love for all seasons

I It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion, who cannot write well under and other circumstances. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Page 1: Love for all seasons


It is a fact often observed, that men havewritten good verses under the inspirationof passion, who cannot write well underand other circumstances. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Page 2: Love for all seasons

Love is the chord that binds familiestogether in each successive generationIt produces a sense of patriotic prideseen in every citizen of ever y nation.

Love is the unbridled passion that wesay has to emanate from the heartThose who truly love the thing whichthey do, elevate it to a state of art.

Love is also a protection from mostthings, like thoughts of getting oldTo be kept on the minds of those welove prevents being left out in the cold.

Love is that “one-of-a-kind” affairas refreshing as the morning showerNo one who has ever felt this way inlove would underestimate its power.

Love is something we can withholdor receive—to experience what it is.A gift of life from He who loved us so,through eyes of “Love” Is what God is.

Love is an emotion that is impossibleto escape its reach or our need denyLove takes no less than everythingfrom those compelled to give it a try.

Love is a virtue and is listed first asone of the fruits of God's holy spiritIt causes kind words to flow from thewords of poetry to those who hear it.

Love is the force that holds the entiresolar system and our galaxy in placeIt is the desire that makes astronautsaround the world conquer outer space.

Love is the possession of fine qualitiesGentle, patient, long-suffering and kindIt is the feeling of longing for someoneor something from the past left behind.

Love is an attraction as mysterious asour understanding of the birds and beesIt is the same as the Call of the Wildin nature that echoes through the trees.

Page 3: Love for all seasons
Page 4: Love for all seasons

On this day, he says to his bride to be“The day I met you, I ceased to be one.You are so much a part of me, body,Mind and soul—just like the air I breathe.And if you ever want or need me, I swearI will always be there for you and kissAway any tears, even if they are of joy.Forever and ever, starting Today.”

And says the bride on this day to herOnly man, “I can never ask for more thanI have because you have brought me soMuch joy, security and happiness.And when I say that I love you, it meansFar more than mere words—they areFrom the deepest part of me.I could never love another more than ILove you, this moment right now, Today.”

The talks is also for those who stand asWitnesses to this union and grand occasion—The family, relatives, and friends whoWill offer their encouragement to helpYou withstand the hungry years that will come.But, for now they offer their congratulationsHe is now her husband and she is his wifeThe first day of the rest of their life starts, Today.

And to the One who first brought man andWoman together—A prayer that will help you toSelfishly guard the love that you now share.He that is unseen will be guide and protect youAnd strengthen the bonds of love.A three-fold cord cannot be easily torn in twoKeep Him in mind in everything that you do And your lives will be happy, not only, Today.

Page 5: Love for all seasons

It is without a doubt my favorite pictureThat captured a moment by chance—Someone snapped a picture of the twoof you embraced in a slow dance.

I was not there for the occasion—Somesort of festive celebration I could seeBut that image of the two of you likethat recalls to mind a specific memory.

I remember the times when you wereyounger and used to dress up and go out.I remember the stories about the eveningand you both had a good time, no doubt.

I cannot hear the music in the photo, norhave I any idea of that particular song.It had to be a slow jam because youlook like you could dance all night long

Just who lead who to the dance floorNeither of you could say for sure.But, I can see that this moment in timewill be special and is bound to endure.

Time passes by and the details fade—other memories have taken its placeBut, the peaceful imagery of The Dance,is something not even time can erase.

The Dance is more than bodies entwinedIt doesn’t’ always spark a bit of romance.As long as the two of you are together—You 're bound to keep dancing The Dance.

I’m grateful for this image of my parentsreflecting a sweet moment at a glance.The two people that I love the very mostlocked together, caught up in The Dance.

Page 6: Love for all seasons

Moths dance about the flameAttracted by the light

The heat will drive it awaySafely into the night.

If the fire should start to die outA tiny spark will remain

Stoking the fires down belowLets love burn once again.

The flame of love is carriedLike a vigil by candlelight to

Hold onto love’s remembranceAnd keep it burning bright.

Burning with intense white heat

Is the flame of love’s torchLike spontaneous combustion

Only it does not scorch.

The blazings of love areLike the blazings of fire

Just as your company holds me

And fills me with desire.

The flame of love is eternalIt can not be put out

By dampening the soul orMaking loved ones to doubt.

The warmth of love is invitingThe heart to let it know

To come in from the coldAnd be comforted by its glow.

Those who play with fireAre likely to get burned

To discard a burning emberIs a hard lesson to be learned.

Page 7: Love for all seasons

In their later years, the body hasaged and the steps may be slowerThe smile comes just as easy, but

burdens made the shoulders lower.

The nest has long been empty, theoccasional visits occur now and thenTo fill the home with the din of noisefrom activity and voices once again.

They have adopted a comfortablelifestyle, the days are long and lazyThey try to dwell in and keep peace

without driving each other crazy.

The day to day routine is sometimesmonotonous—morning coffee alone

The occasional together moments likesharing a conversations on the phone.

If you could somehow observe themclosely, as perhaps a fly upon the wall

You would see all the necessary signs ofwhat continues to hold them above all.

You would see that they have a commonbond shared between them and others tooThat one day things like old age and deathwill not exist the earth will be brand new.

Although they show the signs of old ageand no longer have the look of youth

The promise that they believe and hope foris only a small part of a much larger truth.

All things in heaven and earth—includinglove, takes place according to a season

And the relationship of any two love birdschanges and lasts for similar reasons.

