loeschverpackungstechnik service · 12345 heike, sparepartssales atloeschpack...

Service Loesch Verpackungstechnik 1 2 3 4 5 five: Presales service Installation and commissioning Production operations Upgrade and efficiency Service organisation and guarantee The LoeschPack service programme you can rely on.

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ServiceLoesch Verpackungstechnik

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The LoeschPack service programmeyou can rely on.

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Helmut,service managerat LoeschPack

Dietmar,assistant service managerat LoeschPack

Worthwhile solutions youcan count on the fingers ofone hand – five, the newLoeschPack service pro-gramme.

five defines our servicesthroughout the life cycle ofyour LoeschPack machinery.Services which make your pro-duction more efficient and se-cure. Services that enable youto stay flexible and keep yourcosts fully under control.

You know that with LoeschPackyou benefit from first-classpackaging technology.

With five you can now also besure that you will receive thebest possible service for yourplant or machinery.

The aim of this brochure isto introduce the individualmodules of our five pro-gramme to you.

Pre-Sales Services

five begins even before you de-cide to invest in a LoeschPackmachine. On request we willset up a test installation at yourworks, producing samples withoriginal material – in otherwords a test under real produc-tion conditions. On the basis ofthe data gained we analysecost effectiveness and of coursecheck on improvement poten-tial. We also offer suggestionson packaging design, for exam-ple with regard to differentkinds of openings, combina-tions of materials and machin-ability.

And if you wish to make a long-term test – no problem! Youcan simply rent your test ma-chine from us, and the bestthing is that the rental costs willbe credited to you if you decideto buy the machine. All thesefactors provide financial safetyand the feeling that you havetaken the right decision.

Long before you takethe decision.

The five pillarsof perfect service.

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Heike,spare parts salesat LoeschPack

Operational at a fixed price

With the assembly work youdon’t have to worry about un-expected costs either, becausewhen this is agreed at a firmprice you have an agreementyou can rely on. There is a cleardefinition of who is responsiblefor what. In other words we de-liver the machine, you transferit to the assembly location andmake power supply and com-pressed air available there. Wetake care of the rest.

You enjoy the same securityin commissioning. Herewe organise a reli-able and in-formativetest

run with a specific type of ma-terial. This is of course docu-mented in detail. On requestwe carry out test runs withother formats, with everythingof course at a fixed price.

This provides you with the cer-tainty that the machine will of-fer the contractually agreedperformance values underreal productionconditions.






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Your new LoeschPack ma-chine will integrate smoothlywith your production opera-tions.We take care of thiswith trouble-free commis-sioning.

At the latest one week beforethe agreed delivery date wecarry out an acceptance test(”FAT“) at our works – at whichyou can be present if you wish.Here we demonstrate that theequipment meets your require-ments down to the last detailand has the required perform-ance values. At the same timeany final modifications you re-quest are implemented. Afterthat you can immediately ap-prove packing materials andproducts for production opera-tions, which shortens the run-ning-in phase. The cost of thetest run is at our expense.

Customer approval at the oper-ational location (”SAT“) is in ac-cordance with the recognisedDIN norm or the contractuallyagreed criteria. The acceptance

procedure is documented indetail and takes about fourhours. After that you receive acomprehensive acceptance re-port, giving you the security ofknowing that everything isfunctioning as required. Nowyour production can go live!

Individual training

Well-trained operators are es-sential for ensuring that youcan start operations with ourplant and machinery withoutany delay. We take care of this.

The operation and mechanicaland electronic maintenance aredemonstrated to your opera-tors in person – either on thespot or in advance at our works.And of course always individu-ally.

Start�upwithout stress.

Ian,LoeschPack shippingdepartment

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In addition we can on requestprovide your personnel withtheoretical further training, pro-viding instruction which is ex-actly in line with the require-ments of your staff – forexample using training docu-mentation in your language.

As part of a comprehensivetraining programme we pro-vide instruction on updatesand upgrades and show ma-chine operators, mechanicsand electricians how to get thebest out of a LoeschPack ma-chine.

Documented from A-Z

A detailed and easily under-stood product description is al-ways supplied as standard. Thisdocumentation of course com-plies with CE and DIN guide-lines, with additional clarityprovided by the display of func-tional modules and the op-tional video documentation.

All documents – includingthose relating to bought-inparts – are provided in the re-quired language. Declarationsof conformity and manufac-turer's declarations are suppliedin print form, together withpneumatic and technical lay-outs and lists of spare parts.

This enables you without diffi-culty to provide any certifica-tion required by your cus-tomers. Further advantages arethat safety and operating in-structions can be easily fol-lowed. Your personnel benefitfrom precise instructions onfault diagnosis, on designationof electronic components andon maintenance and cleaning.





