lord one more miracle

Lord One More Miracle By Ronald H. Flowers Lord One More Miracle

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a book about healing and miracles through the power of Jesus Christ


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Lord One More Miracle

By Ronald H. Flowers

Lord One More Miracle

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This book is dedicated to the three people most responsible for me being in the ministry: My grandmother who passed shortly after the birth of Ronald Jr., my mother who is enjoying long life and many grandchildren, and Elder Smith who had the patience and understanding to train me for ministry.

My grandmother was a woman of prayer and had an awesome relationship with God. She took time and taught me many things about myself, and life, and the Word of God. She was highly educated and spoke German very fluently. She was also a successful businesswoman in real estate. I’ll never forget the time she helped a woman who had lost her home through nonpayment of real estate taxes. Not only did she help get her house back, but she also had the government to issue this woman a refund check. I was blessed to be with her in Champaign, Illinois where she delivered her last public message to my knowledge. Even as she ministered from her wheelchair she set the heart of God’s people on fire with the Word of God. Though in her later years of life she was confined to her bed, she would take the Chicago White pages and call people to minister to them. She would speak prophetic words of deliverance that would change their lives and they never knew who she was.

My mother raised six boys. She taught me the ways of God through her living example of life. Though her marriage was dysfunctional, she always showed God love. I never will forget when my stepfather’s mother became very sick. My mother ministered to her every need. This was very disturbing for us, for we knew that the woman she was helping did every possible to hurt her. Still, every day she would go to the hospital and attend to her needs. She was able to get her to eat when the doctors and nurses could not. We couldn’t see that this was the love of God in action. We all were under the impression that it would be a good time for her to get even. She would not even allow that idea to pass through her mind. She was a faithful wife and a loving mother. She was responsible for teaching me the Word of God and how to be a godly young man. During the time I was a pastor she served as the financial administrator and did an excellent job. She has been an evangelist for more years then I can remember. We were shaken by the powerful word she brought in a service here in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She continued to minister at the church she attends in Houston, Texas.

Last but by no mean least, Elder M. Smith was an extremely powerful man of God. I met him in the later years of his life. He had pioneered seven churches. I met him

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through his grandson. He began instantly to pour his wisdom and knowledge into me. Unlike many today he cared very little about my titles and ordination. I had been ministry for some time when I met him. He took the time and showed the love of God by breaking every issue that was in my life. He never called me by my titles for at least a year. He only called me “boy”. I did not understand then but he was breaking down all the pride that the enemy was trying to use to destroy my ministry and life. This wise man of God exceeded in doing just that. He passed on many years ago but I never have forgotten his influence in my life and never will.

I thank God for all the many people who helped me to get the place I am today. There are just too many to name. From my Sunday school teachers, to my college professors, to my pastors and friends. Even those who had tried to convince me otherwise, they served God purpose of bringing me into this place. God bless them all.

Revealing God’s Glory in EarthRonald Flowers Ministries

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This book is a personal testimony of the many miracles and healing that I have seen in my life and ministry. This book is not for those who are critical of miracles and do not believe in the awesome supernatural power of God. There will be no medical records or sworn testimonies, just the acknowledgments of God love and his miraculous power.

