
ERRORS LOSE THE FIRST, ! HITS TAKE THE SECOND Giants Divide (he Spoils in a1 Double Header With the Ca nl in a Is. TKSRKAI ALL COXQUKRIXO Opponents Are Able to Do Little With Delivery in (initio lie I'ilehes. inf (limits broke even with the Car- - dlnuls yesterday, while thi poor old Cut" were dropping Iwo games to the tHll rnders, hiii) the loud over tin- - Cubs Inn reached the obese nlrc uf Ink, games. There h thlnl double header between the Mrooklvn Hnil ltni, which k nn even split. The Pirates made It three straight In Philadelphia and the Phillies appear to be nettling I ntfi fifth place. Yraterday'a Iteaoll. th liauli. 4, New York. 2 (1st gatn.i Nrw York, 4, St. Louis. 1 i "rl imn Hrnoklyn. J: Cincinnati, ( 1 game). Cincinnati, 6. Hrooklyti. 4 (2d camel. Ho4ion. 7. Chlricr. 0 ilm cntne) nojton. I I'hlrago, 4 (Sd gamf) I'tttuburc. T. PhtlailrlphU, J. atandlaa: of thn Claka. M l ( i ! T ills . a ; 5 i n "Z a ? 4 , k " . - i - .t it 3 lap - r. .,'. a u a. o i. c a. New Tark " Vit ts in 11 II iJfl.i'.mni 'hlcago t 1 p 10 IS IS S3 .621 i'liuburt silo1 to 13 K 12 isn, ens 'inclnnatl "4) 8 10 II 13 ir. n;, 45 PhlladtlphU s $ 13 10 10 UA'li 477 't- U1 7( 7 6 8 " 10 WVi 4lii Brooklyn 4 4"? 7 kJm 379 ' t 3 9 7 7 ll 3U Oamtt Lot . 4o,5iiij iw im'7d u 01. To.7' .Irhrdalr. t. Inl In ,V( Vork Cincinnati In Hrookljn Chlctfo In Borton Plttaturc In l'hllnd-lph- ta Th lilants Htninir nlonR throuch two arnii with the (.'Krdlnnln ycnterday nith pparfu' hlttltiK. liut won the .erond (rajnc by Kiithcrliiic fnui of their fliii hitf In 0110 limine. Tim ticore of thut tilt was 4 to 1 They cru bciitcn In tho first by u H'ore of 4 to 2 MtrhlnK dom- inant ami IcldliiK 6prlKhtl In Hplte of occajilonHl blemishes nerc chArnctcrlstlcs uf both garaaa, Conslderalilw weiUnegn with the a.h out an n corollary to the effectlva pltchlnc. each side contributing freely to the etrlke out list, ami the only time thn batters threw off the yoke to any uxtent aa the ilubblng flurry furnished by the Ulants In one Innlim of the scomd Bame. Yrt the'e were numerous chances fur llcly work by the fielders, and the play was crisp nr.d pleuslnic A holiday crowd of 3S.U0U tlijojcd the double do'.) of PHStJmc ajid ttit autumnal brcnth of the tonic jlr MHthewson ajid Harmon both pitched meritoriously In the llrst same, Harmon havlnc the better huptairt and tho lilts ntf him tielns a bit leia damanlnK. The core wns a tic hen .Mathewson atidl-cate- d to make room fur a pinch hitter and tho Cardinals won In the ninth oft 'Jrandall Pevorc murTed a lly which per- mitted two I'nrdlnaU to scamper over tho nlate together IMtiHerriitM i mayle ii!t nf the ..umn in e..- - ' ther on his all conquering way. He wns unsteady, but effective and coolly dll-cl- oa ever, ltube Oeyor was a creat punier except In one Inning, when he In- jected pasc while the (.Hants wero atlns-In- r him. Rube Kills, who has bn on the side lines for some time, became a regular again and signalized his restoration bv doing much execution with the, bat. He was the blsc"."t thorn In Mathew son's slda and also helped himself to a couple of htngles off Tesreau The latter tills were not clean, bin nnbody who can cull a pair of any sort off Tes these days Is a alugger extraordinary. His nubelets swung the shlll-ln- h In the first Inning of the tlrst game for a home run. tho ball careening Into the right Held parquet. The IIUnlH evened up In tho second. Wilson doubling to left, I'.etrluT brourht him In with a single in right. Pletch taking the, count when he tried to stretch the hit. Matty hld the Cardinals in chancery until the fifth, but In the third he wns avert by h great double play by Doyle. Larry Jumped and throttled a liner and fell over second base, irtlring Ilresnahan. who had singled and stolen Ills way to that bag Matty helped In the production of the St. Louts nin lu the fifth tM more ways than one. i:ana singled and nas forced by Mauser, The latter wandered to second on a wild plti Ii and from that point of vantage was able 10 reach tho plate on a single by OaUes The Cttants tied the score In the eighth and were hitlers nhlli so dnlMR. The trained eye nf McCormlck picked out four halls. Khafer, who underMudles the Moose as a runner, stole second Beck- er's out nt first put Hhafer on third and after X'evom had walked, miybi'.i fly to Kans brought Shafer home. Hhaky llelrtlng In the ninth Inning lost the same and wasn't tho only sin- ner. Shafer made a high throw 011 Hurf-vln- Mug stole. Kills walked an, I on a reckless return by Iievore of Mow rev's fly Hug and Kills each advanced, Cran-rial- l set Koney down on strikes and with two out all that wa needed was for Iie- vore to snare Kvaris's fly. It wasn't a cinch catch, but one not lieyond the capa- bility of a tlelilep na fast at covering Broiina a wevore. Ttie latter was In mo non, hut made a square muff, ro the J" Itabblt and the Jtube scored. The Giants bumped Into a double play In each of tho ilrst threo innings of the second game. Ah there was only one lilt in this time tin base was an far as any tllatit progressed, In the fourth, a, long inning, the (Hauls batted around. Devore singled. iMyle fanned and Stiodgrass doubled, ncorlng llevnrn. MuiTay was nailed at first, but Merkle's doilblo tallli-- Snodcrnss. I'asses to llerzng and Wilson filled the bases and ,1 tun bagger by Flet- cher unloaded tun of them. Meanwhile Tesreau, though free with his passes, wns b striding thn box like a Colossus, md fnui runs wen; a heap the wn in- nas niniing iiacK the Cardinals wnn in anoinieii ievery In tldrilni. Klllfi's Intldil hit to tlrst base In tl.. .1,(1, Inning llerzog threw low nnrl phi. .1- - i llvaiited to second He scored from there on Koney's lilt and an Infield 011I. ioyio prevenien seining . seventh Willi a gorgouiiH plnv up lk single bv O.lKes. fumble by I'leleher nml .nn, I 4I1-- I.- nine (in .in,s Willi tn. ' Mowrev 1I10M a swift grounder 4.1 ...1. .. h ""I rt,J ""'" lleadeii the ball ofT of second and snatched It in, with hl bare band lie dived for see rind IU,d tou. lied tho base for a fore,.: 0 " Th four lilts the (ilnnts made In the louriu inning cxnaiiMeii nuir supply Off of neither (ieyer nor (irlner did thov innl... the M inniaiico or a nit in their last four nrilllgH levore was the (,ny i , . ... .1.... drawln; vn. 11 Ill llll I Period h. by foin bdlU An J10 (Med slenlliig "'lly iiasrnii. mm liround, tnxtavi.'li.'in I'. VI., iilaniA vs mi Unils Jlrsrrved trals A limes at tuh e omie Mb v flldg U In 12 M .irfr Baieball. Waihlngton I'arU, Tn-da- tluTO r. at l)rooilB v Clnclnnall.-i- tf, twelve Giants went to bat In the hint four Innings. All of which didn't signify sine they fj ii it miiilo nil tli hi y 1 needed, The scores ! FIIIST OAMI' st. uwix is. ' m:w vokk in l, All r ! ii n r li ri n e Hiiffirlns.zh 4 1 II 4 7 11 llrinrelf 11 I I II , lills.lf . .3 '.' 2 II II ll.ivlr.3li 2 II t II 4 n .MOUNT --111.. I I) II 2 2 (l .NlimU .i f 4 II I 2 II II t II n I I n ,rf I il I li n n ''.. i V i 5 i S SSJtti'ft? !! SV. 3 A I! ".r-.c- i 4 ii i ii ii ii wnon.o i l .1 1 11 wcshaii.c 3 11 1 7 :i 2 I'll lih r 5 11 1 I 7 11 1 nr 111 ii , 3 11 0 11 1 ii iiM'i'nr'K 11 n o 11 n n - - 11 I 11 t 11 1 Total,., 83 4 nz7 13 2 MAin'n.p.. 'i 11 11 11 '. 11 .Miccl.rr. 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Totals 2S 2 f :?U 4 (ni Balled for Fletcher 111 llir elehth Inning. lb, llAUnt (nr Mathrwson In the eighth Innmi:. Ml, lands I 0 II II t II II II 2 4 New ,ork... 11 t 11 0 u 11 11 1 o 2 First base on crrois, si Louis, 2 1rfi on bases Ml. I.011I4, 3; New nrk, First hasp on balls OIT Harmon, ft: on Cranilsll. I smirk nut Hy ll.unmii.r.; by Malhcwson, J. by riiiiil.ill. I I niunc run I.IU4 run tmsc lilts i;iil, Mauser. Wilson Sai Tlitrr He 1. iv I. Mi11li.11 l...... Hiiggtna, llronnhaii, lirnir, SniHleruss, .Mrtklr, sinner Double play lin In (unassisted). Ilnj le. .,,'.,rlV'.r, "I11' v'rrklr. . WIM I'ttrli Mathcwsmi. Mnthi'ttniii, InAluiiltii-s'- . nit ( rnndall. 1 III I Innliiir rmplre III filler linnrmn. Held umpire, miller Hue hour ami Ml minute. NIXUMI IIAMK. MT IX)UIH .. ,Ni:V Y11I1K IN. ah r h p ar ihr tin ne lliiKClna.Sb.S u 0 a 3 0 Heore.lf..3 t 2 .1 11 0 .312100 )iyle.3b .( 00220 Mowteyjh.,4 0 0 0 0S'cras,rf 1 I 10 0 0 oon rn,in,3 0 s 11 Hurray, rr 3 o n o o i:vAn,rf .3 0 0 0 0 0lMerkle,tli..3 10 o 0 llAtiser.ns. .4 (I 11 3 2 I Hfr7oe..1b.2 0 2 2 4 0 0 0vil4nn.c 2 0 0 7 0 0 nlnto.r. .4 0 10 3 Oirietrher,sll 0124 I (ieyer.p. .2 0 0 0 1 o.Trsreau.p. 3 0 n 0 2 0 nliilhooley. .1 0 0 0 0 0. - - irl11er.11 0 0 0 (1 0 o Totala M 4 S27I0 2 CtiAllouay .1 0 0 0 0 0, - i Totsl4 .31 I 63110 II nllsttrd for (lever In the seventh Innlm MlAtieU for (irlnrr In the nlnfh Innlnir. St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 .Sen ork 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 1'lrst base on errorSt. lxiuls, li New York, I. tfl on banes St. Ixrals, 8: Neur York, 2. First bapoti balls Off (leycr, 4: off Tesreau. 4. Struck out lly (lever. 7: by (irlnrr, I. b Tesreiii. 7. Two base lilts nils, Wtnro, SnodcrAs., Mrrkle, rletchrr .SAcrlflce hit Kills .stolen hArj Konetchy, KvAno. Devore Double plays Win go nnd llauser (2i, Ituifclns. Kune tiiiy, llauser ami llutilns; Fletcher, lioj le and Mrrkle. Passed ball Wilson lilt by plirhrd ball lly Tesreau divans). 11114 (iff (ieer. i In Ml Innlncs, oj (irlnrr.Olntnolnnlnts I'mplre In chief Itlcler. Held umpire Klnneran. 'llmc-- 1 hour alii M minutes. CUBS' BOLT IS SHOT. IhittIj flnlloni Land on Them TttIc ne Oame m Hhntout. IIoston, Sept. 12. The cellar Cham-plon- a tamed the Cubs In both gam-- s of a doubl header this afternon. In the first onteat the visitors were shut out 7 to 0 and the score was 7 to 4 in the tccond game, lloston got to Toney In the third Inning of the opening gamo and live aue- - cisslve hits, which netted four runs, suit him to the (.table. Two more tallies counted In that period after Iteulbuch came to Toney's assistance, lloston did omc timely batting In the second game and help was rendered by Cub mlsplai. Campbell's hitting lu the afternon was of great value. Maranvllle made a wonder- ful catch of Miller's liner In the last In- ning of tho second game and Sweeney Played brilliantly The scores: FIIIST (UUK UOSTO.V (X. L.i. ClIICAHO (N. 1... Ah r h 11 ae 1.1. r I. .. . . Campbell. cf i 1 4 2 0 0 Shrrk' 400200 11 nun ii.3t.;i 11210 II Uler.rr 101 11 11 M'ney.:d . 4 1 1 l 3 11 Tiuui-r.s- s 1 11 2 3 n hirkr.lf 3 0 1 0 11 Zlrn'n.ib . 1 0 2 0 n 11 Tttus.rf 3 112 10 . 4 11 1 111 11 llousrr.tb . 4 1 1 10 0 1 Doi,21i. 3 11 1 1 4 1 M'r'nvllle.ssl 0 0 3 3 0 2 II o 2 1 0 iiarinen.r a 1 1 s roller, c 3 o 11 2 I llesk.u . 3 110 OT1mr1.11 0 11 11 1 nkllac . 100000 in) o 11 11 11 I'crduc.p.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maitilrn.p. 2 11 I 11 11 o Totals S3 71127 11 2 ToIaIs 31 0 121213 miAtted for llrjs In the eichth Innlni Boston 0 0 r, 0 0 11 I 0 niragn 0 (l (I 0 0 11 II 0 O 0 ! tiAse hit -- lminrmn. Thrre ba'c hit (.Ain.iDeu iiome run uouser .sacrltlee hit Mrke Houlile plavs Toney. Tlnkrr and Salrr MAranvlllr. Sfeupv anil lloiiser (2'. .Nweeury and llouser. Left on basr llosinn. n. chli-aco- . & Hrst base on halls o:f lles, 1, u:t Toney. I. m! Madden. I'ltst base nn errors-llosm- n, I lilt by pitcher By Toney iTItusi. .Struck out lly "s . u iiinc)-- , 1. i Ha piicn -- iiauncn nipires drill end hlem. Time I hour and 30 luiouirs. u.Mr IiaSTON (N. I.. OHICAOO IS. L Abrhnae ahrhn ( 5 1 3 1 11 0,.ShT.Anl.lf. J 1 1 3 11 n M'IlnAldJb4 0 2 1 2 0 Mlllrr.rf.. .321000 .sweriiev.:D.2 1 11 b 3 0 .1 1 2 -. 11 31 1001 Z' 102010 Tltus.rf a 2 o 0 0 o baler. lb . 4 0 oil n o no a 11 i a 11 3 0 0 03 t 5t inlile.M 2 0 0 3 4 0 Uaih. rf 2 0o 1 11 11 ltarlJrn.c 4 2 11 7 o 0 H'l lllamvcf 11 I o 11 11 iner.p. 3 o o 1 2 0 rmier.c 1 0 0 (1 3 2 l'erdur.p.. o 0 0 o 11 l'lene.o. I 11 n 11 1 11 lAveniler.p'J o 11 n 1 o Totals. 30 7 S 27 12 1 u 0 0 I 0 Totals 33 4 7 24 10 4 Hoston 00 0 22201 7 C'hlCASO. 1 U I II (I 0 2 (I 4 Two base 2. Campbell Sairlnce hits- - Maranvllle. Klrke blolrn base. Ilnkrr. Miller, llartdcn, McDonald. Ifl nn bAsrs Boston. 7: thlrAL-n- . 111 rirhi h.11. nr, ,r Tj-lr- r 3. on fierce. .1. oit Ltvendrr. I. I Int uasr 1,11 rrrors- - ihmioii. enicaiTu 1 lilt o nllcher 11 lyler ilinmennan. Struck ieil- - lly IVIit, 4; by Perdue, 3. by Pierce 2 L Iwivrn drr. I. by lleulbAch. 1. Passed IiaIIs ItArtden. I niplre (Irth And bivm. lime J hours. FUMBLE STARTS TROUBLE. Pot Alexander In Ilnd and Mr Mrlta He fore l'lrnlea' asanlt, IMili.ArjEi.PHtA, Spt 12. I'lttsburg de- feated the I'hlllles by 7 to 3 In the third came of the series Alexander and lle.