lotus notes installation user guide

[email protected] IEC- IT - Bangalore Lotus notes Installation User Guide Lotus notes Installation User Guide Copyright 2003, ZTE CORPORATION

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For Lotus notes installation


Page 1: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

Lotus notes Installation User GuideLotus notes Installation User Guide

Copyright 2003, ZTE CORPORATION

Page 2: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

Introducing Lotus Notes .Introducing Lotus Notes .Lotus Notes is an application suite that include the

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

ppfollowing components..

i e- maili. e mail.ii. calendaring scheduling.iii. address book.iv. web server.

v. programming.

Lotus Notes present all of these components using a single front-end g

Page 3: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

Download Site:Download Site:--

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

path for downloading Lotus notes software :-

Lotus Notes software: Lotus Notes 7._EN

Lotus Demino Server name : ZTEIN06/server/zte ltdLotus Demino Server name : ZTEIN06/server/zte_ltdLotus Notes file extention : .nsf

Page 4: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

Installation step 1.Installation step [email protected] IT - Bangalore

• Before installing Lotus notes you should confirm that the connection is established or not , from server to your client machine .

For that you should do the following things ..

> Domain suffixes.Or

> Host file edit.ThenRun > CMD > Ping ztein06

Page 5: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

1 D i ffi1 D i ffi1, Domain suffixes.1, Domain suffixes.

• My Network placeRight click properties

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

g p p|

• Local Area Connection Right click Properties

|• Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)• Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)Properties

|• “ Advanced “ Tab

|• “ DNS” Tab

|• Select – Append these

DNS suffixes (in order ):|

Domain Suffix:zte com cn

| • Add.. Domain Suffix....


Page 6: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

2, Host file edit.2, Host file edit.

Path for host file:

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•>Run.•>Open host file .•>Open with notepad .>D l t th t t f th fil•>Delete the contents of the file.

•>Type IP & domain name “ ZTEIN06 ”•> Save and close the file.

Page 7: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

3, Ping ztein063, Ping ztein06.•> Run >CMD>Command Prompt >type “ping ztein06” Enter.

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> If you are getting reply from server you can go ahead for installation.•> If you are not getting reply from server, then you should check your

Network configuration .

Page 8: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 2I t ll ti t 2Installation step 2.Installation step 2.Install Lotus Notes 7.0.1_En, Double click on icon of “Setup.exe”.

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

Page 9: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 2 1I t ll ti t 2 1Installation step 2.1Installation step 2.1

•> User name : “ Give your full name ”

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

y•> Organization : ZTE TELECOM INDIA PVT LTD

and finish the installation.

Page 10: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 3I t ll ti t 3Installation step 3.Installation step 3. [email protected] IT - Bangalore

Double click on icon of “Lotus Notes 7” on the Desktop.

•> Enter your name And Domino Server name

Page 11: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 3 1I t ll ti t 3 1Installation step 3.1Installation step 3.1 [email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Enter Your name:•> Enter Domino Server name : ztein06/server/zte_ltd

R th Ti k th B•> Remove the Tick on the Box : “ I want to connect to Domino Server ”

•> Next.

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I t ll ti t 3 2I t ll ti t 3 2Installation step 3.2Installation step 3.2 [email protected] IT - Bangalore

Notes Setup is complete .!!!p p

Page 13: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 4I t ll ti t 4Installation step 4.Installation step 4. [email protected] IT - Bangalore

•>Right click on the “ Databases ” icon and “ Set Bookmark as Home Page ”

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I t ll ti t 4 1I t ll ti t 4 1Installation step 4.1Installation step 4.1 [email protected] IT - Bangalore

•>Right click on the “ Workspace ” icon and “ Set Bookmark as Home Page ”

Page 15: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 5I t ll ti t 5Installation step 5.Installation step 5.•>File.

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•>Preferences.•>User Preferences..•> “ Ports” Tab•> “ New” Port•>Name : TCPIP•>Driver : TCP•> Select

> Internet> Island> Office

•> “ OK ”

Page 16: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 5 1I t ll ti t 5 1Installation step 5.1Installation step 5.1•>“ Mail” Tab•>Click “ Show a popup ” for“ new mail ” popup.

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

p p p p p p•>“ OK ”

Page 17: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 6I t ll ti t 6Installation step 6.Installation step 6. [email protected] IT - Bangalore

Selecting location for internet.

•> Select “ Island ” Tab and •> Select “ Internet ” Option.

•> Select “ Internet ” Tab and •> Select “ Edit Current.” Option.

Page 18: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 6 1I t ll ti t 6 1Installation step 6.1Installation step 6.1

“ Server ” Tab Setting ..

[email protected] IT - Bangalore


•> Select “ Servers ” Tab•> Home/mail server : ztein06/server/zte_ltd•> Passthru server : zte_ltd

Page 19: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 6 2I t ll ti t 6 2Installation step 6.2Installation step 6.2“ Mail ” Tab Setting..

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Select “ Mail ” Tab•> Home/mail server: “ on Server ”•> Passthru server :“mail/(your lotus ID).nsf ”•> Domino mail domain : zte_ltd

R i i h d•> Recipient name type-ahead :“ Local then Server ”

•> Send outgoing mail : “ Through Domino Server ”Through Domino Server

Page 20: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 6 3I t ll ti t 6 3Installation step 6.3Installation step 6.3“ Replication ” Scheduling

[email protected] IT - Bangalore


““Save & Close the WindowSave & Close the Window””

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I t ll ti t 7I t ll ti t 7Installation step 7.Installation step 7. [email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> File.•> Security•> Security•> Switch ID…•> Give the path of “Switch ID” file .whereyou savedyou saved.