I received Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior at the age of 12, and shortly thereafter I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. My calling to the ministry was supernatural. At the age of 12 I was sitting in my room when I had my first visitation from Jesus Christ. My room was lit up like a thousand light bulbs came on at one time. This of course frightened me, and I was hiding under the bed. I noticed that it was just as bright under my bed as it was on top of the bed. The voice of the Lord Jesus began to speak to me and told me that I was called to preach the gospel. I would go to many places and countries healing the sick and performing miracles in his name. He also gave me the scriptures concerning my calling. This experience of course was frightening to me. I was only a child and had no way of explaining what was happening to me. Eventually I told my mother what happened. Thank God for godly women. She explained what had happened to me and told me of other occurrences she had concerning my calling. Not long after that incident my brothers and I were at the pavilion playing basketball and other games and I had a tremendous urge to go home. This was unusual since it was only about 12 o’clock and we usually did not come home until about three or four in the afternoon. My brothers disagreed with this idea of leaving the pavilion this early in the day, but since I was the oldest they had to follow my instructions. Upon my arrival at home there was a woman talking with my mother who I had never seen before. The moment she laid eyes upon me she began to prophesy about my calling and gifts. She began explaining to my mother that she had never been in the city before and was directed by God to come to Gary, Indiana and to the house. After talking with my mother and me, she asked me to take her to a place where she could catch the city bus. This was about four or five blocks from our house. We were coming up Chase Street when a sudden wind blew and she reached down to pick up a bill and if I recall correctly it was $50. She was praising God because she had no funds to catch the bus. It was situations like this and many others that made me realize that God’s hand was upon my life. These types of miracles were just part of my life. I can remember God performing miracles in my life since the age of nine. My mother had bought me a new shirt and has given me instructions not to tear it. I guess I had some kind of

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unusual tendency of accidentally of tearing my shirts. I promised her that I would not. Later during that day my friend accidentally ripped a piece of my shirt. You can imagine I was a bit upset, having promise my mother I would not tear my clothing. I prayed a prayer asking the Lord to help in this situation. I cannot recall the exact prayer I prayed, but I do know when I went home to explain to my mother what happened to the shirt, it was perfectly mended. My mother looked at me and said, “Ronald, the shirt is not ripped, and thank you for keeping your promise.” There are many other blessings and miracles that I could recall but these will serve as a small insight of God’s continuous miracle working power in my life.


I preached my first sermon on my birthday Sept. 23rd, 1966. I wonder why God would ever call a person like me to preach. First of all I had a speech impediment and I stuttered horribly when I became nervous. If I recall correctly, my first sermon was about Joshua and the walls of Jericho, which is still one of my favorite sermons to this day. This was a horrible experience for me. No one could understand what I was saying. Somewhere toward the end of my delivery the glory of God came into the building and everyone was slain under the power of God. No one was left standing other then me. There was a woman who had on a neck brace who was amazingly healed by the power of God. There were many other healings and deliverances in that service that could only be done by the grace of God. I remember the pastor and the church mother saying to me “we have no idea what you were saying, but we do know you are call to preach because of the glory of God that was in this place.”My talking embarrassed my stepfather, and he did not even allow me to speak in Sunday school. How in the world could God call someone to preach who could not even talk? I was told not to preach again and never embarrass him by trying to talk in public and that included Sunday school. Every time he would hear of me preaching or trying to give a talk I was spanked and told to keep my mouth shut. I cannot remember exactly how long this routine continued but somehow I was scheduled to minister. They tried to schedule me to minister when my stepfather was at work. Somehow this plan failed and there he was sitting on the front row. It was already announced that I would be ministering so it was too late to try and correct the situation. I knew since he was there when I got home I was getting a spanking anyway. So I went on to preach the best I possibly could. The power of God showed up and many were blessed and received from the Lord. I went home ready to receive a whipping from him. He never spanked me for preaching after that day, but he could not understand why God would call someone to preach who

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had trouble speaking. Still, he could see the glory of God my in life. Believe me I was thankful to God for showing up for that service. (My stepfather ended up being one of the strongest supporters of my ministry financially and in many other ways.)