-idrl-x were the rival pitchers and It was nip and tuck between them until the eighth Inning. Then, with a man on base, l.tidenis muffed a throw, and that put Alexander In had. The I'lratcs made three runs and clinched the victory. The Phillies tied the score twice In the early Inning", and u fast double play M (, seventh f.aved them for a time The score I'HTsin no phiia i. i., ab rh p A e ab r h p a e llrne.:ib 5 I 2 I 11 n Pa.rrt.rf 3 1 0 1 11 ( lire- It 4 2 1 4 II 0 Magee.lf 4 II I I 11 11 Ii,. ruin. rf 113 1 I, 0 Mlllrr.rf 4 11 1 2 n Warner,. I 1 2 4 U II l.u.lerus.lhJ II 1 S II 1 J. Miller. lb 3 0 1 s 11 Wai-lu- h 4 1 0 4 .1 11 Wllson.rf 4 n 1 3 o 0 Iloel.ui ss 4 o 4 3 i) lliller.2b.. 4 II 2 0 4 0 llndfrjli 3 0 0 2 n n (ilbson.c 3 I 2 A 0 0 KllUfrr.o. 3 0 I) ft ft n ilciidrlx.p ,1 1 I 0 I OjAlrx'der.p 3 1 2 11 4 n ToUls 35 7IJ27JO 0, Toplls 31 3 a 27 2 Illt.burg ill I 0 11 0 0 2 7 Philadelphia 0100100103 Two base hltaDonlln, Hrndrli, Bryne. Hume run Alrxonder HAciiflre hlia Hodge, Orey, J Miller IWI on bases- - Philadelphia. 4: Pitts, burif. 4, Struck out lly Alriander, 4. by Ilniurlx. jiuuui jny- - ,4ir4ait(irr, nuilirr ADII .t- - (terns .Stolen base- - Carey First base on error - I'niMiurg. nrsi nase nn halls (in Alexander, l.orrilradrlx.2. Wild throw I'akkrri t'mplrrs llrrnnati and Owen Time- - t hour and 41 mlnulei. NOTES OF THE DIAMOND. The Cuba better be careful Th Pirate a'il ralch tbrm If they don't watch out. Yesterday wa the titxcn money day the Cardinals have enjoved this season Huhe ilrjer and the crowd engaged in an lr iirrslfl.iKe tilt, nnd dryer was outdone only In niliiirterB. A dilrgatlon from the Chemical Congress wl.l visit thn I'nlu (Irminds and pre-len- t h.innrr to the CI. una Tli rule (if Hire., obtained In the Amerl f" League. IJich of the winner imrdrd a trio of tallies Into the home curral Among th04e riresi'lit at the Poln ilrnun.l. jrM.rday was lung I.arrv Mel.eun. Inn ,.t jMui.1'' ' 1 " f lb" l As allrk a li'l ns one wants to see pul. ,,.,.r.""f.11 .)'" Hnodgraas In rtraiing ee. eluded' the 'Von?," H'U""'B Mm' U" h' - - ot """ ,,,lr pl yesterday p"n,!W..4I"lyj0,!l ,,fr,;",cl?,H'r.",,at,r(rirr.r liinlim nf the nrsi KHine. Hud It gone clear would havi hriu a Ihiee bagger .md ' ' '"" .i.rr t........ ,.' ' Ul. ,.., ... !'.i '" lhR' helng Hrnnklyn aini L'.'.'!'1'' I'h'a. twice each Pittsburg and Hi IT'i T KiW WS.T. !,!'r',"1.un'1nhs'd inake a new , "ori nt t yi'vJ'i'"? have'hren received ia V,n- - """ JlV"' rl" for fe." for i,i isnrt.l'n serl.s Seerm.r O'lbleli wlshr. .,,,.1. rriniriil. ii only have the (Hauls .,t wnn th. prniian jet, lie auys, hut tUo matter uf ... I. 1. 1.. the hand of tbe National CommUtlun, THE SUN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 19i2. Lonr Allison IManlvs 11 irli-lnntle- "Who Lose l.eeause of One Wretched Inning. KKATIXO MAKKS DEBUT Does Kelicf Duty in llitrlitli niid Strikes Out Three llrown Hers. The. Highlanders and llrmvus came to the paillng of the wajs tester day and In the wav of 11 Hiuvenli' of the farewell the lliouns plastered 11 shut out 1111 tho New Yoikers The Athletic shut out the pctiolta; the lied Sn closed their Chlctgo engagement bv healing Hie White Sns. again, mid the Washington enjoyed the Cleveland picking once mora. raterdny'a Itrsnlts. PI. Louts. .1. Sew Vork o Philadelphia, 3, rvtrelt. " Uoslen, I'hlciiKO. Washington, 3, I'lrieland, MnnilliiK nt the (,'ltibe. -- .c a a. Xlofton 13 pi Philadelphia t 11 Washington H c Chicago A 10 Detroit SWA Cleveland 7 1 Neir Vork 1 S A St t.ouls 4 a S IV4H1 -- 4 Ixial . . . 33 :", 4 '' s.' V , p. H 11'ie isu.- - ;i4 'J 13 II II 11 ll.iVi4 11 til IV U U s.jj 10 II 10 Ilf4l.4t l3 13 A31 4 'id II, 0 ll 12 .VI1 410 O A, 1". 44 S1I ! a 0 3lS 4Aj Tii.ila'a .Srlirdnl. New York In Chicago Philadelphia In Cleveland Hoston In St. i.eul. Washington In Detroit St 1,01'is. Sept. 12 The Highlanders were out y bv the llrnwns In a pitching duel between tiny Jack Warhop unit Mack Allison, the lull' Tdxnn .Mil-so- who was hamineieil all over the grounds last Tuoday when be wmt In to relieve Hamilton, yielded onlv live scattered hits to-d- nnd won h a score of 3 to 11. for live Innings of'tne route Isitli Allison and Warhop went along nt a woiideiful dip. each team getting nuly three hits Ju-- t when It sienvvl as if the pair of hustlers might go on with thetr great evhlbltloli until such time as Cm-pi- llill i:van mUht decide It tun dark to play lunger Hie ll.oe ns suddenly found their batting ejes In the sixth. Warhop was touched for four hits lu a row, and tin Itronns scored the thice runs of the game. Lellvett was the nnl player nn tin- - vis- iting team who was able to solve Allison's ihilvcrv. getting thrie bits and walking io. 'i. Many Wolverton Ik in lusl Warliop at the end of the t..V(rith. Using McColl-n- i II as a pinch hitter Then Keating, one of the real finds of the season fnr iii.itiiid duly, faced t!l llrowns. Keat- ing un.4.,1 Austin, but uruck out the next tnref batters. Hal Chahe again plaed on first base. He railed to get a hit off Allison In four tries, (in threo different occasions Cliase had a bunco to send on or more lun-tier- s over tho plate but he foiled every time to land the ball in safe territory. The ( saeker drew a life In the fourth when Jimmy Austin fumbled an eary bounder ilvrlt voh on Hint base at tlm time nnd one was down. Allison forced Hartzull nnd Sweeney to pop up files and the Inning ended. The Hi owns had a number nf chances to get runs over before the tdxth round, but no one wafl there with the timely wnl-lo- p In the pinch places. Shotten led off with a single through Warhop in the. opening Inning and stole second. In making his slide lu the hag he hurt his leg and was furred to tetlro fiom the game after the fifth Warhop pitched great hall In the second liming after he found himself in the tough- est situation that any pitrher could pos- sibly get Into Kutina walked Austin w us taf,. on an t nor by Chase, Kutln.i going to third and Jimmy to on the break. Wallace also drew a pass, lllllng the bases with no one out. Warhop put on more steam, forcing Alexander to send up a short foul to MldkifT, vvhllo Allison took thru- swings nnd missed Photten died to Hartzoll. Hogun walked and stole second after one was down In the third. Pratt and Kutina proved e.isy for tho little hurlor Two were down in the Uroivns;' half of the fourth when Alexan- der punched the bit to tight. Alli- son popped in McMillan Starting the sixth Kutina whabil a smash to centre for a single, and when ldlvelt fumbled the ball the hard hitting tlrst sackei raced to second. Austin singled to tbe same Held, scoring Kutina l.elivelt shot the ball homo-wan- ! and Warhop headed off the iliiow, looking that he might patch Austin at cecond, but McMillan and Simmons lith forgot to over Wallace lifted a liner to short left that Maulils made a great trv for, but the spenl boy of the New Yorks only managed to touch the leather with Ids gloved hand, knocking It Into foul territory while Wallace reached second and Austin scored. Alexander and Allison fanned. W Hiown, who wan shoved Into tlie frav owing to Kliotten'H Injun, plunked a Hlnglo to left, scoring Wallace was out, Simmons to Chain' The score : ST Ult'l.S U. 1..I NKW YORK (A. 1..I All r h tl A e' .1. r li ,1 . . Shotten f mi! 1, MAlll' 3 0 0 1 0 0 W Brown, f 101 loo vn.o.'fr n. j n 1 s n Jant.-r- n rf 4 11 11 o 4 11 n 4 11 o iinkAii.11,1 11 11 1 11 11 3 II U II 0 I Prull.211 I o I 2 2 0 Mni ns 2b . n I 2 A 0 I.Ulllia.ltl l I 1 12 II lll'I.N.rll. 1 n II t ,listln.3h 1 I I I .1 ? llnrtel.rf 4 0 0 1 1 o Wallace as 3 114 3 n Sui enej ,c 3 II II S I AlelAIldrrc.4 O 1 2 II kljiihm.n 1 II li fi n n AIIImju.p.. 4 o 0 u i (i iM Cniinell.l o o o u o Ivenl ng p. (I 0 II II II 0 Totals 31 3 827 II 2 . . 'IntAl.s !12 0 .i2l II 3 ullAtled for Warhop In the elirhth Innlns. New York O II ll n n n n ii ri.n St Nulls ii 0 u ii ll 3 o II j ivi'o liAse hits Lelhiit. Wallace. Mol-- tiA-- .Shotten, Hoiran. .lanlrn Austin I ii&t i,..e on halls (lit Warr.oii. 4 o.t MiImui 3. nit cal lug, I Struck nut llv Warlm,!, .), l,v KrHng, 3. by, niching record (III vWuhon, a tills and 3 runs In seven millings, on bases Ml IaiuIs. u .Nrw York, J uiplrrs Hvana and Kuan, 'lime- - I hour and 20 rulnulrs xnirrlcnn Association, AT t'OI.P vines Indianapolis I 1 M I 111 02' 5' '; Columbus. 0 3 0 i) I 0 s 1 17 t - Hatlerlis Men ami McC.iriv; Dvl und S111I1I1 No other games played XI llulillc City. I. Ilnnla lit. lilts filOunooO 0 'f ''1 'j 1lo.ll lilillH. 0 II 0 II o 0 II (I n 0 1 I la tcrl" b William, llnokrr mid Petus, W lekwaro anil Wiley. Cooileptlenl l.ragnr, HrMgrporl Hrldgeporl 1. Water- - ' ,H" rlngtlrld .New llairn. (1. Spring- - ,Vi ol j .ikr Holyoke 3. Ilaitf.ird. ' Wealrrn l.engoe. Lincoln, 3 Omaha Denver, lo, S Jue, Sioux City, ft, Tnpeka in .Monr.Vle)iltu, rain BASES FULL, STAHL DOUBLES. Turna Shntuut Into Victory tlver White Hoi by 3 to 1. ClIICAOO. Sent. 12. Mannoer .take Stahl hit a two bagger with thn bases full and I two gone In the eighth Inning of ig.ime between the lted and Whlti! tfox and the lloston Inds won. The score was 3 to I and the victory gave thn lted Sox thiee straight on this series and six vic- tories .from tin; while hosed athletes 011 thn ear. It was 11 pltchera' liattln l.aiiue and U'llrlen. with Iloiton shut out until Stahl lilt Hint ball In the elghlh. The score: liasiON (,. I,., CMICA(it) (A. r h pa e ah r hp a e Hooper rf. .1 (lino 0 ltaih.:b 3 11 2 4 0 I v. rrkrs:ii 3 I 0 2 1 11 Maiilck ef..J 114 0 0 .Soi' :l o 11 11 1. i...i it n , n , l" 3 12 3 0 II Collins rf.. 3 II I 'I (I (I 11 1 1 ii iiurioii.iu, 3 11 111 11 o M11I1I.II1 . 3 o I w I 0 rlder.3li, .3 11 I 0 .'( 11 V.nmii r.s. 3 0 0 3 4 11 niindic 1010 11 0 (Aill.e 4 II 0 A 2 (1 Wravrrsv.3 O 0 2 4 II () llrlen.p. .40012 11 fillarrnws I 11 0 11 11 11 - - - - I'Asterly.c. 4 0 11 3 o 11 Inlnls 31 3 427 12 uiljiugc.p. I II 0 03 U I Totals 31 I S27IO I ( 11 Hatted for elder hi the ninth Inning. I'a Hatted for Wcnui In the ninth Inning, '"slim 11 0 o (i 0 (I 03 ( 3 LnllAHU 11 u 0 o 0 o 0 01 lrfl on bases lloston, 7: ClilMSo. s. Banes Oil Pal s (Iff (I'Krlen. :i. 11IT Ijiii A sirnr.1. ""t '.v., "''en. 3: by Ivuiuc. 3. lilt by pitcher ."'. O ''Hen tVlAtllcKI lo base hits llouper, htalil. It.ns- - base hit Malllck. Sni rlhic hll l4ird. I'Askeil Imll Cady. Double ily Verki and .stahl. i'mplre In chief Dlnecn. 1'ltld urn line 4i niien nine. J hours MITCHELL BLOWS IN SEVENTH. Senators ItreouuUe (Ippnrtnnl ty and Drlvr .Napa In t'nvrr. ''I.EVKI.ANP, Sept 12 (Irimth's Sena-toL- s took the llnnl game of the series with thi Nups .1 to 2. (Jrlltlth ent In (lionm In do tho heavy work, while Mitchell look the mound for the Naps. rl"1 w'in Fror,'1 ln tho Inning, when iolithpalvs lh 'Vdes Is scoi.! as in t" i'Patrlck singled, stole second, reached opener and It wns a pitchers' battle until' "'"I !,m "" m,t nnd co''"t,1 Hrwln's ti.n u. ii, I.,- - i. ....1. irciaten. .... llllllllk. I, 11,11 llll- - SlfllllllP Iimdeil on Mitchell and aided hv his wild thiow to right field, scored two tuns. The Naps got a run In their half, but could not lie the scoie. Kahler leplaced Mltdv ell. after hK faux pas In the seventh. The score : ( I.IA IH.VNI) H ASIII.NOTO.V. so r Ii p ne ab r h p ae Tuiner.3b. i o o ft o henw'y.rf..( 1 1 J o o John- t'n. lb io o m l n Foster Jb .I o o 3 S o Chspm' 3 1 0 2 3 o, 4 0 2 1 0 0 Jsi kson.rf I n 2 2 n u ii.n.iii.iii si i u i n ! l.)o:c.:ii.. llll o o'l.ipurte.Vb.3 1004 o iii : u I I ii n .shanks.if.. :t o l u o o iiriiiiey.ii u u l o 11 M 3 0 :i ' '.'..."".'. .. 2 .' '.' ' .' .'.T " 'r- - t t r y "" ' - "inisnis.c I u 0 J I II 'Kings's.. I o n il (i (I (irotun.ii 3 II 0 iKimriili, . u u u V u n - - - -- , Totals 30 627 IS 1 TolAls M 2 727 11 j' . 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0- -3 (lrveluid IOOOOOtUO-- Innings pltciied Mitchell. S; Kahler, 1. Hlu. s"'i viiu-nei- i.. ivio na'e nits Kciiwor.hy. l.vlole. (iar.dll. Mi Uil.le. Ilcndrlx. .Sacri-llc- c hits Ilcndrlx. Mrlfrhle. Lxpurte. .Stoien b.i-e- v, i iiapniaii, sr.anks. rlrst base on ball, (lit (irism. 1. o:T Mltcnell. 1: oil Kahler. I Hit by pitcher H (iroom ((iianey. I Irsi Inse on error vt'ashlngton. l.eri nn bases Cleveland. I. Washington, 4. struck out Hy Mitchell.:, by Kahler. I. by (irnoui, I Double Plays ihapman, .lotinston and O'Neill. Will- - lam-- . 