually commit, and that is not leveling Doom when they can. This is also mentioned in Guyoverthere07's guide, but I am making it an important emphasis now. It is relatively cheap, the best single-target DoT disable in the game, and not to mention your ULTIMATE! Don't leave homethe fountain without it.

[6] Recommended Item Build

*To begin with, I must state that the core build is focused on removing Lucifer's weaknesses first, while leaving the exploiting of his strengths to a later time.

Core Build: Fire

Early game:

*Ring of Regeneration x2*Voidstone*Boots of Speed, Belt of Giant Strength, Gloves of Haste, Recipe --> Power Treads(Strength)*Helm of Iron Will, Planewalker's Cloak --> Hood of Defiance

The early game core items are Power Treads and Hood of Defiance. Follow the above build, and you have a manageable laning time as the Ring of Regens and Voidstone provides sufficient HP/MP regeneration to sustain Lucifer. Once Hood of Defiance is completed, it removes one of Lucifer's main Weaknesses, AND sets the foundation for late-game tanking. (Since you can now complete Hood of Defiance using the Side Shops, it should not be skipped.)

Middle game:

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*Total Gold: 9775

The slow, intel boost and armor from Shiva's Guard effectively erases the last 3 listed Weaknesses. Try to keep a low profile and keep off the active radar of the enemy team while farming Shiva(so as not to have unnecessary deaths and lose gold), except for ganks where you put your Doom to good use.

Fire & Ice spell combo: Doom and Arctic Blast. It is very straightforward; Initiate an assault on a hero with Scorched Earth to give you the speed edge, Doom(range of 650), close in and Arctic Blast(range of 500, extended range of 750)(combo deals a total of 510/780/1110 after hero resistance), and attack.

Usually the team-fights start around this point of the game, so it is unlikely that you can farm easily henceforth or that the game will last long enough to allow you to obtain more heavy caliber items, but Lucifer is sufficiently well-equipped with his Fire & Ice spell combo, and is more than capable of influencing the outcome of the battle.

Extended Build: Ice

*Here comes the point when you play Lucifer as your team's secondary carry by obtaining Radiance. After which, take advantage of Lucifer's natural core competencies, Doom and HP, via Refresher and the new Heart of Tarransque. These 2 items will further enhance what Lucifer already has, giving a more-than-proportionate increase in fighting value.

Total gold: 16125

After Radiance, you must decide the order of the Strength themes that you want to promote. Refer to Section 10 for the Item Build theme.

Rejected Possible Extended Items

*Firstly, you must note that the following items are NOT rejected items per se. The fact that they are here already speaks quite loudly that they are viable items for Lucifer; all other items are strictly put on the sidelines.


Butterfly would make Lucifer a physical DPS hero, which is unnatural. In this sense, you would

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be forcing him into a role that is not suited to his Strengths.

Again, physical DPSer. And you have more than enough armor already. Does not fit in the Item Build theme.

Miscellaneous Items

There is no need for any justification for the uber Chicken.

One of the additional reasons I chose Power Treads over Boots of Travel was because the speed difference, even with Scorched Earth factored in, is little, and I prefer the IAS boost to facilitate farming. The above is another reason, for i see little value in duplicating Teleport, while Lucifer is suited to staying in a specific lane rather than zipping here and there.

Does this item need an introduction or elaboration? No. Nonetheless, to add my 10-cents worth, for those players who like to go on the offensive aggressively, I guarantee that you will definitely have sufficient mana to spam your Lvl Death!s and Doom at the magic number 6(Section 5) using the Bottle.

[7] League Item Build

*You absolutely do not need this section. Either you can play Lucifer or you cannot; if you can play, there are enough clues and you will have figured out what is the League way to go for my Fire and Ice Item Build.

But I will show the essential items in order of completion:

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The main differences are Bottle and Boots of Travel, but that is all I will elaborate on this issue. Thanks.

Actually, there is another competitive build I use these days, and I am inserting it here in the jungle of text. The item build is, in order of completion, Guinsoo/Diffusal Blade/Radiance/Power Treads/Heart of Tarransque/Refresher Orb. This particular build is a modified ganker's build(Boring!), and puts the Hex and Purge to good use.

[8] Usage of Shiva's Guard

*As a way of emphasis, position Lucifer such that when Arctic Blast is activated, the expanding frost circle will hit most/all of the enemy heroes, especially during team fights. Do wait for the opportunity and suppress the urge to be impatient.

[9] Usage of Refresher Orb

*As a Lucifer player, you must understand the role that Refresher Orb plays. Its ability should only be used in team fights, as opposed to using it as and when Doom had been cast. If you had utilised the Refresh ability during a normal hero engagement, you are most likely to find yourself in a position where you cannot execute your Double Fire & Ice spell combo as planned.

[10] Item Build theme

QUOTEFireFor a holistic approach, I must say that Lucifer is not a natural tank. And he has, as I mentioned in the "Weaknesses" section and stressed in the item build, he has 4 primary "deficiencies": No Slow/Stun, no Passive Enhancer, low Armor, a low mana pool. With the item build, you eliminate Lucifer's weaknesses. Shiva also contributes AOE slow and damage against the enemy team, so that your team has an easier time hammering on them. Overall, this build achieves its objectives of nullifying weaknesses (and enhancing 1 of the strengths via the spell combo). After the core items, you can further increase your value-addedness by taking up additional profiles.

QUOTEIceWhy Radiance first? Reason: You draw attention away from your team's primary carry hero to yourself, because as a carry hero with Radiance Lucifer is very dangerous to be ignored. After which, with reference to Section 3, the Extended build enhances the Strengths of Lucifer.

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Refresher doubles Fire & Ice, which effectively also doubles your magical worth in a team fight. Heart obviously makes you a Tanker, so that you can absorb damage for your team, thus protecting the weaker heroes behind you.

The best part of this extended build is that the respective Strength themes compliment each other, so you can go ahead and obtain the above items in any order without worrying about duplicating capabilities(which incurs diminishing returns). There is a catch here. While it seems the most attractive path, it is not always clear-cut whether Double-Doom is the best way to go before tanking; if you are facing an enemy team which comprises primarily of Tankers, it is your call to decide if you want to obtain Heart before Refresher

[11] Crucial Doom Disables, Non-Disables & Counters

An easy glance to the important things Doom disables and does not disable. For the full listing, refer to Guyoverthere07's Doombringer guide.

*Doom can be cast on heroes with magic-immunity


QUOTEIn GeneralAll activatable item and hero abilities(including consumables)All ChannelingLeveling skillsPicking up/Dropping actions

QUOTEOffensiveCritical Strike ; Bash ; Splash Damage (All Cleaves and Anchor Smash) ; Orb effects(except Stygian Desolater and Melee Skadi) ; Immolation(from Radiance) ; Storm Seeker ; Pulse Nova ; Caustic Finale ; Geostrike (affects only Doomed Meepo) ; Electric Rave ; Headshot ; Frostmourne ; Germinate Attack ; Corrosive Breath (DK's Elder Form 1) ; Frost Effect (DK's Elder Form 3) ; Poison Sting ; Splitshot ; Blade Fury

QUOTEDefensiveDamage-blocking ; Gem of Truesight ; Evasion ; Permanent Invisibility ; Invisibility under Broodmother's Web ; Last Word ; Sand Storm ; Voodoo Restoration ; Moonlight Shadow

Does not Disable:

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QUOTEIn GeneralAny kind of +stat, +dmg, +hp/mana, ias, ims, or regen(including from items)Any type of buffAny type of Auras

QUOTEOffensiveFeast ; Blood Bath ; Thirst ; Backstab ; Greater Bash ; Charge(while in progress) ; Unholy Rage(Satanic) ; Auto Fire ; Juxtapose ; Phantom Edge ; Goblin Greed ; Moon Glaive ; Beast Rage ; Diabolic Edict ; Counter Helix ; Desolate ; Rot(cannot be turned off) ; Morph(cannot be turned off) ; Overload ; Psi Blades ; Berserker Blood ; Necromastery ; Shukuchi ; Vendetta ; Insatiable Hunger

QUOTEDefensiveWind Walk(Lothar) ; Wind Walk ; Nature's Guise ; Meld ; Back Track ; Dispersion ; Gravekeeper Cloak ; Spell Shield ; Refraction ; Mana Shield ; Untouchable ; Flesh Heap ; Bloodstone ; Reincarnate ; Bristleback(Dmg reduction & Quill) ; Spiky Carapace ; Corrosive Skin ; Dragon Blood ; Craggy Exterior ; Damage return(Blademail)

Doom Counters

*Denying Doomed hero after HP falls below 25%. This will waste Lucifer's effort in casting Doom, because he does not get the kill. Loss of enemy gold is but a small consolation.

The following can block(B), remove®, Waste-Doom-time(W), and pure-pause Doom(P).

QUOTELinken's Sphere BBorrowed Time RKraken's Shell RSong of the Siren WChronosphere PAstral Imprisonment P

[12] Tip for execution of Fire & Ice spell combo

2 ways to execute the combo.

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- Fire(Doom), Scorched Earth not shown

- Ice (Arctic Blast)

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- Death of Enemy Hero


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So why is it recommended to execute Fire and Ice in the 1st way as mentioned in Section 6? This is to pre-empt any possible escape by enemy heroes who have escape mechanisms. With Scorched Earth, you boost yourself to a very high MS(474 or 500) which means you can outdistance most enemy heroes, and placing Doom ensures that they have no way of avoiding the follow-up Arctic Blast. After which, the Slow effect guarantees that you will close in for the kill.

A word of caution: Do not try to Fire and Ice a hero who is already retreating away from Lucifer, as you will most likely be unable to land the Arctic Blast and thus end up wasting your Doom(which has a longer casting range).

[13] Strategy

QUOTEEarly game (Level 1-7)Theme: Lane farming, Survival and Sniping(via Lvl Death!)

First of all, you need to choose a lane to do your thing. My recommendation is for Lucifer to go down the side lanes, where you will have less possibility to pairing off against a ranged hero; I prefer to go Sentinel left lane, and Scourge right lane, where it takes less time to retreat to your fountain if needed.

Use Devour to score your instant creep kills while adhering to the "Best creep HP to cast". Utilise your Ring of Regens to keep Lucifer's HP above 50%; this is approximately the ball-park

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limit where it is still safe for Lucifer to escape alive from a possible stun-spell combo. Maintain your MP at a level where you can fire off 2 Lvl Death!s in a row(i.e above 170) to force a retreat or score a kill when enemy heroes reach level 6. If you are more ambitious, keep 235 MP in reserve so as to execute your Lvl Death!+Doom combo.

An important point to note is that during this stage of the game, Lucifer must stay in the lanes so as to maximise his farming potential. Jungling is, by far, much slower to accumulate equivalent gold as Lucifer's damage and attack speed are still not high enough to clear the neutral creeps fast enough.

QUOTEMid-game (Level 8-16)Theme: Alternating Lane+Jungle Farming, Tower Push, Ganking

At the beginning of the mid-game, all heroes will have become mobile, as they obtain their Ultimates and start to max out their normal skills. For Lucifer, it is the most dangerous phase, as you need to farm your 1st high-cost item Mystic Staff. To accommodate this requirement, Lucifer must alternate between the lane(where it is very prone to enemy ganks) and the jungle(where the gold returns are still lower but less risky); use Scorched Earth to your advantage where you move from place to place quickly. Additionally, you will need Scorched Earth as your insurance against death when pitted against mid-game hero-killers like Night-Stalker. Put your level 4 Devour to good use against hardy creeps like Centaur Stompers, Fulborg Slammers and Satyr Hellcasters, to minimise your HP loss.

While the name of the game for Lucifer is still intensive farming, do join up with your teammates to push down the enemy perimeter towers, so that their sphere of influence is reduced. This would allow more successful ganks against enemy heroes by your team. Once the job is completed, duck back into the jungle and lie low for a while, as the enemy team would have, by now, gathered in numbers to avenge the loss of their tower.

Ganking for the Doombringer is very straightforward: You *bring Doom*. Do not hanker for the hero kill; all my calculations for achieving the Fire & Ice item build excludes the factor of gold from hero kills. Moreover, there is no need to be greedy, for with Devour Lucifer already has a solid advantage to out-farm his allies. So be gracious, and allow your teammates to finish off the targeted enemy hero, and congratulate yourself for having assisted in the assasination.

Once Shiva's Guard is obtained, prime yourself and your team immediately for the upcoming teamfights, and unleash the Fire & Ice combo.

Below are 2 benchmark pictures to reference:

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QUOTELate-gameThere is no longer a need for me to state the themes or the strategies for this stage of the game. Refer to Section 10.

[14] Role in the Team

For the Fire & Ice spell combo Build, Lucifer's role is very simple: Bring Slow and *Bring Doom*.

Then your role would evolve to being your team's secondary carry hero. After which, you can decide what else you want to bring to the table: Offensive magic support-disable or Defensive tanking. The best part of my guide is that you will be all 3 eventually; the 3 different profiles are not mutually exclusive. And how can that be possible, since in most traditional (and even premium) guides it is imperative to focus on 1 and at most 2? This is due to the extensive research and subsequent focus on Lucifer's Weaknesses and Strengths; the Core build sets the foundation for Lucifer's multi-faceted role.

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[15] Complimentary & Counter heroes

For Complimentary heroes, I feel that Lucifer is so versatile he can partner a wide range of heroes.

*Heroes with slow and projectile-stun attacks, be it physical or spell. For example: Crystal Maiden(spell), Broodmother(physical). The reason is that either the slow/stun allows Lucifer to place the Doom, and/or that the slow/stun allows Lucifer and gang to catch up with the Doomed hero to do some serious damage which results in death.

QUOTENotable Mentions:

Pugna - One word: Decrepify.

Undying - Another one word: Plague


Silencer - LOL, NO word. His curse of the silent helps to bring down enemy heroes when combined with Doom, while he can safely bang away behind Lucifer with his Glaives of Wisdom

Doombringer-counter heroes

*In most cases, Strength heroes are Lucifer's "counter-heroes" because of their huge HP pool and HP regeneration rate. However, the counter-strategy to these counter-heroes is simple: Just IGNORE them; do not Doom these characters unless they are packing Radiance(the immolation will be disabled by Doom)


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Notable Mentions:

Abbadon - The Lord of Avernus is a very good counter against Doombringer, as his Ultimate Borrowed Time removes Doom whether you like it or not, rendering your assault against him half-baked and unsuccessful. Do not target him with Doom; cast it on a more suitable target instead, like an intel hero.

Tidehunter - His Kraken Shell is your bane; during every single second of Doom the ability has a % probability of removing the Doom debuff. I have seen it throw Doom off in the 1st second. There's a sign hanging around the Tidehunter's neck saying "Do NOT Doom".

SpiritBreaker - Barathrum will still make mincemeat out of you with decent attack speed, even when Doomed, as his Greater Bash is NOT disabled. Once he scores a GB on Lucifer, it is highly likely Lucifer will be GB-locked to death.

Axe - Even without his damage-blocking and spell-enhancements under Doom, his counter-helix and Hp regen will still defeat you. The only way out is to run, but that in itself defeats your purpose as well. Not to mention that his early game will make you cry...

The following heroes are not counter-heroes per se, but will sure irritate you to no end:


Pudge - It is quite unlikely that Lucifer can ever score a kill on this semi-antimagic tanker, unless you manage to place a Doom while he is Rotting.

Tanaya - Her primary abilities are not disabled by Doom.

[16] Doom Priority

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*These enemy heroes must be Doomed(Doom is effective against them) as they are instrumental at deciding the outcome of any team fight.

QUOTEAOE UltimatesDisablers:


QUOTEDPSPhysical attacks: These heroes utilise godlike-AS/Crit/Evasion/Lifesteal/Orbs to kill enemy heroes quickly while surviving.



A very big thanks to the following Guide makers, as I had drawn much information from their respective guides on Doombringer:

Guyoverthere07, especially for the templateGreatCrusade

Other Credits:

-NIL-, after 6.58b

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