lord krishna public school

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medium Co-educational Public School,Affiliated to CBSE, NewDelhi) Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email: [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078 Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293 Affiliation No:531323 School Leaving Certificate 5. Admission No. 180 1. Name of the Pupil Ashi 6. Student's SRN 1607509533 2. Mother's Name: Sonia 7. SLC Sr. No 74 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Manjeet 4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 27-Sep-04 (in Words): Twenty Seventh September Two Thousand Four 8. Nationality: Indian S. Date of Admission in School with Class: 25-Apr-16 Class VI - Tenth 10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (in Figure): PASS 11. Resuit of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES Yes 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: Xi - Eleventh 14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure): If No 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues 31-Mar-23 Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school: 17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session: 18. Totai no of working days Pupil present in the school: 20 114 19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil- usualy took part: Yes, 20. General Conduct: Good 21. Date of appliaction for certificate 22. Date of issue of certificate 26. Reasons for leaving the school: 21-Sep-21 24-Sep-21 On Students Request 24. Any other remarks: Sonipaat yel Prepared By Cherked By Principal

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Page 1: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medium Co-educational Public School,Affiliated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email: [email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293

Affiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No. 180 1. Name of the Pupil Ashi

6. Student's SRN 1607509533

2. Mother's Name: Sonia 7. SLC Sr. No 74

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Manjeet

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 27-Sep-04

(in Words): Twenty Seventh September Two Thousand Four

8. Nationality: Indian

S. Date of Admission in School with Class: 25-Apr-16 Class VI

- Tenth 10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (in Figure): PASS 11. Resuit of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE

12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES Yes 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: Xi - Eleventh

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues 31-Mar-23

Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school:

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18. Totai no of working days Pupil present in the school:



19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

usualy took part: Yes, 20. General Conduct: Good 21. Date of appliaction for certificate

22. Date of issue of certificate 26. Reasons for leaving the school:


24-Sep-21 On Students Request

24. Any other remarks:

Sonipaat yel

Prepared By Cherked By Principal

Page 2: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medlum Co-educatlonal Publlc School,Afllated to cBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Emalil : [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat Affliation No: 531323 School Code : 41293

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupil:

Mother's Name: 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Virender

5. Admission No.: 181

6. Student's SRN: 1607509726

7. SLC Sr. No:


2. Uma


4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 21-Nov-04

(in Words) : Twenty First November Two Thousand Four

8. Nationality: Indian

Class V 9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 25-Apr-16 Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure): X- Tenth

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, sCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: Yes XI - Eleventh

f yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: 31-Mar-21

16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session



18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school: 116

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

usually took part: Yes,

20. General Conduct Good

21. Date of appliaction for certificate 22. Date of issue of certificate


14-Sep-21 26. Reasons for leaving the schaol: On Students Request

24. Any other remarks:

Principal, NV Lord Krishna Public Schooi Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Pr�pared By Checked By Principal

Page 3: Lord Krishna Public School

SLC No. 14375311

Senior Secondary School


Block: Sonipat District: Sonipat UDISE Code : 06080801104 Department School Code 26076

SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE (Academic Year: 2016-2017

File No. 72.2 Date of issue 10-Sep-2021

Pupil's Name Mr. SOHIL

Date of Birth 14-Apr-2008

Student Registration No. (SRN) 1613415061 No. in Admission Register 544

Name of Father/Guardian Mr. NoOR MOHAMAD

Mother Mrs. NASIMA

Certified that Mr.SOHIL attended this school up-to 10-Sep-2021. He/she has paid all sums due

to the school, and was allowed on the above date to withdraw his/her name. He/she was reading

in Class First in this school.