1'nsler Alii! i.m.illl Cnail r.n.l vin.i.i. I mplre In chief 41'laiughlln. Field umpire -- Mesicricll lime 1 hour and ift minutes. ATHLETICS' AU REVOER RUDE. (uvMlesklc lllanka Tigers In l.nal lipenraocr In .Inngletonii, Iiktkoit. Sept 12 -- The Athletics cele-biate- d their Ian appearance at Nuvln l'leld y by shutting out tho Tiki m h) a 3 to U score. V he.itley had a bad tlrst Inning, two inslcs, a sncrlllce iwd a pass conspiring to rive Murphy ,. run. Iloth Wheat ley lii-- Covnlerkie pitched suiH-rhl- in the r.ext few Innlnna. In the sixth Maker's double rcored MaKcit, who had drawn a pass from the recruit. Two were down and Mc'.nncs lilt u single but Veach got linker at the plate with a neat throw. A walk .md s (al for Mi-e- H and Colllns's single scored the third run for the Athletics In round eight. Manager Jennings was suspended in- definitely for his run In with I'mp're Con- nolly over the dispute yesVrdoy, and VI tt received tue same punishment. The score: HimtOiT I'HII.A. (A. I..I ab r Ii p ae ab r h paa .. 3 0 0 2 0 0'phy,rft t 1 l o o i',4 0 0 1 3 o Uauc-rt.c- fl 20200 Crawfnrd.rf 4 o o o o 0 Culllns,2b. 4 0 1 4 2 0 3 o 1 & o o lli.krr.3b. 4 0 2 10 0 Veaih.lf . 3 n 1 o 1 o M'lt.iies.lb3 o 110 o 2 Um!rii.:ti 3 0 0 1 4 0 I 0 I ft o o P (insinw.ibi o 1 v o n 4 o u I s o Manatee. 3 0 o u 2 1 Hgau.c. 10 13 0 0 he.viley.p 2 0 0 0 1 0 c'leskie.p. 3 0 0 0 1 0 oJones. I o 0 o 0 o C'lngiun.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 3 727 11 2 Totals o 3211 1 mi Batted for Uheatley In the eighth Inning. Detroit 0 0 ll 000000-- 0 Philadelphia 10 0 00101 03 Hlu Oil WheAlley, 0 In eight Innlnrs; off Cov- ington, 1 In one Inning Two bAe lilts Cobb, Baker Struck out lly Wheatley. A. bv Coial-cskl- 3. First base on balls Olf v heailey. 3; ort ( ovaleskle. 1 Double plays Collins. Barry and Mrlnncs. Barry. Collins and Mclnur. First base on error Detroit, 1. 1rft on bases Detroit. 3: Philadelphia, ft. Wild Pilch Wheatley .sacrl-tlc- e hit Maggert. Stolen base Maggert. em- pire In chief Connolly. Field umpire Hart. 1 line -- 1 hour and 4ft minutes McNEIL TRICKS CHAPPLE. t'annj SpoI OiilKrnrrnl eST Vorker tiy Spurt at Klntah. James McNeil of Kdlnbtirgh showed Ills Scotch cannlness by fooling Arthur Chnpple of New York and winning on the last lap In the Ilnal of their thtee mill match r.oe at tho Mrlghton lleach Stadium Motuniromo last night. As Mc- Neil won the second heat last Tuesday, when Chappie's front tire exploded, his victor' last night gives him the match over Chnpple. This makes him the only ilder besides the late Kddle Hasha of Texas, killed liuit week, who has had the honor of capturing a match from Chappie this season. McNeil's victory Is ail the morn creditable In view of the fad that he was riding a strange ma- chine. While warming up before the rare he broke 0110 of the Ignition terminals, lie wn.s foiccd to borrow Hilly Wray's machine In order to compete!. The .Scotchman mnde a poor beginning. Chappie being 15 yards ahead when the starting algnal was hounded, Hut the ilrst lap wax completed McNeil had caught up to Chappie's reur wheel, lie eieined content to lumaln there, onl.v test ing his machine a llttln In thn middle of Hie race by a brief spurt In which he came up even with his rival and then dropped back a few yards. Chappie, the ease with which he had d McNeil home In the first heat last Tuesday, lowered his speed In Hie belief Hint Ids opponent could not catch mm on a mount he was unaccustomed to. .McNeil encouraged this overconfldence until the last moment Then, near tho b.ickslieteli, he suddenly astounded the big cinvvil and his rival hy spurting lip to Chappie's shoulder The New Yorker could not get a Ilnal Jump nut of his machine, and thn grand stands wero silent as they saw McNeil mount the bank and steadily forge ahead of Chappie. Then their plaudits burst forth us McNeil, with n final swoop around the hist turn, led ('Imnntn homo liv tell vnrils lie Imme. dlululy became tho fnvorlte of the crowd and was cheered until he dismounted. Syracuse and Wrav of Mrooklyn. ' .Southern Laaiine, N'ashvlile. la Chaltanooga. Vfnhlle. ft. New Nn other games played At Prospcel Park, rropct Park F, C, 4 Platbusll Cempanjr, I. E IN BATTLESWITH REDS Juifron Hurls ns Ruckcr Usunlly Does, Latter ns Former Usually Docs. FIIIST 0AM K A SHUTOUT Dodder Yields Only Three Hits and Came Is IMayed in Hour H Minutes. Two hlch class games of ball were Played by tho Cincinnati Iteds and the HrooklvtiH nt Washington Park yester- day, each team scoring a clean cut vie- - lOIV. Tile Itriiolllviis nnn IIia Oral l.allln 1 to n, In the remarkably short time one hour ami ten minutes, a record for the iMlk this season. Tho trimmed the Dodgiiis In the second affray, to 1, tue nciuai time consumed being one hour and thirty-tw- o minutes, Ilagon pitched his best gome of the year lu the ilrst struggle. He hold tho visitors to three scatteted hUs and only twenty-seve- n nien went to the bat. He gave one base on balls, fanned flvo and was backed up without 1111 error. One Hod, Hescher, got as far as iecond base on a two bagger. Three other visitors first and two of them were caught stealing by superb throwing. Huhe Ilenton, O'Day's craclt southpaw, also starred In the box. He confined the HrooMyns' hits to fnui, fanned six urid handed out two pusses, also receiving faultless support In the field, llrooklyn's .'up Kucker did not come up to expec- tations In the second game. He was wild nnd the Iteds hit him hard In spots, dreg-or- y. the Iowa hoy who beat the Cubs twice In font days recently, was knocked lout of the box by Hahlen's men In the second Inning He was succeeded by a young lefthander once with the Highlanders, and thereafter the Dodg- ers were helpless, malting but three, hits and falling to score. The scores : I'litsT (iAMi: CINCINNATI. BltOOKlAN . ab r h n ae ab r h n ae , I 11 2 2 11 II Norlhrn rf 1 o n 1 n n 3 o i o o n rui4ii'w.2t2 0 1 3 3 0 lloli'rrii.ih.s a oil o n Hummi.rf.2 o 0 0 o o Mitcnru.rr :i o o o o o o 010 0 0 P.'ielan.3l 3 0 0 1 2 o, W hen. If 3 o o 3 o o ( 2 0 0 1 2 0 K'lrl.p'k.3b.3 I l n 1 u Kg.xn.2h. 3 0 n 2 A n ,3 0 14 0 Clarhe.r. " o o A 2 o Mtller.r 3 o 1 7 2 o (iKyle I o o o 0 n ligon.p :i o ii u 2 (I llenloii.p. 2 0 0 1 2 0, OMcDonald 1 0 0 0 o ill Totals 24 I 4 27 J (I Totals 2 0 32414 0 (ni Bitted fur Clarke In the ninth Inning IM Haded for Urnton ln the ninth Inning rinrtnn.ui nnnnooooon Jiruoklvn o o o o 1 o 0 i) i Two base hit Hescher. Sacrifice hit- - FUher Stolen liases CutshAw, Klrkpairlek. First bake on balls 4itT Iteutnn. 2. 0.1 Ilagon. 1 Struck out-B- e Benton, r,, hy Itagoii, ft. t on bases Cin- cinnati. 1. Urouklwi 2. empire In chief I!asun Field umpire Juhnslune Time 1 hour and lu nilnulrs SKCOND (JAMi: CINCINNATI I1HOOKI.Y.V Ab r h p a e ah r h p a r ft 13 3 1 0 North'n rf 4 o 1 o n Knlseiy.rf 4 0 13 10 Cuts'w.2h. 3 0 2 1 3 0 Hohl' 3 2 1 :i o n Hun'el.rf. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Mltrhell.rf 4 o I too l'auh't.lh. 4 1 1 13 0 0 Phe!atl.3h 4 o II O 2 n Wheat. If 3 110 0 0 ( 4 1 1 4 2 0 l.lrk'k.3h 2 1 0 0 4 0 i:?aii.:h 2 11'.' ft a nStnllh. I ll o o o o Sricrelil.e 4 1 2 3 0 Usher, s. 4 1113 0 (regory.p 1 o o n o n Krwin.e n 1 u 1 1 M'(iraner.p3 0 o o 3 n Mllurc 1 0 0 1 o o ItLrkcr.p.. 3 0 10 10 Totals 34 A l 27 17 0 Totals, an 4 8 27 12 1 (dialled for Klrkpatrtrk In Hie ninth Inning. (Tnrlnnatl 12 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 a Brooklyn . o 4 A u o o 0 o 04 Imi base hits Besvhrr. 2: Hoblltzell. Fgan MltrhelL Northern Three base hit Knlvrlv, oacrlnce hits- - Kntsely l.gan. Ilrst base on error -- Clnrlnnatl. First base nn balls (in Mclirenrr. 2- oit Huckrr. 2. Struck, out lly s. Hll by pitcher By (iregory IKirkiatrlekt. I lite. o.t (iregory. ft In two lonlngs. on bases Cincinnati, ft Brooklyn. 3. Double play Kgan, (irant and lloblltirll. Wild pitches Kucker. 2. I'mplre In chief -- Johnstone. Field umpire Kason. lime I hour and 32 inlnutis. A DAY OF SECOND CHOICES. I'avnrlte Orerthriinn Kven In Star Hvent When Kormtik Win. Havtie pe Grace, Md., Sept. 12. Second choices had the edge In events. The expected feature event, n handicap for s, did not materialize due to withdrawals, so the second race de- veloped Into the headllner for the day. Patton, In view of his previous wins here, was installed as favorite, but under a snug ride Knrmack, which was heavily bet upon, gained (the verdict by a head. Patton wa.i messed about during the run- ning, which militated against his chances. Matt Winn, Price McKlnney and Jack rollnnsbeo were visitors Tlie summaries : i'lrsi Itace Mald.n )x furlongs Crlsro. 107 (Turner), 7 to 2, won. Virile. (17 (Shilling), 2 to 1 for plae, sec- ond. Amtirnfe. 107 iShuttlngerl. 4 10 ft to show, third Time 1. 14 Kordnial, Punch of Keys. strenuous. Star (lair. Falconet. ChuckUs, Tweedeedie, llxton and Marconia ai.-- ran S.cond Itace- - Handicap. three-year-ol- and up. mile and seventy yards Kortnack. 100 Dunn), ft to 1, son: Patton. 100 (Tur- ner!. 2 to ft for place, second Marjorl A, 113 iShilllng). eien to slio'v. third. Time 1 43. Amain Hofrman and Kind Sir attn ran. Third Hare - Malilrn three year olds and up. mile and a (dati-entli- - Hallyniena, 107 (Shilling). to ft. won. Hughle (Julnn, 110 iiitiusi, i to ft for place, second: Senegam-Pla- 1 07 (Shuttlngrrl, ft to 2 to show third Tine Sam Jaek'on. Judge Waller, Promised Land, Slim Princess and Doormat also ran I'ourl'i five and a half furlongs Pataniiuln. 10ft idlassi, ! to 20, won Lace 107 IShuitlnger), out for place second. Ccy. OS, Karrlck. Time- - 3 Three starters. Fifth Itace Celling, tliree-rear-ol- and up, si), furlong. Housemaid, 111 (Shilling), 9 In 20, won. Tow tenfleld. lift (Olassl, ft to for place, tecond, Hllck.r, 111 (Uavies), 1 to 2 to show, third Time 1 11 Cllftoulan Tactics. Astrologer and Jim Craffrey aio ran Slith g, Ave ami a half furlnnga--.Sma- h. 107 (lilasii. ft to 2, won. Captain Klllott. 10" IShuttlnger), to 6 for place, second. I.lnbrook. 94 (Wolf), t to I to show, third. Time 1:07. Hehallcr, rordlo F, llagu.s, Hrush, Hryn, Dogwood, Insurance Man, Honey Hee and Fiy Hy Night alio ran. Knlrhmnlnrn Still f'lnbleae. One of the first letters In the headquarters of the A. A. U. yesterday contained tlm application for registra- tion of Ilannes Knlehmainen. the Fin. nlsli runner who carried off the Olympic long distance honors. It was Indorsed by J Conway, secretary of tho Irish Vniei-lei- A ( lint the IilaniA nnnlnl- -l the name or no clu of which IColehmalnen I Is a member The'e Is little doubt In the illllHl.S of followers of track and field snnrr that as tirnliatlon Is up he will be found In the ranks of the Irish Americans. Th. ..ri. J tratlon number allotted to tho Finn Is ! 2476. Kl1 Mrnoklyn Jockey IUvri: nr. (HtArg. Md.. Sent, is Tni,, tract to do the light rldlrur foe h irt. leniiiicK stable, considered one of the moit powerful In tho country, Nctt Onttli'ldera for nodcrrs. Otltlleldcis ami Callahan of the club nml outfielder Stengel of the Montgomery club luvo been secured by the Hronklyna and have been ordered to report at once to Manager Dahlen. Visitors to the motordrome Inst night' .llinmle Allen, who fell hero vesterday In1 wen able to sc.. evidences of the prparu-- 1 the llflli race while riding Lady Mcflee. Hons miller way for the twenty-fou- r hour died at tho Havre do Urnce Hospital raeo of September 20 and 21. Llttln slim tly nfler 12 o'clock Ilia I wooden buildings me going up all over mother arrived from Mrooklvn Just before the Inlleld to house thn riders during tho his ilmth. Concussion of thn brain and night of the 20th and nrconimodatlnns a fractured spiny, which produced paraly-nls- n will be mnde for enthusiasts who In- - I sis were tho Immediate causes of his tend to stay at the grounds overnight. death. Allen was is years of age and The latest entry mnde Is Hie team of a native of llrnnklvn. lie was imH.r lllllles Shields of Orleans, of reached Miller's opened INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Veeterdny'a tteaalta. Jenay city, 4; Trovldence, 4 (li Innings: dnrhness), Haltlmore, 10; Nee ark, 3 (1st game). Ualtlmora, ; Newark, 2 (M game). Itoehester, i: lturfalo, 2. Toronto, 10: Montreal, 3, AtaadlnK o( the Clnkt. w, u rc,i w I. PC. reato la S3 .too RuOaio M 74 411 noheiter....Ki at ,0!i) Uoatreal... 7 in ,4S Newark ? Mn JerierCltir. " ts ,4M Balllmore...T2 71 .003 Providence SO SI 41A To-dy- 'a Schednle. Huff a to In ttneheater. Montreal In Toronto. BIRDS SCALP INDIANS TWICE. neattnar Oarajer n Mtnrcnrr In first Shavrkey TlKht III .. IIai.timorc, Md., Sept. 12. It.iltltnore got aweet revenge on Joe McCllnnlty's In- dians y by winning both games of a double header. Cy Harger proved an easy ' proposition for the lllrds In t,he first game ' ,,nd lho Orioles won as they pleased, as. the Tigers could do nothing with Imvo "nth's curves. The Indians plaje'l a list less game In the field. The Haltlmores went to the front In the opening mnlnr and were never headed. The score was 10 to 3. Thn second game was n pltchets' duel between Shawkey and Lee. In which the former came out first, score 3 to 2. The scores: I'lltST (iAVtn. IIAI.TIMOIIi:. NEWARK. ab r h n a r ah r h p ae . 