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Your new LoeschPack ma-chine will increase the effi-ciency of your productionand five makes sure that itstays that way. Right aroundthe globe, right around theclock.

With our worldwide service or-ganisation we aren't far away -wherever you are. You can con-tact us 24 hours a day via an in-ternational hotline. The world-wide service is managed viaregional service support points,which means that no matterwhere you are located, we willcome to you.

Efficient teleservice

On request we can connectyour machine to our service de-partments, either via the ana-logue telephone network, viaISDN or a VPN tunnel. Regard-less of whether it involves faultidentification, diagnosis, main-tenance, data analysis or opti-misation – you can be sure thatyour machine will receive opti-mummonitoring.

A further advantage is that wecan respond considerablyfaster, correctly restricting theeffect of any faults and min-imising downtimes. Softwareupgrades or changes to thepackaging options can also beimplemented quickly and con-veniently online.

You decide by yourself howyou pay for this teleservice:either on a time basis or at afavourable annual charge.During working hours weguarantee a reaction time ofonly four hours -maximum.

Fast supply of spare parts

LoeschPack reacts fast, ship-ping spare parts by overnightcourier, by post or via our tech-nicians - depending on ur-gency. Our hotline is accessibleto you round-the-clock. Cleardocumentation of the delivery

with photos and numbering en-sures that the installation or re-placement of parts goessmoothly. As a result even after anumber of years your machinerywill work as efficiently as it did onthe very first day. And by the way,supplies of spare parts are guar-anteed for 10 years and even be-yond.

Clever maintenance

Our recommendations for yourspare parts planning enable youto manage and budget the sup-ply of spare parts in a cost-effec-tive and reliable way. These rec-ommendations are divided intothree groups: parts subject towear and tear such as knives orbelts, replaceable parts such asvalves or photoelectric barriers,and durable parts such as motors,gear mechanisms or servo drives.

Regular maintenance providesprotection against unexpectedbreakdowns. With preventivemaintenance and constant moni-toring of the condition of yourmachine we can avoid expensivebreakdowns, because cases ofwear and tear are normally indi-cated weeks in advance and – ifrecognised early enough – can becorrected during the nextplanned break in operations be-fore they cause an unplanned andtherefore highly expensive linestop.

Productionwithout problems

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What we do if the worstcomes to the worst

> Inspection: examination,check on parts subject towear and tear, spare partrecommendations

> Repairs: exchange or repairof defective parts, even out-side of the guarantee period

> Overhaul: after prior inspec-tion the machine is mod-ernised on the spot at a fixedprice

> Complete overhaul: we up-grade your machine at ourworks in line with the latesttechnical developments (incompliance with CE specifi-cations)

Annette,spare parts salesat LoeschPack




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Those who stay flexible win.With upgrades from Loesch-Pack you stay flexible.

Whether it's a glueing head,printer, sensor or modified soft-ware for different packagingconfiguration – you can clev-erly enhance and extend yourplant and machinery overmany years. Even entire formatconversions for new types ofpackaging and products arepossible. Everything is a perfectfit and functions as if made tomeasure. Everything perfectlymatched and from the samesource.

For example, we take care offormat conversions and installa-tions for a different type ofpackaging or a different prod-uct. We implement mechanicalupgrades on the glueing head,printers, sensors, support platesor complete modules. Ofcourse we also take care of thesoftware and adapt its perform-ance in the case of autosplice,or change formats to accom-

modate new packaging config-uration. And because you knowus as providers of tailor-madesolutions, you can of coursealso expect individual modulesfor extending the functions ofyour machine, for example toenable registration mark con-trol, autosplice, tamper-evidentpackaging or splice recogni-tion.

Trouble-free operations

Our services are fully integratedin our internal CRM processes.For you this means that yourenquiry is systematicallyrecorded and dealt with byfixed procedures. For example,a clear target is defined andyou have full control over allthe details of the service, sothat you can describe problemsin detail and make correctionsbefore you place the order.

A futurewithout worries

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In the process it makes no dif-ference whether you orderspare parts or arrange a datefor inspection and mainte-nance operations. Our principalof service enquiry – service of-fer – service order creates trans-parency and financial depend-ability.

The implementation of theproject – regardless of whetherit is shipping a spare part oran individual development –is recorded in detail, with allitems and prices being listedand explained.

This means you always have afull overview of your orders invoices and payments, givingyou full control over your costs.

Ellen,spare parts salesat LoeschPack



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Reliabilityin the long term

five ensures that you aresatisfied with your machineryfor many years to come.This is the purpose of ourguarantee.