•> select the file and “ Open”

•> Give the “ Password ” which you got from HR Dept.•>then “ OK ”

Page 22: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 8I t ll ti t 8Installation step 8.Installation step 8.Change your Password..

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> File.•> Security•> User Security…•> Give the same “ pwd ”.

l h


•> Select the“ Change Password ”

Tab.•> One again will ask

“ P d ”same “ Pwd ”

Page 23: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 8 1I t ll ti t 8 1Installation step 8.1Installation step 8.1“ New Password ”

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

“ New Password ”Should be Alpha NumericShould be Alpha Numeric

( For Security Purpose )

Page 24: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 9I t ll ti t 9Installation step 9.Installation step 9.“ Open Database. ”

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> File.•> Database•> Open..•> Open Database.

•> select “ Other…”

Page 25: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 9 1I t ll ti t 9 1Installation step 9.1Installation step 9.1“ Notes Security Alert. ”

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

If ..Security Alert massage


Select 4th Option“ Start trusting the signer Start trusting the signer

to execute this action. ”

“ OK ”

Page 26: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 9 2I t ll ti t 9 2Installation step 9.2Installation step 9.2•> Select “ ztein06/server/zte_ltd ” Server•> Select “ mail ” Database.

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

find your name with ID file then “ Open ”..!!

Or type your “ file name ” : mail/(your id ).nsf Example : (mail/0082000234 nsf )Example : (mail/0082000234.nsf ) then “ Open ”..!!

Will take someWill take sometime to open time to open

Your Database Your Database DependsDependsDepends Depends

on your network on your network Speed..!!Speed..!!

Page 27: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 9 3I t ll ti t 9 3Installation step 9.3Installation step 9.3Double click on the Server icon “ ZTEIN06 ”

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

Page 28: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 10I t ll ti t 10Installation step 10.Installation step 10.How to create “ Local Database ” on your Workspace.?

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Right Click on Server icon•> Replication•> New Replica..•> Browse the path where•> Browse the path , where

you want to save the localDatabase. ( .nsf file )will create one more icon as “ Local Database ”on Workspace

Page 29: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 10 1I t ll ti t 10 1Installation step 10.1Installation step 10.1Local Database Icon on Workspace

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

Right click workspace, Remove the Tick of “ stack Replica Icons ”

Page 30: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 10 2I t ll ti t 10 2Installation step 10.2Installation step 10.2Replicating from server to your local database

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

If you use local database, your mail box will be opened faster than server y , y pand without network connection also you can check your old mails.Replication :-•> Manually : click replication icon and Click “ Start ” tap•>Automatic: ( See installation Setup 6.3)

Page 31: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 11I t ll ti t 11Installation step 11.Installation step 11.How to add Signature in your mail. ???

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Open “ New Memo”•> Tools.•> Preferences….

•> Select “Signature ” tab .

Add Signature !!!Add Signature.!!!

Page 32: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 12I t ll ti t 12Installation step 12.Installation step 12.Why you need to Delete Mails from Server.???

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Maximum Server mailbox space is only 450 MB for each user.•> If your mailbox space is more then 450 MB, you should delete old mails

from the server.

Otherwise you will face the following errors..

•> Always you will get massage from server as “ your mailbox exceeded ”. Always you will get massage from server as your mailbox exceeded .•> It will take more time to open your mailbox.•> The sent mails will not be saved in your mail box.•> There will be a delay in receiving mails .

Aft f d d i i t t ill d l t il d t•>After few days administrator will delete your mails and you cannot access the old mails from the server.

Better you always use local database only..!!! y y y

Page 33: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 12 1I t ll ti t 12 1Installation step 12.1Installation step 12.1How we can check our server mailbox is exceeded or not ????

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Right click Server icon.•> Database

•> Select “ info” tab•> Click “ % used ” tab’ there you> Database

•> Properties…> Click % used tab , there you

can see how much Disk space has been utilized.

Page 34: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 12 2I t ll ti t 12 2Installation step 12.2Installation step 12.2Before deleting mails from the server, you should do the following things.!!•>Replicate all the mails from server to client machine

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

>Replicate all the mails from server to client machine.> Click “ Send ” tab

•> Right Click server icon. >Select 1st and 3rd Options•>Replication.

S i•>Settings..

NB: Same should be done in Local database also.!!

Page 35: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 12 3I t ll ti t 12 3Installation step 12.3Installation step 12.3How to delete mails from server..?????

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

Delete mails from server automatically :-

•> Right Click server icon. •> Click “ Space Savers ” tab•>Tick the “ Remove Document..” option

•> Replication.•> Settings..

If you are selecting 30 days, the mails received before 30days will be automatically deleted from server..!!!!!!

Page 36: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 12 4I t ll ti t 12 4Installation step 12.4Installation step 12.4Delete mails from server Manually :-

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Open server database.•> Sort with “ Date ” Not only from “Inbox” but also from “ Sent ”, •> Select old mails. “ Trash ” and “ Folders” On Server•> Click “ Delete ” tab Click Delete tab

Page 37: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

I t ll ti t 12 5I t ll ti t 12 5Installation step 12.5Installation step 12.5After deleting mails from server you should do the following things..!!

•> Select “ info” tab

[email protected] IT - Bangalore

•> Right click Server icon .•> Database.•> Properties..

•> Select info tab•> Click “ % used ” tab - you can see how much Disk space has been used, it should be below 50%•> Click “ Compact ” tab

ClClCloseCloseLotus NotesLotus Notes

Open Open ppAfterAfter

15 min15 min

Page 38: Lotus Notes Installation User Guide

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