8 0 2 3 0 n.Tnolry.s. 4 0 0 2 1 0 Corcoran. rf. 4 1 2 0 0 ("oilins.rf.. ft I I I 0 n ( 5 I lit 0 OllleriiArd.rf.S 0 12 0 9 Derrick. ss... ft 3..1 3 0 OSwarlnn.lbl 0 10 0 a 3 3 0 4 4 0' W.ZIm'n.lf I 0 14 0 9 ParrnUb .3 2 3 0 3 0f!airnler.2b.t o 0 1 1 I F. Mtel.Sh. l 0 3 0 3 1 li .lm'n.3b,4 I :i 2 a O licrgen.c. 4 0 0 4 0 Ollllgglns.c 4 1022a Itotli.p 40001 0 Barger.p. I n .1 n : o l Totals 3flOIS271t l' Totals 38 3 1024 12 I Baltimore 4 0 022020 -- in Newark 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Three base hlls--(i- . Malsel. li. Zimmerman Two bAe hits -- Swacina. llArgrr. Parent, Der- rick, K. Zimmerman, SAcrlflce hits I'arrnt, 2. Stolen base Lord. Pases on balls (n Both. 1: ult Harger. I. Struck oui-l- ly lloih, 2; by flarger, 3. Wild pltch-lto- ih. Left on bases- - Haltlmore, 8: Newark, a. Umpire In chief Murray, Field umpire-Carpen- ter Time 1 hour and 43 min- utes. SECOND UAUK. nALTUtOHK. , NKWAI1K. abrhpaej ahrhpae .s u 1 a 1 0, v o o 4 3 1 Corcoran. rf 4 0 0 2 0 1 Collins. rf. ft t t 2 l o 0 010 0 0 llernard.ef.ft 0 12 0 0 4 0 2 6 3 0 StfAclna.lb4 0 1 8 0 0 T' .4 1 0 3 0 0 4 o 1 a o o rarent.2b. 3 0 0 1 2 0 (iagnler.:b 4, 0 0 2 1 0 F.Malsel.3b.4 12 10 o'K Z'anJb 4 1 3 0 3 0 rayne.e 41230 ojnigglns.c. .4 01100 ihawkey.p.,1 0002 OLee.p , 4 0 3 0 0 0 Totals .32 S 727 1 1 Totals ss"2M24"7l Baltimore. 02001000 st Newark. ,.0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 Two base hltsP. Malsel. Swarlna, 2: Ift, Payne, Lord. Sacrifice hits (iagulrr, Payne. Stolen bases shawkey, Twnmbley, Collins. W. Zimmerman. P. Malsel. Double play- - Derrick (iina-slatr- First base on balls (Iff 1se, 1. Struck out Dy Shawkey. 3: hy Ijre. I. llll bv pitcher Hy Lee. 1. Ijtft nn bases- - Baltimore, ft; Newark, 8. Umpires Murray and Carpenter. Time 1 hour and Ift minutes. DARKNESS ENDS IT IN 12TH. SLeetera and Providence Tied at 4 to 4 From Flnhth On. Jersey City and Trovldence fought It out to a twelve Inning tie In the open- - ing round of their .concluding series at West Side Park yesterday afternoon. The score was 4 to 4. Doescher and I.afitte had n spirited session on the hurling hill, with honors even. Jersey City was cred- - lted with S hits off Lafltte and Providence connected for R off I)oecher. Three times the game became deadlocked, remaining so, after Providence had evened the score In the eighth, until darkness forced a halt. Knight's batting, with a homer and a pair of singles, was the fenture. The score: PIlOVinKNOi:. JIIIISIIV CITY. r n p a e ao r n p a e j. n. v uniimnn witnout mucli trouble, at 2 5 ? O n.Th.nM tl Siiejinif n .. . Platte,rf....6 . - ft 0 113 2 0 11reen.2b. .1 0 0 0 3 V 0 MiJerm't,S4 0 1 2 1 0 PurielIJb..4 0 1 2 8 0 Streel.c 3 0 18 10 Wells.e.. . fi 0 1 u 1 0 ItaumaaJb .412311 112 0 0 Ducgan,cf..3 0 0 3 0 0 Ivelly.rf... ft 1 1 1 0 0 At.3b S 0 0 10 0 Knight. lb. .ft 2 311 I 1 (illlesple.lf. 101:10 4 0 0 1 1 1 Lal3tte.p....4 till oDoscher.p..S 0 1 0 S 0 Totals ..S 4 83J 3 l1 Totals. 4I 4 SS5 30 2 (iame called because ot darkness. Providence... 1 100001 1000 4 Jersey City.. .0 2010010000 0-- Tlrst base nn error Providence. I. Two base hits- - Kelly. Wells, tilllesple. Three base hits Platte. Matte. Home run -- Knight, SaerlCi-- e hits- - vjcDermott. Street. Duggan, lafltte. Sac- rifice fly Meyer. Stolen base- s- Knight, Doscher. I.efl on bases Jerey city, 7, Providence. Double nlays-ihirt- ell. Ilreen and Knight: Purtell and Knight: Street, lathers and Bauman I trst base nn balls ott Poacher. 6: off ft. Strurk out- - ny Doscher. t: by h nit by pitcher By Doscher (Duggani. W lid pitches l)oseher.2. I'mplres-Kel- ly and Mullen. Time . oours ana ia minutes. At Toronto, n it. 1:. Montreal .0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 30 Toronto 1401 2000 x 10 10 2 Hatterles Mattern and nurns. Lush, Drucke and Bemls At Ropheater. Buffalo . ...1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 02' 10 '5 Itoehester 0 3 2 0 0 3 1 0 x 9 U 2 luttrrlr Holmes, Jamrfon and Mitchell, Qulnn and Illalr. FRENCH CARS NOT COMING. Prnfjrot Team Won't Rr llrrr foe the MIlTranep Itacrs. There will be no tram of Peugeot cars In the nutomoblle races at Milwaukee although announcement that a team was on the way and that three such cara, to be driven by Molllot, Uoux and V.uccur-rel- ll respectively, had actually been entered for tho Grand Prize and Vainler-W- it rnces was made by thn promote! s. Although the makers cabled somo tlmo ago that the cars would be sent Ihoy havo since then wiled to iy that no cars were coming. This brings the Held for the Vander-hl- lt and Grand Prize races down very small Indeed. There nro three Henz, three Flat and one Mercedes car in tho Grand Prize. In the Vanderhllt there aro two MercetA and three or four for- eign cara. The best showing of Ameri- can machines la the small car event, with three Maaons, ahree HerreshofTs and two Flanders machines. Reiia to ShnsT With Palace Cara. The Henz Auto Import Company has withdrawn from the Importers Automo- bile Salon and will show the coming reason along with the automobile con- cerns ln the Grand Central Palace, Krrne'a Caatleton Lands Third. .sprrfaf CiMe Dnp.ilch In Tlia Mrs. Doncartf-R- . Kngland, Sept. 12. J p '"f'" .V',,,,I,0.',, " Vl",h.CHl J,.,,lr'1 ta' lluy or""1"' Handicap Plate of ran, The winner of tho race waa I t:,"w's Wethers Well nml tho second to flnlah was A. O, .Stern's Cigar. the Beer You Are Drinking H'b ten to one the BULL CONQUERS WATSON IN THRILLING CONTEST Veterans Show Skill in Sets at, New .lerse.t Tournament. WOMKN'S FINAL T()-li- . .Mrs. (!. X. Heard to Meet Miss Mirinni Steever in I'ln for Singles Cup. Women kept faster step than inn In tho mntlmiatloii of the New rt,ty State tennis tournament on the conn, . in" .iiurrisiown . 1110 at .viorr'4t,,nf. N J.. yesterday with the losiilt thm i. Ilnal louiid was leached In Hie vvoin.,'. singles, Mrs. C .V. Heard and Ml. mi, Iiihi Ste.jver being the pair to tlirlii nu for tlm champlonslilp honor t, the womeirs doiibles the coiilejti Im,. reuched th" teml-tlnal.- whlb) neiti, ,, 0. the men's events Is nenr that rlagr The large entry, the limited number t,f coiiiIm and Hie dllllcully of the tn,, ,r tanging their business enaaKetn'tita hi suit the bourn of play have kept the prln clpal rorrip-tltln- ii Imuk so that ote match reinfllns lo be played before the round ant. to the seml-lln- will be complete m that u dozen matches were playrd In 11,, singles yesterday, mid though none In absolute upsets of form, iher. were several lu which the winners had to play harder than they expected Two veterans, IT. M. Hull, Jr, and C F, Watson, Jr., provided the most stirring encounter, nml that Hie match would out to the hitter end Was when tho score was called at & nil In tho first game. Hull had the sentrs then and after two points had been scoird against him whipped them over 11 faat that he caught and passed Watson ml scored the winning point on a service an. Oames followed service then to f 7, nli.r, nun s insi returns cnused vvntson to mak rour outs, tnree In succession, and th. set went to Mull at ! 7. Hull tried the experiment of stavlne i back court at th beginning of the' Seisin, I set and the result was thai Watson ou- tplayed him at the long driving gntnr, tor,,. Ing four games In succession. The thIM went to deuce. Mull losing the game point on a double fault. On Hull's next servlrs in tne nriii game the crescent man braced and made it a love game In his favor Watson tried hard to Increase his rad In the next and hy pretty tennis coaxed Hull to the net and then lobN-- over his head for the opening point. Hull took the game, however, and the next produced more ten- nis of a high order. Hull almost cut lh back court linn with his swift drlvis, but Watson retained so well that deuce was called before Mull won, nnd the tally was 4 3 In Watson's favor. Kach won on ser- vice. Mull on his lieglnnlng the tactic of going to the net that eventually won for him. Continuing his net smashes-aealn- Watson's service. Mull forced a deuce st Then Hull liegan making ntts, with th. result that Watson took the two games necessary to win the set at 7- - 'lull was a whirlwind In tho ilecldlnr anu a great back hand return from deep court that forced a net from Watson took the wind out of the Orange man's "alls. After Mull had won two gaiius Watson scored a rather lucky one. 11. made a point on one tiiat hit the net and "J'oiihl havo stayed there, hut rolled ovei This was followed by a clean pass, a plav 'hat was very rare between these expert" Wafon broke through Mull's service again 1,1 "", ,'lfth gain", but tlii.1 was Ills last effort that paid, for the Crescent man won the set and match at tl ? - Mnn- Jr" '""Posed of the votrian .1 s. .lie line lllllll selllnin to mldrourt for his effective ovei head smashis, but was (ontented with ou- tdriving Cushman. Tho favorite In tit lower half of the draw met a tartar In Spenc-- r Miller. Jr., and things looked doubtful for him. Man took the flrsi set nt f. I and lind Miller -- 2 In the second when his ruvQurt bloke. The inci- dent sorvisi as a tonic for Miller, and !i smashed awn In great style until he had the seme 54 lu Ills favor. JuM as 11 looked 11s If be would take the Mt J!lil-I- turn put his bat out of coimiisi,ler nnd Jinn, rallying, forced n dein-- i ,rt eventually winning ll nt 9- -7 Fiitll the last sel the semi-fin- In the women's singles between Miss Clare Cas sell rind Mr." P.euril was one sided, tli opening sets being divided at - 1 each A rare tussle ensued In the third, Mri Heard Hnally winning at S C Tin- - summaries: Men's Ungl.sTlilrd round r s Mjr de'iaied o. II Smith. . 0. 1 A (' Hragan d fialed t. liark. 6- - 3. S 4 J VValnwrlgtit ilefeated ,t, r. McLean. e l: cirn'rles M. ,. .ir. defeated F Watson. .Ir.. 01. ft ;. I, Woodbur defeated I. Diinhain. 1 - . 5 fi. f. 1 A It Man. Jr. defeated J. S I'u.hmKn i; ? I mirth Hound V. I! Ward del ated J Walnwrlcht. V ?. Mus-rrai- II rt. rl. reatrd I,, s. Preeinun. t. c- - 3. c VI Hull. .Ir, drfratrd I. Woodhiirv. s S (' N. Heard defeated T Whllrha'i s 13. ('alhoun Cragla di fruled ,1 II Bar dolph. i I - . )r. WllllHin llnsennai,ni l Leonard lleekniHii f- t- I, A. II. .V,in. .Ir., defeated Spenirr Mil rr Jr. t- - I. : T Wem-n- 's SIliRl. s -- p. li'l eaum' M- -(. . l:rnrd ilrfeale.) Vs liar. ari. - I, I , f C. Ml.a .Miriam Strewr nr. feated Miss Ins A. Msset. I, 1, " Women's Doubles- - First round Mb M V Irving nnJ Miss s hentleld dcfea e.l Mrs b Hill and pirtner. 1. I. s 2 'Ir. J II McLean and Mrs Hlncknell def..... vir. M. Plirenii and .Miss l.lrtrad. 1 ' t (. C S. llound-MI- ss V. A Irilng S'l .Miss S Fiorlelil ilefealed Mrs I rr.irrl.-- Ni lllllll. and Mrs II. A Pope Is.. Mrs. Mil.ejn hiiiI ll's W .Viiferinan drfeatril !ri .1 H Vi sea Jlrs. Ittnekvrll, fi I. fi (. Mrs. 1' N r.'i'i and Mlsb MltUni Mrevei ilefeal..! Vnrs ' iwyrini and Miss .leaks. G I. fi a .VIM Ina A. Kissel and MUs ('lure 'l 1r. f.aied MR( L. l.lviiigstou and imtiirr h di fault. Women's Consolation - First round Ml4' M. Swords (acratchi, defeated Mrs Dudley ( (plus r. 1. h .3. ; - Ml,. enito (llllnun - fi I ilefealed Miss A i'ralli ' l,l,J' HI. ii 4, K 2: Vlisi . A lrne iinlnin I 41 defeated Miss M. tlnrr Iplus I'l hv tf fault' Miss Leslie Mill itoliiua r e. .1. feated Miss Daiurnsch Isrralebl In- drfallU Scrond Hound -- Miss M liereon ' plus J ' defsdied Miss Sword lecrai.lii, 1, It. t - 2 Men's Double- s- Second round ' iat'" and T. It Pell defeHled lloleollllie Ward i"l partner by defaull. M. Ilvils ami t Coffin, Jr., defeated 11 W Scsbiir ami s Miller, Jr. - 4, 0 . II 12 11 I'ower aj;l 11. H. Watson defeated A. llrown am) 11 Worn! by ib fault. .. Men's Connulatlon -- First round 11 e; defeated K D. Kishei hy il.fau'i I Kvteham defeated T. T Conk In default. S. Pllney defeated II. II Kissel, 1, I ( . c Delnionlco defeated ii. H Kit ! Mixed tinubler First roiin.i-- - vt- i- Dae ,, ,1. r.ol-- .l VIIS4 I i Sheldon and o! Home". s i .11 Mrs. John Mayer defraud Mr nml Mr and S. Walnwrlghl, it - J. S 6, ' Second Hound- - Miss Clare Casr'i ana V. 11 Ward defeated Miss 11 (lwn"' ana C. Cragln, 6 1,6- 1. is Clear, Bright, Sparkling label irnrf Pcl'l-- 1 onl b 800 sovereigns, added to a "',,, 'ovorelgna each The distant i''r. Ilinn ,llr,ongB' lo2. i' n',J lxten horses c N Heard defeated Mrs. .1. A. H. Ibrku' If J2 eer liiiieittri k Nitrt, New Yoik Ord-- r Irom en de air' The Clearest, Brightest, Snappiest, Moat Delightful ot Allj

