loyalists newspaper

Top News Page 1- The Foolish Acts of American Colonists towards Britain Page 2-A Fight Against Republicanism Page 3- The Loyalists Exodus Page 4- Peace at Paris and Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense Page 5- An Unfortunate Surrender Page 6-Peace for All Page 8- Just for Fun Activities Loyalist Newspaper “We support Britain on all their decisions.”

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Writing about American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 8 from the Loyalists view.


Page 1: Loyalists Newspaper

Top News

Page 1- The Foolish Acts of

American Colonists towards


Page 2-A Fight Against


Page 3- The Loyalists Exodus

Page 4- Peace at Paris and

Thomas Paine Preaches

Common Sense

Page 5- An Unfortunate


Page 6-Peace for All

Page 8- Just for Fun Activities



“We support

Britain on all

their decisions.”

Page 2: Loyalists Newspaper

Can you believe the disaster that these

foolish American colonists caused in

New York?! I can’t help but sit here in

disbelief at the fact that the American

colonists had the audacity to capture

our British troops in Ticonderoga and

take our British troops along with our

artillery! What were they thinking? Did

they think we were just going to leave

and let them have victory? If so, they

were wrong. Britain will not just give

them the satisfaction.

We might have only had 3,000 men,

but we headed out on a bloody attack

in Bunker Hill, facing only 1,500

Americans. With pride as loyalists, we

faced the American colonists, whose

gunpowder had finished. This quickly

brought us victory. How foolish of

them for not thinking things through!

They have just caused major problems

not only with us loyalists, but with our

King, George III. Realizing that he

didn’t want to reconcile with the

colonists because of what they did, our

king needed men, thus turning to

German troops for support. These

Hessians would quickly bring fear to

these Americans.

Did the Americans believe that we’d

just give up and not get back at them

for capturing our forces in

Ticonderoga? This is just the beginning

of everything, and we as loyalists hope

that these incompetent American

colonists are well prepared for what’s

headed their way.

The Foolish Acts of American Colonists towards


Cinthya Rodriguez

Page 3: Loyalists Newspaper

Paine’s protest to have independence

and create a republic that would be a

form of government to deliver the

people’s voice, is only a way to create

more chaos and initiate conflict. The

colonists don’t have knowledge of what

they want and what they want their

government to do for them. Educated

government officials are the ones that

have the understanding of what is best

for the colonist and what they need to

have in order to prosper in the world.

A republican form of government is

just a useless way to make them happy

and get them more involved, but that is

not going to help them in any way. The

monarch form of government allows

for the colonist to be in good hands

and have the peace that great decisions

will be made for them. The education

and experience the government officials

have allowed for are the best decisions

for the interest of the colonists to be

made. The idea of republicanism is

also another way to attack the British

who have the best interests for the

colonist. British are only trying to help

them with their wealth, and decisions

that will benefit them in the long run.

Republicanism is only an idea that they

have been brainwashed by Paine to go

against the monarch and British

government only to create more

unnecessary conflict among them. Even

some patriots don’t fully agree with

what Paine is trying to get the colonists

to follow. Patriots want a form of

government that is “natural in

aristocracy.” To the patriots this form

of republicanism would only transform

for the worse the stability of their

society. British government are the

ones that are powerful and brings more

ideas to the colonies and who else is

better to bring forwards the colonist

and their society but the British.

A Fight against Republicanism

Miriam Alvarado

Page 4: Loyalists Newspaper

To some people the patriots may

have been the innocent ones and the

ones that harm was only being done to,

but in contrary patriots weren’t that

innocent. Even before and after the

Declaration of Independence was

signed, loyalists fell victims to the

patriots and their deeds. Loyalists were

persecuted and went through brutal

conditions after the Declaration of

Independence. Due to the separation

of the patriots and the loyalists from the

Declaration of Independence, tensions

were far more intense. Patriots now had

more liberty and freedom and they

tended to regard the loyalists as traitors.

Loyalists are only keeping their loyalty

towards Britain, whom they have their

respect and admiration. This is what

has caused them to be known as traitors

and has got them imprisoned and

hanged. Loyalists are only doing what’s

correct and keep faithful to the people

that helped them and who they actually

believe are doing what’s best for the

colonists. What rights did the patriots

have in taking away the estates that the

loyalists had worked hard for just like

everyone else?

The Loyalists Exodus

Miriam Alvarado

Miriam Alvarado

Page 5: Loyalists Newspaper

Peace at Paris

Jaquelynn Tirado

Our mother country and our king have

failed us. We have been defeated by

these Patriots, who have no respect for

their king. We would have won if we

were not put up against two groups,

those no good French. They made this

war the challenge, the Rebels couldn’t

have done it without them. Now our

British family has turned the tables.

They’ve befriended those rebels and

given them independence when they

didn’t allow it from the begging. The

only good things coming out of this

Treaty of Paris is the rebels have finally

left us in peace. We’ve been given back

our land and our valuables. There is no

more persecution towards us and we

can live life even with those eyes of

hatred starring at us. Our great and

honest King George 3 has good

reasoning to where he is going with this,

I have faith in him. He knows best for

his loyal people. We will stand by his

side till the end he is our king.

Thomas Paine Preaches

Common Sense

Jaquelynn Tirado

Before becoming Americans, we were

the people of Britain. Loyal to our

empire and our king. Britain was our

mother country and had a big role in

our lives. We knew that rebelliion was

unacceptable and dangerous. Yet our

colonies in the Americas have become

split into two different groups: Us being

the loyalist and the rebels being

patriots. I still stand for our mother

country and you as patriots have been

brainwashed by Thomas Paine. His

pamphlet has made you unowrthy. He

preaches all the wrong things. We

shouldn’t be independent. We need to

Britain, we have no chanc if we stand

alone. Common Sense is a pamphlet.

Full of unloyal words. We should end

the book and ignore Thomas Paine.

He is an example of unworthyness.

Page 6: Loyalists Newspaper

An unfortunate thing has happened.

Our London officials had come up with

a brilliant plan to invade and capture

the Hudson River Valley and it has

backfired horribly. Oh, it was such a

splendid plan, too. General John

Burgoyne and General Howe and a

smaller force commanded by Colonel

St. Leger were supposed to come

together to surround Hudson River

Valley. Everything could have worked

out perfectly and those traitorous

patriots would have been forced out of

the valley, leaving the magnificent

Britain in charge of it. Things didn’t go

as planned, though. General Howe

strayed from the strategy and attacked

Philadelphia instead, and though he

managed to defeat the patriots in two

battles, Burgoyne was left alone. He

was headed north of Albany when he

ran into General Benedict Arnold.

Arnold, along with patriot minutemen,

surrounded General Burgoyne. He was

trapped and had no way to retreat or

move forward. On the unfortunate day

of October 17, 1777, General

Burgoyne had no choice but to

surrender his entire force at Saratoga.

This victory strongly motivated the

rebel patriots to continue on their

deluded cause to get their

independence from Britain. No matter

the lost, though, I will remain a loyalist

and support the mother country as I

should. I am saddened that this

unfortunate surrender took place but

we will have better days! I will continue

to support Great Britain and wait for

our ultimate victory over these wicked,

ungrateful patriots.

An Unfortunate Surrender

Shenetha Sheperd

Page 7: Loyalists Newspaper

As it is known, the Treaty of Paris

has made the Patriot Americans a

free nation. Not only was Britain

generous enough to let the

ungrateful, rebellious patriots be

independent, they were kind

enough to offer the Americans the

entire trans-Appalachian area too.

What a magnanimous country our

mother country is! Even after the

patriot’s insubordination, Britain

has overlooked that and has

granted them freedom; Freedom

that they in no way deserved.

There is no denying that we made

the right choice in remaining

loyal, though. How do you justify

a revolution against your mother

country? How do you rationalize

fighting against the one who did

nothing but help you? There is no

reasoning for the patriot’s

behavior. They were

unappreciative, greedy, and very

lucky in this war.

However, although Britain has

been through a lot, we will

overcome our problems. We will

gain our whole strength back and

again take our place as the most

powerful country in the world.

This war may have halted us a bit,

but it has not stopped us!

Peace for All

Shenetha Sheperd

Page 8: Loyalists Newspaper

Jaquelynn Tirado

Miriam Alvarado

Shenetha Sheperd

Cinthya Rodriguez Davinci