lpi 101 ch07 administration utilities

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  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


    Administration Utilities

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


    Describe, use man pages and other information Demonstrate how to communicate with users

    Identify system defaults

    Demonstrate how to find files

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    man Pages and the man Command

    You can get information about most commands using man.This online help system contains the following information

    about each command:

    Command name

    Synopsis and description

    List and definition of all options

    Environment and parameters

    Relatedcommands are listed at the end of the man page. The

    number in parentheses after a command is thesection of the

    manual pages

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Table2.1 : manpagesectionsandtheirdescriptions

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    man Pages and the man Command

    To view a particularsection of the man pages, include thesectionnumber with the man command and the term you are

    looking for:


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


    $ man passwdPASSWD(1) User utilities PASSWD(1)






    finger(1), login(1), nispasswd(1), crypt(3C), passwd(4)

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    Scrolling in Man Pages

    Spacebar Move forward one screen

    Return Move forward one line

    b Move back one screen

    f Move forward one screen

    q Quit the man command

    /string Find forward

    n Find the next occurrence of string

    h Help more

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    Searching Man Pages by Keyword

    If you are not sure of the command name, use the man

    command with -k option

    man -kkeyword

    Example :$ man -k insert

    insque (3)insert/remove an item from queue

    remque [insque] (3) - insert/remove an item from queue

    wrjpgcom (1)insert text coments into JPG file

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    Which command use to remove user ?

    $ man -k delete

    groupdel (8) - Delete a group

    rmdir (2) - delete a directory

    userdel (8)Delete a user

    account and related files

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    Which command use to modify user ?

    $ man -k modify

    ar (1)- creat, modify and

    extract from archive


    setpnp (8)- modify Plug and Play

    BIOS device resources

    usermod (8)- Modify user account


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    Which command use to create user ?

    $ man -k create | grep usernewuser (8)update and create new

    user in batch

    smnpusm (1)creates and mantains SMNPv3 users on a

    remote entityuseradd (8)Create a new user or update default new

    user information

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    Manual Entries

    Manual pages are mostly stored under /usr/man/ troff/nroffformat manual pages (compressed)

    Formatted manual pages (compressed) are usually

    temporarily stored under /var/catman/

    man can be searched in multiple directories by setting the

    MANPATH variable.


    If the MANPATH is not set then man will assume /usr/man

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    Manual Entries

    Manual pages are formatted when needed, and aredisplayed using apager program:

    more is generally used by default

    Set the PAGER variable to override the default

    less is probably now much more suitable, as you can page

    backwards, search for strings and patterns, and more

    $ export PAGER=less

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    Related Commands

    On most Linux systems (that maintain the "index" or old-fashioned so-called whatis database) you can use the

    command whatis to print theshort description of a

    command ("synopsis"):

    $ whatis man

    man (1) - format and display ths on-line manual pages

    man (7) - macros to format man pages

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    Related Commands

    If you don't know the actual name of a command, you cansearch for keywords in the synopsis with the commands

    man k or its alias apropos

    $ apropos manuals

    man (1) an interface to the on-line

    reference manuals

    mdoc.samples (7) tutorial sampler for writing

    manuals with -mdoc

    You may run makewhatis to rebuild whatis database before

    using these commands

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    Not all man pages are being maintained and are therefore outof date, so info yields more current information.

    Some topics treated in info are not discussed in man at all,

    info also uses hypertext links, so it is a more powerful utility

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    Documentation in /usr/doc

    Documentation that doesnt fall under man pages and infois usually put into /usr/doc or /usr/share/doc. This directory

    can hold a wealth of information :HOWTOs, user guides,

    FAQs, READMEs,

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    Online Documentation

    Linux Documentation Project:




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    Identifyingthe System

    The uname command shows system information; thecommand hostname also identifies the current host. uname

    command options are below :

    -a All information -v OS version number

    -n System name (nodename

    on network )

    -m Machine hardware

    -s OS name -p Processor type

    -r OS release number

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    System Default Files

    Linux stores some command defaults in files in /etc/default directory: Filename same ascommand name

    Entries in the filetake the form of environment variable definitions

    Details of defaults definedin command manual page

    Files are usually edited manually

    Example :

    # more /etc/default/useradd





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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Identifying Active Users

    History of every login is kept in /var/log/wtmp ,can be shownby the last command

    The who command shows who is currently logged on to the

    same system, information kept in /var/run/utmp

    The whoami and id are used to identify the current user

    Most Linux system have a w command, outputs more

    information than who command

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Communicating with ActiveUsers

    Use write to display a message on a user's terminal Users can disable messages using mesg n command

    Root can always write to a user

    Write all (wall) will display to all logged-in users Useful for sending out broadcasts

    Used by the system shutdown mechanism

    Use talk command to set up a two-way dialogue

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Login Prompts

    When you log into a Linux system via the command line, youare greeted with a message. The /etc/issue file generates this


    For users who log inremotely, the /etc/issue.net file contains a

    message or system identification to be printed before the login


  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    The findCommand

    The find command locates files using specified search criteria:find directoriessearch_criteria [action]

    find command will search fromdirectories and sub-directories


    find command will output all files that match with


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    The findCommand


    -namename Finds only flies called name (can use shell wildcards: *, ?)

    -username Finds only files owned by user name

    -type letter Finds files of specified type: f(plain files), d (dirs), etc.

    -mtimen Finds files modifiedn days ago, less than (-n), greaterthan (+n)

    -sizen [cK] Finds files of sizen, larger than (+n), smaller than (-n),

    c=chars,K=kilobytes (when omitted, 512 block size is

    implied)-permmode Find files that matchs the prmission setting ofmode

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    The findCommand

    action:-print Print filename found, its default

    -exec cmd {} \; Executes given command ( filename will

    be given in place of {} )

    -ok cmd {} \; Executes command but prompts for


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 1

    Search for openwin starting at the /usr directory$ find /usr -name openwin



    ( longlist: $ find /usr -name openwinls )

    Search for files ending in tifstarting at the /usr

    $ find /usr -name *tif


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 2

    Search for core files starting at the users home directory anddelete them :

    $ find ~ -name core -exec rm {} \;

    Find files larger than 400 blocks (512-byte blocks ) starting at/etc

    $ find /etc -size +400

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 3

    Find files, starting at /etc, which share the same inode number:

    $ find /etctype fname *.conf

    Find files with open permissions starting at the users homedirectory

    $ find ~ -perm 777

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    locate Command

    On most Linux systems, a database is maintained of all filesin the directory tree. The command locate followed by a

    string, will return all files (with their full directory path)

    that contain that string. The slocate command, a security

    enhanced version of the locate command, is quickly

    replacing locate

    Create database for locate and slocate

    $locate or slocate with optionsu/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Locating Commands

    The which command will search from PATH environmentvariable to determine the path of a executed command.



    Similarly, whereis command will list program source files and

    man pages beside the actual executed command. Syntax :


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Interpreting Files

    The file command identifies the contents of any file (filetype) on the Linux system

    # file *

    feed.dat:ASCII text

    myprog: iAPX 386 executable not stripped

    myprog.c: C source code

    runsys: commands text

    Text file can be examined using standard utilities such as

    less, more, or vi

    Non-ASCII text files can be examined using the od or

    strings command

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


    Search text in files with grep family commands: grep,egrep, fgrep

    Modify text file with sed (Stream Editor)

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    grep Command

    Use the grep command to search a file for a specified textstring

    If found, grep prints all lines that contain that pattern to

    the screen. The grep command can be used as a filter withother commands.

    The grep command is case sensitive unless you use withi


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    grep Command

    Command Format :grep [option]stringfilename

    Options :

    -i Ignore case of string when searching

    -v Search for all lines that do not match string

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example ofgrep

    $ grep root /etc/passwdroot:x:0:1:Super-User:/:/sbin/sh

    $ ls -la | grep -i jun 11

    drwxr-xr-x 3 user1 staff 512 Jun 11 13:13 dir4

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Regular Expression Metacharacters

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    egrep Command

    The egrep command searches the contents of one or morefiles for a pattern using extendedregularexpression


    The egrep command uses all the same options as grep.

    Command format:egrep [-options] pattern filename(s)

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    fgrep Command

    The fgrep command searches a file for a pattern

    expressed as afixedstring.

    It differs from grep and egrep because it regards all

    characters literally, and it does NOT interpret regular

    expression metacharacters specified on the command line.

    Use fgrep to search for a specific pattern in a file that includes

    metacharacter symbols.

    Command format:

    fgrep option(s) pattern filename(s)

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Using grep

    List all directories :# lsl | grep ^d

    List al users using bash shell when log in :

    # grep bash$ /etc/passwd

    List files and directories starting by . :

    # lsl | grep \.[^.]

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


    Linux traditionally has many utilities that read a stream ofcharacters from stdin, process it in some way.and output their

    result to stdout. These utilities are called filters

    cat concatenate files and print on the standard output

    cut remove sections from each line of files

    sort sort lines of text files

    head output the first part of files

    tail output the last part of files

    wc print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files

    nl number lines of files

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    sed (Stream Editor)

    Use the sed program to edit data in files without openingthem in an interactive editor, such as vi.

    It allows you to specify edits, or modifications, to a file

    from the command line and send the output to the

    screen by default.

    It is best used to make the same changes across

    multiple files quickly. It is also used to read scripts that

    administrators need.

    Command format:sed [options] [address] command file...[>newfile]

    Regular Expression Metacharacters

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Regular Expression Metacharacters

    Used bysed

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    sed (Stream Editor)

    Delete lines with the d command:

    sede /pattern/d filename

    sede 4d filename

    sede 2,5d filename

    sede 5,$d filenamesede $d filename

    Search and replace :

    sede s/string1/string2/g filename

    Multiple edits: usee option

    sede/linux/des/abc/ABC/g filename

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch07 Administration Utilities



    Describe, use man pages and other information

    Demonstrate how to communicate with users

    Identify system defaults

    Demonstrate how to find files