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Post on 24-Mar-2018




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Page 1: · ERRORS LOSE THE FIRST,! HITS TAKE THE SECOND Giants Divide (he Spoils in a1 Double



Giants Divide (he Spoils in a1

Double Header With theCa nl in a Is.


Opponents Are Able to Do LittleWith Delivery in (initio lie


inf (limits broke even with the Car- -

dlnuls yesterday, while thi poor old Cut"were dropping Iwo games to the tHllrnders, hiii) the loud over tin- - Cubs Innreached the obese nlrc uf Ink, games.There h thlnl double header betweenthe Mrooklvn Hnil ltni, which k nneven split. The Pirates made It threestraight In Philadelphia and the Philliesappear to be nettling I ntfi fifth place.

Yraterday'a liauli. 4, New York. 2 (1st gatn.i

Nrw York, 4, St. Louis. 1 i "rl imnHrnoklyn. J: Cincinnati, ( 1 game).

Cincinnati, 6. Hrooklyti. 4 (2d camel.Ho4ion. 7. Chlricr. 0 ilm cntne)

nojton. I I'hlrago, 4 (Sd gamf)I'tttuburc. T. PhtlailrlphU, J.

atandlaa: of thn Claka.


( i ! T ills . a; 5 i n "Z a ? 4

, k " . - i - .t it 3lap - r. .,'. a ua. o i. c a.

New Tark " Vit ts in 11 II iJfl.i'.mni

'hlcago t 1 p 10 IS IS S3 .621

i'liuburt silo1 to 13 K 12 isn, ens

'inclnnatl "4) 8 10 II 13 ir. n;, 45PhlladtlphU s $ 13 10 10 UA'li 477

't- U1 7( 7 6 8"

10 WVi 4lii

Brooklyn 4 4"? 7 kJm 379

' t 3 9 7 7 ll 3U

Oamtt Lot . 4o,5iiij iw im'7d u 01.

To.7' .Irhrdalr.t. Inl In ,V( Vork

Cincinnati In HrookljnChlctfo In BortonPlttaturc In l'hllnd-lph- ta

Th lilants Htninir nlonR throuch twoarnii with the (.'Krdlnnln ycnterday

nith pparfu' hlttltiK. liut won the.erond (rajnc by Kiithcrliiic fnui of theirfliii hitf In 0110 limine. Tim ticore of thuttilt was 4 to 1 They cru bciitcn In thofirst by u H'ore of 4 to 2 MtrhlnK dom-inant ami IcldliiK 6prlKhtl In Hplte ofoccajilonHl blemishes nerc chArnctcrlstlcsuf both garaaa,

Conslderalilw weiUnegn with the a.hout an n corollary to the effectlva

pltchlnc. each side contributing freely tothe etrlke out list, ami the only time thnbatters threw off the yoke to any uxtent

aa the ilubblng flurry furnished by theUlants In one Innlim of the scomd Bame.Yrt the'e were numerous chances furllcly work by the fielders, and the playwas crisp nr.d pleuslnic A holiday crowdof 3S.U0U tlijojcd the double do'.) ofPHStJmc ajid ttit autumnal brcnth of thetonic jlr

MHthewson ajid Harmon both pitchedmeritoriously In the llrst same, Harmonhavlnc the better huptairt and tho liltsntf him tielns a bit leia damanlnK. Thecore wns a tic hen .Mathewson atidl-cate- d

to make room fur a pinch hitterand tho Cardinals won In the ninth oft'Jrandall Pevorc murTed a lly which per-mitted two I'nrdlnaU to scamper over thonlate together IMtiHerriitM i

mayle ii!t nf the ..umn in e..- - '

ther on his all conquering way. He wnsunsteady, but effective and coolly dll-cl-

oa ever, ltube Oeyor was a creatpunier except In one Inning, when he In-jected pasc while the (.Hants wero atlns-In- r

him.Rube Kills, who has bn on the side

lines for some time, became a regularagain and signalized his restoration bvdoing much execution with the, bat. Hewas the blsc"."t thorn In Mathew son's sldaand also helped himself to a couple ofhtngles off Tesreau The latter tills werenot clean, bin nnbody who can cull apair of any sort off Tes these days Is aalugger extraordinary.

His nubelets swung the shlll-ln- h In thefirst Inning of the tlrst game for a homerun. tho ball careening Into the right Heldparquet. The IIUnlH evened up In thosecond. Wilson doubling to left, I'.etrluTbrourht him In with a single in right.Pletch taking the, count when he tried tostretch the hit.

Matty hld the Cardinals in chanceryuntil the fifth, but In the third he wnsavert by h great double play by Doyle.

Larry Jumped and throttled a liner andfell over second base, irtlring Ilresnahan.who had singled and stolen Ills way tothat bag Matty helped In the productionof the St. Louts nin lu the fifth tM moreways than one. i:ana singled and nasforced by Mauser, The latter wanderedto second on a wild plti Ii and from thatpoint of vantage was able 10 reach thoplate on a single by OaUes

The Cttants tied the score In the eighthand were hitlers nhlli so dnlMR. Thetrained eye nf McCormlck picked out fourhalls. Khafer, who underMudles theMoose as a runner, stole second Beck-er's out nt first put Hhafer on third andafter X'evom had walked, miybi'.i fly toKans brought Shafer home.

Hhaky llelrtlng In the ninth Inning lostthe same and wasn't tho only sin-ner. Shafer made a high throw 011 Hurf-vln-

Mug stole. Kills walked an, I on areckless return by Iievore of Mow rev'sfly Hug and Kills each advanced, Cran-rial- l

set Koney down on strikes and withtwo out all that wa needed was for Iie-vore to snare Kvaris's fly. It wasn't acinch catch, but one not lieyond the capa-bility of a tlelilep na fast at coveringBroiina a wevore. Ttie latter was In monon, hut made a square muff, ro the J"Itabblt and the Jtube scored.

The Giants bumped Into a double playIn each of tho ilrst threo innings of thesecond game. Ah there was only one liltin this time tin base was an far as anytllatit progressed, In the fourth, a, longinning, the (Hauls batted around. Devoresingled. iMyle fanned and Stiodgrassdoubled, ncorlng llevnrn. MuiTay wasnailed at first, but Merkle's doilblo tallli--Snodcrnss. I'asses to llerzng and Wilsonfilled the bases and ,1 tun bagger by Flet-cher unloaded tun of them.

Meanwhile Tesreau, though free withhis passes, wns b striding thn box like aColossus, md fnui runs wen; a heap thewn in- nas niniing iiacK the Cardinalswnn in anoinieii ievery In tldrilni.Klllfi's Intldil hit to tlrst base In tl.. .1,(1,Inning llerzog threw low nnrl phi. .1- - i

llvaiited to second He scored from thereon Koney's lilt and an Infield 011I.ioyio prevenien seining . seventhWilli a gorgouiiH plnv up lk single bvO.lKes. fumble by I'leleher nml .nn, I

4I1-- I.- nine (in .in,s Willi tn. 'Mowrev 1I10M a swift grounder 4.1 ...1. ..h ""I rt,J ""'" lleadeii theball ofT of second and snatched It in,

with hl bare band lie dived for seerind IU,d tou. lied tho base for a fore,.:0 "

Th four lilts the (ilnnts made In thelouriu inning cxnaiiMeii nuir supply Offof neither (ieyer nor (irlner did thov innl...the M inniaiico or a nit in their last fournrilllgH levore was the (,ny i

, . ... .1.... drawln;vn. 11 Ill llll I Period h. byfoin bdlU An J10 (Med slenlliig "'lly

iiasrnii. mm liround, tnxtavi.'li.'in I'. VI.,iilaniA vs mi Unils Jlrsrrved trals A limes attuh e omie Mb v flldg U In 12 M .irfr

Baieball. Waihlngton I'arU, Tn-da- tluTOr. at l)rooilB v Clnclnnall.-i- tf,

twelve Giants went to bat In the hint fourInnings. All of which didn't signify sinethey fj ii it miiilo nil tli hi y 1 needed,

The scores !

FIIIST OAMI'st. uwix is. ' m:w vokk in l,All r ! ii n r li ri n eHiiffirlns.zh 4 1 II 4 7 11 llrinrelf 11 I I II

, lills.lf . .3 '.' 2 II II ll.ivlr.3li 2 II t II 4 n.MOUNT --111.. I I) II 2 2 (l .NlimU .i f 4 II I 2 II t II n I I n ,rf I il I li n n''.. i V i 5 i S SSJtti'ft? !! SV. 3 A

I! ".r-.c- i 4 ii i ii ii ii wnon.o i l .1 1 11

wcshaii.c 3 11 1 7 :i 2 I'll lih r 5 11 1 I 7 111 nr 111 ii , 3 11 0 11 1 ii iiM'i'nr'K 11 n o 11 n n

- - 11 I 11 t 11 1

Total,., 83 4 nz7 13 2 MAin'n.p.. 'i 11 11 11 '. 11

.Miccl.rr. 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

Totals 2S 2 f :?U 4(ni Balled for Fletcher 111 llir elehth, llAUnt (nr Mathrwson In the eighth Innmi:.

Ml, lands I 0 II II t II II II 2 4New ,ork... 11 t 11 0 u 11 11 1 o 2

First base on crrois, si Louis, 2 1rfi onbases Ml. I.011I4, 3; New nrk, First hasp onballs OIT Harmon, ft: on Cranilsll. I smirk nut

Hy ll.unmii.r.; by Malhcwson, J. by riiiiil.ill. I I

niunc run I.IU4 run tmsc lilts i;iil, Mauser.Wilson Sai Tlitrr He 1. iv I. Mi11li.11 l......Hiiggtna, llronnhaii, lirnir, SniHleruss, .Mrtklr,sinner Double play lin In (unassisted). Ilnj le..,,'.,rlV'.r, "I11' v'rrklr. . WIM I'ttrli Mathcwsmi.

Mnthi'ttniii, InAluiiltii-s'- . nit ( rnndall.1 III I Innliiir rmplre III filler linnrmn. Heldumpire, miller Hue hour ami Ml minute.


ah r h p a r ihr tin n elliiKClna.Sb.S u 0 a 3 0 Heore.lf..3 t 2 .1 11 .312100 )iyle.3b .( 00220Mowteyjh.,4 0 0 0 0S'cras,rf 1 I 10 0 0oon rn,in,3 0 s 11 Hurray, rr 3 o n o oi:vAn,rf .3 0 0 0 0 0lMerkle,tli..3 10 o 0llAtiser.ns. .4 (I 11 3 2 I Hfr7oe..1b.2 0 2 4 0 0 0vil4nn.c 2 0 0 7 0 0nlnto.r. .4 0 10 3 Oirietrher,sll 0124 I

(ieyer.p. .2 0 0 0 1 o.Trsreau.p. 3 0 n 0 2 0nliilhooley. .1 0 0 0 0 0. - -

irl11er.11 0 0 0 (1 0 o Totala M 4 S27I0 2CtiAllouay .1 0 0 0 0 0,

- i

Totsl4 .31 I 63110 IInllsttrd for (lever In the seventh InnlmMlAtieU for (irlnrr In the nlnfh Innlnir.

St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0.Sen ork 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4

1'lrst base on errorSt. lxiuls, li New York, I.tfl on banes St. Ixrals, 8: Neur York, 2. Firstbapoti balls Off (leycr, 4: off Tesreau. 4. Struckout lly (lever. 7: by (irlnrr, I. b Tesreiii. 7.Two base lilts nils, Wtnro, SnodcrAs., Mrrkle,rletchrr .SAcrlflce hit Kills .stolen hArjKonetchy, KvAno. Devore Double plays Win gonnd llauser (2i, Ituifclns. Kune tiiiy, llauserami llutilns; Fletcher, lioj le and Mrrkle. Passedball Wilson lilt by plirhrd ball lly Tesreaudivans). 11114 (iff (ieer. i In Ml Innlncs, oj(irlnrr.Olntnolnnlnts I'mplre In chief Itlcler.Held umpire Klnneran. 'llmc-- 1 hour alii Mminutes.


IhittIj flnlloni Land on Them TttIcne Oame m Hhntout.

IIoston, Sept. 12. The cellar Cham-plon- a

tamed the Cubs In both gam-- s of adoubl header this afternon. In the firstonteat the visitors were shut out 7 to 0

and the score was 7 to 4 in the tccondgame, lloston got to Toney In the thirdInning of the opening gamo and live aue- -

cisslve hits, which netted four runs, suithim to the (.table. Two more talliescounted In that period after Iteulbuchcame to Toney's assistance, lloston did

omc timely batting In the second gameand help was rendered by Cub mlsplai.Campbell's hitting lu the afternon was ofgreat value. Maranvllle made a wonder-ful catch of Miller's liner In the last In-ning of tho second game and SweeneyPlayed brilliantly

The scores:FIIIST (UUK

UOSTO.V (X. L.i. ClIICAHO (N. 1...Ah r h 11 a e 1.1. r I. .. . .

Campbell. cf i 1 4 2 0 0 Shrrk' 40020011 nun ii.3t.;i 11210 II Uler.rr 101 11 11

M'ney.:d . 4 1 1 l 3 11 Tiuui-r.s- s 1 11 2 3 nhirkr.lf 3 0 1 0 11 Zlrn'n.ib . 1 0 2 0 n 11

Tttus.rf 3 112 10 . 4 11 1 111 11

llousrr.tb . 4 1 1 10 0 1 Doi,21i. 3 11 1 1 4 1

M'r'nvllle.ssl 0 0 3 3 0 2 II o 2 1 0iiarinen.r a 1 1 s roller, c 3 o 11 2 Illesk.u . 3 110 OT1mr1.11 0 11 11 1

nkllac . 100000 in) o 11 11 11

I'crduc.p.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maitilrn.p. 2 11 I 11 11 o

Totals S3 71127 11 2 ToIaIs 31 0 121213miAtted for llrjs In the eichth Innlni

Boston 0 0 r, 0 0 11 I 0niragn 0 (l (I 0 0 11 II 0 O 0

! tiAse hit -- lminrmn. Thrre ba'c hit(.Ain.iDeu iiome run uouser .sacrltlee hitMrke Houlile plavs Toney. Tlnkrr and SalrrMAranvlllr. Sfeupv anil lloiiser (2'. .Nweeuryand llouser. Left on basr llosinn. n. chli-aco- . &

Hrst base on halls o:f lles, 1, u:t Toney. I. m!Madden. I'ltst base nn errors-llosm- n, I liltby pitcher By Toney iTItusi. .Struck out lly"s . u iiinc)--

,1. i Ha piicn -- iiauncnnipires drill end hlem. Time I hour and 30 u.Mr

IiaSTON (N. I.. OHICAOO IS. LAbrhnae ahrhn( 5 1 3 1 11 0,.ShT.Anl.lf. J 1 1 3 11 n

M'IlnAldJb4 0 2 1 2 0 Mlllrr.rf.. .321000.sweriiev.:D.2 1 11 b 3 0 .1 1 2 -. 11 31 1001 Z' 102010Tltus.rf a 2 o 0 0 o baler. lb . 4 0 oil n ono a 11 i a 11 3 0 0 0 3 t5t inlile.M 2 0 0 3 4 0 Uaih. rf 2 0 o 1 11 11

ltarlJrn.c 4 2 11 7 o 0 H'l lllamvcf 11 I o 11 11

iner.p. 3 o o 1 2 0 rmier.c 1 0 0 (1 3 2l'erdur.p.. o 0 0 o 11 l'lene.o. I 11 n 11 1 11

lAveniler.p'J o 11 n 1 oTotals. 30 7 S 27 12 1 u 0 0 I 0

Totals 33 4 7 24 10 4

Hoston 00 0 22201 7C'hlCASO. 1 U I II (I 0 2 (I 4

Two base 2. CampbellSairlnce hits-- Maranvllle. Klrke blolrn base.Ilnkrr. Miller, llartdcn, McDonald. Ifl nnbAsrs Boston. 7: thlrAL-n- . 111 rirhi h.11. nr,

,r Tj-lr- r 3. on fierce. .1. oit Ltvendrr. I. I Intuasr 1,11 rrrors- - ihmioii. enicaiTu 1 lilt onllcher 11 lyler ilinmennan. Struck ieil- -lly IVIit, 4; by Perdue, 3. by Pierce 2 L Iwivrndrr. I. by lleulbAch. 1. Passed IiaIIs ItArtden.

