love that pet hospital & wellbeing campuses designs - v3.1


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Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Love That Pet Hospital & WellBeing Campuses Designs - V3.1
Page 2: Love That Pet Hospital & WellBeing Campuses Designs - V3.1

To explore, understand & communicate the values of Love That Pet in an interior context whilst reflecting unique aspects of the community it services & relates to.The aspects of St Ives we have explored for this property is its historical workings as a timber mill. Timber is a featured material. We would also examine & reflect architectural features used within this landmark suburb of Sydney.


Page 3: Love That Pet Hospital & WellBeing Campuses Designs - V3.1

The Love That Pet experience will place emphasis on human interactions with store employees. Through these interactions, “retailers” will deliver personalized, efficient & pleasant experiences. This will be a key differentiator.Love That Pet is where better product, expertise and personalization are received and appropriately valued.On entry, engaging staff serving coffee creates a pet friendly café offering, this can be enjoyed at anytime without the need for veterinary or product based services.The retail store evolves beyond an environment where consumers go only to shop, the retail space will be designed not to maximize the amount of product that can be showcased, but rather with a balance of product and flexible open spaces that can be used for events or to deliver other valuable experiences that will help improve peoples’ lives with their pets.Intentionally varied & flexible seating reinforce the social area as a multipurpose one.

COMMUNITYThe office is more than just a physical environment. It is a place in the mind. In the best environments a nearly palpable excitement manifests itself. This interior is required to expand past technology, & allow the individuals to impact upon the space. We wish to explore what motivates people to make one’s surroundings one’s own. There are no more than three pieces of furniture that are the same, giving users the chance to customize their work environment every day.

STAFFThe pet here is the hero.We have researched environmental factors, product & colours to enhance their Love That Pet experience.

Animals experience stress for a variety of reasons. Recent study of stress-related illness in cats found the biggest source of stress is unfriendly relationships with other cats.

Recent study of stress relating to dogs discovered that excessive noise in shelters can lead to behavioral, physiological and anatomical responses.

In this way privacy, pragmatic materials, acoustic treatment & gestures of natural product they interact with, are essential to their wellbeing.


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coffee stop

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customer experience

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consultation space

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staff breakout/storage

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animal experience

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retail & window display

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