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VOL 04 JULY 2017


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News Content

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Message From The HeadteacherDear Parents, Carers and Pupils

Well we have finally made it to the end of another year and as with any summer term we seem to have been as busy as ever. Firstly,

Year 11 have left us; both their leaving ceremony and prom were an excellent opportunity to celebrate the last five years. We wish

them all the luck for the future and look forward to seeing them to collect their exam results on Thursday 24th August.

Year 10 have also completed their summer exam series. Most noticeable was how seriously they took it - we even had pupils

revising whilst on Duke of Edinburgh….now that’s dedication! As a result, the Year 10s have done a really good job. They have also

just returned from work experience; some are glad to be back and some less so. Either way they have some interesting stories and

experiences to share from the last fortnight.

As for the rest of the school, we had another amazing Enrichment Week experience. Please find time to have a look at our twitter

feed @lshsnews to get a sense of what they were all up to. This requires a huge amount of planning and coordination on the part of

the staff but is truly worth it.

We continue to make changes to improve our school and the outcomes for our pupils. As such I’d like to thank parents for their

continued support, encouragement and sometimes patience but please be assured we are on the road to recovery - with any road

there will always be the odd bump!

I’d also like to thank our pupils; over the course of the year we have made some changes to the way we do things in school and they

have risen to every challenge. This shows they are capable of so much more than we have been expecting of them. We will continue

to help them realise their true potential.

Finally I’d like to thank the staff of the school, for their continued efforts to try and get the best out of all our pupils in an ever-

changing and more challenging landscape.

I hope you all have an excellent summer break and we look forward to seeing you all in September #LSHSExcellence.

Dr Roger L HarrisHeadteacher

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LSHS ArtSome of the amazing Art created by our Year 11 GCSE Art Students

Evie Mason

Kate Way

Kate Fuller

Annie Mayes

Evie Mason

Olivia Creasey

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Three hours of laughter, frustration, teamwork, terror, exhaustion and exhilaration. All in the name of the worthwhile charity ‘Bloodwise’.

What a great day!

A group of brave and fearless teachers from Long Stratton High School decided to take on the challenge of the Wolf Run on 3rd June, in

Warwickshire for the second year running. The ancient woodland trails and deep water crossings, whilst battling with thick mud, made

this course the challenge of a life time. High climbing nets, log walls and the famously fast landslide are just a few of the challenges that

we endured throughout the 10k course.

We put ourselves through this ordeal (some of whom have never owned trainers!) to raise awareness for ‘Bloodwise’. Our Librarian’s

daughter, who is an ex-pupil of Long Stratton High School, was diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia (APL) in October 2016.

Eight months on she is now in remission, which is why this charity was chosen. So far we have raised over £700. Donations to the

group’s Just Giving page can be made at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Teachers-and-Support-Staff-at-LSHS

‘Bloodwise’ is a charity that funds world-class research and offers expert information and support to anyone affected by leukaemia,

lymphoma, myeloma and other blood cancer related disorders.

Our Librarian Mrs Bell and her family are delighted that her colleagues had chosen this very worthy charity and said she was

overwhelmed that staff had given up their time to raise awareness and donations for this worthy cause which is very close to their


Wolf RunOur staff just don’t know when to quit

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For the fifth year running, Long Stratton High School visited the University of East Anglia’s Festival of Literature for Young people which

took place in July.

LSHS were fortunate to take 54 pupils to such a prestigious, worthwhile event for young people. Students enjoyed inspirational

talks by authors Martyn Bedford and the fantastic and funny Frank Cottrell-Boyce. The brilliant Debs Newbold wowed us with her

bewitching performance of Shakespeare’s King Lear. Debs is a storyteller/performer and an Education Consultant for Shakespeare’s

Globe; she is a force of nature, a theatre maker not to be missed.

LSHS students thoroughly enjoyed this event and as always were impeccably behaved. This is such a worthwhile event for students

to visit as FLY’s aim is to inspire young people to read for pleasure.

