lss reactor towards humanistic flow-based knowledge systems

@cyetain Towards Humanistic Flow- based Knowledge Systems Formulating the Mess

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Knowledge workers are fueling the engine of change and software is eating the world… The weight of investments is rapidly shifting from tangible to intangible. Establishing barriers to entry is beginning to look like a lost cause. The resulting changes have exposed businesses to a host of new challenges unlike those they have wrestled with before. The metaphors, allegories, and methods of past management concepts are running thread bare and management in organizations across the world is struggling. Workers are bound to systems designed to manage investments in machines, not humans. Mismatched foci, tools and processes produce ever greater amounts of unsustainable waste. This speech will explore these problems and present The Library Corporation’s experimental efforts to create solutions to them by moving away from deadline focused project management and establish a Humanistic Flow-based Knowledge System. As the Lean System Society gathers for the first Reactor conference, it is my hope that a careful examination may spur others to investigate new ways of working that improve the world's systems and deliver better economic and sociological outcomes.


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blog http://jabe.coSend Anonymous Feedback

Joshua (Jabe) Bloom



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To envision the the types technology that teams may reasonably be expected produce in 5-10 years and to prepare those teams to envision, create, produce, and support that technology.

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Creating Space

Inspiration not Instruction

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Creating Space

Inspiration not Instruction

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•Definitions•Formulating the Mess•Some Potential Principles•Experiments•Towards Better Systems

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Cars and Dogs

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Ants & Murmerations

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Variety Increasingor

Variety DecreasingSystems

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Humansare Rational

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It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could

support this.-Russell

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Work != Working != Worker







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If the parts of an entity do not interact, they form an aggregation, not a system. A crowd, as distinct from an organization, is a familiar example.


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The dynamic whole has greater degrees of freedom

than its components individually

-Alicia Juarrero

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Not Computers

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knowledge of psychology is incomplete without knowledge of variation. The

managers of people need to understand that all people are different.

~W. Edwards Deming

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Tangible vs Intangible

No Loading Dock

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Tacit vs Explicit

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Knowledge can only be volunteered it cannot be conscripted.

We only know what we know when we need to know it.

Everything is fragmented

The way we know things is not the way we report we know things.

We always know more than we can say, and we will always say more than we can write down.

Working software over comprehensive documentation


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Information, skill and knowledge are embedded in networks and


Individuals, instead of “owning” information, attract, translate and know how to and where to access to the information that emerges in the networks around them.

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Flow Efficiency

vsResource Efficiency

Hakan Forss

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Enjoyment appears at the boundary between boredom and anxiety, when the challenges are just balanced with the person's capacity to act.

―Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

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Mindful Decisions to Act

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Formulating the Mess

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The problem is people think they can

determine the PROBLEM

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Mechanistic Atomism

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Separating Head and Hands

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Reverse Turing Test

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Skill in a Vacuum

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Durable vs Sustainable

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Context FreeDurability

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No man treats a motor car as foolishly as he treats another human

being. When the car will not go, he does not attribute its annoying

behavior to sin, he does not say, "You are a wicked motorcar, and I shall not give you any more petrol

until you go." He attempts to find out what is wrong and set it right.


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Who is In Control

Around Here Anyway?Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

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Emergent Powers

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Perhaps the most costly disassembly in which our culture has been engaged is the disaggregation of life itself into work, play, learning, and inspiration.


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The Problem of Expertise

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Managers, Executives and Leaders are

Humans (not heros)

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. -Lord Acton

Humans tend to be fallible, and leaders are absolutely Human. -Jabe

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The Intentional Stance

One of the issues with Hierarchical thinking & decision making is the implicit assumption that someone has

thought & decided.

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The Box Packing Algorithm

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(and Adapting Output)

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Culture as a set of basic assumptions defines for us

what to pay attention to, what things mean, how to react

emotionally to what is going on, and what actions to take in

various kinds of situations.

-Edgar H. Schein

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Bring Work To Durable Teams

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Some Potential Principles

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Humans can and will learn if they are provided the resources and the necessary psychological safety.

~Edgar Schein

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Joy in work comes from understanding why your work is important. Not from the work, but from knowledge of who’s going to use it... Motivation— nonsense. All that people need to know is why their work is important.

-W. Edwards Deming

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If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?

-Rabbi Hillel



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I have adopted the terms "agency" and "communion" to characterize two

fundamental modalities in the existence of living forms, agency for the existence of an

organism as an individual, and communion for the participation of the individual in some

large organism of which the individual is part.


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What Option Can I Choose to Help The Team?

Agency is informed by Communion under conditions of uncertainty

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Pop the WhyStack

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Distributed decision making enable faster

cycle times.

Faster cycle times enable more options and

therefore less “big bet” risks.

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Individuals with Agency and Communion are more engaged in their work.

They notice and react to changes in context which

enables Continuous Adaptation

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The temporal and social distance between

relevant information and those making decisions

impacts the quality, efficiency and timeliness

of those decisions

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Diverse perspectives allow organizations to

detect weak signals and generate optionality

enabling the innovation required to solve novel


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More Options More Value

More Time More Information

More Information & Options Better Decisions

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Before doing the right thing righter… there is simply noticing what you are doing and simply asking… why am I doing this?

DECISIONS are the result of


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System to Support Deferred, Distributed & Diverse Decision Making

Design Systems to be capable of choice

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Rules Are Waste

So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work.

~Peter Drucker

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Overly Constrained

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Under Constrained

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Decision Economies

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How Many?

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How Interesting?Interesting! Why?







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How Many Weak Signals

Did We Act On?

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the best place to treat a problem is not

necessarily where it appears.


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Beyond Deadlines

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We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path

to a lesser goal. 

— Robert Brault

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Kahneman is not

impressed by your


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Box Packing Algorithm

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More & More Information


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Fewer and Fewer Options

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Date of Completion DeadlineStart




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5 Whys for Deadlines

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Less Deadlines

More Slack

Higher Quality

Lower Cycle


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Removing Constraints is


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Towards Better


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Effective systems must produce both better

economic and sociological outcomes.

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Equitable Outcomes

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Out of Control Systems

(Ignoring Constraints)

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A system that requires certain environmental

conditions in order to carry out its defining function is

an open system.

-Russell L. Ackoff

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Effective systems must produce both better

economic sociological and Environmental


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Teach Individuals to

Create & Maintain Human Systems

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Technical Personal


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Technical Debt Metaphor

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If you want truly to understand something

try to change it

-Kurt Lewin

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blog http://jabe.coSend Anonymous Feedback

Joshua (Jabe) Bloom