lower silesia

This Publication is co- nanced by the European Union, from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund, as part of The Integrated Regional Operational Programme, entitled “The Promotion of the Branded Tourist Products of Lower Silesia”. Marshal’s Of ce of Lower Silesian Voivodeship www.umwd.pl

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Page 1: Lower Silesia

This Publication is co- nanced by the European Union, from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund, as part of The Integrated Regional Operational Programme, entitled “The Promotion of the Branded Tourist Products of Lower Silesia”.

Marshal’sOf ce of Lower Silesian Voivodeshipwww.umwd.pl

Page 2: Lower Silesia
Page 3: Lower Silesia

2. Lower Silesia – introduction

4. How to get to Lower Silesia

7. Practical information

11. Lower Silesian metropolis – Wroc aw

13. Practical information

20. Sport and recreation

22. Wroc aw by night

23. Must-see sights in Wroc aw

28. Events in Wroc aw

32. Lower Silesian castles and palaces

35. Cistercian abbeys

and Marian shrines

39. Lower Silesian underground

tunnels and fortifi cations

44. Lower Silesian health resorts 44

49. Karkonosze Mountains

and active tourism

58. Agrotourism and ecotourism

65. Lower Silesian nature

73. Lower Silesia in winter

79. Interesting places in Lower Silesia

89. Lower Silesian monuments

on the UNESCO World Heritage List

91. Lower Silesian events

100. Tourist Information in Lower Silesia


Page 4: Lower Silesia

Lower Silesia

This is a consequence of the great diversity apparent in

almost every aspect of the region – from the lay of the

land and variety of nature to culture and economy.

Lower Silesia displays its uniqueness in this part of Eu-

rope due to the merging of cultures and traditions of

numerous nations over the centuries. The region,

comprising the Silesian Lowland (Nizina l ska), Sile-

sian-Lusatian Lowland (Nizina l sko- u ycka), Sude-

ten Foothills (Przedgórze Sudeckie) and the Sudeten

Mountains, has been a source of temptation for cen-

turies with its beauty and mystery: vast mountain

ranges and picturesque dells, crossed by rapid moun-

tain streams whose currents murmur softly within the

lowlands. It is a land with nooks of wild nature,

abounding with numerous unique plants and animals,

but also with beautiful cities and towns proudly dis-

playing magnifi cent centuries-old monuments. The

number and importance of the monuments is what

distinguishes Lower Silesia from other parts of Po-


The routes of the Piast and Cistercian castles and van-

ishing professions, the network of underground tour-

ist routes, border castles, monumental palaces, fi sh

ponds near to Milicz and Przemków, national parks,

nature reserves, rocky labyrinths, rock climbing crags,

monuments of industrial architecture and sacral mon-

uments registered on the UNESCO list, most Polish

health resorts, ski runs, agrotourist farms for every

budget, luxury hotels, opera houses, over a hundred

bridges in Wroc aw, precious stone deposits, semi-

precious stone deposits and even gold deposits. All of

this can be found in Lower Silesia. Lower Silesia, as its

name suggests, is a part of Silesia, an old and historic

land situated (mostly) on a lowland. Lower Silesia con-

stitutes the south-west part of Poland; in the west it

borders on Germany, along the Lusatian Neisse line,

and in the south on the Czech Republic; there is here

mainly a mountain border running along the peaks of

the Sudeten Mountains. The northern outskirts of

Lower Silesia run along the vast lowland Lower Sile-

Lower Silesia – a region situated in south-west Poland – is ranked among the most beautiful and most attractive Polish and Euro-pean regions.

Page 5: Lower Silesia

sian Forests (Bory Dolno l skie) and picturesque mo-

rainic hills, the Trzebnica Embankment (Wa Trzebnicki)

and Barycz Valley. The Silesian Lowland stretches from

east to west from Opole in the east to ary and aga

in the west. The axis of the lowland is the Oder, the

second longest river in Poland. The Oder is navigable

from Upper Silesia right up to its estuary at the Szc-

zecin Lagoon (Zalew Szczeci ski). But the domineer-

ing role in the Lower Silesian landscape is played by the

Sudeten Mountains, the mountain chain in the south-

ern part of the region that stretches from the south-

east to north-west over a distance of nearly 300 km.

Individual ranges of these mountains are characteristic

of the diversity and variety of the landscape, and differ-

ent geological structures. The highest mountain group

of the Sudeten Mountains is the Karkonosze, with

the nie ka peak at 1603 m above sea level. Together

with the Sudeten foothills, the Sudeten Mountains are

the most interesting part of Lower Silesia and those

most visited by tourists. Forming part of the Sudeten

Foothills south and south-west of Wroc aw are the

granite Strzelin Hills (Wzgórza Strzeli skie), with the

biggest granite quarry in Europe, and the l a Massif

(Masyw l y), the mountain group mysteriously

emerging among woodless plains of the lowland, with

Mt. l a (góra l a) visible from dozens of kilome-

tres away. The climate of the Silesian Lowland is mild,

especially at the Oder; there is here the longest sum-

mer and the shortest winter in Poland. Winter starts in

the Sudeten Mountains in October and may last

sometimes into April. There are 12 natural landscape

parks, 2 national parks and numerous nature reserves

in Lower Silesia. It is a health spot, with 11 health re-

sorts. They are situated in a picturesque area and

tempt with their specifi c microclimate and the charm

of spa parks. Cities and towns full of historical buildings,

magnifi cent churches, castles and magnate manors are

testimony to the splendours of the past. There are also

numerous industrial monuments here, old mines,

adits, dams and strongholds. Over the years Lower

Silesia has frequently changed its sovereignty. It has

been ruled by Polish dukes from the Piast dynasty,

Czech and Prussian kings, and Austrian and German

emperors. Also the inhabitants of these lands have

continuously changed over the centuries. Signs of hu-

man presence from the Palaeolithic period have been

found here. Considerable areas of Silesia were inhab-

ited from the beginning of our era by the Celts. The

Vandals and Silings too were here, and in the 6th cen-

tury Slavic tribes arrived. German colonisation began

in the period of the rule of the Polish Piasts. As a result

of World War 2, the German population had to leave

Lower Silesia and was replaced with Poles from differ-

ent parts of Poland, and in particular from the eastern

frontiers lost by Poland. The present Lower Silesia

province (województwo dolno l skie) roughly corre-

sponds to its historical borders.

The area of Lower Silesia is 19 947.2 km2.Population – 2 970 100. The capital city of the province is Wroc aw, the fourth biggest city in Poland.

Page 6: Lower Silesia


Copernicus airport in Wroc aw has connections via Warsaw, Frankfurt (Main) and Munich with all of the more important airports in the world. Wroc aw currently has 12 connections to War-saw. The plane reaches Warsaw in less than an hour. Most fl ights to Warsaw are operated by ATR and Embraer aeroplanes. Wroc aw airport has regular direct international connections to: Frankfurt, Munich, Dortmund, Dublin, Copen-hagen, Brussels, Barcelona, London and several other airports in the UK. The airport also oper-ates numerous international charter airlines. Strachowice airport is situated about 12 km

south-west from the centre. City bus no. 406 runs from the airport to the centre via Wroc aw G ówny train station and PKS coach station (about 25 min).


tel. 0801 703 703

tel. 22 9572

Offi cial website of the Copernicus Airport in Wroc aw:

www. airport.wroclaw.pl


The railroad network in Lower Silesia is very dense. Unfortunately on many local lines passen-ger trains no longer run, and the number of train connections has been reduced from year to year. Some highly scenic rail routes are used on occa-sion to organise tourist excursions. Direct trains from nearly all large towns in Poland and also from Berlin and Hamburg come to the Wroc awCentral Station (Dworzec G ówny). Wroc aw, Legnica, Boles awiec and Zgorzelec also have train connection with Görlitz (“Schmidt” and “Kowalski” trains). The journey on the Intercity train from Wroc aw to Warsaw lasts 4 h 30 min.

How to get to Lower Silesia


Page 7: Lower Silesia

Wroc aw has train connections with nearly all large towns in Poland. Of the two presently oper-ating large train stations in Wroc aw, long-distance connections are operated from the Wroc awG ówny train station. Wroc aw Nadodrze train station is for passengers embarking and disem-barking on the route to Warsaw and ód . From the Wroc aw train station are convenient connec-tions to other cities and towns in the Lower Si-lesia province: Wa brzych, Jelenia Góra, Legnica and K odzko. It is possible to travel directly by train from Wroc aw (also from Warsaw) to the Lower Silesian health resorts in the K odzko Val-ley (Kotlina K odzka) – Polanica, Duszniki and Ku-dowa Zdrój – as well as to the heart of the Karkonosze – Szklarska Por ba.


Wroc aw - tel. 071 94 36, 071 717 33 33

Jelenia Góra - tel. 075 94 36

Legnica - tel. 076 94 36

Timetable: www.pkp.pl, www. rozklad.pkp.pl



The coach station in Wroc aw (Dworzec Cen-tralny PKS) is in the city centre, in the near vicinity of the central train station (Dworzec G ówny, at ul. Sucha). Coaches to all bigger places in the re-gion as well as long-distance coaches to and from bigger Polish cities and towns leave from there. There are numerous private local bus and micro-bus lines in Wroc aw and other large towns.Coach stations are usually situated in the vicinity of the train stations. The coach connection net-work to tourist resorts in the Karkonosze, the

K odzko Valley and the l a Massif is relatively good, but most coaches do not run at the week-ends; especially in the afternoon and in the evening there may be a problem to return home. Children have a 50% discount. Tickets are avail-able at the checkouts in the coach station build-ings or, if seats are still free, from the driver.At the PKS Central Coach Station (Dworzec Cen-tralny PKS) in Wroc aw are also stops for interna-tional coaches (to Western Europe). These coach-es stop in nearly all bigger places in Lower Silesia.

Coach information

www. rozklady.com.pl, www.rozklady.pl


Several international roads cross Lower Silesia, including the A4 motorway. The capital city of the region, Wroc aw, is connected with other parts of Poland by several main roads: - A4 motorway to the Polish-German border in Olszyna/Forst (from Krzywa near to Boles awiecas road no. 18) and to Katowice, Kraków (260 km), and further to Lviv, - road no. 8 north-east to Warsaw (340 km) and south to K odzko and Kudowa (115 km), and fur-ther south to the Czech Republic, - road no. 5 to Pozna (180 km) and to Strzegom, Kamienna Góra, and further south to the Czech Republic,


Page 8: Lower Silesia

- road no. 94 to Legnica and Opole,- road no. 35 to widnica and Wa brzych,There are convenient road connections from abroad to Lower Silesia: From Germany: from Leipzig and Dresden the A4 motorway, from Berlin and Cottbus motorway no. 15 to the bor-der in Forst. From the Czech Republic: motor-way no. 10 from Prague and then road E65 from Liberec, road E67 from Hradec Kralove. Allowed speed for passenger cars in Poland is: within cities and towns 50 km/h, outside the built-up area 90 km/h, on expressways 100 km/h, on motorways 130 km/h. You may be fi ned up to 500 PLN for speeding. Allowed alcohol limit: 0.2 per mill. It is obligatory in Poland to drive with the low beam turned on. Petrol stations selling liquid gas as fuel are marked: LPG-GAZ or Auto-GAZ. Most pet-rol stations (on main roads in large towns) are open day and night. To park a car in cities and larger towns in the centre is charged from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. In the case of an accident you should report it to the local police (tel. 997). If you want to obtain compensation, a copy of the police re-

port is essential. Car rental: You can rent a car at the airport in Wroc aw. In the city itself there are also several rental places as well as in bigger plac-es in the region.

www.avis.pl, www.hertz.com.pl,

www.sixt.pl, www.europcar.com.pl,



You can also get to lower Silesia by water. The Oder is navigable from Racibórz in Upper Silesia to its estuary into the Szczecin Lagoon and to the Baltic Sea. Through the Oder-Havel Canal you can get to Berlin and further through the canals to Rotterdam at the North Sea. River passenger boats as well as ships and sport boats can sail on the Oder. A modern marina, a harbour for tour-ist and sport boats, is being built in the area of the University Bridge (Most Uniwersytecki) in the centre of Wroc aw.




Page 9: Lower Silesia


The climate in Lower Silesia is the warmest in Poland.

Winters are mild, and summers not very hot, but some-

times there are days in summer that the temperature is

over 300C, and in winter 200C below zero. The infl u-

ence of the distant Atlantic Ocean is clear here. Winds

blow mainly from the west. More rarely there come

warm air masses from the Mediterranean Sea and the

Azores Islands. The plant growing period in Lower Silesia

lasts for 225 days, the longest in Poland; yellow forsyth-

ias are blooming here already in March. Successive low

pressure systems bringing several-day-long rainy periods

and cloudy weather are characteristic. On the Silesian

Lowland, in the area of Wroc aw the average tempera-

ture in July is nearly 190C, and the average temperature

of the coldest month, January, is -1.10C. The climate of

the Sudeten Mountains and piedmont areas is colder

than the lowlands and dependent on the height and

shape of the mountain ranges. High in the Karkonosze

Mountains, above 1000 m, the average annual temper-

ature is not more than 10C. The most intense rainfall

takes place in July, and the annual total is 600 mm. The

total precipitation in the mountains reaches 1300 mm.

Winters in the lowlands are most often snowless, but in

the mountains, in higher parts of the Sudeten, the snow

lies for 200 days a year and lasts sometimes until April.

The best time to visit Lower Silesia is the spring, starting

with mid-April, the whole summer and early autumn, to

the end of October. The Sudeten Mountains are in win-

ter a destination for ski and snowboard enthusiasts.


The choice of restaurants is huge in bigger cities or towns

and in the tourist centres. Many of them serve inter-

national multicultural cuisine. The staff usually speaks

English and German, and menus are available in those

languages. A tip of about 10% or rounding up of the bill is

expected. The cheapest place to eat is a milk bar.

Practical information


Page 10: Lower Silesia


Provision of pharmacies is good. Doctor’s advice can

be obtained in public clinics and hospitals, showing the

European insurance card. There are numerous well

equipped private clinics and private practices.

Emergency service – tel. 999, tel. 112 (mobile)

Emergency service, fi rst aid

Wroc aw, ul. Traugutta 112,

Jelenia Góra, ul. Wojska Polskiego 21,

Legnica, ul. Bracka 11,

Wa brzych, ul. Chrobrego 39


Many public buildings and most hotels have facilities for

disabled people, e.g. ramps for wheelchairs. In large

towns public transport (buses) is adjusted to be used by

disabled people on wheelchairs; such buses are marked

on the timetable. There are several companies in Lower

Silesia that deal with the transport of disabled people.



Local newspapers bring news concerning the region.

In Wroc aw such a newspaper is “Polska – Gazeta

Wroc awska”. The all-Polish daily paper “Gazeta

Wyborcza” has its local supplements. News about

the region in Jelenia Góra is brought among others

by the weekly magazine “Nowiny Jeleniogórskie”, in

Wa brzych “Tygodnik Wa brzyski”, “Nowe Wiadomo ci

Wa brzyskie” and “30 Minut”, and in Legnica the weekly

magazine “Konkrety”, “Gazeta Piastowska” and “Express

Legnicki”. Wroc aw and bigger cities such as Jelenia Góra,

Wa brzych and Legnica also have their local radio sta-

tions. The local Lower Silesian programme, Polskie

Radio Wroc aw, is transmitted on the frequency of

102.3, Wroc aw’s programme called Radio RAM on

the frequency of 89.8. Wroc aw television transmits the

local Lower Silesian programme in the afternoons and in

the evenings on the mutual regional TVP 3 channel. An

informational programme bringing news about the re-

gion, weather forecasts and current information is called

“Fakty”; the main edition is broadcast at 6 p.m. The local

radio station in Jelenia Góra, “Muzyczne Radio”, broad-

casts on the frequency of 105.8 Mhz, in Legnica Radio

Plus broadcasts on the frequency of 102.6 Mhz, and sta-

tions broadcasting local news in Wa brzych are: “Z ote

Przeboje” on 91.8 Mhz and RMF Max on 101.1 Mhz.

The local TV stations in Wa brzych are: “Telewizja

Wa brzych”, “Telewizja Podgórze” and “DAMI”. In

Jelenia Góra there is a local TV station, “Odra”. Cable

TV networks operating in cities and towns include nu-

merous foreign stations. Nearly all hotels have satellite

TV. Foreign press is available in big EMPIK shops, at some

newsagents in Wroc aw at the airport, at the Central

Station and in many hotels.


Page 11: Lower Silesia


There are large supermarkets operating in big cities and

towns (including well known international chains). They

are usually open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., but there are

some that are open 24 hours. Small shops are open

to 6 p.m., bigger shops to 8 p.m. On Saturdays shops

close earlier; general stores are open to 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Fruit and vegetables can be bought in the market halls,

at markets and also at street stalls. Some shops and res-

taurants accept payment in Euro, but the change is giv-

en back in zloty (PLN).


In large towns the public transport is by bus, and in

Wroc aw there are also 23 tram lines. In every city or

town the ticket prices for the public transport are differ-

ent. In large towns there are several taxi corporations.

Taxis wait for their passengers at the taxi stands, e.g. in

front of train stations or hotels. However, the cheap-

est option is to call the taxi by phone. Taxi corporation

numbers can be found e.g. in the local press, and the

taxis have their phone numbers placed on the cars. On

Sundays and during bank holidays as well as from 10 p.m.

to 6 a.m. the rate is more expensive.


It is possible to connect with the whole world from eve-

ry phone box. Phone automats are operated by phone

card. There are 25, 50 and 100 unit phone cards. They

can be bought at the post offi ce, at newsagents and petrol

stations. There are also several systems of phone cards

enabling cheaper phone calls abroad. These are “prepaid”

types of phone card, e.g. Tele2, Grosik. Mobile phones of

all world mobile networks can be used; the mobile phone

network covers the whole of Lower Silesia.

Emergency numbers for foreign tourists are

active in the summer season: 0-800 200 300,

+ 48 608 599 999


The Polish currency is the zloty (PLN). 1 zloty divides

into 100 groszy. Money exchange into Polish currency

is possible in banks and money exchange places. Some

bigger hotels also have their own money exchange coun-

ter. Money exchanges are also found in larger shopping

centres. Most money exchange places are closed on

Sundays and public holidays. Banks are open until 6 p.m.

It is possible to exchange money in banks by credit card.

In large towns there is a wide network of cash points.

They can be operated in English or German. The zloty is

an exchangeable currency, and its rate can vary.


Post offi ces are usually open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. There

is a 24h post offi ce in Wroc aw, at Rynek no. 28.


There are no public toilets in small places, except those

at train or coach stations. It is advisable to use toilets in

restaurants or pubs; it is charged 1-2 PLN. Toilets are

marked, apart from the inscription, with a triangle (for

men) and a circle (for ladies).

Emergency numbers(free connection):Police – 997Fire brigade – 998Ambulance – 999Road assistance – 981Municipal police – 998Emergency numbers from mobile phones (police, fi re brigade, ambu-lance) – 112Polish Telecommunications (TP) city information – 9491


Page 12: Lower Silesia


The accommodation base is best developed in es-

tablished tourist destinations. It is most dense in the

Karkonosze Mountains, the K odzko Valley and natural-

ly in Wroc aw. It is possible to fi nd appropriate accom-

modation in these places even without earlier booking.

Rooms tend to be booked long in advance in the period

of Christmas, New Year Eve, Easter and the long week-

ends so popular in Poland (sometimes 2-3 times a year

the weekend is extended by national holidays). Also in

Wroc aw itself, during important events, there may be

problems fi nding accommodation.

In the Sudeten Mountains, but not only there, the net-

work of agrotourist farms is developing rapidly; their of-

fer is interesting particularly for families planning a long-

er stay. Rooms can be booked by phone or through

the Internet.

www. visitsilesia.pl


www. hotelspoland.com


accommodation in historic buildings,

castles and palaces:

www. leisure-heritage.com

camp sites: www.pfcc.info

shelters: www.ptsm.pl

agrotourism: www.agritourism.pl


Page 13: Lower Silesia

Wroc aw is the fourth biggest city in Poland, the capital

city of the historic Polish district of Lower Silesia, as well

as the administrative, cultural, academic and industrial

centre - situated in the centre of the Silesian Lowland,

on the Wroc aw Plain- on the Oder, into which four

large rivers fl ow within the city border – O awa, l za,

Bystrzyca and Widawa – as well as numerous small riv-

ers and streams - mild climate with warm summers (the

average temperature in July is 18°C) and short and most-

ly snowless winters (the average temperature in January

is minus 1°C), two big train stations and 20 smaller sta-

tions, airport and river harbours on the Oder, machine

industry (locomotives, cars, household goods, automat-

ic turning machines), electrotechnical and electronic in-

dustry (electric generators, electronic appliances, TV

sets), chemical industry (paints and varnishes), pharma-

ceuticals, non-ferrous metal work and river shipyard.

Wroc aw is a major crossroads; several main roads run

through the city, including the international E40, E67

and E261. The A4 (E40) motorway runs from the west-

ern border of Poland in Zgorzelec (from Dresden) and

Olszyna (from Berlin) to the southern ends of the city.

It leads further to Kraków and the border with Ukraine.

From the motorway exit to the centre is nearly 8 km. The

transit roads to Warsaw, Pozna and Zielona Góra run

at the moment through the city centre. The Old Town is

surrounded by the ring road that is also a part of the road

to Pozna , Zielona Góra, Warsaw and Kraków. The Old

Market Square (Rynek) together with the adjoining Solny

Square and Ruska, w. Miko aja, Odrza ska, Ku nicza,

Szewska, O awska and widnicka streets constitutes

the historical and shopping centre of the city. The Old

Town Square, ul. O awska, part of ul. widnicka and

ul. Szewska, is closed to motor traffi c. The busy main

road constitutes ul. Marsza ka Pi sudskiego, on which

the central train station (Dworzec G ówny), Polish air-

line offi ce “LOT”, numerous hotels, shops, restaurants,

institutions, the Music Theatre and a concert hall are




Wroc aw was probably one of 15 towns of the Slavic

l anie tribe, described in 843 by the Franconian scribe,

Lower Silesian metropolis – Wroc aw

– population of 640 thousand, – area of nearly 300 km2,– radio stations and TV stations,– Wroc aw daily papers:

“Gazeta Wroc awska” and Wroc aw edition of “Gazeta Wyborcza”

www.wroclaw.pl 11

Page 14: Lower Silesia

the so-called Bavarian Geographer. Wroc aw

belonged to the Polish state from about 990

AD. The signifi cance of the city was consoli-

dated in 1000 by establishing – thanks to the

efforts of Boles aw the Brave – the bishopric,

one of the fi rst in Poland along with Kraków and

Ko obrzeg. The city, situated on the crossing of

the trade route from south to north and from

east to west, in the vicinity of a convenient pas-

sage across the Oder in the area of the present

Sand Island (Wyspa Piaskowa) and Ostrów

Tumski, later rapidly developed on the left river

bank. In the 14th century Wroc aw was, along

with Prague, one the biggest cities in central

Europe. The Slavic l anie tribe used to have

in this place a fortifi ed town. From the end of the

10th century Wroc aw, situated on the cross-

ing of the trade routes, at a convenient passage

across the Oder, belonged to the state of the fi rst

Polish ruler, Mieszko I. In 1335 Wroc aw, togeth-

er with Silesia, passed into the Czech reign, and

in 1526 fell into the Austrian Habsburgs’ hands.

After Austria lost the war with Prussia in 1741,

Wroc aw was for over 200 years under Prussian

and German reigns. At the end of WW2, 75%

of the the city, announced as a fortress, was de-

stroyed during the 2.5-month long siege by the

Red Army. From 6 May 1945 Wroc aw was once

again within Polish borders.


Page 15: Lower Silesia


Nine train lines run through Wroc aw. There are two

major train stations, Wroc aw G ówny and Wroc aw

Nadodrze, and more than 20 stations and stops. Wroc aw

G ówny train station has connections with all Polish cities

and towns: direct to Kraków (4 hours), Pozna (2 hours),

Warsaw (4.5 hours), Gdynia (8 hours), hours), Hamburg

(9 hours) and Berlin (6 hours). There is also a connection

from Wroc aw to the border at Görlitz (“Schmidt” and

“Kowalski” trains). Dworzec G ówny (central station) is lo-

cated at ul. Pi sudskiego, one of the most important streets

in the city; here there are several hotels, and nearly oppo-

site the train station is a youth hostel. Rear exits (tunnels)

lead to ul. Sucha, where the PKS Central Coach Station

can be found. On both sides of the station are taxi stands as

well as bus and tram stops. There are here start (and end)

stops of all night bus lines. The 19th century building of the

Central Train Station (Dworzec G ówny), reconstructed at

the beginning of the century, refers in its style to the English

castles; the station has a 200-metre hall and fi ve platforms.

In the station’s hall, apart from restaurants, bars and shops,

are also a bookshop, hairdresser, pharmacy and money ex-

change. Wroc aw Nadodrze Train Station in the north-east

part of the city, on Powsta ców Wielkopolskich Square,

deals mainly with local traffi c to Ole nica, Kluczbork and

Ostrów Wielkopolski. Here stop fast and express trains

from Warsaw, ód and Kielce.

Information on trains:

tel. 071 94 36, tel. 071 717 33 33

Ticket prices: tel. 071 717 11 57

Ticket booking by phone: tel. 071 717 17 27


The coach station is located at ul. Sucha 1-11, in the di-

rect vicinity of the Wroc aw G ówny train station. It is

possible to get to the coach station from the train sta-

tion tunnel connecting the platforms by crossing rel-

atively busy ul. Sucha. All long-distance coaches and

coaches to dozens of places near Wroc aw leave from

there. Here are also stops for international coaches (to

Western Europe).