I niplre (Irth And bivm. lime J hours.


Pot Alexander In Ilnd and Mr MrltaHe fore l'lrnlea' asanlt,

IMili.ArjEi.PHtA, Spt 12. I'lttsburg de-feated the I'hlllles by 7 to 3 In the thirdcame of the series Alexander andlle.-idrl-x were the rival pitchers and Itwas nip and tuck between them until theeighth Inning. Then, with a man onbase, l.tidenis muffed a throw, and thatput Alexander In had. The I'lratcs madethree runs and clinched the victory. ThePhillies tied the score twice In the earlyInning", and u fast double play M (,seventh f.aved them for a time

The scoreI'HTsin no phiia i. i.,

ab r h p A e ab r h p a ellrne.:ib 5 I 2 I 11 n Pa.rrt.rf 3 1 0 1 11( lire- It 4 2 1 4 II 0 Magee.lf 4 II I I 11 11Ii,. ruin. rf 113 1 I, 0 Mlllrr.rf 4 11 1 2 nWarner,. I 1 2 4 U II l.u.lerus.lhJ II 1 S II 1

J. Miller. lb 3 0 1 s 11 Wai-lu- h 4 1 0 4 .1 11

Wllson.rf 4 n 1 3 o 0 Iloel.ui ss 4 o 4 3 i)lliller.2b.. 4 II 2 0 4 0 llndfrjli 3 0 0 2 n n(ilbson.c 3 I 2 A 0 0 KllUfrr.o. 3 0 I) ft ft nilciidrlx.p ,1 1 I 0 I OjAlrx'der.p 3 1 2 11 4 n

ToUls 35 7IJ27JO 0, Toplls 31 3 a 27 2Illt.burg ill I 0 11 0 0 2 7Philadelphia 0100100103Two base hltaDonlln, Hrndrli, Bryne. Humerun Alrxonder HAciiflre hlia Hodge, Orey,J Miller IWI on bases- - Philadelphia. 4: Pitts,burif. 4, Struck out lly Alriander, 4. by Ilniurlx.

jiuuui jny- - ,4ir4ait(irr, nuilirr ADII .t- -(terns .Stolen base- - Carey First base on error -I'niMiurg. nrsi nase nn halls (in Alexander,l.orrilradrlx.2. Wild throw I'akkrri t'mplrrsllrrnnati and Owen Time- - t hour and 41 mlnulei.


The Cuba better be careful Th Pirate a'ilralch tbrm If they don't watch out.Yesterday wa the titxcn money day theCardinals have enjoved this season

Huhe ilrjer and the crowd engaged in anlr iirrslfl.iKe tilt, nnd dryer was outdoneonly In niliiirterB.

A dilrgatlon from the Chemical Congresswl.l visit thn I'nlu (Irminds and pre-len- t

h.innrr to the CI. unaTli rule (if Hire., obtained In the Amerl

f" League. IJich of the winnerimrdrd a trio of tallies Into the home curralAmong th04e riresi'lit at the Poln ilrnun.l.jrM.rday was lung I.arrv Mel.eun. Inn ,.t

jMui.1'' ' 1 " f lb" l

As allrk a li'l ns one wants to seepul. ,,.,.r.""f.11 .)'" Hnodgraas In rtraiing ee.eluded' the 'Von?," H'U""'B Mm' U" h'

- -ot """ ,,,lr pl yesterday

p"n,!W..4I"lyj0,!l ,,fr,;",cl?,H'r.",,at,r(rirr.rliinlim nf the nrsi KHine. Hud It gone clearwould havi hriu a Ihiee bagger .md

' ' '"".i.rr t........ ,.' '

Ul. ,.., ...!'.i '" lhR' helng Hrnnklyn aini

L'.'.'!'1'' I'h'a. twice each Pittsburg and Hi

IT'i T KiW WS.T.!,!'r',"1.un'1nhs'd inake a new , "ori nt t

yi'vJ'i'"? have'hren receivedia V,n- - """ JlV"' rl" for fe."for i,i isnrt.l'n serl.s Seerm.rO'lbleli wlshr. .,,,.1. rriniriil. iionly have the (Hauls .,t wnn th. prniianjet, lie auys, hut tUo matter uf ... I. 1. 1..the hand of tbe National CommUtlun,


Lonr Allison IManlvs 1 1 irli-lnntle-

"Who Lose l.eeause ofOne Wretched Inning.


Does Kelicf Duty in llitrlitli niidStrikes Out Three llrown


The. Highlanders and llrmvus came tothe paillng of the wajs tester day andIn the wav of 11 Hiuvenli' of the farewellthe lliouns plastered 11 shut out 1111 thoNew Yoikers The Athletic shut outthe pctiolta; the lied Sn closed theirChlctgo engagement bv healing HieWhite Sns. again, mid the Washingtonenjoyed the Cleveland picking once mora.

raterdny'a Itrsnlts.PI. Louts. .1. Sew Vork o

Philadelphia, 3, rvtrelt. "Uoslen, I'hlciiKO.

Washington, 3, I'lrieland,

MnnilliiK nt the (,'ltibe.


a a.

Xlofton 13 pi

Philadelphia t 11

Washington H c

Chicago A 10

Detroit SWACleveland 7 1

Neir Vork 1 S A

St t.ouls 4 a S

IV4H1 -- 4 Ixial . . . 33 :",

4 ''s.' V ,

p. H 11'ie isu.-- ;i4

'J 13 II II 11 ll.iVi4

11 til IV U U s.jj10 II 10 Ilf4l.4t

l3 13 A31 4 'id

II, 0 ll 12 .VI1 410

O A, 1". 44 S1I

! a 0 3lS4Aj

Tii.ila'a .Srlirdnl.New York In ChicagoPhiladelphia In ClevelandHoston In St. i.eul.Washington In Detroit

St 1,01'is. Sept. 12 The Highlanderswere out y bv the llrnwns In apitching duel between tiny Jack Warhopunit Mack Allison, the lull' Tdxnn .Mil-so-

who was hamineieil all over thegrounds last Tuoday when be wmt In torelieve Hamilton, yielded onlvlive scattered hits to-d- nnd won h ascore of 3 to 11. for live Innings of'tneroute Isitli Allison and Warhop went alongnt a woiideiful dip. each team gettingnuly three hits Ju-- t when It sienvvl as ifthe pair of hustlers might go on with thetrgreat evhlbltloli until such time as Cm-pi-

llill i:van mUht decide It tun darkto play lunger Hie ll.oe ns suddenly foundtheir batting ejes In the sixth. Warhopwas touched for four hits lu a row, andtin Itronns scored the thice runs of thegame.

Lellvett was the nnl player nn tin- - vis-iting team who was able to solve Allison'sihilvcrv. getting thrie bits and walkingio. 'i. Many Wolverton Ik in lusl Warliopat the end of the t..V(rith. Using McColl-n- i

II as a pinch hitter Then Keating,one of the real finds of the season

fnr iii.itiiid duly, faced t!l llrowns. Keat-ing un.4.,1 Austin, but uruck out thenext tnref batters.

Hal Chahe again plaed on first base.He railed to get a hit off Allison In fourtries, (in threo different occasions Cliasehad a bunco to send on or more lun-tier- s

over tho plate but he foiled everytime to land the ball in safe territory.The ( saeker drew a life In the fourthwhen Jimmy Austin fumbled an earybounder ilvrlt voh on Hint base attlm time nnd one was down. Allisonforced Hartzull nnd Sweeney to pop upfiles and the Inning ended.

The Hi owns had a number nf chances toget runs over before the tdxth round, butno one wafl there with the timely wnl-lo- p

In the pinch places. Shotten led offwith a single through Warhop in the.opening Inning and stole second. Inmaking his slide lu the hag he hurt hisleg and was furred to tetlro fiom thegame after the fifth

Warhop pitched great hall In the secondliming after he found himself in the tough-est situation that any pitrher could pos-sibly get Into Kutina walked Austinw us taf,. on an t nor by Chase, Kutln.igoing to third and Jimmy to on thebreak. Wallace also drew a pass, lllllngthe bases with no one out. Warhop puton more steam, forcing Alexander to sendup a short foul to MldkifT, vvhllo Allisontook thru- swings nnd missed Phottendied to Hartzoll. Hogun walked and stolesecond after one was down In the third.Pratt and Kutina proved e.isy for tholittle hurlor Two were down in theUroivns;' half of the fourth when Alexan-der punched the bit to tight. Alli-son popped in McMillan

Starting the sixth Kutinawhabil a smash to centre for a single,and when ldlvelt fumbled the ball thehard hitting tlrst sackei raced to second.Austin singled to tbe same Held, scoringKutina l.elivelt shot the ball homo-wan- !

and Warhop headed off the iliiow,looking that he might patch Austin at

cecond, but McMillan and Simmons lithforgot to over Wallace lifted a linerto short left that Maulils made a greattrv for, but the spenl boy of the NewYorks only managed to touch the leatherwith Ids gloved hand, knocking It Intofoul territory while Wallace reachedsecond and Austin scored. Alexanderand Allison fanned. W Hiown, who wanshoved Into tlie frav owing to Kliotten'HInjun, plunked a Hlnglo to left, scoringWallace was out, Simmons toChain'

The score :

ST Ult'l.S U. 1..I NKW YORK (A. 1..IAll r h tl A e' .1. r li ,1 . .

Shotten f mi! 1, MAlll' 3 0 0 1 0 0W Brown, f 101 loo vn.o.'fr n. j n 1 s nJant.-r- n rf 4 11 11 o 4 11 n 4 11 oiinkAii.11,1 11 11 1 11 11 3 II U II 0 IPrull.211 I o I 2 2 0 Mni ns 2b . n I 2 A 0I.Ulllia.ltl l I 1 12 II lll'I.N.rll. 1 n II t,listln.3h 1 I I I .1 ? llnrtel.rf 4 0 0 1 1 oWallace as 3 114 3 n Sui enej ,c 3 II II S IAlelAIldrrc.4 O 1 2 II kljiihm.n 1 II li fi n nAIIImju.p.. 4 o 0 u i (i iM Cniinell.l o o o u o

Ivenl ng p. (I 0 II II II 0Totals 31 3 827 II 2 . .

'IntAl.s !12 0 .i2l II 3ullAtled for Warhop In the elirhth Innlns.

New York O II ll n n n n ii ri.nSt Nulls ii 0 u ii ll 3 o II j

ivi'o liAse hits Lelhiit. Wallace. Mol-- tiA--

.Shotten, Hoiran. .lanlrn Austin I ii&t i,..eon halls (lit Warr.oii. 4 o.t MiImui 3. nit callug, I Struck nut llv Warlm,!, .), l,v KrHng,, niching record (III vWuhon, atills and 3 runs In seven millings, on basesMl IaiuIs. u .Nrw York, J uiplrrs Hvana andKuan, 'lime- - I hour and 20 rulnulrs

xnirrlcnn Association,AT t'OI.P vines

Indianapolis I 1 M I 111 02' 5' ';Columbus. 0 3 0 i) I 0 s 1 17 t -

Hatlerlis Men ami McC.iriv; Dvl undS111I1I1

No other games played

XI llulillc City.

I. Ilnnla lit. lilts filOunooO 0 'f ''1 'j1lo.ll lilillH. 0 II 0 II o 0 II (I n 0 1

I la tcrl" b William, llnokrr mid Petus,W lekwaro anil Wiley.

Cooileptlenl l.ragnr,HrMgrporl Hrldgeporl 1. Water- -

',H"rlngtlrld .New llairn. (1. Spring- -

,Vi ol j .ikr Holyoke 3. Ilaitf.ird. '

Wealrrn l.engoe.Lincoln, 3 OmahaDenver, lo, S Jue,Sioux City, ft, Tnpekain .Monr.Vle)iltu, rain


Turna Shntuut Into Victory tlverWhite Hoi by 3 to 1.

ClIICAOO. Sent. 12. Mannoer .take Stahlhit a two bagger with thn bases full and

I two gone In the eighth Inning ofig.ime between the lted and Whlti! tfoxand the lloston Inds won. The score was3 to I and the victory gave thn lted Soxthiee straight on this series and six vic-tories .from tin; while hosed athletes 011thn ear. It was 11 pltchera' liattln

l.aiiue and U'llrlen. with Iloitonshut out until Stahl lilt Hint ball In theelghlh.

The score:liasiON (,. I,., CMICA(it) (A.

r h p a e ah r h p a eHooper rf. .1 (lino 0 ltaih.:b 3 11 2 4 0 Iv. rrkrs:ii 3 I 0 2 1 11 Maiilck ef..J 114 0 0.Soi' :l o 11 11 1. i...i it n , n

, l" 3 12 3 0 II Collins rf.. 3 II I 'I (I (I11 1 1 ii iiurioii.iu, 3 11 111 11 o

M11I1I.II1 . 3 o I w I 0 rlder.3li, .3 11 I 0 .'( 11

V.nmii r.s. 3 0 0 3 4 11 niindic 1010 11 0(Aill.e 4 II 0 A 2 (1 Wravrrsv.3 O 0 2 4 II() llrlen.p. .40012 11 fillarrnws I 11 0 11 11 11

- - - - I'Asterly.c. 4 0 11 3 o 11

Inlnls 31 3 427 12 uiljiugc.p. I II 0 0 3 U

I Totals 31 I S27IO I( 11 Hatted for elder hi the ninth Inning.I'a Hatted for Wcnui In the ninth Inning,

'"slim 11 0 o (i 0 (I 03 ( 3LnllAHU 11 u 0 o 0 o 0 01lrfl on bases lloston, 7: ClilMSo. s. BanesOil Pal s (Iff (I'Krlen. :i. 11IT Ijiii A sirnr.1.""t '.v., "''en. 3: by Ivuiuc. 3. lilt by pitcher."'. O ''Hen tVlAtllcKI lo base hits llouper,

htalil. It.ns- - base hit Malllck. Sni rlhic hlll4ird. I'Askeil Imll Cady. Double ily Verkiand .stahl. i'mplre In chief Dlnecn. 1'ltld urnline 4i niien nine. J hours


Senators ItreouuUe (Ippnrtnnl ty andDrlvr .Napa In t'nvrr.

''I.EVKI.ANP, Sept 12 (Irimth's Sena-toL- s

took the llnnl game of the serieswith thi Nups .1 to 2. (Jrlltlth entIn (lionm In do tho heavy work, whileMitchell look the mound for the Naps.

rl"1 w'in Fror,'1 ln tho Inning, wheniolithpalvs lh 'VdesIs scoi.! as

in t" i'Patrlck singled, stole second, reachedopener and It wns a pitchers' battle until' "'"I !,m "" m,t nnd co''"t,1 Hrwln'sti.n u. ii, I.,- - i. ....1. irciaten..... llllllllk. I, 11,11 llll- - SlfllllllPIimdeil on Mitchell and aided hv his wildthiow to right field, scored two tuns. TheNaps got a run In their half, but couldnot lie the scoie. Kahler leplaced Mltdvell. after hK faux pas In the seventh.

The score :

( I.IA IH.VNI) H r Ii p n e ab r h p a e

Tuiner.3b. i o o ft o henw'y.rf..( 1 1 J o oJohn- t'n. lb i o o m l n Foster Jb . I o o 3 S oChspm' 3 1 0 2 3 o, 4 0 2 1 0 0Jsi kson.rf I n 2 2 n u ii.n.iii.iii si i u i n

! l.)o:c.:ii.. llll o o'l.ipurte.Vb.3 1004 oiii : u I I ii n .shanks.if.. :t o l u o oiiriiiiey.ii u u l o 11 M 3 0 :i

' '.'..."".'. .. 2 .' '.' ' .' .'.T " 'r-- t tr y " " ' - "inisnis.c I u 0 J I II'Kings's.. I o n il (i (I (irotun.ii 3 II 0iKimriili, . u u u V u n

- - - - - , Totals 30 627 IS 1

TolAls M 2 727 11 j'. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0- -3(lrveluid IOOOOOtUO--Innings pltciied Mitchell. S; Kahler, 1. Hlu.

s"'i viiu-nei- i.. ivio na'e nits Kciiwor.hy.l.vlole. (iar.dll. Mi Uil.le. Ilcndrlx. .Sacri-llc- c

hits Ilcndrlx. Mrlfrhle. Lxpurte. .Stoienb.i-e- v, i iiapniaii, sr.anks. rlrst baseon ball, (lit (irism. 1. o:T Mltcnell. 1: oil Kahler.I Hit by pitcher H (iroom ((iianey. I IrsiInse on error vt'ashlngton. l.eri nn basesCleveland. I. Washington, 4. struck out HyMitchell.:, by Kahler. I. by (irnoui, I DoublePlays ihapman, .lotinston and O'Neill. Will- -lam-- . 1'nsler Alii! i.m.illl Cnail r.n.l vin.i.i.I mplre In chief 41'laiughlln. Field umpire --

Mesicricll lime 1 hour and ift minutes.


(uvMlesklc lllanka Tigers In l.nallipenraocr In .Inngletonii,

Iiktkoit. Sept 12 -- The Athletics cele-biate- d

their Ian appearance at Nuvlnl'leld y by shutting out tho Tiki mh) a 3 to U score. V he.itley had a badtlrst Inning, two inslcs, a sncrlllce iwda pass conspiring to rive Murphy ,. run.Iloth Wheat ley lii-- Covnlerkie pitched

suiH-rhl- in the r.ext few Innlnna. In thesixth Maker's double rcored MaKcit, whohad drawn a pass from the recruit. Twowere down and Mc'.nncs lilt u single butVeach got linker at the plate with a neatthrow. A walk .md s (al for Mi-e- H andColllns's single scored the third run forthe Athletics In round eight.

Manager Jennings was suspended in-definitely for his run In with I'mp're Con-nolly over the dispute yesVrdoy,and VI tt received tue same punishment.

The score:HimtOiT I'HII.A. (A. I..I

ab r Ii p a e ab r h p a .. 3 0 0 2 0 0'phy,rft t 1 l o oi',4 0 0 1 3 o Uauc-rt.c- fl 20200Crawfnrd.rf 4 o o o o 0 Culllns,2b. 4 0 1 4 2 3 o 1 & o o lli.krr.3b. 4 0 2 10 0Veaih.lf . 3 n 1 o 1 o M'lt.iies.lb3 o 110 o 2Um!rii.:ti 3 0 0 1 4 0 I 0 I ft o oP (insinw.ibi o 1 v o n 4 o u I s oManatee. 3 0 o u 2 1 Hgau.c. 10 13 0 0

he.viley.p 2 0 0 0 1 0 c'leskie.p. 3 0 0 0 1 0oJones. I o 0 o 0 oC'lngiun.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 3 727 11 2

Totals o 3211 1

mi Batted for Uheatley In the eighth Inning.Detroit 0 0 ll 000000-- 0

Philadelphia 10 0 00101 03Hlu Oil WheAlley, 0 In eight Innlnrs; off Cov-

ington, 1 In one Inning Two bAe lilts Cobb,Baker Struck out lly Wheatley. A. bv Coial-cskl-

3. First base on balls Olf v heailey. 3; ort( ovaleskle. 1 Double plays Collins. Barry andMrlnncs. Barry. Collins and Mclnur. First baseon error Detroit, 1. 1rft on bases Detroit. 3:Philadelphia, ft. Wild Pilch Wheatley .sacrl-tlc- e

hit Maggert. Stolen base Maggert. em-pire In chief Connolly. Field umpire Hart.1 line -- 1 hour and 4ft minutes


t'annj SpoI OiilKrnrrnl eST Vorkertiy Spurt at Klntah.

James McNeil of Kdlnbtirgh showedIlls Scotch cannlness by fooling ArthurChnpple of New York and winning onthe last lap In the Ilnal of their thteemill match r.oe at tho Mrlghton lleachStadium Motuniromo last night. As Mc-

Neil won the second heat last Tuesday,when Chappie's front tire exploded, hisvictor' last night gives him the matchover Chnpple. This makes him the onlyilder besides the late Kddle Hasha ofTexas, killed liuit week, who has hadthe honor of capturing a match fromChappie this season. McNeil's victoryIs ail the morn creditable In view of thefad that he was riding a strange ma-chine. While warming up before the rarehe broke 0110 of the Ignition terminals,lie wn.s foiccd to borrow Hilly Wray'smachine In order to compete!.

The .Scotchman mnde a poor beginning.Chappie being 15 yards ahead when thestarting algnal was hounded, Hutthe ilrst lap wax completed McNeil hadcaught up to Chappie's reur wheel, lieeieined content to lumaln there, onl.v testing his machine a llttln In thn middle ofHie race by a brief spurt In which hecame up even with his rival and thendropped back a few yards. Chappie,

the ease with which he hadd McNeil home In the first heat last

Tuesday, lowered his speed In Hie beliefHint Ids opponent could not catch mm ona mount he was unaccustomed to.

.McNeil encouraged this overconfldenceuntil the last moment Then, near thob.ickslieteli, he suddenly astounded thebig cinvvil and his rival hy spurting lipto Chappie's shoulder The New Yorkercould not get a Ilnal Jump nut of hismachine, and thn grand stands wero silentas they saw McNeil mount the bankand steadily forge ahead of Chappie. Thentheir plaudits burst forth us McNeil, withn final swoop around the hist turn, led('Imnntn homo liv tell vnrils lie Imme.dlululy became tho fnvorlte of the crowdand was cheered until he dismounted.

Syracuse and Wrav ofMrooklyn.


.Southern Laaiine,N'ashvlile. la Chaltanooga.Vfnhlle. ft. NewNn other games played

At Prospcel Park,rropct Park F, C, 4 Platbusll

Cempanjr, I.



Juifron Hurls ns Ruckcr UsunllyDoes, Latter ns Former

Usually Docs.


Dodder Yields Only Three Hitsand Came Is IMayed in

Hour H Minutes.

Two hlch class games of ball werePlayed by tho Cincinnati Iteds and theHrooklvtiH nt Washington Park yester-day, each team scoring a clean cut vie- -lOIV. Tile Itriiolllviis nnn IIia Oral l.allln1 to n, In the remarkably short timeone hour ami ten minutes, a record forthe iMlk this season. Tho trimmedthe Dodgiiis In the second affray, to1, tue nciuai time consumed being onehour and thirty-tw- o minutes,

Ilagon pitched his best gome of theyear lu the ilrst struggle. He hold thovisitors to three scatteted hUs and onlytwenty-seve- n nien went to the bat. Hegave one base on balls, fanned flvo andwas backed up without 1111 error. OneHod, Hescher, got as far as iecond baseon a two bagger. Three other visitors

first and two of them were caughtstealing by superb throwing.

Huhe Ilenton, O'Day's craclt southpaw,also starred In the box. He confined theHrooMyns' hits to fnui, fanned six uridhanded out two pusses, also receivingfaultless support In the field, llrooklyn's

.'up Kucker did not come up to expec-tations In the second game. He was wildnnd the Iteds hit him hard In spots, dreg-or- y.

the Iowa hoy who beat the Cubstwice In font days recently, was knocked

lout of the box by Hahlen's men In thesecond Inning He was succeeded by

a young lefthander once withthe Highlanders, and thereafter the Dodg-ers were helpless, malting but three, hitsand falling to score.

The scores :


. ab r h n a e ab r h n a e, I 11 2 2 11 II Norlhrn rf 1 o n 1 n n 3 o i o o n rui4ii'w.2t2 0 1 3 3 0lloli'rrii.ih.s a oil o n Hummi.rf.2 o 0 0 o oMitcnru.rr :i o o o o o o 010 0 0P.'ielan.3l 3 0 0 1 2 o, W hen. If 3 o o 3 o o( 2 0 0 1 2 0 K'lrl.p'k.3b.3 I l n 1 uKg.xn.2h. 3 0 n 2 A n ,3 0 14 0Clarhe.r. " o o A 2 o Mtller.r 3 o 1 7 2 o(iKyle I o o o 0 n ligon.p :i o ii u 2 (Illenloii.p. 2 0 0 1 2 0,OMcDonald 1 0 0 0 o ill Totals 24 I 4 27 J (I

Totals 2 0 32414 0(ni Bitted fur Clarke In the ninth InningIM Haded for Urnton ln the ninth Inning

rinrtnn.ui nnnnooooonJiruoklvn o o o o 1 o 0 i) iTwo base hit Hescher. Sacrifice hit- - FUher

Stolen liases CutshAw, Klrkpairlek. First bakeon balls 4itT Iteutnn. 2. 0.1 Ilagon. 1 Struck out-B- e

Benton, r,, hy Itagoii, ft. t on bases Cin-cinnati. 1. Urouklwi 2. empire In chief I!asunField umpire Juhnslune Time 1 hour and lunilnulrs


CINCINNATI I1HOOKI.Y.VAb r h p a e ah r h p a r ft 13 3 1 0 North'n rf 4 o 1 o nKnlseiy.rf 4 0 13 10 Cuts'w.2h. 3 0 2 1 3 0Hohl' 3 2 1 :i o n Hun'el.rf. 4 0 0 1 0 0Mltrhell.rf 4 o I too l'auh't.lh. 4 1 1 13 0 0Phe!atl.3h 4 o II O 2 n Wheat. If 3 110 0 0( 4 1 1 4 2 0 l.lrk'k.3h 2 1 0 0 4 0i:?aii.:h 2 11'.' ft a nStnllh. I ll o o o oSricrelil.e 4 1 2 3 0 Usher, s. 4 1113 0(regory.p 1 o o n o n Krwin.e n 1 u 1 1

M'(iraner.p3 0 o o 3 n Mllurc 1 0 0 1 o oItLrkcr.p.. 3 0 10 10Totals 34 A l 27 17 0

Totals, an 4 8 27 12 1

(dialled for Klrkpatrtrk In Hie ninth Inning.(Tnrlnnatl 12 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 aBrooklyn . o 4 A u o o 0 o 04

Imi base hits Besvhrr. 2: Hoblltzell. FganMltrhelL Northern Three base hit Knlvrlv,oacrlnce hits-- Kntsely l.gan. Ilrst base on error

--Clnrlnnatl. First base nn balls (in Mclirenrr.2- oit Huckrr. 2. Struck, out lly s. Hllby pitcher By (iregory IKirkiatrlekt. I lite.o.t (iregory. ft In two lonlngs. on basesCincinnati, ft Brooklyn. 3. Double play Kgan,(irant and lloblltirll. Wild pitches Kucker. 2.I'mplre In chief --Johnstone. Field umpire Kason.lime I hour and 32 inlnutis.


I'avnrlte Orerthriinn Kven In StarHvent When Kormtik Win.

Havtie pe Grace, Md., Sept. 12. Secondchoices had the edge In events.The expected feature event, n handicapfor s, did not materialize dueto withdrawals, so the second race de-veloped Into the headllner for the day.Patton, In view of his previous wins here,was installed as favorite, but under asnug ride Knrmack, which was heavilybet upon, gained (the verdict by a head.Patton wa.i messed about during the run-ning, which militated against his chances.Matt Winn, Price McKlnney and Jackrollnnsbeo were visitors

Tlie summaries :

i'lrsi Itace Mald.n )xfurlongs Crlsro. 107 (Turner), 7 to 2, won.Virile. (17 (Shilling), 2 to 1 for plae, sec-ond. Amtirnfe. 107 iShuttlngerl. 4 10 ft toshow, third Time 1. 14 Kordnial, Punch ofKeys. strenuous. Star (lair. Falconet.ChuckUs, Tweedeedie, llxton and Marconiaai.-- ran

S.cond Itace- - Handicap. three-year-ol-

and up. mile and seventy yards Kortnack.100 Dunn), ft to 1, son: Patton. 100 (Tur-ner!. 2 to ft for place, second Marjorl A,113 iShilllng). eien to slio'v. third. Time1 43. Amain Hofrman and Kind Sir attn ran.

Third Hare - Malilrn three year olds andup. mile and a (dati-entli- - Hallyniena, 107(Shilling). to ft. won. Hughle (Julnn, 110iiitiusi, i to ft for place, second: Senegam-Pla-

1 07 (Shuttlngrrl, ft to 2 to show thirdTine Sam Jaek'on. Judge Waller,Promised Land, Slim Princess and Doormatalso ran

I'ourl'ifive and a half furlongs Pataniiuln. 10ftidlassi, ! to 20, won Lace 107 IShuitlnger),out for place second. Ccy. OS, Karrlck.Time- - 3 Three starters.

Fifth Itace Celling, tliree-rear-ol- andup, si), furlong. Housemaid, 111 (Shilling),9 In 20, won. Tow tenfleld. lift (Olassl, ft to

for place, tecond, Hllck.r, 111 (Uavies), 1

to 2 to show, third Time 1 11Cllftoulan Tactics. Astrologer and

Jim Craffrey aio ranSlith g, Ave

ami a half furlnnga--.Sma- h. 107 (lilasii. ft

to 2, won. Captain Klllott. 10" IShuttlnger),to 6 for place, second. I.lnbrook. 94 (Wolf),

t to I to show, third. Time 1:07. Hehallcr,rordlo F, llagu.s, Hrush, Hryn, Dogwood,Insurance Man, Honey Hee and Fiy Hy Nightalio ran.

Knlrhmnlnrn Still f'lnbleae.One of the first letters In the

headquarters of the A. A. U. yesterdaycontained tlm application for registra-tion of Ilannes Knlehmainen. the Fin.nlsli runner who carried off the Olympiclong distance honors. It was Indorsedby J Conway, secretary of tho IrishVniei-lei- A ( lint the IilaniA nnnlnl- -l

the name or no clu of which IColehmalnen I

Is a member The'e Is little doubt In theillllHl.S of followers of track and field snnrrthat astirnliatlon Is up he will be found In theranks of the Irish Americans. Th. ..ri.Jtratlon number allotted to tho Finn Is !


Kl1 Mrnoklyn JockeyIUvri: nr. (HtArg. Md.. Sent, is Tni,,

tract to do the light rldlrur foe h irt.leniiiicK stable, considered one of the moitpowerful In tho country,

Nctt Onttli'ldera for nodcrrs.Otltlleldcis ami Callahan of the

club nml outfielder Stengel of theMontgomery club luvo been secured bythe Hronklyna and have been ordered toreport at once to Manager Dahlen.

Visitors to the motordrome Inst night' .llinmle Allen, who fell hero vesterday In1wen able to sc.. evidences of the prparu-- 1 the llflli race while riding Lady Mcflee.Hons miller way for the twenty-fou- r hour died at tho Havre do Urnce Hospitalraeo of September 20 and 21. Llttln slim tly nfler 12 o'clock Ilia I

wooden buildings me going up all over mother arrived from Mrooklvn Just beforethe Inlleld to house thn riders during tho his ilmth. Concussion of thn brain andnight of the 20th and nrconimodatlnns a fractured spiny, which produced paraly-nls- n

will be mnde for enthusiasts who In- - I sis were tho Immediate causes of histend to stay at the grounds overnight. death. Allen was is years of age andThe latest entry mnde Is Hie team of a native of llrnnklvn. lie was imH.rlllllles Shields of






Veeterdny'a tteaalta.Jenay city, 4; Trovldence, 4 (li Innings:

dnrhness),Haltlmore, 10; Nee ark, 3 (1st game).

Ualtlmora, ; Newark, 2 (M game).Itoehester, i: lturfalo, 2.

Toronto, 10: Montreal, 3,

AtaadlnK o( the Clnkt.w, u rc,i w I. PC.

reato la S3 .too RuOaio M 74 411noheiter....Ki at ,0!i) Uoatreal... 7 in ,4SNewark ? Mn JerierCltir. " ts ,4MBalllmore...T2 71 .003 Providence SO SI 41A

To-dy- 'a Schednle.Huffa to In ttneheater.Montreal In Toronto.


neattnar Oarajer n Mtnrcnrr In firstShavrkey TlKht III ..