Under our guarantee free re-pairs and machine parts are ofcourse covered – and only inoriginal quality. We don’t usecheap replacements.

You will be able to order origi-nal parts from us for a guaran-teed period of at least 10 years.However, we ensure the avail-ability of the parts even afterthis period. And then? It’s quitesimple – you have the option ofextending the general guaran-tee contract for a further fullyear in each case. This meansnot just reliability at the techni-cal level but also the possibilityof calculating your costs withprecision over a period of manyyears.

And because we take care toconserve natural resources inall areas of our company – inproduction just as much as inservice operations – you candepend on a sustainable solu-tion in every sense of the word.

Werner,spare parts salesat LoeschPack

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Service headquartersLoesch Verpackungstechnik GmbHIndustriestraße 1, 96146 AltendorfGermany

Serviceform online:www.loeschpack.com/service

24 hours hotline:+49 / 151 / 140 29900

Contact persons:

Mr. Helmut Gillner,Phone +49 / 9545 / 449-259,[email protected]

Mr. Dietmar Huberth,Phone +49 / 9545 / 449-294,[email protected]

Fax +49 / 9545 / 449-500

USAPTS Piepenbrock Technical Service3636 Saratoga AvenueDowners GroveChicago Ill 60515-1445, USAContact person: Mr. Tommy J. FoxPhone +1 / 843 / 408 4707eMail: [email protected]

Brasil / South AmericaPavax Comèrcio e RepresentacàoLimitadaAvenida Gupê, 10.76706422-120 Barueri – São Paulo, BrasilContact person:Mr. Marcos V. Xavier da SilveiraPhone +55 / 11 / 4789 9190eMail: [email protected]

SpainComercial Schneider S.A.Avda. Cerdanyola n° 98escalera B, nivel 4, pta.1708173 Sant Cugat del Vallès(Barcelona), SpainContact person:Mr. Adolfo SchneiderPhone +34 / 934 / 763900Fax +34 / 934 / 763902eMail: [email protected]

United KingdomCornwell Products Machinery Sales (Kent)Edenbridge House128 High Street, EdenbridgeKent TN8 5AY, Great BritainContact person:Mr. Nicholas HarleyPhone +44 / 1732 / 866 677Fax +44 / 1732 / 868 768eMail: [email protected]

France / AlgeriaHastamat und Loesch France4, Rue de la Moricière72200 La Flèche, FranceContact person:Mr. Philippe MavicPhone +33 / (0) / 607 738596eMail: [email protected]

ItalyLMD di Francesco di MuroVia Buonarroti, 14620035 Lissone (MI), ItalyContact person:Mr. Francesco di MuroPhone +39 / 039 / 466 9600Fax +39 / 039 / 466 9600eMail: [email protected]

UkraineLoeschPack Piepenbrock GroupVertretung in der UkraineBul. Lesi Ukrainki, 5/11901133 Kiev, UkraineContact person: Mrs. Tatjana KortschaginaPhone +380 / 44 / 235 59 84Fax +380 / 44 / 235 59 84eMail: [email protected]

RussiaOOO LoeschPack (Moscow)B. Cherkisovskaya 24 Abuild. 1, office 414107553 Moscow, RussiaContact person: Mr. Artyom PavlovPhone +7 / 495 / 643 1934Fax +7 / 495 / 643 1934eMail: [email protected]

JapanIwai Pak CorporationDIK Building # 7066-5-4 Shimbashi, Minato-Ku105 – 0004 Tokyo, JapanContact person: Mr. Nobuo IwaiPhone +81 / 3 / 3436 – 0320Fax +81 / 3 / 3436 – 0319eMail: [email protected]

IndiaStandard Machinery Sales Company548, Anna Salai, Teynampet600 018 Chennai, IndiaContact person: Mr. Sunil KumarPhone +91 / 44 / 2434 9444Fax +91 / 44 / 2434 1463eMail: [email protected]

PhilippinesHSS HastamatSales Service Inc.316 La Fuerza Plaza I2241 Don Chino Roces Ave.1231 Makati City, PhilippinesPhone + Fax: +63 / 2 / 818 8862eMail: [email protected]

Head office

Support base

Representative(for addresses seeloeschpack.com)


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> Packaging your ideas ...

Loesch Verpackungstechnik GmbH

Phone +49 (0) 95 45 2 449 0

Fax +49 (0) 95 45 2 449 500


[email protected]

Industriestr. 1

96146 Altendorf/Germany

> Feeding Systems

> Robotic Pick and Place Systems

> Trayloading Systems

> Roll and Stick Wrapping Machines

> Fold Wrapping Machines

> Carton Erecting and Filling Machines

> Complete Packaging Lines