PKS coach information:

www. rozklady.com.pl, www.rozklady.pl


Copernicus airport in Wroc aw has connections via

Warsaw, Frankfurt (Main) and Munich with all major air-

ports in the world. Wroc aw has currently 12 connec-

tions to Warsaw. The plane reaches Warsaw in less than

an hour. Most fl ights to Warsaw are operated by ATR and

Embraer aeroplanes. Wroc aw airport has regular and

direct international connections to: Frankfurt, Munich,

Dortmund, Dublin, Copenhagen, Brussels, Barcelona,

London and several other airports in the UK. The air-

Practical information


Page 16: Lower Silesia

port also operates numerous international charter air-

lines. Strachowice airport is situated about 12 km south-

west from the centre. City bus no. 406 runs from the air-

port to the centre via Wroc aw G ówny train station and

PKS coach station (about 25 min.). The bus runs every 30

minutes. Ticket (2 z ) can be bought at the newsagent.

www. airport.wroclaw.pl

LOT Polish Airline Offi ces are in the centre,

at ul. Marsza ka Pi sudskiego 36,

tel. 071 342 51 51, Wroc aw Airport,

ul. Skar y skiego 36, tel. 071 358 13 10


Trams in Wroc aw run 23 lines, buses 53 day lines and

13 night lines. A ticket currently costs 2 z . Tickets are

available at newsagents, retail units at the end stops, and

on days free of work also from the bus and tram drivers.

There are ticket machines at numerous stops. The tick-

et is valid on the whole length of the line, without time

limitation. Immediately after getting on the bus/tram the

ticket should be stamped in a special punch that either

stamps it or punches it. The ticket is valid only on the

bus/tram in which it was stamped. If you change the

bus/tram, a new ticket should be stamped. Bus lines are

marked with numbers starting from 100. Tickets with-

in the city borders also cost 2 z , and in the zone outside

the city 2.60 z . Buses with numbers above 300 run only

during rush hours. Buses marked with a number above

400 are fast buses that do not stop at every bus stop.

Buses marked with numbers above 600 and 900 (zone

buses) go outside the city. Fast bus lines are marked

with letters from A to N; tickets for these buses cost

2.80 z . Night buses are marked with numbers above

200 and tickets for these buses also cost 2.80 z . There

are timetables at the stops (many of them have their

own names), and also schematic routes of the public

transport. A ticket for one piece of luggage or an an-

imal costs 1 z .


Municipal Communication Enterprise (MPK) sells one-

day, fi ve-day and ten-day tickets that are valid for all nor-

mal lines (i.e. not for fast buses) within the city borders.

These tickets cost 9 z (one-day ticket), 23 z (fi ve-day

ticket) and 40 z (ten-day ticket). It is also possible to buy

a ticket that is valid for 30, 60 or 90 days. Tickets are avail-

able at newsagents, special ticket sale units or at ticket

machines at the stops.

www. wroclaw.pl, www.mpk.wroc.pl


Page 17: Lower Silesia


The best and cheapest way to order a taxi is by phone.

Drive to the client is free. There are over a dozen taxi

corporations in Wroc aw.

Taxi can of course be “caught” on the street; and in the vi-

cinity of stations, hotels, at the airport and on the streets

taxis wait for passengers at taxi stands that are marked

throughout Poland with a blue board with a white “taxi”

inscription on it.

Some telephone numbers

96 21, 96 22, 96 23, 96 27, 96 28,

96 61, 96 62, 96 63


Several roads run through Wroc aw, including interna-

tional roads. With the exception of the A4 (E40) motor-

way, running from the Polish western border and further

through Opole, Kraków to the eastern border, omitting

Wroc aw from the south, all other roads cross the city.

The Old Town in Wroc aw is surrounded by the Old

Town ring road that is also a part of the routes to Warsaw,

Kraków, Pozna and Zielona Góra. Fragments of the

downtown ring road running around the city from west

and south are open, too. Many roads and streets are be-

ing modernised, so driving through the city may some-

times be diffi cult and not always possible according to the

planned route. Reports of the local radio stations may be

useful, e.g. of the Wroc aw RAM radio – 89.8 FM.

Information on the situation on roads in Poland

– 071 334 73 03


During weekdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays

from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. there is a charge for parking on the

street in Wroc aw city centre. Most often parking tick-

et machines are used – devices in which the fee can be

paid in cash, with 0.05 to 5 z coins or by debit with an

electronic card. The machines do not return change.

Parking in forbidden places carries the risk of your car be-

ing clamped by the municipal police or removal of your

car to a special car park. The charges are severe.

There are several dozen guarded car parks in the city

centre; there are also multi-storey and underground

car parks.



at ul. Szewska (at the Old Town ring road)

in the Galeria Dominika ska shopping centre

(Pl. Dominika ski)


“Helios” cinema (ul. w. Antoniego)

“Sofi tel” hotel (ul. Rze nicza)

“Radisson” hotel (ul. Purkyniego)

“Art” hotel (ul. Kie ba nicza)


Page 18: Lower Silesia


at the Opera House

(ul. widnicka/ Modrzejewskiej)

ul. Ruska/Grabarska

at the “Wroc aw” hotel (ul. Powsta ców l skich)

ul. Zieli skiego (at the rail embankment)

ul. Pi sudskiego (opposite to NOT)


The Traffi c Department, ul. Hubska 29,

tel. 071 340 36 20


tel. 071 357 54 08

071 368 82 94

071 337 17 17

071 96 37

781 800 800

606 622 616

502 664 774


Post offi ces are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. There is

a 24h post offi ce in the Old Town, also open on Sundays,

at Rynek no. 28 (corner of ul. widnicka).


Area code for Wroc aw

– 071

To Wroc aw from abroad

– 00 48 71

Directory enquiries

– 118 913

Polish Telecommunications (TP)

city phone information – 94 91

(booking of tickets for concerts, timetables, booking

a table in a restaurant; also in English and German).


Page 19: Lower Silesia



Most banks in Wroc aw have offi ces in the city centre.

Banks and money exchange places are usually open on

weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bigger hotels also have

their own money exchange places which could be use-

ful e.g. on national holidays when other exchange offi ces

are closed. There are many cash points installed on the

streets, in department stores and in bank offi ces in the

city centre. They are also in all shopping centres.



Shops in our city are usually open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

General stores open at 7 a.m., and some even an hour

earlier. There are several shops that are open 24h and

on Sundays in the centre.

On Sundays large supermarkets are open: in the cen-

tre, Galeria Dominika ska, Pasa Grunwaldzki, Arkady

Wroc awskie; outside the city centre Tesco, Leclerc,

Carrefour, Magnolia Park, and large shopping centres

on the city outskirts (e.g. Bielany and Korona) – there

are special free buses running to them from the cen-

tre. Their stops can be found at the PKS Central Station

among other places.

Shopping centres and department stores

FENIKS, Rynek 31

PODWALE, ul. Podwale 37/38, ul. widnicka


EPI MARKET, Centrum Spo ywcze

(Grocery Centre), ul. Komandorska 21

CH BOREK – ul. Hallera 52

LECLERC – ul.Trzebnicka

TESCO – ul. D uga 37-47


– ul. Powsta ców l skich

PASA GRUNWALDZKI – Pl. Grunwaldzki

HALA TARGOWA (Market Hall),

ul. Piaskowa 15 (vegetables and fruit)

MAGNOLIA PARK – ul. Legnicka 58

Shopping centres on the city outskirts

CENTRUM KORONA – ul. Krzywoustego

(exit route to Warsaw)

CENTRUM BIELANY – ul. Czekoladowa

(direction of highway to Jelenia Góra)


The biggest Wroc aw daily paper is “Polska – Gazeta

Wroc awska”. News from Wroc aw is also carried by

the nationwide “Gazeta Wyborcza” with its Wroc aw



They are available in the centre, in big “EMPIK” chain

bookshops (in the Old Town Square and on Ko ciuszki

Square), at newsagents in supermarkets and in some big

newsagents called salon prasowy (press salon).


The public Radio Wroc aw broadcasts two programmes:

City programme on the frequency of 89.8 Mhz and

Regional on 102.3 Mhz. There are also in Wroc aw sev-

eral commercial radio stations.


There are two local television stations in Wroc aw. The

public Wroc aw television broadcasts its programme

in the afternoon and in the evening on the region-

al TVP 3 channel. The informational programme of

Wroc aw Television “Fakty”, bringing news about the

region, weather forecasts and current announcements,

is broadcast several times a day. The main emission of

“Fakty” is broadcast at 6 p.m. The second local TV sta-

tion, “Telewizja Dolno l ska”, is a commercial station.


Page 20: Lower Silesia


There are almost 60 hotels, three youth hostels and two

campsites in Wroc aw. Most of them are located in the

city centre; most are high standard hotels, but there are

also some inexpensive options. Several of them are lo-

cated near the highway and routes to Kudowa, Kraków

and Jelenia Góra, and also on the exit roads to Zielona

Góra, Pozna and Warsaw. Six hotels of different class

are in the direct neighbourhood of the Wroc aw G ówny

train station. There are no pensions in Wroc aw. Several

student hostels in student houses are open in summer.

Of the three youth hostels, one is located in the histor-

ical city centre, on S odowa Island (Malt Island), and the

second almost directly opposite the PKP Central Train

Station. A large campsite is on Mars Field (Pole Marsowe)

at the Olympic Stadium.

Information on hotels together with current pric-

es is issued every year by the Lower Silesian Tourist

Organisation (Dolno l ska Organizacja Turystyczna). It

is possible to get it for free in the Tourist Information

Centre or request it to be sent by post.

www.wroclaw.pl, www.wroclawinfo.pl


There are dozens of restaurants, bars and pubs in the

Old Town, including the most venerable and the oldest

beer-house in the city (in the Town Hall). Many restau-

rants offer international cuisine. In summer they vibrate

with life until late. Almost all of them have gardens – es-

pecially those in the Old Town Square are very popu-

lar – it is possible to observe there while drinking beer

crowds of Wroc aw inhabitants and tourists crossing the

Old Town Square, as well as mime and juggler shows,

and listen to street bands playing for the garden visitors,

although these are sometimes a little insistent (offer-

ings to the hat are expected). There are two venerable

and well known beer-houses in the Old Town Square:

“ widnicka Cellar”(“Piwnica widnicka”) and “Spi ”; the


Page 21: Lower Silesia

fi rst one has been known since the 14th century! The

Old Town is also a disco and music club centre; addresses

can be found in the “Aktivist” and “The Visitor” brochures

(available at the tourist information offi ce).

www.wroclaw.pl, www.wroclawinfo.pl


q There are 24h pharmacies in the city centre:

pl. Jana Paw a II 7a, tel. 071 343 67 24

ul. Pu askiego 49a, tel. 071 789 91 38

ul. Sienkiewicza 54/56, tel. 071 322 73 15

ul. Traugutta 105, tel. 071 341 34 50

q Ambulance Service: tel. 999

Walk-in clinic: ul. Traugutta 112,

tel. 071 348 28 15.

q Dental emergency:

at ul. Inowroc awska 2,

tel. 071 359 03 14

daily 7 p.m. - 8 a.m.,

Saturdays and Sundays 24h.

The list of hospitals providing emergency services and

the list of pharmacies open 24h are available in the

Wroc aw newspapers, in the city section.


Right in the centre is an underground toilet on, and ac-

tually under, Solny Square; the second – also under-

ground – toilet is at ul. Wita Stwosza, near to the Old

Town Square. Some toilets, like those at ul. Podwale,

near the court building or near to the Japanese Garden,

are located in historical, picturesque little buildings, built

especially for this purpose at the beginning of the 20th

century. In Ostrów Tumski, frequently visited by tour-

ists, toilets are placed 150 m to the right of the main en-

trance to the cathedral. To use the toilet you have to

pay, usually 1 z .


Page 22: Lower Silesia

BATHING PLACES Those listed below are among or on the edge of the

large park complexes.

q MOSiR Zachód

– ul. Wejherowska 2, on the edge of West Park (Park

Zachodni); pool complex, grass beach and a slide –

tel. 071 350 01 36.

q Glinianki,

ul. Kosmonautów, in the west part of the city; it con-

sists of two ponds and a green area, there is a water

equipment rental place and fi shing possibility; there is

also a campsite,

tel. 071 353 86 17.

q Morskie Oko – ul. Chopina 27, near to Szczytnicki

Park – tel. 071 348 63 94.

q K okoczyce – ul. K okoczycka 2,

tel. 071 325 45 14 – in Psie Pole quarter, north-east

part of the city.


q Zak ady K pielowe,

in the centre, at ul. Teatralna 10,

tel. 071 344 16 58

q Pool complex at the Olympic Stadium,

at al. Paderewskiego 35,

tel. 071 347 34 44, www.plywalnia.awf.pl

q AZS Club

– ul. Baudouina de Courtenay 16,

tel. 071 372 88 53

q Wroc aw Water Park

(Wroc awski Park Wodny),

ul. Borowska, at the foot of Wzgórze Andersa

Pools with heated water, sport and recreational pools,

summer beach, saunas, solaria, six slides, paddling pools

for children, pools with brine and fi tness studios, open 8

a.m.-10 p.m., www.parkwodny.wroc.pl

Sport and recreation


Page 23: Lower Silesia

WROC AW RACECOURSEq Wroc aw-Partynice

(near to the highway), ul. Zwyci ska 2,

tel. 071 339 83 64;

there is also a riding school.


q “Sportwerk” Hall

is situated in the west part of the city, at ul. Koza-

nowska 69, tel. 071 353 98 80; there is also a fi t-

ness club and other equipment.

q Sports hall at ul. Baudouina de Courtenay 16,

tel. 071 372 93 37; in a peaceful villa quarter, near

to the promenade on the Oder.

q The Olympic Stadium

Al. Paderewskiego 35,

tel. 071 348 30 49


ul. Gwarna 10, tel. 071 341 90 04,

ul. Lubi ska 53, tel. 071 354 81 85

ul. T czowa 60a, tel. 071 342 96 49,

ul. Lotnicza 72, tel. 071 351 42 37

ICE RINKSq “Orbita”, ul. Wejherowska 2,

tel. 071 356 35 36

q “Spiska”, ul. Spiska 1,

tel. 071 367 60 09

STADIUMSThe biggest stadium in Wroc aw,

q the Olympic Stadium,

is a huge sport complex with two stadiums, swimming

pools, tennis courts, a speedway track and regatta rac-

ing lane on the nearby Oder canal, al. Paderewskiego


Well known in Wroc aw,

q WKS “ l sk”

sport club has its own stadium

at ul. Oporowska 62,

tel. 071 365 31 29.

q “Polonia” sport club stadium,

ul. Na Niskich kach 8,

tel. 071 342 28 69.


Page 24: Lower Silesia

Wroc aw by nightTHEATRES

Teatr Polski (The Polish Theatre) is located in the city

centre, in a completely modernised building with mod-

ern technical equipment. The ambitious repertoire of

the theatre mainly features Polish and world classics.

q Scena Du a, ul. Zapolskiej 3, tel. 071 346 09 21.

q Scena Na wiebodzkim,

pl. Orl t Lwowskich 20c, tel. 071 316 07 79

(in the building of the former wiebodzki station).

q Scena Kameralna, ul. widnicka 28,

tel. 071 316 07 51, 071 316 07 00

q Teatr Wspó czesny,

ul. Rze nicza 12, tel. 071 358 89 10.

q Wroc awski Teatr Lalek (puppet theatre), pl. Te-

atralny 4, tel. 071344 76 77 – there are performan-

ces not only for children, but also for adult audiences.

q Teatr Komedia, pl. Teatralny 4 (Puppet Theatre

building), tel. 071 316 07 80.


q Helios ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21

(centre – Old Town), tel. 071 786 65 66,

complex of cinema rooms.

q Helios ul. Legnicka 58 (“Magnolia Park”

Shopping Centre), tel. 071 355 53 55.

q Cinema City, in Korona Shopping Centre

at ul. Krzywoustego 126 (exit road toward Warsaw),

nine cinema rooms, tel. 071 323 60 00.

q Multikino – Pasa Grunwaldzki

pl. Grunwaldzki 22, tel. 071 7333 44 10.

q Multikino – Arkady Wroc awskie

ul. Powsta ców l skich 2-4, tel. 071 722 39 10.


q Warszawa ul. Pi sudskiego 64,

tel. 071 792 43 83 (two rooms)

q Lwów al. Gen. Hallera 15, tel. 071 793 50 78

q Atom ul. Pi sudskiego 74, tel. 071 347 14 65,

q Lalka ul. Prusa 32, tel. 071 792 44 05.


q ul. widnicka 35, tel. 071 370 88 00,

located in a historical building from the 19th centu-

ry, in a former city theatre that has been recently tho-

roughly renovated. In recent years productions such

as “Nabucco”, “Aida”, “Troubadour” and “Fiddler on

the Roof” have won wide publicity.


ul. Pi sudskiego 72, tel. 071 789 04 31.


ul. Pi sudskiego 19, tel. 071 342 20 01

– in its repertoire are symphonic concerts, occasional

concerts and often recitals of domestic and foreign ar-



Page 25: Lower Silesia



This is recognised as the most beautiful interior in Wroc aw

– the ceremonial hall of the University where all University

events, academic year inaugurations of other Wroc aw

universities, academic symposiums, state events and also

chamber music concerts take place. Aula Leopoldina, fi n-

ished in 1732, carries the name of the Austrian emperor,

Leopold I, who brought into being in 1702 the fi rst high-

er school in Wroc aw, called Academia Leopoldina. The

Baroque interior is a work of eminent artists of that time.

In the part called the Podium, a monumental sculpture of

Emperor Leopold on the throne, with Wisdom and Thrift

allegories on the sides, and Dispute and Foolishness at his

feet, draws attention. Figures in the external circle of the

fresco above the auditorium, devoted to glorifi cation of

God’s Wisdom, symbolize liberated studies and arts.

Location: Old Town, in the main building of

Wroc aw University, pl. Uniwersytecki 1,

tel. 071 375 22 45, 071 375 26 18


Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays

10.30-15.30, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 11-17,

closed on Wednesdays and during events

and concerts taking place in the Aula.



A monumental 120 x 15 m painting that was created in

1894 in Lviv to celebrate the centenary of the battle near

Rac awice. It shows the victorious battle of Polish insur-

gents led by the national hero – Tadeusz Ko ciuszko –

with Russian troops near to the village of Rac awice near

Kraków in 1794. Since 1985 it has been presented in

Wroc aw in a specially constructed rotunda. The audi-

ence observes the painting from the podium in the cen-

tre of the Rotunda. There is an artifi cial ground, intensi-

fying the three-dimensional effect, between the podium

and the painting.

Location: on the periphery of the Old Town, The

Rotunda of the Panorama is surrounded with an old

park established in place of the covered city moat,

ul. Purkyniego 11, tel. 071 344 23 44

Shows every hour; spectators receive headphones with

comments in foreign languages on request. Admission fee

to the Panorama entitles the guest to visit the National

Museum (nearby building).



It was built in 1912 -1913 to commemorate the victory

over Napoleon in 1813, and it was called the Centennial

Hall. It was an extremely bold building for the times, the

Must-see sights in Wroc aw


Page 26: Lower Silesia

fi rst modernistic structure made from reinforced con-

crete. The cupola of the Hall has a diameter of 67 me-

tres and is 42 metres high. Its construction encompasses

32 ribbed, non-plastered beams tied with four horizontal

rings. 2400 windows provide natural lighting for the Hall.

Large cultural and sport events, shows and trade fairs take

place here. The Hall can hold 10 thousand people. The

building is situated on the exhibition grounds on the edge

of the biggest park in Wroc aw, Szczytnicki Park. In the vi-

cinity is the Four Domes Pavilion, also an exhibition build-

ing from 1912 -1913. The 96-metre spire standing outside

the Hall commemorates the Regained Land Exhibition in

1948. The Hall was inscribed on the UNESCO World

Heritage List in 2006.


in the north-east part of Wroc aw, in Szczytniki quar-

ter, ul. Wystawowa 1,

tel. 071 347 51 00, 071 347 51 02

open: daily 8-18



The Town Hall in Wroc aw is the only secular building in

Silesia from the Gothic era, with later Renaissance ele-

ments. The most magnifi cent is the east facade with the

terracotta gable with pinnacles and astronomical clock,

installed here in 1580, and the south facade that already

has Renaissance hallmarks. The 50-metre south facade,

with already clear Renaissance infl uences, is sumptuous-

ly decorated with stone sculptures and ornaments. In

the Gothic halls of the Town Hall cellar, called widnicka

Cellar, excellent beer famous throughout Europe, brewed

in nearby widnica, was drunk in the Middle Ages. Today

this beer can no longer be found here, but still a visit to

the widnicka Cellar (Piwnica widnicka) is almost ob-


Muzeum Sztuki Mieszcza skiej,

tel. 071 347 16 93, www.mmw.pl


The Old Town Square, one of the biggest in Europe (al-

most 4 hectares), was marked out in the 13th century,

when Wroc aw was incorporated. The outline of the Old

Town Square and the chessboard like street layout with

11 streets going out has been retained. The appearance

of the present tenement houses is fi rst of all the result of

reconstructions from the 19th and 20th century. In the

western frontage middle-class tenement houses from the

16th and 17th century have been retained. The oldest

house in the Old Town Square, no. 2, called “the Griffi n

House” (“Pod Gryfami”), was reconstructed at the end


Page 27: Lower Silesia

of the 16th century in the Netherlands Renaissance style;

its tall, wide gable is decorated with griffi ns, pelicans, ea-

gles and lions. The Old Town Square in Wroc aw is al-

ways vibrant with life, especially in the summer season;

the inhabitants of Wroc aw and tourists meet in more

than 80 neighbouring restaurants and clubs, and numer-

ous beer gardens that are open till the last guest leaves,

i.e. till dawn. It is always possible to come across street

bands, Sunday painters, musicians, mime artists, carriag-

es and cabmen. Here in the Old Town Square are many

large outdoor events: concerts with famous stage celeb-

rities, parties, parades and exhibitions, and in winter also

the New Year Eve party.



In the vicinity of the east frontage of the Old Town Square.

A three-aisle basilica, built in the 14th century, with two

towers, currently deprived of their spires, and connected

with the so-called Witches’ Bridge (ghosts of unruly wom-

en apparently appear on it at midnight). In the southern

wall a Romanesque sandstone portal from the 12th cen-

tury has been built. In the walls are numerous Renaissance

and Baroque epitaphs of Wroc aw’s townsmen.



On the north-west side of the Old Town Square. A

Gothic, three-aisle basilica from the 14th/15th century.

One of the biggest churches in Wroc aw. Currently a gar-

rison church. The tower, built in 1450 -1482, was 130 m

high and was the highest tower in Silesia; however, it col-

lapsed during the windstorm in 1529, although it caused

no damage (apart from a killed cat), which the pious in-

habitants recognised as a miracle and guessed that the an-

gels had supported the collapsing construction; a relief on

the eastern side of the tower tells the story.



It adjoins the Old Town Square on the south-east side. It

was established as an additional market square. Charming

tenement houses stand there, and in the middle an odd

obelisk of a spire shape and a fountain. Wroc aw’s fl ow-

er girls have their stalls under young linden. But in the

Middle Ages salt was traded here and hence the name of

the square (Salt Square).


The University building, a former Jesuit Academy, was

built in the 18th century. It is the biggest Baroque building

in Wroc aw. The façade on the side of the Oder is 171 me-

tres long. The University Tower, called Mathematical or

Astronomical, because astronomical observations were

once made there, is decorated with four statues, faculty

allegories: Law, Theology, Medicine and Philosophy. On

the tower is an observation deck. Here, on the 1st fl oor,

is the best preserved interior in Wroc aw, the Baroque

Aula Leopoldina.

pl. Uniwersytecki 1,

www. muzeum.uni.wroc.pl


Ostrów Tumski is the oldest part of the city. Until the

time of fi lling in of the branch of the Oder on the east side

in the 19th century, it was an island on the Oder. Here

there was a Slavic fortifi ed town already in the 7th centu-

ry. Ostrów is connected on the west side with another

Oder island, called Sand Island (Wyspa Piaskowa), with

the iron, open-work Tumski bridge bearing sandstone

statues of St. Jadwiga and St. John the Baptist on its abut-

ments. Picturesque promenades on the Oder run across

both islands. On the place of the former town stands the

15th-century St. Martin’s Church with relics of the former

castle chapel.


Page 28: Lower Silesia

Today Ostrów Tumski is a complex of sacral buildings

with St. John the Baptist’s Cathedral and the Holy Cross

Church in the foreground.


The construction of the present cathedral was initiated in

the 13th century; tower construction was completed in

the 16th century. The tower spires were destroyed sev-

eral times by fi res and wars, whereas the present spires,

according to the Gothic 15th century designs, date from

1991. The cathedral is surrounded by a crown of chap-

els, with the magnifi cent Gothic Mariacka’s Chapel and

Baroque St. Elisabeth’s and Electoral chapels on the east

side. On the north tower of the cathedral is a 60-metre

observation deck with lift access.


This is one of the most splendid Gothic churches in Silesia.

Construction started at the end of the 13th century. At

the front of the church is the 18th century statue of St.

John Nepomuk; reliefs on the socle show the history of

the saint.


It is on Sand Island (Wyspa Piaskowa), neighbouring

Ostrów Tumski. The church is based on the hall con-

struction, with a reconstructed starry vault in the nave. It

was built on the place of the former Romanesque basilica

from which the 12th century Romanesque tympanum in

the south wall has been retained. In the apse are intricate-

ly made stained glass windows (from 1966).


Wroc aw’s large parks took their names after cardinal

directions: South, West and East. However, the larg-

est park, situated in the north-eastern part of the city,

is called Szczytnicki (after the name Szczytniki, because

this part of the city has such a name). In the 19th centu-

ry an English style park was established here, with nu-

merous lanes, glades, ponds and streams. Today the ar-

ea of the park is more than 100 ha. 60 species of domes-

tic and foreign trees grow here. On the edge of the park,

at ul. Mickiewicza, is the so-called Japanese Garden, es-

tablished in 1913, with Japanese fl ora and garden archi-


In the south-west part of Szczytnicki Park,

near to the Centennial Hall, tel. 071 328 66 11,

071 328 66 12 or 0662 169 226. Open from April

to the end of October from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Historical and popular among the inhabitants of

Wroc aw, South Park, over a hundred years old, is

located in the Krzyki quarter. The landscape virtues

of the park are stressed by extensive glades, a large

pond with islands, an artifi cial hill, huge boulders and

interesting tree stands.

Botanical Garden (with palm house)

ul. Kanonia 12 on Ostrów Tumski, entrance also

from ul. Sienkiewicza 23, tel. 071 322 59 57.

The garden is open from April to October from 8

a.m. to 6 p.m. The palm house is open from 10 a.m.

to 5 p.m.


Page 29: Lower Silesia

Zoological Garden

At ul. Wróblewskiego 1,

tel. 071 348 30 25, 071 348 30 26,

near to the Centennial Hall. Opening hours

in summer 9-18, and in winter season to 5 p.m.


