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Media Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product? - How did you attract/address your audience?

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Media Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?- How did you attract/address your audience?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for our media production are both sexes as it isn’t really aimed at either gender, they will be of the age 18 to mid-twenties. There is no real orientation to a gender mainly because it is a classic thriller plot which will attract both male and female however due to the inspiration of characterisation from films such as “La Femme Nikita” by Luc Besson (1990) I made my protagonist a strong female which may bring it more toward female target audience as it could empower them as it defines the convention that women have little roles in the Thriller genre. I have aimed for a rather mature audience as I believe that the depth of emotion will need a more mature audience to relate to it. However I plan to expand into different demographics such as older generations, the reason for this is because these people would have grow up with some of the original Thrillers such as Usually Suspects, Seven, Reservoir Dogs and North by Northwest, which could invoke nostalgic responds to see how this genre has developed and changed since there younger years. But this is only a secondary target with the main ones consisting of the young Men and Women wanting to escape the trudge of normal life to experience movies that excite and draws them in, and with the use of a strong, independent women could bring it more towards the underdog story with this one person taking on a greater evil. These individuals will most likely be into current TV series like ‘Game of Thrones’ and spend most of there times watching any thriller films such as ‘The Grey’ and ‘Columbiana’ as way of escaping into a life of quick paced action and deep plots with twists and turns.

How did you attract/address your audience?

The first draft of my film was meant to be a male protagonist with a lot of action and quick pace. This would attract a main core of male audience as it offers them a character defined from the start as a person who is able to look after themselves and knows how to survive however I felt like this wouldn’t stick out as a new Thriller as it follows the convections to heavily it would also close off the target audience to predominantly male . But with changed story it allowed me to bring down the pace which will give the audience this feel of a ‘calm before the storm’ and gives them time to question the morals of the protagonist such as “who is she after” and “what happened” which slowly draws them in to see what started this hatred. This allowed me to focus more on relating the audience to my protagonist making her more compelling . This would now attract both gender to the audience as it can give a more female relation point as everyone likes a character that they can relate and aspire to be.

Audience FeedbackI posed question to 10 potential target audience, ranging from people at school to adults

Q1. What genre would you say this is?Thriller-7 Action- 2Crime-1 Q2. Would you go to see this film in the cinema Yes- 6 No- 2 Maybe- 2Q3. Did you get the narrative of the piece Yes- 8 No- 0 Didn’t Understand- 2Q4. Is this genre something you like?Yes- 10 No- 0

This shows that the majority of the target audience accept this piece to be a thriller and something they would watch.