Since I was very young I was with my mother most of the time when I went to pray for the sick. My mother was an evangelist for many years and licensed to carry the gospel, so many times I was out with her when she was helping those who needed ministering to. The saints of old are much different from the people of today. If you were sick and unable to carry out your usual household functions they not only prayed for you; they came and cleaned your home, washed your dishes, and cooked a meal for the family. It happened that on one of her mission that the woman she was visiting had cancer of the stomach. She was lying in bed and looked as if she was dying. I asked my mother what was wrong with her and she told me she had stomach cancer. Of course I had no idea what that was. My mother asked me to come and pray with her and as we were praying the power of Jesus Christ was present to heal. I laid my hands up on her and declared her to be healed. I was instructed by the Holy Ghost for them to prepare her some cream of chicken soup. Before I prayed for her she was unable to keep anything on her stomach. Afterwards she ate the cream of chicken soup and we left to go home. I heard later that once the chicken soup agreed with her stomach she asked for something else to eat. She realized that she was completely healed and that night ate everything she possibly could. THE BIRD THAT GOT HEALED

My youngest brother always loved animals. He would collect every stray animal in the neighborhood. One day when I came home he had found a wounded bird. He brought the bird to me to pray for it. I thought that it was unusual to pray for an animal. But he believed if I pray for the bird it would live. I pray and the bird lives. What I didn’t know was that many believers who where farmers could not afford veterinary care for their animals. They would simply lay hands on them and God would heal their animals. The power of God will work according to your faith and in accordance with his word.

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I was going to church for Sunday school. Arriving there a little early, I was talking with some of my friends in the back of the church. There was a woman who was having difficulty breathing. I asked her what was wrong and how could I help. She told me she was having an asthma attack and asked would I pray for her. I laid my hands on her and asked God to heal her from this asthma. She was instantly healed and began to praise God. I was told that from that day until the day she left planet earth she never had another asthma attack.


I was invited to come and preach a service in Chicago, Illinois. I was delivering my message when I begin to notice in the back of the church something like a cloud was forming in the back. I had no idea what this was. I do know as I came to the end of my message that this cloud began to expand. There was a woman who had suffered some type of physical attack and was unable to turn her neck in the usual way. When the cloud came over her, she was instantly healed. As the cloud continued to come toward the podium more and more people were receiving miraculous miracles. There was a woman in a wheelchair; she had been in it for about seven years or so. When the cloud covered her, she jumped up out of the wheelchair and began to run around the building. There was another mother who had arthritis in the knees and used a walker to get around, and it happened also when the cloud came upon her that she ran around the church without any assistance. I at that time knew nothing about the glory of God, just that this cloud was getting closer and closer to me. The only thing I could think of was to hide up under the podium. I thank God for the enlightenment of his word to understand that it was the glory of God. A short time after that, about a year later I held another service in Chicago I do not recall all the details. Just that the glory of God showed up in the same fashion as in the first service I had in Chicago.


The saints were having a time of prayer and fasting. We referred to this as a shut- in. I can’t recall the reason why, but I was impressed to go to the service that night. At this particular time our house was three blocks from the church. When I arrived at the service, everyone was focused on a woman who was sitting in the middle of the altar. She sitting in this large chair and seemed to be in excruciating pain. Just about

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everyone was gathered around her praying and calling upon the name of the Lord. I was impressed by the Lord to go and lay my hand on her. At first I refuse because many of the seasoned saints were ministering to her. Why would I dare interrupt what they were doing? The impression from the Holy Spirit continued to get much stronger. I looked for a way perhaps that I could come behind them and lay my hand upon her and no one would even see me. As I approached her, everyone began to move and allow me to come directly in front of her. This was frightening because my pastor was well known for his healing ministry. Why in the world would God use a little nobody like me when He was the one laying hands on her. The pastor and his wife also moved and gave me room to lay hands on her. When I laid my hands on her, she was immediately healed and the pain vanished all together. We all praised God for his goodness and his mercy. God uses whoever He chooses, even a small teenage boy who is willing to obey God.


