locations royal tropical institute programme charles darwin

Programme Charles Darwin Week 15-18 September 2009 Life expanding Evolution expanding Evolution has come of age Evolution: Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution Evolution of Networks Evolution: How a great idea evolved Evolution: putting it all together How life came to be The story of Life: adaptive expansion and diversification Evolution: the Theory of Life From replicating molecules to intelligent systems New Insights in Evolution Evolution in Robots Evolution of Social Behavior This year marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anni- versary of the publication of his most im- portant work, On the Origin of Species. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sci- ences and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research have joined together to celebrate both events. This leaflet provides information on the Darwin Week when we will be hosting three major meetings organ- ized by and for scientists. We look forward to seeing you there! Locations Royal Tropical Institute Mauritskade 63, Amsterdam www.kit.nl Theatron (Educatorium) De Uithof Leuvenlaan 19, Utrecht www.uu.nl Trippenhuis KNAW Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam www.knaw.nl Registration www.darwinweek.nl [email protected] (KNAW Symposium) E&[email protected] (NWO Conference) Web addresses KNAW: www.knaw.nl NWO: www.nwo.nl Darwin Week: www.darwinweek.nl Darwin Year: www.darwinjaar2009.nl

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Programme Charles Darwin Week

15-18 September 2009

Life expanding Evolution expanding Evolution has come of age Evolution: Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution Evolution of Networks Evolution: How a great idea evolved Evolution: putting it all together How life came to be The story of Life: adaptive expansion and diversification Evolution: the Theory of Life From replicating molecules to intelligent systems New Insights in Evolution Evolution in Robots Evolution of Social Behavior

This year marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anni-versary of the publication of his most im-portant work, On the Origin of Species. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sci-ences and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research have joined together to celebrate both events. This leaflet provides information on the Darwin Week when we will be hosting three major meetings organ-ized by and for scientists. We look forward to seeing you there!

LocationsRoyal Tropical InstituteMauritskade 63, Amsterdamwww.kit.nl

Theatron (Educatorium)De UithofLeuvenlaan 19, Utrechtwww.uu.nl

Trippenhuis KNAWKloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdamwww.knaw.nl

[email protected] (KNAW Symposium)E&[email protected] (NWO Conference)

Web addressesKNAW: www.knaw.nlNWO: www.nwo.nlDarwin Week: www.darwinweek.nlDarwin Year: www.darwinjaar2009.nl

Thursday, September 17 NWO Conference Human Evolution and Behaviour – day I: ‘Evolutionary basis of Human Behaviour’Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam

Tuesday, September 15 KNAW symposium Evolution, a Matter of FactsTheatron (Educatorium), Utrecht

Friday, September 18NWO Conference Human Evolution and Behaviour – day II: ‘Evolution of Culture and Social Institutions’Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam

10:00 Welcome

Plenary session 1 Life history – chair: Kate Lessells Evolution of human life history – Ruth Mace Evolution of ageing – Rudi Westendorp

NWO session Results from the program ‘Evolution and Behaviour’ Parallel sessions research projects of the NWO E&B programme Session 1: chair Manfred Gahr, session 2: chair Marianne Riksen-Walraven, session 3: chair Nico Wilterdink

12:10-13:30 Lunch and posters

Plenary session 2 Sex and reproduction chair: Bram Buunk The Evolution of Women’s Sexuality: Long-term Bonds and Extra-Pair Sex – Martie Haselton Pheromones in reproductive behaviour – Karl Grammer

Charles Darwin commemorative Lecture chair: Carel van Schaik

Charles Darwin and the evolution of man; Why Humans Aren’t Just Great Apes – Robin Dunbar

Please register by email: E&[email protected]

sponsored by

Wednesday, September 16 Invitational Conference KNAW/NWOThe Relevance of Evolutionary ThinkingTrippenhuis, KNAW, Amsterdam

10:00 Welcome

Plenary session 3 Cooperation – chair: Luc Soete

The Evolutionary Sources of Consummate Cooperation – Sidney Winter From mirror neurons to cooperation – Christiaan Keysers

12:00-13:30 Lunch and posters

Plenary session 4 Culture – chair: Jan van Hooff Evolution of Cultures and Culture – Joop Goudsblom Neandertals in perspective – Wil Roebroeks

Plenary session 5 Human evolutionary history – chair: Serge Daan The dawn of Homo sapiens – Richard Klein Rethinking the behavioural origins and dispersal of modern humans: genetic and archaeological perspectives – Paul Anthony Mellars

Please register by email: E&[email protected]

10.00 Welcome

Bioturbation and the Cambrian Explosion – Jack Middelburg

Self-organization and evolution - Paulien Hogeweg

Evolution and Domestication – Dan Bradley

12.45 Lunch

Directed Evolution in Bacteria – Jack T. Pronk

Bacteria-based Evolutionary Game Theory – Juan E. Keymer Vargara

Origin and Evolution of Eukaryotic Genomes – Eugene V. Koonin

Evolutionary Robotics – Dario Floreano

Primate Behavior and Human Evolution – Carel van Schaik

17:45 Drinks

For this free conference you can register by email: [email protected]

13.00 Welcome

Lectures Robin Dunbar & Sander Tans

Panel discussion The Relevance of Evolutionary Thinking

Members: Robin Dunbar, Dario Floreano, Paulien Hogeweg, Eugene Koonin, Carel van Schaik and Sander Tans.

Cabaret Show Darwin: Het Onthutsend Ontwerp A show about the evolution theory Company: Flip Jan van Oenen and Henry Kalb

For this invitational conference KNAW and DJA members and NWO conference participants can register by email: [email protected]

Life expanding Evolution expanding Evolution has come of age Evolution: Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution Evolution of Networks Evolution: How a great idea evolved Evolution: putting it all together How life came to be The story of Life: adaptive expansion and diversification Evolution: the Theory of Life From replicating molecules to intelligent systems New Insights in Evolution Evolution in Robots Evolution of Social Behavior