low-wage work morgan jones, kelsey huang, natalie hubert, andrew stafford

Low-wage work Morgan Jones, Kelsey Huang, Natalie Hubert, Andrew Stafford

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Page 1: Low-wage work Morgan Jones, Kelsey Huang, Natalie Hubert, Andrew Stafford

Low-wage work

Morgan Jones, Kelsey Huang, Natalie Hubert, Andrew Stafford

Page 2: Low-wage work Morgan Jones, Kelsey Huang, Natalie Hubert, Andrew Stafford

Definition and Characteristics

● A job paying less than two thirds the median wage or● A full time, year round worker earns less than the

poverty threshold for a family of fouro in 2007 1 in 3 jobs were considered low-wage

● Generallyo low skillo less hours or non-standard hourso lack of benefits offeredo little opportunity for advancemento requiring few credentials and limited educationo at risk for poverty

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Page 5: Low-wage work Morgan Jones, Kelsey Huang, Natalie Hubert, Andrew Stafford

Reasons for Low-Wage Work

● Involuntary Part-Timeo Workers who prefer full time employment

cut labor costs accounts for most of part-time growth since 1969 scheduling flexibility (employer perspective)

o Part time workers made 58% of full timers in 1989o Shift from manufacturing to service jobs

low wage, low skill, high turnovero Deunionization

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Involuntary Part-Time

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● Driving Income inequality

● Disconnect between pay and productivity

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What we know

● Increase in the federal Minimum wage from $5.15 in 2006 to $7.25 in 2009

● Nearly 41% increase in the minimum wage in 2009● In 2009 the federal minimum wage is suggested to be

7.8% less than its value in 1967● In 2011 the minimum wage was calculated to be 37% of

what an average worker earned per hour● This is a major factor in the rising inequality in the

United States

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Possible Solutions

● Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2017

● Tax penalties for companies who have low wage workers

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Rising Inequality

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Raising the Minimum Wage

● Provide a boost in income to low-wage with small increase to $10.10 by 2017

● A moderate increase to the minimum wage o About 17 million workers would receive a wage boost

About 8 million children are in families that would be affectedo Mostly Adults would be affected

84% over the age of 20 47% over the age of 30

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Research on Raising the Minimum Wage

● Hasn’t been raised in over 5 years● Mens average wage has decreased over the last

thirty years● Small to moderate increases to the minimum

wage o Evidence points to little or no employment responseo Likely has no effect on prices rising such as in 1991

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Tax Penalty to Companies

● Employees living in povertyo better pay/benefits or taxo pay for government coverage

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Young’s Research

- Young, Alford. 2008. “The Work-Family Divide for Low-Income African Americans.”

- Work/family conflict has even worse effect on low-income families (4 different African Americans discussed in the book)

- jobs only for fulfilling basic needs and interest of family members;

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Research *Henly, Julia R. and Susan Lambert. 2005. “Nonstandard Work and Child-Care Needs of Low-Income Parents.”

● Low income workers often experience volatile and non standard scheduling challenges○ Low- skilled jobs have non standard features○ About half of low-wage hourly workers have nonstandard schedule

● Child care issues○ Parents with fluctuating or nontraditional job schedules have difficulty

accessing licensed child care○ Nonstandard schedules impact children's behaviors, educational

outcomes, parent-child interaction.

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Thank you for your time and considerationOn low-wage work

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CitationsBernstein, Jared, and Maury Gittleman. "Exploring Low-wage Labor with the National Compensation Survey." Monthly Labor Review 126.11/12 (2003): 3-12. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.Bernstein, Jared, and Sharon Parrott. "Proposal to Strengthen Minimum Wage Would Help Low-Wage Workers, With Little Impact on Employment." Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (2014): n. pag. Http://www.cbpp.org. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.Bivens., Elise Gould., Lawrence Mishel., Heidi Shierholz, “Raising America’s Pay Why-It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge, “Economic Policy Institute, June 4, 2014, http://www.epi.org/publication/raising-americas-pay/Boushey, Heather, Shawn Fremstad, Rachel Gragg, and Margy Waller. "Understanding Low-Wage Work the United States." The Mobility Agenda (2007): n. pag. www.inclusionist.org. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.Cooper, David. "Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Save Safety Net Programs Billions and Help Ensure Businesses Are Doing Their Fair Share." Economic Policy Institute (2014): n. pag. Http://www.epi.org. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.Damaske, Sarah. For the Family?: How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work. New York: Oxford UP, 2011. Print.Elise Gould, “Why America’s Workers Need Faster Wage Growth—And What We Can Do About It,”Economic Policy Institute, August 27, 2014, http://www.epi.org/publication/why-americas-workers-need-faster-wage-growth/Gerstel, Naomi, and Harriet Gross. Families and Work. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1987. Print.

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"Involuntary Part-time Work on the Rise." Issues in Labor Statistics (2008): 1-4. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Dec. 2008. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.

Lawrence Mishel, “ Union, inequality, and faltering middle-class wages,” Economic Policy Institute, August 29, 2009 http://www.epi.org/publication/ib342-unions-inequality-faltering-middle-class/

Pager, Devah, Bruce Western, and Bart Bonikowski. 2009. “Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment”, American Sociological Review 74: 777-99.

Richard C. Kearney, Labor Relations in the Public Sector ( New York, New York: CRC Press, 2009), 14Josh Bivens., Elise Gould., Josh

Tilly, Chris. "Reasons for the Continuing Growth of Part-Time Employment." Monthly Labor Review (1991): 10-18. HeinOnline. Web. 25 Feb. 201

Lambert, Susan, and Julia Henly. "Nonstandard Work and Child-Care Needs of Low-Income Parents." (2005): n. pag. Print.