I am very thankful for a grandmother and mother who were godly women. My mother taught me how to pray, and more importantly how to have a relationship with God. She would insist that I spend time in prayer, of course I did not understand then, but I am so thankful for her spiritual insight. She was also instrumental in teaching me how to fast (a time you choose not to eat). The first long fast I did was 14 days. [This is not being recalled to brag on myself or to make me seem more holy than anyone else.] I was around 15 or 16 years of age. Once again I had a visitation from the Lord. He gave me more instructions about healing the sick. My lifestyle was to be a person who was dedicated to God. I was instructed to avoid every evil influence of the enemy. I was to live a sexually pure life style and to begin studying the word of God. This was somewhat frightening because up to that time I received all my messages directly from angels visiting me. I was a poor reader and a horrible speller. I could no longer rely on the angels’ visitations but had to know the word of God for myself. The most amazing thing happened. I was able to read the word of God with clarity and good understanding. My grades began to improve and so did my knowledge of God’s Word.

One of the things I was instructed to do during that time was to mark every scripture in the entire Bible where God performs healing or miraculous miracles. Even to this day I continue to study the Word of God concerning miracles and healing. Since that time I have had many long fasts. Through the grace of God I was given the ability to do forty days of fasts and many other fasts as I was led by the Holy Spirit. I mention

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all of this because I wish to express the importance of parents leading their children into a relationship with God. All will not be preachers, or missionaries, but each needs to know their heavenly Father on a personal level. It’s hard to take them there if you’re not there. I believe in the last days many of our children will have visitations from God. We must be prepared to take them to a place of fellowship with Our Heavenly Father. Let’s get ready to bring a new generation into the arms of Jesus Christ.


I was asked to come to a city in the state of Michigan to hold a revival service. I was born and raised in Gary, Indiana. I knew very little about farm life. Somehow the people seemed to be friendlier than in the city. Anyway, I arrived at the church and I was taken to be seated. The pastor of the congregation seemed to be taking a very long time with the preliminaries for the ministering of the word. He finally said he was waiting for the guest minister to arrive. I was already there. He was somewhat baffle because I looked so young. Even in my middle ‘20s I could pass for a teenager. He finally called me forward to minister to Word of God. The power of God met us and blessed us. More then 20 young people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This was amazing to them, for they had not seen this before or on this level. There was a young lady who was unable to see in one eye. I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me and instruct me to lay hands on her. I spoke prophetically that God was going to heal her eye. Everyone was waiting on an instant miracle and so was I. It did not happen in the miracle healing service. I was very let down. Surely the people thought I was some kind of lying wonder. As I finally closed the service, I went to the automobile waiting to carry me to my next destination. Just before we were ready to pull off, I noticed I had left my Bible in the church, so I asked the driver to please wait because I needed to go back and retrieve my Bible. The young lady whom I prayed for earlier was still in the church. She was seated about half way in the middle of the church. I found my Bible and proceeded to leave out of the church when I came to the same row that she was sitting in she jumped up and began to shout “I can see, I can see.” All I could think of to say was “go ahead and see.” I got into the car and proceeded to my next destination.


Many times I conducted revivals in Gary Indiana. There was this pastor who loved my ministry and I conducted a revival services at his church at least once or twice

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a year. During that time, my mother and I conducted revivals together; for some reason she was always able to be with me. In that revival we received a mighty move of God and closed the revival. I was called that Saturday by the pastor of the church. He asked me to return and pray for someone who came from out-of-town thinking that I was still in revival services. The pastor explained that he already had a speaker for that Sunday morning service and asked if I possibly could come and lay hands on the young lady who had came for healing. I gladly accepted the invitation. When I arrived there was a missionary from out of town. She ministered and turned service into the hands of the pastor. The pastor called me up to handle the healing portion of the service. The young lady and her mother came to receive prayer. Just as I was about to lay hands on her the visiting evangelist stepped in front of me and begin to lay hands on the young lady. To my amazement she began to shake her violently and being unnecessarily rough. I proceeded to stop her. She was highly upset and asked the pastor out loud how he would allow this child to stop her. They proceeded to explain that I may have looked like I was young but I was an adult and also an ordained elder. She apologized for her outbursts. I instructed her to go and sit down, which she did somewhat reluctantly. After placing the service back in order I began to minister to the young lady. Her mother told me that she had MS. She was barely able to walk and her muscles were degenerating. I laid hands on her and called upon the name of Jesus, the name above all names. She was instantly healed and began to walk as a normal person. We all praise God for his love and the demonstration of his power.


