low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle … · low awareness level, need for...

Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle cell disease in Bahrain One in 10 Bahraini residents may carry the abnormal sickle cell gene, and 1 in 100 may be affected by sickle cell disease Despite being one of the most prevalent diseases in Bahrain, sickle cell disease (SCD) does not get due attention because of low awareness levels among public. Dr Shruti Prem, Consultant Hematology at Bahrain Specialist Hospital has called out for the need to increase public education on this disease that can be prevented through prenatal and pre-marital screening. One in 10 Bahraini residents may carry the abnormal sickle cell gene,and 1 in 100 may be affected by SCD. The high frequency of this abnormal gene in the Bahraini population means that more than 200 babies with SCD can be expected to be born in Bahrain every year. If both parents have sickle cell trait or carry the abnormal sickle cell gene, there is a 1 in 4 chance that their child will have sickle cell disease which can be prevented by prenatal diagnosis. Patients with SCD have an abnormal haemoglobin (a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body). While regular blood cells are round in shape and move through the vessels smoothly, the abnormal hemoglobin makes the red blood cells stiff and sticky, changing their shape and making the movement through blood vessels difficult. These sickle cells hinder the flow of oxygen and damage tissues. Dr Shruti advised that children suffering from anemia since young age, or those who have episodes of unexplained severe pain, infection, fever, or swelling in hands and feet should consult a haematologist to rule out SCD. Strokes, lung damage, and blindness can occur more frequently in SCD than in normal people and lung damage is an important cause of death in SCD patients. The pain of sickle cell crises is among the most unbearable pain syndromes in medicine. Dr Shruti emphasized that every patient suffering from sickle cell disease should be given an effective and individualized pain management strategy in order to decrease the suffering from this chronic disease.Regular follow-up with a hematologist is important to manage complications from this disease such as chronic organ damage which can develop later in life.

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Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle cell disease in Bahrain

One in 10 Bahraini residents may carry the abnormal sickle cell gene, and 1 in 100 may be

affected by sickle cell disease

Despite being one of the most prevalent diseases in Bahrain, sickle cell disease (SCD) does not get due attention because of low awareness levels among public. Dr Shruti Prem, Consultant Hematology at Bahrain Specialist Hospital has called out for the need to increase public education on this disease that can be prevented through prenatal and pre-marital screening. One in 10 Bahraini residents may carry the abnormal sickle cell gene,and 1 in 100 may be affected by SCD. The high frequency of this abnormal gene in the Bahraini population means that more than 200 babies with SCD can be expected to be born in Bahrain every year. If both parents have sickle cell trait or carry the abnormal sickle cell gene, there is a 1 in 4 chance that their child will have sickle cell disease which can be prevented by prenatal diagnosis. Patients with SCD have an abnormal haemoglobin (a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body). While regular blood cells are round in shape and move through the vessels smoothly, the abnormal hemoglobin makes the red blood cells stiff and sticky, changing their shape and making the movement through blood vessels difficult. These sickle cells hinder the flow of oxygen and damage tissues. Dr Shruti advised that children suffering from anemia since young age, or those who have episodes of unexplained severe pain, infection, fever, or swelling in hands and feet should consult a haematologist to rule out SCD. Strokes, lung damage, and blindness can occur more frequently in SCD than in normal people and lung damage is an important cause of death in SCD patients. The pain of sickle cell crises is among the most unbearable pain syndromes in medicine. Dr Shruti emphasized that every patient suffering from sickle cell disease should be given an effective and individualized pain management strategy in order to decrease the suffering from this chronic disease.Regular follow-up with a hematologist is important to manage complications from this disease such as chronic organ damage which can develop later in life.

