lot^^ i - biblio-archive.unog.ch · the role of dgnzig in polish—german relat ions 1933—1939...

co. '* la 7.D. O W The Poac. settle,, in t_he Gor:,1 London 1936, p.76. Ze*k4m1i ?t,,~,man "ate that r remany must aim at ~oetponing ~diandle fin acial recovery until 4'- she bec~o ripe 'ettlenent *a aacordhg to Gem, wishes , ~G~~~~~~~~~ - Of Ccn trq I tresemrnn Pol~id after LO~-O~, journal Affairs_, v01.xvII1, 3*, P* 2 99. nzig's total t~rn0-r 191) aaa 2 ,112,101 tons; in 1931 wa 893309505 tons, C* Smog~~ze\mki, La pomgra ie polonai8e, is 1932, ~1.285. - In 1937, GdJQia carried 7 - ,151,000 tons and Uazi6 5, 123,000 tons of Polish f o r e b trade; the value lot^^ was A76,000,~~~ ~d 3i6,000,000 r~3pectiu~b I Concise L9.389 pm151. :i, str re^ 1 Polandir, p.rz, Char1 .Petrie, - Austsn Chmbor-Bin, ~onda 1940 n Poland to the Pooraim i:mistrv , Febr 22, Do cr - - -"E'~~' I'orei@ Poll%, 8eri08 C, Y ~ ~ . I ~ , 1 (FI~I,G~I orth 1 PI of "Onmrsatl0n8 at the British ~~~aery, puis, efita On a3tisb Foraie, p0lisy, 2.6 Berise, 9 "0.46 (~ancefarth~ ~~pp)

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Page 1: lot^^ I - biblio-archive.unog.ch · The Role of Dgnzig in Polish—German Relat ions 1933—1939 Footnotes. 1. Ian Morrow, The Poace Sottlement in the Goraan—P01ish 2. 3. 4. 5


'* l a 7.D. O W The Poac. settle,, in t_he Gor:,1 London 1936, p.76.

Ze*k4m1i ?t,,~,man "ate t h a t r remany must aim a t ~ o e t p o n i n g ~ d i a n d l e fin a c i a l recovery u n t i l 4'-

she b e c ~ o r ipe 'ettlenent *a a a c o r d h g t o Gem, wishes , ~G~~~~~~~~~

- Of Ccn t r q I tresemrnn P o l ~ i d a f t e r L O ~ - O ~ , journal

Affairs_, v01.xvII1, 3 * , P* 2 99.

nz ig ' s t o t a l t~rn0-r 191) aaa 2 ,112,101 tons ; in 1931 wa 893309505 tons , C* S m o g ~ ~ z e \ m k i , La pomgra ie polonai8e,

is 1932, ~1.285. -

In 1937, GdJQia carried 7 -

,151,000 tons and U a z i 6 5 , 123,000 t ons of Po l i sh f o r e b t r a d e ; t he va lue

lot^^ was A 7 6 , 0 0 0 , ~ ~ ~ ~d 3i6,000,000 r ~ 3 p e c t i u ~ b I Concise

L9.389 pm151.

:i, str re^ 1 Polandir, p . r z ,

Char1 . P e t r i e ,

- Austsn Chmbor -B in , ~ o n d a 1940

n Poland to the Pooraim i :mistrv , Febr 22 ,

Do cr - - - " E ' ~ ~ ' I'orei@ Poll%, 8eri08 C, Y ~ ~ . I ~ , 1 ( F I ~ I , G ~ I o r t h 1 PI

of "Onmrsatl0n8 at t h e B r i t i s h ~ ~ ~ a e r y , puis,

e f i t a On a 3 t i s b Fora ie , p0lisy, 2.6 Berise,

9 "0.46 ( ~ a n c e f a r t h ~ ~ ~ p p )

Page 2: lot^^ I - biblio-archive.unog.ch · The Role of Dgnzig in Polish—German Relat ions 1933—1939 Footnotes. 1. Ian Morrow, The Poace Sottlement in the Goraan—P01ish 2. 3. 4. 5
Page 3: lot^^ I - biblio-archive.unog.ch · The Role of Dgnzig in Polish—German Relat ions 1933—1939 Footnotes. 1. Ian Morrow, The Poace Sottlement in the Goraan—P01ish 2. 3. 4. 5