logo name of business

Logo Name of Business Author of Plan Teacher Date

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Logo Name of Business. Author of Plan Teacher Date. Mission Statement. In less than fifty words, state your promise to your customers. Tell them what you will do for them, and how you will do it. Slogan. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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LogoName of Business

Author of Plan



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Mission Statement

• In less than fifty words, state your promise to your customers. Tell them what you will do for them, and how you will do it.

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• Write your business slogan here (a short, clever statement that represents the business).

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My Qualifications

• Give details about your background that will help you run the business and make it a success.

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A Description of the Business

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Competitive Advantage

• Why will customers come to your business instead of another existing business?

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• Include information about neighborhood, parking, size of store, and visibility.

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Hours of Operation

• Include days open and if you offer service at request.

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Price of Services

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• Describe essential products

• Provide links to companies

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• What special touches or perks will you offer to your clients so they will remember you and come again?

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Business Concerns such as Insurance and/or Rental Lease

• What do you need to do to set up the business, such as rent a space, secure insurance and furnish it?

• What do you have to have in place before you can open your doors to customers? For example, how many stylists do you need to hire? What are their qualifications?

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State Laws

• List three general laws about cosmetology businesses, such as licensing.

• List another three laws relating to your specific business, such as safety laws.

• Include the link to the New York State Appearance Enhancement Rules and Regulations. Be prepared to talk about it.

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• Three businesses that will compete with your business: Where are they located? How are they similar to yours? How are they different from yours?

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Marketing Plan

• Cite research that led you to your ideas (How many people did you survey? What ideas did they give you?)

• Include a description of Target Client Group

• How will you gain customers?

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• How will you let people know about your new business? Describe an ad you will use to inform everyone about your new business.

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Start up Budget

• What do you have to buy to get started? List everything along with prices, then total.

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Monthly Budget

• List your monthly expenses and total the amount.

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Salaries for Employees

• List the types of employees and how much each is expected to be paid.

• Also include a list of benefits if any you will offer to employees.

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Policies for Employees

• List all your expectations for the employees.

• List policies about sick time, absences, vacations and holidays.

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Store Layout

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Sample Pictures of Business

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Business Card

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Works Cited

• Use MLA format