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For patients suffering from sickle cell disease, Dr Shruti suggested regular check-ups at least once in three to six months, and emphasized the need for staying well hydrated, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, being up to date with immunizations, and avoiding extreme temperatures, stress, and heavy exertion to decrease the frequency of pain crises. Patients can also be started on a medication called Hydroxyurea after consultation with a hematologist to decrease complications of SCD. Quitting or avoiding smoking is also very important as lung damage is frequently encountered in sickle cell disease. Newer treatments with gene editing using CRISPR technology have recently been pioneered successfully in SCD and now offer hope for a cure to people suffering from this chronic disease.


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ة تستدعي ات الي انخفاض مستو التوع ف بداء الكر تكثیف جهود التعرة لر ( المنجلّ ن )الس حر في ال

ل ة للمرض، وقد یتأثر واحد من بین 10واحد من بین ع حمل المورثة غیر الطب حرن قد أشخاص في اللر شخص بداء الكرات المنجلّة 100ل عرف بداء الس .او ما

حرن؛ حظى داء على :2019سبتمبر 42المنامة، ال حرن، لا ونه واحداً من أكثر الأمراض انتشاراً في ال الرغم من

لر( الكرات المنجلّة ة بهذا المرض بین العموم تمام الكافي نتیجة انخفاض مستو الاه )الس هت . التوع وفي هذا الإطار، نبّة العامة حول هذا حرن التخصّصي، إلى ضرورة تعزز التوع تورة شروتي برم، استشارة أمراض الدم في مستشفى ال الد

ة منه عبر إجراء فحوصات قبل الزواج وقبل الولادة ن الوقا م .المرض الذ

نت الدراسات أن واحد یّ ل و ة للمرض، وقد یتأثر واحد من 10اً من بین ع حمل المورثة غیر الطب حرن قد أشخاص في الل لر( شخص بداء الكرات المنجلّة 100بین حرن، . )الس ان ال هة بین س ونظراً للوتیرة المرتفعة لانتشار هذه المورثة المشوّ

حأن تشهد المملكة ولادة أكثر من اً طفل مصاب ب 200یرجَّ ان أحد الوالدین أو .داء الكرات المنجلّة سنو إذ أنه في حال ص ه عبر التشخ ن تجنّ م ح واحد إلى أرعة، وهو ما ص ة الطفل ثات هذا المرض، فإن احتمال إصا لاهما حاملاً لمورّ

.والفحص قبل الولادة

متلك المصابون بداء الكرات المنجلّة لر( و ین مشوَّ )الس موجلو ا الدم الحمراءالمسؤول عن نقل ه ه، وهو البروتین في خلاع أجزاء الجسم،حیث سجین إلى جم ة تمتلك الأو ع ا الدم الطب لاً مستدیراً خلا سلاسة، ش ة ة الدمو وتتحرك عبر الأوع

ر غیّ عي بینما ین غیر الطب موجلو لاله جعلها رات الدم الحمراء من ش ب منو صعّ ة ولزجةمما ة صل تها عبر الأوع حرة سجین، وتؤد إلى تلف الأنسجة .الدمو ة تدف الأو .وتعی هذه الكرات المنجل

ات ألم شدید مجهول السبب، عانون من نو رة، أو الذین فقر الدم منذ سنّ م غي على المصابین تورة شروتي، ین حسب الد و

م في الیدین والقدمین، ى، أو تورّ ، أو حمّ ةأو عدو عاد داء الكرات المنجل المسارعة لاستشارة أخصائي أمراض الدم لاست

Page 4: Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle … · Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle cell disease in Bahrain One in 10 Bahraini residents

لر( ة، وتلف الرئتین، والعمى؛ علماً ومقارنةً . )الس تات الدماغ الس ة مرضى الكرات المنجلّة غیرهم، تزداد احتمالات إصاة للوفاة عند المصابین بهذا المرض .أن تلف الرئتین من الأمراض الخطیرة المسب

تراف داء الكرات المنجلّة لر( و ة )الس طاق هو الأكثر شدّ ُ د . ألم دورّ لا تورة شروتي على ضرورة تزو وقد أكدت الد