Wroc aw is located on the vast Wroc aw Plain. On sun-

ny days is possible to see the whole city, the l a Massif,

the Trzebnica Hills and even the Sudeten Mountains from

Wroc aw’s towers.


Observation deck at the height of 60 m. Access by lift.

Open, apart from church holidays, from Monday to

Saturday,10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Access by spiral stairs – 300 steps.

Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.

to 5 p.m., and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.



The University building, at Uniwersytecki Square.

Observation deck at the height of 41 m. Open daily, ex-

cept Wednesdays and holidays,10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.


Wroc aw is located on the Oder, the second longest riv-

er in Poland. Four main rivers fl ow into the Oder within

the city borders – O awa, Bystrzyca, Widawa and l za

– and also numerous streams. The Oder in Wroc aw

has many branches and canals that fl ow around quite

large islands: Piaskowa, S odowa, Mieszcza ska and

K pa Mieszcza ska. The Oder is a navigable river; there

are two river harbours in the city, also canoe harbours

and places where it is possible to moor sailing boats and

motorboats. At the University Bridge, in the city centre,

is a new marina, a harbour for tourist and sport boats.

Pleasure boats sail on the river in the summer season.

Right in the centre, in the area of the National Museum,

at the city moat exit to the Oder, in the so-called Gondola

Bay (Zatoka Gondol) is a boat and canoe harbour (rent-

ing possibility).


In the summer season, from May to the end of October,

if the weather permits, several pleasure boats sail on the

Oder, making cruises within the city borders.

The harbours are at the Zwierzyniecki bridge

near the Zoo, tel. 071 328 36 18

and 0502/ 411 078,

and at Dunikowski embankment (the Oder prome-

nade near to the Market Hall),

tel. 071 372 76 17 or 605 221 220.

On Sand Island is a harbour for small boats and mo-



Page 30: Lower Silesia


The Actors’ Song Festival is the biggest Polish festival de-

voted to sung poetry and music theatre.


– the All-Polish Student Song Festival.



The Festival, a contest of modern jazz bands, has tak-

en place since 1964. Some of the best Polish and for-

eign jazz performers take part; the contest is accompa-

nied by star concerts.


Wroc aw Non Stop means more than 100 cultural

events: concerts, happenings, theatre performances,

artistic and fi lm events.



Era New Horizons International Film Festival is a several-

day festival of ambitious cinema in Wroc aw.



Artists from the furthest corners of the world present

their traditional songs, music, rituals and ceremonies,

performing traditional dances and spectacles on sever-

al Wroc aw stages.



The beginnings of the Wratislavia Cantans Festival go

back to 1966. The Festival’s repertoire comprises: orato-

rios, cantatas, madrigals, motets, masses and songs from

different historical eras; great vocal-instrumental forms

from the religious music sphere are presented here. The

central theme of the Festival is the “sacred in music”, ap-

pearing in sacral music as well as in secular music.

Events In Wroc aw


Page 31: Lower Silesia



The Wroc aw Marathon is a big street running race of

42.195 km drawing competitors from many countries. It

was organised for the 26th time in 2007. The competi-

tors run on the designated route through the city streets

to the great applause of spectators. The start and fi nish

is on Wroc aw’s Old Town Square. The event for adult

participants is preceded one day before by: The Mini

Marathon – distance of 4219.5 m for 12 and over; and the

Children’s Runs at 500-1000 m for children in the follow-

ing age groups: 7-8 years, 9-10 years, 11-12 years).




The purpose of the Festival is to demonstrate the fact

that European cultural wealth was created by people

of different nationalities and different social and cultur-

al circles, thus becoming the heritage of the whole of

European society. Performances take place in diverse,

including non-theatre, spaces: a bus depot, a monastery

in Lubi , a prison in Wo ów, etc.


International Meetings of One Man Show in Wroc aw

“WROSTJA” is the annual theatre holiday in Wroc aw.

Famous artists of the Polish stage and also amateur actors

arrive in Wroc aw in these November days.



Ofensiva is currently one of the most interesting fi lm fes-

tivals in Poland, representing artistic cinema from around

the world. The most important part of the Festival is the

International Competition, which is an attempt to bring

together all the latest trends in fi lm art, in the fi eld of the

feature fi lm and documentary as well as in the fi eld of

video clips and animation. Ofensiva also means music

events, exhibitions, workshops, lectures and discussion

panels devoted to fi lm art.


Meetings with Sailing Songs and Folk Music The Sailing

Song Festival.


Wroc aw is an important centre of trade fair and exhi-

bition events in which domestic and foreign exhibitors

take part. Thousands of exhibitors and visitors visit the

city during these events. The events take place on the

over hundred year-old fairground on Great Island with

the Centennial Hall in the foreground.

The biggest events are:

q Building Trade Fair

q Real Estate Trade Fair

q Stone and Stone Machine Trade Fair

q Wedding Trade Fair



Page 32: Lower Silesia



pl. Powsta ców Warszawy 5,

tel. 071 372 51 50, www. mnwr.art.pl

Silesian art of the 19th-20th century,

Silesian stone sculpture of the 12th-14th

century, Polish and foreign graphics

of the 15th-18th century and modern art.


ul. Purkyniego 11, tel. 071 344 16 61,

www. mnwr.art.pl Monumental painting

(120x15m) showing the battle of Polish

insurgents with Russians in 1794.


– the City Museum of Art in the Town Hall,

Sukiennice 14/15, tel. 071 347 16 90,

www. mmw.pl


ul. Cieszy skiego 9, tel. 071 347 16 96

Excavation exhibits – history of Silesia


ul. Cieszy skiego 9, tel. 071 347 16 96

Firearms and cold steel of the Polish army


ul. Traugutta 111/112, tel. 071 342 12 67

Lower Silesian folk art


ul. Bernardy ska 5, tel. 071 344 82 78

The history of architecture in Lower Silesia



ul. Krasi skiego 1, tel. 071 346 95 82

The history of the Polish Post, philately


pl. Katedralny 16, tel. 071 327 11 78

Medieval sacred art, history of Silesia and Wroc aw


ul. Cybulskiego 30, tel. 071 375 92 06

Rocks and fossils


ul. Ku nicza 21/22, tel. 071 375 26 68

Precious stones, minerals and meteorites


ul. Sienkiewicza 21, tel. 071 322 50 44

Insects and humans, the world of plants and osseous

system of vertebrates


ul. l na 37/39, tel. 071 791 59 04

Museum of cemetery art


(University building), tel. 071 375 22 45

The most beautiful Baroque interiors in Wroc aw



ul. Wita Stwosza 32, tel. 071 790 25 82

– exhibitions and vernissages of Polish and foreign

artists, meetings with art creators


Page 33: Lower Silesia

TOURIST INFORMATIONThe Tourist Information Centre is in the south frontage of the Old Town Square

(several dozen metres away from the town Hall). Here it is possible to stock up on bro-chures, leafl ets, maps and plans. The Tour-ist Information Centre is open daily 9 a.m.-9 p.m. in the summer season and 9 a.m.-8

p.m. in the winter season.


Rynek 14, 50-101 Wroc aw, tel. 071 344 31 11, fax 071 344 29 62

e-mail: [email protected], www.itwroclaw.pl


INFORMATION Sukiennice 12, Wroc aw 50-107

tel. 071 342 01 85, fax 071 342 28 98e-mail: [email protected]


CULTURAL INFORMATIONThe Culture and Art Centre (O rodek Kul-

tury i Sztuki), Rynek-Ratusz 24, tel. 071 342 22 91

Information on cultural events, concerts and theatre and opera performances.Open Mon.- Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.,

Sat. 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.www.dcik.pl


ul. Kie ba nicza 5, tel. 071 372 34 58


ul. widnicka 2-4, tel. 071 790 11 93

– applied art, glass and wood


pl. Ko ciuszki 9, tel. 071 344 43 30

– zither collection, photos of old Wroc aw

and occasional exhibitions



pl. Biskupa Nankiera 8, tel. 071 344 78 40

– photo exhibitions


ul. widnicka 48a, tel. 071 372 44 96 – painting



Stare Jatki 19/24, tel. 071 344 38 78



ul. Ku nicza 29a, tel. 071 372 35 71

– painting, graphics and photography


ul. Rze nicza 4, tel. 071 344 46 34

– multimedia and metaphysics


Rynek 58, tel. 071 344 40 01 – painting, sculp-

ture, graphics, book plates and book presentations

www.wroclaw.pl TOU






































Page 34: Lower Silesia

Numerous castles, fortresses and palaces have remained

in Lower Silesia. Each such building has its own myste-

rious secret, and those who try to wrest it from them.

This was so, for instance, with Bolków Castle, where ex-

plorers asserted that a famous amber chamber was hid-

den. Such stories connected with castles, which in Lower

Silesia are usually associated with the Piasts, i.e. with the

beginnings of Polish statehood, are countless. Some of

the castles were burnt to a cinder by the wars and inva-

sions of annoyed townsmen who decided to drive out

the robber-knights living in them. But there were also

castles that were never captured and instead were de-

stroyed by lightning, and those that ceased to fulfi l their

defensive functions and fell into neglect. Some of them

were recalled in time by their titled owners and then they

experienced a renaissance.


The biggest castle in Silesia – Ksi – was built in the 13th

century. The castle has a picturesque location, among

the hills of the Wa brzych Upland constituting the areas

of the Ksi Landscape Park. The castle is a conglomer-

ation of different styles in architecture; it was repeatedly

rebuilt over the centuries. The most splendid interior in

the castle is the 18th-century old Maximilian Hall. The

castle is surrounded by splendid terraces that started to

be arranged in the 17th century. On the Water Terrace

27 fountains spout.

q Access: road no. 35 (approx. 70 km) south from

Wroc aw, on the north outskirts of Wa brzych.

There is a train connection to Wa brzych (Wa brzych

Miasto station) and a coach connection. The town

bus no. 8 goes from the city centre to the castle.

Ksi Castle, ul. Piastów l. 1, Wa brzych,

tel. 074 664 38 78, 664 38 27,

www. ksiaz.walbrzych.pl


The castle burnt down in 1675 when struck by lightning

and since then it has been a ruin. The rocky hill it stands

on is visited by masses of tourists who are attracted by

the picturesque castle ruins. From the tower is a beauti-

ful view over the area. A popular tourist refuge, existing

from the 19th century, and a small museum is located in

the northern tower. Every year in autumn “Chojnik Gold

Bolt” knight tournaments are organised in the castle.

Access: From the southern outskirts of Jelenia Góra,

access also by road no. 366, and next by the tourist


q Sightseeing: tel. of the PTTK refuge in the castle:

075 755 35 35


The Renaissance castle in Zagórze l skie rises atop a

450-metre high hill. It was built by the dukes of widnica

in the 13th century. In the 15th century the robber-

Lower Silesian castles and palaces


Page 35: Lower Silesia

knights had their hiding place in it. The present appear-

ance of the castle is the result of the 16th century re-

construction. The gateway to the castle is decorated by

two lions leaning on two back paws, made in the sgraf-

fi to technique.

q Access: road no. 35 from Wroc aw to widnica

and next the local road to Jedlina Zdrój. Sightseeing:

Zagórze l skie, 074 845 33 60


On the Kaczawa Upland (Pogórze Kaczawskie); it rises

up on the basaltic hill with the same name and is visible

from a long distance. Its beginnings date back to the 12th

century. The Duke of Legnica – Frederick – reconstruct-

ed the castle into a Gothic fortress in the 15th century. It

was easy to watch out for approaching enemies because

there is an extensive view from the castle.

q Access: from Z otoryja by road no. 363

to Zagrodno, and next the local road to the castle.

q Sightseeing:

tel. 076 877 44 52


It was built in the 12th century by Bolko I, the duke of

Jawor, in order to protect the trade route to the Czech

lands and to Jelenia Góra. Later it was extended by the

dukes of widnica. It was one of the biggest castles in

Silesia. The younger, Renaissance part from the 16th

century has a rarely seen wedge-shaped tower. Annual

knight tournaments and archery competitions take place

in the castle in summer. An impressive panorama of the

surroundings, with the neighbouring Piasts’ winy Castle

visible from the north side, stretches out from the cas-

tle tower.

q Access: from Wroc aw by the A4 highway, and

next the exit onto road no. 5.

q Sightseeing: Bolków Castle Museum

tel. 075 741 32 9,



It is located near to Wroc aw, on the edge of the pine for-

est, in a park with an old forest stand. Running through

the forest to the castle is a tourist trail from Wroc aw. The

small brick castle surrounded by a moat resembles mag-

ical theatre scenery. Its beginnings reach back to the 16th

century; it belonged at that time to well-known Wroc aw

patricians and was built as a summer residence, so it lacks

defensive towers and high walls. Today in the castle is a

small hotel and restaurant.

q Access: road no. 94 from Wroc aw and exit

to the local road to Mrozów and Mi kinia.

q Sightseeing: There is a hotel and restaurant in

the castle, which means no time limitations. The

Castle and Park Complex, Creative Work House


tel./fax: 071 317 07 26,



Page 36: Lower Silesia


A mighty, red brick castle that is visible from a long dis-

tance. This Neogothic castle was built in the fi rst half

of the 19th century at the wish of Marianna Ora ska,

the Dutch princess and the wife of one of the sons of

the Prussian king. It was designed by the famous Berlin

architect K. Schinkl. The castle has four characteristic

towers of 49 m height and a beautiful arcaded inter-

nal courtyard.

q Access: from Wroc aw by road no. 8,

and next road no. 382,



It stands on the site of the old duke’s fort; rebuilt in the

Renaissance style in the 16th century, with a spacious

arcade courtyard. Today there is among other things

a hotel there.

q Access: from Wroc aw by road no. 8 (30 km)


Its beginnings date from the 12th century. Through

the ages it was ruled by the Piasts, Czechs, Saxons and

Germans. It is picturesquely located on a high headland

in the Kwisa River bend, at the foot of Lesnia skie Lake,

which is a dam lake. There are numerous events and leg-

ends connected with the castle.

q Access: near to Le na near Luba ,

road no. 393 from Luba .

q Sightseeing: Czocha Castle

tel.: 075 721 15 53, 075 721 11 85,



In the area of Jelenia Góra an unusual cultural com-

plex has survived; in the close vicinity is a row of palac-

es with an unusual history. Work is underway toward

the opening of a Cultural Park in this area. The present

primary school in Mys akowice is a former residence of

the Hohenzollerns. After the Hohenzollerns had cho-

sen Mys akowice to be their summer residence, numer-

ous aristocratic families started to settle in the area. The

palaces were built, among other places, in: omnica,

Wojanów, Wojanów-Bobrów, Karpniki, Bukowiec and

Staniszów. The mighty drew here the best architects,

such as Karl Friedrich Schinkl.

q Sightseeing: The historical exhibition in the pal-

ace in omnica shows the history of the residences

in the area of Jelenia Góra.

Contact: omnica Palace

ul. Karpnicka 3, omnica,

tel. 075 713 04 60

q Access: to omnica from Jelenia Góra:

road no. 367.


Page 37: Lower Silesia

The Cistercian order was established in France in

Cîteaux (Latin Cistercium, nowadays Saint-Nicolas-

les-Cîteaux) in Burgundy at the end of the 11th centu-

ry. During the time of Abbot Bernard, the future saint,

Cistercian ideas spread through the whole of Catholic

Europe; almost 350 monasteries came into being at that

time. The Cistercians marked their presence in 40 plac-

es in Poland. The Lower Silesian Cistercian Route goes

through former Cistercian abbeys in Lubi , Trzebnica,

Henryków, Kamieniec Z bkowicki and Krzeszów. The

Cistercian Route is a part of the European Cistercian

Route. The Route also includes Cistercian objects

in Bardo, Bolków, Legnica and other places in Lower



Lubi is located about 50 km north-west of Wroc aw.

Here the Cistercians appeared for the fi rst time on Polish

land in the 13th century, being invited by the Silesian

ruler, Duke Boles aw the Tall. The abbey owes its

present appearance to reconstructions from the 17th

and 18th century. The abbey, located on a small eleva-

tion on the Oder, draws attention from a distance by

its mighty fi gure; it can be counted among the largest

monastic complexes in this part of Europe. At that time

a new monumental monastery complex with dimensions

of 118 x 223 m was built. rom over 300 rooms, the

Duke’s Hall, Abbot’s Dining Room, Library and Monastic

Summer Refectory distinguish themselves with their

Baroque splendour.



q Access to Lubi from Wroc aw (approx. 50 km)

road no. 94 direction roda l ska and Zielona Góra

(the turn-off from this route to Lubi is marked;

road no. 338), tel. 071 389 71 66.

q Sightseeing:

daily: from 1 April to 30 September 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.,

from 1 October to 31 March 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Henryków is a village in the Zi bice commune in the

Z bkowice district, about 60 km south of Wroc aw.

The monastic church was renovated in Baroque style

at the end of the 17th century and has remained in an

intact state. Magnifi cent stalls of the Henryków church,

the work of unknown masters, were in the making

for 150 years and represent the highest artistic skill. In

St. Magdalene’s Chapel is the Mausoleum of the Piasts of

Zi bice; the Gothic gravestones of the Duke of Zi bice

– Bolko I (died 1341) – and his wife Jutta (died 1342) are

Cistercian abbeys and Marian shrines


Page 38: Lower Silesia

one of the oldest double gravestones in Poland. In

1268-73 the local abbot, Piotr, maintained the monas-

tic chronicle, Liber Fundations Claustri Sanctae Maria

Virginis in Heinrichow. In this book for the fi rst time a

sentence in the Polish language was written down, as

follows: “day ut ia pobrusza a ti poziwai” (let me grind

and you rest). The monk wrote down the words which

a peasant from among the monastic servants was sup-

posed to have said to his wife. The Book of Henryków

(Ksi ga Henrykowska) is currently in the Library of the

Archdiocesan Museum in Wroc aw.

q Access from Wroc aw road no. 395

q Sightseeing: Post-Cistercian Monastery,

pl. Cystersów 1 tel. 074 810 51 35 May, June and

September – on Saturdays 12 a.m. - 2 p.m.; on Sun-

days 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. On other days only in

groups after previous booking of the group. July and

August – daily 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. or at dif-

ferent hours for organised groups. Sightseeing takes

place only with a local guide due to the enclosure.



Kamieniec Z bkowicki is a big village in the Z bkowice

district, located 70 km south of Wroc aw. The post-

Cistercian church in Kamieniec is nowadays the parish

church of St. Mary and Jacob the Great. The church was

reconstructed in the Baroque style in about 1700.

q Access from Wroc aw road no. 8, and then road

no. 382.

q Sightseeing: St. Mary’s Church (post-monastic)

and Remembrance Chamber in Kamieniec, Gminne

Centrum Informacji tel.074 817 44 04

Summer season, Tues – Sun 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. ,

Mondays (by phone) Winter season

– after phone agreement.



Masses of pilgrims have been arriving for centuries in

the Cistercian Church of the Visitation of Our Lady in

Bardo, a little town at the gate of the K odzko Region, to

the St. Mary of Bardo statuette that is famous for mira-

cles. The St. Mary of Bardo statuette probably dates from

the 12th century and is the oldest Romanesque sculp-

ture in Silesia. Measuring only 43 cm, the polychromed

statuette was made from linden wood and is placed in

the high altar in a glazed cabinet.

q Access from Wroc aw and K odzko road no. 8.

q Sightseeing: The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bar-

do, tel. 074 817 14 21 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. except

during services.


Page 39: Lower Silesia


Krzeszów is picturesquely situated in the Central Sudeten

Mountains, in the Kamienna Góra Valley. The village is

surrounded by mountains and fi elds. The cupolas of

the monastic church in Krzeszów are visible from afar.

The Cistercian Abbey Complex in Krzeszów is counted

among the most eminent buildings of Baroque architec-

ture in Europe. The monastic church that exists till today

and whose construction was started in 1728 represents

the Baroque style in its exuberant form. Magnifi cent fres-

cos of St. Joseph’s Church are the work of an excel-

lent painter of the Cistercian order, Michael Willmann,

who painted on the side walls and on the vaults a cycle

of 50 frescos, showing the history of St. Joseph and the

Holy Family. The frescos on the side walls depict the

“Anxieties” and “Joys” of St. Joseph.

Krzeszów is situated in the Kamienna Góra district,

6 km south from the route Wa brzych – Kamienna

Góra – Jelenia Góra (road no. 367), bus connections

with Kamienna Góra.

q Sightseeing: Sanctuary in Krzeszów

Monastic Complex in Krzeszów, the Pilgrim Service

Centre: tel. 075 742 32 79, open 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., in

winter season 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Trzebnica is located 25 km north of Wroc aw, in a hol-

low among the picturesque Trzebnica Hills; some of the

hills in the area of the town are overgrown with beech

woods. The Silesian ruler – Duke Henry I the Bearded

– founded at the request of his Bavarian wife, Hedwig,

the future saint, the fi rst convent in Silesia in 1202. Since

1267, when the Silesian duchess was announced a saint,

her grave in the monastic church in Trzebnica has been

the goal of pilgrims from Silesia, Czech, Germany and

Poland. The Romanesque church was frequently recon-

structed. In the 18th century it received Baroque deco-

ration. The most eminent sculptors and painters in those

days in Silesia were employed.

St Hedwig’s Sanctuary in Trzebnica, ul. Jana Paw a II,

pilgrimage declarations tel. 071 312 11 18

q Access from Wroc aw to Trzebnica (25 km) road

no. 5, toward Pozna . Bus and microbus connections

(bus stops at the Wroc aw-Nadodrze train station).

q Sightseeing: The Basilica - Mon-Sat 8 a.m.

– 6 p.m. except for service times, Sun 2 p.m.-5.30

p.m., tel. 071 388 78 44 (the Salvatorian priests).


Wambierzyce is a small village at the foot of the Table

Mountains with buildings reminiscent of a town. It has

been a pilgrimage destination since the Middle Ages.

In the altar in the chancel is the greatest sanctity of

Wambierzyce, a small, merely 28-centimetre statue of

Our Lady of Wambierzyce, also called the Queen of

Families of Wambierzyce. The statue is dated from the

turn of the 12th and 13th century. In the 18th century

the then village owners reconstructed it following the

example of Jerusalem. The neighbouring hills have the

biblical names of Zion, Calvary and Tabor, which is why

Wambierzyce is called “the Silesian Jerusalem”. It is also


Page 40: Lower Silesia

possible to see the movable crib in Wambierzyce.

Wambierzyce is situated in the K odzko Region

at the foot of the Table Mountains.

q Access to Wambierzyce from K odzko

road no. 386 (20 km) and from Polanica

road no. 388.

q Sightseeing: The Sanctuary of Our Lady

of Wambierzyce the Queen of Families

in WambierzyceWambierzyce,

Plac N.M.P 11, tel. 074 871 91 95,



Our Lady of the Snow shrine is in the area of

Mi dzygórze in the nie nik Massif below the

peak of Mt. Igliczna (847 m a.s.l.). It is one of the

most frequently visited Marian shrines in Lower

Silesia. The miraculous statue of Madonna,

about 30 cm high, carved in linden wood, is

situated in the Neobaroque high altar of the


q Access to Mi dzygórze in the nie nik

Massif by road no. 33 from K odzko, and

then from Bystrzyca road no. 392, bus con-

nections from K odzko.

Walk to the Our Lady of the Snow shrine on

Mt. Igliczna from Wilczki Waterfall on the

red route.


PTTK Tourist Offi ce in Mi dzygórze,

ul. Sanatoryjna 1, tel. 074 813 51 95

q Sightseeing:

Our Lady the Cause of Our Joy shrine

on Mt. Igliczna, near to Mi dzygórze

tel. 074 813 51 75, tel. 074 813 50 75,



Page 41: Lower Silesia

Caves, former mines, tunnels and caverns – there are

many places like that in Lower Silesia. Some of them

have been cleared and lighting has been installed – they

can be visited with a guide. In others a torch is required;

your heart is in your mouth when you enter the dark

gulf. It is a paradise for explorers because still little is

known about such places as the Nazi underground tun-

nels in the Owl Mountains, even though today they are

open to visitors.



The tourist can visit the 80-metre long gallery that was

bored under Ksi Castle on the order of the Nazis

by the prisoners of the Gross Rosen Nazi camp near

Strzegom. The underground tunnels have two levels

that we know about, although there may be more of

them. The concrete which was built around the rock is

about 0.5 m thick.

q Location: approx. 70 km south of Wroc aw, on

the northern outskirts of Wa brzych.

q Access from Wroc aw road no. 35.

Train connection to Wa brzych (Wa brzych

Miasto station) and bus connection.

City bus no. 8 runs from the town centre

to the castle.

q Sightseeing: Ksi Castle,

ul. Piastów l. 1, Wa brzych,

tel. 0 74 664 38 78, 664 38 50,

www. ksiaz.walbrzych.pl




Tunnels in the area of Osówka and G uszyca in the Owl

Mountains were started to be bored in 1943. This sys-

tem of huge halls and corridors was probably intended

to be an underground factory of Hitler’s secret weap-

on. The prisoners of the Gross Rosen concentration

camp were used to do the work. 1700 m of under-

ground corridors and halls are today open to visitors.

The above ground part of the complex constitutes con-

crete rooms of unresearched purpose. In the moun-

tainsides in the area of nearby Walim, a huge complex

of underground tunnels and corridors, known under the

cryptonym “Riese” (Giant), was built at the end of the

war. Its military and strategic function does not raise any

doubts: underground industrial and experimental plants

as well as the Wehrmacht’s commanding positions were

probably intended to be installed here. In the “Rzeczka”

(Small River) complex three mysterious tunnels, situat-

ed several dozen metres away from one another, lead

Lower Silesian underground tunnels and fortifi cations


Page 42: Lower Silesia

to the underground centre. Among the chambers, some

of them are 110 m long and 12 m high. In the under-

ground tunnels are presented exhibitions concerning

among other things Hitler’s headquarters and the un-

derground munitions industry of the Third Reich.

q Location:

Osówka Complex is within G uszyca administrative

borders, in the Wa brzych district, on the Wa brzych

- Nowa Ruda - K odzko route (road no. 381).