I was invited to this church to do a one-day healing crusade. They proceeded to try to teach me the appropriate way to be baptized, telling me if you want more power than you have now you need to be baptized differently from which you have been. I refused to receive their teaching and asked if my baptism was incorrect how come God would perform miracles in my ministry without instructing me to correct my baptism. The only answer that was given me was upon receiving water baptism according to their teachings I would be more powerful. I strongly stated that I did not come to argue about scripture teachings. Finally I was allowed to preach and after preaching to begin the healing service. The most unusual thing about this was there were four different prayer lines. To say the least this was total confusion. I asked if everyone could possibly work together with me. They hesitated at first about this idea, but eventually we all began to work as one team. There was a woman who was almost completely blind. She was able to see very little. When I laid my hands

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on her, she was able to see completely. Many others came to receive healing and deliverance. What I did not know is that there was another blind woman in the congregation. When she came forth to receive prayer, she stated that she was totally blind and been unable to see for a number of years. I asked the people to praise God for what he is about to do. Upon laying hands on her she was completely healed and all of her sight was restored. To God be the praise!!!!!


I believe everyone can receive the healing they need for their body, soul, and spirit. Sometimes people’s negative thinking and lack of knowledge of the Word of God stops them for receiving God’s best. I was asked to come and pray for this man at his apartment. He lived in Hammond, Indiana a city next to Gary. When I was taken to his apartment he begins to tell me about his condition and he wanted to be healed. But I was not to pray hard. He only wanted partial healing so he could continue to collect his social security benefits. I was puzzle, how do you pray for partial healing? I had never received a request of this nature. It was very sad that this gentleman relied on his social security check more than God. I pray for him. I do not know if he received a partial healing or not, and I still do not know how to pray for partial healing.


I came across a pastor who asked me to conduct a deliverance service every three months at his church. In one of the services a woman who was married to a minister at that church came and requested prayer that she would be able to conceive a child. According to her physician she would not be able to have children. Just as I was laying hands on her, I received a word from God and begin to speak to her God’s Words promising her that she would have children. This was a little strange for me. I had begun to move out of the office of the evangelist and into the office of a prophet. She received the prophetic words with great joy, knowing God’s loving kindness and tender mercies had been extended to her. It was two years later she conceived a child, but the blessing was instead of just one child, she also conceived another child. I have been blessed to be used of God to lay hands on many couples that have had difficulty in conceiving children. God has restored wounds and corrected physical dysfunctions in order for couples to have children.

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At one of the revivals I was doing every quarter we would have many mighty moves of God. In this particular service people came with the spirit of expectation and many received what they were praying for. In the service they brought a woman who was in a wheelchair. So many people were receiving great blessings from the Lord as I laid hands upon them. I turned with the intention of laying hands on the woman in the wheelchair, as I was taking steps toward her the Holy Spirit spoke and said not yet. So I continue to pray for the many others that were in the service. Sometime later, I turned the second time to pray for her and once again the Holy Spirit spoke and said not yet. I returned to praying for the people who was still in the prayer line. I turned the 3rd time to try to pray for the woman who was in the wheelchair and when I turned in her direction, she was not there, just an empty wheelchair. I asked where she was and I was told that she had been following me for some time now. I looked behind me and saw her following me and praising our Savior.