Mrs Bell Librarian


FLY Festival 2017Long Stratton High School Pupils Inspired By Visit To UEA’s Festival Of Literature For Young People

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Enrichement Week QuotesWhat our students said about their adventures during Enrichment Week


QUOTEThe achievement of

walking 34km.

QUOTEBuilding a coracle and seeing

the finished product, because I made it from scratch and it worked.

QUOTEThe fact that my artwork it

now part of the school.

QUOTEClimbing the ‘Welsh

Matterhorn’ and making new friends at camp.

QUOTEHanging out with my friends

and doing things I never thought I would.

QUOTEIt was very organized,

teachers who ran it were nice and all the activities

were fun.

The best part.............?

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Around 40 of our Year 7 pupils have been taking part in an 8 week long Enterprise Programme organised by Norwich City FC. As part of this programme pupils were invited to the Enterprise Inspiration Day held at the Top of the City at Norwich City Football Club on Tuesday 20th June 2017. The day provided an inspirational experience allowing pupils to further learn advice and best practice around marketing, fundraising, project planning and teamwork. Pupils participated in a number of workshops as well as a really fascinating stadium tour. At the end of the day our pupils took part in a final team challenge and demonstrated great team work and won the challenge claiming victory over another Norfolk high school.

All pupils who have taken part in the programme have been working really hard every week and have been a credit to the school.

Norwich City FC EnterpriseFootball Clubs inspiring the next generation

County ChampionScott is now the 2017 County Champion at triple jump for U15s.

He competed at the County Championships on Saturday and

Sunday. On Saturday he got through to the last 6 in the long jump

and on Sunday came 4th in his heat for 200m. He then did the

triple jump, got through to the last 6 and won with his final jump of

9.97m which made him the County Champion.

A fantastic achievement.

Well done Scott!

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Th u r s d a y 19 th O c t o b e r 7 - 9 pm Long Stratton High School Hall

Years 7, 8 and 9

PRIZE for Zombie Prom King and Zombie Prom Queen

Tickets: £5.00 Book in advance via +Pay and collect tickets from Ms Mamattah

Zombie Photobooth £1.00 (from 6.30pm)

Drinks and snacks available to purchase throughout the evening (All proceeds go towards China Trip fundraising)


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Sports Day 2017

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Sports Day 2017

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Maths ChallengeAmazing achievements by our Maths students

A New EraIt is always a sad time when we say goodbye to staff at the end of a

year. This year, we say a fond farewell to Miss Farran, Mrs Miles, Mr

Deih, Mrs Lim, Mrs Rourke-Beasley, Mr Chip and Mrs Thurston. We

wish them all well in their future careers and retirement.

In September we welcome new staff to the school. Miss Wood

(right) takes up a permanent post of Head of PE following a term

with us already. We also welcome Mr Soobaroyen (ICT), Mr Hutson

(English) and Mr Heyward (DT).

There have been some amazing achievements in Maths this year with our students competing against other schools across both the county and country. Four of our students competed in the UKMT Maths Challenge Regional Final at Framlingham College in Suffolk. There were 30 other teams from all over East Anglia competing for the chance to enter the National Final in London. Megan Groom and Ben Way from Year 8 and Frank Turner and Millicent Dyer from Year 9 had to complete a set of tough challenges and relays unaided by adults. They came a very respectable 14th against some tough opposition and should be very proud of their achievements. I was very proud to have taken them all and they showed themselves to be a huge asset to our school.

We also competed in another UKMT Junior Maths Challenge where some of our students in Years 7 and 8 sit a written challenge paper which also produced some amazing results.

We saw 13 of our students achieving the Bronze award, whilst 12 students achieved the Silver and a fabulous 5 students the Gold.Special mention to Emily Bennet, Ebony Turner, Alex Wolfe, Ben Way and Aiden Turner for their Gold Awards with Emily Bennett and Alex Wolfe having the joint top score in the school.

Well done to all the students who entered these challenges, the Maths Department are all very proud of your achievements.

The Music Department put on another Spectacular Summer concert on the 20th July, giving numerous students a chance to shine,

either in the School Choir, Harmony Group, School Band or as solo or small group performers. The support from friends and family

was fantastic, requiring a record amount of chairs to be put out. We are extremely pleased to say a profit of £485.40 was made to go

to towards future concerts.