G uszyca, ul. Grunwaldzka 20,

tel./fax 074 845 62 20, www.osowka.pl

Organisation of events for groups; treasure hunting

in the underground tunnels, boat trip and a meeting

with the tunnel ranger.

q Access road no. 381 from Wa brzych (20 km) or

K odzko (40 km), ul. Grunwaldzka 20,

tel. 074 845 62 20, www.osowka.pl

Open: April-Sept, daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.,

Oct-March daily 10 a.m. – 4 p.m


Underground tunnels and halls of the Nazi munitions

factory cut into the rock.

q Access from Wa brzych road no. 381

and next 383 in the direction of Dzier oniów

ul. 3 Maja 26,

tel. 074 845 73 00, open daily 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.,

Sat –Sun till 5 p.m., in the summer season till 8 p.m.

The Walim Tunnels are in the Wa brzych district,

in the Owl Mountains, in the outskirts of Wal-

im, on the route Walim – Nowa Ruda, 18 km from

Wa brzych, 16 km from Nowa Ruda via Sokolec.

The Museum of the Walim Tunnels

ul. 3 Maja 26, Walim,

tel./fax 074 845 73 00,


q Sightseeing: only with a guide, approximate-

ly every 30 minutes. The route length is 750 m, the

time of the underground stay is 1 hour. Tempera-

ture in the underground tunnels is approximately

8°C. The underground tunnels are accessible for dis-

abled people.


Part of the route is covered by the original mining railway.

The route – length approximately 700 metres – runs in

the underground workings; it is possible to see technical

equipment and other mining equipment that used to be

used or are still used in coal mines.

q Sightseeing:

The Underground Tourist Route.

q Access in vicinity of road no. 381 from Wa brzych

to K odzko, sightseeing comprises approximately 700

m of corridors – ride on the railway trolleys. Visitors

are equipped with helmets and mining lamps.

ul. Obozowa 4, tel. 074 872 79 11



Page 43: Lower Silesia


The fi rst mentions of gold being mined in Z oty Stok in

the Golden Mountains (Góry Z ote) date from the 13th

century. From 1510 the mint struck here gold ducats.

The deposits were largely exhausted in the 19th cen-

tury, yet in 1962 thirty kilograms of gold were mined

here for the last time. The Underground Museum of

Gold Mining and Metallurgy was opened in the former

mine a few years ago. Currently accessible are two

of the old mining drifts. In the “Czarna” (Black) drift

the underground route leads along the 16th-century

hand-cut galleries. Here is also an underground wa-

terfall, approximately 8 metres high. In the “Gertruda”

drift it is possible to see old mining tools, melting pots

for gold casting, a rock and mineral collection and a

unique collection of geological maps from which we

can fi nd out how gold was exploited on mining fi elds

with charming names: “Z oty Osio ” (Golden Donkey),

“Bogate Pocieszenie” (Wealthy Consolation” and

“Wniebowzi cie” (Assumption).

The galleries of the oldest, 14th-century “Ksi ca” drift

stretch to a length of over 500 m.

q Location:

Z oty Stok is located on the edge of the Sudeten

mountains, at the foot of the Golden Mountains.

q Access by road no. 46 from K odzko or Nysa

and road no. 282 from Z bkowice l skie,

and then road no. 390 from Kamieniec Z bkowicki

or L dek Zdrój.

q Sightseeing:

of the “Czarna” and “Gertruda” drifts only with

a guide; sightseeing of each drift lasts approximately

40 minutes. Gold panning and coin striking shows are

organised in the museum.

Bookings: “Aurum” Tourist Services,

Z oty Stok, ul. Z ota 7,

tel. 074 817 55 08, www.kopalniazlota.pl


The drift in Kowary near Jelenia Góra, where uranium

was mined, was taken over by private persons. There

is a tourist route there, very popular in summer. There

is also an underground radon inhalatorium, health spa,

hotel and restaurant. The drift livened up the sleepy lit-

tle town that can see now in tourism its chance for de-

velopment. The Kowary uranium was mined in Kowary

and other places in the Sudeten Mountains for the needs

of the USRR. There is only the drift left after the mine in

Kowary that was used as an inhalation chamber. Today

there is again a radon drift there, and next to it a hotel

with restaurant, and the drift is open to visitors.

q Access from Jelenia Góra or Kamienna Góra road

no. 367. The Underground Tourist Route – “Sztolnie

Kowary”(The Kowary Drift).

Information and booking: cash-desk

tel. 075 752 84 56.


This is radioactive water; it fl ows out from micro-cracks in the drift of the

former uranium mine in Kowary and is a supplement of the treatment in the

only underground inhalatorium in Poland.

Radon water causes an increase in sex hormone level and improves vitality

and frame of mind.

Due to the short half life of radon that lasts only four days, the water should be

drunk within 24 hours of fl owing out of the spring.


Page 44: Lower Silesia


The Kowary uranium plants that worked under the R-

1 cryptonym led after the Second World War the out-

put in many places in the Sudeten Mountains, including

in Kletno in 1948-1953. An estimated 20 tonnes of urani-

um ore were mined here. The section that was opened

to tourists in 2002 is drift no. 18.

q Access to Kletno near Stronie l skie in the

K odzko Valley by road no. 33 from K odzko,

and then road no. 392 via L dek Zdrój

or Bystrzyca K odzka.

q Sightseeing: The Underground Tourist-Educa-

tional Route in the Old Uranium Mine in Kletno.

Information and booking

– mobile phone 0601 889 243

in the hours 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.


One of the biggest and best preserved examples of mil-

itary architecture in Poland. The fortress is situated on

the mountain pass – Prze cz Srebrna – that separates

the Bardo Mountains (Góry Bardzkie) and the Owl

Mountains (Góry Sowie). It was built at the Prussian

king’s – Frederick II – command as a border fortress. It is a

complex of six fortifi cations. Overlooking its surround-

ings, located at a height of 685 m above sea level, the

“Donjon” fort is the biggest fortifi ed building in Europe.

The fortress was never captured. Later on it became

a prison. During World War 2 in one of the forts was

a prisoner of war camp for Polish offi cers.

q Access from Wroc aw road no. 8 to Z bkowice

l skie, and then road no. 385 towards Nowa Ruda.

The Fort Culture Pak, Donjon Fort

tel. 074 818 00 99, access to the fort: from the car

park at road no. 385 (ul. Górne Miasto) along

ul. Kr ta, open: Nov-Feb, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.

(without guide), Feb-Oct,.9 a.m.- 6 p.m.



The fortress on Castle Hill in K odzko is a large fortress

from the 18th century, with a bastion and dungeon sys-

tem, ramparts and dry moats. An extensive system of

underground storerooms and evacuation routes was

built here. It was besieged 11 times in its history. It was

turned into a prison and barracks in the 1870s. A pris-

oner of war camp was there during the last war. Part of

the place is open for sightseeing.

q Access from Wroc aw road no. 8. The fortress is

visible from a distance; it is located in the cente

of K odzko Old Town. K odzko Fortress,

ul. Grodzisko 1, 57-300 K odzko,

tel. 074 867 34 68,

www.dawne k odzko.pl

Open daily from 1 April to 31 October

9 a.m. – 6 p.m. from 1 November to 31 March

9 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Page 45: Lower Silesia





In dungeons under the old houses in K odzko beer from

the local breweries matured. The cellars were excavated

from the 13th to the 17th century. A 600-metre section of

reinforced underground tunnels is open to tourists.

q Sightseeing: ul. Zawiszy Czarnego (entrance),

tel. 074 867 30 48.



The Museum is situated within the area of the former

“Julia” coal mine that was established in the 18th cen-

tury and then modernised. Part of the elements, e.g.

of the pithead, date from the 19th century. The core

of the museum complex is the steel towers of the “Julia”

and “Sobótka” pit shafts that were built at the turn of the

19th and 20th century.

q Sightseeing: The Branch of the Museum

of Industry and Technology, ul. Wysockiego 28

tel. 074 664 60 33, 074 664 60 34.


Page 46: Lower Silesia

Most health resorts are situated in the green region of

Lower Silesia, in the K odzko Region: in Kudowa Zdrój,

Duszniki Zdrój, Polanica Zdrój and L dek Zdrój. In the

Izera Mountains in the western Sudeten Mountains are

wieradów Zdrój and Czerniawa Zdrój health resorts,

and within Jelenia Góra’s borders is the health resort of

Cieplice Zdrój, with thermal springs, as the name indi-

cates. At the foot of the Karkonosze in Kowary a com-

plex of sanatoriums treating lung diseases was estab-

lished, and in the closed drift of the uranium mine op-

erates the radon inhalatorium. The smallest of the Polish

health resorts is in Przerzeczyn Zdrój in the Sudeten


The Lower Silesian health resorts are also very popu-

lar and frequently visited tourist centres that attract with

their climate and landscapes, as well as a multitude of

tourist routes and monuments.

q Access to health resorts in the K odzko Region:

road no. 8 from Wroc aw, from the Czech Republic

roads no. E 67 (8) from Nachod and no. 33

from Dolni Lipka.


Kudowa Zdrój at the foot of the Table Mountains is

one of the biggest and oldest health resorts in the

Sudeten Mountains. In the spa park (Park Zdrojowy),

in which most springs of medicinal waters are, an

indoor walking hall with a pump room is situated,

called “Teatr Pod Blach ” (the Theatre under Sheet

Metal), because also theatre performances and con-

certs of the famous Moniuszko Festivals organised in

Kudowa since the beginning of the 1960s take place

there. In the health resort are natural medicine in-

stitutions, spa hospitals and holiday-therapeutic cen-

tres. Kudowa also has numerous holiday centres, ho-

tels and pensions. Kudowa waters are highly carbon-

ated natural mineral waters (szczawy) that contain bi-

ologically active iron. Numerous diseases are treat-

ed in Kudowa Zdrój, including cardiological diseas-

es, anaemia, diseases of the musculoskeletal system

and obesity. Apart from mineral waters, the climate

of the health resort has a signifi cant infl uence on the

results of the treatment.



Zespó Uzdrowisk K odzkich S.A.

tel. 074 868 04 00,

www. zuk-sa.pl


The health resort is situated in the picturesque

Bystrzyca Dusznicka Valley, at the height of 550 – 600

m above sea level, surrounded by mountain slopes

overgrown with forests. The young Frederic Chopin,

together with his mother and sisters, stayed for treat-

ment in Duszniki in 1826. The pianist gave two con-

Lower Silesian health resorts


Page 47: Lower Silesia

certs for charity. Every year in the Spa Theatre (Teatr

Zdrojowy), in which Chopin performed once, the

International Chopin Festival – a world class event –

takes place. Above all patients with gastric problems

and airway or heart diseases come to Duszniki’s wa-

ters. There are natural medicine institutions, spa clin-

ics, the Osteoporosis and Mammography Centre, san-

atoriums and the walking hall with the pump room in


www. duszniki.pl


Zespó Uzdrowisk K odzkich S.A.

ul. Zielona 23,

tel. 074 866 78 00



The health resort is situated in the wide Bystrzyca Valley,

in the north part of the K odzko Valley, at the foot of the

wooded Bystrzyca Mountains and Table Mountains.

The local waters are used to produce the widely known

and popular “Staropolanka”, “Staropolanka 2000”

and “Staropolanka Zdrój” mineral water and “Wielka

Pieniawa” medicinal water. Very famous and recognised

is the local hospital of plastic surgery as well as the centre

of non-surgical treatment of nephrolithiasis and chole-

lithiasis. In the Spa Park (Park Zdrojowy) is the Old Spa

House (Stary Dom Zdrojowy), walking and concert hall,

pump house and the spa theatre. The pride of Polanica is

also a beautiful promenade on the Bystrzyca Dusznicka

river fl owing through the health resort. Medicinal waters

from the “Wielka Pieniawa” and “Pieniawa Józefa” springs

are bicarbonate-calcic highly carbonated waters (szcza-

wy) that treat among other things heart diseases, diseas-

es of the musculoskeletal system and gastric diseases.

www. polanica.pl


Zespó Uzdrowisk K odzkich,

ul. Zdrojowa 39, tel. 074 868 03 70



L dek Zdrój is the oldest health resort in the Sudeten

Mountains, at the foot of the Golden Mountains. L dek

was already known as a health resort in the 13th cen-

tury. The building of the “Wojciech” natural medicine

institution in the therapeutic part that is patterned af-

ter Turkish baths draws one’s attention. Also here, un-

der the beautiful cupola, is the “Wojciech” spring with a

round pool with a diameter of 7.5 m, the water having

a temperature of approximately 280C. The pool is for

radon baths because the local waters contain this ele-

ment. There is a spa house, pump room, natural medi-

cine institutions and medicinal pools in the health resort.

The temperature of the L dek waters fl uctuates from

22 to 440C, and the water from the ”Zdzis aw” spring

reaches a temperature of up to 440C! Rheumatic dis-

eases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin dis-

eases, circulation diseases and endocrinological diseas-

es are treated in the resort.



Page 48: Lower Silesia


Uzdrowisko L dek – D ugopole S.A.

ul. Wolno ci 4, tel. 074/811 54 74

www. uzdrowisko-ladek.pl


It is a small health resort in the K odzko Valley, at the foot

of the Bystrzyca Mountains, in the Nysa K odzka Valley,

on the train line and road from Wroc aw to Prague. The

fresh mountain air in D ugopole has a particularly good

infl uence on the treatment of allergic diseases.There

are spa hospitals, a natural medicine institution and

a pump house in the health resort. The local natural

medicine institution uses natural carbonic acid baths,

rare in Europe. Medicinal waters from the “Emilia”,

“Kazimierz” and “Renata” springs are richly saturated

with carbon dioxide radioactive natural mineral waters

(szczawy). These waters are used for drinking cures and

mineral baths. Metabolic conversion diseases, circulation

diseases, alimentary canal diseases and diseases of the

musculoskeletal system are treated in D ugopole. The

health resort in D ugopole remains under the mutual ad-

ministration with the health resort in L dek Zdrój. There

are several sanatoriums and spa hospitals.


Uzdrowisko L dek – D ugopole S.A.

Oddzia D ugopole Zdrój – Centrum Obs ugi

Kuracjusza ul. Zdrojowa 10a,

tel. 074 813 90 45, 813 90 51,



Cieplice health resort is now a part of Jelenia Góra, sit-

uated in the very centre of Jelenia Góra Valley and sur-

rounded by mountains on every side. Already in the 17th

century it was a fashionable health resort well known

in Europe and attracting wealthy guests. Queen Maria

Kazimiera Sobieska came for treatment to Cieplice

in 1678 with a hundred carriages and 1500 servants.

The pride of the health resort is the spa park estab-

lished at the end of the 18th century and turned in-

to a landscape park in the English style and the so-

called Norwegian Park, demarcated on the south

with a one-kilometre-long dike from which a mag-

nif icent view of the Karkonosze Mountains and

the Izera Mountains stretches out. The warm

springs in Cieplice have a temperature up to

620C and are used for bathing in baths and in pools.

Their effectiveness is increased by sulphur compounds

with a high content of fl uorine and silica. There is a

natural medicine institution with a thermal pool next

to the spa hospital. Various diseases are treated in

Cieplice, including rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis

and post-traumatic states.

www.jeleniagora.pl www.cieplice.pl


Uzdrowisko Cieplice sp. z o.o.

ul. Piotra ciegiennego 5/7, tel. 075 755 10 03,



Page 49: Lower Silesia



wieradów health resort is located in the Kwisa River

valley, on the wooded slopes of the Izera Mountains,

distant from the hectic holiday resorts. The air and

soil in wieradów are soaked with radon, a gas that

increases the effectiveness of the local treatment.

wieradów waters were already known in the 16th

century; miraculous properties were attributed to

them which later were found to be due to radon.

Radon improves the frame of mind and increases vi-

tality among men and women; probably because of

that wieradów was also called the Valley of Love.

There are natural medicine institutions, a mud bath

institution, spa hospital and a pump room. Here is the

biggest wooden walking hall among Lower Silesian

health resorts, 80 m long. The 19th century Spa

House (Dom Zdrojowy) with the characteristic 46

m high clock tower is still the favourite meeting place

of patients. The administrative part of wieradów is

the small Czerniawa Zdrój health resort. The air here

contains a high quantity of ozone and is mixed with

essential oils of the surrounding pine forests. Various

diseases are treated in wieradów, including diseas-

es of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatic diseases,

airway diseases, osteoporosis, gynaecological diseas-

es and allergies. The neighbouring Czerniawa spe-

cialises in treatment of children.

q Access to wieradów-Zdrój and Czerniawa Zdrój:

Jelenia Góra, and then road no. 361; road no. 30

from Zgorzelec (border to Germany), and then road

no. 361.



Biuro Obs ugi Kuracjusza i Us ug Komercyjnych

ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 1, tel.075 78 20 569

www. uzdrowisko-swieradow.ng.pl


Przerzeczyn Zdrój is the smallest Polish health resort.

It is a small place situated in a quiet area among the

Sudeten foothills. The health resort has four sanatori-

ums, a natural medicine institution and a spa park with

a health path. There are sulphurous waters and radio-

active waters. Near the parish church in Przerzeczyn

are approximately 60 gravestones from the 16th – 18th

century.Rheumatic diseases, neuralgias, post-traumatic

diseases, osteoporosis and upper airway diseases are


q Access from Wroc aw by road no. 8


Uzdrowisko Przerzeczyn Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zdrojowa 32, Service Offi ce:

tel. 074 837 50 50,


Tourist Information:

58-200 Dzier oniów, Rynek 1,

tel. 074 645 04 02


Szczawno Zdrój is situated in a picturesque valley of the

little Szczawnik stream on the edge of the Wa brzych

Mountains. Among others, Nicholas I, the emperor

of Russia, Augustus I, elector of Saxony and the com-

poser Henryk Wieniawski underwent treatment here.

Here also came Winston Churchill, Cardinal Adam

Sapieha, Zygmunt Krasi ski and Jan Brzechwa. The

great attraction of Szczawno is the extensive parks

that were established here in the 18th century: Henryk

Wieniawski Spa Park, established in the English style,

with specimens of exotic trees and bushes, and the

Swedish Park on the pond, with equally exotic fl ora.

Among the park’s attractions are rhododendrons and

yellow azaleas that fl ower in May and June. Numerous

diseases are treated in Szczawno Zdrój, including air-


Page 50: Lower Silesia

way diseases, alimentary system diseases, allergic dis-

eases, post-traumatic diseases, rheumatic diseases,

diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neuro-

sis. The spa patients use the well equipped Natural

Medicine Institution and gyms with modern rehabili-

tation and therapeutic equipment.

www. szczawno-zdroj.pl

q Access from Wroc aw to Wa brzych by road no.

35, and then road no. 376 to Szczawno Zdrój



ul. Ratuszowa 1, tel. 074 843 51 05,



Jedlina Zdrój is situated between the Owl Mountains,

overgrown with forests, and the Wa brzych Upland.

The easiest way to access Jedlina is by car or by bus via

Wa brzych; there are also local buses from Wa brzych to

Jedlina. The health resort in Jedlina is currently a branch

of the health resort in Szczawno Zdrój. The place is also

a popular holiday resort. Nowadays in Jedlina is the mod-

ern Natural Medicine Institution providing treatments in

hydropathy, phototherapy and inhalations. The basis for

the treatment of alimentary system diseases, airway dis-

eases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diabetes

and neurosis is the local mineral water and water trans-

ported from Szczawno.


q Access road no. 381 from Wa brzych,

toward Nowa Ruda



- JEDLINA” S.A. The Branch in Jedlina Zdrój

Plac Zdrojowy 3, tel. 074 845 52 86,



Page 51: Lower Silesia

The nature and climate in Lower Silesia make it possi-

ble to practice active tourism at every time of the year.

Climbers, water sport fans, cyclists, fi shermen, ski-

ers and horse riding fans (among others) can fi nd here

the perfect conditions for their favourite activity. Even

the fans of extreme sports – parachute jumps, bungee

jumps and paragliding – can experience their portion of

adrenaline. Numerous routes at different diffi culty lev-

el are marked for hikers; starting with severe mountain

routes for experienced hikers and fi nishing with educa-

tional paths for children and youths. There are great-

ly popular centres of downhill and cross-country ski-

ing in the Sudeten Mountains. Road and mountain cy-

cling routes, long distance and local routes, that take in

places and premises with high historical, cultural, land-

scape and touristic values, await cyclists in the Lower

Silesia province.


The Falcon Mountains (Sokole Góry), also called

“Sokoliki” (little falcons), are the most interesting climb-

ing area in south-west Poland and the most attrac-

tive place in Poland that offers rock climbing on gran-

ite outcrops. In specially marked places rock climbing

is possible in the Table Mountain National Park, e.g.

on the south-east sandstone wall of Szczeliniec Wielki.

In the picturesque surroundings of the K odzko Valley

in the Golden Mountains gneiss rock groups are sit-

uated in the area of Trojak and Sto owe Ska y, both

offering climbing on routes of various diffi culty and

awarding the effort with a splendid panorama of the

Sudeten Mountains from their ridges. The most acces-

sible rocks in the Karkonosze are Krucze Ska y (Raven

Rocks) in Karpacz. An interesting area for climbers

in the Jelenia Góra Valley is the so-called Lwówek

Switzerland (Lwówecka Szwajcaria). The rocks of the

nie nik Massif in the area of Mi dzygórze and the

Owl Mountains in the Walim area, as well as the walls

of the disused granite quarries in the area of Sobótka

Zachodnia also have their fans.


Wroc aw Mountaineering Club,

www. wkw.org.pl

Wa brzych Mountain and Cave Club:

Wa brzych,ul. Przemys owa,


Climbing School in Konradów,

tel. 074 814 75 84

Rock Climbing School, Trzci sko 65,

tel. 075 751 56 20

Rock Climbing School, Trzci sko 91,

tel. 075 751 56 33

Karkonosze Mountains and active tourism in Lower Silesia


Page 52: Lower Silesia


The Izera Mountains are the best area in the whole of

the Sudeten Mountains for cycling routes encompassing

the full scale of diffi culty. The dense network of long met-

alled tracks and comfortable asphalt paths leads along

the fl attened ridges of the range to heights of over 1000

m above sea level. In the Karkonosze National Park cy-

cling routes are marked out on some tourist walking

routes. Typically mountain routes lead to the refuges:

Nad omniczk , Strzecha Akademicka, Odrodzenie,

Kochanówka, Pod abskim Szczytem and Na Hali

Szrenickiej. The Bóbr River Valley (Dolina Bobru) cy-

cling route with a length of 130 km will constitute an el-

ement of the developing NYSA Euroregion system in the

Polish part. Thanks to the help of the European Union an

attractive and not diffi cult cycling route in Lusatia (from

Zgorzelec to wieradów), and also the cycle ring routes

around Bogatynia, Gryfów l ski and Jelenia Góra were

marked out. The main advantage of the routes in the

Kaczawa Upland (Pogórze Kaczawskie) with the Che my

Landscape Park is the highly favourable bioclimatic con-

ditions. In the area of Wa brzych and the Wa brzych

Mountains we recommend the routes to Mt. Che miec

and in the area of Ksi Castle. Advanced cycling routes

(MTB type) are among other places in Szczawno Zdrój

and around Kamienna Góra. Throughout the Table

Mountains National Park and surrounding areas profes-

sional routes with international variants, allowing cyclists

to explore the Table Mountains in the Czech Republic,

are marked. Numerous well marked cycling routes

criss-cross the Bystrzyca Mountains, the nie nik Massif

and the Bialskie Mountains. In the areas of the excel-

lent health resorts, L dek, Polanica, Duszniki, and also

K odzko, are nowadays over a dozen routes with vary-

ing diffi culty levels. North of Wroc aw is a network of cy-

cling routes in the Trzebnica Hills and over large parts of

the vast Barycz Valley pond region. With its picturesque

landscape, the l a Massif – the Slavic Holy Mountain –

south of Wroc aw is also accessible to cyclists. The l a

paths offer various grades of diffi culty.


The Wa brzych Lower Silesian Cycling Association,

ul. Wyzwolenia 17,

tel. 07 842 43 06

Wroc aw, ul. Borowska 1-3,

tel. 071 367 79 28


The Dr. Mieczys aw Or owicz Main Sudeten Route,

marked red, that connects wieradów Zdrój with

Prudnik (390 km) runs through almost all ranges in

the Sudeten Mountains: the Izera Mountains, the

Karkonosze, Rudawy Janowickie, the Stone Mountains

(Góry Kamienne), the Owl Mountains, the Table

Mountains, the Eagle Mountains (Góry Orlickie), the

Bystrzyca Mountains, the nie nik Massif and the Golden

Mountains. Equally attractive for hiking enthusiasts is the

290 km-long Polish section of the E3 Atlantic – Black

Sea Long-Distance Route. The Piasts’ Castle Route,

connecting Grodziec with Zagórze l skie, links the 15

most interesting castles of our region. Many of them

are picturesquely located on inaccessible mountain tops.

The Extinct Volcanoes Route on the other hand makes


Page 53: Lower Silesia

accessible the volcanic land forming part of the Kaczawa

Upland. The Marginal Route (Szlak Brze ny) marked out

on the Sudeten ridge is famous, among other things,

for its attractively situated viewpoints. In the Che my

Landscape Park a route for disabled tourists is marked

out. Archaeology enthusiasts will be drawn to the l a

Massif. Two routes marked with a bear silhouette show

the oldest pre-Slavic monuments in Lower Silesia.

Several interesting routes are marked out through pic-

turesque wooded areas north of Wroc aw.


PTTK “Sudety Zachodnie” Department,

ul. 1 Maja 86, Jelenia Góra, tel./fax 075 752 58 51

PTTK Wroc aw Department,

Rynek-Ratusz 14, Wroc aw, tel. 071 343 83 31

PTTK Wa brzych Department,

ul. Lewartowskiego 2, Wa brzych, tel. 074 842 40 50

PTTK Legnica Department,

Rynek 27, Legnica, tel. 076 856 51 63


Ewald Ranoszek, natural scientist and forester,

Milicz, tel. 07l 384 19 77

Patryk Rybka, Wroc awice,

tel. 071 384 92 89

The Karkonosze National Park, Management,

Jelenia Góra-Sobieszów, tel. 075 755 33 48,


The Table Mountains National Park, Management,

Kudowa Zdrój, tel. 074 866 14 34,


Management of the Lower Silesian Landscape Park

Complex, Wroc aw, tel. 071 364 27 58,



Horse riding centres exist in about 33 places in Lower

Silesia. Attractive horse riding centres near to the

Karkonosze are also in Mi ków, Piechowice and Czernica.