Just before my 27th birthday I married a young lady who gave me my only child Ronald Jr., and of course like any father I thought he was the most handsome child ever born. Childbirth is an amazing thing. I was blessed to be in the delivery room and help the doctor and nurses with the delivery. They handed me the child who was wonderfully made in the image of God and looked like me. I counted his fingers and they were all there, I counted his toes and he had the correct amount. After cleaning him and measuring his small body, I put him in his little bed. When he was around one year old, he had an extremely high fever. We called for the paramedics and before they arrived he had a major seizure. I lay my hands upon the child and cursed the work of the enemy. Shortly after the paramedics arrived they looked at the child and took his temperature. His temperature was normal and the fever was gone. I explained to the paramedics that he had had a major seizure, and they looked at me as if I had lost my mind. We took him to be tested and the doctor said obviously I was mistaken. This child was in good health and had no signs of any kind of seizure.


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I was asked to come to the Maywood, Illinois. It was about a three-hour drive from my home at that time. I had not met the pastor. He had only heard about my ministry. He was somewhat surprised when he first laid eyes on me. I heard him speak in his spirit. I have invited this boy. As I had mentioned earlier, I still looked very young. The first night the power of God, through the word of God lifted his people into a new place with him. Afterwards I asked for all who wished to receive prayer. An older mother came forward. I asked what she needed prayer for. She had many types of sicknesses and ailments. I told her she needs an overhaul in her body. As I lay hands on her, the power of God went through her entire body healing her from head to toe. Her testimony was God completely heal her and really did do a complete overhaul. (After the first night services I asked the pastor if I was still a boy. A large smile came over his face, I told him I heard the words he spoke in his spirit. He declared that I was truly a man of God. In a matter of a few hours I changed from being a boy to a man of God. That was amazing!) There were many other healing and miracles. The one I will always remember was the one when they brought a child who was mentally disabled. They were hoping God would be merciful enough to do just a little something for him. Just looking at the child he seems to be no different for any other child his age. As we begin praying, the power of God began flowing in my hands in an unusual way. I knew this child was completely delivered. When he went back to school the next day he had drastically improved. They decided to retest the child and found all his mental capabilities intact. Oh that we may learn to praise God for all of his goodness!


Unfortunately, we live in a society where drug addiction is very prominent. I would like to tell the story of God’s love and deliverance of two people.

At the time I was a pastor of a church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My mother and I have a special love for children. At the time we were both foster parents. There was given to us a brother and sister. Their mother was addicted to crack cocaine. Many times the children had to struggle for themselves. The little boy had bad motor skills. Whatever position you would set him down in was how he remained until you moved him again. The little girl was used to surviving and would do whatever she could to get food. She would go from door to door and ask for food. It was shocking when our neighbors asked how come we were not properly feeding the child. We were under the impression that she was playing in the front yard when

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actually she was going door-to-door collecting food. It took some time but she learned she did not have to fend for herself in order to eat. There was an abundance of food in the house. The children’s mother had lost legal custody, but was granted visitation rights. We eventually met the children’s mother. She was totally addicted to crack cocaine. My mother invited her to attend our church services. Sometime later, to my surprise, she attended one of our services. After a while of hearing the word of God she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She was totally delivered from drug addiction, and put herself in a halfway house for people who were in crisis and needed help fighting drug addiction. The change in her life was so dramatic that I almost did not recognize her when she returned to church after her probation time at the halfway house. She had a new determination to change her entire life. After successfully completing the drug rehabilitation program she went on to complete her college training and became a drug rehabilitation counselor. She wanted to have the responsibility of raising her children. This was an almost impossible circumstance. I do not know about other states but in Minnesota if this state revoke your rights as parents it is difficult, if not almost impossible to obtain them again. But her desire cannot be denied. She petitioned the state, and within time, regained her rights as a parent. I watched her as she began to be established her life and accomplish many goals. Although I am no longer a pastor, from time to time I ran across her. She is still living a victorious life for her Lord Jesus Christ.