Summer Concert

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Events for your diaries


Dates For Your Diary





















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Brilliant Club GraduationOur students graduated the Brilliant Club

We are very proud to say that in May, 22 of our pupils graduated from ‘The Brilliant Club’ (an award-winning charity that exists to

increase the number of pupils from under-represented backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities).

All 22 pupils completed a lengthy written assignment on an extra-curricular topic chosen by their PhD Tutor. The pupils worked

very hard and demonstrated high levels of commitment and engagement with the programme. This was truly reflected in the final

assignment grades, with 75% of pupils achieving a 2:1 or a 1st, thereby working above their own Key Stage - congratulations to all of

them! Laura Worsley, the PhD researcher delivering the Key Stage 4 course, said ‘the students were friendly and worked very hard

in tutorials, on their homework and for the final assignment. Working with these students meant high level discussions of ideas and

opinions and every student participated willingly. They were diligent and serious and wrote excellent final assignments.’ Nicholas

Bradley, PhD Researcher for the KS3 course said, ‘The pupils did really well, and I was thoroughly impressed with their creativity and


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Bushcraft and ConservationOur students learn about wilderness and conservation

Twelve students took part in Bushcraft and Conservation during Enrichment Week. They

worked with Nick Sanderson, the Education Officer for the Broads Authority, Mrs Groom

and Mr Stevens to achieve the Discovery Level of the John Muir Award, a recognised

Environmental Award Scheme. The aim of the Award is to undertake four challenges:

to discover a wild place, explore its wildness, conserve a wild place and share your

experiences. During the week the students visited Whitlingham Broad Country Park and

Barton Turf Adventure Centre. To discover the wildlife of the Broads, students took part

in dyke dipping, geo-caching and set live mammal traps. The students were lucky enough

to see Swallowtail Butterflies and a Grass Snake swimming in the Broad. They also learnt

skills to survive in the wild such as shelter building, fire starting, mallet making, whittling

tent pegs, charcoal making and finished the days by cooking marshmallows and bread

on the fire. The students helped conserve the Broads by laying bark chippings, repairing

the footpaths and cutting back vegetation. To finish their Award the students prepared

PowerPoint presentations and presented them to Mrs Gallant. All students worked really

hard and produced some fantastic presentations.

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Girls RoundersLSHS girls rounders in the South Norfolk Rounders League

The Long Stratton girls were entered into the South Norfolk

Rounders league this summer competing in the Year 7, 8, 9 and

10 age groups. This is the first competitive rounders league many

of the girls have played in and they did a fantastic job of fielding

a full team each week and supporting each other throughout

the matches.

The Year 7 had some hard fought games with a very close game

against Old Buckenham losing by just half a rounder with some

very accurate bowling from Eve and great batting from Tatum

and Lauren. They were well captained by Ella and show great

promise for the future.

The Year 8 team had a great season and although they didn’t win

any matches often lost by just 2 or 3 rounders. There was some

fantastic batting from Evie and Ebony, consistently accurate

bowling from Tamzin and strong fielding from Emily and Madi.

The team were wonderful at supporting each other and a

pleasure to coach and umpire.

The Year 9 got their first draw against Hobart at the end of the

season having lost by just 1 rounder to Wymondham College the

week before and by half a rounder to Archbishop Sancroft. The

team were well captained by Abi and Harriet with Neve showing

good variation in her bowling and Maddy and Harriet showed off

their batting skills on regular occasions. In the field, Bethan was

consistently strong in her throwing. The team have shown great

improvement over the time they have been playing together,

improving both skills and tactics and have really come together

as a team.

The Year 10 worked hard each week to put out a team with

some excellent organisation from Caitlin and after some great

team work got their first win of the season against Archbishop

Sancroft. Some strong batting from Natasha and Lauryn kept

the score sheets high and quality fielding from Jenny, Millie

and Olivia kept the opposition scores low. A huge thank you to

those students who stepped up and played in their first ever

competitive rounders games.

QUOTEGliding, because I did a

loop the loop!