1. He/she was examined in First and

a. Was allowed/promised promotion to Class h *******

b. Passed the examination in the highest class available in the school, OR

c. Left the school mid-session to join a different school, OR

Od. Failed in subject(s) *********************************************************************************************.****nneeneo**********************o***

Note: (please tick and fill whichever is applicable)

The following particulars are certified to be correct according to the registers of the school and the certificate's produced from previous school attended during the school year:

No School Date of Admission withdrawal attendance Date of Date of No. of total Pupil's

attendances attend during the

Leaves taken

during thee current school current

during the during the Current Current

year school year school Year school year LORD KRISHNA PUBLIC 01-Apr-2016 10-Sep-2021 01-Apr-2016 0 0 SCHOOL To


Principal, N Lord Krishna Public Schooi Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Date of issue 10-Sep-2021


Signature and seal of Head Institution

Page 4: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

(An Engllsh Medlum Co-educatlonal Public School,Afillated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Emall: [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonlpat School Code: 41293 Affiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No. 186 Name of the Pupil

2. Mother's Name:

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Roshan lal

1. Ritesh

Susheela 6. Student's SRN: 1602551666

7. SLC Sr. No: 72

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 24-/un

(In Words): Twenty Fourth June Two Thousand Four


8. Nationality: Indian Class: V Date of Admission in School with Class: 25-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (ln Figure): 9.

X- Tenth

PASS 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, sOCIAL STUDIES

Yes 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: XI - Eleventh

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No 31-Mar-21 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues

16. Wehter clear all due of the school:

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school:




19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

Yes, usually took part 20. General Conduct 21. Date of appliaction for certificate


05-Sep-21 22. Date of issue of certificate: 08-Sep-21

26. Reasons for leaving the school:

24. Any other remarks

On Students Request

ncipal, OPrineipana Public School



Prepared By Checked By

Page 5: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medlum Co-educatlonal Public School,AIllated to CBSE, NewDeihi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email : [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293

iliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No. 164

6. Student's SRN: 1602578773 1. Name of the Pupil Jyoti 2. Mother's Name Sunita

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Ajay kumar 7. SLC Sr. No: 71

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 14-Sep-05

(In Words): Fourteenth September Two Thousand Five

8. Nationality: Indian Class Vi

Date of Admission in School with Class: 06-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studlied (In Figure):

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class:

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

9. X- Tenth


Yes XI - Eleventh

If No: 31-Mar-21

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues:

16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school:




19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil- Yes,

usually took part: Good 20. General Conduct

04-Sep-21 21. Date of appliaction for certificate

22. Date of issue of certificate: 07-Sep-21 On Students Request

26. Reasons for leaving the school

24. Any other remarksS Lord Principal, al

Lord Krishna Public School Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prepared By Checked By Principal

Page 6: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medium Co-educatlonal Publle School,AAlated to CBSE, NewDel hi)

Web Stte:www.lkps.org.in, Email : [email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293

Ffiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No. 175 Dev Name of the Pupil:

2. Mother's Name 6. Student's SRN: 1607508706

Rekha 70 7. SLC Sr. No:

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Kamesh

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 20-Dec-05

4 (In Words): Twentieth December Two Thousand Five

8. Nationality: Indian Class VI

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 22-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure):

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE

X- Tenth



Yes 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No:

XI- Eleventh

31-Mar-21 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues:

16. Wehter clear all due of the school Yes

120 17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

118 18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

Yes, usuaily took part: Good 20. General Conduct:

28-Aug-21 21. Date of appliaction for certificate

22. Date of issue of certificate: 31-Aug-21

26. Reasons for leaving the school: On Students Request

24. Any other remarks:

Principal, o 3/o8a

Lord Krishna Public School Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prepared By Checked By Principal

Page 7: Lord Krishna Public School

SLC No. 14336230

Senior Secondary School

School Name: LORD KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL 61-Block: Sonipat District: Sonipat

UDISE COde : 06080801104 Department School Code 26076

SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE (Academic Year: 2021-2022)

File No. 0432 Date of issue 28-Aug-2021

Pupil's Name Mr. ANSH

Date of Birth 20-Feb-2012

Student Registration No. (SRN) 1905242614 No. in Admission Register NA 32-

Name of Father/Guardian Mr. SATISH ANTIL

Mother Mrs. KAVITA

Certified that Mr.ANSH attended this school up-to 28-Aug-2021. He/she has paid all sums due

the school, and was allowed on the above date to withdraw his/her name. He/she was reading in

Class Second in this school.

1. He/she was examined in Sepd and

a. Was allowed/promised promotion to Class, **************

b. Passed the examination in the highest class available in the school, OR

Urt. Left the school mid-session to join a different school, OR Lclas-LJ

d. Failed in

subject(s) .... **********************************************************************************************************************************************

Note: (please tick and fill whichever is applicable)

The following particulars are certified to be correct according to the registers of the school and the

certificate's produced from previous school attended during the school year Leaves No. of total Pupil'Is

attendances attendance taken

during the

Date of Date of

Admission No School Date of withdrawal attendance

during the current school current


during the during the current current

school year school Year school year

0 28-Aug-2021 28-Aug-2021 28-Aug-2021 1





Principa Lord Krisbná Public School


Sonipat ayead InstitutionDate of issue 28-Aug-2021

Signature and seal of Head Institution

Page 8: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School R

(An English Medlum Co-educational Public School,Afillated to CBSE, NewDelh) Web Site:www.lkps.org.in, Email: [email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293 Affiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No.: 187 1. Name of the Pupil

Mother's Name 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Sandeep 4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures); 30-Oct-05

Akshit 2. 6. Student's SRN: 1602570116

Reena 7. SLC Sr. No 69

(In Words): Thirtieth October Two Thousand Five

8. Nationality: Indian

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 25-Apr-16 Class V

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure) X-Tenth

PASS 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE

12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class:

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No


XI -Eleventh

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: 31-Mar-21

16. Wehter clear all due of the school: Yes

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session 120

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school 114

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

usually took part: Yes,

20. General Conduct: Good

21. Date of appliaction for certificate: 23-Aug-21 22. Date of issue of certificate: 26-Aug-21 26. Reasons for leaving the school:

24. Any other remarks:

On Students Request

Principal, Lord Krishna Public School


Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prépared By Checked By Principal

Page 9: Lord Krishna Public School

SLC No. 14343294

Senior Secondary School


Block: Sonipat District: Sonipat

UDISE Code: 06080801104 Department School Code 26076

SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE (Academic Year: 2020-2021)

File No. 68 Date of issue 31-Aug-2021

Pupil's Name Mr. HARSH

Date of Birth 15-Apr-2005

Student Registration No. (SRN) 1607950317 No. in Admission Register 160

Name of Father/Guardian Mr. ANIL

Mother Mrs. BRIJESH

Certified that Mr.HARSH attended this school up-to 31-Aug-2021. He/she has paid all sums due

to the school, and was allowed on the above date to withdraw his/her name. He/she was reading

in Class Tenth in this school.

1. He/she was examined in Tenth and

a. Was allowed/promised promotion to Class,

5. Passed the examination in the highest class available in the school, OR

c. Left the school mid-session to join a different school, OR

Dd. Failed in subject(s) ****a************************************************************"**********


Note: (please tick and fill whichever is applicable)

The following particulars are certified to be correct according to the registers of the school and the

certificate's produced from previous school attended during the school year:

No School Date of Admission withdrawal attendance

No. of total Pupil'ss attendances attendance taken

during the

Date of Date of Leaves

during thecurrent school current


during the during the current current

school year school Year school year

LORD KRISHNA PUBLIC 01-Apr-2020 |Aug-2024 01-Apr-2020 444 0 0


26--2 ug2021 -03-20 2

Principal, A S





Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Date of is[ue 31-Aug-2021 Signature and seal of Head Institution

Page 10: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School ORD

(An English Medlum Co-educational Publie School,Afllated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email:[email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 90s0005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293

Affiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No.: 179

6. Student's SRN: 1607509420 1. Name of the Pupil : Vinay Kumar

2. Mother's Name: Reena 67

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Narender kumar 7. SLC Sr. No:

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 03-Ju-05

(In Words): Third July Two Thousand Five


8. Nationality: Indian

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 25-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure):

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE

Class W

X- Tenth



13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class : Yes XI - Eleventh

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No 31-Mar-21

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues:

16. Wehter clear all due of the school:

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school:




19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil- Yes,

usually took part:

20. GeneralConduct21. Date of appliaction for certificate: 22. Date of issue of certificate:

26. Reasons for leaving the school:

24. Any other remarks:




On Students Request

Principal, Lord Krishná'Public'School Bakhtawarpur-131027

Prepared By Cheed By Principal

Page 11: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD (An English Medium Co-educational Publie School,Affliated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email : [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078 Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat

School Code : 41293 Afiliation No:531323

School Leaving Certificate

Name of the Pupil: 5. Admission No. 172 1.


6. Student's SRN: 1607508159

7. SLC Sr. No:

2. Mother's Name: Renu

66 3. Fatherrs/Guardian's Name: Sanjeev tyagi

Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 02-Sep-05 (In Words) : Second September Two Thousand Five

8. Nationality: Indian

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 18-Apr-16 Class: VI

X- Tenth 10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure) PASS

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, sOCIAL STUDIES

Yes 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class:

XI - Eleventh 14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure): If No:

31-Mar-21 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues 16. Wehter clear all due of the school 17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session: 18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school:



105 19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

usually took part: Yes, 20. General Conduct:

Good 21. Date of appliaction for certificate: 20-Aug-21 22. Date of issue of certificate: 23-Aug-21 26. Reasons for leaving the school: On Students Request 24. Any other remarks :

Principal Lord Krishna Public School Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana Prepared By Checked By


Page 12: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medium Co-educational Public School,Afiliated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email: [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9o50005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonlpat School Code : 41293

Affiliation No : 531323

School Leaving Certificate

iame of the Pupil 5. Admission No. 165

Rohit 6. Student's SRN:

65 7. SLC Sr. No


2 Mother's Name

rather's/Guardian's Name: Rajender Amita

27-Jul-05 4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures

(In Words): Twenty Seventh July Two Thousand Five

8. Nationality: Indian Class V

Date of Admission in School with Class: 07-Apr-16

:0. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied ('n Figure):


Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE

12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher.Class

X- Tenth


Yes. XI - Eleventh

14. 'f ves, Promoted to Class (in figure):LC

f No 31-Mar-21

Month upto which the pupil has paidl thé' school fees/dues: 6. Wehter clear all due of the schdol ec

Totai no of working days in theHcedamic sesaioriioa

atary Yes


ona Santi

112 e. Total no of wo"king days Pupilpreedht in theischnol

10. Came played or extra-curriciaeattivities in which the pupil Yes,

uSually took part:

20. General Conduct

2. Date of appliacticn for certificate:

22. Date of issue of certificate:




On Students Request 26. Reasons for leaving the school:

2:4. Any other remarks: ****

Principal, Lord Krishna Public School Bakhiawarpur-131027 Sonipa-Haryana

Checked By Principal Prepared By

Page 13: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

(An Engllsh Medlum Co-educational Puble School, Affillated to CcBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email : [email protected] #91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code : 41293 Affiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

Name of the Pupil:

2. Mother's Name

5. Admission No. 777

6. Student's SRN: 2103332542

7. SLC Sr. No:

1. Amisha

Kusum lata 64 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Aditya narwal 3.

Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 20-Jun-15

(In Words): Twentieth June Two Thousand Fifteen


8. Nationality: Indian

Class: 9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 13-Aug-21

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure):

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, sCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIESs

13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class:

I- First


14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No:15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues

16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

Left School in Between Session




18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school:

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

usually took part: Yes,

20. General Conduct: Good

21. Date of appliaction for certificate: 15-Aug-21 22. Date of issue of certificate: 18-Aug-21 26. Reasons for leaving the school On Students Request

24. Any other remarks:

Principa, Lord Krishna Public School



Prepared By Chedked By

Page 14: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

(An English Medlum Co-educational Puble School,Afiliated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Emalil : [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 90s0005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293 Affiliation No:531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No.: 185

6. Student's SRN: 1602551147 1. Name of the Pupil:

2. Mother's Name

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Tejvir Antil 4. Date of Birth Accordling to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 23-Jun-05

(in Words): Twenty Three June Two Thousand Five

Shivank Antil

Sumitra Antil 7. SLC Sr. No: 63

8. Nationality: Indian

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 25-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure):

Class: VI


11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE :


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class:



14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure): XI -Eleventh

If No Detained

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: 31-Mar-21

16. Wehter clear all due of the school Yes

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session: 120

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school : 115 19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

usually took part: Yes, 20. General Conduct:

Good 21. Date of appliaction for certificate 22. Date of issue of certificate:

11-Aug-21 14-Aug-21

26. Reasons for leaving the school On Students Request 24. Any other remarks:

Principal, Lord Krishna Públic School

Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prepared By Checked By Principal

Page 15: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medium Co-educatlonal Publie School,Affillated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site : www.lkps.org.in, Email: [email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code : 41293

Affiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No. 640

6. Student's SRN: 1618504445

7. SLC Sr. No

Sumit kumar 1. Name of the Pupil:

2. Mother's Name : Suman 62 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Sunil

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 17Nov-10

(In Words): Seventeenth November Two Thousand Ten


8. Nationality: Indian Class

9 Date of Admission in School with Class: 10-Apr-18 VI- Sixth

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure) :

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE:


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: No

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No: Detained 31-Jul-21 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school: 25

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18 18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

Yes, usually took part: 20. General Conduct: Good

21. Date of appliaction for certificate: 09-Aug-21

22. Date of issue of certificate: 12-Aug-21 26. Reasons for leaving the school: On Students Request

24. Any other remarks:

Principal, A Lord KrishndPublic School

Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prepared By Checkéd By Principal

Page 16: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

(An English Medlum Co-educatlonal Public School,Affllated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.In, Emall: [email protected] t91 9991021945, +91 90s0005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293

Affiliation No: 531323

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupil:

Mother's Name: Father's/Guardian's Name: Sunil

5. Admission No.: 641

6. Student's SRN: 1516861641

7. SLC Sr. No


2. Suman 61


Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 16-Nov-07


(In Words): Sixteenth November Two Thousand Seven

8. Nationality: Indian Class I

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 10-Apr-18

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure):

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE:




No 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher ClasS

14. f yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No: Detained 31-Jul-21

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues:

Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session: 25

20 18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

Yes, usually took part:

20. General Conduct Good

09-Aug-21 21. Date of appliaction for certificate

22. Date of issue of certificate: 12-Aug-21

On Students Request 26. Reasons for leaving the school

24. Any other remarks

Lord Krishna Public School

Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Checked By Principal Prepared By

Page 17: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

(An Englsh Medium Co-educational Puble School,AfMliated to CBSE, NewDelhi) Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Emalil : [email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 90s000s030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code: 41293 Affiliation No :531323

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No. 158

6. Student's SRN: 1607440347

7. SLC Sr. No:

1. Name of the Pupil Deepanshu 2. Mother's Name: Sushila

60 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Parveen kumar

Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): 01-Jun-05

(In Words): First June Two Thousand Five


8. Nationality: Indian Class VI 9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 05-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure): 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES

13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class:

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No:



Yes X1 - Eleventh

31-Mar-21 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues

Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school 120

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session :

114 18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

Yes, usually took part: 20. General Conduct: 21. Date of appliaction for certificate:

22. Date of issue of certificate 26. Reasons for leaving the school

24. Any other remarks:


08-Aug-21 11-Aug-21 On Students Request

Principal, Lord Krishna/Public School Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Pfepared By Checked By Principal

Page 18: Lord Krishna Public School

SLC No. 14258815/

Senior Secondary School


District Sonipat Block: Sonipat

UDISE Code : 06080801104 Department School Code 26076

SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE (Academic Year: 2020-2021)

File No. S211 Date of issue 10-Aug-2021

Pupil's Name Mr. SAHIL

Date of Birth 12-Mar-2005

Student Registration No. (SRN) 1705388463 No. in Admission Register 211

Name of Father/Guardian Mr. RAJPAL Mother Mrs. POONAM

Certified that Mr.SAHIL attended this school up-to 10-Aug-2021. He/she has paid all sums due

to the school, and was allowed on the above date to withdraw his/her name. He/she was reading

in Class Nineth in this school.

1. He/she was examined in Naeh and

a.Was allowed/promised promotion to Class Niheh b. Passed the examination in the highest class available in the school, OR

c. Left the school mid-session to join a different school, OR

Od. Failed in subject(s) *********************************************************************************** ***

Note: (please tick and ill whichever is applicable)

The following particulars are certified to be correct according to the registers of the school and the

certificate's produced from previous school attended during the school year:

No. of total Pupil's attendances attendance taken

during the

School Date of Date of Date of Leaves No

Admission withdrawal attendance during the during the during the

current school current


current current

school year school Year school year| 0 0Ap2020 t0-Aug 202t sp026426 LORD KRISHNA PUBLIC

SCHOOL To 27o2-31-o3-3 10 10Aerg 2e21

Principal, Lord Krishna Public School


Signature gnd seal btHeadInstitution Date of issue 10-Aug-2021

Page 19: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

(An English Medlum Co-educatlonal Public School, Afliated to CBSE, NewDelhi) Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email: [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat ffiliation No: 531323 School Code : 41293

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupil: 5. Admission No.: 687

6. Student's SRN: 1519022554

7. SLC Sr. No:

Aryan 2. Mother's Name:

Anita devi 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Anil kumar 59

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures): o6-Jun-0s

(in Words): Sixth June Two Thousand F 8. Nationality: Indian

Date of Admission in School with Class: 04-Apr-19 10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure): 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, sCIENCE, soCIAL STUDIES 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class:

9. Class: IX

X- Tenth



14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure): If No

XI Eleventh

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: 16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:




18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil


usually took part: Yes, 20. General Conduct Good 21. Date of appliaction for certificate 06-Aug-21 22. Date of issue of certificate: 09-Aug-21 26. Reasons for leaving the school

24. Any other remarks:

On Students Request

Principd, Lord Krishna'Public School Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prepared By Checked By Principal

Page 20: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medlum Co-educational Public School,Ailiated to CBSE, NewDeini)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Emall: [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat Affiliation No: 531323 School Code: 41293

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupil

2. Mother's Name:

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Chand singh 4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in 16-Aug-05

(In Words): Sixteenth August Two Thousand Five

5. Admission No. 176

6. Student's SRN: 1607508878

7. SLC Sr. No:

Anuj Savita


8. Nationality: Indian

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 22-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure): 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/ CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES

Class VI

X- Tenth


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: Yes XI - Eleventh

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No: 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: 31-Mar-21

Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-



Yes, usually took part: 20. General Conduct 21. Date of appliaction for certificate


04-Aug-21 22. Date of issue of certificate: 07-Aug-21

26. Reasons for leaving the school On Students Request

24. Any other remarks:

incipal, Lord Krishna Rúbfic School

Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prepared By Checked By Principal

Page 21: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

An English Medum Co-educational Puble School,AfMlated to CBSE, NewDalhi) Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email : [email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jalnpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat Affiliation No: 531323 school Code: 41293

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupil: 2. Mother's Name:

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Sunil kumar

5. Admission No.: 177

Student's SRN: 1607509052 Ritika

Monika 7. SLC Sr. No: 57

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures); 24-Jan-05

(in Words): Twenty Fourth January Two Thousand Five

8. Nationality: Indian Class VI 9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 23-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure)

11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE


X- Tenth


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: Yes XI Eleventh

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No: 31-Mar-21 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues:

16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school:

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil




Yes, usually took part: 20. General Conduct: 21. Date of appliaction for certificate:

22. Date of issue of certificate 26. Reasons for leaving the school:

24. Any other remarks


04-Aug-21 07-Aug-21 On Students Request

uncipal, Lord Krishna Pubic School



Prepared By Checked By Principal

Page 22: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORO

(An English Medium Co-educational Publie School,Afiliated to CBSE, NewDelhi) Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Emall : [email protected]

+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat School Code : 41293 Affliation No :531323

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupil Vishal 5. Admission No. 169

6. Student's SRN: 1607507700

7. SLC S. No

2. Mother's Name: Babli 56 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Sujeet singh

Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Figures)

(in Words): Seventeenth March Two Thousand Five 8. Nationality: Indian

4. 17-Mar-05

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 12-Apr-16 Class: V

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure) 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES

X- Tenth


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: Yes XI -Eleventh

14. f yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: 31-Mar-21

Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school:

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school:

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-



Yes, usually took part: 20. General Conduct: 21. Date of appliaction for certificate:

22. Date of issue of certificate:


04-Aug-21 07-Aug-21 On Students Request 26. Reasons for leaving the school

24. Any other remarks

yanka Ptincipal,

Lord Krishna Public School Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

Prepared By Checked By Principal

Page 23: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School LORD

(An Englsh Medlum Co-educatlonal Publie School,Allated to CBSE, NewDelhi) Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email: [email protected]

#+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat Affiliation No:531323 School Code : 41293

School Leaving Certificate

5. Admission No.: 156

6. Student's SRN: o

7. SLC Sr. No:

1. Name of the Pupil: Salman Khan

Mother's Name 3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Momin khan

2. Gulshan 55

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Reglster (in Figures); 11-Jan-04 4 (In Words) : Eleventh January Two Thousand Four

8. Nationality: Indian

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 02-Apr-16 10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure): 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE

12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: 14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure):

If No:

Class: VI

X- Tenth


Yes XI - Eleventh

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues : 31-Mar-21

16. Wehter clear all due of the school Yes

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session 120

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school: 105

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil

usually took part: Yes,

Good 20. General Conduct 21. Date of appliaction for certificate:

22. Date of issue of certificate: 03-Aug-21

06-Aug-21 26. Reasons for leaving the school : On Students Request

24. Any other remarks

Princip Lord Krishna Public Scho Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Hary8riacipal Prepared By Checked By

Page 24: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medium Co educatlonal Publile School,Amlated to CBSE, Newbethi

Web Site : www.tkps.org.in, tmall: [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 90s000s030, 01 302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur Sonlpat


Affiliation No: 531323 School Code : 41293

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupll :

2. Mother's Name:

5. Adnission No.: 569

6. Student's SRN: 1708722459

7. SLC Sr. No:


Rajan 54

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Anand

4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Reglster (in Figures): 09-Sep-10

(In Words): Ninth September Two Thousand Ten

8. Nationality: Indlan

9. Date of Admission in School with Class: 12-Apr-17



1-First 10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (in Figure):

PASS 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE:


13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: I1-Secondd

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure)

If No 31-Mar-18

15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues Yes

16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session:

0 18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupll- Yes,

usually took part: Good 20. General Conduct:

02-Aug-21 21. Date of appliaction for certificate:

22. Date of issue of certificate : 05-Aug-21 On Students Request

26. Reasons for leaving the school : -**

24. Any other remarks

Princippiacigabublic Lord School

Checked By Bakhtawarpur-131027


Prepared By

Page 25: Lord Krishna Public School

Lord Krishna Public School (An English Medium Co-educatlonal Public School,Afliated to CBSE, NewDelhi)

Web Site: www.lkps.org.in, Email [email protected] #+91 9991021945, +91 9050005030, 01302101078

Jainpur Road, Bakhtawarpur-Sonipat Affiliation No : 531323 School Code: 41293

School Leaving Certificate

1. Name of the Pupil: Vansh kumar 5. Admission No. : 166

2. Mother's Name:

3. Father's/Guardian's Name: Praveen kumar 4. Date of Birth According to Admission and Withdrawal Register (in Fligures): 28-Dec-005

6. Student's SRN: 1602568151

7. SLC Sr. No Arti devi


(in Words) : Twenty Eighth December Two Thousand Five

8. Nationality: Indian

Date of Admission in School with Class: 11-Apr-16

10. Class in Which Pupil Last Studied (In Figure): 11. Result of the Last Annual Examination taken by school/CBSE: 12. Subject Studied: HINDI, ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES

9. Class: VI

X- Tenth


Yes 13. Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class: XI - Eleventh

14. If yes, Promoted to Class (in figure)

If No: 15. Month upto which the pupil has paid the school fees/dues: 31-Mar-21

Yes 16. Wehter clear all due of the school

17. Total no of working days in the acedamic session: 120

18. Total no of working days Pupil present in the school: 112

19. Game played or extra-curricular activities in which the pupil-

Yes, usually took part: 20. General Conduct Good

21. Date of appliaction for certificate: 02-Aug-21

22. Date of issue of certficate: 05-Aug-21

26. Reasons for leaving the school On Students Request

24. Any other remarks:

Principal, Lord Krishna Public School

Bakhtawarpur-131027 Sonipat-Haryana

yanka Principal Prepared By Checked By