looking at the low carb diet today

Folks all over the world are taking a second look at how they look and feel and are coming up short. Health may be going downhill due to being overweight. Clothes don't fit like they used to, having become a bit snug. The mirror does not reflect what they see in their mind's eye. It may be time to begin that low carb diet you have heard so much about.

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: Looking At The Low Carb Diet Today

Folks all over the world are taking a second look at how they look and feel and are coming up short. Health may be going downhill due to being overweight. Clothes don't fit like they used to, having become a bit snug. The mirror

does not reflect what they see in their mind's eye. It may be time to begin that low carb diet you have heard so

much about.

Page 2: Looking At The Low Carb Diet Today

An easy way to begin this weight-loss program is to put into the kitchen the types of protein and healthy carbs you

like to eat. Skip the doughnuts for now. Try a half bagel with cream cheese in the appropriate proportions. You

may even wish to have a turkey sandwich, with a spot of mayonnaise and a leaf of lettuce.

Page 3: Looking At The Low Carb Diet Today

In addition to combining these two nutrients for healthy weight loss, eat these foods every two to three hours

throughout the day, keeping your metabolism steady by supplying the required nutrients in a steady stream, for optimum weight loss. When the body has an abundant

supply of these two nutrients at all times, pounds seem to melt away.

Page 4: Looking At The Low Carb Diet Today

It looks like the opposite of a carbohydrate is a protein here, so when on this food plan, eating those two

together, not more than fifteen protein to thirty carbs in any given two hour period, will keep you energized and

not feeling hungry. The ratio of 7 protein to 15 carbs, and not more than twice that in any two hours, is your goal.

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An individual who chooses to use this food plan may consume protein alone, or with carbs. If eating a carb, you

must have protein with it, in the proper amounts.

Page 6: Looking At The Low Carb Diet Today

Of course, of prime concern also is to keep adequately hydrated. Drinking any liquid will accomplish that, but

adding eight 8-ounce glasses of water to your low carb diet plan each day will help flush away waste produced by the burning calories. This will keep kidney function healthy.

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