IIai.timorc, Md., Sept. 12. It.iltltnoregot aweet revenge on Joe McCllnnlty's In-

dians y by winning both games of adouble header. Cy Harger proved an easy

' proposition for the lllrds In t,he first game' ,,nd lho Orioles won as they pleased, as.

the Tigers could do nothing with Imvo"nth's curves. The Indians plaje'l a listless game In the field. The Haltlmoreswent to the front In the opening mnlnrand were never headed. The score was10 to 3. Thn second game was n pltchets'duel between Shawkey and Lee. In whichthe former came out first, score 3 to 2.

The scores:I'lltST (iAVtn.

IIAI.TIMOIIi:. NEWARK.ab r h n a r ah r h p a e . 8 0 2 3 0 n.Tnolry.s. 4 0 0 2 1 0Corcoran. rf. 4 1 2 0 0 ("oilins.rf.. ft I I I 0 n( 5 I lit 0 OllleriiArd.rf.S 0 12 0 9Derrick. ss... ft 3..1 3 0 OSwarlnn.lbl 0 10 0 3 3 0 4 4 0' W.ZIm'n.lf I 0 14 0 9ParrnUb .3 2 3 0 3 0f!airnler.2b.t o 0 1 1 IF. Mtel.Sh. l 0 3 0 3 1 li .lm'n.3b,4 I :i 2 a Olicrgen.c. 4 0 0 4 0 Ollllgglns.c 4 1022aItotli.p 40001 0 Barger.p. I n .1 n : o


Totals 3flOIS271t l' Totals 38 3 1024 12 I

Baltimore 4 0 022020 -- inNewark 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

Three base hlls--(i- . Malsel. li. ZimmermanTwo bAe hits --Swacina. llArgrr. Parent, Der-rick, K. Zimmerman, SAcrlflce hits I'arrnt, 2.Stolen base Lord. Pases on balls (n Both.1: ult Harger. I. Struck oui-l- ly lloih, 2; by flarger,3. Wild pltch-lto- ih. Left on bases- - Haltlmore,8: Newark, a. Umpire In chief Murray, Fieldumpire-Carpen- ter Time 1 hour and 43 min-utes.

SECOND UAUK.nALTUtOHK. , NKWAI1K.abrhpaej ahrhpae .s u 1 a 1 0, v o o 4 3 1

Corcoran. rf 4 0 0 2 0 1 Collins. rf. ft t t 2 l 0 010 0 0 llernard.ef.ft 0 12 0 4 0 2 6 3 0 StfAclna.lb4 0 1 8 0 0T' .4 1 0 3 0 0 4 o 1 a o orarent.2b. 3 0 0 1 2 0 (iagnler.:b 4, 0 0 2 1 0F.Malsel.3b.4 12 10 o'K Z'anJb 4 1 3 0 3 0rayne.e 41230 ojnigglns.c. .4 01100ihawkey.p.,1 0002 OLee.p , 4 0 3 0 0 0

Totals .32 S 727 1 1 Totals ss"2M24"7lBaltimore. 02001000 stNewark. ,.0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02

Two base hltsP. Malsel. Swarlna, 2: Ift,Payne, Lord. Sacrifice hits (iagulrr, Payne.Stolen bases shawkey, Twnmbley, Collins. W.Zimmerman. P. Malsel. Double play- - Derrick(iina-slatr- First base on balls (Iff 1se, 1.Struck out Dy Shawkey. 3: hy Ijre. I. llll bvpitcher Hy Lee. 1. Ijtft nn bases- - Baltimore, ft;Newark, 8. Umpires Murray and Carpenter.Time 1 hour and Ift minutes.


SLeetera and Providence Tied at 4to 4 From Flnhth On.

Jersey City and Trovldence fought Itout to a twelve Inning tie In the open- -ing round of their .concluding series atWest Side Park yesterday afternoon. Thescore was 4 to 4. Doescher and I.afittehad n spirited session on the hurling hill,with honors even. Jersey City was cred- -lted with S hits off Lafltte and Providenceconnected for R off I)oecher. Three timesthe game became deadlocked, remainingso, after Providence had evened the scoreIn the eighth, until darkness forced a halt.Knight's batting, with a homer and apair of singles, was the fenture.


r n p a e ao r n p a e j. n. v uniimnn witnout mucli trouble, at2 5 ? O n.Th.nM tl Siiejinif n .. .Platte,rf....6 . - ft 0 113 2 0 11reen.2b. .1 0 0 0 3V0

MiJerm't,S4 0 1 2 1 0 PurielIJb..4 0 1 2 8 0Streel.c 3 0 18 10 Wells.e.. . fi 0 1 u 1 0ItaumaaJb .412311 112 0 0Ducgan,cf..3 0 0 3 0 0 Ivelly.rf... ft 1 1 1 0 0At.3b S 0 0 10 0 Knight. lb. .ft 2 311 I 1

(illlesple.lf. 101:10 4 0 0 1 1 1

Lal3tte.p....4 till oDoscher.p..S 0 1 0 S 0

Totals ..S 4 83J 3 l1 Totals. 4I 4 SS5 30 2(iame called because ot darkness.

Providence... 1 100001 1000 4Jersey City.. .0 2010010000 0--

Tlrst base nn error Providence. I. Two basehits-- Kelly. Wells, tilllesple. Three base hitsPlatte. Matte. Home run -- Knight, SaerlCi-- e

hits- - vjcDermott. Street. Duggan, lafltte. Sac-rifice fly Meyer. Stolen base- s- Knight, Doscher.I.efl on bases Jerey city, 7, Providence.Double nlays-ihirt- ell. Ilreen and Knight: Purtelland Knight: Street, lathers and Bauman I trstbase nn balls ott Poacher. 6: off ft.Strurk out- - ny Doscher. t: by h nitby pitcher By Doscher (Duggani. W lid pitchesl)oseher.2. I'mplres-Kel- ly and Mullen. Time. oours ana ia minutes.

At Toronto,n it. 1:.

Montreal .0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 30Toronto 1401 2000 x 10 10 2Hatterles Mattern and nurns. Lush,

Drucke and Bemls

At Ropheater.

Buffalo . ...1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 02' 10 '5Itoehester 0 3 2 0 0 3 1 0 x 9 U 2

luttrrlr Holmes, Jamrfon and Mitchell,Qulnn and Illalr.


Prnfjrot Team Won't Rr llrrr foethe MIlTranep Itacrs.

There will be no tram of Peugeot carsIn the nutomoblle races at Milwaukeealthough announcement that a team wason the way and that three such cara, tobe driven by Molllot, Uoux and V.uccur-rel- ll

respectively, had actually beenentered for tho Grand Prize and Vainler-W- it

rnces was made by thn promote! s.Although the makers cabled somo tlmoago that the cars would be sent Ihoyhavo since then wiled to iy that nocars were coming.

This brings the Held for the Vander-hl- lt

and Grand Prize races down verysmall Indeed. There nro three Henz,three Flat and one Mercedes car intho Grand Prize. In the Vanderhllt therearo two MercetA and three or four for-eign cara. The best showing of Ameri-can machines la the small car event,with three Maaons, ahree HerreshofTs andtwo Flanders machines.

Reiia to ShnsT With Palace Cara.The Henz Auto Import Company has

withdrawn from the Importers Automo-bile Salon and will show the comingreason along with the automobile con-cerns ln the Grand Central Palace,

Krrne'a Caatleton Lands Third..sprrfaf CiMe Dnp.ilch In Tlia Mrs.

Doncartf-R- . Kngland, Sept. 12. J p

'"f'" .V',,,,I,0.',, " Vl",h.CHl J,.,,lr'1 ta'lluy or""1"' Handicap Plate of

ran, The winner of tho race waa It:,"w's Wethers Well nml tho second toflnlah was A. O, .Stern's Cigar.

the Beer You Are DrinkingH'b ten to one the



Veterans Show Skill inSets at, New .lerse.t



.Mrs. (!. X. Heard to Meet Miss

Mirinni Steever in I'lnfor Singles Cup.

Women kept faster step than innIn tho mntlmiatloii of the New rt,tyState tennis tournament on the conn, .

in" .iiurrisiown . 1110 at .viorr'4t,,nf.N J.. yesterday with the losiilt thm i.Ilnal louiid was leached In Hie vvoin.,'.singles, Mrs. C .V. Heard and Ml. mi,Iiihi Ste.jver being the pair to tlirlii nufor tlm champlonslilp honor t,the womeirs doiibles the coiilejti Im,.reuched th" teml-tlnal.- whlb) neiti, ,, 0.the men's events Is nenr that rlagr

The large entry, the limited number t,fcoiiiIm and Hie dllllcully of the tn,, ,rtanging their business enaaKetn'tita hisuit the bourn of play have kept the prlnclpal rorrip-tltln- ii Imuk so that ote matchreinfllns lo be played before the round the seml-lln- will be complete mthat u dozen matches were playrd In 11,,singles yesterday, mid though none

In absolute upsets of form, iher.were several lu which the winners hadto play harder than they expected

Two veterans, IT. M. Hull, Jr, and CF, Watson, Jr., provided the most stirringencounter, nml that Hie match would

out to the hitter end Waswhen tho score was called at & nil

In tho first game. Hull had the sentrsthen and after two points had been scoirdagainst him whipped them over 11 faatthat he caught and passed Watson mlscored the winning point on a service an.Oames followed service then to f 7, nli.r,nun s insi returns cnused vvntson to makrour outs, tnree In succession, and th.set went to Mull at ! 7.

Hull tried the experiment of stavlne i

back court at th beginning of the' Seisin, I

set and the result was thai Watson ou-tplayed him at the long driving gntnr, tor,,.Ing four games In succession. The thIMwent to deuce. Mull losing the game pointon a double fault. On Hull's next servlrsin tne nriii game the crescent man bracedand made it a love game In his favorWatson tried hard to Increase his rad Inthe next and hy pretty tennis coaxed Hullto the net and then lobN-- over his headfor the opening point. Hull took the game,however, and the next produced more ten-nis of a high order. Hull almost cut lhback court linn with his swift drlvis, butWatson retained so well that deuce wascalled before Mull won, nnd the tally was4 3 In Watson's favor. Kach won on ser-vice. Mull on his lieglnnlng the tactic ofgoing to the net that eventually won forhim. Continuing his net smashes-aealn-

Watson's service. Mull forced a deuce stThen Hull liegan making ntts, with th.result that Watson took the two gamesnecessary to win the set at 7- -

'lull was a whirlwind In tho ilecldlnranu a great back hand return from

deep court that forced a net from Watsontook the wind out of the Orange man's"alls. After Mull had won two gaiiusWatson scored a rather lucky one. 11.made a point on one tiiat hit the net and"J'oiihl havo stayed there, hut rolled oveiThis was followed by a clean pass, a plav'hat was very rare between these expert"Wafon broke through Mull's service again1,1 "", ,'lfth gain", but tlii.1 was Ills lasteffort that paid, for the Crescent man wonthe set and match at tl ?

- Mnn- Jr" '""Posed of the votrian.1 s. .lie line lllllll selllnin

to mldrourt for his effective ovei headsmashis, but was (ontented with ou-tdriving Cushman. Tho favorite In titlower half of the draw met a tartar InSpenc-- r Miller. Jr., and things lookeddoubtful for him. Man took the flrsiset nt f. I and lind Miller -- 2 In thesecond when his ruvQurt bloke. The inci-dent sorvisi as a tonic for Miller, and !ismashed awn In great style until hehad the seme 54 lu Ills favor. JuM as 11

looked 11s If be would take the Mt J!lil-I-

turn put his bat out of coimiisi,lernnd Jinn, rallying, forced n dein-- i ,rteventually winning ll nt 9- -7

Fiitll the last sel the semi-fin- In thewomen's singles between Miss Clare Cassell rind Mr." P.euril was one sided, tliopening sets being divided at - 1 eachA rare tussle ensued In the third, MriHeard Hnally winning at S C

Tin- - summaries:Men's Ungl.sTlilrd round r s Mjrde'iaied o. II Smith. . 0. 1 A ('

Hragan d fialed t. liark. 6- - 3. S 4 JVValnwrlgtit ilefeated ,t, r. McLean.e l: cirn'rles M. ,. .ir. defeated FWatson. .Ir.. 01. ft ;. I, Woodburdefeated I. Diinhain. 1 - . 5 fi. f. 1 A ItMan. Jr. defeated J. S I'u.hmKn i; ?

I mirth Hound V. I! Ward del ated JWalnwrlcht. V ?. Mus-rrai- II rt. rl.reatrd I,, s. Preeinun. t. c- - 3. c VI

Hull. .Ir, drfratrd I. Woodhiirv. s S(' N. Heard defeated T Whllrha'i s

13. ('alhoun Cragla di fruled ,1 II Bardolph. i I - . )r. WllllHin llnsennai, l Leonard lleekniHii f- t- I,A. II. .V,in. .Ir., defeated Spenirr Mil rr Jr.t- - I. : T

Wem-n- 's SIliRl. s -- p. li'l eaum' M- -(.

. l:rnrd ilrfeale.) Vs liar. ari.- I, I , f C. Ml.a .Miriam Strewr nr.feated Miss Ins A. Msset. I, 1, "

Women's Doubles- - First round Mb M V

Irving nnJ Miss s hentleld dcfea e.l Mrs bHill and pirtner. 1. I. s 2 'Ir. J IIMcLean and Mrs Hlncknell def..... vir.M. Plirenii and .Miss l.lrtrad. 1 ' t (.C S.

llound-MI- ss V. A Irilng S'l.Miss S Fiorlelil ilefealed Mrs I rr.irrl.--Ni lllllll. and Mrs II. A Pope Is..Mrs. Mil.ejn hiiiI ll's W

.Viiferinan drfeatril !ri .1 H Vi seaJlrs. Ittnekvrll, fi I. fi (. Mrs. 1' N r.'i'iand Mlsb MltUni Mrevei ilefeal..! Vnrs 'iwyrini and Miss .leaks. G I. fi a .VIM

Ina A. Kissel and MUs ('lure 'l 1r.f.aied MR( L. l.lviiigstou and imtiirr hdi fault.

Women's Consolation - First round Ml4'M. Swords (acratchi, defeated Mrs Dudley( (plus r. 1. h .3. ; - Ml,. enito(llllnun - fi I ilefealed Miss A i'ralli ' l,l,J'HI. ii 4, K 2: Vlisi . A lrne iinlninI 41 defeated Miss M. tlnrr Iplus I'l hv tffault' Miss Leslie Mill itoliiua r e. .1. featedMiss Daiurnsch Isrralebl In- drfallU

Scrond Hound -- Miss M liereon ' plus J '

defsdied Miss Sword lecrai.lii, 1, It. t- 2

Men's Double- s- Second round ' iat'"and T. It Pell defeHled lloleollllie Ward i"lpartner by defaull. M. Ilvils ami t

Coffin, Jr., defeated 11 W Scsbiir ami sMiller, Jr. - 4, 0 . II 12 11 I'ower aj;l11. H. Watson defeated A. llrown am) 11

Worn! by ib fault. ..Men's Connulatlon -- First round 11 e;

defeated K D. Kishei hy il.fau'iI Kvteham defeated T. T Conk In default.

S. Pllney defeated II. II Kissel, 1,

I ( . c Delnionlco defeated ii. H Kit! Mixed tinubler First roiin.i-- - vt- i- Dae,, ,1. r.ol-- .l VIIS4 I

i Sheldon and o! Home". s i .11

Mrs. John Mayer defraud Mr nml Mr

and S. Walnwrlghl, it - J. S 6, '

Second Hound- - Miss Clare Casr'i anaV. 11 Ward defeated Miss 11 (lwn"' anaC. Cragln, 6 1,6- 1.

is Clear, Bright, Sparklinglabel irnrf

Pcl'l-- 1 onl b

800 sovereigns, added to a "',,,'ovorelgna each The distant i''r. Ilinn

,llr,ongB' lo2. i' n',J lxten horses c N Heard defeated Mrs. .1. A. H. Ibrku'


J2eer liiiieittri k Nitrt,New Yoik

Ord-- r Irom en de air'

The Clearest, Brightest, Snappiest, Moat Delightful ot Allj