ع مرضى الكرات المنجلّة لر( جم ة المعاناة من هذا )الس ل فرد لعلاج الألم وتخفیف حدّ ش ة فعالة ومصممة استراتیجعة الدورة مع أخصائي أمراض الدم لإدارة المضاعفات الناجمة عن هذا المرض، وأشارت إلى أ . المرض المزمن ة المتا هم

.مثل التلف المزمن للأعضاء، والذ قد یتطور في مراحل لاحقة من عمر المرض

مرضى الكرات المنجلّة ما یتعل لر( وف تورة شروتي إجراء فحوصات دورة مرة واحدة على )الس ل ، اقترحت الد الأقل افة اللقاحات اة صحي، وأخذ بیرة من الماء، والحفا على نم ح ات م ثلاثة إلى ستة شهور؛ وشددت على ضرورة شرب

ات الألم .الداعمة، وتجنب درجات الحرارة شدیدة الارتفاع، والإجهاد والتوتر للحد من تواتر نو

سمى ن أن یبدأ المرضى بتناول دواء م سیور‘و أمراض الدم للحد ) Hydroxyurea(’ اهیدرو عد استشارة طبیب مختص لر( من مضاعفات داء الكرات المنجلّة ة، نظراً لارتفاع . )الس ه عاملاً شدید الأهم عتبر الإقلاع عن التدخین أو تجنّ و

أمراض الرئة لد مرضى الكرات المنجلّة ة لر( معدلات الإصا طًرِحت علاجات جدیدة مزودة وفي الآونة الأخیرة، . )السا استخدام تكنولوج منح )CRISPR(’ رسبر‘بخواص التعدیل الجیني ، واستخدمت بنجاح في داء الكرات المنجلّة مما

.الأمل في علاج المصابین بهذا النوع من الأمراض المزمنة


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Publication: Gulf Weekly Date: October 2nd, 2019

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Publication: Akhbar Al Khlaeej Date: September 25th, 2019 http://www.akhbar-alkhaleej.com/news/article/1184113

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Publication: Akhbar Al Khlaeej Date: September 25th, 2019 http://www.akhbar-alkhaleej.com/news/article/1184113

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Website: Biz Bahrain Date: September 27th, 2019 http://www.bizbahrain.com/need-for-more-public-education-on-sickle-cell-disease-in-bahrain/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bizbahrain+%28bizbahrain%29

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Website: Biz Bahrain Date: September 27th, 2019 http://www.bizbahrain.com/need-for-more-public-education-on-sickle-cell-disease-in-bahrain/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bizbahrain+%28bizbahrain%29

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Website: Biz Bahrain Date: September 27th, 2019 http://www.bizbahrain.com/need-for-more-public-education-on-sickle-cell-disease-in-bahrain/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bizbahrain+%28bizbahrain%29

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Website: Mena FN (Arabic) Date: September 24th, 2019

https://menafn.com/arabic/1099045951/ــــف-يــدعو-التخصصي-البحـــــرين -مرض-حول-العامــــــة-التوعيــــــة-لتكثيــــكلر الس

Page 12: Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle … · Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle cell disease in Bahrain One in 10 Bahraini residents

Website: Mena FN (Arabic) Date: September 24th, 2019 https://menafn.com/arabic/1099045951/ــــف-يــدعو-التخصصي-البحـــــرين -مرض-حول-العامــــــة-التوعيــــــة-لتكثيــــكلر الس

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Website:Mena FN (English) Date: September 24th, 2019 https://menafn.com/1099053744/Low-awareness-level-need-for-more-public-education-on-sickle-cell-disease-in-Bahrain

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Website:Mena FN (English) Date: September 24th, 2019 https://menafn.com/1099053744/Low-awareness-level-need-for-more-public-education-on-sickle-cell-disease-in-Bahrain

Page 15: Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle … · Low awareness level, need for more public education on sickle cell disease in Bahrain One in 10 Bahraini residents

Website:Shafaqna Date: September 27th, 2019 http://bahrain.shafaqna.com/AR/AL/631890