ltw - basic english i - lesson 9

Download LTW - Basic English I - Lesson 9

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  • 1. Lesson 9

2. Lesson 9 In this lesson we are going to study: Imperative Can and can't Abilities 3. Imperative Form "Stop!," "Come here!," and "Look out!" are all examples of the imperative form. You can use the imperative form to give an order, a warning, or some advice. 4. Imperative Form To form the imperative, use the infinitive form of the verb without "to." To make a negative imperative, put "do not" or "don't" in front of the verb, as in, "Don't touch that!" 5. Imperative Form The imperative is formed the same for all subjects (you, he, we, they), but you can include yourself in the imperative by adding "Let's," as in, "Let's go for a swim." 6. Imperative Form If you want to be more polite when using an imperative, just add "please." For example, "Please leave me alone. I'm trying to learn English!" 7. Can and Can't The verb can means you are able to do something: - I can beat you 8. Can and Can't To turn the sentence into the negative form you just need to add NOT: - I can not (cannot, can't) beat you 9. Can and Can't To turn the sentence into the interrogative form you just need to switch the words, the CAN goes before the subject: - Can I beat you? 10. Could To turn the sentence into the Past you must use could. - You could be better than you are. 11. What can YOU do? 12. Exercise Write a text talking about your hobbies and abilities, non-abilities and what you wish you could do.