Many years later I was serving in a church that was in the midst of a drug infested neighborhood. Rather than talk about the problem we decided to begin witnessing and praying for the many people who was dealing with drug addiction. The pastor decided to open a place for young men to come and receive deliverance. So many young men were delivered and set free from different kinds of drugs. We had the church opened 24 hours a day. They would come in at all hours of the night and day. It happens on this particular night a young man was leaning up against the building. He was exhausted and tired from his lifestyle. Some of the members of the church were returning from another service. It was about 2:00 a.m. They came up to the front of the church and begin to ask him if he was in need of some kind of help. They began to minister to him and he recommitted his life back to Christ. He has placed in the drug rehabilitation program. Everything was going fine until he receives his Social Security check. I was not aware that he had this source of income. He cashed his check and disappeared from the program. I went looking for him in every drug neighborhood I could find. It seems as if we were always missing him. After about two days I ceased from looking for him. After about two weeks he finally found his way back into the program. He was in a very bad condition. He continued with

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us for a while but kept complaining about heart pains. I asked him about seeing a doctor. I had prayed for him a couple of times concerning this condition but did not have peace about it in my spirit. Sunday morning we were all preparing for service. He began complaining more than normal about his heart, and noticed the change of color in his face and a few other things. I immediately had them to call the paramedics for he was having a heart attack. The drugs had finally broken down his body. I saw the spirit of death upon him and begin to pray for him. I command him to live and not die. The paramedics arrived and prepared him to be transported to the hospital. The doctors stated he had a mild heart attack but should recover. When he returned from the hospital he totally commits is life to Christ. He is now completely recovered and became an assistant to me in the program. At the time of this writing he is engage and is looking forward to getting married.

There are many other stories of young man and women being delivered from the lifestyle of drugs. Many of them instantly free from drugs, never having to go through any type of program. Others been delivered as they continually walk with God. If you or someone you know is doing drugs. Please know there are hope and deliverance for them in Jesus Christ.


We were conducting a revival in Minneapolis, Minnesota as we had done so often. The church we were conducting a revival at was rather small. But a good number of people showed up every night of the revival. One night an older gentleman came to receive prayer. He had some kind of operation on his hip and it was difficult for him to move around. After giving him instructions about healing, I laid my hands on him. He received an instant healing and then he ran, jumped, and shouted around the church. The power of God can heal you no matter what your condition is or how old you are. God is not limited by our physical condition. You have to have the faith that he will deliver you from every sickness and disease.

There are many other stories of people being healed from cancer, sugar diabetes, hypertension and many other diseases and conditions. I hope just a few of these testimonies will encourage you to believe God for your healing and deliverance. Find someone who will pray with you and believe God to heal your body. We live in a day of great medical advances. Medical technology has come a tremendously long way. I am not against doctors or medical technology, but they have their limitations. If you are at the point in your life when the medical physicians

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have done all within their ability, allow God to do a miracle in your life by trusting in his word and receiving his miracle healing power.

Ronald H. Flowers

Prophet and Teacher

Ronald H. Flowers is a prophetic voice to the nations. Thankful for 44 years of ministry as a prophet and teacher, his calling from God has weathered the test of time and discipline. He is a seasoned and compas-sionate orator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was at the age of 12 I had a visitation of Jesus Christ calling me to the work of the ministry. My first message was preached on my 13th birthday. At early age he aspired to live a consecrated life and allowed the Holy Spirit to prepare him to teach and preach the Gospel. Shortly

after the birth of my son (Ronald Jr.), I had a visitation of the Lord Jesus calling me to the office of the prophet. Now for the past 28 years I have fulfilled this office as an orator of God, I have encouraged his people to have a closer relationship with their Savior.

Prophet Flowers is called to train and develop prophets for success in ministry and life. His teaches in a parable style with simplicity and demonstration of signs and miracles following. Being commission by God to teach the Word so that his people may walk in truth. He walks in humility, compassion and the love of God. He oper-ates in Discernment of Spirits, the Gift of Miracles, and healing, boldly provokes demonic strongholds to surrender their captives – free from demons, sickness and diseases -- by the laying on of hands at the command of the Word of God.

You can contact him by email:[email protected]

Face Book: Ronald H. Flowers

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Prophetic Insight Magazine www.propheticinsight.net