In Stankowice Sucha near Le na horse rallies are organ-

ised throughout the year, and in the summer season

there are horse riding holiday camps, mini-Hubertuses

(foxtail hunts for children) and many other attractions.

A well-known horse riding centre in the Wa brzych

region is Morawa near Strzegom and slightly smaller

centres in Szczawno Zdrój, near Duszniki Zdrój and

in Ludwikowice. In the Legnica region such centres

are in Gromadka, Krzeczyn near Lubin, Legnica and

Jaroszówka, which is proud of its stud. There are nu-

merous horse riding centres near Wroc aw and also in


Page 54: Lower Silesia

Kobierzyce, Trzebnica and its surroundings as well as

the Oborniki region. The “Ksi ” Stallion Herd of the

Treasury. In the “Ksi ” National Stallion Herd cham-

pionships, horse riding contests and various outdoor

events take place. There is also a horse riding school.


The “Ksi ” Sudeten Regional Horse Riding Associa-

tion, Wa brzych, ul. Je dziecka 3,

tel. 074 870 58 60, www. stadoksiaz.pl

Agricultural Consulting Centres


Jelenia Góra, ul. Cieplicka 235,

tel. 075 755 30 81

Piotrowice near Legnica,

tel. 076 818 85 29

widnica, ul. Wa brzyska 25/27,

tel. 074 852 20 21

Wroc aw, ul. Zwyci ska 12,

tel. 071 339 80 21


In winter many routes accessible for cyclists and walkers

can be used by cross-country skiers. In the most attrac-

tive part of the Izera Mountains 50 km of professionally

prepared cross-country routes await skiers. Snow in the

Izera Valley – in the forest and on the slopes surrounding it

– lingers until May. For beginners we recommend one of

the routes from the Jakuszyce Glade (Polana Jakuszycka)

to the Orle refuge. In March in this region the biggest ski-

ing event in Poland – the “Piasts’ Race” – takes place. It

is the only Polish event among the EUROLOPPET ten

biggest long-distance races in Europe. Other races are

also organised, including the “Izera Race” and the “Retro

Race”. In the nie nik Masiff cross-country routes in the

area of Kletno and Mi dzygórze are marked out. Also

worth trying are the routes in the Bialskie Mountains.

The Bystrzyca Mountains attract skiers with routes in the

area of Zieleniec, Wójtowice and Spalona. The area of

Andrzejówka in the Stone Mountains is the place of the

Gwareks’ Race on traditional routes around Waligóra and

Ma y Klin. In the Owl Mountains particularly attractive

are the areas in the Great Owl Massif (Masyw Wielkiej

Sowy) and the loop around Rymarz and Kalenica via the

Bielawska Glade (Bielawska Polana).


“Polana Jakuszycka” Cross-Country Centre,

Szklarska Por ba, tel. 075 717 20 22,


Cross-country routes at the PTTK

“Andrzejówka” Refuge, Rybnica Le na 23,

tel. 074 842 48 83

Centre of the Polish Biathlon, Jamrozowa Polana,

Contact through the Tourist Information

Offi ce in Duszniki,

tel. 074 866 94 13


Page 55: Lower Silesia


The best conditions to practise downhill skiing are on

the slopes of the Karkonosze. On the slopes of Szrenica

(1362 m a.s.l.) in Szklarska Por ba more than 13 km of

ski tracks, with artifi cial snow and illuminated if need-

ed, await skiers. Some of them are also monitored and

have outside speaker systems. Planned are also pro-

fi led snowboard routes. Approximately 8 km of ski runs

extend beneath Mt. nie ka (1603 m a.s.l.) in the area

of Karpacz, in the Kopa (1377 m a.s.l.) complex. In the

town itself there are over a dozen smaller drag lifts and

ski runs. Very popular among skiers are also the slopes

in wieradów Zdrój in the Izera Mountains, having one

of the longest ski runs in Poland. Zieleniec is the biggest

ski resort in the K odzko Valley (one of the biggest in the

Sudeten Mountains). Ski runs in Zieleniec are very var-

ied and because of that everyone will fi nd something for

himself/herself. The SnowPark was opened for snow-


A paradise for skiers and snowboarders is the sport and

recreational complex situated near to Stronie l skie

in the nie nik Massif. Also very popular among skiers

are the lifts and steep slopes of the Owl Mountains in

Rzeczka and Sokolec. There are also ski runs in Rudawy

Janowickie on the slope of Mt. Jaworowa (758 m a.s.l.)

near to Skalnik. The lift serves three family tracks with a

total length of 2 km. These ski tracks are especially rec-

ommended for families in which the parents and chil-

dren are at different ski levels. Very good conditions for

skiing are also found on ysa Góra in Dziwiszów in the

Kaczawa Mountains, in the area of Lubawka, Kowary,

and even in the l a Massif.


Ski Information, Karpacz,

tel. 075 761 86 19,

www.karpacz.pl, www.kopa.com.pl

Ski Information, Szklarska Por ba,

tel. 075 717 21 18, www.sudetylift.com.pl

“Czarna Góra” Winter Sport Centre, Sienna,

tel. 074 814 12 45, www.czarnagora.pl

Winter Sport Station, Zieleniec,

tel. 074 866 94 13,www.zieleniec.pl

Rzeczka Ski Centre; Sokolec Ski Centre: information

in the Tourist Information Zagórze l.,

tel. 074 845 38 75, tel. 074 872 20 84



The most reputable gliding centres are in the area of

Jelenia Góra. The “Karkonoska Fala” (“Karkonosze

Wave”) has been well known for decades. It takes place

in autumn. Masses of warm air from the Karkonosze


Page 56: Lower Silesia

drift to the bottom of the Jelenia Góra Valley only to rise

up again before the ridge of the Kaczawa Mountains.

These warm currents are used by gliders from around

the world, breaking successive height records. The lay of

the land and atmospheric conditions also benefi t hang-

gliders, who fl ock to Góra Szybowcowa (the Gliders’

Mountain) situated on the edge of the Jelenia Góra Valley

facing the Karkonosze. Paragliding enthusiasts mean-

while have taken a particular liking to Mt. Czo o above

Kowary as well as Kopa and Szrenica in the Karkonosze.

It is easiest to meet them on the two last peaks on sun-

ny March days. On the slopes of the Stone Mountains

and Wa brzych Mountains, the unique micro-climate of

Mt. Szybowisko above Nowe Siod o near Mieroszów,

with the winds enabling many hours in the air, is remi-

niscent of conditions in Je ów Sudecki. The Wa brzych

Region Aeroclub looks after Szybowisko, and also main-

tains the base on Mt. Dzikowiec near Boguszów-Gorce

not far from Wa brzych.


Jelenia Góra Aeroclub,

Jelenia Góra, ul. omnicka, tel. 075 752 60 20,


Wa brzych Region Aeroclub,

Wa brzych, al. Wyzwolenia 25,

tel. 074 842 32 66, aerostat.republika.pl

Wroc aw Aeroclub,

Szymanów Airport near Wroc aw,

tel. 071 387 87 16, aeroklub.wroc.pl

Miros awice Airport – tourist fl ights above Mt. l a,

tel. 071 390 91 40

Copper Area Aeroclub, Lubin, ul. Spacerowa 9,

tel. 076 847 37 33. www.azetem.com


The total length of canoe routes in Lower Silesia is over

635 km. These are fi rst of all picturesque rivers: the

Oder River, Bóbr River, Nysa K odzka River, O awa

River, Barycz River, Bystrzyca River and Widawa River.

Not the easiest but very attractive for advanced canoe-

ists due to the mountain water and landscape, with

both natural and historical virtues, is the International

Canoeing Rally on the Bóbr River. The Rally takes

place from Janowice Wielkie via Je lenia Góra, Wle

and Lwówek l ski to Bole s awiec at the length of 85

km in four stages. Since 1988 the International Canoe

Federation (I.C.F.) has placed it in its calendar of events,


Page 57: Lower Silesia

and because of that it is well known for canoeing in the

whole of Europe. The attraction of the Barycz River

route is the Milicz Ponds (Stawy Milickie), which in the

valley of this calm and friendly river cover an area of 5324

ha and have the status of a reserve. The Barycz River

is the river with the lowest gradient in Poland (0.037).

Also on the Kwisa River – one of the cleanest rivers

in Poland – canoe and pontoon rallies are organised.

Separated by beautiful dams, the river includes two lakes,

Z otnickie and Le nia skie. Windsurfi ng fans and water

sport enthusiasts can head for the Mietkowski reser-

voir, south of Wroc aw, created on the Bystrzyca River,

or to Bukówka reservoir near Lubawka. Winds blow-

ing from the Karkonosze and the Lubawa Gate (Brama

Lubawska) create unusually good conditions for wind-

surfers. Yachtsmen also appreciate the Bystrzyca res-

ervoir in the Owl Mountains and Radków reservoir in

the Table Mountains. Also the Legnica Lakeland with the

lakes in Rokitki, Kunice and Jezierzany attract many wa-

ter sport enthusiasts. In the area of Zgorzelec it is possi-

ble to sail in the reservoir on the Witka River.


PTTK “Sudety Zachodnie” Branch, Jelenia Góra,

ul. 1 Maja 86, tel. 075 752 58 51

– the organiser of the Canoe Rally

on the Bóbr River in May.

Cruises on the Oder in Wroc aw,

the harbour at the Zwierzyniecki Bridge,

tel. 071 328 36 18,



Many of the Lower Silesian dam lakes are perfect

fi shing areas: reservoirs on the Bóbr River (Modry,

Wrzeszczy ski and Pilchowicki), Lake Bystrzyca (Jezioro

Bystrzyckie) and Mietkowski reservoir on the Bystrzyca

River. The dam lakes on the Kwisa River – Le nia skie

and Z otnickie – are famous for their gigantic pikeperch.

The best known lower Silesian fi shing area is the region

of the Milicz Ponds, north of Wroc aw, with its commer-

cial fi sheries. Also popular are the ponds in the migród

area, situated in the Barycz River Valley Landscape

Park. The lakes of the Legnica Lakeland as well as the fa-

mous Przemków Ponds, situated within the Przemków

Landscape Park, and numerous fi sheries of the Lower

Silesian Forest in the bifurcation of the Czerna Ma a and

Czerna Wielka attract fi shermen.


Polish Fishermen association

Jelenia Góra, ul. Wa kowicza 13,

tel. 075 752 22 46

Legnica, ul. wirki i Wigury 5,

tel. 076 852 47 48

Wa brzych, ul. Ko cielna 6a,

tel. 074 842 28 18

Wroc aw, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 65,

tel. 071 344 44 01


Page 58: Lower Silesia



The Mieczys aw Or owicz Main Sudeten Route is

marked red. It goes from wieradów along the High

Izera Ridge (Wysoki Grzbiet Izerski) to Szklarska Por ba,

further along the Karkonosze ridge to Karpacz and fur-

ther along the route: Jelenia Góra Valley – Rudawy

Janowickie – Lubawka – the Raven Mountains (Góry

Krucze) – Andrzejówka refuge – Jedlina Zdrój – the

Owl Mountains – the Silver Pass (Prze cz Srebrna) –

the Table Mountains – Kudowa Zdrój – Duszniki Zdrój

– D ugopole Zdrój – Mi dzygórze – nie nik – L dek

Zdrój – Prudnik. Total length 390 km.


Green signs lead through: Grodno Castle in Zagórze

l skie – Ksi – Bolków – Bolczów (Janowice Wielkie)

– Jelenia Góra – Wle – Grodziec. There are 15 ru-

ins of Piast castles and towns on the route. Total length

146 km.


Yellow signs. On the route we meet the remains of vol-

canic activity from millions of years ago and castles, towns

and historic places. It goes from Legnickie Pole via Jawor,

W wóz My liborski, Czartowska Ska a (463 m a.s.l.),

Wielis awka (369 m a.s.l.), Ostrzyca Proboszczowicka

(501 m a.s.l.) reserve and Grodziec (389 m a.s.l.) to

Z otoryja. Total length 85 km.


Page 59: Lower Silesia


Page 60: Lower Silesia

Currently in the area of Lower Silesia there are more

than 400 agrotouristic farms. They offer the whole range

of possibilities for a vacation. Those tucked away in re-

mote areas provide the opportunity to enjoy nature,

peace and quiet; above all these are found in the are-

as of the Lower Silesian Forest, the Kaczawa Mountains

and Kaczawa Upland, the Bystrzyca Mountains, Bialskie

Mountains, Trzebnica Hills and Barycz River Valley.

Farms that are located near very popular tourist areas

guarantee fi rst of all the possibility to use the wide infra-

structure of the ski resorts, walking routes, cycle paths

and ski runs. Focussed on such active holidays is agro-

tourism in the Karkonosze, Jelenia Góra and K odzko

Valley, the Izera Mountains, Rudawy Janowickie and the

Owl Mountains.



These areas are a paradise for lovers of active holidays.

There is so much to do you surely won’t want to limit

your fun to savouring the fragrances from the garden of

a fairytale-like house. The valley and the neighbouring

range are covered with a great number of beautiful walk-

ing and bike trails (including high mountain trails). In the

agrotourism offer of the region you will also fi nd horses

and fi shing ponds. The Karkonosze National Park, cov-

ering the highest range of the Sudeten Mountains, is the

most important area of protected nature in the Lower

Silesia province. Imposing glacial cirques, high-moun-

tain ponds, mountain rock rubble, monadnocks and Mt.

nie ka majestically towering above the area leave na-

ture lovers with unforgettable impressions. Active tour-

ists will fi nd the Bóbr Valley Landscape Park very ap-

pealing. The largest number of agrotourism farms in

the Jelenia Góra Valley can be found in the following

locations: Mi ków, ci gny, Sosnówka, Mys akowice,

Podgórzyn, Przesieka, Zache mie, Piechowice,

Komarno and Jelenia Góra.


Forested hills, gorges of the Bóbr Valley, “colourful lakes”,

the rock labyrinth of Staro ci skie Ska y Rocks, the ruins

of Bolczów Castle and the rocks of the Sokole Mountains

in Rudawy Janickie attract walking and biking lovers.

In Rudawy Janowickie the majority of bike trails follow

unhardened forest roads. In Rudawy you can do cross-

country skiing or downhill skiing. Downhill skiing trails

are located on the slope of Mt. Jaworowa (758 m a.s.l.)

near Skalnik. Around the ski lift, you can choose from

three family-friendly ski trails of a total length of 2 km. They

are highly recommended to families where ski skills of

parents and children differ. Agrotourism farms are lo-

cated in Radomierz, Leszczyniec, Trzci sko, Karpniki,

Pisarzowice, Janowice Wielkie, Czarnów, R dziny and


Agrotourism and ecotourism


Page 61: Lower Silesia


These not-so-high mountains have a few interesting lo-

cations for hiking, cycling, horse-riding, cross-country ski-

ing and downhill skiing. Mountain hiking is easier thanks

to tourist hostels: Chatka Górzystów hostel located on

the Izerska Hala mountain meadow, the Orle moun-

tain hostel and the Na Stogu Izerskim hostel. The Izera

Mountains have the best biking trails in the entire Sudeten

range with a full range of diffi culty levels. Numerous agro-

tourism farms in the Izera Plateau (Pogórze Izerskie) offer

equestrian tourism – trail riding, horse-riding camps, mini-

Hubertus (foxtail hunt organized on St. Hubertus’ Day –

the patron saint of hunters) and many more attractions.

Agrotourism farms offering a wide range of leisure activi-

ties are located, e.g. in the area of Le na, Lwówek l ski,

Lubomierz, Gryfów l ski, Mirsk, Luba , wieradów,

Stara Kamienica and Kopaniec.


The main tourist attractions of the Kaczawa Mountains

include: the interesting landforms, beautiful landscape,

unique nature including natural monuments and reserves,

interesting historical monuments, viewpoints, a network

of offi cial tourist trails and opportunities to combine differ-

ent forms of tourism. The Extinct Volcanoes Route (Szlak

Wygas ych Wulkanów) is highly recommended for walk-

ing enthusiasts. Those with a love of nature will appreci-

ate the great number of nature reserves. The My liborski

Gorge Floral Reserve is an enclave for the habitat of Hart’s

Tongue Fern – the only one in Lower Silesia. Bio-climatic

conditions of the “Che my” Landscape Park make it per-

fect for recreation and rehabilitation suitable for the less

fi t. There are several educational paths through this Park,

as well as a mountain bike trail. The main assets of the

Kaczawa Mountains include a dense network of low-traf-

fi c roads, forestry tracks and pleasant footpaths. Horse-

riding enthusiasts will also fi nd it attractive – there are rec-

reational stables available. You can learn how to ride in

a classic or western style and to admire the views from

horseback during a training ride with your coach. The

greatest advantage of Bald Mountain ( ysa Góra) is its inti-

macy and location – away from busy main roads and heav-

ily-advertised tourist sites. It is an ideal spot for your fam-

ily leisure time. The Kaczawa Mountains have something

to offer for fi shing fans, too. Many commercial fi sheries

will satisfy the less ambitious fi shing lovers, and the frying


Page 62: Lower Silesia

pan does not wait here long for fi sh. You can spend your

agro holiday at such spots as: Dziwiszów, Podgórki, Stara

Kra nica, Nowy Ko ció , Chro nica, Wojcieszyn, Je ów

Sudecki, Czernica, Klecza, Grobla, Nowe Rochowice,

Uniejowice and many, many more.



Trails in this part of the Sudeten Mountains are qui-

et and almost deserted for most of the year. The are-

as of Lubawa Gate (Brama Lubawska), Krzeszów Valley

(Kotlina Krzeszowska) and Krzeszów Hills (Wzgórza

Krzeszowskie) are mild ranges of wooded hills overlook-

ing fi elds and meadows. Whole families (including dogs)

can roam the neighbouring forests picking blueberries,

raspberries and mushrooms and admiring the beautiful,

extensive views. The Stone Mountains range is especially

attractive to walkers. Those who like to enjoy themselves

on the water or under the water will be delighted with

the artifi cial reservoir picturesquely fi tting into the moun-

tain landscape in Bukówka near Lubawka. Fishing fans,

swimmers, sunbathers and windsurfers will all fi nd here

something for them. The greatest number of agrotourism

farms is situated near Lubawka and Kamienna Góra – in

Przedwojów, Niedamirów, Bukówka, Lipienica, Opawa,

B a ejów, Gorzeszów, Jarkowice, Pastewnik, Stara Bia ka

and Marciszów. You can fi nd a wide selection of agrot-

ourism farms near W abrzych, too: in Cieszów, Nowy

Julianów, Rybnica Le na, Stare Bogaczowice, Grz dy,

Dzie morowice and many more.


The highest part of the Owl Mountains has been turned in-

to the Owl Mountains Landscape Park – an oasis of peace

and tranquillity. The landscape is dominated by forests –

94.2% of the park area. A primeval beech forest is pre-

served in the “Bukowa Kalenica Reserve”. Tourists who

reach the viewing tower on Great Owl Mountain (Wielka

Sowa) will be rewarded with an outstanding panorama of

a mountain landscape. A red tourist trail goes through all

the highest peaks of the Owl Mountains. There is a net-

work of marked bike trails but it is still nice to cycle here

off the trails along the dense network of forestry roads.

The areas in the Great Owl Mountain Massif and a loop

around Rymarz and Kalenica through Bielawska Polana

Pass are especially appealing to bikers. There are excel-

lent areas for cross-country skiing in the Owl Mountains.

In winter you can ski the trails used by bikers and walkers

at other times of the year. The largest number of agrotour-

ist farms is located in such places as: Ro ciszów, Jugowice,

Rzeczka, Walim, Sierpnica, Sokolec, Bystrzyca Górna,

Olszyniec, Ludwikowice, Zagórze l skie, Bielawa and

many more.


Page 63: Lower Silesia


It is a land of bewitching landscapes, exquisite historic

monuments and various opportunities for active rest. The

Table Mountains (Góry Sto owe) with their eerie, fairy-

tale-like landscapes are the leading tourist attraction. The

famous Bear’s Cave (Jaskinia Nied wiedzia) near Kletno

with the dazzling beauty of karst formations is a real under-

ground gem. You can see fossilized bones of Ice Age ani-

mals, e.g. a lion, bear and hyena found in the silt. Along the

southern edge of the Table Mountains there are abundant

springs of iron-rich natural mineral water. Famous spas

grew up around some of these springs: Duszniki Zdrój,

Kudowa Zdrój and the youngest of them – Polanica Zdrój.

The vast area of the Bystrzyca Mountains is a real paradise

for those seeking seclusion, peace and tranquility. It is the

wildest part of the Sudeten, located away from the well-

known tourist centres. Large areas in this region are cov-

ered by primeval mixed forests, protected in two nature

reserves: “Puszcza nie nej Bia ki” and “Nowa Morawa”.

The Orlica rivulet is an ideal habitat for brown trout, gray-

ling, bullheads, roach, common dace and burbot. The

Bia a L decka and the Bystrzyca Dusznicka rivers are be-

lieved to be the cleanest ones in south-west Poland, and

they attract hundreds of admirers longing for a struggle

with trout. In the K odzko Region there are over 70 agro-

tourist farms in about 50 towns and villages.



The Lower Silesian Forest is an ideal spot for nature

watching, mushroom picking and fi shing. It is a lowland,

almost deserted area. Part of the forest – the Przemków

Landscape Park –preserves heaths unique in Europe and

numerous inland dunes. Many areas undeveloped by man

make a perfect haven for rare birds, such as the black stork

and white-tailed sea eagle. It is an ideal place for birdwatch-

ers. You can come across many species of mammals – red

Tastes of Lower Silesia

Przemków HoneyThe Lower Silesian region, situated in the

heart of Europe, at the meeting point of

three borders, draws its culinary tradi-

tions from the multi-cultural history and

you can fi nd here elements typical of

the cuisine of the Polish east frontier, the

Wielkopolska region, Silesia,

Czech and Germany.

Every year in early autumn in the mys-

terious air of the Lower Silesian Forest

in Przemków, the Lower Silesian Wine

and Honey Festival is held. The festi-

val crowns the beekeeping season and

it provides an opportunity to taste and

purchase a wide selection of honey. The

heather honey from the Lower Silesian

Forest is a unique product from Lower

Silesia entered on the Traditional Prod-

ucts List. The huge areas of heaths are

the basis for the Przemków honey farms

to produce this exceptional honey.


Page 64: Lower Silesia

deer, elk, fallow deer, roe-deer or pine marten. There are

beavers, otters and wolves in the forest. In the Szprotawa

region, the oldest pedunculate oak in Poland, about 750

years old, grows.



A beautiful strip of beech forest on the Trzebnica Hills is

protected as the Skarszyna Beech Forest nature reserve,

where mighty beech trees grow on an unusually steep

western slope. Honeysuckle grows here wild. The region

is criss-crossed by hiking-friendly tourist trails, including two

biking trails between Trzebnica and Oborniki: the main

trail of the Kocie Mountain (blue marks) and the south-

ern trail (yellow marks). Close by the Trzebnica Hills is sit-

uated the Barycz River Valley Landscape Park. There are

250 bird species and over 540 plant species. The largest

and the most famous of the reserves in the Barycz Valley

is the Milicz Ponds Reserve (Stawy Milickie). Two thirds of

this area is covered by ponds. On the many educational

paths and trails you can learn about the fi sherman’s job and

about different plant and water bird species. The ponds in

the Barycz Valley facilitate marsh bird watching. You can

come close to the water level through a great number of

dams. Armed with binoculars or a telescope you could

easily spend many hours birdwatching. A kayak trail has

been set on the Barycz River. For most of the year the riv-

er fl ows lazily and it is not very deep, which ensures a safe

kayak ride. The Barycz Valley offers exquisite conditions

for equestrian tourism. Horse-riding facilities are located

in: Gajdówka, Wszewilki, Su ów, Godnowa, Pracze and

others. An undoubted attraction of the latter is the oppor-

tunity to meet the Polish konik horses. These small horses

are benign and of timid temper. The Barycz Valley is a re-

al paradise for bikers. The many hardened forestry roads

and extremely low-traffi c local roads, beautiful landscapes

and varied shape of the land make it an inviting area for bi-

Tastes of Lower Silesia

The Milicz Carp

The Milicz Ponds were set up

in the Middle Ages by the Cistercians

as in those times people ate

a lot of fi sh due to the many fasting days.

At present, the ponds cover over

10 thousand hectares and they are

the largest centre of carp culture

in Poland and in Europe as well.

The Milicz carp are famous for their delicious

taste. They are most often bought during

Christmas season, but you can try them

all year round at restaurants

in the Barycz Valley.

Every year at the end of the summer,

the splendid Milicz Carp Festival is held

in Milicz – where you can try delicious

carp dishes and aromatic fi sh soup.


Page 65: Lower Silesia

cycle excursions. In the area of the Trzebnica Hills and the

Barycz Valley you can visit agrotourism farms in places like:

Mi os awice, Ruda Milicka, Su ów, Wróbliniec, Grabowno

Wielkie, Ku niczysko, Ku nica Cieszycka, Osolin, Oborniki

l skie, Bagno, Ro cis awice, Por by, Nowy Zamek,

Ostrow sy and others.



Forests grow on poorer, sandy soils. There are not many

agrotourism farms in this vast area, but their offer, condi-

tioned by the characteristics of the place (mostly rich soils

which initiated agricultural development of this region) is

varied and attractive. Agrotourism on the Silesian Lowland

is recommended to those who wish to learn horse-rid-

ing. The undulating shape of the land makes it an attractive

place for bikers and cross-country skiers. The Lowland has

areas with protected landscape. The most attractive tour-

ist destination in the Bystrzyca Valley Landscape Park is the

Mietkowski Reservoir, where you can do water sports. It

is also a place favoured by fi shing enthusiasts. The agrot-

ourist offer includes open air museums, e.g. in Ruszowice,

where apart from material and spiritual culture exhibits of

the old Polish village, medical herbalism is being developed.

In many farms, shows of fading professions are held, e.g.

preparation of sheep wool, and production of all-ecolog-

ical products.


Around Jelcz-Laskowice there are several agrotourism

farms specializing in equestrian tourism. More agrotourism

can be found near l a, widnica and, close to great tourist

attractions, in Lubi and Henryków. In agrotourism farms,

in villages next to Wo ów, located in the Jezierzyca Valley

Landscape Park and on the outskirts of the Park, lovers of

tranquillity and forest walkers spend their holidays. It is a short

distance from cinawa, famous for excellent gherkins.