Page 8: Love for all seasons

However, time and unforeseen circumstances wereenough to plant within them early seeds of doubt.Avoiding contact with each other for a period ofweeks became necessary in order to work things out.

As time slowly passed them by, the couple started tobelieve that their love had finally reached its ending.The future they planned on together as man and wifewas in dire shape and there was no use in pretending.

But, as the saying goes, “absence makes the heartgrow fonder” and it turned out to be true in their case.It had taken almost losing each other for good for theto learn that their love was still intact and and in place.

A word to the wise” “Sometimes it is good to spendsome time apart with the goal of getting together again.Testing the level of commitment to each other will letthem understand what could happen every now and then.

This love story could be true of anyone who has everhad love and then lost it, sometimes never to be found.If this should ever happen to you, do not lose hope thatyou will never know love, because it's somewhere around.

The following poem is a true love storythat I dedicate to all the lovers everywhere.It is the story about two lovers whose lovewas lost and then as suddenly it was there.

The lovers in this story come from completelydifferent cultures, beliefs, and background.They started out as friends, but as love goes itthey were swept up in the new love they found.

Their story had the usual twists of fate that alllovers will eventually have to muddle through .Of course, there was the rapture of the momentand they bond they forged was sincere and true.

Their worlds could have come together easilyand taken flight like on the wings of a dove.A blissful and peaceful time that would perfectlycelebrate their deepening and newly found love.

Like all stories, there were antagonists who triedto stop them or cause them trouble, but in vain.Putting up with various obstacles the couple wereable to use as stepping stones their love did remain.

Page 9: Love for all seasons

She felt this way when love was newAnd as too young girls often thoughtThe petals of a daisy, delicately picked,Might settle whether he loves me or not. Perhaps this symbolic gesture couldIn a way give her some peace of mindAnd settle her thoughts for the momentAnd let her heart once again true love find On a table across the soft-lit living roomGathered from the garden just yesterdaySits a crystal vase of fragrant flowersArranged in a large beautiful bouquet. 

Tenderly she holds a daisy betweenTwo fingers and begins to contemplate.A single daisy could in no way begin toDescribe how she felt about her mate. Her husband and life-long partner oftenTold her that he never once had to doubt.He loved her since the first time they metAnd did not need a daisy to figure it out. At such times she realizes that she noLonger has to seek love as her quest.Their love has remained through theseGolden years and will survive the rest.

Love is a perfect bond of unionThat began somewhere in her heart.And extended itself to someoneWith whom she vowed never to part. There are times when she's less certain—It seems love's shine has faded awayShe finds herself wondering if the manShe married still loves her till this day. When lonely or exasperated as she getsShe has given way to many tearsAlways in the heat of cold silenceA timely reassuring thought appears. 

Page 10: Love for all seasons

He may have touched on the “secret to happiness andlongevity” that all married couples starting out must find;With so many demands on their family and the constantscrutiny, together time is something they must keep in mind.

But, when you go on a date night, you must reflect on thosemoments you fell in love—Although it was easier then to do.As they grew in their respective careers and becoming parentsthat together time is increasingly harder and such times are few .

Having dinner together as a family is a pleasure for them now.When he was in Washington and she in Chicago, it was difficult.The demands as a junior Senator were busy and getting used tothe time zone made it that much harder which was not his fault.

The fact is that they missed each other and it became a strainon them, with his being the President living at the White HouseHe had to hit the ground running because of the fiscal crisis, butmissed his family and had to balance the Presidency with his spouse.

So, the date night was his way to not only keep his word, but tomake sure she had a good time, too soon they will have to go back.The last thing he expected from keeping a promise was to have thethe it reported on in the media or to come under criticism or attack.

Stealing away to share an intimate evening is a prescription to keepa marriage strong and instead of criticism, he should be commended.As relationship experts are bound to keep repeating that his exampleis clearly the way to keep their lives in sync and it is recommended.

The President is not shy about holding hands andwomen gush to their husband, “He's so romantic.”The men, on the other hand, feel that he's makingthem look bad, and respond in a typical body politic.

President Obama is a man of his word, as was clearlyshowed with his victory to his daughters about a dog.And, true to his word, the “First Puppy” named Bois the delight of the girls and apparently likes to jog.

The President also made a promise to his lovely wifewho was at his side, tirelessly during the campaign.He felt she deserved a night on the town in New Yorkas promised with dinner, Broadway, and champagne.

This he did with the “unusual” extra people that havethe duties of security or any assistance he might need.He did not run up a huge tab that otherwise be put atthe taxpayer's expense for such an extravagant deed.

Michelle recalled their first “date” was at a museumand it had the desired impression and it turned out well.To be that he was a most unusual suitor is a sign thattheir union is strong, as any happy couple could see.

A date night with his wife in semi-private seclusion is aluxury for a man with so many “priorities on his plate,”shows that he wears many hats, yet has always kept hisfamily life in balance as any husband/father can relate.

Page 11: Love for all seasons

But, only if he turns out well and growsup to be the source of her pride and joyOtherwise he is just a source of heartacheAnd she knows he's no longer her little boy.

A mother's love is above all things a lovethat intense and at the same time tenderMotherhood is a blessing from God anda blessing is something you don't surrender.

I must admit that I do not have offspringAs a mother I have been only in name—But I understand that concept of this loveA mother's love is unlike any love the same.

To all those little ones out there who arein need of a tender touch or a gentle kissI hope that someone will whisper thesewords gently so that love you do not miss.

There is nothing in the world moretender than a mother's special touchCombined with the soothing soundof her voice for her baby it does much

Cradling newborn close to you makeseach of you feel the other's heartbeatAnd strengthens the bond between youin a perfect circle of love that is complete.

A mother's love is the nurturing kindand with a lot of her tender loving careher little one will stay swaddled closeas she now carries him again everywhere.

It is the most beautiful thing in the worldthe way that a mother cherishes her sonHe may be his father's inheritance andlegacy, but to him she is the revered one.

Page 12: Love for all seasons

Love is mystical, magical and wonderful for those whoare able to find true love and when you're in love time flies.Smells are intensified, sights and sounds come alive andeverything seems exceptionally clear even the birds cries.

To make togetherness a time that will be remembered byboth requires a stron g desire by one and a bit of imagination.Keeping it fresh and new, like it was in the very beginningmeans having the thrill that was there in times of recreation.

What is really needed are some roses, some candlelight, alittle wine, and the right music to set the desired mood.And so that there is no tush to the evening, the preparationof his or her favorite culinary delights,or catered food.

Romancing the one you love should be one of the mostpleasurable things that you will ever do in your whole life.The right mood leads to touching, caressing, kissing andultimately making love the greatest act for husband or wife.

You should also remember the things that make him or herhappy and find ways to incorporate them in your plans.Experts on keeping the relationship healthy and blossomingsay that, surprise date night or special evening on your hands.

Love is a feeling—a feeling like no other feeling in the world.Romance requires a commitment to the one you love above all.It is exhilarating and exciting, especially when its new and youare in discovery mode; Keep an open line, love will come to call.

Page 13: Love for all seasons

When two ideal hearts come together, it is to be “aunion of two into a single unit as a family is begun.And the bond strengthens ever deeper when childrenbless their lives and they function even more as one.

If you believe in miracles, then you have to believein finding that elusive “one of a kind lover for you.The miracle of life awaits you and that special onethat the heavens has sent to compliment all you do.

Hand in glove together and shoulder to shoulder inmarching if necessary, “through the gates of hell.”A formidable force to be reconed with if there everwas and more a prediction that things will be well.

There is someone for everyone, I firmly believe this istrue—Although some claim they cannot find anyone.It is the reward for the effort into being out there tobe seen by the right person, networking to get it done.

They say that a blind man could start talking aboutseeing again and a crippled one might want to dance.They say there is nothing that you won't do for that onelucky somebody that you see if love stands a chance.

There are times when you might question what you thinkyou have when things go wrong and you cannot get along.Remember the things that you know you would do for aone of a kind love affair that was forever enshrined in a song.

A “One of a kind love affair” is describedas being an enigma wrapped in mystery.It is an epic love of the century lovers likethat of queen Cleopatra and Marc Anthony.

It's the kind of love that if it passes you by,you wonder if you can find it in your past.It would be naive to think that someone willlearn in their lifetime that dalliances never last.

A one of a kind love is the kind that breaks youout of a slow lane to an unobstructed expressway.The exuberation and the novelty of the love athand, that finds a way to renew itself every day.

If you have a one of a kind lover, your friendsmay be telling you he's not the kind to settle down.It may be hard to hear people whisper things toyou about him and his reputation around town.

But, if it is a one of a kind type of love that youboth have found and it is by its very definition.The kind of love that you read about in a fairytail and everybody lives the ending's rendition.

A one of a kind love affair is the type that you seein watching the President and First Lady together.It is so much more than the two are separate andapart from each other and in good and bad weather.

Page 14: Love for all seasons

She's been the favorite bridesmaid at more weddingsthat can be counted and it has never gotten to her mind.She is the most self-assured woman that a man is likelyto encounter in his life and no better person can he find.

Whenever someone takes too much of an interest in her,she is likely to let him down gently or else run and hide.Tease her if you must, but she is determined to stay asshe is “single and free” and to never be someone's bride.

You cannot get her to explain herself or to elaborate onwhy she prefers to remain unattached or what she meant.She makes a valid point about the cost of weddings andoften mentions the amount of time and effort that is spent.

Marriage and a family is a natural desire to fulfill bymany girls from time of their first romance to their “day.”But, others like the independence of being single and donot intend to change because in truth they like it that way.

People frequently comment that “she's such alovely girl and would make a man a good wife.”She has warm and genuine smile and has allthe necessary skills that girls must learn in life.

But, she is one that is hard to catch and seemsthat she is in no hurry to become someone's bride.She has been known to run away if anyone triesto fix her up for a date and she puts the idea aside.

One by one her single friends were married and ither that was the one who was always a bridesmaid.Hooked up with a best man who was not exactly amatch maid in heaven and she thought it never paid.

The irony is that guys are crazy about her becauseshe is not the other girls and not the “typical chick.”She loves sports of all kinds, is funny, not girlie, andcan take a joke besides having a mind that is quick.

Page 15: Love for all seasons

The grandchildren call them “pop-pop and Nana”grandma or grandpap, or even “gram or grandy.”Kids use these shortened forms off address notbecause they are told to, but because they are handy. Sometimes the granddad provides his new name forhis few grand baby preferring to be called “paappy.”Holding his grandchild in his arms he is all smiles ashe contemplates the child and could not be more happy. Grandmothers are equally enthused they pay attentionto what the parents might possibly do that is wrong.Fortunately the newly minted parents learn quickly andGrandma’s constant criticism doesn’t tent to last very long. A grandparent’s role is critical to the child’s emotional andPhysical well being and a vital model for the rest of their life.There are things that they can teach that will serve as a guidewhenever the child faces the world with all its potential strife. The value of their collective wisdom is priceless within thefamily dynamic and a source of information and an authority.Especially on matters pertaining to parenting, as they are theones who raised their own children to adulthood and maturity. Upon reaching adulthood children can choose to heed theirgrandparent’s advice or wisely continue to seek them out.There is always the need to have a listening ear, especially attimes when the parent’s may express an opinion or have doubt. Sometimes a parent may have a fondness for one child overAnother and this can cause the child to develop an insecurity.But, a grandparent’s love does not play favorites as each oneis considered special in their eyes and that is always a certainty. 


Page 16: Love for all seasons

Palates and brushes is all I need to capture your essence and your smile. The kind of peace and tranquility that I have only when you hide yourself The color of love does not fade in time When you take the paints off the shelf. And when we're in the mood we can celebrate with much abandon and glee.

The color of our love to be the color of the spotlight and our new celebrity. Our souls will be as one with you my colorful flower the promise of mystery. Draw your mouth to mine and you will my lips in luscious red and wet sheen, I'll trace a hand along your spine today tickle a little and to send colorful sparks.

Shooting forth like a fireworks display. To hold each other oh so tight and preen. And the moon shall give its glow to the moment with a clear star-studded sky, Reflecting the light into your eyes, A touch of color, a touch of love, so fine.To soften your lovely features all over your heavenly body as it clings to mine.

Page 17: Love for all seasons

So, here I go again, losing out on thelove that for so long I thought was mine.Only to have to face the truth about it―that for me, love simply ran out of time.

This was nit how it was supposed to be;You and I splitting up, today within hours.I feel as hurt as a little child who was hurtwhen he picked mommy weeds not flowers.

I remember the song, “Band of Gold” and init she sang something about their honeymoon.I didn't think I heard her right when she saidthat night, they stayed in separate rooms.

That's when I masde the connection to us andthe reality is, it's you and me blowing my heart.We don't spend any time together anymore andI think we exist in separate worlds always apart.

I can't keep my wedding rings anymore becausethey stand for a fiction that is in reality just a lie.You don't have to tell me twice that you decidedto give living with an “alternative” lifestyle a try.

Yes, you might think you had my blessing as Ismiled and tried to put on a happy face instead.I didn't encourage you to make that choice, butI know this has been your desire and enough said.

Whenever I tried to get you to talk about it, youignored me and got moody and that is a true fact.So, I tried to learn for myself what will be theoutcome of your conflict and continued with my act.

I don't think of you with love anymore and it painsme to say I'll never love again, the cost is too much.To play with someone's emotions is a cruel andmean thing to do and it has a very devestating touch.

Page 18: Love for all seasons

The Groom will be as the commercial promises “all eyes will beon her, but her eyes will be on his tux” in silver trimmed in black.

Tailor-made for the occasion, he does not resist her when she askshe wear cuff links belonging to her father who died of a heart attack.

You, the bride, have followed the tradition of obtaining somethingborrowed old new and borrowed and the gown's a masterpiece.A custom made wedding gown of white satin overlayed in a lace

of Austrian crystals, white pearls and diamonds donated by a niece.

The nearly completed checklist has only a couple of things that areleft to be done, including the rehearsal dinner and the invitations.

Putting together a guest list without a serious argument, shows howmature you both are and this bodes well, for your future relations.

Everything that should have been thought through, you havedone together which is remarkable and necessary to reduce strain.Some couples do not plan the wedding together and often regret it

especially, if they later divorce and the memory produces only pain.

So much time spent on analyzing and scrutinizing every possibleconsideration wedding planners say must be done in minute detail.If you've done everything in your power that you believe should be,

Then you may be surprised to learn that in one key area you can fail.

You have heard the expression, “A three-fold chord cannot be easily torn in two,” and it didn't exactly leave an impression.The bad news is that if you do not include the “One” who institutedmarriage at the beginning,it will be a painful lesson.

The countdown to your wedding day is fast approachingand you've planned things so that no detail is overlooked.

You've taken care of the gift registry, invitations, cake,bridal party, best men, and the best entertainment booked.

The bride's maids are to be decked out in pink satin dresseswith slim sleeves, of champagne-colored lace over a sheath.And have form-fitting body suites of stretchable lace whichallows them to show off their curves modestly underneath.

They don't complain that you are a “Bridezilla” turning itinto a nightmare for those asked to participate in it some how.All hair will be in a French braid with pearls and baby's breath

garnishing, makeup and other accessories, to make them wow.

The groom's men, with the exception of the “Best Man” areto be clad in champagne-colored tuxes with a mauve bow ties.

The Best Man's tuxedo will be silver like the groom's but hewill have the same bow tie as the others and one of the guys.

The “Flower Girl” is a three-year cutie, named Rachael, whowill be cute as a button in her “special dress” everyone can see.She's the last one to walk down the aisle before the bride makesher entrance towards the front and her waiting husband to be.

Failing to take into consideration the advice from God who mademan in his image and brought our first parents together as one.

Husbands and wives must dwell together in peace and harmony ifthe plan's success and only when plans include him you are done.

Page 19: Love for all seasons

Is your marriage at risk of ending in divorce, that and do you realistically want it to end?This a very serious question you shouldknow the answer because much may depend.

Have you both been to a marriage counselor totry and figure out why the marriage doesn't work?Does he complain that you (wife) are never satisfiedand does she complain (husband) you act like a jerk?

Are there children involved that could be adverselyaffected by a divorce if that is how you want it to be?Are the differences considered irreconcilable and isthis what is behind the feelings as a potential source?

Has the love you had at first really lost its shine andis this a temporary condition that can always disappear?Is there the potential for one or the other to have an affairdoes either of you privately think so and are you in fear?

Can you describe what exactly has changed between thetwo of you since the day when you became man and wife?What terrible thing has happened to you for your marriageto be filled with animosity and the bitterness in your life?

Throughout the world over it has been reported that asuccessful marriage statistically has a fifty-fifty chance.Those odds increase exponentially whenever the coupleno longer have a need nor the inclination towards romance.

Did one or both of you enter into marriage without giving itserious thought that might have warned you about this fate?If the answer is a yes, how do you feel about the reality thatthe two of you now face and are you really sure it's too late.

Are still able to talk with one another without emotionsgetting in the way and the conversation eventually is abrupt?Is there normally peace in the home or does marital discordtend to make any attempt at working at it suddenly erupt?

Are you like two ships passing in the night, totally unawareof each others presence so you are not in each other's way?Is the cause of your ignoring each other due to the fact thatyou are convinced that there is nothing at all you can say.

Husband: can you honestly say that you treat your wife withhonor and treat her like you take of yourself every single day?And wife: Do you recognize you husband's headship or doesa rebellious spirit sometimes show itself and get in the way?

Is there a reliable source that can provide information thatis useful and by following it you can your marriage save?Are there helpful reminders that you can incorporate in yourmarriage to remember the vows and the promises you gave.

There is a source that outlines the roles and responsibilitiesfor both husbands and wives that you might have heard.Our Creator instituted marriage who knows best how to livetogether and has provided counsel on marriage in his word.

Page 20: Love for all seasons

Anyone who has ever witnessedlightning put on an awesome display.Can easily compare it to the feelingof love's passion, and it is not a cliché.

Thunder and lightning are a stormsrelease of built up electrical tension.Intimate encounters follow a similarcourse to a crescendo to an ascension.

The phases of love are complete andsex seems to be the natural solution.Excitement comes first, followed byclimax, and then finally resolution.

That storms also produce excitementshouldn't at all be considered strange.Often it is the implied danger andthe risk that desire cannot change.

For a time they are connected, thestorm and the two entwined lovers.Nature sets the stage for romanceand the rain life sees and discovers.

That anyone would undertake suchan actual encounter on lover's laneis okay—love makes us do the crazythings, like making love In The Rain.

Happy people enjoy seeing otherssinging and dancing in the rain.While singers sometimes croon outsad love songs about emotional pain

Starry-eyed lovers stroll holdinghands the rain during the season.At home they snuggle closer andhigh birth rates result for a reason.

Some think it goes against commonsense to go outside during a storm.But, lovers know when electricityis in the air, it causes desire to form.

Passion is want gone to extremeIt encompasses more than desireAnd it the heat of the momentRain has been known to inspire.

When in time come love grows oldand familiar feelings start to waneIs the time when copious showersof memories fall like needed rain.

People have sometimes wonderedwhat gives rain so much power?To make people run to get out ofit while causing plants to flower.

Page 21: Love for all seasons

That is not to say that none of theserelationships has a chance to succeed.Some have lasted longer than coupleswho marry out of their desire or need.

In the last century there has been asteady rise in the rate of divorce―Leading some to speculate that thisis a much less risky and costly course.

Whether you decide to commit fullyand skip on the marriage ceremony.Keep in mind that the relationship is as serious as any holy matrimony.

A rule that can apply to either choiceis that the two must behave as if one.Sharing in both good and bad timesand the responsibility for what is done.

Finding that special someone withwhom you have discovered true love,Can be the most rewarding experienceplacing no one nor anything above.

In this day of open relationshipsit seems marriage is not in vogue.Women are happy being singlewhile men like playing the rogue.

It is now considered fashionableto cohabit before they commit.Surprisingly, it is women more sothan men who seem to not want it.

In some ways it is a good thing thatwomen can exercise a new freedom.One drawback is that the womanhas a reputation hard to run from.

The modern experiment in marriagegoes against most religious teaching.Ministers are quick to point out it'sGod's arrangement in their preaching.

Common law marriage is recognizedin many states and has not declined.The legality of the relationship variesso couples should keep this in mind.

Page 22: Love for all seasons

Please――Don't mind if I start to grinI am dry, but he has me shaken and stirredAnd I want to quench my thirst at thefountains of waters of you and drink you in.

Please――Don't make me pleadwith the “man in the moon” so that he willstay away for a while longer while so I canwatch the sun worship you filling my need

Please――Don't hide your fine physiqueYou made me limp like driftwood and becauseof you I an caught in an undertow and I wantto erupt like a geyser, but, alas, I am too weak.

Please――Believe me when I sayYou are a brother like no other and I praythat the sun hold back the rains so that Ican have this delicious treat every day.

Please ――You can confessTell me if you know the fireman's credoYou know, “find 'em hot and leave 'em wet.”If so, you know the source of my wetness.

Somebody please ――Hold me backWho is that tall drink of water standing therelooking better than a body has a right to, andstyling in the sun like a god in obsidian black.

Please――Wipe the sweat from my browWho is this fine specimen of a man, a brotherthat has been “kissed hard” by the sun?I was about to leave, but there's no way now.

Please―― Pinch me to see if he's realI must be dreaming because I see the fulleffect of chiseled muscles that ripple likethe wind-driven sand that is my appeal.

Please―――Help me I think I'm fallingin the deep end and I could drown withdesire waiting for you to throw me a line'Cause I think that your body is calling

Please――Let me be that cool breezethat chases the beads of sweat down yoursatiny smooth spine and you could dive in head-first causing a tsunami wave with ease

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Rolphie is part Boxer and part Pit Bull and is bigas dogs go, but he is as affectionate as he can be.He loves to chase your feet and eat snowballs ifyou trow them and is just like a big kid in reality.

Bo will develop a personality that will reflect histemperament and his breed along with any training.He will likely be the hit of all children that visit theWhite House of the family that he will be gaining.

W Americans really love our dogs and we devotemuch time and resources on caring and spoiling them.Ask any dog lover and they will tell you that the dogis more precious and valuable to them than any gem.

There are many furry friends that people have in thehome that is considered officially as the “family pet.”Dogs bring so much joy into your world which issomething unique that the two you have not experienced yet.

Having a dog is different from being around your parents,friends, or relatives and having one is positively a lot of fun.Who else is always happy and enthusiastic to see you dailyand will gladly go with you whenever you want to take a run.

The Obama girls will learn in time whatdog lovers all over the world already know.Having a puppy will bring lots of fun andresponsibility as they will learn with “Bo.”

The “First Dog” will be a welcome additionto the family and and is sure to be a delight.They give their affection unselfishly and domake a good friend to have with you at night.

Puppies are energetic as most young are atfirst before they are trained and can be a chore.But, the good times running and playing withthem and companionship is worth much more.

My family had few dogs when I was growingup with names like Lady, Trixie, and Brownie.The last one wandered into our yard when hewas just a puppy and we fell in love immediately.

I have a couple of dog pals named Rolphie andTonka, whom I affectionately call “Bonker Boo.”He is Cocker Spaniel Poodle mix who loves toget silly and wags his stubby little tail for you.

Page 24: Love for all seasons

Cherish is a word that is often usedto describe something that we treasuremore than anything in the universeon a scale that no one can measure.

Children are a cherished inheritanceThe miracle of birth gift from aboveThe fabric of a family heirloomweaved together in a circle of love.

Single possession can be cherished abovean abundance or shortage other thingsIt represents a value only the ownerknows happiness of possession it brings.

Friendships are often cherished becauseof the mysterious and special bondthat happens between two people who areconnected in ways more than being fond.

Cherished moments are like rare artifactsthat holds within it an untold storySome are stowed away from public viewwhile others on display in all their glory.

When a person is considered cherishedthey are held in highest esteemExpressions of best wishes and wellbeing to them continually stream.

Most people cherish something, but itby far better to cherish someoneThe best will always be in store forlife, just like the promise of new sun.

The fact that we can cherish at allchallenges us in every wayto stop and really smell the rosesand find a way to Cherish the Day.

I wish the world used the principalthat life is something to cherishFor as long and I live and breatheThis thought will never perish.

The quest to find that one thing for areward deserved is a time to reflectGood comes from road least traveledTo cherish this goal commands respect.

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Love is an emotion, the personification ofwhich cab only be summed up in God.The wonders of creation itself fills us witha sense of wonder and we are rightly awed.

The Bible tells us that we were created in thelikeness of Him and have the capacity to love.When we show love to one another we aresharing a gift that came directly from God above.

Mankind has put a name or label to everything we discover in the course of exploration and knowthat in the scheme of things there are times when our experience defies our ability of love to show.

We have always been comfortable with the who, what, when of matters, but never understand how.What is it about love that makes it frustrating and difficult to cope with sometimes especially right now.

There is a lack of natural affection on the part ofmany people throughout the whole world today.They do not owe anyone anything, even those theyshould care about or at least that's what they say.

There is a proverb in the Bible that says: “Expectation postponed is making the heart sick” quite literally.If you consider the degree that love influences the mind because it is the seat of motivation, it had to be.

The American Heart Association has information onmany topics concerning killer heart diseases and more.The things that can cause a heart attack are specific to personal lifestyle and is preventable at the matter's core.

Love is not a disease, but it can make you sick whenyou get that feeling that you have not had for a while.Maybe you did not think it could happen to you as you maintained your single and free attitude and lifestyle.

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“Explain O Love your seemingly eternal mysteryYou are elusive, yet your footprint is very near.Why is it that people willingly sacrifice their soul'in the name of love' without any trace of fear?”

Love for its part will answer and say, “Not everyone loves a mystery, as such I am but one of manyemotions to lay bare the stubbornest fickle heart.People don't miss hate when they haven't any.”

“Divulge, O Love your secret to eternal happiness.The kind of love one dreams living without regret.Why is it that 'in the name of love' women confessundying love and all their most intimate secrets?”

Love now whispers a secret the discerning heart ifhonest with respect to how they love cannot deny;“Solidarity is the key to success of any relationshipfor those that are willing of mind and heart to try.”

Expose, O Love the truth concerning you, that youare priceless, and as such exact a tremendous cost.Why is there an imposed isolation of oneself whenthe promised “forever together” is suddenly lost?”

Love can feel hurt at its being dishonored by hurt done 'in its name,' so its reputation it must defend.“Would you really share the ecstasy of intimacywith someone you regard as merely just a friend?”

Reveal, O Love your source, the place from whichyou came that inspires songs of rejection and pain. Why is it, “for the love of God” that so many havesearched for you their lifetime and it was in vain?”

Love, as expressed by God is the embodiment oflove, it is His most outstanding attribute above all.Love says, “We should imitate Him by our acts ofselfless generosity of spirit and respond to my call.”

“O Love, Felicè, Eros, Erotica and Agapè, all of youdistinguishable from the other by meaning or name.Whereas, the whole world loves the things it loveswith its whole heart and “love” is a universal flame.”

Love expresses itself in a passionate voice, “Come tome for I become the gift that keeps right on giving.It was as an expression of His love that you even exist.It is by the ultimate sacrifice of love you keep on living.

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A Pacific-Islander can marry a Native AmericanIndian and these would not be considered improper.The union of the two people who profess love forone another is what matters and what it may offer.

There are still recognized cases of resistance tocertain types of relationships, such as same sex.The religious community continues to resist thereality of these unions and their stance is to vex.

Color, in every other sense is welcome because itreminds us that variety exists naturally everywhere.Except for the interpersonal relationships that areon every nation on the earth, most people do not care.

So, if anyone has cause against you because they seeyou as defiling what they believe, raise your voice.Do not let them try to persuade you otherwise, no onehas the right to limit your options or affect your choice.

Take a look at couples and lovers fromaround the world and you are apt to find,that when it comes to relationships, lovethankfully, as the case often is, color-blind.

No matter what country you are from orclimate is hot or cold, lovers interconnect.They sometimes produce bi-racial offspringand this further enhances the variety effect.

Variety, it is often said, “is the spice of life.”It does not matter what race, color or creed.This is a good thing for those who are lookingfor their soul mate and have that personal need.

It does not matter what your national identity is,nor does it matter what language(s) you speak.The ties that love produces have the desired out-come and what binds us together is all we seek.

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So, where do you go to find true love after it hasn'tagain come your way―have you someone to trust?First, you must learn to listen to your heart and see opportunities that are there ―for love, not lust.

If you want a satisfying love life in which no othercandidates can compete, you must seriously wonder.Whether you view a potential mate as more than aconquest or if blind love will cause another blunder.

Take some free advice from one who knows that itrequires a firm commitment to do whatever it takes. Love requires no less than everything―otherwiseyour quest is in vain and you'll again have bad breaks.

Keep seeking it and someday you will find it, or asoccasionally occurs, it manages to find you instead.A magical moment when you know “this is the one.”The only thing left undone is to decide when to wed.

Love is mysterious to be sure, but it rewards those whopossess it with everlasting benefits and undying support.Never develop the wrong mindset that the opposite sexshould be treated as “a fish in the sea” or love is a sport.

You had your chance to be with (her) him―But, you blew it and now it's much too late.Your fortuitous meeting was mere coincidencethan if by design or the “fickle hand of fate.”

If you don't know what is required to makea relationship work or how to make it last.While you were playing the “role,” you didnot remember that you can't out live your past.

You might have spent your lifetime lookingfor love in all the wrong places and now know.That “Ms. ( Mr.) right” is waiting in plainsight for you to notice, but you were a no show.

Now you're looking again for that special personto spend the rest of your life with and to share.The fruits of your hard work and the assets youhave accumulated, if someone would only care.

Too bad you were selfish and self-absorbed andthe chance passed and that's truly a crying shame.You would have been better served reading advicefrom columnists who know that love is not game.

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There is no reason for “dating” to end becauseyou tied the knot and are now bound together.Like a spring shower that cleanses the air, itrefreshes and renews during inclement weather.

Your wedding day as you have planned it, mustbe a time of much happiness, blessings and joy.Remember, bride—it is a man whom you are tomarry and say, “I do,” not some naive little boy.

You may take his name as your own, but younever ever lose your family's unique heritage.Whether you decide to keep your maiden namehyphenated, is to be decided when you engage.

Take things slow and let the progress come inalong with the blessings that will never end.It may be destiny that brought the two of youtogether, but patience is needed in order to blend.

If you believe it was fate that brought thetwo of you together, then it smiled on you.Fate rarely gets it right where matters ofthe heart are concerned, the axiom is true.

It will require more than luck or kismet, orto make a union of the two a successful one.And it will take more than chance to see toit that each party knows what must be done.

Talking about the future before it occurs is awise plan for awareness of each other's mind.If the course of wisdom to seek the other'sadvantage to make peace, then you will find.

In doing random acts of kindness, each canset the standard for how to treat one's mate.Looking to keep the love that you had at firstsight is a good way to think or contemplate.

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The scene was an assembly of the members of thetwo families for a pre-wedding dinner rehearsal.To iron out the remaining details for the weddingwhich was to occur the next week barring a reversal.

The head of the long banquet table was reserved bytradition for father of the bride and her mother, his wife.The blending of two families is an occasion for themto be together for one evening, before the day its for life.

Before the evening got started, a controversy arose abouta rather trivial matter concerning the seating arrangementSome extended family members felt that they were beingslighted somehow and could not resist making a comment.

This morphed into a “bickering fest” that clearly upset thebride-to-be and being pregnant, she began to feel much pain.Her fiancé rushed her to the hospital, concerned for her andthe baby's well-being, told by the doctor she should remain. The hospital checked her in and put a baby monitor on her to assess the baby's condition and was told the baby is fine.The fiasco had started around five o'clock pm. and now itwas much later in the evening, just about a quarter past nine.

Alone and together and relieved about the baby, they had atalk about what happened and decided she could not cope.The stress of the planning of the wedding and now this, wasa signal for them and they decided that they'd rather elope.

They showed exceptional maturity in looking at whatoccurred at the dinner and took it as a kind of premonition.Knowing that nothing would change in a week's time, it was final―that she could not cope, especially in her condition.

The news of their elopement caught the family by completesurprise and they were disappointed, but very little was said.They understood the reasons why without being told anddecided to plan just a reception to celebrate their union instead.

Herein lies an object lesson on keeping the focus on what istruly important things and leaving out the trivial or mundane.Proof that you can keep a “level head” and see things theway they really are and prevent yourself from going insane.

Starting a life together does not require an elaborate orexpensive wedding to ensure what happiness it will bring.Being on the same page with one another is the only wayto keep the focus on what matters most is the wise thing.

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It takes more than an appearance of acting ina fine manner always by reason of faith alone.Thi9s “brotherly love” is cultivated as if it werea garden of goodness that is continually shown.

When it comes to expressing love, perhaps theancient Greeks had it right on how to say it best.They used the word “agápe” when referring tobrotherly love was set apart from all the rest.

When it was used in the context of Christianunity it meant love that was not deemed romantic.It was not the kind of love shared between a manand wife, family members, but more than semantic.

Agápe was different than “Eros, Felice, or even Erotica―it is love tbat is baed on principle at its best.To have the same faith as we have for our Creator forour brothers is where our salvation actually does rest.Of course, brothers and sisters in the congregationimitate Jehovah who showed greatest act of love.By offering His son as a sacrifice to redeem mankindand watches over us from His heavenly throne above.

When I was a young girl a family friendadvised me to take my parents by the hand.She said if they ask where they are goingthen say, “we're going to the promised land.”

Although I was with her several times aweek, this was the first time she said this.I understood what she was asking me todo and it was an invitation they can't miss.

Mom, mom was a distant relation, but shewas faithful in many ways hard to express.She was a very kind soul that cared for myfamily and this thing she had to address.

Many years later I am happy to say that Idis ass she asked me and I am happy to say.They are steadfast in their determination tocontinue walking as Christ's disciples today.

This required a change of behavior and itis manifest in their love towards others.These people are a special group of “friends”referred to one another as sisters and brothers.

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I love everything about weddings,From the planning to the ceremony.I never fail to get teary-eyed when

the couple exchanges their vows andare locked together in holy matrimony.

I love it that friends and family get toparticipate and celebrate their romance.

The receptions are usually festive and livelywith all the attention focused on the happycouple intertwined in the traditional dance.

How the times have changed and now thelove is lost that was shared at the beginning.What about the promises you made to love

honor and respect one another, through the bestor worst of times with love as your underpinning.

A few trusted family members or close friendmight have warned you about “the bloom of youth.”That is what happens when high school sweetheartscan hardly find enough excuses to explain why theycan no longer live together, a sad and painful truth.

Neither is concerned about the welfare of their mate.There is no consideration of the other's needs or wants.Where there was once expressions of love and terms ofendearment, there is only flying accusations, bitterness,

wrath, and screaming at each other abusive taunts.

Sadder, still the situation becomes if there are childreninvolved and neither party is willing to work things out.

Broken families can lead to divorce and total dissolution.The marriage, which may become contentious― needinglawyers, judges, and any hope of salvation left in doubt.

Time for a little “Tough Love” for those who are in thissituation and considering divorce with all seriousness.Before the promises slip away and it comes to an end.remember your wedding day, the joy, who caught the

bouquet, and how you went from wedded bliss, to this.

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Do you think you know what love is?It is written that it forms a perfect bond.How do you know that it is true love ifyou find someone you are more than fond?

Did you know some people claim to never havebeen in love, nor do they care if they missed out.They say, “love is blind, after all, so there is no way to miss what you cannot see―no doubt.h

Humans can experience love, share love (or not)accept love, but they can never claim to be love.There is only One that can make that claim and Hedoes not reside on earth but, in the heavens above.

God is love and therefore bids us to walk in love's most excelling way―influencing all we do and say.Without love we are an empty shell without purposeand no one sees the beauty we possess any given day.

If your mother loves you, she will putnutritious food on your plate at each meal.She knows what you need to grow properlyand she does not think doing so is a big deal.

What would you willingly sacrifice to savethe lives of people whom you've never met?Is it love that allows you to remember detailsof events or places that you will never forget?

How can we really understand what love is―We all know that love is the opposite of hate.Did you know that love is the foremost of allother emotions and is too much to contemplate?

Some people spend their lives searching for it,but unfortunately they look in the wrong places.They say you can see the look of love when aperson is bitten by the “love bug” in their faces.

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When we first got together, it was like being on a 24/7 natural high.Cloud nine was our private placeto escape with our head in the sky.

We were so in love that we madea promise to commit to each other.Although not old enough to marry,we vowed to love of one another.

People called what we felt “puppylove” ―a mistake often misspoken.In a simple ceremony, we said ourvows and exchanged a small token.

As far as we were concerned, we hada love affair like on the movie screen.Our passion was absolute and what weshared was real―especially for a teen.

Everything in our world seemed to celebrate the two of us as we were one.Kindred spirits that were born to betogether because of what we have done.

Our home was on “cloud nine” with acastle where the sun touches the sky.We had gardens of goodness and thebeauty of our surroundings up this high.

We said our love was forever, but fateintervened leaving me broken hearted.One day everything changed and I wasleft wondering what it was we started.

Losing you cut like a knife and I was cutto my soul, wondering what went wrong.Forever is too long into the future to claimlove will endure when it does not last long.

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When did the word “Intimate” get the connotation as a negative thing?”There was a time not too long ago, ifit was right it could make angels sing. I miss the way two people would lookat each other with “knowing eyes.”Just the thought of being with the oneyou love in life was the ultimate prize. Having an “intimate acquaintance” wasconsidered anything but a sexual liaison.time when you could make referenceto such a person innocently are gone.. To know something “intimately” meantyou had more than casual knowledge.You could be an expert on any subjectwithout having even attended college.