Enrichement Week Quotes

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CKG MorningLSHS hosts the CKG morning

This year Northgate High School hosted the CKG morning for the announcement of the Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medal, which

took place on Monday 19th June. After a sweltering fun filled journey, we were greeted with lots of excitement as the morning was

about to start. We took part in quizzes and discussions regarding all of the shortlisted books we had read on the lead up to the

announcement of the winning books.

For the first time ever in the history of both the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals, the UK’s oldest and most prestigious

children’s book awards, winners from the United States have triumphed in both categories announced on Monday 19th June, at a

ceremony at RIBA in London.

The 49-year-old music manager turned novelist Ruta Sepetys wins the CILIP Carnegie Medal for the first time for Salt to the Sea

(Puffin), a New York Times bestselling novel that explores the events leading up to the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, the worst

maritime disaster in history in which over 9,000 people, mainly refugees, perished. The daughter of a Lithuanian refugee, with a family

connection to the disaster, Ruta spent three years researching the book, walking the path of some of those refugees who saw the

boat as their salvation but who ultimately lost their lives.

The acclaimed US artist and author Lane Smith wins the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal for his illustrations in There is a Tribe of Kids

(Two Hoots), a picture book exploring the power of collective nouns and the importance of play and exploration. In his speech, Smith

credited leading British illustrators, including Brian Wildsmith, Quentin Blake and Helen Oxenbury - with their stylised and quirky

techniques - as his inspiration as a young illustrator starting out.

We can’t wait for next spring for more fantastic books to shadow!

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LSHS SportsSouth Norfolk Athletics at Sportspark

This term the PE department took 58 students from Years 7-10 to compete in the South Norfolk Athletics competition at The UEA


It was a fantastic day and the weather was very kind. Over 350 students from 7 South Norfolk high schools competed in what was a

great competition.

Special mention to S Leeder and M Lane who won their respective events and to Y Brown, E Kirman, A Wilson, C Padden, M Gilman,

E Turner and J Menary who all had top 3 finishes. S Leeder also went on to represent us at the Norfolk Schools games finals and

achieved 4th place in the long jump and a siver medal in the 4x100M relay. Well done to Scott, an outstanding achievement.

Congratulations to Isaac Looker in Year 7 who has gained a place on the highly regarded CAT for students that excel at Dance. The CAT

scheme stands for Centre of Advanced Training and covers the whole region (Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Bedfordshire).

They offer about 20 places each year to children who demonstrate exceptional potential in dance and Isaac has gained a place; he

will start training in September.

A huge well done to Max in Year 10 who is now in the final stages of selection for Leicester City Football Club. Max is looking forward

to the experience of training at a Premier League Club and has done remarkably well so far in that he has passed through 3 selections

to date. We wish you all the best Max.

Late last term Rowan in Year 10 achieved a fantastic gold medal at the South Norfolk Indoor Rowing Championships. Well done


Thank you to Tim Couridge who has been delivering cricket sessions to students after school on Mondays. Tim will also be delivering

Rugby to our students next year and looking to further our development of Rugby.

Sports day this year was a great day with full participation across all events. Noteworthy achievements this year were records broken

in the Year 10 boys 100m by Max in a time of 11.67 and also Izzy in the Year 9 girls 100m. The winning forms this year were:

7LAM, 8FPA, 9MPA and 10ESJ . Well done and thank you to everybody for making it such a competitive and enjoyable day.

Sporting Achievements


Sports Day 2017

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Senior 1st Dan Black BeltCongratulations to Alex on this amazing achievement

Alex in Year 8 should be congratulated on having achieved his senior 1st Dan black belt in Taekwando. Only his young age has

prevented this talented young man from achieving this sooner. After two years of training for such a prestigious achievement, he

shows just what you can achieve with determination and hard work.

Alex from Sunday 16th July at the Norwich Academy of Martial Arts

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Phone : +(44) 01508 530 418Fax : +(44) 01508 531 708Email : [email protected]

Long Stratton High SchoolManor Road, Long Stratton

Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 2XR


To be a community that develops personal growth, excellence and achievement for all.Our Vision: