lost hindu empire of cambodia.pdf

Lost Hindu Empire of Cambodia

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Lost Hindu Empire of Cambodia


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Pol Pot (1925‐1998) and his communist Khmer Rouge movement led Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time, about 1.5 million Cambodians out of a total population of 7 to 8 million died of starvation, execution, disease or 

overwork. Some estimates place the death toll even higher. One detention center, S‐21, was so notorious that only seven of the roughly 20,000 people imprisoned there are known to have survived. The Khmer Rouge, in their attempt to socially engineer a classless peasant society, took particular aim at intellectuals, city residents, ethnic Vietnamese, civil servants and religious leaders. An invading Vietnamese army deposed the Khmer Rouge in 1979, and, despite years of guerilla warfare, they never took power again. Pol Pot died in 1998 without ever being brought to justice. 




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Time‐Line of Cambodia: 

c 600 AD All of Cambodia is highly civilized

802 AD Jayavarman founds the Khmer Empire

1203-1220 AD King Jayavaram VII forces the Chams from what is now Vietnam to submit to him.

1431 The Thais capture the Cambodian capital Angkor

1550 The power of Cambodia continues to decline

1594 The Thais capture the capital

1700 Cambodia is squeezed between two powerful neighbours Thailand and Vietnam

1772 The Thais destroy Phnom Phen

1833 The Thais invade Cambodia but soon retreat

1834 The Vietnamese assert control over Cambodia

1840-41 A rebellion takes place

1863 Cambodia becomes a French protectorate

1941 Cambodia is occupied by the Japanese

1945 The French take over Cambodia again

1953 Cambodia becomes independent

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Cambodia Data : 

Capital and largest city 

Phnom Penh 11°33′N 104°55′E 

Official languages  Khmer 

Official script  Khmer script 

Ethnic groups (2013[1]) 

90% Khmer 

5% Vietnamese 

1% Chinese 

4% Other 


Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy 


 ‐  Monarch  Norodom Sihamoni 

 ‐  Prime Minister  Hun Sen 

Legislature  Parliament  

 ‐   Upper house  Senate 

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Lower house  

National Assembly 


 ‐   Kingdom of Funan  68–550  

 ‐   Kingdom of Chenla   550–706  

 ‐   Khmer Empire  802–1431  

 ‐  Independence (from France) 

9 November 1953  

Monarchy restored  24 September 1993  


 ‐  Total 181,035 km2 (88th) 69,898 sq mi 

 ‐  Water (%)  2.5 


2013 estimate  15,205,539[1] (65th) 


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Currency  Riel (KHR) 

Time zone 

(UTC+7) (IST + 1.5 ) 

– as IST = UTC + 5.5  

UTC(Coordinates Universal Time) 

Is same as GMT. 

Drives on the  right 

Calling code  +855 

  ISO 3166   code  :   KH 

Internet TLD :   .kh  (TLD = Top Line Domain(name))