Agrotourism Association of the nie nik Massif

(Agroturystyczne Stowarzyszenie Masywu nie nika)

57-550 Stronie l skie, Bielice 5a tel. 074 814 27 20,

e-mail: [email protected]

Bystrzyca Agrotourism Association (Bystrzyckie To-

warzystwo Agroturystyczne)

57-517 Lasówka 8, tel. 074 811 90 24,

e-mail: [email protected]

The Owl Mountains Lodging Providers Association

(Stowarzyszenie Kwaterodawców Gór Sowich),

58-308 Wa brzych, Nowy Julianów 187

tel. 074 840 50 50,

e-mail: offi [email protected]


Tastes of Lower Silesia

cinawa Gherkins

For over 50 years,

cinawa Gherkin Pickles

have been produced in cinawa

according to the unchanged,

traditional recipe and using

natural ingredients.

They are one of the most delicious

and most liked vegetable products

in Lower Silesia.


Page 66: Lower Silesia

The Table Mountains Agrotourism Association

(Stowarzyszenie Agroturystyczne Gór Sto owych)

57-340 Duszniki Zdrój, Ztotno 9,

tel. 074 866 91 82

The “Zdroje” Sudeten Countryside Tourism

Association (Sudeckie Stowarzyszenie Turystyki

Wiejskiej „Zdroje”)

57-343 Lewin K odzki, Jarków 9,

tel. 074 869 89 69, 502 240 600,

e-mail: [email protected]


The Jelenia Góra Sudeten Countryside Tourism

Association (Sudeckie Towarzystwo Turystyki

Wiejskiej w Jeleniej Górze)

58-500 Jelenia Góra, ul. Matejki 17,

tel. 075 642 31 25, 075 717 32 34,

e-mail: [email protected]


The Wroc aw

Agrotourism Association

(Wroc awskie



55-035 Oborniki

l skie,

ul. Poniatowskiego 22,

tel. 696 099 664,

e-mail: [email protected]

The Rudawa Countryside Tourism Association

(Rudawskie Stowarzyszenie Turystyki Wiejskiej)

ul. Trzci ska 71, 58-520 Janowice Wielkie,

tel. 075 751 52 47

The Countryside Tourism Association

in the “Barycz Valley” Landscape Park

(Stowarzyszenie Turystyki Wiejskiej

w Parku Krajobrazowym „Dolina Baryczy”)

56-300 Milicz, Rynek 20

tel. 071 383 11 11,


The Kaczawa Mountains Agrotourism Association

in Z otoryja (Stowarzyszenie Agroturystyczne

Gór Kaczawskich w Z otoryi)

59-500 Z otoryja, pl. Niepodleg o ci 8,

tel./fax 076 877 59 49,

e-mail:[email protected]



Page 67: Lower Silesia


The Karkonosze National Park on the Polish side cov-

ers almost 5580 ha in the main ridge of the Karkonosze

Mountains plus two enclaves: the Szklarka Waterfall and

Mount Chojnik. On the Czech side, the national park

covers almost 55 000 ha. The Karkonosze Mountains,

located on both sides of the Polish-Czech border, are

the highest part of the Sudeten. Glacial cirques, ponds

and moraines – the only ones in the Sudeten – give an

alpine character to the Karkonosze landscape and above

1450 m vegetation typical for the Alps grows. The highest

peak of the Karkonosze is Mt. nie ka – 1603 m. It is fa-

mous for its beautiful panoramas and harsh climate. The

mountaintop is the location for the St. Lawrence Chapel,

a fl ying saucer-shaped meteorological observatory from

the early 1970s, and a small mountain hostel with a res-

taurant. The Karkonosze-specifi c landscape is made of

lonely rocks of eerie shapes that spur the imagination

– over a hundred of them have been counted on the

Polish side of the Karkonosze. The rocks have been giv-

en even stranger and more mysterious names: Evening

Castle (Wieczorny Zamek), the Sunfl ower (S onecznik),

the Camel (Wielb d). The Pilgrims (Pielgrzymy) near

Karpacz are 23 m high. The regional peculiarities in-

clude deep rifts called cirques. These glacial cirques

are fi lled with water right beneath the Mount nie ka

summit, forming mountain lakes called the Small Pond

(Ma y Staw) and the Great Pond (Wielki Staw); they are

perched at 1225 m a.s.l. Their dark walls, covered on the

southern side with 600-year old lichen, are up to 200

m high. Near Szklarska Por ba you can fi nd the Snowy

Cirques ( nie ne Kot y), 150 m deep glacial cavities. The

Great Pond, the Small Pond and the Snowy Cirques are

strict nature reserves.


You can reach the Great and Small Pond and

Mt. nie ka from Karpacz via a blue tourist trail.

Time: 3 hrs 50 mins.From Karpacz to Mt. nie ka

you can also take a chairlift (15 min) to Ma a Kopa

mountain, and then by the black trail from the Pod

nie k hostel to the top up the steep red trail

or up the convenient mountain road, called the

Anniversary Road (Droga Jubileuszowa) traversing

Mt. nie ka’s slopes. Chairlift – single section of 2278

m, upper station at 1325 m, one-man chairs.

Miejska Kolej Linowa – Chairlift,

ul. Turystyczna 4,

tel. 075 761 92 84,


Informacja Turystyczna w Karpaczu,

Tourist Information in Karpacz,

ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 25a, 58-540 Karpacz,

tel./fax 075 761 97 16,

tel. 075 761 86 05


Lower Silesian Nature


Page 68: Lower Silesia

From Szklarska Por ba to the Snowy Cirques

there is a yellow and then green tourist trail

(3 hours 35 minutes). Szrenica Chairlift is 1417 m

and 1341 m long (two sections). The upper station is

located at 1309 m. The journey takes around 20 min-

utes. The lift can seat two persons per chair.

Ski Arena Lift, ul. Turystyczna 25a,

tel. 075 717 30 35, www.kopa.com.pl

Tourist Information in Szklarska Por ba,

ul. Pstrowskiego 1, 58-580 Szklarska Por ba,

tel. 075 717 24 49, 717 24 94,


The Polish-Czech border in the Karkonosze National Park

should be crossed in designated places; they are located at

the junction of the Polish and Czech tourist trails.

1. Mt. nie ka summit (yellow trail),

2. near the l ski Dom mountain hostel (blue trail),

3. at Równia pod nie k (near the Burnt Watchtower,

Spalona Stra nica, yellow trail),

4. near the Jelenka hostel (green and yellow trail),

5. at Owl Pass (Sowia Prze cz) red trail,

6. near the Twaro nik rock (yellow trail),

7. at the level of the source of the aba river (yellow trail),

9. at the “ nie ne Kot y” Radio and TV Broadcasting

Centre (yellow trail),

10. at the Black Pass (Czarna Prze cz) (blue trail),

11. near the Petrova Bouda hostel

(yellow, blue and green trail).

In the Table Mountains National Park you are allowed

to cross the Polish and Czech border only in designat-

ed places.



The Table Mountains, which close the K odzko Valley

from the west, are the only mountains in Poland of hor-

izontal sandstone structure. The mountains form a kind

of a plateau with quite steep 200-metre long faults. The

landscape’s attractiveness and natural peculiarities in-

spired the creation of the Table Mountains National

Park. It has an area of 6280 ha. The Wielkie Torfowisko

Batorowskie peat bog ecosystem, and rock formations

of Szczeliniec Wielki, Szczeliniec Ma y and B dne Ska y

are subject to reserve protection. The Table Mountains

are also visited by climbers, who practise their skills on

the cliffs of Szczeliniec Wielki.

Table Mountains National Park

(Park Narodowy Gór Sto owych) information,

tel. 074 866 14 36, www. pngs.pulsar.net.pl


Page 69: Lower Silesia


This is one of the most attractive nooks of the Table

Mountains, the only horizontal sandstone moun-

tains in Poland. It is a reserve for inanimate nature.

The rocky blocks are cut by a network of corridors

and labyrinths. Some of the rifts and cracks are up

to 12 m deep. Wind, water and temperature dif-

ferences formed the sandstone rocks into fantastic

shapes sometimes resembling strange creatures or


q Location:

in the K odzko Region, in the Table Mountains, near

Kudowa Zdrój and Kar ów,

q Access: from Kudowa Zdrój on foot by green and

red tourist trail, access from Kudowa by car by the

100 Bends Road (Droga Stu Zakr tów), 6 km up to

the crossroads, and then by the Puszcza ska Road

(Puszcza ska Droga), to the car park, shuttle access

to parking at full hours, leaving the parking at half-

hours. Paid entry to the reserve.

Visit lasts about 1.5 hrs.

Table Mountains National Park

(Park Narodowy Gór Sto owych) information,

tel. 074 866 14 36,

www. pngs.pulsar.net.pl


Szczeliniec Wielki is the highest peak of the Table

Mountains (919 m a.s.l.). From a distance it resem-

bles a thatched roof hut. Steps (665) hewn in the rock

lead to the fl at top, and marked trails lead through

the rocky corridors. From the top you can admire a

beautiful vista of the K odzko Valley. The steep walls

of Szczeliniec rise over 150 m above the ground. On

top of Szczeliniec the oldest mountain hostel in the

Sudeten is located (its summer pavilion was built in


q Location: at the foot of Szczeliniec, Kar ów village

is situated – a tourist centre with a junction of the Ta-

ble Mountains trails. You can reach Szczeliniec from

Kar ow by a marked yellow tourist trail and an edu-

cational path – the Rock Relief Path ( cie ka Skalnej

Rze by).

q Access: from Kudowa Zdrój by the 100 Bends

Road (Droga Stu Zakr tów). There is also a bus serv-

ice from Kudowa and K odzko (but not very often).

Paid entry. Visits last about 3 hours. Visits follow the

marked circular trail starting at the mountain hostel.

You can stay at Szczeliniec from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Table Mountains National Park.

information (Park Narodowy Gór Sto owych)

tel. 074 866 14 36,

www. pngs.pulsar.net.pl


The Kamie czyk Waterfall in Szklarska Por ba is the

highest Sudeten waterfall. The Kamie czyk Stream

falls here into the almost 30-metre high gorge, creat-

ing three cascades of the height of 27 metres. Behind

the middle pool there is the so-called Golden Cave

(Z ota Jama), hidden behind the screen of water, dis-

covered in the Middle Ages by the Walloon gold dig-

gers in the Karkonosze.The picturesque Szklarka

Waterfall between Szklarska Por ba and Piechowice

is visited by numerous tourists because of its relative-

ly easy access. The Szklarka Stream near the estu-

ary into the Kamienna River creates an over 13-me-

tre high waterfall that is an enclave of the Karkonosze

National Park. Beautiful but less often visited is the

third Karkonosze Podgórna Waterfall in Przesieka. At

an elevation of 550 m a.s.l, it is created by Podgórna

River. Nearby run the green and yellow tourist routes

to Borowice. In the K odzko Region the Wilczka River

in Mi dzygórze falling from the 20-metre high cliff cre-


Page 70: Lower Silesia

ates in the rocky, dark gorge the second highest wa-

terfall in the Sudeten Mountains. Until the memora-

ble fl ood in 1997 the waterfall was higher by 6 metres.

Below the waterfall there is a stone dam (29m high)

with a fl ood-control reservoir. The Wilczki Waterfall

is a nature reserve.

q Location: Kamie czyk and Szklarka waterfalls are

in the Karkonosze in the area of Szklarska Por ba,

and the Podgórna Waterfall nearby Przesieka, which

is easiest to get to from Karpacz or Borowice.

Kamie czyk Waterfall

q Access: along the red tourist route from the car

park near the former glassworks (approx 30 min.).

You have to pay to enter the waterfall area. Visitors

should put on protection helmets that are rented at

the entrance.

Szklarka Waterfall

q Access: from Piechowice along the blue tour-

ist route, and also from the car park at the road from

Jelenia Góra to Szklarska Por ba at the gate to the

Karkonosze National Park; the black tourist route

runs to the waterfall. The waterfall is an enclave of

the Karkonosze National Park.

Tourist Information in Szklarska Por ba,

ul. Pstrowskiego 1, Szklarska Por ba,

tel. 075 717 24 49, 717 24 94,


Wilczki Waterfall

– at the entry road to Mi dzygórze, behind the

building of the “Nad Wodospadem” holiday house.

q Access: to Mi dzygórze in the nie nik Massif –

bus connections from K odzko.

Information – PTTK Offi ce in Mi dzygórze,

ul. Sanatoryjna 1, tel. 074 813 51 95


Established in 1880, area of 4 ha. Here is a wonderful

rhododendron and azalea collection. That is why the

best time to visit the garden is May – the time of bush

fl owering. There are also about 300 species of bush-

es and trees, including Japanese Maples, splendid oaks,

Caucasian Spruces and Monterey Pines. Currently a

branch of the Botanical Garden of Wroc aw University.

q Location: in Wojs awice, part of Niemcza, 1.5 km

east from the centre at the road to Strzelin. There is a

bus connection to Niemcza. Open: from 20 April to

October daily 9a.m. – 6 p.m., Sundays and holidays

8a.m. – 8 p.m., tel. 074 837 64 69


The north-west part of the province is overgrown by

the Lower Silesian Forest, one of the biggest forest com-

plexes in Poland; its area comprises over 150 thousand

hectares. The sandy, infertile soils did not attract set-

tlers; therefore until today over large stretches of the

forest human settlements are far between. Within the

Lower Silesian Forest there is the large, over 1000-hec-

tare “Przemków Ponds” (Stawy Przemkowskie) ornitho-

logical reserve, constituting part of the Landscape Park.

The Forest is crossed from south east to north west

by the A4 motorway. On the north east edge there

is Przemków, on the south edge Boles awiec and

W gliniec. Within the forest, north of Boles awiec, there

is the well-known Kliczków Castle.


Nature monument. Pedunculate oak 750 years old. It

is the oldest oak in Poland; height 28 m, circumference

of the trunk 9.92 m. On the edge of the Lower Silesian

Forest, in the area of the Przemków Landscape Park,

5 km north of Przemków, in the swampy valley of the

Szprotawa River.


Page 71: Lower Silesia




In the formerly swampy valley of the Barycz River the

monks from the neighbouring monasteries established

in the 13th century many fi sh ponds. On the ponds

(dozens of them stretch out east and west from Milicz),

famous for their delicious carp, one of the largest orni-

thological reserves in Europe was established. Water

birds and waders nest there, and over 250 species

were counted, of which 165 have here their breeding

grounds. Entry to the reserve is admittedly not allowed

(it requires a permit in writing from the Province Nature

Conservator in Wroc aw), but from the causeways and

special observation points it is possible to spy rare spec-

imens such as: black stork, crane, purple heron, white-

tailed eagle and black kite. 150 pairs of white storks have

been observed here! Birds can be watched in the vicin-

ity of Potasznia village, from the dirt road on the dike

between the Jan Pond and Niezawodne Ponds, and

Uroczy Pond. Near to Ruda Su owska there is a road

accessible for walkers and cyclists that runs from Ruda

Su owska to the Su ów – migród road. Birds can al-

so be watched from the Su ów – Ruda Su owska –

Grabówka road. Near Ruda Milicka there is an obser-

vation platform at S upicki Pond, at the road to Milicz

and at the dam in the village centre at the Jaskó czy

Pond. Good places to observe birds are also at the

road running from Ruda Su owska south to the ki –

Niezgoda road.

Tourist Information in Milicz,

Rynek 20, tel. 071/383 11 11

There are buses running

to Milicz; it is also possible

to get there by train.



The Bóbr River on the section from Jelenia Góra to Wle

passes through four picturesque gorges. The prettiest is

the “Beaver Gorge” (Borowy Jar), 4 km long, with high,

rocky banks. In the river valley there are lakes that were

created as the result of river regulation: Modre Lake,

Wrzeszcza skie Lake and Pilchowickie Lake. Streams

running into the Bóbr River create deep gorges (the

Wild Gorge (Dziki W wóz) near Maciejowiec); the

cones of extinct volcanoes, caves and picturesque rock

formations (Lwóweckie Ska y near Lwówek l ski) can

be found here. On the Bóbr River annual canoeing ral-

lies take place. A picturesque walking route marked yel-

low and a cycle path run to the Modre Lake from Jelenia

Góra (from Krzywousty Hill).

q Access: to Pilchowickie Lake: in Pilchowice village

turn left (marked road).



The most beautiful mountain peat bog in Poland. It is lo-

cated in the area of Zieleniec near Duszniki Zdrój. This

huge (almost 160 ha) peat bog, situated at the height of

about 750 m, is reminiscent of the Siberian tundra. Peat

moss and dwarf birch, mountain pine, oxycoccus palus-

tris and many other rare bog plants can be found. In the

reserve it is only possible to walk on marked paths and

piers; there is also an observation tower.

q Access: by road south from Duszniki Zdrój and

then up following the information signs.


Page 72: Lower Silesia


Nature monument. The circumference of the trunk is

512 cm, age 1250 years, height 13 m. It is probably the

oldest tree in Poland.

In Henryków Luba ski – the village 5 km south from

Luba . In the upper part of the village at the farm

no. 293.


Nature monument. The tree with a circumference of

460 cm. In Sichów, within the “Che my” Landscape Park,

south-west of Z otoryja and west of Jawor.


Not far from Grodziec, near Proboszczowice village,

Ostrzyca Hill (501 m a.s.l) is distinguished by its char-

acteristic silhouette. This former volcanic cone is cov-

ered by basalt rubble. 300 stone steps lead to the top.

Once the Slavic inhabitants of this land worshipped the

sun on the top. On the top the rock structure is un-

covered; pentagonal basalt posts. It is a reserve of in-

animate nature.

q Access:

south-west of Z otoryja,

near Proboszowice village.



In the K odzko Region within the nie nik Massif

in the 1960s a large cave was discovered that was

later named the Bear’s Cave, because the bones

of prehistoric bears and other animals from thou-

sands of years ago were found. The cave has a re-

markable dripstone curtain with stalagmites and sta-

lactites. The corridors of the cave are more than 2

km long.

q Location: in the nie nik Massif, near Kletno vil-

lage near Stronie l skie. Bus and train connection

to Stronie l skie. There is also a bus to Kletno on


q Access: from Kletno from the car park

25 min. on the forest path or educational path; it is

also possible to get there by chaise. Sightseeing ap-

proximately 40 minutes in groups with guide.

Booking necessary.

The Bear’s Cave,

tel. 074 814 12 50,

open (May-Aug) 9 a.m. – 4.40 p.m.,

except Mon and Thu

(Sep-Apr) 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.,

except Mon and Thu.



Page 73: Lower Silesia



Smaller cave in the limestone rocks of Mt. Bzowiec (697

m). Corridors and chambers run to the length of 265

m. There are three entrances to the cave. In one of the

chambers there is a deep lake. Numerous (damaged)

stalactites and stalagmites.

q Location:

In the K odzko Valley near L dek Zdrój.

q Access:

along the green or blue (longer) route from L dek

Zdrój. Attention! There should be a guide on duty,

but that is not always the case. After rain the entranc-

es are slippery.


This is part of the Kaczawa Upland and Kaczawa

Mountains with the 3-kilometre My libórz Gorge

(W wóz My liborski) – nature reserve – and Mt. Rataj

with the uncovered basalt rock structure called the Little

My libórz Organs (Ma e Organy My liborskie). Many

picturesque hills constitute perfect view points.

q Access: south-west of Z otoryja and west of Ja-

wor. Access to Mt. Rataj – 1 km south-east from

My libórz. To the “My libórz Gorge” leads the yel-

low tourist route and educational path from Jawor.



About 30 km south-west of Wroc aw from out of a

woodless plain rises the l a Massif, constituting a group

of hills of various height; the highest hill among them –

l a – is 718 m a.s.l. Mt. l a was once a place of pagan

worship of the l anie Slavic tribe. Numerous archaeo-

logical excavations, stone worship sculptures and stone

worship embankments on the summit of Mt. l a and

Radunia recall the past. The Massif is overgrown with

forests, mainly spruce forest with an admixture of syc-

amores. The area makes up the l a Landscape Park.

Three nature reserves have been established here: land-

scape and geological reserves on the heights of Mt. l a

and Radunia and a fl oristic reserve with steppe fl ora on

the Sulistrowice Meadow ( ka Sulistrowicka). There

are several routes running across the Massif, including

the archaeological route (marked with a black bear), tak-

ing in excavations and archaeological sights.

q Access: to Sobótka at the foot of Mt. l a ap-

proximately 30 km south of Wroc aw; numerous bus

connections from Wroc aw. Trips to Mt. l a from

Sobótka: red, yellow and blue signs from Sobótka-

Strzeblów. There is a refuge on the top of Mt. l a,

tel. 071 342 61 42


Page 74: Lower Silesia


Page 75: Lower Silesia

Admittedly over vast stretches of the Silesian Lowland

winter is very rare: the climate here is the warmest in

Poland and the snow lies in Wroc aw, in the heart of

the lowland, only several days per year, but only sev-

eral dozen kilometres further south winter sport en-

thusiasts have guaranteed conditions to practise their

favourite discipline. In the Sudeten Mountains large,

well-known and modern winter sport centres as well

as numerous ski runs and tourist routes in small, qui-

et places are available for skiers and snowboarders. In

Karpacz, one of the most beautiful places at the foot

of Mt. nie ka, the average snow depth is 30 to 80

cm and remains from November to March. In winter

several dozen ski lifts, two ski jumps and a toboggan

run are operating here. Ski runs in Karpacz have a to-

tal length of 8 km. The longest of them in the area of

Karpacz – “Liczyrzepa I” – from Mt. Kopa to the bot-

tom station of the chairlift is 3000 m long. The chair-

lift to Mt. Kopa (upper station at 1325 m) can take 600

tourists per hour and its length is almost 2300 m. For

cross-country and ski touring enthusiasts a 5 km long

picturesque route starting in Karpacz Górny at the

“Legniczanka” holiday house is marked out.

Karpacz: Tourist Information,

ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 25,

58-540 Karpacz,

tel. 075 761 97 16,

www. Karpacz.pl

Located at the foot of Mt. Szrenica (1362 m a.s.l)

Szklarska Por ba is known as the Lower Silesian

capital of winter sports. The climate conditions in

Szklarska Por ba can be compared with Alpine con-

ditions. Skiers can choose from a variety of runs from

Mt. Szrenica with a total length of 13 km, numerous

ski schools, ski equipment rental places and ski serv-

ice places. The most popular pistes in Szklarska Por ba

are: the 4400 m long “Lollobrigida”, the 2080 m long

“ nie ynka” and the 1470 m long “Puchatek”. In the

nearby Jakuszyce Glade (Polana Jakuszycka) there are

excellently prepared cross-country runs. The specif-

ic microclimate of the Glade ensures the best condi-

tions to practice cross-country skiing. Snow remains

here to the end of March. Cross-country runs in the

Jakuszyce Glade with the length of 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 km

have the homologation of the Polish Ski Federation.

Annually in March the Piasts’ Cross-Country Race –

an event of international signifi cance – takes place on

the Jakuszyce Glade.

Szklarska Por ba, Tourist Information,

ul. Pstrowskiego 1, 58-580 Szklarska Por ba,

tel. 075 717 24 49, www. szklarskaporeba.pl



There is here a ski centre on the slopes of Black Mountain

in Sienna, near Stronie l skie. Black Mountain (1205 m

Lower Silesia in winter


Page 76: Lower Silesia

a.s.l) is the most recognisable peak of the nie nik Massif.

There is a 1367 m long lift to Black Mountain (the height

difference is 379 m). For skiers there are also seven oth-

er lifts, including one for children, for whom there is al-

so a ski-carousel.

q Access: road no. 392 from Stronie, towards

Bystrzyca K odzka. The way to the centre is marked

by information boards.

Czarna Góra S.A. Mountain Centre,

tel. 074 814 12 45, www.czarnagora.pl

Duszniki Zdrój is also becoming a well-known win-

ter sport centre. Nearby, in the Jamrozowa Glade

(Jamrozowa Polana), the Olympic preparation cen-

tre was established with race tracks, ski jump, tobog-

gan run and biathlon rifl e-range. Zieleniec in the Eagle

Mountains (Góry Orlickie), approximately 6 km from

Duszniki, at 900 m above sea level, is one of the high-

est located villages in Poland. On the northern slopes

of the Eagle Mountains snow remains until mid-April,

which creates particularly advantageous conditions

for skiing.


www. jamrozowa.pl

q Access:: road no. 8 from Duszniki Zdrój to Jamro-

zowa Polana, road no. 8 to Zieleniec

and further road no. 389.

Tourist Information in Duszniki Zdrój,

58-540 Rynek 9, 57-540 Duszniki Zdrój,

tel. 074 866 94 13



The Suche Mountains near Wa brzych are a well-

known and frequently visited place to practise cross-

country skiing and ski touring. Here takes place the

famous “Gwareks’ Race”, known for years as a mass

ski event.

Many tourist routes in the Sudeten Mountains are used

in winter by increasing numbers of ski touring enthusi-

asts. There are in this region many forest tracks, cuttings

and non-forested, mild slopes with extensive views al-

lowing long trips.

q Access: Road no. 35 from Wa brzych direction

Unis aw l., and then local roads to Rybnica

Le na and “Andrzejówka”.

Info: Tourist Information in Wa brzych:

Rynek 9, 58-300 Wa brzych,

tel./fax 074 842 20 00,

e-mail: [email protected]


Page 77: Lower Silesia

POPULAR AMONG SKIERS, apart from the eminent centres, are also many other

places in the Sudeten Mountains, such as:




q Access: from Wa brzych by road no. 381, from

Dzier oniów road no. 383, and then local roads

info: Tourist Information in Wa brzych:

Rynek 9, 58-300 Wa brzych,

tel./fax 074 842 20 00,

e-mail: [email protected]




On Bald Mountain in the Kaczawa Mountains.

q Access: road no. 365 approx. 10 km north-east

from Jelenia Góra, Bald Mountain ( ysa Góra)

- Dziwiszów, tel. 075 71 39 200



Ski lift Under Holy Mountain (Pod wi t Gór ) in


q Access: Road no. 5, 11 km south from Kamienna

Góra www.wyciag-lubawka.pl



info: Tourist Information Centre

in Bystrzyca K odzka 57-500 Bystrzyca K odzka,

ul. Rycerska 20, tel. 074 811 37 31

e-mail: [email protected], www.zgs.ta.pl

e-mail: [email protected]



Cross-Country Centre, “Bieg Piastów” Association,

tel./ fax 075 717 33 38, tel. 075 717 20 22,


One of the best cross-country ski centres in Europe; ex-

cellent conditions to practise classic skiing for amateurs

and professionals. Thanks to the perfect climate condi-

tions a thick layer of snow lasts until late spring. For many

years at the centre a well-known sport event among

cross-country enthusiasts, “The Piasts’ Race”, has taken

place. The Cross-Country Centre offers cross-country

trails with different grades of diffi culty – from very easy to

very diffi cult – and of a total length of over 100 km.


“The Way of Turów Power Plant”

(“Droga Elektrowni Turów”), length: 13 km,

“Polfa Boles awie Route”

(“Trasa Polfy Boles awiec”), length: 10 km,

“PKO BP route” (“Trasa PKO BP”), along the rail-

way, length: 12 km,

“Guaranteed Snow Route”, length: 2500 m.

All routes make a loop in the shape of a clover leaf and

join together, giving the opportunity to combine the

routes. The highest point on the routes: 1001 m.


Page 78: Lower Silesia

The lowest point on the routes: 752 m (near Harrachov).

After the winter season all routes are accessible to cy-




Cross-Country Ski Trail – Snowmobile Trail, length:

2.5 km,

tel. 075 761 97 16, 761 86 05.


Cross-country ski trails on the slope of Mt. Wo owa in

the area of Podgórze and Okraj Pass. Over 25 km of

marked and prepared ski trails of various diffi culty;

tel. 075 718 24 89, e-mail: [email protected]


Cross-country ski trail in Kopaniec



Red marks

section: “Andrzejówka” refuge – omnica – Grzmi ca

(Stone Mountains) – Sokola Pass – Wielka Sowa (Great

Owl Mt) (1015 m), “Zygmuntówka” refuge – Jugowska

Pass (Owl Mountains) – total 25 km, Soko owsko –

Bukowiec loop (898 m) – “Andrzejówka” refuge; the

Gwareks’ trail: Soko owsko – “Andrzejówka” refuge.


Jamrozowa Polana near Duszniki Zdrój O rodek

Kultury, Sportu, Rekreacji i Turystyki – Culture,

Sports, Recreation and Tourism Centre,

Rynek 6, tel. 074 866 94 38,

ski trails length: 1400 m and 2500 m

(other trails from 750 m to 3500 m).


Ski Trail: Kar ów – ki Pasterskie – Pasterka – Kar ów,

length: 12 km, Table Mountains (Góry Sto owe)

National Park

074 866 14 36

Ski Trail: Kar ów – Praski Trakt – Zbój,

length: 7.5 km, Table Mountains (Góry Sto owe)

National Park,

tel. 074 866 14 36

Ski Trail: Krzywa Droga – crossing at the Great

Batorowskie Peat Bog – Skalne Grzyby – Nikn ca

ka length: 3.5 km, Table Mountains (Góry Sto owe)

National Park,

tel. 074 866 14 36


Page 79: Lower Silesia


Batorów – Kar ów, 15 km, ski trail Kar ów – Pasterka and

return (one lane) 10 km, Snowgroomer makes two trails

for traditional cross-country skiing.



Alpine toboggan track “Alpine Coaster”

ul. Parkowa, tel. 075 76 19 094

– open all year round, speed up to 35 km/h, uphill

length: 240 m, downhill length: 800 m, 11 bends.

Sledge and bobsleigh track with artifi cial ice for sledge

and bobsleigh training – length 110 m.



Zawody o Puchar Samotni

/The Samotnia Cup – April,

organizer: Szko a Górska, tel. 075 761 93 76,

Urz d Miasta, tel. 075 761 97 16,

761 97 16

FSI Nordic combined World Cup B, January,

organizer: City Hall of Karpacz,

tel. 075/ 761 97 16

Waldemar Siemaszko Memorial – Alpine Ski Polish

Cup – March, organizer: Górska Szko a, City Hall

of Karpacz, Volunteer Mountain Rescue Service


Amateur Alpine Ski and Snowboard

Championships – Family Cup – January,

organizer nie ka Sports Club.


Polish and Czech Millennium Run

(Bieg Tysi clecia) –

Szklarska Por ba – Jakuszyce – January,

organizer: Bieg Piastów Association,

tel. 075 717 33 38

Lower Silesia Cup – cross-country ski

– February,

organizer: PSZS,

tel. 075 755 13 61

Bieg Piastów (the Piast Race) – Euroloppet

– March,

organizer Bieg Piastów Association,

tel. 075 717 20 22

European Cup in Sled Dog Racing of Northern

Breeds – March

organizer: Szklarska Por ba Municipal Offi ce,

tel. 075 754 77 40, www.szklarskaporeba.pl

New Year’s Eve Run – December,

Organizer: Bieg Piastów Association,

tel. 075 717 33 38


“Z oty Flins” Ski Competition – February,

tel. 075 781 63 50,

075 713 64 82


Stanis aw Bodzek Memorial Cross-Country

Ski Competition - February

Organizer: Town and Communal Culture and

Sports Centre, ul. Przyjació o nierza 6a,

tel. 075 741 13 69.


Page 80: Lower Silesia


The Gwareks’ Race – February;


organizer: Wa brzych Townhall, Sports

and Recreation Centre Wa brzych, Mieroszów MCK,

organizer offi ce: [email protected]


Poland’s Winter Biathlon Olympics - February

organizer: O rodek Kultury, Sportu, Rekreacji i Tury-

styki – Culture, Sports, Recreation and Tourism Cen-

tre, Rynek 6,

tel. 074 866 94 38


ZeroBorder – Family Cup,

Table Mountains Cup Ski Run in Kar owo – January.



(to Mt Ma a Kopa, and then footpath

to Mt. nie ka)

ul. Turystyczna 4,

tel. 075 761 92 84.




ul. Turystyczna 25a,

tel. 075 717 30 35.




Sienna 4 near Stronie l skie in K odzko


tel. 074 814 12 45.



Page 81: Lower Silesia


A formerly fortifi ed town on the Amber Route which

stretched between the Adriatic Sea and the Baltic

Sea. The town is located on the slopes of the Bardo

Mountains in the Nysa K odzka River gorge. On the

north-west slope, just above the picturesque gorge,

there is a massive rockslide. The slide took place on

August 24, 1598, after a few days of heavy rain; it was

also linked to an earthquake. From the road level, the

one that cuts across the town, one may spot a cross sit-

uated on the slope, on the edge of the rockslide. On the

slope of Mt. Ró a cowa along a path climbing the sum-

mit, there is a group of 13 beautiful chapels of Rosary

Devotion. There is a 15th century stone bridge on the

Nysa K odzka River. In the parish church, placed on the

altar, there is a statuette of the Holy Mother from Bardo.

The statuette, believed to grace the prayers, originat-

ed either in the 12th or the 13th century and is made of

beech wood. The sculpture is approximately 43 cm high,

and is said to be the oldest Romanesque wooden sculp-

ture in Silesia. There is also a movable crib in the crypt.

The blue tourist trail runs from Bardo to Mt. Kalwaria.

On the north-west slope, there is a cliff which is also a

beauty spot on the Nysa K odzka River gorge.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 8.


In historical times it was a trade settlement on the Amber

Route from Moravia to Silesia. The town is picturesquely

situated on the steep slopes of the valleys of two rivers,

Nysa K odzka and Bystrzyca. Spotted from a distance

the town is deceptively similar to Italian towns. Historical

buildings and remains of the old town walls have been

preserved. On the present Small Marketplace, which

used to be called the Cattle Market, there is a stone

whipping post dated 1556, which bears the Latin inscrip-

tion Deus impios punit (God punishes the impious).

Near the Town Hall there is a stone votive fi gure of

the Holy Trinity, dated 1736. The Match Museum in

Bystrzyca K odzka, the only one in Poland, presents the

history and ways of kindling. It exhibits fl ints and steels,

matches, lighters and lamps, and a vast number of match-

box labels from around the world.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 8 and follow

it to K odzko, then take road 33 to Bystrzyca K odzka.


In early medieval times it was a fortifi ed town of the Slavic

tribe Dziadosze. In 1109 German emperor Henry V at-

tempted to conquer it, but due to the heroic defence he

failed. From the 12th until the end of the 16th century,

G ogów was the capital of the Duchy of G ogów. Due to

Places of interest in Lower Silesia


Page 82: Lower Silesia

the Nazi attack the town was nearly razed to the ground.

Luckily, the Castle of the Dukes of G ogów survived.

Next to the castle, there is the Statue of the Children of

G ogów, the monument raised in lasting memory of the

defence of the town in 1109.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take the road to Zielo-

na Góra, then take road 12 to G ogów.


A town situated in the Sudeten Foreland. Established as a

town in the 13th century. In the years 1303-1346 Jawor was

the capital of the autonomous Duchy of Jawor. Historical

buildings: one of the two preserved in Lower Silesia

Churches of Peace dating from the 17th century, with very

impressive Baroque furnishings. The Piast Castle, fi rst men-

tioned in the 13th century, underwent several redevelop-

ments which produced Baroque and Renaissance parts. The

14th century Town Hall with a 65 m high tower, its beautiful

chamber room equipped with stained-glass windows de-

livered by the Berlin Institute of Stained Glass, is the build-

ing’s most signifi cant attraction. The tower in Strzegom was

erected in the 16th century. The 13th century St Martin’s

Church with its remarkable early Gothic profi le, which con-

trasts with the church’s lavish Baroque decor.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take the A4 motor-

way, and then take road 3.


On the hill which stands over the Nysa K odzka River, there

is a monumental castle of the Hohenzollern, dating from

the 19th century. It was erected according to neo-Gothic

style rules by the eminent German architect, K.F. Schinckl.,

at the request of Albrecht of Hohenzollern and his wife,

the Dutch princess Marianna Oranien. The castle is made

of brick and stone, and is one of the most outstanding ex-

amples of Romantic architecture in Europe. The castle used

to be surrounded by an Italian-style park and a natural land-

scape park. Until 1810 it was occupied by a Cistercian abbey

(church and prelacy survived). The castle was destroyed by

the Soviet army. For years, until today, it has been under re-

construction. Hotel at the castle’s premises.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 8

to Z bkowice, where you take road 382.


Picturesquely located, in the centre of the K odzko Valley,

on the site of a former defensive town which guarded the

Amber Route. In early medieval times, the rule over the

town was alternately Czech or Polish. In 1449 it became

the capital of the autonomous County of K odzko region.

On Castle Hill overlooking the town, there is K odzko

Fortress, which has had its present appearance since the

17th century. It was then that Frederick II ordered its en-

largement, which was part of the campaign to fortify the

Silesian border, the land which he had just captured from

Austria. Throughout its history the castle was besieged

eleven times. When it was rendered useless, it was turned

into a prison and barracks. A historic Gothic bridge spans

the Nysa K odzka River, linking the old town with Piasek

Island. The bridge, which is believed to have been built in

the 14th century, is made of sandstone blocks joined with

the use of mortar with eggs, which explains its strength.

The sandstone fi gures placed on the balustrade are from

Tastes of Lower Silesian

Bread from Jawor The last weekend of August is the time when

the market square in Jawor becomes the stage

for a grand festival of aroma given off by the most

delectable of all breads. Bakers proudly present

the stages of making bread, usually produced

according to local recipes. It makes the perfect

opportunity to taste delicious, freshly baked bread.


Page 83: Lower Silesia

the 17th and the 18th centuries. The underground route,

called “A Thousand Years of Polish Statehood”, is almost

700 meters long and constitutes part of the underground

system of tunnels and halls once used for defence purpos-

es. It is linked with the cellars of some medieval houses.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 8.


In early medieval times it was a Slavic trade town, locat-

ed on the crossroads of trade routes. In the 13th century

it became the capital of the Duchy of Legnica, and later

the Duchy of Legnica and Brzeg. In 1241 Legnica’s sur-

roundings were the site of a historically signifi cant battle

against the Mongols. Visiting the market square, histor-

ical buildings – eight 16th century historic tenements –

draw one’s attention. They are called the Herring Stalls,

as vendors used to sell herring there. Two of them have

retained their sgraffi to decoration. Nearby, there is a

Renaissance corner tenement called “Under the Quail’s

Basket”, which is equipped with a rare semicircular bay

window and a top decorated with linear sgraffi to.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take the A4 motorway.


In the 10th-11th centuries the town served as a gold

mining centre, in the 12th-16th centuries as a weaving

centre. In the 13th century it became the capital of the

Duchy of Lwówek. The town has retained its medieval

arrangement. The 14th century Town Hall combines

Gothic and Renaissance style. It was rebuilt in the 16th

century. Lwówek is also famous for its well preserved

town walls dating from the 14th and 15th centuries. The

walls are double-ringed and have retained two towers at

Luba ska and the Boles awiecka Gate. A stone bridge on

the Bóbr River, built in 1558, can be seen.

q Departing from Jelenia Góra, take road 30

toward Zgorzelec, then take road 364.


First mentioned as a fortifi ed town from the 10th centu-

ry. At that time it had the oldest glassworks in Silesia. In

1071 it became famous for its victorious defence against

the German emperor Henry II. The town has retained

its spindle-like arrangement with an oval market square.

The remains of the stone town walls date from the 15th

century. Nearby, there is the Sudeten Dendrological

Garden – which boasts the greatest collection of azalea

and rhododendron in Poland.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 8.


One of the oldest towns in Lower Silesia. From 1312 to

1492 it was the capital of the Duchy of Ole nica. The

Castle of the Dukes of Ole nica is located on the site of

a former fortifi ed town. In the 16th century the castle

was converted to the Renaissance style. Further rede-

velopments took place in the 19th and at the beginning

of the 20th century. On the castle premises is St. John’s

Church, dating from the 14th century. The Wroc awska

Gate is one of the formerly four 14th century gates. The

gate is part of the well preserved town walls.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 8.


Page 84: Lower Silesia


One of the oldest towns in Poland, established in the

13th century on the basis of the “ redzkie Law”, which

after alterations became the model law for others. The

town has retained its spindle-like market square, a large

part of the town walls, and St. Andrew’s Church, which

is one of the oldest in Silesia. Nearby, there is a 15th

century bell tower. On the “parish premises”, there is a

Romanesque church of the Virgin Mary, erected in 1234.

In 1988, the “ roda treasure” was excavated. It includ-

ed medieval jewellery and coins. The discovery caused

a nation-wide sensation. The treasure is now exhibited

in the Regional Museum of roda.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 94.


In the 15th century it was one of the biggest and rich-

est towns in Silesia. From 1291 to 1392 it was the cap-

ital of the Duchy of widnica and Jawor. The town was

then known for its delicious beer, served in beer cellars

in Wroc aw, Kraków, Prague and Heidelberg. There is

one of the two preserved Churches of Peace which have

been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Church of St. Stanislav and Vaclav has the high-

est tower in Silesia, 103 m high. In the 17th century the

Gothic church acquired Baroque decor. At that time, the

altar and the group of sculptures called the “Heavenly

Orchestra” were created. The latter is a decoration of

the church’s pipe organ, and was carved by Leonard

Weber, who lived in widnica. All that has remained of

the Gothic furnishing is the Marian altar, which is linked

to Wit Stowosz’s school of sculpture. In widnica there

is also a unique Museum of Ancient Trading.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 35.


Trzebnica is located in a shallow valley of the Trzebnica

Hills. In the 12th century chronicles it is mentioned as a

trade town. The vestiges of the fi rst settlements go back

as early as 500,000 years ago. Trzebnica is famous for

its micro-climate and deposits of mineral water. In 1202

Henry the Bearded founded in Trzebnica the fi rst con-

vent and a monastery, in which he lies buried togeth-

er with his wife, Hedwig of Andechs from Bavaria. Due

to her effort to disseminate Christianity and deeds she

was canonized in 1269 and is revered as the patron of

Silesia. In the Basilica of St. Bartholomew, which consti-

tutes part of the post-Cistercian monastery, there is St.

Hedwig’s Chapel in which tourists can fi nd a monumen-

tal sarcophagus of St. Hedwig, made in marble and al-

abaster. Since the 13th century the tomb has been the

destination of pilgrimages and adoration.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 5 toward

Pozna .


It used to be a trade town on the way to the Czech lands.

In the past, the town was part of the Duchy of Wroc aw,

then came under Czech rule. The town also belonged to


Page 85: Lower Silesia

the Duchy of Zi bice, as proved by the vestiges of the ru-

ins of the Castle of the Dukes of Zi bice. The most out-

standing monument is the Leaning Tower, a 34 m high

belfry tower. The profi le of the tower suggested anoth-

er name for the town – the Silesian Pisa. The ground,

stone part of the tower dating from the 13th century is

believed to have been the remains of the castle of the

dukes. The lean, which is now 2.12 m off vertical, re-

sults from the landslide in 1590 caused by a presumed

earthquake. The upper part of the tower was construct-

ed after a fi re in 1860. Visitors are allowed to enter the

monument. Every year the town holds an event called

“The weekend with Frankenstein”, a festival of ghosts

and phantoms. The name refers to the former name

of the town.

q Departing from Wroc aw, take road 8.


The town’s origins are closely related to the exploitation

of gold, found in the sand and gravel of the Kaczawa riv-

er, and started in the 15th century. Kopacze, a name

for a mining town, was fi rst mentioned in the 12th cen-

tury. On the Lower Marketplace, there is the Fountain

of the Miners, which is a tribute to 500 miners from

Z otoryja who died in the battle of Legnica against the

Mongols in 1241. At the foot of Mt. St. Nicolau, there is

a drift open to visitors called “Aurelia”. The town receives

worldwide publicity due to the annual Gold Panning


q Departing from Wroc aw, take the A4 motorway,

then take road 364.


Erected in the 18th century. The interior is built of

dead people’s bones, who died as a result of plagues,

the Thirty Years’ War (17th C.) and the Silesian Wars

(18th C.). The ceiling and walls of this somewhat terri-

fying chapel are covered with the skulls and shinbones

of about 3,000 people. The rooms under the fl ooring

contain the bones of about 21,000 people.

Kudowa-Czermna, ul. Ko ciuszki, next

to St. Bartholomew’s Church, tel. 074 866 17 54,

open: Tue-Sun, opening hours: 9am-4pm, break

1pm-2pm. Visiting only at designated times, only with

a local guide.


13th century wooden church, transferred to its present

place in the 19th century from Vang in Norway. It stands

as an example of Nordic-Roman architecture. The

church is characterized by staves equipped with drag-

ons’ heads which give it a resemblance to Viking boats.

Currently, it is the Lutheran Church of the Augsburg

Confession. Admission charged.

q Location: Karpacz Górny, ul. Na nie k 8,

tel. 075 761 92 28, open: Mon-Sat – opening hours

9am-5pm, Sun – opening hours 11:30am-5pm, from

May: Mon-Sat – opening hours 9am-6pm


Established by the owners of Ksi Castle. It was re-

sponsible for a daily supply of fl owers to the castle. Walls


Page 86: Lower Silesia

covered with volcanic lava imported from Sicily. Open

to visitors.

At the north end of the town, close to road 35 from

widnica and Wroc aw. ul. Wroc awska 158,

tel. 074 664 21 50, open daily (except Monday) –

opening hours 10am-6pm.


A reservoir, also called the Pilchowickie Lake; the surface

area is 250 ha and it is about 7 km long. The dam was

built in 1908-1912 on the Bóbr River. Its height is 62 m.

The lake offers favourable conditions for water sports

and fi shing. There are pleasure boat trips on the lake.

q Departing from Jelenia Góra, take road 30, and

then the local road to Pilichowice.


Built in the 16th century, one of only a few in Europe.

Wooden building, reconstructed after the fl ood of 1605,

survived until today. The mill is located on the Bystrzyca

Dusznicka river, so each fl ood has brought damage, in

turn leading to subsequent renovations and rebuilding.

Production of paper stopped in 1905. The paper pro-

duced at the mill was highly valued for its quality and was

used for the issuance of ceremonial documents, acts and

diplomas. The production of the hand made paper can

be watched during special demonstrations. The Paper

Museum, which is located in the mill, presents collections

of watermarks and antique books. There is also a collec-

tion of portraits of the owners of the mill.

q Location: Duszniki, ul. K odzka 42, at the entrance

to the town, direction from K odzko (road 8).

Duszniki has a bus and train link to K odzko.

Museum of Paper, Duszniki Zdrój, ul. K odzka 42

tel. 074 866 92 48, tel./fax 074 866 90 20.



A group of 11 wooden houses (used to be 12 but one

burnt down) dated 1701 inhabited by hand weavers at

that time. The houses are arcaded from gable walls, sit-

uated in a row, with shared walls. Currently in houses on

S decka Street there is a weaving exhibition and shops

offering weaving articles.

q Access to Che msko l skie: Driving from Kamien-

na Góra, exit from road 367 to Krzeszów by marked

local road and then to Che msk



Picturesque road meandering through the Table

Mountains National Park, from Radków to Kudowa

Zdrój, 11 km. Road 387. On the way a few car parks. The

road also leads to B dne Ska y reserve and Szczeliniec

Wielki. Kar ów can provide dinner and accommoda-



Page 87: Lower Silesia


This is a sharp bend on the Sudecka Route between

Szklarska Por ba and wieradów Zdrój, at an altitude

of 775 m a.s.l. You can see here a group of rocks, a

precipice and a viewpoint – a wide panorama of the

Karkonosze Mountains. Road 404. About 3 km from the

city centre of Szklarska Por ba, exit by car next to the rail-

way station on the road to wieradów Zdrój.


Picturesque tourist route that winds across the whole

Sudeten Mountains. The most attractive spots are found

between wieradów and Szklarska Por ba (road 404)

and the so-called Sudeten Highway (road 389) starting

from the Polskie Wrota mountain pass. The Highway at

600 m a.s.l diverges from road 8 (between the towns of

Duszniki and Kudowa) and via the Bystrzyca Mountains

and Spalona Mountain Pass it reaches Mi dzylesie. The

Sudeten Highway (road 389) is characterized by very

low traffi c. In winter, parts of the road can be impassa-

ble. During the snow season only the section between

Polskie Wrota mountain pass and Zieleniec is cleared of

snow as an access road to ski resorts.




The railway from K odzko to Wa brzych was built in

1879-1880. Along the way there are three tunnels and

several viaducts. The most attractive of them include:

The viaduct in Ludwikowice K odzkie

19th century structure on the way between K odzko

and Wa brzych. Over the valley in Ludwikowice the

viaduct is 15 m high and 164 m long. Steel elements

of the viaducts are riveted as welding was then un-


q Location: Ludwikowice K odzkie – a village near

Nowa Ruda, on the way from Wa brzych to K odzko

(road 381), the bridge and the railway go above the

road to Jugów (Ko ciuszki Street).-

The Black Bridge (Czarny Most) viaduct in No-

wa Ruda.

Climbs 36 m above the ground, which makes it the

highest along the whole rail track (length 148m) - The

viaduct in Wa brzych – 123 m long and 20 m high.

q Location: before the Wa brzych G ówny Rail-

way Station, road 377 to Mieroszów (Niepodleg o ci

Street) runs under the viaduct - The tunnel between

Jedlina Górna and Wa brzych made in Mt. Wo owiec

Ma y – the longest tunnel in Poland – 1603 metres.

Rail traffi c is currently suspended. During the high

season a fast train runs from Jelenia Góra to Kato-

wice. Tourist tours are organized on demand.

Viaduct in Lewin K odzki

Built in 1905 on the way from K odzko to Kudowa

Zdrój; 27 m high.

q Location: over road no. 8 from K odzko

to Kudowa Zdrój.


Page 88: Lower Silesia



Resembles Roman aqueducts. Built in 1844 – 1846, 490

m long and 26 m high. It is one of the most impressive

structures of the kind in Europe.

Over the Bóbr River, visible from national

road no. 4 (E40).


A bridge over the Lusatian Neisse (Nysa u ycka) River,

on the railway from Legnica to Dresden. Built in 1847,

structured in Roman stone aqueduct style. It incorpo-

rates 31 spans. 480 m long and 35 m above the riv-

er level.

q Location: in the southern part of Zgorzelec and

Görlitz. The viaduct can be spotted from the river

banks (in Zgorzelec follow Parkowa Street, in Görlitz,

Germany, next to Goethestrasse, to reach the river

follow Inselweg path).





The museum is situated in two drifts of the former gold

mine, where gold had been mined since the Middle

Ages. In one of the drifts you may fi nd an underground

8-metre-high waterfall. The Ksi eca drift was hewed

in the 19th century.

The Underground Museum of Gold Mining and Met-

allurgy Z oty Stok, ul. Z ota 7, tel. 074 817 55 08,


open daily; summer season (1.04.-31.10.), opening

hours 9 am - 6 pm (entry every 15 min.); winter sea-

son (1.11-15.01.), opening hours 10 am - 4 pm (entry

every 45 min.), from 16.01 to 30.03. opening hours

9 am - 4 pm.



Jaworzyna is one of the largest railway junction points in

Lower Silesia. The museum houses very rare steam en-

gines and various other unique rail equipment.

The Museum of Industry and Railway in Silesia,

ul. Towarowa 2, tel. 074 856 43 30,


open daily (except bank holidays) from April

to October, opening hours 10am – 5 pm,

November to March 10am – 3 pm.


The museum boasts a valuable collection of local

Boles awiec pottery, the oldest showpieces dating back

to the 17th century. The collection includes traditional

art of many generations of potters from the Boles awiec

region. There you can fi nd various artistic expressions,


Page 89: Lower Silesia

among others: hand-made pitchers, moulds ornament-

ed with stamps and patterns.

Boles awiec, ul. Mickiewicza 13,

tel. 075 732 38 57, art.pl, open Tue-Wed: opening

hours 10am - 5pm, Thu-Sat, Sun: 10am - 4pm.

www. muzeum-ceramiki.




The museum exhibits instruments for meteorological


q Location: Inside the meteorological observatory,

nie ka summit; access by mountain trails.

tel. 075 752 68 51, open daily: opening hours

10am - 4pm



An extensive collection of balances and scales, weights

and other items used in trading. Interiors designed as

a colonial store and an 18th century pharmacy.

In the Town Hal building, Rynek 37,

tel. 074 852 12 91,

open: Tue-Fri opening hours

11am-2pm, Sat-Sun 10-2pm;




An impressive and extensive collection of matches and

matchbox labels from around the world, fl int and steels,

lamps and lighters. The museum presents ways of mak-

ing fi re and the history of the match industry.

