look at the equinox edition of march 2015 at celestial insight

View Equinox Edition of March 2015 at Celestial Insight

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Look at the Equinox Edition of March 2015 at Celestial Insight

View Equinox Edition of March 2015 at Celestial Insight

Page 2: Look at the Equinox Edition of March 2015 at Celestial Insight

Mars Equinox

Page 3: Look at the Equinox Edition of March 2015 at Celestial Insight

Time Marches On. The month of March is named after Mars the god of war. Known for his heroic deeds, Mars is associated with action, and what an action packed month we have in store!

The Full Moon on March 6 sees Mars in his home sign Aries aligning closely with the South Node, Uranus and Venus.

This is a powerhouse combination. Just two weeks after Venus and Mars were reunited in the heavens, the addition of Uranus electrifies this mix.

This aspect could trigger explosive emotional responses associated with unresolved issues that are seeking resolution. This will effect relationships, personal, professional and political. Mars in its own sign Aries, is highly volatile and tends to act first and think later.

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This trio and the nodal axis squares Pluto, with Uranus gearing up for its 7th and final exact square with the lord of the Underworld on the 17th of this month.

This finale is likely to be dramatic and highlight once more the many global issues that we face. With Ceres and Pluto in Capricorn, environmental issues are especially high on the agenda.

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Virgo Full MoonPluto makes a trine to this Virgo Full Moon connecting us to our capacity for research and analysis, helping us discover the root cause of long standing issues.

Virgo’s association with health and healing is aided by Chiron who joins with the Pisces Sun and commences a new synodic cycle.

This is a new phase in our healing journey that can enlighten us to the causes of pain and suffering; the first step in healing. On the 14th Saturn stations retrograde at 4SG55 beginning its apparent backward journey towards Scorpio once more. This is a signal that some restructuring needs to be undertaken over the coming months.

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That Saturn should station a few days before the final hit of PLURSQ, seems significant. Although this is the last hit of PLURSQ it’s influence is not going to cease immediately.

Saturn’s station suggests there is unfinished business to attend to. Structures and systems that have no place in the future will face some BIG tests and challenges over coming months.

The challenge ahead is how to integrate our individual rights and freedoms into a sustainable future with limited and finite resources.

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Pisces Total Solar Eclipse

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This is an incredibly powerful total solar eclipse that will be visible from a narrow band of sky in the northern hemisphere. This eclipse is part of Saros 120 a very ancient cycle that began in the year 933 at the South Pole.

Now close to its end it is approaching its northern most latitude, where it will conclude in the year 2195. This eclipse will trace a path northward through the Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and Scandinavia, ending directly over the north pole. This is also another Supermoon, with the Moon’s closest approach to the Earth only hours before the eclipse.

It’s worth noting that the Sun and Moon at 29 Pisces, are positioned at the exact position where Uranus was located in March 2011 when the massive 9.0 Japanese quake and tsunami took place.

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Earthquake prediction is not a simple task. Many astrologers, myself included, have attempted to look for sky patterns that could trigger seismic events. As yet there is no full proof system.

But it is a fact that gravitational effects from the Sun and Moon do add stress to the Earth’s crust, putting additional pressure on regions where fault lines exist.

With this Equinox, New Moon, Lunar Perigee and Eclipse all happening within a small window of time, along with the last hit if the Pluto-Uranus square this could trigger a major Earth event.

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Aries Equinox

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Equinox charts paint a picture for the coming three months. Happening so close to this solar eclipse, we can expect the coming quarter to be action packed.

The last hit of the Pluto-Uranus square just days before marks this time as a momentous period in human history. The energy released now is likely to spur many a personal revolution and reverberate across the global community. It’s time to let go of the outworn and take a creative leap of faith.

Pluto and Uranus have travelled half way through Capricorn and Aries respectively. Pluto has another 8 years in Capricorn, Uranus another 3.5 in Aries. As we commence this journey, we have some tough terrain ahead. It’s time to invest in the future.

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