lock free queue introduction

Lock Free Queue

Upload: wei-zang

Post on 09-Jul-2015




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In computer science, lock is complex. Now for cloud computing, lock is an issue must to be solve and avoid. Thus there are many solutions to implement lock-free data structure. In this article, we just introduce some basic knowledge of lock free queue.


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Lock Free Queue

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Pessimistic lock

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Optimistic Lock

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Mongodb on NoSQL DB– sharding

Multi-core – lock-free queue

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Compare and Swap/Set - cmpxchg It compares the contents of a memory location to a given value

and, only if they are the same, modifies the contents of that memory location to a given new value. This is done as a single atomic operation. The atomicity guarantees that the new value is calculated based on up-to-date information; if the value had been updated by another thread in the meantime, the write would fail.

int compare_and_swap (int* reg, int oldval, int newval)


int old_reg_val = *reg;

if (old_reg_val == oldval)

*reg = newval;

return old_reg_val;


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CAS in C/C++

GCC bool __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (type *ptr, type oldval type

newval, ...)

type __sync_val_compare_and_swap (type *ptr, type oldval type newval, ...)

Windows InterlockedCompareExchange ( __inout LONG volatile *Target,

__in LONG Exchange,

__in LONG Comperand);

C++11 template< class T >

bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak( std::atomic<T>* obj,

T* expected, T desired );

template< class T >

bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak( volatile std::atomic<T>* obj,

T* expected, T desired );

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Lock-free queue List implementation



q = new record();

q->value = x;

q->next = NULL;

do {

p = tail;

} while( CAS(p->next, NULL, q) != TRUE);

CAS(tail, p, q); //why we do NOT care the return value?

} //the CAS of while loop success in T1 thread, all the other

//threads failed. After Ti update the tail pointer, one of the

// other threads can get the new tail pointer.

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Lock-free queue

Enhancement If T1 thread hang up before update tail pointer, dead loop for

other threads EnQueue(x) {

q = new record();

q->value = x;

q->next = NULL;

p = tail; oldp = p;

do {

while (p->next != NULL)

p = p->next;

} while( CAS(p.next, NULL, q) != TRUE);

CAS(tail, oldp, q);


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Lock-free queue

Dequeue DeQueue() {


p = head; // head is dummy node

if (p->next == NULL){



while( CAS(head, p, p->next) != TRUE );

return p->next->value;


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CAS ABA issue

It's possible that between the time the old value is

read and the time CAS is attempted, some other

processors or threads change the memory location

two or more times such that it acquires a bit pattern

which matches the old value. The problem arises if

this new bit pattern, which looks exactly like the old

value, has a different meaning

CAS just compare the pointer address, what if this

address is reused?

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ABA solution

Double-length CAS

on a 32 bit system, a 64 bit CAS. The second half is used

to hold a counter. The compare part of the operation

compares the previously read value of the pointer *and*

the counter, to the current pointer and counter. If they

match, the swap occurs - the new value is written - but

the new value has an incremented counter.

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Double-length CAS SafeRead(q)



p = q->next;

if (p == NULL){

return p;


Fetch&Add(p->refcnt, 1);

if (p == q->next){

return p;




goto loop;


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Lock-free queue in Disruptor

Ring-buffer implementation

sequence mod array length = array index

Only tail pointer

It is faster,

array, cache-friendly, pre-loaded, pre-allocate, no need to clean


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Cache Line


cache line 64 bytes.

Java long type 8 bytes, so 8 long variables in one cache


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False sharing

Two variables, one is head, another is tail.

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False sharing struct foo {

int x;

int y;


static struct foo f;

/* The two following functions are running concurrently: */

int sum_a(void){

int s = 0;

int i;

for (i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)

s += f.x;

return s;


void inc_b(void){

int i;

for (i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)



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Memory Barrier

a type of barrier instruction which causes a central

processing unit (CPU) or compiler to enforce an

ordering constraint on memory operations issued

before and after the barrier instruction. This typically

means that certain operations are guaranteed to be

performed before the barrier, and others after.

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Memory Barrier




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一旦你完成写入,任何访问这个字段的线程将会得到最新的值。 在你写入前,会保证所有之前发生的事已经发生,并且任何更新过的数据值也是可见的,因为内存屏障会把之前的写入值都刷新到缓存。


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Summary术语 英文单词 描述

共享变量 在多个线程之间能够被共享的变量被称为共享变量。共享变量包括所



内存屏障 Memory Barriers 是一组处理器指令,用于实现对内存操作的顺序限制。

缓冲行 Cache line 缓存中可以分配的最小存储单位。处理器填写缓存线时会加载整个缓


原子操作 Atomic operations 不可中断的一个或一系列操作。

缓存行填充 cache line fill 当处理器识别到从内存中读取操作数是可缓存的,处理器读取整个缓


缓存命中 cache hit 如果进行高速缓存行填充操作的内存位置仍然是下次处理器访问的地


写命中 write hit 当处理器将操作数写回到一个内存缓存的区域时,它首先会检查这个




写缺失 write misses the cache 一个有效的缓存行被写入到不存在的内存区域。

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http://ifeve.com/disruptor/ - Disruptor


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Concurrency vs parallelism