logo development charlie&oliver

Logo Development & Design By Charlie Wheelhouse & Oliver Friend

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Logo Development & Design

By Charlie Wheelhouse & Oliver Friend

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E4’s Corporate IdentityE4 uses this theory in many different ways from the use

of colours and fonts to logos, this is also known as "Corporate Design". E4 as i previously mentions uses a custom font for their logo ( The letter 'E' placed inside the number '4'), just from that simple design the E4 logo is well recognised across the nation. Colour plays a very important part in the corporate design of E4, the colour that is well associated with the channel is the colour purple. The channel caters programmes which appeals to both genders which bodes well with the use of the colour purple to represent their corporation cause that also appeals to both genders. E4 use the colour purple in all of their idents and most importantly their logo.

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This is the first logo that I designed, as you can see it started off quite Simple. I then I added the E4 logo into the “Monster’s eye”. Then for theThird and final development added more colours to the “monsters” fur andAlso added a purple paint splat behind it. The reason I made all these Changes is to appeal to the E4’s target audience ( who are aged 16-34).

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This is my second design I created for the E4 logo. I chose I purple skull causeNot only does it match the E4’s colour scheme but the skull is different and “cool” which will appeal to the young target audience of E4. In the secondDesign of the logo I added the “E4” lettering, I chose a distorted font to go With the skull because it matches the whole theme really well. On the last Design of the logo I used “Filter Gallery” in photoshop to add boldness to the Skull so it stands out at makes the logo more captivating for the target Audience.

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This is my third and final design I created for E4. I used “Furby” as the main Base of the design cause its unique and also has a niche audience, whichSuits the E4 channel really well. In the second part of the design I used “FilterGallery” again to give Furby a “neon” effect to make the logo stand out. In the Third and final step of the design I used the “Filter Gallery” again on the “E4”Lettering so it stands out from the base design.

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20 Logos

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Final LogoOliver and I have chosen to use this logo as our final logo for E4. We usedthis logo because we think it suits the E4 ethos perfectly seeing as they have a young target audience (aged 16-34) and there aim is to entertain and captivate them. We think this logo manages to appeal and entertain their target audience in every way possible.