lower yukon school district maintenance management system implementing the system from work request...

Lower Yukon School District Maintenance Management System Implementing the System From WORK REQUEST To WORK ORDER Presented by Carl John Director of Capital Improvement Projects

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Post on 28-Mar-2015




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Slide 2 Lower Yukon School District Maintenance Management System Implementing the System From WORK REQUEST To WORK ORDER Presented by Carl John Director of Capital Improvement Projects Slide 3 History and Overview 1.AS 14.11.011 was written into law to be the States Preventive Maintenance requirement for all Alaska Schools. 2.DEED is charged with policing this system to ensure that school districts are deserving of State Aid. 3.LYSD uses a maintenance management tool developed by SERRC. 4.LYSD has incorporated our e-mail software to allow all staff to submit a work request that can later be developed into a work order if the request has merit. Slide 4 History and Overview (Continued) 5.The district maintenance office is now responsible for generating all work orders from approved work requests from the 11 school sites. 6.The district maintenance office now provides all of the data entry requirements relieving the school site from that burden. Slide 5 1.Staff initiate WORK REQUEST and submit through First Class Slide 6 2.Initiate a new work request from your First Class Desktop. Slide 7 591-2411 X Office 1003 Replace broken outlet on south wall. 3.Complete the Work Request and submit to IL. Slide 8 4.Instructional Leader Reviews WORK REQUEST, approves or disapproves it, then submits it for action. Repair or replace before putting up Christmas Tree Instructional Leader December 15, 2009 1.5 hours (3) Important X 591-2411 Slide 9 3.Once Submitted, Alfreda Luke automatically receives the site generated WORK REQUEST. 4.Alfreda then generates WORK ORDERs from all approved and submitted WORK REQUESTS. 5.When the WORK ORDERs have been generated, they will be e-mailed to the Instructional Leader for distribution. 6.Maintenance person performs work described on the work order and completes the WORK ORDER stating who did the work, how much time it took and estimated cost of materials to complete work. Slide 10 12-15-09 Gus Good Maintenance12-15-09; 13:0012-15-09; 14:301.5 Plug-in$3:00 Slide 11 7.Maintenance submits completed work order to IL for review. 8.IL scans completed work orders to Alfreda Luke or sends to her via site mail. Our preference is to scan them to her. END