Ma y Rynek 1, tel. 074 811 06 37,

open daily (except Mon), opening hours 8:30am-

4:30pm. www.muzeum.fi lumenistyka.pl



Vast collection of old household equipment, including

washing machines, irons and butter churns.

Rynek 44, tel. 074 819 13 78.

Open Tue-Fri, opening hours 10am - 4pm,

Sat-Sun 12am-4pm.



Exhibits are mostly dolls, but there are other toys such as

teddy bears, model railways and building blocks. The mu-

seum shows toys from different periods, made of wood,

paper, porcelain, lead, wax, bark, grass and plastic.

Karpacz, ul. Karkonoska 5, tel. 075 761 85 23,

open Tue 9am-5pm, Wed-Fri 9am-3pm, Sat 10am-

3:30pm, Sun 10am-4:30pm. Closed on Mondays

and bank holidays.



Visitors are allowed to visit a training drift, built in 1933,

where they can see a display of mining equipment, ma-

chines and tools. On the premises of the museum there

is a 600 m long drift.

Wa brzych, ul. Wysockiego 28, tel. 074 664 60 35,

open Tue-Sat. Tours depart at: 9am, 11am, 1pm.




A museum unique in the world, presenting old mail

coaches, a collection of mail boxes and an abundance of

other showpieces related to communication and mail.

Wroc aw, ul. Krasi skiego 1, tel. 071 346 95 82,

open Mon-Sat 10am-3pm, Sun 11am-2:30pm,

closed on Tue.


Page 90: Lower Silesia




Lower Silesia in miniature – models of historical build-

ings, palaces, castles. How to get there: follow road 367

from either Jelenia Góra or Kamienna Góra; when you

reach Kowary take road 366.

ul. Zamkowa 9,

tel. 075 752 22 42,

www. park-miniatur.com

open daily, opening hours 9am-6pm, closed in win-

ter season



It is a former Nazi concentration camp, which held

120,000 people as captive, 40,000 of whom died. On

the premises of the former camp, there is the Museum

of Martyrdom, a memorial-mausoleum and a perma-

nent museum exhibition.

q Access: departing from Strzegom or Jawor take

road 374.

tel. 074 855 90 07,




Bored in rock, underground drifts and halls used by the

Nazi armoury.

q Access: From Wa brzych take road 381 to

Pieszyce or from Dzier oniów road 383.

ul. 3 Maja 26, tel. 074 845 73 00,

open daily, opening hours 10am-4pm, Sat-Sun until

5pm. In summer season until 8pm.





A system of underground passages and halls, and ground

facilities. The Nazi coded it “Riese” (Giant), and it is as-

sumed to be Hitler’s unfi nished headquarters.

q Access: Departing from Wa brzych or K odzko

follow road 381 (20 and 40 km respectively)

ul. Grunwaldzka 20,

tel. 074 845 62 20, www.osowka.pl

Open daily, opening hours Apr - Sept 10 am-6 pm,

Oct-Mar 10am-4pm.


Page 91: Lower Silesia



Erected and named in 1912-1913 to commemorate

Napoleon’s victory in 1813. The hall is a pioneering

work of modern architecture, made of reinforced


The dome of the Hall is 67 m long in diameter and

42 m high. The Hall holds great cultural and sports

events, as well as shows and fairs. The facility can

seat 10,000 people. The edifi ce is situated on the ex-

hibition grounds, and borders the Szczytnicki Park,

the largest in Wroc aw. In the vicinity one may fi nd:

the Four Dome Pavilion (also an exhibition building

built in 1912-1913). In front of the Hall, there is a 96

m high spire, which was erected to add splendour

to the Exhibition of the Recovered Territories. The

Hall was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage

List in 2006.

qLocation: north-east part of Wroc aw,

in Szczytniki district, ul. Wystawowa 1,

tel. 071 347 51 00

open daily, opening hours 8am-6pm




Two of the three wooden churches have survived. The

churches were erected by Silesian Protestants, who

were allowed to do so after the Peace of Westphalia

which fi nished the Thirty Year War. The churches are

the only ones of that kind in the world. Both of them

(one in widnica and one in Jawor) are inscribed on the

UNESCO World Heritage List.



Built in 1654, due to the emperor’s order made of wood

and clay. The church may host a congregation of 7500.

There are 3000 seats in the nave and on the two-sto-

Lower Silesian historical monu-ments on the UNESCO

world heritage list


Page 92: Lower Silesia

rey gallery. The interior impresses with its lavishness and

richness of Baroque decor.

Church of Peace in widnica, Plac Pokoju 6,

tel: 074 852 28 14

open: Mon-Sat 9am-1pm and 3pm-5pm,

Sun 3pm-5pm,

www. kosciolpokoju.pl

q Location: The church is situated in the centre of

the town, access route well marked with informa-

tion boards.

Tourist Information in widnica,

Wewn trzna Street 2 (part of the Town Hall),

58-100 widnica,

tel. 074/852 02 90, tel/fax 074 852 02 98,




The church is also made with the use of beam construc-

tion, erected in 1655. It is a three navel basilica, further

developed after 1700. The church can hold a congre-

gation of 6000 people in the nave and in four storeys of

the galleries. The galleries are decorated with wood-

carving pieces of art and paintings presenting 143 Old

and New Testament scenes. The coffer ceiling together

with the walls are covered with blue polychrome pre-

senting plant-like motifs.

Church of Peace in Jawor, pl. Wolno ci,

tel. 076 870 51 45

q Location: the church is situated in the centre of

the town, easily accessible from transit roads.


Page 93: Lower Silesia

The past and present culture of the inhabitants of Lower

Silesia is renowned for its unique fl avour. It is a conglom-

eration of various traditions of many towns with nation-

al and international trends. The abundance of theatre

life is well demonstrated by the famous “International

Meetings of One Man Shows” in Wroc aw, “The Actors’

Song Festival”, The “Dialog” International Theatre

Festival and “Brave Festival – Against Cultural Exile”.

Cinema lovers cherish such festival as “Era – New

Horizons”, “Ofensiva” and “Zoom-Zbli enia”. The in-

habitants of Lower Silesia manage to make good use

of their soil. During the International Gold Panning

Championships in the goldfi eld banks of the Kaczawa

River, the panners try to revive this old tradition. Every

year Kowary hosts fans of sleighing on the characteristic

regional horn sleighs. The snowy tracks in the Sudeten

Mountains invite enthusiasts of cross-country skiing for

famous ski races such as the Gwareks’ Race in the Suche

Mountains. A no longer used, picturesquely located rail-

way is the stage of the Handcar Championships. The

Agat Summer in Lwówek l ski is a great opportuni-

ty for those who wish to learn something more about

the treasures hidden below the surface of the Lower

Silesia soil. The Silver Festival in Legnica offers a chance

to learn about silver in the region where it is excavat-

ed. Even the once forgotten mine slag heaps are now a

place where you can praise the courage of racing driv-

ers. Lower Silesia people celebrate even their rivers,

fl owers, horses and bread – like the celebration of the

Kwisa River in Gryfów l ski, fl owers festival in Ksi

Castle, celebration of horses from the Castle’s stud, and

the Lower Silesian bread festival in Jawor.




Góry Suche – The Suche Mountains

Mass ski run that takes place around “Andrzejówka”

(a refuge) near Wa brzych in the Suche Mountains.

www. osir.walbrzych.pl

Events in Lower Silesia


Page 94: Lower Silesia



Szklarska Por ba

Organizer: The City Council

– Promotion Department,

tel. 075 754 77 40

www. szklarskaporeba.pl



Szklarska Por ba

Organizer: The City Council

– Promotion Department,

tel. 075 754 77 40



Jakuszyce near Szklarska Por ba

It is a mass international ski event, belonging to the

European Long-Distance Runs League Euroloppet

– amateur ski runs: 25 and 50 km. The event is held

at Polana Jakuszycka (a forest clearing) near Szklarska

Por ba and next to the border with the Czech Republic.

The run is usually frequented by 3000 to 4000 run-

ners. The age range is broad and ranges from small chil-

dren to 70-year-olds. Participants choose between two

runs: 25 km and 50 km long. Polana Jakuszycka is the

most famous cross-country ski resort in Lower Silesia.

Trails are always perfectly prepared both for profession-

al skiers and amateurs who choose to roam across the

snow-capped Izera Mountains. The competitive trails

are marked in red, and tourist ones in green (8 km) and

blue (20 km)


within the city boundaries of Szklarska Por ba, on the

way to Prague and Liberec. Border with the Czech

Republic in the vicinity (Jakuszyce-Harrachov)

Ski Race “Bieg Piastów”

Bieg Piastów Association, Jakuszyce,

tel. 075 717 33 38


Centre for Ski Running in Jakuszyce

tel. 075 717 20 22

In winter 24/7 information on skiing conditions in the

Szklarska Por ba region,

tel. 075 717 21 18

Tourist Information in Szklarska Por ba:

ul. Jedno ci Narodowej 3, Szklarska Por ba,

tel. 075 717 24 49, 717 24 94,





The name “Horn Sleigh” is derived from their shape

– runners are bent backward, which makes them re-

semble horns.

www.kowary.pl www.sanierogate.kowary.pl


Page 95: Lower Silesia


Wroc aw

The festival has been in existence since 1964, as

a contest for modern jazz bands. It hosts the best

Polish and world jazz players. The contest is accom-

panied by concerts of special guests.

www.impart.art.pl www.jnofestival.pl


Wroc aw

The Actors’ Song Festival is the biggest Polish festival

dedicated to literary songs and musical theatre.




Wa brzych

The fl ower exhibition is accompanied by musical

shows, pottery exhibitions, photography exhibitions,

peasant and artistic handicraft displays – all with fl oral

and fl ower background motifs.




Organizer: Trzebnica Cultural Centre,

tel. 071 312 09 47 www.trzebnica.pl



It is held in a region with an ages-long history of ex-

cavation of copper, gold and silver ores. The silver

which participants are obliged to use by the festival

regulations to bring their visions to life is obtained in

the local mines and works.

www. galeria.legnica.pl



Wroc aw





Organizer: Automobilklub Sudecki

– the Sudeten Automobile Club,

tel. 074 852 21 00





Z otoryja

It is possible thanks to the unique and mysterious at-

mosphere exuded by the gold at Z otoryja since the

12th century, when the “gold fever” started. “Golden

traditions” are maintained by modern gold miners as-

sociated in the Polish Gild of Gold Diggers.


Page 96: Lower Silesia


Z otoryja is located on the Kaczawa Upland, about

80 km west of Wroc aw, 11 km from the “Wroc aw

– Western National Border” highway. A bus serv-

ice connects Z otoryja with Wroc aw and the neigh-

bouring town of Legnica.


The Polish Gild of Gold Diggers

Z otoryja,

tel. 076 878 7040,



“Aurelia” Drift – entries: Z otoryja

Cultural Centre,

tel. 076 878 33 74,



Z bkowice l skie

“Weekend with Frankenstein” refers to the histori-

cal name of the town. Up to 1945 Z bkowice l skie

was called Frankenstein. The story of the scientist

Doctor Frankenstein refers to it.






Organizer: “Jedynka” Arts Agency,

tel. 071 344 22 34


www. jedynka.art.pl



This event shows the beauty of the fading profession

of a blacksmith.





Every year elite national choirs compete here.

www. lck.art.pl www.cantat.legnica.pl




Wa brzych

The Rally is held in May and June on the old mine

waste dump and is regarded as one of the most diffi -

cult rallies of this type in Poland.

www.ak-wb.netix.pl, rajdhalda.hb.pl



They have been organized every May/September in

the Church of Peace in Jawor since 1995. The con-

certs present the music of Polish, Czech and German






in Szczawno Zdrój

The festival is held to commemorate two stays of the artist

in the Szczawno Zdrój spa in the years 1855 and 1857.

www. teatr-zdrojowy.pl


Page 97: Lower Silesia


Grodziec Castle

Organizer: ZUT Grodziec,

tel. 076 877 44 52




It is an event where all kinds of art meet – represent-

ed by artists from Wroc aw, Poland and all around

the world.





SATRYKON is a huge exhibition

and competition of satirical sketches.





Wroc aw

Organizer: Street Arts Support Association

– “Busker”,

tel. 071 321 12 48



Z bkowice l skie

Organizer: Z bkowice Cultural Centre,

tel. 074 815 28 96


www.fi esta.e-zok.pl



Organizer: Minno – Miejski O rodek Kultury, Spor-

tu, Rekreacji i Turystyki – Municipal and Commu-

nal Culture, Sports, Recreation and Tourism Cen-

tre, Rynek 6,

tel. 075 741 34 31,





Szklarska Por ba

Organizer: Municipal Offi ce

– Department for Promotion,

tel. 075 754 77 40

www. szklarskaporeba.pl



Wroc aw

In several showrooms over 500 movies from all

around the world are shown.




Polanica Zdrój

www. szklarskaporeba.pl

www. mck.polanica.pl


Jugowice near Walim

On a picturesque section of the closed train line.

One of the points of the competition is to drive the

handcar on time.

www. walim.pl, www. sbk.pl


Page 98: Lower Silesia



Wroc aw

Artists from the furthest corners of the world present

their traditional songs, music, rituals and ceremonies,

performing traditional dances and spectacles.



in Lwówek l ski

Lwówek Agate Summer is the biggest

collectors’ event in Poland.

www. lla.lwowekslaski.pl



L dek Zdrój

Performances of ballet theatres from Poland and

abroad, concerts, dance shows, as well as dance

and choreographic workshops with

over 30 dancing techniques.




Organizer: Karpacz City Council,

tel. 075 761 97 16




Szklarska Por ba

Organizer: “Sokole Oko” Heavy Motorbike Club,

tel. 075 754 77 40



Jedlina Zdrój

Soup cooking competition. All soups are served to

the audience.

www. um.jedlina.pl



International Bach Festival

– annual Baroque music festival.






in Kudowa Zdrój

Since 1962 meetings of lovers of opera and the music

of Stanis aw Moniuszko lovers have been held in this

Lower Silesian health resort.



Page 99: Lower Silesia




ci gny near Karpacz

Polish Championship in Gold Hunting with Metal

Detectors – Western City



Polanica Zdrój




Organizer: Strzegom Centre of Culture,

tel. 074 649 44 00 www.strzegom.pl


Jelenia Góra

One of the largest crossbow tournaments

in Poland at Chojnik Castle.



Boles awiec

Ceramic festival and feast of Boles awiec town. The

event cultivates centuries-old ceramic traditions of

the Boles awiec region. Presentation and sale of

Boles awiec ceramics.





Jelenia Góra

Organizer: Jelenia Góra Theatre,

tel. 075 642 81 14 www.teatr.jgora.pl



in Duszniki Zdrój

Artists from all over the world – laureates of prestig-

ious international piano competitions

– take part in it.

www: chopin.festival.pl




Bakers from different European countries present

themselves. During the event there is among other

things the nation-wide “Baker of the Year” competi-

tion and the “Miss Baker” Beauty Contest.









Szklarska Por ba

Organizer: Wroc aw City Council

– Promotion Department,

tel. 075 754 77 40

www.szklarska poreba.pl



Szklarska Por ba

Organizers: City Council

– Promotion Department, tel. 075 754 77 40



Page 100: Lower Silesia



Wroc aw

The Festival’s repertoire comprises: oratorios, can-

tatas, madrigals, motets, masses and songs from dif-

ferent historical eras; great vocal-instrumental forms

from the religious music sphere are presented here.

www: wratislaviacantans.pl

Organizer: Local Government

Cultural Institution – “Wratislavia Cantans”

Wroc aw, Rynek 7, tel. 071 342 72 57,

www. wratislavia.art.pl



in Wroc aw

The Wroc aw Marathon is a street run of 42.195 km

with participants from all over the world.

MiniMaraton – a race for children




wieradów Zdrój




Crowning of the apiarian season. Consumption of

honeys from the Lower Silesian Forest.



Jelenia Góra

Organizer: City Council,

tel. 075 754 61 77 www.jeleniagora.pl



wieradów Zdrój

www.swieradowzdoj.pl, www.rokacalfuza.




Jelenia Góra

Organizer: Lower Silesian Philharmonic,

tel. 075 753 81 71


Jelenia Góra

Organiser: Tourist and Cultural Information Centre,

tel. 075 76 76 925 www.jeleniagora.pl





Organizer: Mountain School,

tel. 075 761 93 76,


UM Karpacz, tel. 075 761 97 16




Wroc aw

The performances of theatrical groups from around

the world accompany meetings with their creators

and invited guests, exhibitions and projections.



Page 101: Lower Silesia



Jelenia Góra

The festival is a meeting of young bands from Poland,

Germany and the Czech Republic.

www. jck.pl




Wroc aw

Review of monodramas and short theatrical forms

made in Poland in the last theatrical seasons. The festi-

val is accompanied by shows of études of the Wroc aw

Theatrical School and recitals of famous artists.

www. wrostja.art.pl



Wroc aw

The festival presents artistic cinema from around the

world and is an attempt to bring together all the latest

trends in fi lm art, in the fi eld of the feature fi lm and doc-

umentary as well as in the fi eld of video clips and ani-




Page 102: Lower Silesia


ul. Sierpnia 80 12/13, 59-700 Boles awiec

tel./fax 075 732 44 55, tel. 075 732 02 12

e-mail: [email protected], www.boleslawiec.it.pl


“Janmar” Service and Tourist Offi ce (Biuro

Us ugowo-Turystyczne „Janmar”)

Rynek 33, 59-420 Bolków,

tel. 076 741 32 62

e-mail: [email protected]


Tourist Information Centre 57-500

Bystrzyca K odzka, ul. Rycerska 20,

tel. 074 811 37 31, fax. 074 811 37 07

e-mail: [email protected], www.zgs.ta.pl

e-mail: [email protected]



Tourist Information Point Commune Promotion

Offi ce, ul. Fabryczna 1, 59-225 Chojnów,

tel. 076 818 79 10, fax 076 818 75 87

e-mail: [email protected]

www: gmina.chojnow.pl


Tourist Information and City Promotion Centre

Rynek 9, 57-340 Duszniki Zdrój,

tel./fax 074 866 94 13

e-mail: [email protected]



Tourist Information and City Promotion Centre

Rynek 1, 58-200 Dzier oniów,

tel. 074 645 04 02,

[email protected], 832 35 20


Tourist Information

ul. Grunwaldzka 20, 58-340 G uszyca,

tel. 074 845 62 20, fax 074 845 63 32

e-mail: [email protected]

www.osowka .pl


Tourist Information Centre (Intertrans PKS SA)

ul. Jedno ci Robotniczej 2, 67-200 G ogów,

(Station Gallery), tel. 076 835 45 15,

e-mail: [email protected]


Tourist information in Lower Silesia


Page 103: Lower Silesia


Tourist Information Point

Rynek 1, 59-620 Gryfów l ski,

tel./fax 075 781 29 44

e-mail: [email protected],



Tourist and Cultural Information Centre

ul. Grodzka 16, 58-500 Jelenia Góra,

tel. 075 767 69 25,

tel./fax 767 69 35

e-mail: [email protected],



Tourist Information Offi ce

ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 25a, 58-540 Karpacz,

tel./fax 075 761 97 16,

tel. 075 761 86 05,

e-mail [email protected],



Regional Tourist Information

pl. Chrobrego 1, 57-300 K odzko,

tel. 074 865 89 70, 865 89 71, 867 70 07,

e-mail: [email protected]

www. ziemiaklodzka.it.pl

[email protected]


Tourist Information Centre

ul. 1 Maja 1a, 58-530 Kowary,

tel./fax 075 718 24 89

e-mail: [email protected]



Tourist Information

ul. Zdrojowa 44, 57-350 Kudowa Zdrój,

tel./fax 074 866 13 87, tel. 866 35 68

e-mail: [email protected]


Commune Information Centre

Rynek 1, 57-540 L dek Zdrój,

tel. 074 814 64 82, 814 64 73

e-mail: [email protected]


OSiR Tourist Information

ul. Naj wi tszej Marii Panny 7, 59-220 Legnica,

tel. 076 723 38 01

e-mail: [email protected]



Tourist Information Point

Rynek 19, 59-820 Le na,

tel./fax 075 721 14 00

e-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]


Tourist Information Point

pl. Ko ciuszki 10, 57-343 Lewin K odzki,

tel./fax 074 869 86 29

e-mail: [email protected]


Tourist Information Point

ul. Bracka 12, 59-800 Luba ,

tel./fax 075 722 25 41 www.luban.pl

e-mail: [email protected], www.sudety.it.pl


Page 104: Lower Silesia


ul. Kamiennogórska 19, 58-420 Lubawka,

tel. 075 741 19 29, fax 741 19 29

e-mail: [email protected], www.sudety.it.pl


ul. Wac awa Kowalskiego 1, 59-623 Lubomierz,

tel./fax 075 783 35 73, 781 48 74

e-mail: [email protected]



DSIT Tourist Information Point

pl. Wolno ci 22, 59-600 Lwówek l ski,

tel./fax 075 647 79 12

e-mail: [email protected]

www.sudety.it.pl , www.lwowekslaski.pl


PTTK Tourist Information

ul. Sanatoryjna 1, Mi dzygórze, 57-522 Domaszków,

tel./fax 074 813 51 95 www.pttk.miedzygorze.

ta.pl, e-mail: [email protected]


Tourist Information Point

ul. Sobieskiego 2, 57-530 Mi dzylesie,

tel. 074 812 63 41, 812 63 27


Rynek 20, 56-300 Milicz,

tel. 071 383 11 11


JSIT Tourist Service Information Point in the Com-

mune Centre of Culture ul. Daszy skiego 29,

58-533 Mys akowice,

tel./fax 075 643 92 42

e-mail: [email protected]


Rynek 1 (inside the Town Hall)

59-730 Nowogrodziec,

tel. 075 731 63 11

e-mail: urz [email protected]


ul. ymierskiego 53, 58-573 Piechowice,

tel. 075 761 72 01, fax 761 11 30

[email protected],



ul. o nierska 14, 58-562 Podgórzyn,

tel. 075 762 18 26

e-mail: [email protected]


ul. Zdrojowa 13, 57-320 Polanica Zdrój,

tel. 074 868 24 44,

fax 868 13 01


e -mail : [email protected]


Rynek 17, 57-420 Radków,

tel. 074 871 22 70

e-mail: [email protected]


ul. Ko ciuszki 18 (Rivendell hotel),

58-310 Szczawno Zdrój,

tel./fax 074 886 88 50

e-mail: [email protected]


Page 105: Lower Silesia


Commune Information and Promotion Centre

ul. Wolno ci 1, 57-330 Szczytna,

tel. 074 868 33 33, fax 868 45 80,

e-mail: promocja @szczytna.pl

e-mail: szczytna @szczytna.pl

www.szczytna pl


City council – Promotion Department – Tourist In-

formation ul. Pstrowskiego 1,

58-580 Szklarska Por ba,

tel./fax 075 717 24 49, 717 24 94

e-mail: [email protected]



ul. Wewn trzna 2, 58-100 widnica,

tel. 074 852 02 90, tel./fax 852 02 98

e-mail: [email protected]



Municipal Tourist Information Offi ce

ul. Zdrojowa 10, 59-850 wieradów Zdrój,

tel. 075 781 63 50

tel./fax 781 61 00

e-mail: [email protected]



Tourist Commune Association of the Trzebnica Hills

and the Barycz Valley (Stowarzyszenie Gmin Tury-

stycznych Wzgórz Trzebnickich i Doliny Baryczy)

55-120 Trzebnica, pl. Pi sudskiego 1,

tel./fax 0 71 387 13 19

e-mail: [email protected]


ul. Ko ciuszki 2, 58-320 Walim,

tel. 0 74 845 38 75

e-mail: [email protected]



Tourist Information Centre of the Ksi Towns and

Communes Union Rynek 9, 58-300 Wa brzych,

tel./fax 074 842 20 00

e-mail: [email protected]


ul. Chopina 2, 59-610 Wle ,

tel. 075 713 68 87

e-mail: [email protected]


Tourist Information Centre

Rynek 14, 50-101 Wroc aw,

tel. 071 344 31 11, fax 344 29 62

e-mail: [email protected]



District Tourist Information Centre

ul. w. Wojciecha 5/1 (at the Leaning Tower),

57-200 Z bkowice l skie tel./fax 074 815 74 01,


e-mail: [email protected]


Tourist Information Point

pl. Pocztowy 1, 59-900 Zgorzelec

tel./fax 075 771 36 95, e-mail: it.zgorzelec@

neostrada.pl, www.it.zgorzelec.pl


Page 106: Lower Silesia


Lower Silesia is attractive any time of the year. Winter

is at its most beautiful in the Sudeten Mountains: winter

sport centres and pistes vibrate with life, full of colourful-

ly dressed winter sport enthusiasts; and the forest tracks

and wilderness of the cross-country ski trails tempt with

the peace and majesty of snow-covered spruces and fi rs.

We invite you to participate in the ice sculpture competi-

tion or the downhill rides on various bizarre vehicles, i.e.

on anything (“na bele czym”). In the early autumn on the

mountain trails it is possible to see blue fl owering gen-

tian, a beautiful plant that has become the symbol of this

region. And in spring and summer we invite you to take

lazy walks in the old towns of historical cities, walks in

spa parks, hikes with a rucksack on tourist trails, cycling

excursions and canoe trips. Or fi nd out for yourself

how mountain pine smells on a hot day and what the

K odzko rose looks like. And maybe you would like to

watch moufl ons grazing at dawn? Or watch the sun set

behind the Evening Castle – one of the rock formations

in the Sudeten. In Wroc aw on summer evenings a vis-

it to the Old Town Square is a must; in the gardens of

numerous restaurants and coffee houses, in clubs and

pubs, Wroc aw’s inhabitants and tourists meet – life here

goes on until dawn.

We invite you to discover Lower Silesia!

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Publisher: Marshal’s Offi ce of Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Wybrze e S owackiego 12-14, 50-411 Wroc aw, tel.+48 71 776 91 55 Compiled and printed by: Digital Center & Business Consulting Translated by: Idalia Ashcroft

This Publication is co-fi nanced by the European Union, from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund, as part of The Integrated Regional Operational Programme entitled, “The Promotion of the Branded Tourist Products of Lower Silesia” and from the budget of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship.