looking forward to 2023: what is the state of telecentres

Looking forward to 2023: Wh ti th tt ft l t ? What is the state of telecentres? Ismael Peña-López @ictlogist @ictlogist Universitat Oberta de Catalunya SPARK – 4 th Global Forum on Telecentres. G d 29 M 2013 Granada, 29 May 2013

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Keynote for the SPARK – 4th Global Forum on Telecentres. Telecentre.org, Granada, 29 May 2013


  • 1. Looking forward to 2023:Wh t i th t t f t l t ?What is the state of telecentres?Ismael Pea-Lpez@ictlogist@ictlogistUniversitat Oberta de CatalunyaSPARK 4th Global Forum on Telecentres.G d 29 M 2013Granada, 29 May 2013

2. e inclusioneinclusionvenuesvenuesEuropeSpainSpainCataloniaBarcelonaCiutat VellaEl RavalTc TelecentreL LibraryCC Civic CentreCC Civic CentreC Cybercaf (locutorio)W Municipal WiFi AccessPointS SchoolHS High SchoolTS Technical SchoolU University 3. Current scenarioCurrentscenario Last mile issues about to be solvedLast mile issues about to be solved. Physical access to infrastructures generally not a barrier. Increasing supply of content and services.BUTBUT Advanced (digital) competence required.( g ) p q Stable share of refuseniks. 4. eInclusion Intermediaries:eInclusionIntermediaries:fillingthegapsInfrastructures ICT Sector LegalF kContent andS iDigital SkillsAyE t iFramework ServicesAssetsSupplAvailabilityEnterprisesEconomyICT (Sector)RegulationAvailabilityDigitalLiteracy LevelFlomandAffordability WorkforceInformationSociety QUALITY ofDigitalLiteracywsDemAffordability WorkforceStrategiesand PoliciesUseLiteracyTraining 5. Gap (!?) of access to infrastructuresGap(!?)ofaccesstoinfrastructurestelecentre/library ecentretelecentre/library e centre?cybercaf(disappear)profit/sustainability 6. Gap of digital literacyGapofdigitalliteracyTechnological LiteracyGet Monitor MultimediaIdentityMedia LiteracyDigital PresenceInformationalLiteracyM D fi C diyN t kManage Define CrossmediaNetworke-Awareness 7. Gaps of the technology cycleGapsofthetechnologycycle*Appropriation*AdaptationTransformationImprovement(*) Not everyone, not everywhere 8. A forecast/proposal: networksAforecast/proposal:networks From the Telecentre to Telecentre networks From the Telecentre to Telecentre networks outsourcing (some) telecentre administrationF th T l t t th ICT C t From the Telecentre to the ICT Centre insourcing telecentres into organizationsg g 9. Mapping the new telecentre (i)Mappingthenewtelecentre(i)Telecentre networksStrategic designProduction of (common) services and goodsTelecentre as usual (venue)outsourcingTelecentre as usual (venue)insourcingICT SpacegBusinessesGovernmental institutions 10. A forecast/proposal: partnershipsAforecast/proposal:partnerships Partnerships with governments: Partnerships with governments: e-Government ICT and education Partnerships with the private sector: e-Commercee Commerce Strategic consultancyMix of not for profit/subsidised & for profit activityMix of not-for-profit/subsidised & for-profit activity 11. Mapping the new telecentre (ii)Mappingthenewtelecentre(ii)Telecentre networksStrategic designProduction of (common) services and goodsTelecentre as usual (venue)outsourcingTelecentre as usual (venue)insourcinge-inclusion, demand sidet t igICT & EduI f l l ie-governmentdcorporate traninge-strategyBusinesses GovernmentEducationInformal learninglife-long learninge-democracyBusinesses GovernmentEducation 12. A forecast/proposal: communitiesAforecast/proposal:communitiesF th ICT C t t th C t ith ICT From the ICT Centre to the Centre-with-ICT Community based:Community based: civic centres schoolsLocal entrepreneurs based: Local entrepreneurs based: living labsg social entrepreneurs 13. Mapping the new telecentre (& iii)Mappingthenewtelecentre(&iii)Telecentre networksStrategic designProduction of (common) services and goodsCivic centresLibrariesvirtual telecentre living labs i-hubs co-working centres-with-ICTe-inclusion, demand sidet t iICT & EduI f l l ie-governmentdcorporate traninge-strategyBusinesses GovernmentEducationInformal learninglife-long learninge-democracyBusinesses GovernmentEducation 14. Granada, 29 May 2013. SPARK 4th Global Forum on TelecentresTo cite this work:Pea-Lpez, Ismael. (2013) Looking forward to 2023: What is the state of telecentres., ye a pe , s ae ( 0 3) oo g o a d to 0 3 at s t e state o te ece t esSPARK 4th Global Forum on Telecentres. Telecentre.org, Granada, 29 May 2013.http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20130529_ismael_pena-lopez_-_looking_forward_2023_what_is_state_of_telecentres.pdfTo contact the author:http://ictlogy.netp gyAll the information in this document under aAll the information in this document under aCreative Commons license:Attribution Non Commercial No Derivative WorksMore information please visithttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/